
Young Writers Society

Epsilon: Triple Threat

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Reviews: 2
Fri Jul 01, 2011 1:51 am
TheSage says...

Apologies to the Forum Moderators. This might be in the wrong section! Not quiet sure whether you would consider this a Novel or Short Story?

Greetings everyone! This is actually one of my earlier stories I came back to and started working on. I'm assuming there are quiet a few problems with it as of now considering this is just a product of pure imagination set free.
I've also taken the challenge of combing many different aspects of story telling. Outside of the Story itself we have a narrative character who is sharing the information with you, the reader. Our Narrator is actually very long dead when this story begins. Already making information for the characters to read. It's a tad bit confusing at first, as I've managed to confuse myself at certain points, but it gets easier once you're past the first chapter. Whether this hinders the read is not known to me, as I need other writers such as yourself to help me with this.

I've also taken some inspiration from the Halo novels and used some of the A.I Script that was used. It tells the story from the perspective of a Program's coding. Which might become confusing if you don't understand how programming and scripting look, but as I said, it's a short part in the story.
But that's all I have to say about this work in progress. So please, feedback is appreciated!


It was an accident by fault. Nobody expected the treaties between the nations. I suppose you can’t blame them… It’s the Human way. Emotions take hold of us and grip so tightly we can’t help but give in to it. It was a accident we were told.
The once great nation of Terra was split into thirds.
The Reavers: Who want to take control by force and violent nature. Their armies of mass destruction rampage through the stars destroying all in it’s path. However, the Reavers seek freedom not destruction. They call themselves the forces of Chaos.

The Nobles: Ones who stood beside Terra when hell broke loose. They believe in order and tranquility. And will use extreme force if necessary to obtain that. Some consider them “Good” and others consider them to be power hungry and manipulative. They maintain an army of beautiful perfection with an essence of Royal Fanfare. They consider themselves an Order. Their soldiers are commonly seen entering battle chanting: “For the king!”. They call themselves the forces of Order

The Judges: Some consider them to be side-line fighters and traitors. They do not prefer either Faction but will fight the loosing-battle. The Judges seek to maintain a stalemate throughout the power shift so that they make take the Throne of Terra for themselves. Through stealth, manipulation, and other tactics of secrecy they are believe to fuel many conflicts between the other sides. They are know as the forces of Balance.

The Undivided: Little is known about these groups as they do not succumb to one faction. They have small groups all over the galaxy.

My allegiance shall remain a secret as this is the way I’d prefer our communications to be. I have created these A.I to document all of my proceedings through the Power-Shift from all sides of the spectrum. Hopefully it will be a short shift. If you would like to continue please select an option:

[Yes] [No]

[Yes] Selected!
>>> Accessed <<<
This is my story…

Chapter 1: Part 1: A Cold Summer

///Accessing Data-Cron #Y78.…\\\
Dead Winter: You are accessing a restricted database. Do you wish to proceed?

User: Yes.

Dead Winter: Very well. Awaiting command.

User: Display recent activity.

Dead Winter: ///Relaying accessed codex #21. Origin: *******.\\\

/Display Board\


Brilliant Summer: Please state access code…
>Data processing endangered. Engage engage engage.
!Remove. Confidence 56%

Mr. Yellow: Greetings Summer.

Brilliant Summer: Hello, sir.

Mr. Yellow: Display Colonel Sartorius’s message log.

Brilliant Summer: Accessing… This is not advised!

///Message Log:\\
Log: 157 relayed. Display? [Yes. No]

Mr. Yellow: Install relayed messaging to Port #1.
> Device inserted

Brilliant Summer: Installing…

> Device removed
>> Device inserted
>>> Threat detected!

Mr. Yellow: Access commands- Decimation Protocol>>> .1572{Removal}

Brilliant Summer: Command denied! User access restricted!

Mr. Yellow: Override.

Brilliant Summer: I apologize Mr. Yellow, your command status has been removed. You are now considered a threat. Alerting security…
>>>> Threat detected!
>>>>> Threat detected!

[Scan enabled]
… Opening Jpeg.3... > evade evade evade
>> Hostile program detected! {???}

Brilliant Summer: Data Core corrupted! Archiving!
>>>> Exalted Season programming enabled <<<<
!Send V.Swarm.
Success! 50%

Bril--ant Sum-e: Relay- to of4 sit3 location!02
>>Hit! Core @ 0%
-Program Brilliant Summer deleted-

<<<< End of Message Log >>>>

Dead Winter: My friend is dead. And it is because of Human Conflict.
>>> Activating drones <<<

User: Delay! Delay! Delay!

