
Young Writers Society

A Rebellious Stage

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Wed Aug 25, 2010 10:19 pm
epiclyawesome101 says...

Where is he! I thought in frustration as I stared at the clock and tapped my fingers on the desk.
“2791! Pay attention!” my teacher snapped. I reluctantly shifted my gaze to the front of the classroom. I gave the she-demon a fake, apologetic smile and folded my hands as if I really cared.
“Now, as I was saying...” she started but my mind wandered to more important issues after that.
Ring! I shot out of my seat as the bell of freedom, or often called lunch, rang. I was one step away as an arm shot out and stopped me, killing all my hopes of escape with it.
“We need to talk,” the teacher told me sternly as the others filed pass me.
“Oh, what could possibly be wrong?” I asked as innocently as possible, which apparently wasn't ever much.
“Your attitude, young lady,” she scolded me. “You need to start paying me respect, 2791!” Something just snapped. My fists clenched and a toxic energy started to boil up inside me. I turned and looked the good-for-nothing adult right in the eye. There must have been something in my gaze, for there was a flash of fear in her face.
“My name is Nuke,” I told her fiercely before turning to leave.
The moment I stepped into the hall I was sick of it already. The smell of chemicals poisoned the air even in the Educational Facility. Everything was just so... sterile, but dull, and lifeless. The walls were faded gray bricks, the lockers just seem to blend in with them, and the floors were dull, white linoleum. Then every so often there were steal doors with numbers to classify the room and a reinforced glass window. The whole place was just lifeless. Even the students, my fellow freaks, were just zombies ambling to their next class. The only hint of joy was in the armed hall monitors' sick sneers as they strode through the halls in their military grade swat armor. There were cameras following our every move everywhere. Yep, the distinct feeling of institution, order, and let's not forget imprisonment, of Area 51 Regional Bordering School. In simple terms, a prison high school for freaks. Brought to you by the evil, lying, corrupt government of the good old United States of America; land of the free.
And I couldn't take it anymore. The boiling almost felt like fire as I stomped through the hall. I didn't even glance at the surprised, or maybe fearful, faces of aliens, cyborgs, recombinant hybrids as they took a few steps back, forming a path I didn't notice. Heck, even the plasma blob dude knew to stay out of my way.
As soon as I slammed the girl's bathroom door behind me I knew why; I was glowing green again. I groaned as I looked myself over in the mirror. My black hair was a wild mess that flared in every direction, expect for a smooth side-swept lime green bang that covered my left eye. My exposed right eye was also a blazing green and was surrounded by my thick black eyelashes. My expression was furious, my eyes set in a death cold glare that was on fire, almost burning my own reflection. The only thing that didn't give off the “I'm going to kill you” rocker vibe was my gray uniform; but even that was a mess. The gray jacket was suppose to be buttoned off to the side by a clean, straight, black strip, and the short collar was to stand straight, covering most of the neck. Then the gray slacks were to end at the ankles and wearing nice black dress shoes. The clean uniform was nondescript and same for girls, boys, or any other weird gender in between. However my jacket was unbuttoned, revealing my black tank top, and rustled as if I'd gotten into a fight. My slacks were worn a little low and sort of baggy on me. Then my shoes had acid burns and holes (don't ask). Actually all of my clothing had a few burns, expect for the black leather gloves I wore that were lined with a special formula of lead and the electronic ankle bracelet every student wore at all times. Of course, I didn't really care about how I looked; I never cared about that.
“Okay, take a deep breath,” I mumbled to myself. In and out, in and out. As I closed my eyes, and let my muscles loosen up I felt the burning die down inside me. I sucked in a breath as I tried to pull it deeper inside of me. I slowly opened my eyes to find I was still glowing green. Well, those were the side effects of being radioactive; becoming poisonous to everything and everyone around me whenever someone ticks you off. Yep, and people think that they have anger problems.
I gripped the edges of the sink as the energy started to boil up inside me again. It wasn't that stupid teacher, and I knew it. It was him. I remember them call his name over the loud speaker. The guards escorting him to the Research Department. Taking him to those sadistic scientist, doing God knows what to him. I cringed at the mere thought. It wasn't like he was back in a few hours. They took him yesterday morning.
“Okay, to heck with waiting!” I muttered. I walked to the far end of the girl's bathroom. I slipped off my leather gloves and placed my hands against the cold brick wall. I could feel the boiling heat flowing through my hands as the wall began to incinerate under my skin. Yeah, another perk of being radioactive; melting everything you touched. Why the heck did you think I had lead lined leather gloves? To look cool? As I moved my hands across the wall there was soon a gaping hole that I could slip through.
