
Young Writers Society

Midnight Darkness #11 part one

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Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:17 am
BigBadBear says...

Chapter Eleven: The Witches

Lacy couldn’t believe the situation she was currently in. She was stuck in a dungeon, probably crawling with mice and…and worse. She shivered and rubbed her arms. The room had plunged into a strange darkness, and a breeze made its way through.

She shivered again and pulled her black jacket tighter against her body. Quietly, she stuck her hand out and blindly tried to find the nearest wall to lean upon. When her fingers touched something cold and hard, she leaned against it. It was solid and she slumped down to the ground. Carefully, she placed her hands up to her face and started crying.

Why did she have to be here? Why did she get caught? Why couldn’t she just have kept her stupid mouth closed when Landon was facing his Trial? She knew the answer instantly; it was the right thing to do. Everything that everyone else was doing was wrong. They had to be. Lacy and the rebels were right. Weren’t they?

Another breeze passed through the room and she let out a moan. She was cold enough as it was. The breeze was only going to make her more miserable.

What if she wasn’t doing the right thing? What if Wolfgang was right? What was the true meaning of being a werewolf? Killing and bloodshed? That couldn’t be right.

She thought desperately, trying to know why she joined in with the rebels. It seemed like the right thing to do. The reason was easy. Wolfgang was evil and she wanted to overthrow him. Yes. It was that simple. Or was it?

Jonathan was spying for the rebels. He was their leader. He knew everything about Wolfgang, from what he ate in the morning to who his wife had been, many centuries ago.

Donald was…well, he was supposedly supposed to be the Keeper. He made sure that no one found out about the Rebellion; namely Wolfgang.

And then there was Tanner. He was like a mini Jonathan. He was training up to be Wolfgang’s secretary, like Jonathan. He hadn’t contributed yet to the Rebellion much, but in time he most certainly would.

There were others, but Lacy couldn’t remember their names. Had they all been truthful to the Rebellion? Were they also spying for Wolfgang like Donald Peterson had?

Lacy sighed and pulled her jacket a little bit closer. The room was getting freezing cold. Shaking her head, she decided to find out where the breeze was coming from. She couldn’t stand it.

Quietly, she stood up and shivered. Lacy made her way towards where the breeze had come from. There must have been a gap in the wall. Lacy gasped when she saw what she saw as she peeked over a barrel full of something. With her excellent werewolf eyes she could see a huge gap in the wall of the dungeon. She groaned and exhorted her muscles by tipping over the large barrel that stood up by the gap. Lacy rolled it over to the hole and stepped back to examine her handy work.

Smiling, she turned back and went to the opposite side of the room. Suddenly, she saw a quick flash. Spinning around, Lacy gasped as she saw another flash. It wasn’t a light, she could tell that.

Once more, something flashed by Lacy and she finally caught a glimpse of it.

“Whoa!” she cried. It was a girl. There was another girl in the dungeons with her. The girl stopped running and turned around to meet Lacy’s frightened eyes.

“It’s a bit dark in here, don’t you think?” the girl clapped her hands together and the room was filled with a bright light. Lacy gasped and covered her hands over her eyes. The bright light made her dizzy and she fell upon her knees. After her eyes had refocused, she looked up at the girl again.

She couldn’t have been more than eleven years old. The girl stared at Lacy with a look of curiosity. Lacy stared back, not knowing what to say.

The girl was amazingly beautiful. She had bright red and stringy hair, and a set of beautiful blue eyes. Her eyes seemed to glow in the light, dazzling Lacy with the image of sapphires.

“Who – who are you?” she asked, still stupefied by the girl. The little girl smiled and put her hands in her dress pocket. Lacy had not noticed that the girl was wearing a purple dress. It was fashionable, but like nothing that Lacy had ever seen.

“I’m Angelica. Who are you?” she said sweetly. Lacy caught a glimpse at her perfectly straight teeth.

“I…I’m La – Lacy,” she said, stuttering. Angelica grinned and waved her hand. Lacy didn’t wave back.

“It’s nice to meet you, Lacy. Are you…um, are you really what my mother said you guys are?” Angelica said with a smile of uncertainty.

Lacy didn’t answer because she was still amazed at how perfectly beautiful this little girl was. Angelica’s face was bright and cheery.
She wore no coat, also, despite the freezing cold temperature.