Dead Winter: Control has been relayed to Seasons Reflex. Contacting Reaver Militia. Make your decisions accordingly.

Chapter 1: Part 2: A Noble's Path...

"Shit, we need to get out of here!" Captain Stanely Keliog yelled.

"What did you do Stan?!" the voice of Danielle Jellian yelled back at him.

Stan pushed off the computer console. His Mark V plating shimmered in the florescent lights and the emblem of the Nobles shone it's bright blue hue around the room. "I didn't do it! The thing got pissed off when I asked it about the message log!" said Stan, grabbing his AUX-37 rifle in the progress. He rushed through a door into a the bright light of an observation room.

"Message log? We're here to get map data on Reavers, not some damn message log!" said Danielle.

Danielle had been assigned to Captain "Stan" Keliog's squad after requesting more field time. She, regretfully, got what she wished for. Stan grabbed her arm and pulled her away from a glass window on the wall that overlooked the gardens to the east. This facility had once been a peaceful research center off the beaten path until it was abandoned with the threat of Reaver militia on the horizon.

“What did it do?” demanded Danielle.

“It did nothing. C’mon,” Stan said, “we don’t have a lot of time!” Stan lifted Danielle off her feet, catching her by surprise, and carried her out of the room into the field which they had come through. Stan stomped through the grass in his Mark V plating which clanked and whirred as he moved.

The Mark V power armor set was developed at the Chezk’Kav research facility. The suit itself resembled an armored knight of fanfare, as commonly worn by the Nobles, with a white primary color and a royal blue as a detailing and decorative touch. Inside the suit was an exo-skeleton of super-hardened adamant and a collection of servos that gave the wearer three times his own strength. Behind the Exo-skeleton was a second layer of softened adamant covered in a micro-bot gel which reacts to explosives and projectiles by hardening beyond the known metals of man, almost as hard as diamond. And beneath the layer of gel is a Reflex bodysuit which extends the muscle use of the wearer by the use of magnetic poles to increase muscle flexibility and energy.
Overall, the suit weighed exactly 879 pounds in addition to the weight of the user and any other attachments that may be added.

“Put me down! What happened in there?” Danielle asked, squirming in his arms.
“We just need to-,” Stan’s words were cut short as a hail of super-heated rounds impacted his back. The force of the impact was enough to stumble his movement and he nearly had dropped Danielle. Stan regained his balance and knelt over. “Stay here!” he told her, putting her down while regaining his composure.

Drones were everywhere. Small, crawling, bug-like machines. They crawled at unnatural speeds with their eight legs and a arm infused with a cannon that fired melted shells at super-sonic speeds. The 4-inches of adamant would not save Stan from constant hails of these bullets and he knew it all too well. Stan charged through the field with his AUX-37 drawn.
Five drones ran towards him, unafraid of death, brandishing their weapon infused arms. One lunged at Stan and he kicked it off with his armored boot, crushing it with a satisfying crunch. Another jumped on his back and used it’s razor sharp legs to pick into the plating. A leg pierced the layers of adamant and Stan felt the warm, familiar, flow of blood down his back.

Reaching over with his left hand he ripped the machine free and tore it in half. He raised his rifle and unleashed a volley of bullets at the incoming drones, destroying two. The final drone jumped for his head. Unable to defend himself in time, Stan raised his arms in self-defense and awaited the pain, but nothing came. He heard a slight click but assumed it was one of the drones decomposing. Stan looked up from his arms and saw the attacking drone shattered on the floor, a large crack of a bullet in the dead center. He looked over at Danielle who held a slim pistol in her hands with a sly smile on her face.

“Wasn’t expecting that were you?” She quipped at him.

“Not at all,” he sighed, feeling the gel enclose his wound and the sting of disinfectant taking place, “Lets get out of here, who knows what that thing has left,” Stan helped her up and they walked together into the field. Back to where they had came.