I shoved my gloves in my pocket and crawled through the wall into an empty hallway. I looked around to see a door at both ends. It had been a long time since I cut class to break into top secret areas but once you sneak around you never forget. I turned right and I didn't even pause as I burned the lock to the door and strode right through. Of course there was another hallway after that, and another after that, and another after that. I navigated the maze of corridors quickly and stayed out of sight but the anxiety in me built; wondering if I was too late.
Soon I came to the door I wanted. I listened for a moment to make sure it was empty. I glanced over to see a control box.
“That must be important,” I sneered as I melted the electronics away. I then reached for the lock.
Sizzz came the familiar sound of the sizzle of incinerating metal. I creaked the door open and silently slipped in.
I entered a big, wide open room with high ceilings and of course the standard gray walls. There was a large Olympic sized pool in the center but its water was murky, dark and endless. I carefully crept to the edge. Suddenly ripples spread across it as something began to surface. My eyes darted around the room, looking for a place to hide. A shadowy figure appeared and was shooting for the surface. I ducked behind some computers and equipment.
I peered around the edge to see a creature emerge from the pool. It was tall and had the physique of a lanky teenage boy. Its skin was black with a white chest and belly, edged in bright aqua. Its arms and legs had horizontal bright aqua strips and its feet and hands were clawed. It turned, I could see the same bright aqua in a big patch on its back, and its long striped tail stirred the water a little. I moved slightly to get a better look.
Thud! I stifled a cry as I banged my foot on a stupid metal box thing. These dang scientist and their equipment! I sucked in a breath as I heard the creature shift behind me. I peered around the edge again, making sure I was hidden. I could see its face. Its hair was the same bright aqua, shorter and flared in the back, and a bang covered its right eye. Its face seemed like that of a normal teenage boy but it had these huge, blank white eyes, edged with bright aqua and what looked like aqua tear stains rolling down its cheeks. It scanned the room, searching for the source of the noise, and then it sniffed the air. I turned back around and stared straight ahead; hoping it wouldn't notice me. I could here its almost silent footsteps as it crept closer to my hiding spot. I glanced up to see its curious face leaning over me. It gave me a devious smile of razor sharp teeth.
Oh God, was all I had time to think. Within a second he leaped at me, tackling me to the ground, but I wasn't going down without a fight. I rolled it on to its back, and it pushed just as hard. As we tumbled it twisted its tail between my ankles, attempting to trip me up. Bad idea. I slammed my foot down hard right on the tail. The creature let out a yelp as it rolled on to its back.
“Was that really necessary?” he whined as he rubbed his tail. I leaped to my feet and leaned over him, gazing into those blank eyes.
“Yes,” I told him simply as I pulled him up. His skin felt cool and smooth, not but slimy. “You're lucky I didn't punch you in the face.”
“For what?” he asked innocently “I was just playing around, like friends do.” What? Doesn't everyone have a deep sea mutant creature, who wears swim trunks all the time, and likes playing pranks as a best bud? I do, and I highly recommend them.
“Geck, you are such a creep,” I told him as I rolled my eyes.
“What were you doing sneaking around anyway?” he asked suspiciously. “That's just asking for trouble.” I gave him one of my looks. He knew why. “You were worried. Ah, you actually care!” he mused.
“Whatever, so do you want to have some fun or not?” I asked. “It won't take long for some idiot to find out I fried their system.” He gave me that sly, crooked smile of his. I glanced over to the high-tech, expensive equipment I was hiding behind before. “There is nothing like defacing government property.”
We dashed over to the equipment. I slid off my gloves and let that energy rush through me and then slammed it into the machine. It instantly began to dissolve the front panel and then sparks flew as it reached the jumbles of wires and electrodes. I glanced up at Geck, who had a trick of his own. The bands of aqua on his arms started to glow as he concentrated the pulsing energy to his hand where it began to spark like lightning. He walked over to the side of the equipment and tore off the access panel. He then just lightly touch a naked wire. Suddenly the whole thing was up in blue sparks as lightning crossed from wire to wire, frying the whole machine in an instant. I had my style and Geck had his.
We cracked up laughing, almost rolling on the floor. Suddenly Geck just froze and the color drained from his face, even though he was black.
“What? You see a ghost?” I joked but Geck didn't laugh like he always did at my lame jokes. “Geck?” I mumbled nervously. He blinked a few times, coming back to reality, and looked right at me with those blank eyes.
