
Young Writers Society

Next Generation Academy - Chapter 2: The Try Outs

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Points: 1124
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Tue Jan 18, 2011 4:52 pm
AceWolf says...

Mod: Rating changed to 18+ for explicit content.
Next Generation Academy (NGA)
Chapter 2: Try Outs Part 1

Jason Copyright milennius.
Dean Copyright Dean The Yiffy Fox
Jacob Copyright WingedWolf
Douglas Copyright Carnifex264
Nikko Copyright Hype
All the rest Copyright Ace Wolf


This story contains M/M content. Also it contains the mental visual of underaged male furs having sex. If this offends you in any way, please leave. Also, if you are under the age of 18 I would greatly approciate it if you leave now. If you are under 18 and you get caught I am not responsible. Other than that, enjoy the story ^^


Jason and Ace stood up. They dust themselves off and turned their attention to the audience. Everyone was still excited about Jason’s unfortunate victory over Ace. Furs jumped out of seats and onto the fight area making a circular crowd around the wolf and fox. Being lifted up and thrown in the air. The whole school was amazed, shocked, appalled from the outcome but they still enjoyed how they were welcomed to school this year.

Jason and Ace both looked at each other and smiled as they were being carried away. Outside of the Spight Meet stadium, the two feet finally touch ground as the crowd set them down. Ace lowered his head, positioning it inches from Jason’s white ear.

“I hope you didn’t forget…” Ace said, grinning.

“Trust me I didn’t.” Jason replied, now smiling.

“We’ll go to my room since I have a private one.” Ace suggested. Jason gave an agreeing nod and they made their way to the dormitory occupied by a large crowd still cheering for the two. When they arrived, lighting struck a few inches from where Ace was standing. Ace looked up to see who clumsily missed him to find a mouse on top of the dormitory building.

Ace grinned.

“So you decided to come…” Ace started, talking to the mouse. “…Bryson.” The rodent jumped down, landing no more than a couple feet from where Ace was standing.

Bryson,a student that had attended NGA for the past four years, and Ace’s best friend. The two met in their freshmen year; being the same age as Ace. Bryson was a mouse with yellow tanned fur. His specialty, lightning.

“Yea, I talked my dad into letting me attend another year...it was hard but he caved.” The mouse said, before giggling.

“So you just got here?” Ace asked.

“Yea,” Bryson replied. He looked at Ace. His eyes wondered off and caught glimpse of the little fox beside his friend. “Who is this?” Bryson tail pointed at Jason.

“Sorry, this is my good buddy, Jason. He’s a new student here.” Jason and Bryson shook paws.

"I hear you have a private dorm,” Ace nodded. “How about we chill at your spot and catch up?” Bryson asked.

Ace glanced at Jason, who wore a disappointed look on his face. Ace scratched the back of his head.“Well I don’t think I can tonight…ton of homework and…” Ace trailed off.

“Dude, you don’t have to lie…” Bryson said, as he gave Jason a quick glance. “I’ll just come over when you’re finish.” Bryson half grinned.

Both, Ace and Jason, blushed.

“Well…ok…come over around ten, ok?” Ace told Bryson. Bryson nodded then left the two furs.

When Bryson was out of hearing range, Jason turned jumped in front of Ace.

“You didn’t have to do that. I could have waited for another time…” Jason said but was interrupted by a pair of lips pressed against his. Jason eyes went wild as he caught glimpse of furs staring at him and Ace kissing. The young fox wanted to push away, he wanted for Ace’s lips to unlock, but something was telling him to want otherwise. Finally Jason stopped pondering the thought and kissed the wolf back, deepening the kiss.

Ace blissfully moaned then leaned out of the kiss, breaking it.

Jason, eyes closed, was motionless, mentally lost from the kiss.

Ace smiled. He picked up the small fox and headed to his room.

Jason snapped out of his dumbfounded state. He demanded Ace to put him down.

“Don’t carry me!” He pouted. “I’m not a cub!”

Ace sighed then chuckled.

“You’re little body says otherwise.” Ace teased, arriving at his dorm room.

Jason lit up with frustration but he quickly calmed down, not wanting the wolf to get a wrong first impression of him.

Ace dug into his pocket. Retrieving a key, he unlocked and opened the door, carrying the fox in. The wolf kicked the door close and lightly tossed Jason on his bed. Jason lied on the bed, looking up into Ace’s lustful eyes. Ace smiled at the little fox.