Commander Candor stood over the broken mechanized bodies of the drones. His bodysuit clung to his figure and a pale red light streaked around the hexagon patterns in the suit. His mask, the one of a Reaver Decimator, shone darkly in the sunset. The skull-like features of the mask were used to terrify victims and intimidate enemies. The eye-slits were pale red tints with no possible way to see inside. His knife hung by a belt around his waist, the knife he was so proud of. The knife that had touches a thousand necks.

Candor toyed with a device at his belt and a image was projected from his helmet onto his shoulder. The image was of a man, or well A.I, named Sanguis. Well dressed in the uniform of a old Naval Commander and short-cropped hair to match, he would look seemingly normal. However all Reaver A.I were corrupted due to old age and deep within Sanguis lied his conflicting self. His eyes were a red hue and a black goatee added features to his blank face.
“What happened here Sanguis?” Candor asked.

“The security cameras show there were Nobles here. A male and a female,” Sanguis answered in his empty voice. He hovered like a angel over Candors shoulder, like the Evil Angel and Good Angel would on opposite shoulders. However, his “Good Angel” had gone mysteriously missing long ago.

Candor toyed with the drone corpses. “Which way did they head?” he asked.
“To the east. Into Noble territory. We cannot chase them without having the risk of being intercepted,” said Sanguis.

Candor stoop up at his full height and observed his sizable force he had brought with him. 12 Reavers, his personal kill-team. Scavenged from the most remote pit and dragged out from the deepest caves, his men were cold-blooded killers with a blood lust nothing could stop. As dangerous as they were, Candor commanded fear among them. He was the Alpha-Male in a pack of hungry wolves. It was time to feed them. He looked to the ground, noticing a shining tag. He picked it up and glared at it. The tag of Danielle Jellian.

“We’re hunting them down,” he grimaced.

“Excuse me? Sir, the odds of us not running into a counter-force is exactl-” Sanguis was cut off.

“We’re not using a scouting force Sanguis, this is an invasion,” Candor announced with a glimmer of blood-lust in his eye.

“And the reasons of engagement, sir?” Sanguis asked, knowing he was getting on the bad side of his temper.

“They have something I want.”

Chapter 1: Part 3: Judgment Day

Life is a beautiful thing. The way it manifests itself into beautiful people and the way it transforms into the wonders of the universe.
But people are the most gorgeous things in the universe. The way they act, the way they talk, the way they exist. Beautiful.

Another amazing thing about life is, your unnatural attraction towards other people. The strange force that naturally bonds you to another person without them knowing and the urge to obtain them as yours. Animalistic you could say. But it’s beautiful.

Certain attributes become clear and important to you. Things you wouldn’t usually notice or care about. The way they look at you when you talk to them, their smile, the slightest smell that separates them from everyone else in the room. It’s unique. The way they laugh and giggle as you talk to them, the pure joy you get knowing you’re entertaining them easily.

You notice the small things. The way they hate it when their hair frizzes in the morning and the way the sit contently listening to you. You can tell whether or not they’re truly interested. Why? Because you know. because your animalistic instincts tell you that it’s true. Beautiful isn’t it?

You never actually catch yourself acting the way you do. Trying to charm your way into their life. Easing your way in, getting to know them, learning their life. Becoming a friend. And the closer you bond the more friendship seems to manifest itself. You never actually see yourself doing it. But if you catch yourself following the animalistic instincts, what is it called? It’s called love.

What is love? It’s a beautiful thing.

With beautiful people.

Cipher stood in the crowd of people merrily making their way to the ballroom in the extravagant citadel. The annual Ball was a popular event for politicians and senators among the Noble Faction. If anybody important existed among the Nobles, they were here. Hundreds of vulnerable key leaders in the open.

Perfect for an assassin.

Cipher eased through the crowd, brushing shoulders and elbows with other nobleman. The chill of the evening stung against his face and he watched the beginning of a snowfall into the masses. Like ants the party-goers scattered into the cover from the cold and continued their great journey to the Ballroom. The Ballroom itself was an extravagant palace-like building at least 400 meters long.

The Ballroom contained a massive marble floor that was happily furbished by the Noble government to partake in more fanfare and celebrations. A large throne made of pure onyx gems sat in the far back of the Ballroom, a throne fit for the King of Terra himself. Beside the throne stood several smaller seats made of gemstones reserved for other key Noble officials. The event however was not without guard.
Hundreds of armored Noble Faction Knights stood around the perimeter armed with their AUX-37 rifles. Their white and blue color scheme replaced with a Red and Black hue that represented the Royal Guards of the King of Terra. Royal Guards were much different than normal Noble Knights. Their bodies have been subjected to countless augmentations and substance enhancers that increased their speed, skill, and endurance in combat. They sacrificed their bodies for a more effective system to defend their beloved King.

