
Young Writers Society

Midnight Darknessv #11 part three

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Mon Dec 10, 2007 3:54 am
BigBadBear says...

I realized that I was holding my breath, and I let out a huge gasp of air, still struggling to accept that Lacy was truly dead.

My anger built up. I hated the Vampires. I wanted to kill them all. I had to kill them all. They killed Lacy. I knew I was going to get my revenge. My feet grew stronger with confidence, and I raised myself from Lacy’s dead body.

They killed her. They killed my girlfriend. Now they were going to die. Every last single blasted one of them!

Kill them. Rip their throats out. They have ruined your life. Now it is your turn to ruin theirs. Go ahead. I won’t stop you.

I needed no further urging. With a mighty roar that shook the snow off of the trees, I bounded into the Witch camp and roared again. Many heads jerked over to the sound of the roar, and when their eyes saw me, they uttered gasps.

I bared my long, pointed teeth, glaring at them. Everything that happened next seemed to happen very quickly. I roared again and bounded off towards the camp, and threw myself upon a Witch. She cried out in surprised and I was suddenly pulled off of her. Startled, I looked around fiercely, trying to find out who pulled me off.

There was no one around the Witch and I. No one. Nada. The Witches were standing around in a circle, but they had to be at least fifty feet away. Who the heck pulled me off?

I glanced around again, and my eyes came back to the Witch under me. Fright was written across her face and I snarled. Idiotic Witches.

Suddenly, I felt like I was being pulled. I gasped in surprise and tilted my head, looking for my attacker.

The Witches were still standing in a circle. There was no one pulling on me. What was going on?

The Witches can use a powerful sorcery. That is why they are called ‘Witches.’

Oh. Know I understood. I glanced around one more time, still trying to find out who had cursed me or whatever they had done. Glaring at each of the Witches, I left the Witch that I had pounced on out of my grip. She scrambled to her feet and looked at me.

“Don’t move, or we’ll kill you,” she said threateningly. Yeah, whatever lady. You couldn’t possibly do anything to hurt me.

“Yes we can,” she said, and then there was a force that took me by surprised. It lifted my hind legs up in the air, and then my front paws seemed to defy gravity. What? Now it wasn’t their magic that startled me, but that she could read my mind. Wait…hadn’t Ronda been able to read my mind?

All Witches have that ability.

I stiffly turned my head to look at the Witch. She was pointing her hands at me, and raising them. All the while, I was being raised farther and farther up from the ground.

My heart skipped a beat, and I let out a cry. Put me down! Put me down, I wanted to shout. My fur blew in the wind, and I looked down. The Witch was still raising her hands, and I quickly looked up.

Heights. What kind of a psycho would invent such a thing? They were next on my list, right beside the word “claustrophobia.” My legs were dangling in the air, and I shut my eyes. I knew I was going to get sick. I was going to get sick really fast.

Suddenly, I felt my stomach lurch, like as if I was on a roller coaster. You know that feeling when the coaster reaches the zenith of the track and you fly down the steep slope, and you get that feeling in the pit of your stomach? That was like what this was like.

I quickly opened my eyes, but squinted. I didn’t want to make myself hurl when I was a terrifying werewolf. Not cool.

The Witch was herding me to the ground; I also noticed that the other Witches were staring at me, their hands ready to cast one of their spells. How did the Witches get magic in the first place? I mean, magic wasn’t even real!

Did you believe that werewolves and Vampires were real before you were bitten?

Yes. I saw one when I was four. I knew that werewolves were real.

Well, you didn’t know about Vampires. Anyway, that is getting off of the point. The female Vampires can each control one element, you could say. This particular Witch can control telekinetic things, such as lifting you off of the ground. That is why Witches are such dangerous enemies. All of them have different powers. Beware. Make sure you kill them all.

I nodded, and understood. How did my voice know of such things, I didn’t know. I snarled, baring my teeth at the Witch. She was going to be the first to kill. No one messed with werewolves. No one.