The room was quiet for awhile. Neither, of the two would say or make any move to advance the event that was about to take place. Finally, Ace slipped in the bed next to Jason. Jason giggled as the wolf wrapped his arms around him.

Ace pulled the two together, closing the gap between them. Their bodies now pressed together made it very uncomfortable. Ace pulled his pants off, followed by his shirt then he started on Jason pants. After he completed removing the fox’s pants, he confiscated the fox’s shirt, noticing the same markings he seen earlier. Ace rubbed a paw down the fox’s arm where the markings were; gently stroking the fox fur.

Jason sighed.

“You’re wondering what they are, are you?” Jason asked, sighing again.

“Well yea…it’s so cool, like a tattoo. Where did you get this done?” Ace continued to rub over the white fur.

“I had these markings since birth…they have something to do with me being able to control every element.” Jason explained as the wolf continued to caress his body.

“That’s cool. Never have I ever met someone that could do what you did...” Ace pulled the fox closer pressing his sheath against the fox’s butt. Jason murred. “…just to let you know…I’m not dumb.”

“I never said you were.” Jason now confused.

Ace turned the fox around so they could be face to face.“I know what you really are…” They stared into each other eyes. “…you’re an immortal.”

Jason sighed.

“How did you come to that conclusion.” Jason asked, still locked into the gaze.

“Well,” Ace leaned in closer. “Immortals are able to do three things: control all elements, have a power manipulating the mind, and telekinesis.” The wolf explained. “Earlier today, you asked me how was my Trig class…I never told you I took the class. Then during our fight you used three elements. The only thing I’m waiting for now is for you to use your telekinesis power.”

Jason was impressed. He didn’t expect the wolf to be such the thinker. To him, Ace looked more like the jock type. Jason was also amazed how Ace was able to keep all of this from him.

“So how did you hide your research.” Jason asked, stroking the wolf’s muscular arm.

Ace let out a gratified sigh.“It was easy really. All I had to do was have multiple thoughts at one time. I knew that wasn’t going to be enough so I also had to blend my thoughts with other students throughout the time we were together.”

“Very impressive.” said Jason, inching closer to the wolf. “But instead of you trying to hide the information you gathered you should have hid how you feel about me.”

Ace blushed a crimson red.


“Yes, I read what you were thinking…I also picked around your memory. You’re a really nice guy but haven’t been that good with relationships in the past.” Jason stated. “But…when you think of me it’s different. Why is that?”

Ace closed his eyes. He stumbled around his mind for the answer. Failing to come up with something he simply replied,“I don’t know…”

Jason shook his head, not in disappointment, but in disbelief; the wolf had never loved before and yet he feel for the fox the first day they met. It didn’t make since to the fox. An intense growling sound came from the fox’s middle area, immediately disbanding his previous thoughts.

Ace giggled at the sound of the fox’s growling stomach.

"Hungry, much?” Ace said still giggling. The fox blushed and nodded his head.

They both were really hungry since they missed lunch earlier that day. Jason and Ace were so caught up in their chat during Martial Arts class, they forgot about lunch. The two now regretted not going to lunch now as their stomachs roared at them for missing a meal.

“Yea…maybe a little.” Jason stomach growled again but this time it was louder. The two laughed.

“We don’t have much time till dinner so until then we can just cuddle.” Ace suggested.

Jason nodded.

“Sounds good.” Jason smiled and the two laid there cuddled up together, naked, patiently waiting for dinner time to role around.


Night was quickly descending over the area; all the shadows had vanished, birds went home to their nest, the school’s ground had no student walking on top of its soil except for one mouse that ventured off from the rest of the furs. Bryson stood at the rim of the forest. He walked alone the line that separated the campus from the forest. Back and forth, back and forth, the mouse paced in anger, confusion –jealousy. Seeing Ace with Jason earlier completely destroyed his insides; his stomach, back, and even his heart was cramping, hurting and taken out and abused harshly.

Bryson, suddenly, spun around and punched a tree with all the strength he had making a hole in the it. He removed his paw to find it was bleeding. He closed his now watery eyes. Falling to his knees, begin to sob quietly.