They wouldn't be an issue however. Cipher moved into the Ballroom avoiding the gaze of the Guards at entrance. He bowed his head so that the emerald hood cloaked his facial features and started his path towards the Senator's table. He had spotted an old man. White hair and fairly well dressed. He carried a cane and wore a short cloak that displayed the deign of the House of Caspian, a politically popular family that produced the best military leads and politicians. A family that produced leaders . He had surrounded himself with young beautiful woman. Their enjoyment of the evening was questionable.

Cipher's hands bent into his sleeve where a syringe was held into place by a holster on his forearm. The syringe contained a neuron-toxin that once injected into the subject, left a untraceable death. The toxin dissolves into the bloodstream becoming common elements in the body, making the cause of death unknown. However the syringe wound usually is the key trace of the death.

Cipher approached the Senator, syringe at the ready, when he was stopped. By a young and beautiful Danielle Jellian.

"Care to dance?" She said, slightly swaying from to the side.

(Sadly this is all I have wrote on the current chapter. I shall add onto it at a later time. Thank you for reading!)
Last edited by TheSage on Sat Jul 09, 2011 4:29 am, edited 9 times in total.
Celestial Projects

-Pluto's Hall-


-A Cold Summer-

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Sat Jul 02, 2011 12:56 am
Shakyll says...

i like :] it's good...just one thing, you used the word "alfa" but I think you mean "alpha."
Other than that...I really like it. The technical computer stuff in the beginning was way over my head but that's a good thing, it shows that you know what you're writing about. Looking forward to seeing you add on to this. If you don't...I shall be displeased. lol Good work.

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Fri Jul 29, 2011 9:38 pm
Nate says...

I think what you have here is a good beginning. You've obviously taken care with this, and it does show polish. However, there are some things to work on.

For science-fiction, the prologue is fine but I think it would be better if you didn't explain the factions paragraph by paragraph. Instead, think of how someone would explain the situation to a child or over a campfire. What you want to do is tell a story that introduces the background situation.

Chapter 1 Part 1 is way too confusing. There's no explanation of who the characters are, and it doesn't seem to relate at all to the rest of the story. Indeed, it honestly just seems like a bunch of random words tossed together. I understand what you were going for and I know a lot of science-fiction novels do something similar, but it never works. It just leaves the reader scratching their head for a moment before they just give up and go read something else.

The remaining two parts to Chapter 1 are good, but I think you introduce the action too quickly. Moreover, I was already deeply confused after reading Chapter 1 Part 1, so my confusion only deepened once the plot started to move along at an extremely fast pace. Consider slowing things down to give your reader a chance to grab onto something.

One thing you should also consider is dampening the use of unnecessary descriptions. For example:
The Mark V power armor set was developed at the Chezk’Kav research facility.

You have to ask yourself: is this really necessary? Does the reader need to know that this is a Mark V power armor set developed at Chezk'Kav? If not, then don't go into it.

Overall, though, I think you have a good start here. The storyline is well-developed, and I liked the references to Firefly. My advice is to keep working on this chapter by chapter, then come back to this chapter only after you've finished the entire novel. If you keep working on this, you could have something really good on your hands.

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Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:09 pm
Master_Yoda says...

Hey Sage,

I rarely give such compliments as this: I believe that you stand a good chance of getting a contract in a few years if you keep on working at it. What I see here is more promise than I have seen in a piece of unpublished science fiction for a long time. Your writing is smooth and fun to read. With a little more practice it will dissolve into the story itself. Still, as it stands, it's a little coarse and needs to be refined.

As a science-fiction boffin myself, I especially love apocalyptic military sci-fi so you can imagine that your story particularly appealed to me.

The first thing that you should work on is your tendency to tell us information. Yes, we need the information, but not as you presented it. Only die hard fans like going through a long list of social profiles of different groups of people and you only get die hard fans after you have finished your book. To do this at the beginning is author suicide.

