
Young Writers Society


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Reviews: 6
Sat Mar 05, 2011 3:42 am
Sincerity says...


Picking up her skirt and running up the stairs and out of the cool autumn air, Alana clutched the envelope that had just arrived. Her mind was racing as she continued down the halls towards her parents combined study. Though the small seventeen year old was attempting to calm herself and to think rationally, her impetuous nature was getting the better of her. Bursting through the doors without even a knock on the door, she rushed over to her surprised parents and thrust the note at her father. “He has gone beyond the limits of war this time! We must immediately send soldiers after them, the knights can over take them in time if you give the order now…”

As she continued to rant and rave, Alana’s father calmly read the letter before passing it to his wife. The serene lady reviewed its contents before looking her husband in the eye. Oblivious to their silent conversation, their eldest daughter continued to storm about the room. Finally both parents turned to observe her. Her thick, wavy black hair was bouncing hypnotically with her hurried gait, pale skin gleamed in the firelight as her short frame carried her back and forth in front of the hearth, and they could only imagine how her dark blue eyes were flashing as each noted that her steps were light and graceful even in her anger. In short, they both considered their daughter a beauty, but it was unfortunate that despite her education, charm, and youth all suitors had heard of her headstrong ways and ideals. Even their enemy – the cold-hearted Lachlann – whom they had hoped to placate through marriage had refused to consider Alana as a potential wife.
Finally, her words and movements ground to a halt as she turned and stared incredulously at the two figures seated before her. In a determined, yet light voice she questioned them accusingly. “Are you to do nothing for the restoration of your youngest children?” Though each was handsome in their own right, Alana could never view her parents as beautiful. Who they were on the inside seemed to callous and indifferent to ever be warm and loving, causing her and her siblings and cousin pain in their want for love. However, each had taken comfort in the caring, tight bond of their other family members: but now that bond appeared to have been mangled and strained due to their separation. Feeling alone with her eldest brother at war, her cousin – who was like a twin in spirit – who had vanished, and her two younger actual twin brother and sister being held for ransom, Alana could not understand her parent’s lack of action. “Well? Have you nothing to say?”

They each eyed her carefully before the Lord Moran spoke in a collected tone. “We can do nothing for the children.” Having said his piece, he looked back to the book he had been reading before his daughter’s entrance.
Whirling around, she asked for her mother to intercede and change her husband’s mind – for Alana knew that when her father spoke, his words were final and no amount of urging from her would help. However, it seemed as if her mother and father were of the same accord, and she responded as coldly if not more so than her master. “There shall be no attempts at rescue. The children are gone, and the price that man asks is too high for mere children.”

Open mouthed in horror, Alana looked quickly between the two to measure the severity of their words. Neither would acknowledge her presence, so she took her leave and stormed back towards her own chambers. Dismissing the servants as kindly as her state of mind would allow, she settled down in front of her fireplace and shed the tears she had been holding back. Hysteria was not what she wanted to show her parents, but a strong front that she had hoped would encourage them to feel indignation towards their own children’s kidnapper: apparently that was hopeless as well. As her tears fell, Alana considered sending word to her older brother, Domnall, before remembering that if he could get away from the war then he would have long ago. Her mood continued to plunge as she considered idea after idea. Usually her clever cousin Cara would be at her side to help her contemplate the best course of action.

A groan escaped as Alana remembered that her siblings were not the only ones absent. Cara was more like a sister than a cousin since her parents had died and left her to be the ward of the Moran’s. Each girl was merely three when the tragedy took place, and they had grown with one another from that day forward. However, only a day before the twins were captured, Cara had come up missing along with most of her belongings. Although Alana had initially suspected her parents, they had both been as unaffectedly surprised for their ward’s disappearance as they had been for their own offspring, so she decided to rule out that particular possibility. Still, she felt responsible to find all three missing family members and to return them as soon as possible.