“A-Ace,” pant, “W-w…why can’t I have,” pant, “you.” pant, “I’ve always loved you but it seems like,” pant, “you always over look me.” Bryson said between sobs

Ace never over looked his friend, he actually had a crush on him for quite some time but Bryson dad’s a Priest. Ace thought that since his mouse friend grew up in a home where they probably talked down on ‘gays’ then he wouldn’t be one. Ace knew Bryson wasn’t a ‘gay basher’, that’s why he told his friend on the last day of school, last year. When Bryson heard the news from his friend, excitement ignited in him because he was ‘gay’ as well; the whole summer away from school, the mouse awaited the first day of school so that he could tell his friend how he felt towards him. Today he was so close but Ace found someone, and in just one day.

Bryson remained on the ground crying his eyes out.


In a nearby tree, a black fur coated, fur, with a dingy brown hood over his head, stood on a tree limb spying on the mouse. In a tree behind him, stood two other furs wearing the same thing but they were shorter, both standing 5’1 with white and grey fur. Their faces couldn’t be seen from the dingy brown hood over their heads. The black, fur, took his attention from the mouse, then directed it to the school. The wind blew, blowing the hood of the black furred, fur, up showing a pair of eyes glowing bright red.


Meanwhile, in Douglas and Dean room, Dean was sitting on his bed with books piled around him. The fox threw his pencil down as he finished up College Algebra homework. A sigh quickly followed.

Douglas, who was on the other side of the on his bed, looked at the fox with concern. He had been watching the fox do homework for two hours straight; he was relieved to see the fox’s work complete.

“About time,” Douglas started. “Now I have someone to talk to.” Douglas sat up in his bed facing the fox.

Dean giggled.

Douglas rolled his eyes.

“Do you always work this hard?” Douglas asked.

Dean nodded and replied,“Yea, I always end up with a load of homework…I don’t mind though.” Dean started to stack his tumbled over pile of books on the nightstand next to his bed. Dean then stood up and slipped his shoes on, walking to the door.

“Where are you going?” Dean turned around.

Dean sighed.

“I have night classes as well.” Dean said sleepily.

“Night classes?” Douglas asked.

“Yea,” Dean started. “I take night classes with all of the nocturnal furs. It’s the best way for me to get my credits in advance and for me to graduate a year earlier.”

“Why are you leaving now?” Douglas turned and faced the window seeing it had a little light left outside. “You still have time left.”

“Duh,” Dean retorted. “I’m going for a quick jog, wanna join me?”

“No, I have a better idea,” The wolf began to explain. “How about you sit down and relax. You look a wreck,” He looked the fox over; true enough, the fox looked a wreck: his head fur was frizzy, shirt half tucked in, shoes untied; the fox looked as if he had come out of a blender. “Just lie down till your class start.”

Dean gave a defeated sigh then kicked his shoes off, returning to his bed. A pair of paws grasped the fox waist forcefully pulling them in the opposite direction the vulpine was headed. Dean was pulled into a strong secure hug. The hug felt great. It made the fox feel comfortable.

“Come rest up over here.” Douglas whispered in the fox’s ear, tightening his grip on the fox. He fell back with Dean on his chest. They lied there listening to one another heart beat and the sound of their breaths. Douglas felt a stir feeling in his sheath. He tried to reposition himself, butthe fox’s tail was firmly planted against his sheath.

“Can you get up for a sec.” Douglas asked nervously.

“For what,” asked Dean now relaxed.

Douglas moves around nervously.“Umm, I just need to…get in a more comfortable position.” Douglas said. Dean gets up. In the process of getting up, Dean brushes his tail, purposely, over Douglas’s sheath making Douglas shiver.

Dean turned his head and grinned.

Douglas sees the grin and looks at the fox with the same lustful look he showed earlier that day.

Excitement bounced around Dean’s face as his grin turned into a big smile.

Douglas, suddenly, grabbed the fox and pins the fox’s little arm down with one paw. He then used his free paw to grope the fox earning a yip from the young vulpine. “You like to tease, huh?” Dean smiled as Douglas licked his muzzle.

“Maybe just a little.” Dean said.

The two furs lied in the bed, motionless, starring into each other eyes. Both pair of eyes filled with sexual desires. Douglas paw slid in the fox’s pants; he then started to massage the fox’s sheath causing a series of pants and moans to escape fox’s maw.