“Are you really a…a werewolf?” Angelica asked, now frowning. She stepped back as Lacy answered.

“Of course. Aren’t you?”

The little girl shook her head and replied, “No. I’m a Vampire. Well, no I’m not. My mom calls me a Witch.”

Lacy gasped and put her hand to her heart. She was her enemy. Why hadn’t she killed her the minute she saw her? Lacy backed up against the wall, still uncertain of what to do.

“What? Is something wrong?” Angelica asked. She played with her hands, scrutinizing Lacy’s every move.

“You’re…you’re a Vampire?” Lacy whispered, barely understanding what was going on. Angelica nodded sweetly.

“Well…no. I just told you that my mother calls us Witches,” Angelica said, looking down at her feet. Lacy stared at the new girl.

Should she attack her? She was a werewolf; Lacy could easily win. Vampires could only bite and take blood. Lacy could tear her flesh apart. Angelica looked back up at Lacy with a questioning look. Quickly, Lacy regained her normal face and straightened her clothes.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Angelica,” she muttered. Angelica laughed.

“Me too. I’ve never met a…a werewolf,” she said, shuddering. Lacy took a step towards the child.

“We’re nothing to be afraid of, you know. We are just like wolves, except bigger,” Lacy replied, almost tasting the girl’s flesh. Angelica backed away, her eyebrows digging into her head.

“Is something wrong?” she asked, still backing away. Lacy didn’t answer. She continued to walk up to Angelica and grinning madly.

“Um…” the little girl said, and then a door opened. Lacy jerked her head over to the noise. Now because the dungeon was so bright, Lacy and Angelica could see perfectly who was now entering.

“Jonathan!” Lacy cried and started running towards Jonathan Bird, who looked just as surprised as she was. Angelica stood back, trying to hide.

“Lacy! I was so worried about you!” Jonathan replied and Lacy flung herself into his embrace. They stood for a moment, hugging each other. Lacy made some strange noises, and tears streamed out of her eyes.

“Don’t even try to escape,” Lacy heard a voice say, and she looked up. There was the same guard that had taken Lacy prisoner standing in the doorway of the dungeon. Jonathan sighed.

“I know. Just leave me alone,” he replied angrily. Jonathan cursed the guard under his breath as he left. The door slammed shut behind him.

“Jonathan…I’ve been so worried! What happened? I saw you guys get up and fight…what happened?” Lacy cried, digging her face into Jonathan’s shoulder.

“It didn’t go as planned. It didn’t go the way we thought it would at all,” Jonathan said slowly so Lacy could understand him more clearly, “I saw you being taken away, and I couldn’t help myself. I yelled at Wolfgang and I just went crazy. I don’t know why. It’s just…Lacy, you mean the world to me.”

Lacy gasped and pulled herself away from Jonathan’s body. “What?”

She could see the love in his eyes. They glittered in the bright light, and Lacy finally realized the truth.

“Lacy, I love you more than the world. I would die for you,” he said, staring at Lacy’s eyes. Lacy couldn’t breathe. Was this the Jonathan that she knew? He had never even hinted that he was in love with her. Or had he? Had Lacy even been listening for the love in his voice?

“Oh,” was all that she could say. She looked down at his chest, not wanting to look at his face. She couldn’t love him. She loved Landon. She loved him more than life itself. Lacy couldn’t turn on him. Never.

“Lacy, listen. When I saw you, I couldn’t control myself. As I’ve said, I went crazy. I tackled Wolfgang. Ha! I even gave him a few bruises, but nothing serious. I just couldn’t believe that he would take you away. You remember when you first came to Fort Wolfgang?”

Lacy nodded, looking back up in Jonathan’s eyes.

“Wolfgang treated you like royalty. He has never done that before to anyone. We never found out why he treated you like that. And then today, when he said that, I just wanted to rip out his throat. It didn’t happen because the stupid guards pulled me off of him. But I swear, Lacy, I would kill him if he had ever tried to hurt you,” Jonathan said to Lacy, who now had more tears coming to her eyes.

“Jonathan,” she said quietly, trying to find a way to let him down easily, “uh…Jonathan, I can’t feel that way about you. I love Landon.”

Jonathan looked shocked. He uttered out a cry of surprise and blinked. “What?” he asked, still completely surprised.