“They're coming,” he muttered but still smiled a little. We dashed to a door on the other side of the lab. I burned through the door and we ran like hell.
“I thought they made these walls soundproof,” I said as we ran “Even to you.” Geck took a sharp turn and I followed a few paces behind. Geck practically had super senses a zillion feet underwater with like 50 zillions pounds of pressure on him. Just think about what his senses are like with just one atmosphere on him.
“Mostly, but I didn't hear them,” he explained. “It's my sensory organs. They allow me to feel electromagnetic waves and other stuff. You know, like the ones sharks have.” I made a mental note to pay more attention during science.
“So what tipped them off?” I asked, still confused.
“They're using something that gives off electromagnetic waves to track your radiation,” he explained, sounding a little annoyed. “You need to pay attention in school more.” I stopped dead in my tracks with a smirk on my face.
“Well I always liked a good chase,” I told him. I let that boiling energy flow to my finger tips and slid off my gloves.
Snap! My hands ignited in toxic green flames. I pushed the energy outward, blasting it down another hall. I turned and did it to another and then another and even threw some through doors.
“That should confuse them a bit,” I said smugly as we took off down the hall.
“Oh my God!” I heard someone yell behind us. They were catching up. I threw another nuclear fireball down the hall, then yanked to Geck into a convenient broom closet and slammed the door shut.
It was completely dark and we were completely silent as we heard them run pass. We didn't talk till the thudding of their combat boots faded. That's when Geck started to glow. It wasn't like my radioactive glow. Just the bright aqua spots on his skin and his eyes. They glowed just like those creepy deep sea creatures do but brighter and more vibrant. Geck had inherited lots of odd things from his deep sea cousins. Like glowing and electricity but he could bend it at will more freely. Sensory organs, breathing underwater and other neat tricks too.
“So,” he started smoothly, “we're alone, in a dark, confined space...”
“In your dreams,” I told him rolling my eyes.
“Not even a kiss?” he cooed.
“You're hopeless,” I mumbled. “Wait, did you hear something?”
“Nothing but your increasing heart rate.”
“Shut up you moron!” I snapped as I tried to listen through the door. Something quiet, like it was attempted silence. Slight thudding, and clanking...
Suddenly the light flooded into the broom closet as the door was yanked opened. It was surrounded by big guys with big guns.
“Hey! Funny meeting up like this!” I joked as I signaled Geck with foot taps. One, two, three! We dashed out of the closet, slipping through the guards and took off down the hall.
“Get them!” someone ordered as I heard their rumbling footsteps behind us.
“This is all your fault!” I yelled at Geck. “You stupid flirt!”
“Hey! You were the one who came looking for me!” He shot back but with a smooth voice.
“Really? Do we have time to flir-”
Slam! We hit a wall of heavily armed guards and were sent flying back. I hit the ground with a thud. I groaned as I stumbled to sit up.
“Well,” I heard a gravelly voice sigh. “What do we have here?” I looked up and saw the person who I really didn't want to see.
“What the hell were you thinking!” the old man yelled right at my face. I was sitting in a chair, which was nailed to the floor, holding an ice pack to my head, in the middle of a steel-walled room.
Isn't solitary confinement just the greatest thing ever!
The older man's face was creased with even more wrinkled since his face was set in a scowl. His beard was gray and had a nice shiny topped head with an edging of hair on the sides. His eyes glared at me through his glasses. He paced the room and his white lab coat flowed behind him. This devil incarnate of a guy was Dr. Drax; just another mad, sadistic scientist who likes to keep innocent kids as lab rats just because they're a little different. Okay, I may be stretching “innocent” but I'm a teenager for God sakes! And I know not every rebellious teen is radioactive, but let's focus on the irony here. I thought this was the land of the free. You can tell why I really didn't want to see this guy.
“What were you planning to do?” he asked, just stunned speechless by my amazing feats. “Don't answer that.” He paused, intently looking at the ground, thinking.
“The psychiatrist already decided I'm a psychopath!” I muttered nastily. “What more do you need?” He turned and glared at me with those cold eyes of his.
“But why take subject 8971? What did you want him for?” he asked accusingly. Okay, this guy was really starting on get on my nerves.
“Geck,” I corrected him. “Sorry, if I wanted to know if my friend was still alive.”
“But then what? Escape?” he questioned.
“Not a bad idea,” I told him approvingly. “I already wanted to get out of this hell-hole.” He calmly but intently stalked up to me, staying only inches from my face.
“Do you really think you would survive out there, in the real world?” he asked sternly. “The moment you reached any populated area people would run screaming. Maybe even some brave soul would shoot you where you stood. You're freaks of nature with nowhere to go.” Okay this guy was asking for it. That toxic energy was flaring up in me, hotter than ever. Unfortunately, the steel door creaked open.