Dean, pinned up, sat there, still as a statue moaning and grunting. He tried to keep the moans and grunts to a minimum volume but the way his body was being handled it was simply impossible.

Douglas continued to play with the fox’s sheath until finally, the tip of the fox meat peaked out from its prison. Once he felt the fox member, he stopped, lowered his position, and licked the tip slowly, tickling the tip a little.

Dean was bathed in bliss.

Pants grew louder, and the temperature rose. The foreplay came to an halt and Douglas rose up, positioning Dean and himself.

Dean was lying on his back with Douglas between his legs. Douglas slowly slid down his black pants, revealing his 8 inch member pocking out of his boxers.

Douglas then removed the fox’s pants. Both, the fox and the wolf, were excited, there bodies showed it: Dean was shaking uncontrollably. His eyes, sparkling with excitement, focused on the muscular wolf positioned in front of him; examining the wolfs every muscle, bicep, curve. Dean had been with only one other guy, sexually, and that was Ace, and to the little vulpine this wolf was way more built then his other wolf friend. Douglas paws couldn’t stop rubbing the little fox’s body. The wolf’s paws started at the fox’s hips, slowly moving up to his chest, then down to his waist, making their way back to the fox’s hips.

The wolf lowered his head and whispered in Dean ears with a soft, comforting voice,“Relax, I promise I’ll take care of you.”

The little fox obeyed. He let his body drift away into a comfort zone as Douglas went down. Douglas mashed his face into Dean's underwear, and breathed in deeply. He took the little foxes scent, then breathed out , followed by a content sigh. He licked the underwear.

Dean giggled.

"Underwear fanatic?"

Doug chuckled before he focused back on the underwear. Using his teeth -sharp and pointy- he bit through the foxes underwear, revealing the fox, already, erect meat. His maw moved past Deans manhood and to the foxes tail hole.

All of a sudden Dean, bathed in bliss, felt his tail hole being penetrated by something long and wet. He looked down.

In the lower region, Douglas licked Deans, very tight, tailhole. The flavor was new to Douglas, this being alien to him, he had never fondled with another males body. Last couple of years he traveled from school to school, each ran him out because he was gay.

Douglas stood, the rimmmg session coming to an halt. A kiss was planted on Dean lips.

"Can I?" Dean nodded.

The 8 inch member pressed against the foxes tight tailhole, Dean moaned. The moan wasn't clear; Douglas looked into the two eyes that stared back at him desire full. Douglas placed a paw on each of Deans thighs, opening his legs; he leaned in pushing his member inside Dean. He was tight, lucky Douglas lubed him up beforehand or it would have been difficult. He pushed all the way in, Dean moaned, louder than his previous moans.

Each moan sent giant waves of excitemt through Doulglas. He thrust in.

Dean tongue lapped out of his maw. This was the biggest piece of meat he had ever taken. He was in awe, pain, comfort, all at once.

"You," pant, "like t..," pant, "this fox," pant, "boy." Douglas squeezed out as he moved in and out, every thrust hard, but comforting to the fox.

Dean looked up at Douglas, dumbfound. He gave a faint nod, "Ye..."

The thrust cut him off replacing his words with moans of sheer pleasure.

Lost in the moment, Douglas kept at it, rocking his hips, pushing into the fox deeper and deeper.

Dean was close to his climax. His member throbbed, twitching uncontrlably.

Douglas humped into Dean, he as well nearing his climax, each thrust pushing him closer.

Out of no where, "Yiff yiff yiff yiff'" Dean cried out as he released his seed. His chest and part of Douglas abs were coated with sticky, creamy seed.

Feeling the warmth of Deans seed hit his chest, Douglas, sent over the edge, thrust in a few more time, forced his knot in with the last thrust. He shot exactly eight in a half shots into the little fox.

Colapsed. Douglas feel upon Dean. Dean wrapped his legs around the wolf, then he wrapped his arms around his neck.

Exausted, Douglas sighed then used his last bit of strenghth and kissed Dean, briefly, falling asleep immediatly.

Dean kissed the wolf's forehead before following him into slumber land.


Back in Ace’s room, the two boys lied motionless cuddled up to one another. Jason phone buzzed, waking him up. He picked around in his pocket to pull out his phone. He opened it to see it was a reminder. Clicking out of the reminder, he checked the time. It was 7:15. He slid his phone back in his pocket andturned toward the wolf giving him a little push.