As she rationed out what she must do and which case was the priority, Alana began to have an idea dawn on her that she was not sure she could undertake. Finally, she came to two conclusions. The first was that she must pursue the twins before searching for Cara. Though it pained her to choose, she had figured that ultimately, the eight-year-old children would be in more need than the nearly seventeen-year-old lady. Also, the twins had clearly been forced to leave, while the reason for her cousin’s departure was still shady. Not to mention of course, that she already knew where the twins were and could retrieve them quickly, leaving more time to search for Cara. None of this makes the decision any easier! Alana thought as she pulled gently at her black tresses. Her second choice was a bit weightier: she would go after the missing persons herself. Having yet to plan her exact course of action, Alana immediately got to work with her preparations.

Eventually, she figured that it would be best if she were to infiltrate Lord Lachlann’s staff, rather than try fight for her siblings by herself. However, the question was how to get inside the castle without suspicion. As a girl, it was unlikely that she would get a job. She thought of all the jobs it took to run a castle, but figured that they would all be filled, what with all of the nobleman’s men fighting the war for him. The next best thing would be a boy’s job, but…She considered the new option carefully. It was very possible that he could be in need of boys to help run the castle and his fief, however, that could potentially backfire with her ending up at the war front. Also, how was she to be a convincing boy? Having stood up and begun pacing long ago, Alana strode over to the reflective glass hanging by her washbasin. Taking out all of the pins, she let down her hair and grabbed a fistful. By making the waist-length tresses about shoulder length, she thought it did help her to look like a boy. Her strong features which she had before thought of as a nuisance added to the overall effect. She grinned at the reflection and laughed until she noticed something else that would have to change. Heaving a sigh, she watched as her chest moved up and down: though small to begin with, she would still have to bind her mid-section. She decided that it would be most advantageous for her small size and overall lack of knowledge of the opposite sex to appear as a boy.

After gazing in the mirror for a while, Alana let her hair down and turned back to the fire, not truly seeing anything. Resting her head against the cool chimney, she rested her arms against the mantle and allowed the fire to warm her midsection and lower. Was she truly going to do the unthinkable: to pretend to be something she was not and to play savior to her younger siblings, and eventually Cara? She closed her eyes and ran through everything once more in her head. She settled finally on one crucial fact – she loved her family. And so, for her love, she would do anything, even if it ended in public humiliation or death. Startled, she thought over that last word and remembered that she had been leaving out the most important key to her situation and, hopefully, it’s success. Silently, Alana bowed her head, closing her eyes as she covered them with her hands. She prayed, asking for forgiveness, patience, justice, strength, and for His blessing in her self appointed mission. She drifted off in front of her fireplace, still praising and praying in turn.

Awaking with a start, Alana looked around, wondering why she was on the cold stone floor. The fire had burned itself out, and all that was remaining were the grey scale ashes. Just as she was wondering what had caused her to come out of her slumber, loud, resonating footsteps echoed through out the hard floor. Alana’s eyes widened as she realized that she was still stretched out in front of the hearth and she jumped up, scurrying out of her outerwear. Though appearances did not usually matter to her, Alana knew that the servants would be talking about the children and Clara’s disappearances. She did not want them to be suspicious of her plans or that she was at all affected beyond the normal, because then it was only a short amount of time before her parents heard. The last thing she wanted was to arouse her parents’ interest in her affairs and decisions. She had only just made it into the bed and turned over when the maid knocked hesitantly on the door before bustling inside when there was a lack of response. Good! Alana thought. She does not suspect a thing.
After she went about her morning routine, which unfortunately involved a “family” breakfast with her parents, she was free to do as she liked with the rest of her day. Normally, she would be instructing her sister and brother in the beginnings of their education, but seeing as how they were not there to be instructed, she went about making preparations for her departure. She planned to leave just past midnight, when the new rotation of guards was the least occupied with their task and grumbling about their schedule. For the time being, however, she was trying to seem inconspicuous as she gathered things for her quick journey. The day wore on and on, but she kept her goal in mind – though patience was not her virtue.

