
Young Writers Society

Speculation: F58

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Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:07 pm
Faia Merth says...

People say when you’re about to die, your life flashes before your eyes. In my case, that’s far from true. All I could see were the small bubbles of air escaping from my lips and drifting up to the surface of the ocean. Fear overwhelmed me and I fought wildly against the water that was stealing my life from me. Darkness gained control of my vision and my lungs convulsed painfully. The small remains of life slipped through my loose hold like smoke.


In the beginning, and the end, everything is dark. The only thought that I could process was that I was dead, but I felt strangely alive. My body was heavy and stiff, not wanting to respond to me. I asked myself why I was trying to move, but I came up with no answer. I couldn’t seem to remember anything. I didn’t know where I was, what I was doing or who I even was. However, it felt extremely important to be able to remember something, so I tried harder to go back within my mind.
Out of the darkness, a flat, emotionless voice blasted. “F58, what is your status?”
Everything hit me at once. All my memories just flowed into my mind like a giant flood. It wasn’t painful, but it caught me by surprise. I began to hyperventilate and my head felt like it was going to overflow with information.
It stopped suddenly. The last memory seized hold of my mind, making my heart feel like it was in an ice cage. The memory of when I died.
“F58, what is your status?”
“I’m dead. Where am I? What’s going on?” I mumbled, finding talking difficult. I gagged a couple of times and swallowed convulsively, feeling sick.
“F58 is able to remember the Dream?” The voice remained monotonous throughout the whole sentence so I couldn’t tell if it was a question or not, but I answered it anyways.
“I’m dead. I didn’t have any dreams. Where am I? Is this heaven? Or... Hell?” I wasn’t a religious person, but it didn’t hurt to ask. Thinking and talking was becoming easier.
I swallowed hard, took a deep breath and forced my body up into a sitting position, squeezing my eyes shut and biting my tongue, hoping to not be sick. I felt extremely dizzy and I nearly fell back, but it soon passed.
I took deep breaths and slowly curled my hands into fists and then straightened them out, trying to get used to my body. I started rubbing my temples and numerous beeping started. It sounded like someone typing.
“What year was F58 born in?”
I didn’t even hesitate before answering the question, something just compelled me to answer them. “1995.”
“What is F58’s given name?”
“Jacqueline Birstmor.”
I opened my eyes a fraction, but shut them quickly. It was too bright. I tried re-opening them, blinked a couple of times to let them adjust and turned my head to see who I was talking with. My eyes widened and my throat closed up, not allowing me to scream.
It was some sort of mutated human. It had translucent skin, showing it’s veins clearly as if they were blue lines drawn on paper. No hair was to be found on it’s head, just smooth skin. It’s face was sharp and defined, skin stretched over them and looking like it might tear. Bones jutted out of it’s face awkwardly and it had no ears and a small bump in the middle of it’s face for a nose, with small, barely noticeable nostrils. The most horrifying features were it’s mouth and eyes. The eyes could barely be seen as they has sunk deep into their sockets and were so white that they seemed to glow faintly, with pinpricks of black pupils. It’s mouth seemed to be sewn shut, thick black tread stitched it tightly shut.
I started to tremble horribly, so I could barely sit up and I started to hyperventilate again. I kicked out with my feet, which caught on bed sheets and forced myself backwards until I hit a wall. Everything felt wrong.
The creature cocked it’s head to one side and blinked with clear eyelids. “F58 feels great fear, horror and confusion. What is causing these emotions?” It’s mouth didn’t move, but I could hear it’s monotonous voice perfectly.
“W-what are y-you?” I whispered, my voice shaking so horribly I wondered if it would be able to understand me.
“G76 is human, just as F58 is.”
I looked down to my own body, thinking that I might look like some deformed freak as well. My ivory skin greeted my eyes with relief. I felt my face, which felt normal. I had my nose, my lips and ears. I still had my short brown hair as well.
I tried to push my emotions away and find out more on my situation. My uncle, who had looked after me once my parents left, had always told me to just accept things so I could continue with life. Instead of dwelling on who’s fault something was or just sitting in shock and pain, you should accept the situation and find a solution to the problem. I hadn’t be able to master that ability, but I still tried.
“Where am I?”
“The Dream Lab, Ward 84, room 61.”
Okay, that doesn’t make sense. None of this makes any sense. This has to be a nightmare or something. I tore my eyes away from the creature and to my surroundings, hoping to make some sense of things.
I was in a small plain white room, just fitting the bed/table that I was on, a tiny square bedside table and the creature. A sliding door could be seen at the end of the bed. There were no lights in the room either. It just seemed to be lit. Damn it. I still don’t know what’s happening.
I paused to prepare myself to look back at the creature when it grabbed my arm in an iron hold. I started screaming, kicking and struggling, trying to rip my arm out of it’s grip. Everything became slower and my body became heavier and heavier. I forced my eyes to look to my arm. A small needle had been injected into it. The creature let go of my arm and it felt limply onto the bed. I sat limply, propped up by the wall. Tears burned in my eyes, but I forced them away. I tried to give my famous deadly glare, but I couldn’t summon up enough anger.
“Jacqueline Birstmor, please don’t struggle or resist and answer all the questions to the best of your abilities,” said the creature, staring at me. “What year were you born in?”
It had already asked that question and again, I felt compelled to answer the question even though I didn’t want to. “1995.”
“What’s Jacqueline’s time living in years?”
“Fourteen. I’ll be fifteen in a month.”
“What continent, country and city is Jacqueline from?”
“North America, Canada. I was born in Calgary, but I’ve been living with my uncle in Winnipeg for the last two years,” I explained. I didn’t know why I was telling the creature so much about myself, I just seemed to be talking unconsciously.
“How did you wake up?”
I stared at it, confused. “What? Wake up?”
“G76 seems to have phrased the question incorrectly as Jacqueline is a new Dreamer. How did Jackie die?”
I swear my heart must have stopped when the word “die” emerged from the creature. My head began to start spinning, my stomach churn and my heart try to break my ribcage. I was in absolute shock, but I whispered shakily,” I drowned.”