“Ace…wake up.” Jason said.

After a few more attempts to wake up the sleeping wolf, Ace opened his eyes. His vision blurry. Rubbing his eyes with both paws, his sight became clear. He looked at Jason with a sleepy look.

“What is it?”

Jason clothes floated in mid air, making there way towards him. He quickly slipped his underwear on, followed by his pants, then ended it with his shirt.

“We have like 15 minutes until dinner.” Jason explained as he jerked the cover away from Ace, revealing a naked wolf.

Ace blushed beet red but didn’t attempt to cover himself up.

Jason giggled at the sight. Ace’s clothes floated to him as well.

“Thanks.” Ace said. Jason nodded and Ace quickly got dressed.

After Ace finished, they made there way to lunch. The lunch room wasn’t far from Ace’s dorm so they arrived within moments.

They entered a massive room with hundreds of tables -Decorations hung from the ceiling, colors bled from the wall, 'Welcome Back'
signs stretches from one end to the other. Furs filled tables, talking, texting, anything to pass the time. In the far back, Ace and Jason found a spot to sit after recieving their meal.

Enjoying their meal -and time together- was very difficult; furs stared. It beacame very hard to eat, even to breathe. Furs continued to stare: some in disgust, jelousy, even lust.

Jason -teeth clenched, paws closed tight- spoke. "Ace, can we leave." His voice no more than a whisper, but contained a little hostility.

"Yeah," Jason stood up, Ace the same. They both walked out, every fur there, eyes fixed on the two.

The door opened to Ace's room once again. Jason sat on Ace's bed, Ace went for the one that was not occupied. They stared at one another, silence. Jason was the first to speak.

"Why did you kiss me in front of everyone? That was a very stupid move!," Pissed off, Jason glared at Ace in distain.

Ace looked down. Words he were looking for just couldn't be found; his mind was left open.

Jason searched through the wolf's thoughts. Nothing could explain why he did what he did. His actions at that time was based on his affection for the fox. Jason sighed.

"I'm sorry...excuse my rudeness." Jason stood up, "I'll just go..." He walked to the door; he put a paw on the door knob, ready to exit, but was stopped as Ace spoke.

"Please...don't leave..." Frozen solid. Time and space stopped as Ace spoke those words. Jason turned around, slowly, to catch Ace's gaze. They stared into one another eyes, Ace's sparkling.

He didn't know....Jason couldn't put his finger on it, but he felt as if this happened before, yet reversed. An invisible chain, sort of like a bond, connected the Ace and Jason.

Ace felt the same gravitational pull. He stood up, walked to Jason, and embraced him with a tight hug.

"I'm sorry..."

Ace directed them back to the bed and sat down, his grasp on the fox never weakened. Covers folded over their bodies. Jason was using his powers to wrap the bed spread around them.

"I forgive you....and I won't leave....I swear...," The fox nuzzled into the big wolf's chest. They fell asleep within minutes, both extremly exausted from their fight earlier that day.

The next day roled by pretty quickly. Everyone was excited about the upcoming day. Spight team try-outs were tomorrow, every fur was anxious to see who would make the cut this year, all in hope that their team would be even better than last year. Teachers didn't give much homework, even they were excited.

The night before try-outs, a red dragon, standing 5'10, with blue eyes, stood outside of Ace's dorm. He was waiting for Ace to come to his dorm.

The red dragon wait wasn't that long, within in five minutes of him standing there, Ace walked around the corner, holding a little fox paw. The fox was new to the dragons eyes. This was the first time the dragon was exposed to him.

Ace and Jason walked down the hall giggling until they came up to the red dragon.

"Hello, can I help you?" Ace walked around the dragon, searching for his key with one paw, and the other paw locked with Jason's.

The door swung open.

"Yeah. Will it be alot of trouble if we talked," the dragon glanced over at Jason. "Alone?"

Ace gestured him to come in.

"Sure." Ace turned to Jason, placing his key back into his pocket. "You don't mind do you? Not like you don't already know..." He winked, Jason giggled and walked out the room.

"Make it quick, Ace. You need your rest since try-outs are tomorrow." Jason then walked down the hall, not going to far that he couldn't hear what the conversation would be about.

"Have a seat." Ace pointed at the bed, the red dragon obeyed the command. "So what brings you here?"