She was only just able to keep herself from jumping every time she was spoken to, at every unexpected sound, and whenever she was reminded of her parents. Though she knew that the consequences could be grave, especially if she were discovered to be a girl, Alana just could not help but feel a peace come over her the more she considered her plight. She could tell that the peace was heaven sent, and thus, her resolve was only strengthened. She sighed – it was time to make her transformation and to head off. Looking around, she noticed that her collection of items was quite satisfactory: a set of boys work clothes that would keep her warm in the cold weather that was quickly turning frigid, a line of rope, a map, some food and water, and a pair of worn out boys work boots, and a knife. Off to the side, she had placed the items that would help to make her a more convincing boy. Picking up the dagger, she considered the wickedly sharp blade. Swooping her hair over her shoulder, she brought the knife nearer towards her neck, but stopped when she caught a glance in her looking glass. “Are you really willing to give up your finest feature?” A little voice inside of her head taunted. She bit back her doubts and once again raised the knife. Just as she was clutching the black tresses and was about to make the first slice, the door burst open and her old nurse flung herself through the door.

“Don’t you dare!”

Staring at the figure that was even smaller than herself, Alana was surprised, leaving the knife suspended in mid air. “What ever do you mean? It is my choice…” She tried desperately to shield the items collected on her bed from view.
“But it is sacrilegious! A mortal sin! How terrible must things be that you would be willing to end your own life? Please my dear,” here she raised her hands and stepped forward slowly, as if Alana were a wild, injured animal. “Please let me help you! Have I not taught you to trust in your Lord, even through the worst of times?”

Looking into her dear friend’s frantic eyes, Alana was able to restrain the laughter bubbling up inside of her, but just barely. “I assure you, ma’am, that was not my intent at all. I am merely in the process of cutting my hair. If you would still like to lend your services, I would be happy to accept.”

Dumbfounded, the nanny jumped forward and gently grasped the knife. “If that is indeed your purpose, it will be best that you explain yourself.” Still gripping the knife, she settled down on the bed of the girl who was one of the dearest to her heart. Alana nodded and crossed the chamber to shut the door, thus dulling their voices and keeping council from outsiders. When Alana had explained everything to her confidant, they had both set to work. The old nursemaid was saddened by the fact that she could do no more for the children who she practically considered to be her own. She had seen them through thick and thin, and she would give her life for each and every one of them. So, she gave it her best to change ‘Alana’ into ‘Alan’.

The two had decided that it would be best to go by a name that she would already be used to, and ‘Alan’ was the boy counterpart of her name. It was the only thing she would respond to, so she began to repeat the word over and over inside her head. She decided that she liked the sound of it, even though it wasn’t so different from her original name. Finally, she was finished, but before she could catch a look in the mirror, it was almost time for the change of the guards. Hugging her only helper with all of her might, Alan grabbed the makeshift pack they had fashioned out of an old cloak and the rope, and silently crept through the halls of the bleak castle.

Her nanny sat tensely by the window gazing at very shadow and listening carefully for any noises. It felt like she waited for an eternity. Mere minutes later, the nurse observed a small figure seated upon a dark, but familiar horse and streaking across the hills. Heaving a sigh of relief, she also sent her prayers heavenward, and praised the Creator for His blessing thus far. She knew that Alana – Alan, had a long and difficult road ahead.
Psalm 73: 23-26

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Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:57 pm
WritersUnleashed says...

Crit ticket. This looks fun.

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14 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 710
Reviews: 14
Thu Mar 10, 2011 12:52 am
Milaita says...

Wow, this looks fun. This looks to be the start of a very interesting story. I do encourage you to keep writing.
“There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.”- William Shakespeare

Oh, Brightlord Tumul! How unexpected it is to see you standing there! I didn't mean to insult your stupidity. Really, it's quite spectacular and worthy of much praise.
— Wit (Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings)