
Young Writers Society

Midnight Darkness #8 part two

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Fri Nov 23, 2007 8:09 pm
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BigBadBear says...

“She is just as important! She is important to me! I don’t want to lose her in December!” The instant that I said that, I covered my mouth. Uh-oh. Did Lacy even know about that?

She did, obviously, because her eyes grew wide, and she broke down into tears. Payton sighed and looked at Lacy, who was now on her knees, her hands in her face.

“Oh, Lacy! I’m so sorry!” I said, not really knowing what to say. Again.

Lacy put her arm up to stop me from embracing her. “No,” she said through her cries, “just…just go away!”

My heart turned cold as I stood there. Lacy was on her knees, bawling her eyes out, while Payton and I were standing, well in Payton’s case sitting, there, watching her.

“Lacy,” I said, but she stopped me.

“Go! Go now!” Lacy said, and she turned her head away from me.

Lacy glared at me, with her blood shot eyes. “Don’t ever speak to me about that again,” she said, roaring through her teeth.

Her teeth! They were growing! My eyes widened as Lacy started to transform.

Her clothes slipped off (hehe) but there was fur sprouting everywhere all over her body. No time to react.

I grabbed onto Payton’s gurney, oblivious to all of his shouting and cries of, “Move! Landon, run! She is rabid!”

I didn’t notice her rabies until I saw the foam. There were these big white bubbles forming from the corner of her mouth, from both sides. I think frothing would fit perfectly right here.

Her mouth was frothing by the second, the bubbles dripping carelessly out of her mouth and onto the ground. Her fur was tan, not the color I would expect. I thought it would be black, because that was the color of her hair and everything she wore.

Lacy lurched herself at me, and I quickly dodged, hurling Payton’s gurney at her, with Payton still screaming on top. Apparently, he couldn’t get off because he had wires and such attached to him.

Stupid Payton.

Yes. Yes, Payton is stupid. He knows nothing about your powers. He has no idea that the rabies have been transferred to you.

What? I quickly touched my lips, but felt no frothing. I’m not rabid!

You never knew Lacy was until she transformed.

Well, I didn’t have them before! How could I have possibly gotten rabies?

You kissed her. You kissed a rabid werewolf.

I gasped and froze. I was rabid. No…no what am I saying? My stupid werewolf side just wants me to transform. I am not going to kill Lacy. Never. I love her.

She hates you.

Shut up! Seriously! I can’t stand you! I quickly glanced at Lacy, who was trapped between a wall and Payton’s gurney. My English teacher was trying to set himself free, but with no luck. He sighed and started to transform.

That’s not good. Two werewolves versus one human.


No! I don’t want to! Payton is just trying to get free! He won’t hurt me! He said he would die for me!

You still haven’t realized that he has lied about Lacy?


Suddenly, Payton got free from all of the wires and jumped off of the gurney, and ran to – Lacy’s rescue?

“Payton!” I shouted to him, “She’s rabid!”

Payton turned to me and glared. His eyebrows were buried into his head, and he looked freaking mad. Mad about what though? I had no clue.

“Payton! Get back!”

He ignored me and bent over Lacy’s crying figure, who had transformed back. Payton was still a werewolf of course. Lacy covered herself with her hands, which let her tears fall down her cheeks.

“Lacy,” I whimpered. What was going on here?

Payton lied to you. Remember when he said that the werewolf who bit Lacy was killed?

Yes. What does that have to do with anything?

He was the one who bit her.

“What?” I shouted. Payton glanced at me for a second and growled. Lacy whimpered moans and cries, but nothing helped her get over her death date. And it was all my fault.

Yes it is your fault. You brought up Lacy’s fear. You attacked her. She hates you, and its all you fault.

“It’s all my fault,” I told myself.

It’s all your fault.

I stood there, and looked at Lacy and Payton. He lied about everything. He lied about everything he told me. He is a convict!

“What have you done?” Payton asked me, still in the process of transforming. I shook my head, in loss of words. What had I done? Why was my freaking werewolf side taking over?

I turned around, and started to run.

Tears started streaming down my face. What had I done? What had I done? I had turned my friends against me!

Payton lied to you. You did the right thing. They aren’t you friends anymore. Find new ones. Kill the Vampires. Join Wolfgang, and don’t rebel.