“I think it's time we escort 2791 back to her quarters,” I heard a sweeter voice suggest. I looked up to see a younger man standing in the doorway with two guards behind him. His short hair was a golden blond, his eyes a bright sky blue and he wore a happy smile on his face. He was also in a lab coat but this guy wasn't as mad, or sadistic, as Dr. Drax over here.
Dr. Drax walked away calmly as if nothing happened. I rolled my eyes as I got up and walked over to Mr. Smiley.
“I think I can handle escorting her back,” he told the guards without glancing at them as he stared intently at me. They looked to each other nervously. “I'll be fine,” he told them reassuringly. They gave one last worried glance before walking away down the hall.
“Nuke,” he greeted me calmly.
“Dr. Albright,” I replied, emotionless as we started to walk down the hall.
“Too bad you and Geck took off like that,” he sighed. “I was planning to sneak you guys some Chinese food for being good. Geck will be disappointed. I know how much he loves stir-fried shrimp.” I didn't reply. He sighed as he looked over at me with compassionate eyes. Yep, a scientist will mutual respect for us, and maybe even cares. Scary, right?
“I know Dr. Drax and some of my colleagues don't have the best bed side manner,” he confessed.
“Oh, really? I didn't notice. I guess I didn't have time to get to know them,” I said nastily. “Being busy with mad scientist shoving syringes in my arm and-”
“I know life here isn't the best,” he interrupted me. “But Dr. Drax has a point. The world isn't ready for people like you and Geck.”
“For freaks?” I asked coldly.
“You are not freaks,” he attempted to reassure me. “Here is the best place for you. You can grow up, get educated, and we get to learn and maybe even help you.” We as in the mad scientists and learn and help as in poking and prodding, running exhausting or painful tests, and imprisoning us. I could go on and on.
As we arrived at one of the steel doors, Dr. Albright gave me another compassionate, probably fake, look of concern.
“Nuke, please just try to be good,” he pleaded. He waited a long moment of awkward silence before punching a code into the key pad on the door. The steel door creaked opened, I walked into my cell without a word, and slammed the door behind me.
I walked into a small room with the standard gray brick walls. On each side was a simple bed, some shelves, and a small side table. Then a door on the right which lead to a bathroom. Just imagine a prison cell mixed with a dorm room with just the basics. The shelves held the few personal belongings we were allowed to keep. On the left, my side, they were filled with CDs, hard rock and metal mostly. I had a small CD player, a hand held video game, and some comic books. The right had music of all kinds, some actual books; novels, classics, and even some textbooks. It even had a bit of a video game selection, all hand-held of course. Geck could actually be a kiss up sometimes, and sometimes it paid off. Speaking of the devil, he was laid out on his bed with a textbook on marine life, waiting for me.
“So, how was solitary confinement?” he asked.
“Nothing new,” I sighed as I plopped down on my lumpy mattress. “I burned through the first room, the psychiatrist concluded I was a psychopath, and then Dr. Drax and Albright did good cop, bad cop. How about you?”
“It was sort of odd. The psychiatrist said I was becoming a psychopath. Then Albright gave me one of those talks. Talked about how you're a bad influence, I'm wasting my potential, blah, blah, blah.”
“Bad influence!” I scoffed. “You wouldn't have survived without me!” We both laughed at that.
“I still remember my first day here,” he sighed.
“Yep, dying of dehydration in a cage,” I recalled. “You were just a scrawny, little kid. Couldn't hurt a fly. You would have died if I didn't toughen you up.”
“Then you named me Gecko,” he laughed
“Shut up, Geico,” I mocked. Really, I did think he was an over sized gecko. “It was better than the name you gave me: Nuke.” Then the loud speaker crackled on.
“Lights out!” it commanded. Then almost instantaneously the lights snapped off, leaving us in complete darkness. I heard Geck slam his book shut, drop it on the ground, and then the rustle of the covers as he rolled over.
“Night,” he mumbled. I just laid there for awhile, staring at the ceiling, thinking. Something that Dr. Drax had said was bothering me. Something about the real world.
“Hey Geck,” I called quietly. “Tell me about it.”
“About what?” he asked, befuddled.
“Where you came from. You know, the ocean,” I explained. “You said once that they dragged you from the ocean.” I heard him awkwardly shift and take a deep breath.
“It's amazing,” he told me earnestly. “Just water for miles and miles and sometimes you are out so far that you can't see land. The surface water shimmers in the daylight but under is just another world. There's just so much...” A long moment of silence hung in the air as Geck tried to grasp words for the ocean; his home.
“Let's go there,” I decided eagerly. “Let's escape and leave this hell-hole behind.” Geck's eyes flashed opened as he bolted upright in his bed.
“What?” he questioned, stunned speechless.
“Escape!” I repeated. “I'm sick of this place! The evil doctors, experiments, syringes, etc. Of being told what to do, how to act! I'm sick of being a lab rat! A prisoner!” I looked over at Geck and there must have been something in my eyes; something I never showed. His face softened, he walked over to my bed and put his arm around me.