As soon as my paws touched the soft, snowy ground, I barked. I tensed my muscles, and launched myself at her. Except for one little thing. My feet didn’t move. I glanced down at the stupid things and huffed. They wouldn’t move!

“You can’t move. Adri has placed you under a curse. You won’t move until she releases you,” the Witch told me, and I glared at her. Let me go, now!
“I’m afraid I can’t do that,” a Witch said that had walked up to us. The Witch that I had attacked nodded to the newcomer.

“Adri,” she said, “I’m sure you know what to do with him.” After the Witch said that, she walked back to the group of women that were watching Adri and I. It was just she and I now. No one stood in our way. Well, maybe except that curse that bounded my feet together. If I didn’t have that, I would have loved to rip her throat our.

What do you want with me?

“I want to know why you attacked Lisa,” Adri said calmly, watching me like the Witches around us were.

You all killed Lacy. You killed my girlfriend. You need to die. I am going to kill each and every one of you, no matter what.

Adri didn’t even do so much as flinch. What was wrong with these people?

“Lacy, did you say? Did you know her?” Adri now seemed to be highly interested in all I said. Or well, in all I thought.

Of course I knew her, you idiot. I loved her. And you killed her! I thought of that last sentence, picturing myself killing Adri.

“We didn’t kill her,” Adri said simply. She raised her eyebrow, expecting my response.

This whole mind reading thing really came in handy sometimes. Of course you killed her! I saw the freaking Vampire fang marks on her neck!

Adri frowned, and shook her head. “No, you don’t understand. We didn’t kill her. She just…she just died one day. I know that it was because her time was up. Lacy told me that her time was coming shortly. It was a surprise that she died right before we joined with the werewolves.”

What? This was way too much to take in. Ok, lets go over what she just said. Adri said that the Witches had not bitten Lacy. Not plausible. Lacy was thrown away after they had drunk her blood. I could tell that much. Why would Lacy have told these people anything about her death day?

“Lacy found us, looking for a boy named Landon. She stayed with us, and nurtured her. She was very weak. Lacy was even on the bridge between life and death. Listen, she found us wearing only a short sleeved shirt. It must be below freezing in this mountain. As soon as we brought her in, we warmed her up and gave her a coat. She fed on our food and stayed with us for the past few weeks. It must have been the day before yesterday that she…Lacy was found in her bed,” Adri said, looking at the snow. I could tell that she had cared for Lacy.

Wait. What was I thinking? Why would Lacy come to her enemies? Even if they had saved her life, she surely would have escaped or something. Who would spend time with such horrible Witches?

“Are you Landon?” Adri asked, looking at my white werewolf body.

I nodded stiffly, and Adri smiled. “If I release you, will you please hear me out? I was the one that helped Lacy the most out of the Witches here. We need to talk. Do you promise to stay calm?”

I smirked in my mind. Of course I would stay calm. She stared at me for a moment longer, and then nodded. “He’s telling the truth.”

Ha! Yeah, whatever.

Adri stuck out her hands and concentrated. She seemed to scrutinize on something, and then I felt my legs alleviate of any pressure. I glanced down at them, white and cold from snow, and grinned. I was free! I stuck a leg out in front of me, just be safe.

“Come and follow me, Landon. We have a lot to talk about,” Adri said, and turned around. The circle of Witches stepped back, letting Adri and I pass. I snarled at one of them, and her eyes widened in surprise. She grasped her friend’s arm, and clung onto her. I smirked.

“It’s just in here. It’s also warmer. And you can transform,” Adri said, glancing at me, “if you want.”

Yeah, whatever! I’m not going to transform into my naked body in front of you!

“Whatever. I just think that it’s easier to talk without me reading your mind. It gets confusing if you have too much emotion. Just saying,” Adri replied and shrugged her shoulders.

Adri had a strange color of purple for her hair. I examined it in awe as she led me into a tent. As soon as I entered it, a wave of warmth hit me, and I forgot about her strange hair. I looked around the room, seeing nothing more than a heater in the corner, two chairs and a bed, and an oak desk. The desk was covered in papers, and the bed was unmade.

