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Fri Dec 17, 2010 1:02 am
stargazer9927 says...

I wrote this back in November, and now I'm looking over it again. I had one of my friends edit it (she's insanely good at it) and I fixed a bunch of grammar errors and other problems. This may just be the story that finally gets my dream with writing to come true. My dream isn't too big, but still kind of hard to make happen:)

An alien from another planet that was sent to earth with one of his co-workers to study the life forms doesn't want to have anything to do with the humans and hates them with much distaste. But all goes wrong and they crash land instead of landing where they needed to and they come face-to-face with the humans who want to destroy them. They're taken to a government agency and when Garth (the main character) wakes up he discovers something shocking about what they did with his partner. He then must figure out a way to get revenge on the humans and it may just cost him his life.

A dark hooded figure rushed past all the creatures on the stands. Everyone knew his name, but they dared not speak it. He took his place on the throne as everyone bowed to him. He gave a simple nod, the signal for everyone to rise.
A small creature with yellow, pale skin slowly made his way to the front of the throne.
“Your majesty,” he said while kneeling, “we have accused Garth of wiping out an innocent species. That is against our code.”
“What species?” the hooded figure asked in a cold, evil voice.
“We don’t know. Donita and he were the only two researches on the project and he didn’t give us any details. All he would tell us is that they deserved their fate. We do know they were very low life forms, but Donita is nowhere to be found. We’ve had search parties throughout entire universe without a single trace of her.”
“Well they had to be if Garth wiped them out all by himself,” a man in the stands said.
The creature that had been standing in the back with glowing rings tied around his wrists gave the hooded figure a cold look. “They were a species not worthy of us. It was only a matter of time before they were wiped out by someone else. I had to finish the job.” The creature stared at him with his beady eyes and side smile. He had a very odd shaped head with a slender, transparent body. It looked as if he were a skinny sack with leg and arm holes filled with water. Everyone standing around looked almost the same, except they were all different colors.
“You know the code,” the man in the stands said. “We only destroy a species if they pose a threat to us. Were they a threat?”
“A threat?” Garth said mockingly. “They were no where near a threat. Those Imbecilic life forms couldn’t pose a threat to anyone. They battle amongst themselves instead of battling other life forms as we do.”
“Then why did you wipe them out?”
“I couldn’t stand the species anymore. I was stuck on their stupid planet trying to blend in with them. I couldn’t show them my true form because of our code. They may be an innocent species, but that doesn’t mean they deserve to live.”
“Carobolise him!” someone in the stands shouted. People around started to agree and chant with him.
Garth looked down at what was keeping him locked up. If only he could escape this place. But there was no escaping once you wiped out an innocent species. He of all people knew that. As he sat there watching them argue, he couldn’t help but think about how this all happened.

