
Young Writers Society

Caleb's story chapter five

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Fri Dec 31, 2010 1:29 am
psudiname says...

Chapter five: the interrogation

McClellan and the remainder of his squad picked up Caleb's suit, along with his unconscious form, and carried it back to camp. Keeping several assault rifles trained on him in case he woke up, they pried the pieces of metal from his body and stored them until they could be sent back to command. McClellan ordered that Caleb have his hands bound, and be tied to a chair in the mess tent, all the while under armed guard. The other soldiers retired to the barracks and rested after the ordeal they had just faced. There would be no card games today.

After he had finished giving orders, the sergeant sat in the command tent, waiting for Caleb to wake up. He was very curious to find out who Caleb was, and how he had annihilated a good portion of his company. The whole thing made no sense to him. A young American boy in the Russian army? He had heard of communist sympathizers and American double agents, but never this young. It all confused him the more he thought about it.

Caleb opened his eyes to the inside of a tent, and as the canvas around him came into focus, so did the two armed guards standing at the only entrance. His immediate reaction was to run, but he could barely move under the tightly tied ropes binding him. After about ten seconds of frantic struggling, one of the soldiers noticed that he was awake, and went to tell the sergeant.

Caleb was sweating profusely now, and could not think of anything but the fact that he was probably about to be tortured. Midway through his panic attack, a new man entered the tent, along with the second guard. Caleb recognized him as the commanding officer from his uniform, and from the way he held himself. Thinking up a plan on the spot, Caleb devised a way to commit suicide. Anything, he though, would be preferable to what the Americans would do to him.

"let's start this simple. Who exactly are you?" McClellan said, staring down at the squirming boy before him.

"I'll die before I tell you bastards anything!" shouted Caleb in English, having decided that the quickest way to end his life was to antagonize his captors.

"Strong words for a twelve year old," said the sergeant calmly.

"I'm fourteen," announced Caleb, instantly regretting have done so. "So much for not telling them anything," he thought to himself.

"so tell me something boy, how is it that a fourteen year old managed to kill more men by himself than an entire platoon of spetsnaz?"

"We Russians are built like that," said Caleb proudly, hoping to at least inspire fear in his enemy before he died. McClellan laughed quietly.

"But see, that's the interesting thing. You're not Russian. How does a boy like you end up running around in a metal suit with the soviet flag painted on the side?"

"Torture me all you want, I'm not telling you anything," said Caleb defiantly, subsequently realizing that telling them to torture him might not have been a good idea.

"relax boy, I don't know what the soviets do to prisoners of war, but no one's going to torture you." He paused a moment and then said, "but don't expect any meals until I figure out who you are and why you work for the Russians." The sergeant then walked out of the tent, ordering his men to stand guard until the next two soldiers relieved them.

McClellan didn't know what to think. The boy spoke perfect English, and was clearly American, but showed more soviet patriotism than most Russian officers. It was all very puzzling, and McClellan's feelings about him were certainly mixed. On one hand, He was afraid, because if the soviets could make soldiers like this, who knows how many men the next one would kill? On the other hand, in a weird sort of way, he felt sorry for the boy. He didn't like to see people so young get caught up in the horrors of war, and wondered where his parents were. However, If he knew one thing for sure, it was that this boy was dangerous. He could shoot better than anyone McClellan had ever seen, and moved like quicksilver. This boy, however innocent he looked, was a weapon.

Caleb began to calm down. While he didn't trust the Americans not to harm him, he knew that he wasn't in immediate danger as long as he made his escape fairly soon. It was about four hours after he had talked with the sergeant, and he had had plenty of time to survey his surroundings. The rope he was tied with was sturdy hemp rope that was tied with multiple knots. His body was tied to the back of the chair by several separate ropes, and his hands were tied to the back chair legs with only one rope each. If he could just get his hand free, he could probably untie the knots on his back because he was facing toward his guards. With four hours of nothing to do but plot escape, Caleb made a discovery that filled him with hope. With a feeling of happiness pulsing through his very veins, Caleb noted that a portion of the metal folding chair's back leg was slightly rough. It was rough enough that when Caleb pressed his hand against it with enough force, it almost cut him.
After a good hour and a half of rubbing one of the ropes that bound his hand against the rough piece of metal, the hemp finally broke, freeing his left hand. Being very careful not to let the guards notice that he was free, Caleb began to untie the other knots. When he was finished, it had to be night time, because the temperature dropped, and no more light was shining through the minuscule holes of the canvas. Now all he had to do was wait for the right moment.

"I'm going to take a piss," one of the guards announced.

"alright, he's not going anywhere," responded the other, motioning towards Caleb.