This is my first-draft so it's not perfect, but I'm looking for re-views so that I can make it better. I've posted the first version of this before on this site under the title Upon Waking, but I've re-written it because further on in the story, I needed to change some things. Thank-you to everyone who reads! :D

Ps- I'm also in need of a new title! Please post ideas! Thanks again :)

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Sat Aug 01, 2009 11:40 pm
sarah12375 says...

Wow....... I loved it.

Everything you wrote made me constantly thinking "what's going to happen next?" I love also the way you write, it's easy to read. From the beginning I was glued :P

Can't wait to read the next chapter!!!

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Sun Aug 02, 2009 2:53 am
ratdragoon says...

Wow, unique idea, not what i expected. The way you wrote sorta keep me reading, will definitely look out for more! OK, things I found:

It’s mouth seemed to be sewn shut, thick black tread stitched it tightly shut.

thread. The structure is also a little awkward with the repetition of 'shut.' Maybe smoothing like "Almost as bad was its mouth, sewn shut with thick black thread."

My head began to start spinning, my stomach churn and my heart try to break my ribcage

I don't know, the 'try' seems to interrupt the triplication, but removing it sorta gives the wrong idea. I think it's that the first two are actually happening, but the third seems hypothetical. Maybe "and my heart to pound," but that is slightly weaker... Whatever works with you, I suppose :D.

Nice work!

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Mon Aug 03, 2009 3:42 am
ImaginativeInsanity says...

Hiya, Faia!

I really liked this piece, and I'm eager to hear more about what's going on. Since your characters and plot were pretty great, most of my nitpicks have to do with your word choice and phrasing. Here they are:

In the beginning, and the end, everything is dark.

This is the only sentence in your piece that's present tense. I'd change it to the past.

It stopped suddenly. The last memory seized hold of my mind, making my heart feel like it was in an ice cage.

Ice cage? I don't believe I know what that is. :D It sounds like you're mixing together two images here (her heart felt cold, but it was still beating wildly within the confines of her chest,) but the image that you give to the readers is an interesting one. I'd either separate these two ideas or choose one. ;)

I started rubbing my temples and numerous beeping started. It sounded like someone typing.

Two things about these sentences. First, beeping is used here as a singular noun, whereas numerous describes plural nouns. Possibly try "numerous beeps" or reword the sentence to eliminate numerous. Secondly, I don't quite understand the correlation between beeping and typing? When I hear typing, I think of clicking, not beeping. If you were referring to the tempo of both, include that to make things a bit clearer.

My eyes widened and my throat closed up, not allowing me to scream.

I liked this sentence. :) You explained why she didn't scream.

It’s face was sharp and defined, skin stretched over them and looking like it might tear.

Them? I thought you were referring to the face. Try 'it' instead. ;)

Bones jutted out of it’s face awkwardly and it had no ears and a small bump in the middle of it’s face for a nose, with small, barely noticeable nostrils.

This sentence is long and awkward. Try splitting it up into two or three.

It’s mouth seemed to be sewn shut, thick black tread stitched it tightly shut.

Should be 'thread'. ;)

I kicked out with my feet, which caught on bed sheets and forced myself backwards until I hit a wall.

Myself sounds a bit awkward here. I think maybe 'me' would suffice.

My ivory skin greeted my eyes with relief.

I like this sentence, too. Nicely worded.