A blush stained the dragons face, yet it could not be seen through his red scales, Ace could not see it.

The red dragon opened his mouth to speak, "My name is Nikko, and tomorrow I am going to try out for your team..." Nikko explained.

"Yeah...so is alot of other furs..."

"I know," Nikko blurted, "that's not why I came here today tho..."

"So what may your reason be?" Ace, now curious.

"Well you see...I've been having a problem." Nikko paused.

Ace looked into the dragons eyes, "What type of problem?"

Nikko breathed in and began to explain, "I've been having problems with my sexuality! Guys are starting to arouse me...Rumors been going around that you're gay so I came to you for questions."

This shocked Ace. How many gay guys could this school have? Ace never in the past given advice on this type of stuff, but there was a first time for everything.

"Look," Ace started, " There is absolutley nothing wrong with liking guys. It's based on love and if you find that right person, then nothing else matters. Be open with yourself, ok? Don't try to fight your feelings off."

Suddenly, Ace was embraced by a strong but welcoming hug. Nikko was smaller than Ace but very stronger then him.

"Thank you so much," Nikko let go of the wolf, "I owe you one Ace." He got up and ran out the room leaving Ace some what confused.

Jason walked in the room with a smirk on his face. He glidded over to Ace and sat in the wolf's lap. He nuzzled Ace under the chin.

Still shocked, Ace shook his head, sighing. "This is going to be one hell of a school year..." Jason nodded.

The next day, early that morning, around five, furs gathered at the outskirts of the forest. A few familiar faces could be spotted: Ace, Jason, Douglas, Dean, Nikko, Tom, Jacob, and Bryson. Some not so familiar. At least forty furs stood there, all looking at Ace.

The morning silence broke...

"Thank you all for coming to the Spight try-outs." Ace started, "I want you to know that all of you will not make the team. Only the best will make it...This is how we will do the try-outs this year.Each of you will be given an orb. They're seven different orbs; red, blue, green, yellow, clear, white, and black. The furs that possess all seven will win. I will give you the opportunity to pair up I to twos. If you want to be solo then be my guest. The objective is to take them from other furs or find them in the wilderness. Note that they are harder to find then take.

With all that said form a single filed line so we can get you your orbs.

A lime was formed, when everyone recieved their orb, they quickly found the fur they wanted to be paired with.

Dean paired with Douglas.

Tom and Jason were partners.

Nikko was with a small blue fox.

Jacob and Bryson decided to go solo. Everyone else was grouped together.

Ace looked at the groups then turned his attention to the forest, nodding. "You will have until this time tomorrow. Let the try-outs begin!"

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Thu Jan 27, 2011 11:15 pm
Tenyo says...

Hey Ace!

First off, this is loong, you might want to cut down the length. Big pieces are difficult to read all the way through, and getting ywsers to review chapters is hard enough without them being this big. Also, the copyright thing at the top- I don't really get it. All I know is that putting the phrase Copyright on an amature piece of work is a little self-indulgent, so I would avoid it. Don't worry, I highly doubt people are going to steal your characters >.>

Amazed, shocked, appalled!
Let's keep typing out words and hope our reader understands what we're trying to say, we might even get the right one eventually. No, let's not. In truth, the more words you write the less of an impression it will have on your reader. Choose one word or one expression and stick with it.

Some half complete thoughts...
"Being lifted up and thrown in the air." One of the most crucial rules of grammar is to form a complete sentence, and the first thing we learn is that every verb needs a subject. A complete thought is a sentence or clause, and the same counts for both. As the writer it may make sense to you, but in this case, for example, the previous sentence has mentioned the fox, the wolf, and the furs. In this sentence you haven't mentioned who has been thrown up, and though I would imagine it to be the furs it's not completely clear.

Sentence length
Having lots of short sentences together is like listening to someone reeling off a list. It's boring, and usually to compensate your reader will speed up and end up skipping the full stops all together. The easiest way to combat this is to combine shorter sentences, either by using commars or the word 'and,' or by taking two or three shorter sentences and rephrasing them into one.

As I said, this is really long, and it would take me forever to comment on everything, so I'll leave you with that for now. Just look up the grammar of sentence structure and play about with shorter or longer sentences.

Hope this helps.
We were born to be amazing.

Life's short; smile while you still have teeth.
— Tuesday