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Sneak peek of: The Yangziat System Mission

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Wed May 19, 2010 1:23 pm
JackpotJohnson says...

The Yangziat System Mission
Part 1 of 3
Chapter 1

Nexus cleared the boarding ramp in one great leap, and his apprentice Boa-Bao came bounding after him. There was total darkness so they could concentrate on the task. All you could here was the video probe following behind them. Leap after leap they finally made it to the sparing arena. Immediately Boa-bao switched his light saber on and took a vicious swing at his poorly defended master. However, Nexus was not named a master of the Jedi council for nothing. With a powerful stroke, he swung his light saber in a horizontal position to defend his chest from a lethal blow. With that bit of confidence that he had caught his master off guard he pressed forward with a series of Jedi knight level strokes. Blow after blow he hit his master with non-counter attackable hits. Finally, his pride got the better of him and he found him self-face first on the ground with a light saber pointed to his back. “Enough you have proved your self worthy of a Jedi Knight status at a padawan ranking.” “Follow me to the hall of judgment. “
They jumped, climbed, and avoided, ducked, and struggled until they reached the top of the training arena. There at the top of the dome shaped room, there where seven Jedi master waiting to give them a status report. “You have completed all the tasks given to you blindfolded, in pitch darkness, and with five pound weights in your boots at a Jedi knight speed.” “Boa-bao you are a padawan correct?” Boa-bao replied; “yes Master Jedi.” The master Jedi spoke; “this task was designed for Jedi knights and Masters, and you completed this task at a Jedi knight speed.” “Are you aware of this Boa-bao?”
Dimly Boa-boa spoke as if he where in trouble, “yes Master Jedi.” For a short while, he heard no reply. Cheerfully a Jedi master chimed up, “Boa-bao we are here to inform you on the details of your new mission assignment to the Yangzait system!” Trying his hardest to hold back a giddy laugh and smile he said, “Thank you for this task, it honors me to know you feel I am ready for this mission.” Boa-bao had been anticipating this mission for weeks on end. He had been training hard and long these past few weeks, and he knew he was ready. However while he trained, he blocked out very important things such as A good stable relationship with his best friends Nekka, and Jess. This is where he will be regretting that, because they were both going on the same mission with him. The worst part is that they depart to the Yangziat system in three days! Boa-bao, Nekka, and Jess were talking to each other quietly while there masters where discussing the importance of the safety check program for the padawans. They were all bundled up because; one the weather is very unpredictable because the planet itself moves at mind-bending speeds in any direction. So the weather patterns are never constant, therefore there are no seasons. “Boy, this is going to be an exciting mission isn’t it?” Nekka exclaimed. “I really hope it’s going to be because I spent a lot of time preparing for this, and I would be really be disappointed if nothing happened!” exclaimed Boa-bao. “Don’t be wanting, because you say that now but when you’re in real danger then you will be wishing that you never said that.” Exclaimed Jess. “I guess you are right,” replied Boa-bao. Just then there masters said to them it was time to board. The galaxy, which the Yangziat system is located, is exactly three par sects away. They also emphasized on focus because it is exactly two standard galactic days. No galactic currency of any time is allowed to be brought with you as well. “You know the rules so you know what is expected of you, please follow these instructions to the best of your ability. With out another word spoken they boarded the transport vehicle. On board the Class-A Large taxi transit. All the members on board to go to the Yangziat System were briefing over what should be a short and to the point mission. Head Master Nexus began to speak; “The first thing that we will do is have a meeting with the Head Ambassador, and Chairman of the Yangziat System.” Still speaking Nexus replied, “After that we will have a meeting with the representative of the working class chairman.” “Then after that we will split into three groups.” “There will be one master with each of the two padawans in the group.” “We will evaluate what they claim to be the problem and come up with a conclusion.” “We will come up with the conclusion by evaluating the problem by watching three major working classes.” The low class working group will be evaluated as well as the median working class, and the Superior working class.” “They will all have different benefits and therefore will have different beliefs.” “We must respect and judge all opinions and beliefs with a fair mind.” “We will have to know and judge benefits as well.” “This way not only will it bring peace to the system but you will have the valuable knowledge of the skill working together.” “Are there any questions?” “No Master Nexus!” replied all of the Jedi. Boa-bao, Jess, and Nekka all were so hyped about this mission but they were in for a real surprise!