“I don’t know why…I just do. I love him. I can’t love you,” Lacy said, now feeling worse than before. Jonathan looked down to the ground, but Lacy reached out her hand and touched his chin. She lifted his head to meet his.

“I’m sorry,” she said. He shook his head and tore himself away from Lacy. Her mouth dropped open.

“Jonathan!” she cried, but he put his hand up, wanting her to say no more.

“It’s fine. I understand,” he said softly, obviously hurt. Lacy’s lower lip trembled and she felt utterly terrible. How could she have hurt someone like that?

“I’m sorry,” she repeated, but nothing healed Jonathan’s wound. She frowned and walked over to a wall and slipped down it. It was then that she noticed the breeze being carried throughout the dungeon. She shivered and thought, “Didn’t I just close off the gap?”

Lacy then remembered about Angelica, the Witch. She stood up and looked Jonathan’s way. He was standing away from her, his back turned. She could hear faint cries coming from him. Her heart sank. It was all her fault that she hurt him.

Shaking her head, Lacy looked for Angelica again, but with no success. All that she found were the barrel standing upright once again and the gap was open. The breeze came through again. This time, the cold didn’t affect her. Angelica must have gone back out. Cautiously, Lacy stuck her head out of the gap and looked outside.

Snow littered the ground, glowing in the moonlight. It was freezing cold, and Lacy tugged on her thin jacket.

“Lacy! Where did you go?” Jonathan asked, but Lacy ignored him. She quickly stepped out of the hole and out of Fort Wolfgang’s prison. Landon was out there. She just knew that he had to be out there. He was probably waiting for her. Yes. Her lover would come and find her. Lacy smiled and pulled her jacket around her entire body so that she would stay warm.

Jonathan called again, but she ignored him. She would go and look for her. She was going to go and look for Landon.

There is still more to come. This chapter is...REALLY long. I don't know what I was thinking. I should have broken it up...oh well. Enjoy!
Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

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Reviews: 135
Wed Dec 05, 2007 5:22 am
cat4prowl says...

not much to critique because this was a fantastic chapter!!! seriously, if you don't the next one up soon, I may explode

bigbadbear wrote:Chapter Eleven: The Witches

Lacy couldn’t believe the situation she was currently in. She was stuck in a dungeon, probably crawling with mice and…and worse. She shivered and rubbed her arms. The room had plunged into a strange darkness, and a breeze made its way through.

She shivered again and pulled her black jacket tighter against her body. Quietly, she stuck her hand out and blindly tried to find the nearest wall to lean upon. When her fingers touched something cold and hard, she leaned against it. It was solid and she slumped down to the ground. Carefully, she placed her hands up to her face and started crying.

later in the story u say that she uses her expert werewolf eyesight and sees everything just fine, so which is it?

Why did she have to be here? Why did she get caught? Why couldn’t she just have kept her stupid mouth closed when Landon was facing his Trial? She knew the answer instantly; it was the right thing to do. Everything that everyone else was doing was wrong. They had to be. Lacy and the rebels were right. Weren’t they?

Another breeze passed through the room and she let out a moan. She was cold enough as it was. The breeze was only going to make her more miserable.

What if she wasn’t doing the right thing? What if Wolfgang was right? What was the true meaning of being a werewolf? Killing and bloodshed? That couldn’t be right.

She thought desperately, trying to know why she joined in with the rebels. It seemed like the right thing to do. The reason was easy. Wolfgang was evil and she wanted to overthrow him. Yes. It was that simple. Or was it?

this last part was very nice, i like how u have her unsure of right and wrong. nice touch

Jonathan was spying for the rebels. He was their leader. He knew everything about Wolfgang, from what he ate in the morning to who his wife had been, many centuries ago.

Donald was…well, he was supposedly supposed to be the Keeper. He made sure that no one found out about the Rebellion; namely Wolfgang.

And then there was Tanner. He was like a mini Jonathan. He was training up to be Wolfgang’s secretary, like Jonathan. He hadn’t contributed yet to the Rebellion much, but in time he most certainly would.

There were others, but Lacy couldn’t remember their names. Had they all been truthful to the Rebellion? Were they also spying for Wolfgang like Donald Peterson had?

Lacy sighed and pulled her jacket a little bit closer. The room was getting freezing cold. Shaking her head, she decided to find out where the breeze was coming from. She couldn’t stand it.