Okay, that doesn’t make sense. None of this makes any sense. This has to be a nightmare or something. I tore my eyes away from the creature and to my surroundings, hoping to make some sense of things.

Emphasize the fact that she's thinking this. I know she's thinking it, but it sounds a bit strange without the "I thought" tagged on somewhere.

I was in a small plain white room, just fitting the bed/table that I was on, a tiny square bedside table and the creature.

Please write out the fact that she's not clear whether or not it's a bed or a table. The slash just doesn't read well.

Damn it. I still don’t know what’s happening.

That last sentence is in present tense again. Changing 'don't' to 'didn't' would sound fine, but if you'd like to keep it as a direct thought, put all of this in italics.

“G76 seems to have phrased the question incorrectly as Jacqueline is a new Dreamer. How did Jackie die?”

Whoa. How did the creature know Jackie was Jacqueline's nickname? :shock: If this was meant for creepy effect, and the creature knows more than it's letting on, nice touch. I was just pointing it out in case it was an unconscious mistake. ;)

My head began to start spinning, my stomach churn and my heart try to break my ribcage.

A few things about this sentence. First, I'm not entirely sure all of the pieces are on the same page tense-wise. Even if they're grammatically correct, reading it all together sounds awkward. Secondly, 'began to start' is quite redundant. If you changed it to, 'began to spin,' I think it just might fix both of your problems.

Now one more thing about some of the wording. I noticed that you seem to repeat the same word more than once within a short span of time quite a bit. For example:
I started screaming, kicking and struggling, trying to rip my arm out of it’s grip. Everything became slower and my body became heavier and heavier. I forced my eyes to look to my arm. A small needle had been injected into it. The creature let go of my arm and it felt limply onto the bed. I sat limply, propped up by the wall.

Two words in this section, limply and arm, are prime examples. Arm is used in three sentences in a row, which is a bit too often in this case. Limply, on the other hand, is just used twice within a very short amount of time. In the case of 'arm,' try rewording some of your sentences so that you might could use a pronoun to replace it. For cases like 'limply,' try to find a synonym.

Now, this is not the only instance of this issue. I found it multiple times throughout the selection. Try reading it aloud to yourself, and you'll probably catch most of this repetition.

Now for more of the good stuff. :D
First of all, I absolutely loved your introductory paragraph. It was very well-written and descriptive. It grabbed my attention immediately. Good hook. I also was able to connect with Jacqueline's character. I could understand her fear and confusion, and everything except for her compulsion to answer the questions (which she can't even understand herself. ;) ). As for your plot, it kept me interested, and left me wanting more. Nicely done.

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Mon Aug 03, 2009 7:27 am
TimothyW says...

Hey Faia. :)
I liked it quite a bit.
Your opening paragraph is beautifully written; you do a great job conveying the sensation of drowning, and from the first sentence, you had me fascinated.
There are a few sentences I would have structured differently, I think you repeated certain words a few too many times, and some of your imagery is a bit confusing, but your other reviewers have already gone over those issues, so I'll leave them alone.
Those are really my only gripes. You did a very good job keeping me as disoriented as your main character is through most of the story, and other than those few flaws I mentioned, the story is very well written.
I look forward to reading the final product!

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Wed Aug 05, 2009 11:59 pm
VoiceToBeHeard says...

Hello Faia Merth,
First of all let me say that your vocabulary is superb. You give the right words to describe, without making the reader feel ignorant or confused. Love that. Anyway, I have very few mistakes to point out. You are a wonderful writer.

The first thing I noticed was:
The creature let go of my arm and it felt limply onto the bed. I sat limply, propped up by the wall.

The fact that you used the same word so frequently kind of made those two sentences clash.

The other thing I saw was:
It stopped suddenly. The last memory seized hold of my mind, making my heart feel like it was in an ice cage.

Ice cage? Not really sure what that is... You could have put: making my heart feel like it was in a cage of ice. Just a suggestion :wink: .

I swear my heart must have stopped when the word “die” emerged from the creature.

I absolutely loved this wording. Maybe it's just because I love the word emerged. Either way it was brilliant.

Well, that's about it. Thank you for posting your story. Can't wait to see more!!!

With love,


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Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:35 am
Tassen Spellbinder says...

Being borderline useless, I have no comments about the story itself, save for that I absolutely loved it, and can't wait for the next installment. What I would like to suggest is that you somehow divide your notes from the body of the story, be it by a change of font color, lines, *****, or whatever. It was a bit disconcerting.

That aside, loved your story, and can't wait to see more.
It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. - George Orwell, 1984

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It is only a novel... or, in short, only some work in which the greatest powers of the mind are displayed, in which the most thorough knowledge of human nature, the happiest delineation of its varieties, the liveliest effusions of wit and humour, are conveyed to the world in the best-chosen language
— Jane Austen, Northanger Abbey