“I know, I know,” he murmured softly. “But what if we get caught? We could get taken from the education program. Treated like...like we're not even human.”
“How is that different from now?” I asked him harshly. “They don't care what we feel! They call us by a stupid number for God sakes!” He pondered what to say.
“I know, but here they know we are intelligent. We'd be treated like animals,” he mumbled nervously. “I'd be kept in a... tank... all the time, like 24/7.” I saw how shaken he was at the mere thought. Geck had some bad experiences with marine biologist and aquariums, let's just leave it at that.
“But if we win, if we escape, we'd be free,” I told him as I wrapped my arm around him.
You know how you feel like you're dead when someone shakes you awake. Well, I got a heck of a rude awakening somewhere in the middle of the night. I moaned as my groggy eyes began to open.
“Maybe this is too rash,” I heard someone say, outside of my door.
“I'm sick of these delinquents!”I heard another exclaim.
“It's just a rebellious stage.” I was really getting annoyed. I wanted to sleep. I heard the voices argue more but it was muffled and I didn't care.
Wham! The steel door was flung open and light poured in. For a moment I just buried myself in my pillow, wanting peace but then the rumble of combat boot hit my ears, waking me up in an instant. I looked up to see a squad of armed guards pour into the room with their rifles on me.
“Have you ever heard of knocking!” I yelled, outraged as the boiling started. Then a smug Dr. Drax came waltzing in followed by a less eager Dr. Albright. “What the hell!” I yelled at the devil incarnate.
“Maybe you're over doing things,” Albright pleaded to Drax, but he just motioned for silence.
“By order of the Board of Directors, Subject 2791 is to be removed from the Educational Program and moved to the Research Department immediately and permanently,” he announced joyfully with that smug sneer on his face. One of the guards yanked me out of bed by the arm and dragged me Drax.
“B-but...” Geck muttered as he watched me in horror. Drax turned to him with a not-as-gleeful look.
“Subject 8971 is order a week suspension with psychiatric counseling,” he ordered sternly. “Though you rotten sea creature deserves much worse.” He turned back to me with those cold eyes.
“You can't do this!” I yelled as I struggled against the guards. The energy boiled even more as my anger grew. “You evil, sadistic bastard! You're nothing but a devil spawn!” Without warning his hand flew across my face, leaving a sting behind. I was stunned speechless for a moment, but only a moment. My anger flared back up in an instant. “You Son of a Bitch!”
Wham! His fist came barreling down on my face, punching me across the cheek. I staggered backwards from the blow, falling to the ground. He punched me, he actually punched me! I looked up to his glaring face. I didn't think he had it in him. Suddenly Geck was beside me. I knew he was fast, but not this fast. He knelt beside me helping me sit up.
“You okay?” he asked worriedly while his blank eyes were filled with concern. I heard a gravely, sinister laugh. I looked up to Drax and he was chuckling. How lame and comic book-like did our lives have to get?
“That's where you no good freaks should be,” he sneered. “On the ground, groveling at my feet.” The toxic energy in me was building as he laughed. I glance behind him to see Albright leaning against the far wall. His eyes filled with disappointment as he silently stood by and watched us; feeling sorry for us.
I didn't even have time for a rude comeback. Suddenly Geck lunged forward and flung his fist right into Drax's sneering face.
“Don't you talk about her that way!” he yelled furiously. I saw the blue energy gather in his hands for a moment before shoving them at Drax's chest. Blue lightning sparked across the bastard's body before he was sent flying backwards. “Don't you ever hurt her again!” I just sat their, astounded, speechless, confused but loved all at the same time. Geck never hurt anyone. He was the forgiving and kind one, even at his most devious moments.
As Geck stood there, defensively, in front of me and as his breaths became ragged from the effort I realized Geck just protected me, stood up for me, because he cared. I was really having a moment but unfortunately Drax started to move. Drax struggled to get up from the shock. He even coughed up some blood as he laid their withering.
“Get them!” he choked as he staggered forward. Guards jumped us in a second; tackling us to the ground. I kicked, punched and hollered as they cuffed me and dragged me to my feet. Geck was shocking people left and right but even he couldn't escape. “I'm through! Both are expelled permanently! Take 8971 to the marine biology and aquatics lab!”
I turned to Geck to see his eyes widen with horror. His worst nightmares were coming true. I was tough and could handle anything they threw at me. Geck couldn't. They were taking my best friend, my only friend, away. To some tank to be on display like a freak. No. No! I wasn't going to let that happen! The boiling toxic energy was burning me. It was getting hotter, and building every second. I couldn't take it anymore!