Quietly, she stood up and shivered. Lacy made her way towards where the breeze had come from. There must have been a gap in the wall. Lacy gasped when she saw what she saw as she peeked over a barrel full of something. With her excellent werewolf eyes she could see a huge gap in the wall of the dungeon. She groaned and exhorted her muscles by tipping over the large barrel that stood up by the gap. Lacy rolled it over to the hole and stepped back to examine her handy work.

Smiling, she turned back and went to the opposite side of the room. Suddenly, she saw a quick flash. Spinning around, Lacy gasped as she saw another flash. It wasn’t a light, she could tell that.

Once more, something flashed by Lacy and she finally caught a glimpse of it.

“Whoa!” she cried. It was a girl. There was another girl in the dungeons with her. The girl stopped running and turned around to meet Lacy’s frightened eyes.

“It’s a bit dark in here, don’t you think?” the girl clapped her hands together and the room was filled with a bright light. Lacy gasped and covered her hands over her eyes. The bright light made her dizzy and she fell upon her knees. After her eyes had refocused, she looked up at the girl again.

She couldn’t have been more than eleven years old. The girl stared at Lacy with a look of curiosity. Lacy stared back, not knowing what to say.

The girl was amazingly beautiful. She had bright red and stringy hair, and a set of beautiful blue eyes. Her eyes seemed to glow in the light, dazzling Lacy with the image of sapphires.

“Who – who are you?” she asked, still stupefied by the girl. The little girl smiled and put her hands in her dress pocket. Lacy had not noticed that the girl was wearing a purple dress. It was fashionable, but like nothing that Lacy had ever seen.

“I’m Angelica. Who are you?” she said sweetly. Lacy caught a glimpse at her perfectly straight teeth.

“I…I’m La – Lacy,” she said, stuttering. Angelica grinned and waved her hand. Lacy didn’t wave back.

“It’s nice to meet you, Lacy. Are you…um, are you really what my mother said you guys are?” Angelica said with a smile of uncertainty.

Lacy didn’t answer because she was still amazed at how perfectly beautiful this little girl was. Angelica’s face was bright and cheery.
She wore no coat, also, despite the freezing cold temperature.

“Are you really a…a werewolf?” Angelica asked, now frowning. She stepped back as Lacy answered.

“Of course. Aren’t you?”

The little girl shook her head and replied, “No. I’m a Vampire. Well, no I’m not. My mom calls me a Witch.”

Lacy gasped and put her hand to her heart. She was her enemy. Why hadn’t she killed her the minute she saw her? Lacy backed up against the wall, still uncertain of what to do.

“What? Is something wrong?” Angelica asked. She played with her hands, scrutinizing Lacy’s every move.

“You’re…you’re a Vampire?” Lacy whispered, barely understanding what was going on. Angelica nodded sweetly.

“Well…no. I just told you that my mother calls us Witches,” Angelica said, looking down at her feet. Lacy stared at the new girl.

Should she attack her? She was a werewolf; Lacy could easily win. Vampires could only bite and take blood. Lacy could tear her flesh apart. Angelica looked back up at Lacy with a questioning look. Quickly, Lacy regained her normal face and straightened her clothes.

“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Angelica,” she muttered. Angelica laughed.

“Me too. I’ve never met a…a werewolf,” she said, shuddering. Lacy took a step towards the child.

“We’re nothing to be afraid of, you know. We are just like wolves, except bigger,” Lacy replied, almost tasting the girl’s flesh. Angelica backed away, her eyebrows digging into her head.

“Is something wrong?” she asked, still backing away. Lacy didn’t answer. She continued to walk up to Angelica and grinning madly.

beautiful! love the werewolf evilness!

“Um…” the little girl said, and then a door opened. Lacy jerked her head over to the noise. Now because the dungeon was so bright, Lacy and Angelica could see perfectly who was now entering.

“Jonathan!” Lacy cried and started running towards Jonathan Bird, who looked just as surprised as she was. Angelica stood back, trying to hide.

“Lacy! I was so worried about you!” Jonathan replied and Lacy flung herself into his embrace. They stood for a moment, hugging each other. Lacy made some strange noises, and tears streamed out of her eyes.

“Don’t even try to escape,” Lacy heard a voice say, and she looked up. There was the same guard that had taken Lacy prisoner standing in the doorway of the dungeon. Jonathan sighed.