The rebellion! I had totally forgotten! What is the rebellion? Why is it happening?

Silence. Total silence. How come you never talk when I need you to?

If I did, then it wouldn’t be as mystifying, now would it?

I sighed and stopped running. Payton and Lacy were far behind me now, and currently I was in the Main Hall. To the right of me was the Dining Hall, and I decided to go in there.

I started walking and then I heard someone cry, “Landon! Landon!” It came from down the hall I just come from, so I ignored it. Who needed them? Who needed a couple of betrayers? Payton is nothing more than a big, fat liar. I started quickly walking until I reached the big wooden doors that marked the entrance of the Dining Hall.

I shoved on the door, and it slowly creaked open. Down the hall, I heard footsteps, quickly running. Sighing again, and closed the door, hoping that they couldn’t find me.

Inside the Dining Hall were – you guessed it – tables that would have been used to place food. At the moment though, there were only a couple werewolves talking amongst themselves. The tables were empty, except for a few scattered papers.

Over in the far right corner of the hall were a bunch of tall men, whispering to each other. They all had long hair, most of the hair was black save a few, and they all were huddled together, like a game of football.

Just ignore them.

Do you really think that I could throw my curiosity away? I smirked and slowly walked closer to the group of men, and held my breath.

I didn’t think that it looked suspicious; me slowly making my way over to a group of huddled up men. One of the men looked back, his drawn face white, and his eyes a stunning green. His hair was black, just like most of the others and as quickly as he saw me, he turned back and chatted to the group again.

Then the men dispersed and walked in separate ways, each taking a loathing glance at me. What was going on? What had I done?

All of the men walked away quickly and quietly, except one. He was facing me, his brown eyes stalking my every move.

“Jonathan,” I whispered, knowing that face anywhere. Jonathan looked very pale, and yet his brown eyes hadn’t changed a bit. His hair was pulled back, and he wore the normal Fort Wolfgang clothes; a black T-shirt and jeans. Jonathan tucked a few papers into his pocket, and then started to advance towards me.

My heart skipped a beat and I took a step back. His face looked angry, as if he were horribly mad with someone. What was going on?

Man, if I had a dime every time I said that…

Jonathan stopped in front of me, his lips frowning, and his eyes glaring.

“What did you hear?” he whispered, fighting back the urge to yell. I shook my head, too terrified to speak. I didn’t know! I didn’t hear anything!

I said, “I didn’t hear anything! I swear! I just wanted to know what was going on.”

Jonathan glared at me for a second longer and then said, “Scram! I don’t wanna see you again. Go! And don’t tell anyone anything!”

I nodded and stepped back – and tripped on a table bench. I lost my balance and fell over, landing hard on my back. My head crashed onto the floor, and I cried out in pain.

I grunted as I picked myself up, and when I looked, Jonathan was nowhere to be found.

Suddenly, I heard the doors crash open behind me, and I jerked my head over to the noise.

“Landon!” Payton cried, and he rushed over to me as I was rubbing my goose egg I had just gotten from the trip. I rolled my eyes and said, “What do you want?”

My teacher frowned and said, “That was rude to just run off like that! Especially when I hadn’t explained everything! Come here!”

“No,” I stated and shook my head, “I don’t want you to explain anything because I know everything.”

“Landon, don’t be crazy. There are some things you have to know,” Payton continued, trying to lure me in with his lies, “I have to explain things about Lacy.”

“I already know about Lacy! I know that you bit her!” I shouted, and everyone in the room was suddenly silenced. I felt all of the heads turn to see Payton and I argue.

Payton frowned and said, “Not here. Please, not here!”

“No! It’s too late! You lied to me! You lied when you could have told the truth!” I said defensively. I knew that what I knew was true. It had to be. It all made sense now.

Kill him. Kill Payton.

What? No! Never!

You hate him. Kill him. It would be considered great in the eyes of Wolfgang.

I don’t care about Wolfgang! I promised myself that I would never kill another human in my life!

He’s a werewolf.

Same thing! The only difference is that he can transform. He is still a human.

“Landon, please come with me. You owe Lacy an apology also,” Payton said, trying to coax me.

He doesn’t want you to know about him. That’s why he hid the knowledge away from you. Payton has joined with the Vampires.