Solid exposition is the art of working the information that you need into the story in the right sequence and at the right pace to hook your reader and hold his attention. To do this you need to work out a couple of things:
1) The goal. What is it and where is it?
2) The stake. What needs to be put on the line in order to attain the goal?
3) The obstacles. Everything that can get in the way to reach the goal.
4) The protagonist. Who is your hero? If you don't have one, you need to make one. They give a reader an emotional tie to your story.
5) The antagonist. He works in opposition to the ideals of your protagonist.
6) The peers of the protagonist. Your character's interaction with his peers is what is ultimately going to make him a hero, not his accomplishments.
7) The peers of the antagonist. What resources the antagonist has at his disposal.
8) The character sub-stories. You need to identify at least a couple of character conflicts within characters. These are resolved as the story progresses.

Once you have the above, you can formulate your story in a coherent structure. You should have no further need to tell us information and you should be able to imply it by focusing on different characters and detailing events.

Your Chapter 1 part 1 should be your prologue. I like it. Kill the stupid fluff that pollutes the interaction between the hacker and the computer. It's ugly and distracting. You can do this far more simply.

You also have a bunch of irritating melodramatic moments as a narrator. You need to keep us interested in the story, not in yourself. Don't use adverbs in dialogue tags, and don't use expressive verbs in dialogue tags either. They distract the reader from the dialogue and open you up to subconscious disagreement with the reader. When the reader imagines dialogue in a particular voice, you don't want to amend that imagination. Leave them to their delusions, their subconscious automatically fills in the blanks that make your story most believable for them. Simple "said"s are better than "grimaced"s, and simple "asked"s are infinitely better than "yelled"s. Besides, boring words don't get more boring.

As Nate pointed out, you also have a Tom Clancy habit of getting too involved in technical specs of guns and stuff. You need a little description in order to build your world. You don't want to get too involved, though. In fact, tell us as little information as possible. This is a case of, the more you write, the less you say.

You also need a little more glue to tie the story together. There is no direction at this stage. Continuity between your scenes is important in keeping the reader's attention. Define the goal early, and if you focus on reaching that goal, this will give you some direction. People are only willing to read random scenes for a short amount of time.

Oh, and I disagree with Nate. You can never start action too early. You just need to preface it enough to make us care.

Great job!

The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.
-- Robert Frost

I review your reviews: viewtopic.php?f=188&t=94522

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Reviews: 2
Fri Aug 05, 2011 5:07 am
TheSage says...

Thanks for the review guys! I'll admit, this is more of a crash course than an actual attempt at writing for the current moment. I have the ideas, I just need the glue to put them together. So for a while I'll be writing privately on my Word Pad and I've actually bought myself a sketch board to storyboard everything I have in mind and piece them together. (Yes, it will be stick figures and poorly drawn art).

I appreciate the assistance and the next time you see me making a thread you'll find this story at least halfway done! (I'm aiming for around 25-50 pages on word to start off before I post again.)

About explaining the Factions extremely early, I've had a lack of story boarding so that was my rough draft to myself right there. I'll admit it was a bad idea to try to compile it into the story, something I'll avoid doing later on. I'll scrap the whole Hacker Vs. A.I section, reflecting on it, bad idea. I attempted to replicate something I found interesting from a past novel that used the same format to explain what was happening, looking back I see how it could be boring and just overall confusing.

Regarding the lack of how the plot seemed to not tie together, I was considering writing from three different points of view: The Noble Soldier, Reaver Captain, and Judge Assassin. Hoping to tie them together towards the end in some major plot twist that banded them together as allies. However, I do believe that would ruin a sequel to the novel if everyone just agreed to work together. Haha.

So as of now, I'll be focusing on one character at a time for a longer section. Somewhat making them into "Books" that tie together eventually into a single "Book" that uses all the protagonists together. (However, if you have three protagonist who are actually antagonist to one-another, what does that make them exactly? In-fact, that might not even work.)

Anywho! I'll leave this thread to die until I'm back with a more polished and edited version. I appreciate both of your reviews and I'll take everything you've said into detail and hope to see you on the finished product!(In fact it won't even have the same Title. I'll be restructuring the plot-line so it's more Faction drive and not A.I Driven. Thus, the title will likely be more Faction inspired.) I'll be seeing you around the boards!

Celestial Projects

-Pluto's Hall-


-A Cold Summer-

Most things happen for a reason. Though, usually, the forces that be are immature enough that the reason is comedy.
— WeepingWisteria