“I know. Just leave me alone,” he replied angrily. Jonathan cursed the guard under his breath as he left. The door slammed shut behind him.

“Jonathan…I’ve been so worried! What happened? I saw you guys get up and fight…what happened?” Lacy cried, digging her face into Jonathan’s shoulder.

“It didn’t go as planned. It didn’t go the way we thought it would at all,” Jonathan said slowly so Lacy could understand him more clearly, “I saw you being taken away, and I couldn’t help myself. I yelled at Wolfgang and I just went crazy. I don’t know why. It’s just…Lacy, you mean the world to me.”

:shock: wow. this was an unexpected turn of events. nice! keeps the reader eager for more

Lacy gasped and pulled herself away from Jonathan’s body. “What?”

She could see the love in his eyes. They glittered in the bright light, and Lacy finally realized the truth.

“Lacy, I love you more than the world. I would die for you,” he said, staring at Lacy’s eyes. Lacy couldn’t breathe. Was this the Jonathan that she knew? He had never even hinted that he was in love with her. Or had he? Had Lacy even been listening for the love in his voice?

“Oh,” was all that she could say. She looked down at his chest, not wanting to look at his face. She couldn’t love him. She loved Landon. She loved him more than life itself. Lacy couldn’t turn on him. Never.

“Lacy, listen. When I saw you, I couldn’t control myself. As I’ve said, I went crazy. I tackled Wolfgang. Ha! I even gave him a few bruises, but nothing serious. I just couldn’t believe that he would take you away. You remember when you first came to Fort Wolfgang?”

Lacy nodded, looking back up in Jonathan’s eyes.

“Wolfgang treated you like royalty. He has never done that before to anyone. We never found out why he treated you like that. And then today, when he said that, I just wanted to rip out his throat. It didn’t happen because the stupid guards pulled me off of him. But I swear, Lacy, I would kill him if he had ever tried to hurt you,” Jonathan said to Lacy, who now had more tears coming to her eyes.

“Jonathan,” she said quietly, trying to find a way to let him down easily, “uh…Jonathan, I can’t feel that way about you. I love Landon.”

Jonathan looked shocked. He uttered out a cry of surprise and blinked. “What?” he asked, still completely surprised.

“I don’t know why…I just do. I love him. I can’t love you,” Lacy said, now feeling worse than before. Jonathan looked down to the ground, but Lacy reached out her hand and touched his chin. She lifted his head to meet his.

“I’m sorry,” she said. He shook his head and tore himself away from Lacy. Her mouth dropped open.

“Jonathan!” she cried, but he put his hand up, wanting her to say no more.

“It’s fine. I understand,” he said softly, obviously hurt. Lacy’s lower lip trembled and she felt utterly terrible. How could she have hurt someone like that?

“I’m sorry,” she repeated, but nothing healed Jonathan’s wound. She frowned and walked over to a wall and slipped down it. It was then that she noticed the breeze being carried throughout the dungeon. She shivered and thought, “Didn’t I just close off the gap?”

Lacy then remembered about Angelica, the Witch. She stood up and looked Jonathan’s way. He was standing away from her, his back turned. She could hear faint cries coming from him. Her heart sank. It was all her fault that she hurt him.

Shaking her head, Lacy looked for Angelica again, but with no success. All that she found were the barrel standing upright once again and the gap was open. The breeze came through again. This time, the cold didn’t affect her. Angelica must have gone back out. Cautiously, Lacy stuck her head out of the gap and looked outside.

Snow littered the ground, glowing in the moonlight. It was freezing cold, and Lacy tugged on her thin jacket.

“Lacy! Where did you go?” Jonathan asked, but Lacy ignored him. She quickly stepped out of the hole and out of Fort Wolfgang’s prison. Landon was out there. She just knew that he had to be out there. He was probably waiting for her. Yes. Her lover would come and find her. Lacy smiled and pulled her jacket around her entire body so that she would stay warm.

nice, this really underlines her choice of landon over jonathon

Jonathan called again, but she ignored him. She would go and look for her. She was going to go and look for Landon.

There is still more to come. This chapter is...REALLY long. I don't know what I was thinking. I should have broken it up...oh well. Enjoy!

im impressed! i could hardly find anything to critique! pm me when the next ones out!!

The person who has no opinion will seldom be wrong.
— Anonymous