"think again," thought Caleb, grinning slightly. As soon as the one guard left, Caleb sprung into action. Wasting no time, he charged the lone guard, and hit him with the metal chair so hard that he crumpled onto the cold earth. Taking his assault rifle and all of his spare ammo, Caleb moved stealthily out of the tent and into the frigid night.

All he was wearing was what he had had on under the armor, which included a pair of loose cloth pants, some wool socks, and a short sleeve shirt. While he had been cold in the tent, he had not really noticed the severity of it until he stepped outside. The warmth of his feet quickly melted the snow around him, soaking his socks entirely. Shivering bitterly, Caleb subordinated his need for warmth for his need to be safe. As soon as he was out of hearing distance of the camp, Caleb began to run. It occurred to him after about ten minutes of walking that he had absolutely no idea where he was or what direction he was going.

"great," he thought to himself miserably, "I went through all that trouble just to freeze to death." The cold invaded every muscle and tendon in his body, making him weak, and slowing his pace. He steadily began to lose hope for survival, and after what must have been forty five minutes more of walking, he collapsed in the snow, resigning himself to a fate of death by hypothermia.
if anyone wants a review, post on my profile and I'll get to it in a couple days.

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Sat Jan 01, 2011 3:37 pm
ArcticMonkey says...

psudiname! I am going to follow this novel! PM me with chapter 6, or reqyest on my WRFF thread or wahtever! Okay, on with the review. :)

EXCITING! I think that this is definately the most exciting chapter, by far. I felt much more engaged in what was going on and I've noticed you improving so much through these chapters. Well done! I'll go into more detail now, otherwise we could just call this a fail review. -_-

Like I said before, this chapter definately advances in the story, and is very important to the plot. I think I've learnt a bit more about Caleb, that he certainly does not want to be American and is very proud if he could be Russian. he's shown a rebellious side, and I like how he has revolted. This chapter does work with the chapter before it.

I think that you're plot is becoming very exciting, and I am beginning to get rather worried for Caleb, really. I have to admit, with some previous chapters, I wasn't really sure what was going and and it didn't make much sense to me, however this one is different. One thing has lead to another for this chapter, so that's good. What I'm trying to say is nothin comes from the middle and there aren't any confusing sub plots which come out of nowhere. The action was very amazing, and it did escalate, it escalated and settled down later on. I am very eager to know what happens to Caleb, so please PM me when you've got the next part up, please :) Seeing as this is an Action/Adventure Novel, I think you can have even more action going on, and break the boundaries and I might not be making sense at this time...Sorry

Your characters have come along really well. I've noticed you're trying hard to make each character sound different and have a voice of their own. Make sure you do this, otherwise youo'll have characters who are the same and it will get a bit boring, but so far you're doing great. Just the simple magic of dialogue can help with this :). You've definately made sure that the characters are doing what they should be doing, and make sure you don't move it round so what they're doing doesn't suit their personalities and make it conventient for you. But yeah, you're doing fine with that. Caleb definately has a lot of pride, which I like, and you've kept him consistent throughout. I commend you for that :D. I think what you're missing out on are strengths and weaknesses, I mean sure Caleb's strength is he will not give into others however, what is his MAIN weakness that is going to stop him from getting what he wants? What are McClellan's strengths and weaknesses that could be picked on more. Something to think about. Eva and Caleb's relationship, I hope will rejoin, I mean, someone has to find Caleb... I hope. Remember, if Eva and Caleb ever meet again, it's going to take more than one long talk to resolve their problems. Right now, their romantic relationship isn't working with the plot, well, we know it isn't. The conflict with the Protangonist and Antagonist is definately very strong, well done :).

Well done for keeping the same point of view throughout this scene. I think it would be interesting if you focused one chapter focusing on another chapter, however, it's a bit of a risk, so up to you really. And whilst we're on this subject, it's only what Caleb is going through, so if you want to keep it that way, good. You sometimes show Caleb's thoughts, which is good, but you don't do it a lot. You could show it ore in the next chapters to really let the r eaders know what Caleb is going through. If you choose to do this, make sure it doesn't slow the scene down too much. I also think, again, taht you're telling too much. Try and take on board the advic said in the article I showed you to help you with this. Your sentence structures are generally quite good, remember to vary the lengths to create tension and climax. Long sentences are mostly used for more introspective movements, wheras short sentences are used for action scenes- which you have a lot of, so kep that in mind. Try and let the story tell itself more, this is going to sound harsh, but act like you're invisible and don't intrude with the story. Cause and effect. This will help you with your action scenes! You're improving with your showing and not telling, but again, remember that stuff in the article to help :)

Alright, this review is really long, sorry, I got a bit carried away. I hope I helped!
~Tamara :) x
Note: Maybe people have stopped reviewing because you post un-regularly. PM your past reviewers of previous chapters and tell them you’ve got the latest chapter. I’m sure they’ll be thrilled.
Someone told me there's a girl out there, with love in her eyes and flowers, in her hair.