Adri told me to sit in a chair and I looked up at her doubtfully. She then remembered the stupidity in her comment, and said, “Just sit on the rug or something. I don’t care.”

I nodded my head, my white fur swishing around in the wind.

“So, what would you like to learn?” Adri said carefully, looking at me.

Oh, that is a question I would love to hear. I had so many questions that I thought that my mind might blow up.

“Just one at a time,” she said, getting confused by my thoughts. I nodded again and thought, why didn’t Lacy run away?

“Lacy knew that we wouldn’t hurt her. At least, we wouldn’t until she did. But Lacy was smart. She never hurt us at all.”

Why did you take her in?

“We always take in stragglers. We would never refuse someone left in grief. You could call us Good Samaritans.”

My mind flashed to the Bible story of the man that helped the wounded man on the road. I shook my head, and focused on my questions.

Out of all of the stupid questions that I could have asked I asked, how did you get magic?

“It’s not really magic. It’s more of an object that we can control. I can control telekinetic things. For example, I could lift you with my mind.” Adri answered, looking for my next question.

I got carried off in thoughts, and then remembered a question that I had been dying to ask ever since I became a werewolf.

Why do I have white fur?

“Oh! That’s a question that I asked myself when I first saw you. I would have to say that it was difficult to spot you because you blended in with the snow so well.”

I raised my eyebrow. You still haven’t answered my question.

“Oh, right. Well, I guess that you are like the Albino. Every once in a while we get a strange Vampire, or in your case, a werewolf. Or it could be something completely different. You are the only white furred werewolf in Fort Wolfgang, right?”

How do you know about Fort Wolfgang? I asked, literally amazed. Lacy hadn’t blabbed on us, had she?

“Yes, Lacy told us about Fort Wolfgang, but we all knew before. We had been secretly meeting with a man named Jonathan Bird. He was setting up some sort of a rebellion. He wanted us to join.”

Jonathan! I got the shivers, knowing that everything was falling into place. Did you join, Adri?

“Yes. Yes, we joined. Of course, no one knows that, because we promised to hide just outside of Fort Wolfgang until the attack. Are you involved in the Rebellion?”

Yes. Well, at least I think I am. I don’t know if Lacy ever told Jonathan that I was. But yes, I would be if I weren’t shunned.

“Oh. I could sense that you were kicked out of something, but I couldn’t place it.” Adri said, now staring intently at me. I felt like she was staring through me.

Tell me exactly how Lacy died.

Adri sighed and then began by saying, “Lacy stayed with us for a couple of weeks. She said that she was looking for you, Landon. We didn’t want her to go, because she was helping us so much with the Rebellion.”

Why was she looking for me? I was shunned! I couldn’t come back to Fort Wolfgang!

“Lacy needed you. She loved you, Landon.”

Those words hit me harder than a ton of bricks. Just those simple words seemed to affect me more than anything that I had been told. Lacy loved me. She loved me enough to come out in the freaking freezing cold weather and look for me. Would I have done the same?

No. You are selfish. You would never waste your life on someone else’s.

No! That’s not true…I mean…I would look for Lacy. If I loved her enough…

But that’s your problem. You don’t love her enough. You never had. Landon, you are going to have to find who you really are. Are you going to be a dimwitted lover and run off for a happily ever after that will never come? Or are you going to be what you truly are: a blood thirsty werewolf?

My chin trembled. I didn’t know what path I was going to choose. Do I have any more options?

No. You only have those two paths to take. Choose one and follow through with it. Once you start, there is no turning back.

What path was I to choose?


Thank you for sticking with Landon all of this way. We are nearing the end of the story. Just a few more chapters...
Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

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Reviews: 135
Mon Dec 10, 2007 4:34 am
cat4prowl says...

ok now it is my turn to hate you. y did u stop there!!! :evil: write more!!!

bigbadbear wrote:I realized that I was holding my breath, and I let out a huge gasp of air, still struggling to accept that Lacy was truly dead.