Suddenly what ever barrier was holding that energy back gave way. It rushed through my veins to my fingertips. It was exhilarating as the heat ran through me in an instant. Then it exploded as it projected past my fingertips into the air around me. In a snap I had ignited. My body consumed in a blast of sparking, toxic green flames. The guards were sent flying back, crashing into the walls. The whole compound shook as everyone was buried in rubble.
As the dust settled I looked down to see my silhouette was charcoal black and still consumed by the green flames. I was as black as Geck, everything was black, but I still looked through my blazing green bang. I know, anyone else would have been screaming in fear but I felt good, maybe even happy. To finally let all that energy out. The relief was indescribable.
“Cool,” I heard Geck mumble. I turned to see him crouched behind his bed. I chuckled as I walked over to him, leaving scorched footprints as I did.
“Well, it was my turn to save you,” I told him.
“Thank you. I would hug you but...”
“Yeah, I wouldn't hug me either,” I agreed. “With the radioactive flames and all.” It was only then that the alarm started to blare and red lights flashed.
“Breach, in compound 462!” the loud speaker crackled. “Escapees considered armed and dangerous.”
“That's our cue,” I told him eagerly as I headed to the door. “Let's get out of here.”
“Right behind you,” he happily replied as he followed. “Let's put on a real show”
“You'll never make it,” I heard someone groan weakly. I turned to see Drax crawling out of the rubble. Even though I was literally on fire I felt that anger boiling inside of me. I remembered all the horrible, unspeakable things this man did to us. All the pain, agony, anger, fear. I wanted to make him pay. Pay for every signal second of it. I must be crazy. For some reason I couldn't move myself to take my revenge on this guy. Because that was what he wanted. To him we weren't human so I did the most human thing I have ever done. I let him live. And I still hate myself for it!
“Watch me,” I told him with a fiery determination in my eyes. “We are going to live, no matter what.”
As I stepped into the hall I saw an army of trained military personal shaking in their boots. I smirked as I shot out another ball of flames their way. They scattered like rats before it even hit. As I took a few steps I felt lighter as my feet left the ground. I levitated in the air a few awkward seconds before pushing forward down the hall.
“Come on!” I heard Geck complain. “You got all the cool stuff!” I laughed as I flew down the hall throwing my green flames in every direction, destroying everything. This revenge would have to do and I was okay with that. That's when I saw the compound's solid steel doors ahead. I landed lightly on my feet. I drew all my energy to my hands, focusing it. Then I let it lose, slamming it all on the door. It was an awesome rush. I'm not sure if they incinerated before they blew off their hinges. I smiled triumphantly at the gaping hole.
“Stop!” I heard a shaky voice command. I turned to see a nervous solider with a rifle pointed straight at me. “Don't move!”
I sighed as I held my hands up. Why does everyone try to play hero? He edged forward a few steps with his finger tight on the trigger. Suddenly there was a zap! As electricity arched over his back making him shake like a leaf, well more like vibrating. He then slouched forward and fell to the ground. Geck was just standing there with his hand still sparking.
“It was my turn,” he told me with a devious smile. I laughed as we rushed out into the clean, fresh air. God, did it feel good. I scanned the desert compound and my eyes fell on the rows and rows of trucks. Geck already knew my plan. He ran over and climbed into the driver's seat.
“Can you hot wire it?” I asked as I came over. My flames died down, returning me to “normal”, as I climbed into the passenger seat.
“Yeah,” he mumbled as he tore through wires and sparks started to fly.
“Nuke!” I heard a hoarse, but familiar, voice call. I looked back to see Albright stagger out of the smoking compound. “You were safe here! Those feelings of yours are just a stage. You would have out grown them!”
“Then what!” I snapped. “Lay down and let you guys trample all over us!”
“We do care about your well being,” he pleaded. “Why can't you see this is the best place for you!?”
“If you really cared, you would have stopped that tyrant Drax!” I yelled angrily. “If you cared you would have helped, instead of just standing there and watching! You, you... you would have realize that kids don't belong in cages.” He just stared longingly at me with those disappointed eyes, pleading with me. Suddenly the truck rumbled to life.
“Nuke! Gotta go!” Geck called.
“You did nothing!” I spatted at him. “That's why we had to take matters into out own hands.” I turned and climbed back into the truck, letting Geck drive me through the front gate at a ridiculously fast speed, leaving the ruins of Area 51 behind. There was nothing but golden desert in front of us as the sun began to rise. We didn't speak for awhile. Letting our new freedom sink in.
“Hey, look what I got,” Geck said eagerly as he pulled something from his pocket. My Green Day CD
“Aww, you know me so well,” I mused. He popped the disc into the stereo and cranked up the volume as the first song began to play; American Idiot.