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Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:48 am

You really are getting much better with descriptions. I'm a little disappointed, cause I would have liked to see more interaction between McClellan and Caleb, but what you have works. Also, this section here:

The rope he was tied with was sturdy hemp rope that was tied with multiple knots. His body was tied to the back of the chair by several separate ropes, and his hands were tied to the back chair legs with only one rope each.

The word "rope" is sure used a lot, haha. See what I mean? I realize that you're trying to explain, but there's not need to use rope so many times. Try mixing it up a bit, used words like "bound" or "knotted", instead of only "rope" and "tied." Get creative!

Other than that, it's got a suspenseful ending, keep up the good writing!
Would you kindly?

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Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:55 am
Sins says...

Hey again!

It's me. ;) I'm reviewing this chapter and the last one in one review. Is that alright? Mind you, by the look of it, Inbetweener has already given you a great review. I'll hopefully have something to add. As always, if you have any questions about this review after I'm done, just let me know.

To be honest, I think this review's going to be a bit of an overall one. By that, I mean it'll be about all of the five chapters really. I will begin with a critique for this specific chapter though. Before I do that, I'd like to say that this is probably my favourite chapter, so far. I did like the last one too. I don't know if this will happen, but I'm hoping that Claeb actually gets found by some Americans and they take him back to te camp thingy. He'll then realise that Americans aren't what he's been told they are and he'll learn a very important life lesson. :P

Anyway! The critique. Basically, I wanted to see more of McClellan. The scene you had with him questioning Caleb was good, but I would like to see more of it. I think this is what Socks said actaully, so I guess it's not just me. Plus, I do find it a little hard to believe that McClellan would leave Caleb so soon with so little questioning. He seemed very interested in Caleb, so I'd have thought he'd at least tried a bit ahrder to get something out of him. It's fin if you don't want to have Caleb to tell him anything, but I'd like to see McClellan trying harder to actually get something out of Caleb, even if he is to fail.

Now, as for what we have so far of the novel overall. I can certainly see that as the chapters have gone on, your writing has improved. The one thing that's bothering me right now is Caleb's background - or lack of Caleb's background. I'm not sure if you're keeping it vague on purpose, but even if you are, I'm not sure I'm keen on it. I think that, right now, some of your details are a little shabby because of lack of detail really. For example, the whole frgetting his parents thing. Right now, it doesn't seem to believable to me. You could make it believable though by being more detailed about his past. If you can come up with a good, detailed story behind the reason he can't remember his parents, it'll be fine.

That's just one example of adding in more of Caleb's background. Another thign is his accent. If he's surrounded by Russians and no Americans at such a young age, it's impossible for him not to pick up the accent a little bit. You could always just say that he has an American accent, but there is a slight twang of a Russian accent in there. That's what I mean by details. Even though that would be a small detail, it fits things together quite well. Am I making sense...? I don't think I am. I hope you kind of get what I'm saying though.

Another thing I'd actually like to bring up is that I sometimes want to see you slowing some scenes down. Overall, you have quite a nice pace, but some parts of this could do with maybe slowing down a little. A good way of doing this fits into my next critique. I want to see emotions. Okay, Caleb's a guy, he doesn't have emotions 'cause he's a dude or whatever, but no... He does have emotions, despite what people stereotype. I want to see you bringing those emotions out more. Use emotive language when he's in a tricky situation. Make him think of things that bring a tear to our eyes. This is also good because it will make things feel slowed down too because you're kind of like adding another layer to the piece overall.

A good way of expressing emotions is through thoughts, for example. You do have some of Claeb's thoughts and such in here. In fact, I'm seeing them mor as the chapters go on, so that's good. I would like to see some more though. If you pair those thoughts up with strong emotions, then you can't go wrong. Even if it means being melodramatic at first, please try and squeeze stronger emotions out of everyone. So far, there are emotions in this, but I know there can be more. Caleb's conversations with Eva are good examples of where you really need to show the emotions.

So far though, so good. I really adore how original the plot of this is. I've certainly never read anything like it before. Be sure to let me know when the next part is up because I'll be more than happy to read and review it. Also, can I apologise for any typos and dodgy spelt words in this review, and also my previous reviews. I have no spell checker on the lapyop I'm currently using...

Keep writing,

xoxo Skins
I didn't know what to put here so I put this.

I'm tired of books having villains who are just villains for no reason.
— EllieMae