My anger built up. I hated the Vampires. I wanted to kill them all. I had to kill them all. They killed Lacy. I knew I was going to get my revenge. My feet grew stronger with confidence, and I raised myself from Lacy’s dead body.

They killed her. They killed my girlfriend. Now they were going to die. Every last single blasted one of them!

a couple too many adjectives, try rearranging their order or taking a few out. otherwise it sounds awkward and is confusing

Kill them. Rip their throats out. They have ruined your life. Now it is your turn to ruin theirs. Go ahead. I won’t stop you.

I needed no further urging. With a mighty roar that shook the snow off of the trees, I bounded into the Witch camp and roared again. Many heads jerked over to the sound of the roar, and when their eyes saw me, they uttered gasps.

I bared my long, pointed teeth, glaring at them. Everything that happened next seemed to happen very quickly. I roared again and bounded off towards the camp, and threw myself upon a Witch. She cried out in surprised and I was suddenly pulled off of her. Startled, I looked around fiercely, trying to find out who pulled me off.

surprised=surprise. stay with the tense

There was no one around the Witch and I. No one. Nada. The Witches were standing around in a circle, but they had to be at least fifty feet away. Who the heck pulled me off?

I glanced around again, and my eyes came back to the Witch under me. Fright was written across her face and I snarled. Idiotic Witches.

try found, this confused me, it sounded like he was looking at her and then he looked around pointlessly and then looked back

Suddenly, I felt like I was being pulled. I gasped in surprise and tilted my head, looking for my attacker.

The Witches were still standing in a circle. There was no one pulling on me. What was going on?

The Witches can use a powerful sorcery. That is why they are called ‘Witches.’

Oh. Know I understood. I glanced around one more time, still trying to find out who had cursed me or whatever they had done. Glaring at each of the Witches, I left the Witch that I had pounced on out of my grip. She scrambled to her feet and looked at me.

“Don’t move, or we’ll kill you,” she said threateningly. Yeah, whatever lady. You couldn’t possibly do anything to hurt me.

“Yes we can,” she said, and then there was a force that took me by surprised. It lifted my hind legs up in the air, and then my front paws seemed to defy gravity. What? Now it wasn’t their magic that startled me, but that she could read my mind. Wait…hadn’t Ronda been able to read my mind?

All Witches have that ability.

I stiffly turned my head to look at the Witch. She was pointing her hands at me, and raising them. All the while, I was being raised farther and farther up from the ground.

My heart skipped a beat, and I let out a cry. Put me down! Put me down, I wanted to shout. My fur blew in the wind, and I looked down. The Witch was still raising her hands, and I quickly looked up.

Heights. What kind of a psycho would invent such a thing? They were next on my list, right beside the word “claustrophobia.” My legs were dangling in the air, and I shut my eyes. I knew I was going to get sick. I was going to get sick really fast.

Suddenly, I felt my stomach lurch, like as if I was on a roller coaster. You know that feeling when the coaster reaches the zenith of the track and you fly down the steep slope, and you get that feeling in the pit of your stomach? That was like what this was like.

you dont need two take one out

I quickly opened my eyes, but squinted. I didn’t want to make myself hurl when I was a terrifying werewolf. Not cool.

The Witch was herding me to the ground; I also noticed that the other Witches were staring at me, their hands ready to cast one of their spells. How did the Witches get magic in the first place? I mean, magic wasn’t even real!

Did you believe that werewolves and Vampires were real before you were bitten?

Yes. I saw one when I was four. I knew that werewolves were real.

Well, you didn’t know about Vampires. Anyway, that is getting off of the point. The female Vampires can each control one element, you could say. This particular Witch can control telekinetic things, such as lifting you off of the ground. That is why Witches are such dangerous enemies. All of them have different powers. Beware. Make sure you kill them all.

I nodded, and understood. How did my voice know of such things, I didn’t know. I snarled, baring my teeth at the Witch. She was going to be the first to kill. No one messed with werewolves. No one.

As soon as my paws touched the soft, snowy ground, I barked. I tensed my muscles, and launched myself at her. Except for one little thing. My feet didn’t move. I glanced down at the stupid things and huffed. They wouldn’t move!

haha! i love the wording in this. great!