Chapter 2
Trouble in the Boarding Area
Immediately after landing, they were greeted by the welcoming committee for the Board of Ambassadors. “Welcome to the system of Yangziat.” “Since you are not residence or processed in the Main Computer Processing Unit, we will have to see all boarding passes and identification along with your traveling permit. “Those terms are really unrealistic!” replied Nexus. “They are not our terms, they are the terms of the Board.” came a voice over the intercom. “We do not accept your terms.” Boa-bao retaliated. “This is unacceptable behavior!” exclaimed the voice over the intercom. “Prepare to be boarded.” Boa-bao was already hyped up already. He exclaimed, “We are ready for you.” “Boa-bao, how dare you speak upon a masters decision, I am astonished at your behavior!” exclaimed Master Nexus. “I am truly sorry for my actions my great master.” A split second after that a boarding party came aboard the transit taxi. With in seconds firing was heard and immediately the Jedi switched their light sabers on and began attacking. Within about one minute, all of the Jedi had eliminated the boarding crew. Quickly the Jedi moved across the boarding area swiftly. “Stop!” replied the intercom. “Do not move!” it spoke again. However, in that one second of the voice speaking and administrative authority from the Board came and spoke in a deep bellowing voice, “What has transpired here?” “Uh ha he ha he ahhh umm well bah nothing ah ha.” You’re fired from this job and your name is being removed from the application database.” “These are the Jedi that are Board Guests.” Spoke the same booming voice that you could here from behind the walls of the boarding area. “Thank you for your kind reassuring words to us, I’m sure that this stay will be pleasant. Nexus retorted sarcastically to the Ambassador. ‘I am really sorry for the troubles he may have caused you, if you would like to file a crime report against him I’d be glad to give you the forms,” exclaimed the Ambassador. Thank you but that will not be necessary; just don’t let it happen again.” “That will be all Ambassador.” said Nexus. Moreover, with that they moved on in there journey! After the incident at the boarding area, they thought it would be best if they were escorted to the meeting hall in sector 3A. The police transport was a nice class-A transport transit cruiser. Despite the weather, patterns here were insane it was obviously a very rich system. Moving at a rapid speed, they proceeded on to there destination. With in about three minutes of touching base with the Ambassadors Union Building, Jess and Nekka were becoming anxious, and there moods became bitter. “He is driving entirely to fast!” exclaimed Jess. Nekka responded, “Jess you very wrong, he is driving way to slow.” Boa-bao was trying to ignore what his friends were saying however, he was not succeeding “quiet down please I am trying to concentrate.” Immediately his friends snapped on him. “YOU can be quiet Bo.” (His nickname that only his friends call him) Jess retorted. “Yeah, you can be quiet or all take you down!” Chimed in Nekka. “You could not take me down even if you tried.” He replied calmly to his friend. “You want to bet on that,” exclaimed Nekka. “ENOUGH!” cried Nexus. “I have heard enough!” he said again. “We are sorry Master Nexus.” They finally arrived at the Ambassadors Union Building, and were escorted to the main meeting room. There, there were the seven main ambassadors waiting to start the meeting. (The rest of this chapter will be in a dialogue form so I will not have to keep writing in apostrophes in.) Good morning the head ambassador of the ambassadors union said. Good morning, spoke Nexus. Immediately said to the head ambassador lets get right to the point alright? Yes, yes we shall get right to the point spoke the ambassadors. (Still speaking) The reason why we called you here today is that our system is under great disorder. Our working class is divided into three groups. The lowest is the Low Working Class (LWC). The middle working class is the Median Working Class (MWC). Finally, the highest-ranking working class is the Superior Working Class (SWC). They all have different benefits and rights. The LWS is complaining about the SWC, and the MWS is complaining about both of the two opposite working classes. The LWS is offered the basic working package. The MWS is offered the Intermediate working package. Finally, we get to the SWC; they get the Rewards Superior working package. Obviously the benefits suggest what should be in the packages they are given. They way our system decides who works in what department and what package they are given are made up of three parts. The first part is that people who apply for a job, and have to take a test. This test decides where the applicant is to be placed and what package the applicant is given. Then the applicant receives the job and is put on the working status in the database. Then the applicant receives his/her equipment and rule/regulation guide. Finally, based on the applicants test scores we can determine a working plan and the package they receive. People are not liking all of this and the whole process. They think it is unfair and demand a better workers plan. This leads us to our problem. Now we have complaining workers and angry mobs every day at the Workers Embassy, and the Ambassadors building. Riots break out every day in the working sectors. We are desperate for help. If you can help us in any way, we promise to cooperate with and work with you to ensure the systems safety. “We will do what is in our power to ensure your safety and the systems safety as well.” Exclaimed master Nexus. In addition, with that being said the masters and their padawans left without saying another word.

Chapter 3
Shadow warriors

Part 2
Upon leaving the meeting hall, the masters and their padawans wanted to find a place for spending nights and a place to recover and discuss plans. It would not be hard just because it was such a rich system, and every thing had the latest technology and every thing was up to date. Immediately after walking out of the Embassy the found a nice shelter with the right amount of rooms and the right price range to. “There master right across the traffic lanes.” Boa-bao exclaimed. “Good eyes my young one!” said Nexus. “Nexus you’re a life saver my legs are absolutely killing me,” Nekka said instantly after he spotted the King Hotel. “Suck it up you wimp,” sighed Jess. “Your complaining makes me sick,” she said angrily. Nekka knew Jess long enough to know not to retaliate. When they reached the hotel, one of the masters had encountered something strange in the force, something hidden from them, like a presence that remained hidden from them. Once they were safely inside that master announced what had happened and what she had felt. Every one agreed that it would be best to remain at a cautious alarm rate. With that being said the team would now begin there investigations.

Chapter 4
The Padawans Discovery

When they finally were done with all of the meetings and the boarding problems, they had a chance to recover/explore freely. Therefore, the padawans of the mission decided it would be best if their masters recovered and they went out to explore. “This is going to be exciting!” exclaimed Jess. Now all of these padawans were about 14 years old so they all had common interests that they shared with each other. “You would say something like that!” exclaimed Nekka. “It must be a girl thing it must be!” said Bo. “Yeah, well just because there are two girls and one guy doesn’t mean you can treat me like that, I want an apology now!” Jess retorted angrily at the two boys. “Fine, fine we apologize.” The boys said in unity sarcastically. “You guys make me sick,” she said with the barfing action to go with it. “Wow real mature” said Nekka. “Whatever!” Jess said in an irritated way. “Enough chat, if we want to get this done then we have to move we only have 48 hours.” Said Bo. Therefore, the padawans left the hotel and went out onto the streets. However, the padawans had to find a place to rent a transportation vehicle first. They walked for about a half of a mile when they encountered a rental shop. “Well this is the only one that I’ve seen for about half a mile from our hotel.” Said Nekka. “Yeah we should take this opportunity.” Exclaimed Bo. Therefore, they walked in and immediately after they walked in a kind looking ceester (in star wars that is a person who works at store or sells merchandise) walked up to the desk where the padawans were standing. “How may I help you today?” Asked the ceester. (In unison) “We are looking to rent a one pod car and a one-seater air vehicle.” Said Bo in a business like manner. “Very well.” Said the ceester. “However I will need you to fill out this form for each vehicle you rent.” Said the ceester. Therefore, while the padawans worked on the form the ceester got the lock off the ignition starter. However, when the ceester was outside doing that, the padawans heard strange noises coming from behind the front desk. “We should check that out.” Said Bo. “No we can’t it’s not our job to.” Said Nekka. “Number one; if we are here to discover things and look around it will be essential to check strange things out.” “Number two if we are to be here on this planet it is our responsibility to make sure everything is under good protection and service. “ Yeah he is right I guess.” Exclaimed Jess. Therefore, the padawans walked over to the front desk to see if they could spot a door. “It almost sounds as if it is coming from a downstairs area.” Said Nekka. Therefore, the padawans jumped over the desk, only to discover a hidden door inside of the desk. A small locked door could fit only one small person at a time. “Luckily we have our light sabers on us. Therefore, they cut the lock into small little cuts, and then they opened the door. “I can see the stairs down there.” Exclaimed Jess. “We had better hurry, before the ceester comes in.” Bo said. The padawans walked down the stairs together. When they reached the bottom, they were astonished at what they saw. There were hundreds of people locked up in electric cages strapped to walls. “Do not worry we are not here to harm you, we are going to bust you guys out.” Said the padawans. “We will be back in about a half of an hour to get you out.” Immediately the padawans left the room, and they sprinted up the stairs. The ceester was waiting for them upstairs. Bo in all of his anger cut the ceester down and ran full speed all the way back to the hotel.
Chapter 5
The rescue
“This is outrageous; I can’t believe that we now are dealing with another group involved with the mission.” “Is it not complicated enough”? Spoke master Nexus. “If we are to get the prisoners safely out then we are to move quickly and improvise.” Master Nexus said. Immediately the masters and their apprentices moved swiftly and silently out of the hotel. With out a sound they slipped one by one into the hidden crime scene shop. They had a surprise waiting for them however, (Today happened to be the day that the ceester’s best men were picking up the LWC workers.) Instantly guns with silencers were being fired. Ducking and rolling the Jedi snapped their light sabers and started swinging. It only a matter of seconds before all of the “henchman,” that the Jedi fought were eliminated. The Jedi were not expecting another wave of men pouring out from the ceiling. These however were not the ceester’s men, they were security officials who had heard the commotions and scuffling from the corner store down the street. These however were more of a challenge, they carried armor and weapons the Jedi had never seen. They were trained well enough to take down a fully-grown rancor. Some thing happened that the Jedi were caught of guard by. One of the guards had thrown down a sonic charge, and the Jedi were knocked of their feet. With out hesitation the masters set up a sphere formation. The officer’s continually bombarded the Jedi with sonic chargers. However the masters were just too good, they would force push the charges back at the officers’ and eventually they were eliminated. With out a pause after the fight the masters and their apprentices ran to the already open staircase below the front desk. When they reached the end of the stairs they almost fell, they were expecting a floor plan just as the Padawans had described. So instead of open area and cages in the middle with quad cells on the perimeters they were now introduced to a maze of tunnels, bridges, man holes and passage ways all leading you away from the entrance you needed to be. “Stay close, be swift, and be silent.” Master Nexus said in a hushed tone. With out another word the jumped down into a manhole, that was very small of size. What the Jedi failed to see was that there were about 15 semiautomatic machine turrets facing them with heat sinker monitors. With out even realizing that the guns were firing, something caught Boa-bao’s attention and caused him to disable all the turrets in one swift light saber throw. Everyone was shocked about not seeing the turrets that could have ended there lives! With out much noise the Jedi rushed through tunnels, holes, and chambers. They came to an immediate stop in front of what looked like an energy conversion station. “Shut this down, we need to disable it now!” exclaimed Nexus. However, with out another move shock disrupters pulsed though the rooms knocking the Jedi out, except for Bo, and the rest of the padawans. However, when the along with the shock disrupters, there where several light flashes which made the padawans not see for about twenty seconds. When they were able to see again there masters where gone. “Great now we have to do two rescues, this is challenging enough.” Exclaimed Bo sadly. “We should head out now.” Said Nekka

Chapter 6
Another rescue?

Moving faster and faster through the maze the padawans made it to a three way split. They decided it be best that they each take a way. Each passageway was completely different, but all of the passageways ended up in the same room. Moving swiftly, and silently the padawans all were able to defeat and catch there enemy’s of guard. Eventually meeting at the “Dome” room, they preceded though the blast doors. “Oh come on!” said Bo angrily. They had apparently come to the generator room. “Wait, this could be good very good!” said Nekka. Instantly they all had the same thoughts. “We can deactivate all of the doors and all of the security systems, as well as the jail cells,” said the padawans eagerly. “Wait there’s more said Jess; “We can reroute the energy of the floor plan changer causing it to go back to the floor plan we remember!” “Good idea” said the boys in unison. “If I remember correctly I thought that there was a power converter in the back of the generators operator control panel.” Bo said with confidence. Without further discussion, the padawans got to work on the task. With in a matter of minutes the security had been shut down, all of the locked doors unlocked, and the floor plan was already changing to the original floor plan. However, the padawans got scared because they heard footsteps behind them that were running faster and faster. Nervously Bo said, “Light sabers on and set to high!” They were relived however to see it was just their masters. “Move out now!” said Nexus sternly. To everyone relief the prisoners had not been moved yet, and were still chained to the cells, chairs and walls. Within about 20 minutes, everyone who was a victim was escorted to the workers embassy. However, master Nexus was furious and wanted the padawans to schedule a meeting with the embassy. Apparently, the padawans were supposed to come as well. This will not be a pretty sight.
Last edited by JackpotJohnson on Mon Jun 07, 2010 1:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Fri May 21, 2010 10:17 pm
JackpotJohnson says...

Just a rough draft...anyone got comments or concerns?
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Fri May 21, 2010 11:04 pm
emoticon220 says...

Hey JackJohn,
Its a really great story. I like the plot and the way the story moves. :) I noticed something as i was reading, when you say "But" always put a comma before and after it.

Boa-bao, Jess, and Nekka all were so hyped about this mission, but, they were in for a real surprise!
here for example.

That was the only thing i saw. Im not the best reviewer though. you should have someone else look it over. :)
I love the story line and i cant wait for the Sci Fi group!
O thin men of Haddam,/Why do you imagine golden birds?/Do you not see how the blackbird/Walks around the feet/Of the women about you?
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Sat May 22, 2010 12:31 am
JackpotJohnson says...

Anyone else????
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Sat May 22, 2010 2:03 am
canislupis says...

First of all, since you're using the Star Wars universe, this is fanfiction, not science fiction. It belongs in that forum, so get a mod to move it there.

I really don't critique fanfiction, but since I'm here I may as well give it a go. ;)

1. How to get more reviews:

Try not to bump your posts with comments like "anyone else?" etc. It annoys most people and is not a way to get more reviews. Asking in the review for food forum is fine, so if you need a review, keep going there. (Though I see you figured that out on your own ;)). Also, I notice that you haven't commented on anyone else's works. That's ok for now, but you'll get a lot more reviews if people see you commenting and recognize your username, etc.

Another way to get more reviews? Post shorter bits and space them out a bit more. People are much more likely to comment on shorter pieces, and you can always post more later. For example, every piece of dialogue where a new person speaks should be on its own line. I had to cut and paste this into Word and space it out just so I could read it!

But, on to the story itself!

2. Mechanics. I noticed quite a few spelling, grammatical, and stylistic errors here. A simple run through reading it aloud should do the trick, but if you need help feel free to ask. It's much much easier to read something when it's been edited. Some examples: The spelling of Bao-Bao (is that even how you spell it??) was never the same throughout the entire thing. Also, "where" was frequently misspelled as "were" and vice versa.

After you fix these things, it'll be much easier to look at the next step: characters and plotting. Right now you have an interesting idea and base to the story, and you write action scenes well. I like the way the story itself is progressing as well.

In summary: Fix errors and space things out, then come back for another review! Also, try reading some other peoples' stories! I've found it WAAAAY easier to spot flaws in my own work after looking at others'.

Hope this helps at least a tiny bit, and feel free to ask for another review! Sorry if I sounded snippy--I really did like your idea.

See you around the forums!


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Sat May 22, 2010 2:58 am
JackpotJohnson says...

Thank you for your great advice. I will use this information in the future for my benifit.....This is great...It will make writing sci-fi much easier. Also for Bao-boa's name I wanted something unique. Something that sticks out there. I belive thats how I wrote his name on my rough draft copies.. But thanks for looking out for me about that.
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