A few months later...

I won't waste your time with the endless list of mishaps Geck and I have gotten into. Car cashes, fires (accidentally!), riots, mass hysteria, Geck being on display at an aquarium, and doctors thinking I'm dieing of radiation poisoning, though that was hilarious! The many explosions, living in the sewers, getting arrested multiple times, people trying to kill us, and I could go on and on. But let me tell you, it was worth it.
“It's up ahead,” Geck told me excitedly as he jumped from rock to rock. Another one of Geck's abilities, unbelievable climbing skills, curse him. He jumped out of sight as I lagged behind, grappling with boulders and loose rocks. “You have to see this!” I heard him call from the top. I groaned as I forced myself up the last few feet. I clambered up onto the rocky top and could not believe my eyes.
From the cliff top I could see miles of a rim of sand below. Then there it was. Just miles and miles of blue. The white foaming waves crashed on the shore and water shimmered under the rising sun. I heard the seagulls' cries and the faint whiff of saltwater. The beach, the ocean, and its mysteries lying below. I glanced over to Geck who was just as stunned as I was, expect his gaze was different. For me this was all new but for him it is something he once had. It was his home.
“Race you!” I yelled as I ran down the rocky hill. Trampling, and almost falling as I dashed to the sand.
“Oh, no you don't!” he called as he raced after me. I hit the sand first and tore off my shoes, remembering Geck describing the feel of sand on your feet. It felt like a liquid but dry. I slowed as I came to the edge of the waves, letting the water run over my feet. It was cold! Then as the wave drew back all the sand around me got pulled back with it like a vortex. I waded into the water a little more. “Gotcha!” Geck yelled as he jumped from behind, throwing us into the water. I gasped as the salty water covered me but it was amazing.
Swish! Geck darted passed me, swimming out into the ocean. I darted after him with an evil smirk on my face.
I'm going to get him this time...I thought deviously. Suddenly my chest got tight, I couldn't breathe. I opened my mouth only to have the bad taste of saltwater pour in. I shot up to the surface, gasping. I staggered up onto the beach, breathless and coughing up water.
“Nuke!” Geck called worriedly as he raced out of the ocean to me. “What happened?” I wheezed a bit more before I got my breath back.
“I couldn't breathe,” I coughed. How could we have been so stupid? Of course I couldn't breathe underwater! I glanced at Geck who's face seemed distant as he realized it to; I couldn't live in the ocean with him, but Geck wanted, no needed, to go. It was his home, out miles away, and miles underwater. “Go,” I told him.
“What?” he asked, stunned.
“We both know you belong out there,” I told him, determined. “I don't belong in the sea, but you do... so go!”
“W-what about you?” he stammered.
“I'll be fine,” I told him. “This world couldn't kill me even if it tried to.” He just looked at me with those longing, blank eyes of his. Then he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me, earnestly. This took me off guard. Let's just say even Geck knew hugging a radioactive time bomb wasn't the smartest thing to do. I attempted to give him and awkward embrace back.
“Good bye,” he whispered in my ear before he pecked me on the cheek. I'd let it slide this time. He turned and dived back into the ocean. I didn't want to admit it, but my acid tears started to roll down my face as I watched him disappear. My best bud was gone. Gone for good. I waded out into the water, feeling good knowing that Geck would be happy, but so crappy at the same time. I stood there in silence for a few minutes, totally absorbed by the sunrise.
Splash! Suddenly someone grabbed me from behind, spun me, and dropped me into one of those dips you do at the end of a dance. Geck's devious face was leaning over me.
“Did you really think I'd leave my damsel in distress to fend for herself?” he asked in that smooth voice of his.
“I'll show you a damsel in distress!” I chuckled as I threw him into the water. Geck laughed as he dragged me in with him. We tumbled through the waves, playing like friends do.