“You can’t move. Adri has placed you under a curse. You won’t move until she releases you,” the Witch told me, and I glared at her. Let me go, now!
“I’m afraid I can’t do that,” a Witch said that had walked up to us. The Witch that I had attacked nodded to the newcomer.

“Adri,” she said, “I’m sure you know what to do with him.” After the Witch said that, she walked back to the group of women that were watching Adri and I. It was just she and I now. No one stood in our way. Well, maybe except that curse that bounded my feet together. If I didn’t have that, I would have loved to rip her throat our.

What do you want with me?

“I want to know why you attacked Lisa,” Adri said calmly, watching me like the Witches around us were.

You all killed Lacy. You killed my girlfriend. You need to die. I am going to kill each and every one of you, no matter what.

Adri didn’t even do so much as flinch. What was wrong with these people?

“Lacy, did you say? Did you know her?” Adri now seemed to be highly interested in all I said. Or well, in all I thought.

Of course I knew her, you idiot. I loved her. And you killed her! I thought of that last sentence, picturing myself killing Adri.

“We didn’t kill her,” Adri said simply. She raised her eyebrow, expecting my response.

This whole mind reading thing really came in handy sometimes. Of course you killed her! I saw the freaking Vampire fang marks on her neck!

Adri frowned, and shook her head. “No, you don’t understand. We didn’t kill her. She just…she just died one day. I know that it was because her time was up. Lacy told me that her time was coming shortly. It was a surprise that she died right before we joined with the werewolves.”

What? This was way too much to take in. Ok, lets go over what she just said. Adri said that the Witches had not bitten Lacy. Not plausible. Lacy was thrown away after they had drunk her blood. I could tell that much. Why would Lacy have told these people anything about her death day?

“Lacy found us, looking for a boy named Landon. She stayed with us, and nurtured her. She was very weak. Lacy was even on the bridge between life and death. Listen, she found us wearing only a short sleeved shirt. It must be below freezing in this mountain. As soon as we brought her in, we warmed her up and gave her a coat. She fed on our food and stayed with us for the past few weeks. It must have been the day before yesterday that she…Lacy was found in her bed,” Adri said, looking at the snow. I could tell that she had cared for Lacy.

Wait. What was I thinking? Why would Lacy come to her enemies? Even if they had saved her life, she surely would have escaped or something. Who would spend time with such horrible Witches?

“Are you Landon?” Adri asked, looking at my white werewolf body.

I nodded stiffly, and Adri smiled. “If I release you, will you please hear me out? I was the one that helped Lacy the most out of the Witches here. We need to talk. Do you promise to stay calm?”

I smirked in my mind. Of course I would stay calm. She stared at me for a moment longer, and then nodded. “He’s telling the truth.”

Ha! Yeah, whatever.


Adri stuck out her hands and concentrated. She seemed to scrutinize on something, and then I felt my legs alleviate of any pressure. I glanced down at them, white and cold from snow, and grinned. I was free! I stuck a leg out in front of me, just be safe.

“Come and follow me, Landon. We have a lot to talk about,” Adri said, and turned around. The circle of Witches stepped back, letting Adri and I pass. I snarled at one of them, and her eyes widened in surprise. She grasped her friend’s arm, and clung onto her. I smirked.

“It’s just in here. It’s also warmer. And you can transform,” Adri said, glancing at me, “if you want.”

Yeah, whatever! I’m not going to transform into my naked body in front of you!

“Whatever. I just think that it’s easier to talk without me reading your mind. It gets confusing if you have too much emotion. Just saying,” Adri replied and shrugged her shoulders.

Adri had a strange color of purple for her hair. I examined it in awe as she led me into a tent. As soon as I entered it, a wave of warmth hit me, and I forgot about her strange hair. I looked around the room, seeing nothing more than a heater in the corner, two chairs and a bed, and an oak desk. The desk was covered in papers, and the bed was unmade.