What? Are you freaking joking me?

“Landon, please!” Payton ordered, and then he ran over to me quicker than I had expected. He grabbed my arms and threw me to the ground, hollering at me, “Listen to me, boy! Don’t let your ignorance take over!”

My nose hit the ground really hard, and I grimaced and said, “Fine! You beat me, all right? Take me to…wherever!”

Payton put his foot on top of me and said, “Then follow me. Please, don’t make a big deal out of this.”

I nodded and said, “Just get off of me!” Payton complied and he raised me off of the ground. I rubbed my nose and grumbled some inaudible words. Man, did Payton need some explaining or what?

We made our way out of the Dining Hall, the other werewolves still in shock of what they had seen. Nothing seemed to bother me anymore. Well, at least nothing that concerned me. I didn’t care if I was the laughingstock of the entire werewolf nation anymore. All I wanted was the cold, hard truth about Payton.

Payton led me down the hall that I had just recently run out of, and we made our way towards Lacy and Payton’s stolen gurney. Wasn’t it just a few minutes ago that Lacy and I had stolen Payton?

I sighed and shook my head, following my teacher. He seemed to know where everything was, and so I let him lead me.

I first saw Lacy, when she was rubbing her now red eyes, and she cried out, “Landon!” Lacy hurriedly ran toward me and spread her arms out wide, embracing me. I clasped my hands around her and said, “Lace, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry…”

We hugged for another couple of seconds, and then I pulled away and planted a big kiss right on her lips. We broke and I let go of her, and she dug her face into my shoulder.

“Well, what? Tell me why you bit Lacy.” I said to Payton cruelly.

I heard Lacy sigh and hold her breath. Payton glanced at Lacy, and then me and said, “You have to understand that none of this was intentional. It was all an accident. You see, I have never disobeyed Wolfgang’s orders, and so one time, a few months back, I was ordered to kill a man named Billy Tolman.”

“He was…he was my dad,” Lacy interrupted quietly, reflecting on her memories.

“Yes. Yes, well, I went out that night and I found him. I was about to complete my job, when Lacy showed up. She protected her father and I never got the chance to kill him. She got in the way, and I accidentally bit her,” Payton said, continuing his story.

I squinted and tried not to shout out, “So it’s your fault that Lacy is to die in December?” but I knew better. If I brought that up again, Lacy would have another emotional breakdown.

So I said, “Go on.”

Payton nodded and replied, “Well, I knew what I had done was very wrong. Werewolves aren’t supposed to bite females, as you know. I had no idea what I was thinking, but it happened. Terrified, I turned myself in to Wolfgang, who punished me. I had to go through many Trials like you. Lacy, however, wasn’t punished at all. She was treated like royalty because we knew that she wouldn’t…wouldn’t be there too much longer.”

“So, why did you lie to me? Why did you tell me that the werewolf who bit Lacy was killed?” I asked Payton, wanting to know some things.

“Well, that is true. The part of me that bit her is now dead. My werewolf side. I haven’t bitten anyone else but you ever since then.” Payton said, and then looked at Lacy.

Lacy frowned and curled her hair vacuously. It seemed she didn’t want to hear any of this.

I looked at Lacy and then back at Payton, “That still doesn’t answer my question.” I tapped my foot, anxiously waiting for my teacher’s answer.

“When I bit Lacy, I didn’t know what was happening. I was going in for Billy Tolman, but Lacy got in the way, and I bit her. My werewolf side bit her. Now that werewolf side is gone. My werewolf side is dead, in other words.”

I also have a werewolf side. How do I make you die?

You can’t kill me. I am a part of you. Payton lies. He can’t kill the werewolf side of him. He doesn’t know what you are talking about.

So I asked Payton, “How can I kill my werewolf side?” Payton looked surprised. His eyes widened and his mouth fell open. He quickly shut his mouth and adjusted his black shirt.

He quickly exclaimed, “There is not just one way that you can kill it. It lives within you, or in other words, you are your werewolf side. Oh, this is very difficult to explain. Let’s up it like this. Uh, Swiss cheese has holes in it, right?”

I raised my eyebrows. How does Swiss cheese have to do with anything?

“Sure,” I said, playing along.