The End?

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135 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1747
Reviews: 135
Fri Aug 27, 2010 2:24 am
stargazer9927 says...

That was such a cute story and I loved it. It was definitely entertaining enough.

Grammar is my biggest pet peeve. You didn't have too big of a problem with it, but I did notice some spots you might have missed when you were reviewing.

I like stories where you read it for entertainment and not just to hear a bunch of words. I don't usually read the novels on this sight for that reason. It's like everyone on here thinks they need to write like some boring text book person that's writing a biography on his life. This was different. I could actually read it for entertainment and I loved it. I'm not a big fan of love stories, but this wasn't anything like any love story I've ever read.

It could use a bit more detail. I noticed some spots where you were kind of jumped a little too much. But at the same time it was really easy to understand and I didn't have any problems anywhere. And I loved how you kind of gave us a cliffhanger ending. It left the reader with something to think about.

You could become something great one day with this story. I can see it as more of a young adult book than anything else, but I could also see it becoming very popular. Your style kind of reminds me of the guy that wrote the Percy Jackson and the Olympian Series. It sounds a lot like what he writes. And that's definitely not a bad thing, because I love that series.

Keep up the good work!
Let's eat mom.
Let's eat, mom.
Good grammar saves lives :D

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1220 Reviews

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Reviews: 1220
Sat Sep 04, 2010 5:18 pm
Kale says...

Goodness that was long! Next time you might want to break up your story into parts so that they're far less intimidating to read. Keeping it in between 1000-2000 words is generally a good idea.

Now, the first thing I noticed was the exclamation point after "Where is he". This was not a good thing since it should be a question mark, and having a basic grammatical mistake like that in the first line of the story is a major turn off to readers. As I skimmed through the first few paragraphs, I also noticed a number of misspelled/misused words, such as "steal" when "steel" is correct. Again, major turn off to readers. Next time, I suggest you proofread your work more closely.

The next thing I noticed were the description dumps. Things were blandly and vaguely described, which makes sense for the setting and was tolerable, until there was the ever-cliche mirror description scene. To which I went "Is this absolutely necessary?" Now, you did a pretty good job leading into the mirror description, and you gave a good reason why Nuke would be looking at and noting her disheveled appearance, but there's just so much description that I went into auto-skim mode just to get to something more interesting.

The general rule of thumb for description is "If it isn't necessary, don't include it." If you are going to include description, especially when telling a story through first-person, the descriptions should reflect the character's thoughts, personality, and point of view. By incorporating a character's voice into descriptions, you make these descriptions more interesting since they aren't just describing the setting/people, but they're also revealing the character's personality to the readers.

Radioactivity =/= green glow. Most substances radioactive enough to kill do not glow. Also, everything in existence possesses some measure of radioactivity. In addition, radioactivity =/= melty. And even if she was radioactive enough to make everything she touched go melty, lead-lined gloves would do nothing to keep her radiation from killing everyone within several hundred miles. The very air she exhales would be dangerously radioactive. Think more layers of lead lining in suit form, or a sealed lead-insulated room, both with closed ventilation systems.

Now, if you were to justify her green glow by making it a case of bioluminescence that was fueled by her unusually high level of radiation, I can see the glowing bit working. The melting everything she touches, though... no. Just no. You lost me as a reader there.

Science-fiction requires a basis in science. Disregard the science, and all you're left with is fiction. Keep that in mind next time you try writing science-fiction.
Secretly a Kyllorac, sometimes a Murtle.
There are no chickens in Hyrule.
Princessence: A LMS Project

Fairy Tales are more than true; not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten.
— G.K. Chesterton