Adri told me to sit in a chair and I looked up at her doubtfully. She then remembered the stupidity in her comment, and said, “Just sit on the rug or something. I don’t care.”

you cant remember something you didn't know. try realized

I nodded my head, my white fur swishing around in the wind.

“So, what would you like to learn?” Adri said carefully, looking at me.

Oh, that is a question I would love to hear. I had so many questions that I thought that my mind might blow up.

“Just one at a time,” she said, getting confused by my thoughts. I nodded again and thought, why didn’t Lacy run away?

“Lacy knew that we wouldn’t hurt her. At least, we wouldn’t until she did. But Lacy was smart. She never hurt us at all.”

Why did you take her in?

“We always take in stragglers. We would never refuse someone left in grief. You could call us Good Samaritans.”

My mind flashed to the Bible story of the man that helped the wounded man on the road. I shook my head, and focused on my questions.

Out of all of the stupid questions that I could have asked I asked, how did you get magic?

“It’s not really magic. It’s more of an object that we can control. I can control telekinetic things. For example, I could lift you with my mind.” Adri answered, looking for my next question.

I got carried off in thoughts, and then remembered a question that I had been dying to ask ever since I became a werewolf.

Why do I have white fur?

“Oh! That’s a question that I asked myself when I first saw you. I would have to say that it was difficult to spot you because you blended in with the snow so well.”

I raised my eyebrow. You still haven’t answered my question.

“Oh, right. Well, I guess that you are like the Albino. Every once in a while we get a strange Vampire, or in your case, a werewolf. Or it could be something completely different. You are the only white furred werewolf in Fort Wolfgang, right?”

How do you know about Fort Wolfgang? I asked, literally amazed. Lacy hadn’t blabbed on us, had she?

“Yes, Lacy told us about Fort Wolfgang, but we all knew before. We had been secretly meeting with a man named Jonathan Bird. He was setting up some sort of a rebellion. He wanted us to join.”

Jonathan! I got the shivers, knowing that everything was falling into place. Did you join, Adri?

“Yes. Yes, we joined. Of course, no one knows that, because we promised to hide just outside of Fort Wolfgang until the attack. Are you involved in the Rebellion?”

Yes. Well, at least I think I am. I don’t know if Lacy ever told Jonathan that I was. But yes, I would be if I weren’t shunned.

“Oh. I could sense that you were kicked out of something, but I couldn’t place it.” Adri said, now staring intently at me. I felt like she was staring through me.

Tell me exactly how Lacy died.

yeah bigbad, tell me. hurry up and write the next chapter! i want to know this part!

Adri sighed and then began by saying, “Lacy stayed with us for a couple of weeks. She said that she was looking for you, Landon. We didn’t want her to go, because she was helping us so much with the Rebellion.”

Why was she looking for me? I was shunned! I couldn’t come back to Fort Wolfgang!

“Lacy needed you. She loved you, Landon.”

Those words hit me harder than a ton of bricks. Just those simple words seemed to affect me more than anything that I had been told. Lacy loved me. She loved me enough to come out in the freaking freezing cold weather and look for me. Would I have done the same?

No. You are selfish. You would never waste your life on someone else’s.

No! That’s not true…I mean…I would look for Lacy. If I loved her enough…

But that’s your problem. You don’t love her enough. You never had. Landon, you are going to have to find who you really are. Are you going to be a dimwitted lover and run off for a happily ever after that will never come? Or are you going to be what you truly are: a blood thirsty werewolf?

My chin trembled. I didn’t know what path I was going to choose. Do I have any more options?

No. You only have those two paths to take. Choose one and follow through with it. Once you start, there is no turning back.

What path was I to choose?


Thank you for sticking with Landon all of this way. We are nearing the end of the story. Just a few more chapters...


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Reviews: 317
Thu Dec 13, 2007 7:49 am
Kim says...

i seemed to miss this one, i am glad i found it. i agree with cat, dont end there, keep writing . lol. i still love this story bear. i am your number one fan. always will be. lol


Doors are for people with no imagination.
— Skulduggery Pleasant