“Well, imagine that the holes are your werewolf side, all right? Well, the werewolf side of you is always there. You know, like the holes in Swiss cheese are really there? Yeah, well, it’s the same thing.”

I looked at him like he was crazy. “Then how do I get rid of the holes?”

“You don’t. You simply ignore that they are on you. Pretend like they aren’t there.” Payton said simply, “You are the cheese. You are the body. You can control your holes.”

Lacy burst out laughing and said, “Payton, you are so weird sometimes! I swear!”

I grinned, happy that Lacy actually found humor in something, because I didn’t want her to think about next month. Just think about that made me want to cry. How could I loose Lacy? I love her. I always will love her. I can’t loose her. Not yet.

Payton smiled and said, “Why, thank you Lacy.”

“Payton,” I asked him after Lacy had settled down, “what is going on with the rebellion? Lacy mentioned something about the werewolves rebelling against Wolfgang.”

Lacy gasped and said, “Oh, yeah! I have completely forgotten about that!” Payton smiled and looked down at the floor. He played with his feet for a moment and then looked back up at me.

“Yes, the werewolves are rebelling. I don’t know what else to say,” he said, still highly interested in his shoes. I raised my eyebrows, expecting more out of him.

“So…” I said calmly, wanting him to continue.

“So, I haven’t really decided yet. Wolfgang is a great leader. He is one of the best. I don’t know if I could turn on him,” Payton answered me.

“Well,” Lacy said strongly, and I jumped. I hadn’t thought that she would be so confident in what she was saying.

“Well, I am going to rebel. I am going to overthrow him. Ever since I have known about him, he has always sounded horrible. And ever since I arrived at Fort Wolfgang, I hated him. I just hated him. He was a terrible leader. What kind of a person would make you, Payton, go out and kill someone?” Lacy said, and looked at Payton.

“Wolfgang would. He is more powerful than any of us here. He can kill anyone he likes.” Payton said weakly.

Lacy quickly glanced at me and asked, “Landon, are you with me? Or do you actually want to be under a terrible leader who kills at first sight?”

I laughed, and already knew the answer, “Well, that makes it hard to choose!” Lacy laughed again and I said, “I’m with you, Lacy.
Payton, are you going to? Let’s do it. You hate Wolfgang and you know it!”

What are you doing? I told you to forget about rebelling!

Shut up! Payton said I should ignore you!

You can’t ignore me. I am your life. I am your hole and you are the cheese.

I laughed out loud and thought, yeah whatever. I’m not going to talk to you again. Ever!


sorry if this was long. I am going to be posting each chapter in only two parts now, because it gets confusing otherwise!!!
Last edited by BigBadBear on Fri Nov 23, 2007 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

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Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:34 pm
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Kim says...

this is awesome bear, and as per your request i have read it twice, once for the story itself, and the second to find your errors. :D

Her clothes slipped off (hehe) but there was fur sprouting everywhere all over her body. No time to react. ( this was funny, i like how you add humour in a dark situation.)

In one ear and out the other, that phrase was called, and it fit the bill perfectly here.
( this sentence didnt quite fit, try and reword it, or take it out)

the bubbles falling out of her mouth and onto the ground ( i think this would sound more realistic if you replaced "bubbles falling our of her mouth" to something like, dripping our of her mouth.

Lacy covered herself with her hands, but nothing covered her tears. ( try rewording this phrase alittle , take out but nothing covered her tears, and say letting her tears fall down her cheeks. somthing like that)

My nose hit the ground really hard, and so I grimaced and said, “Fine! You beat me, all right? Take me to…wherever!” ( in the second part take out "and so" I grimaced works well on its own.)

I would also use freaken less, try to come up with other words that mean the same. i also have a hard time doing this. but it seems to bring more to the story.

this is great bear. i am looking forward to the rebellion. this story is so awesome.


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Fri Nov 23, 2007 11:06 pm
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BigBadBear says...

Thanks Kim! I'll go back and edit those.
Just write -- the rest of life will follow.

Would love help on this.

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Sat Nov 24, 2007 3:45 am
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cat4prowl says...

i dont have time for a long post right now so i'm just going to say that it was awesome and i can't wait for the next one!

as always, your #1 fan (with not much time to review)

Knowing too much of your future is never a good thing.
— Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief