
Young Writers Society

Quo Vadis Post 2012?

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Sun Nov 15, 2009 4:17 am
Shakespril says...

In a world polluted inside
let's pretend the nightmare is done
from the earth the magma will rise
From the sea comes cancerous tides
The meaning of life ends in prophecy
Premonitions bring tragedy
is the hope for humanity

Molten fire - flies through the sky
Burning high - eclipse of the sun
Blackened skies - Rites of the night
The days in darkness in 2012

Mother earth's been withered by time
Already dead and we didn't even know it
Watch the stars to give us a sign
From above, all the angels descend
The meaning of life ends in agony
Raped by impurities
Not chance for humanity

Molten fire - flies thru the sky
Burning high - eclipse of the sun
Blackened skies - Rites of the night
The days in darkness in 2012

Oohooh oohooh oohooh oohooh

Magma splits the earth and shifts below

Oohooh oohooh

Molten lava bursts and overflow

Oohooh oohooh

Rise as we wait, annihilate
Burning earth pulls to the sun

Oohooh oohooh

Rise as we wait, obliterate
Burning earth pulls to the sun
Three days of dakness in 2012

Mega cities still blaze in the night
Burning the ashes they choke
From the earth the magma will rise
Enveloped in poisonus smoke
so the meaning of life ends in prophecy
Premonitions of tragedy
still no hope for humanity

Molten fire - flies thru the sky
Burning high - eclipse of the sun
Blackened skies - Rites of the night
The days in darkness in 2012


Once I was reading a blog from a seer and I suddenly thought about the possibility of the war and chaos in the near future. He inquired as to the other prophecies about the end of the world in 2012. Surprised, I was in such a solemn atmosphere that day.

Meditating over that premonition, I asked myself what am I to do at the end of this planet.

Oftentimes, I watch movies about the impending doom of the Earth.Then, I was in askance as to the prophecy of great people. Well known psychics such as Nostradamus and Edgar Cayce have predicted the world will end around 2012. The Mayan Calendar ends on 12/21/2012 (December 21, 2012). Are UFOs and Aliens responsible for the end of life on earth? The Mayans were known to study astronomy extensively, so most people feel that something will come from the heavens and end life on earth.

Is this Nibiru??

Also known as Planet X is believed to exist in our solar system. The planet has a 3600 year orbit around the sun. 2012 is the year that this planet is expected to re-enter our solar system. Nibiru will attract a lot of debris (asteroids & comets). When it passes close to earth a comet will hit earth and cause a tremendous amount of damage. The comet itself will only be one of the effects of the planet Nibiru. Nibiru is quite large and will cause the earth to stop spinning as it passes. This will also be a devastating effect.

Planet X Nibiru, if really exists and approaching, can be a big threat to the earth and its people. Michel de Nostredame predicted some kind of huge space collision that will occur around year 2000. Will the comet or asteroid really fall in the aegean sea (Greece) and huge tsunami will hit the mount Olympus (2917 metres high). If he is right and mayans as well, it looks like the end of the world is really close.

The time has never been so ripe to realize eachother as "one planetary organism in contact with itself anywhere on the planet." The Emergence of our Empowered Potential, Our Divinity is presenting itself to be claimed. How to experience this reality consciously? Where-ever one looks, the universal answer points to one's own body, one's own mental attitude, the energy of one's own heart, one's own living breath as the beginning place of orientation to feel one's unique connection to and expression of the functioning of Totality.

Even with all the signs that are taking place, there are many people who scoff at the idea that this world will come to and end. There is even popular song, "It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)", by REM, that mocks at the idea of the end of the world and being prepared for it.

We can only imagine what the full activation of our DNA will allow us to accomplish and manifest for Planetary healing and restoration. It has been foretold that we will be able to transmute the problems of our 3rd dimensional physical reality by utilizing our own stored, internal technology. More and more this is happening.

Synchronicity: the coming together of inner and outer events in a way that can't be explained by cause and effect and that is meaningful to the observer. Or: meaningful coincidences."

The poem is from a certain poet I have already forgotten. (Sorry if I can not acknowledge the name.)

And Satan, taking Jesus up to the highest peak of the mountain, showed Him all the Kingdoms of the world in an instantaneous moment of time. And the Devil said unto Him, All this power will I give thee, even all the glory of these Kingdoms, for they are mine to give and to whomsoever I will I give them to. Therefore, if you would just fall and worship me all of these shall be yours. And Jesus answered and said unto Satan, It is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord God and to Him only shalt thou serve.

Luke 4:5-8; The Holy Bible


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Mon Nov 23, 2009 8:01 pm
CreativeFreak says...

Hello! Call me Freak if you please :D

First: nice title! Is it Latin? I take Latin so it looks like it, but sometimes I get it wrong with French, I'm pretty sure now, it's Latin. P.s.: I am saved.;) Hope you are too.

Okay, enough babbling.

Nice poem, I enjoyed it greatly and the quote from the bible I haven't read before. Usually I find the end of the world stuff in Matthew, New Testament.
Now to the nitpicks, ah-hem: The poem, like I said, I enjoyed, but the punctuation killed it. In some lines I couldn't understand if it was its own sentence or part of a previous or following one. You need to fix that, lemme give you an example:

The meaning of life ends in prophecy
Premonitions bring tragedy
is the hope for humanity

Eh..yeah, where is, "is the hope..." a part of?

But anyway, I like your little piece after the poem, and I was too into it to look for other problems. Good job. :D
Write on.

I just want to be the side character in a book that basically steals the whole series.
— avianwings47