They would never understand me. Nor would I ever understand them. We would never understand each other.
That was what I had been telling myself since I first showed up on their planet, while looking for the day I would return. I hated the life forms. They were a solid color with hair in the weirdest places. And they had no sense of logic and couldn’t comprehend anything if I spoke in my home language. But I guess I shouldn’t blame them. They were just on a lower level or evolution than we were.
It wasn’t my idea, it was Donita’s. She became obsessed with these life forms from the second we told her about them. They were called humans. I hated that word! I knew from the start it was a bad idea to put her to this project, but I knew I must obey the boss. We had much more respect for our leaders than these life forms did. They overthrew their leaders and didn’t listen to them. If we didn’t listen to our leaders, we would have our hands cut off. And that was on a good day for the boss.
We had seen everything that had ever happened to these life forms. We saw their entire existence and knew much more about them than they knew about themselves. They were terrible with record keeping, which is why they had to figure out past facts with old objects. We have a huge database of records since the beginning of our time. We have been around for millions of years longer than they have. They were just barely figuring out how to send themselves to their moon while we were already using wormholes to transport ourselves billions of miles through the universe.
It was this work that got me trapped on their miserable planet. After all of Donita’s research, she insisted on taking a trip to their planet. I completely objected to the idea, but I was overruled. I didn’t want to be within a seeing distance of their planet. But I didn’t have the choice. The boss tells me where I’m needed and he made me go with her.
Getting there was the easy part, but once we were there, the unexpected happened.
“What’s gong on?” I shouted to her as I ran up toward the front of the ship, which was now falling in midair.
“Our fuel level’s low,” she replied.
“Didn’t I tell you to check our fuel level before we left?”
She looked down in shame. “Well I was just so excited to come and study this species that wasn’t exactly on my mind at the time,” she replied nervously.
I shook my head and then ran over to the controls, trying to contain the ship. If you wanted something done right, you had to do it yourself. I was going to use our alternative fuel supply because I had planned ahead, but it was too late. Before I knew it, our ship landed with a crash on their hard planet.
I was a little discombobulated at first, but it only took a couple minutes for me to get up and check the damage.
The original plan was just to hover around the planet so that Donita could get some pictures, but obviously that plan had failed.
“How could you let this happen?” I shouted to Donita as I evaluated our situation and checked the ship. It didn’t look like it would be flying anytime soon. “Now we have no way home. If it wasn’t for you and your stupid project none of this would have happened. I told you they were a stupid species from the beginning.”
But of course nothing I was saying was making an impact at all. “This is so exciting!” she shouted happily. “This wasn’t part of the plan, but I’m not complaining! I get to study them up close. Do you think they’ll talk to me?”
I ignored her, too preoccupied with figuring out how we were going to get home. I wondered if these life forms had some sort of ship that I could tamper with so we could use it to get home. But I was taken out of my thoughts when I saw something surrounding us.
It took me a minute to realize they weren’t a threat. Somehow the life forms had found us and were attempting to fire their puny weapons. I could have taken them out in an instant with one of our weapons but I was trying to obey the code. After all, we were intruders on their planet and as the code states, because of that they’re allowed to fire at us but we’re not allowed to fire at them.
“Stand down,” one of the men, I assumed the leader, said. “You will come with us. You will not ask any questions.”
I decided to humor them. I figured they would take me to some kind of containment center, but I didn’t worry about it. I could have escaped at any time, but I figured as long as I was “studying” them I might as well see what they planned to do with us.
They took us in these weird machines to a base. I couldn’t see anything through all that metal, but I was able to hear everything that was going on. I heard a lot of them talking amongst one another and also a lot of doors opening and buttons being pressed. Wherever they were taking me, I knew I would easily be able to escape. What was I worried about? But I had a bad feeling about this. I wasn’t sure why; I just had this feeling things weren’t going to go like I had planned. Then again, what had gone as planned today?
Once they finally let us out of their machines, I looked around and saw a wide room that was completely silver. They took Donita and I to two separate rooms, also silver but smaller, and started to whisper to each other. Then they locked us in with a really wimpy version of security and pointed weapons at us. Well their version of weapons anyway. I was trying to figure out just how the one that shot out worked but I grew tired and decided to take a nap. I was still trying to come up with a plan on how to get to one of their ships anyway.

I woke up after what couldn’t have been more than a couple hours. It was too quiet. I needed to see what was going on, so I bent the walls of their pathetic little security thing. I think it might have been metal. That was an element I was taught how to deal with since I was a kid. It was nothing a little bit of force couldn’t solve.
They all started to freak out and got their weapons out again. Did I really have to deal with this? I had a schedule to keep. I had a million things I needed to do by the end of this week and this trip wasn’t helping anything. I really needed to go home.
“Where is Donita?” I asked. No one answered me and it was then I realized their tiny little brains couldn’t understand such complex language. So I activated my belt and spoke in what I thought was their language. But they were so disunited they actually had hundreds of different languages and apparently the people I was talking to only spoke one. I started going through different languages on the device, trying to figure out which one they understood. After the one-hundred and fifth one, they finally seemed like they understood.
“Where is Donita?”
“What did you just say?” they asked.
“You heard me. Where is Donita?”
“Who’s Donita?”
“My partner that I brought with me,” I replied. “We will leave your planet in peace if that’s what you wish, but first I must find her. Now, where is she?”
“You things have names?” How could they insult me like that? There were two of us and millions of them! And they say we’re the ones that don’t have a name? Every life form in this universe has a name! Did they think they were the only ones in a universe full of trillions of stars with millions of planets that could support life? I don’t think so! They began to back away, afraid I was going to eat them or something.
“Of course we have names! She’s Donita and I’m Garth.”
“Garth and Donita?” the tall one of the group asked. “What kind of names are those?”
“Why am I wasting time with low life forms such as yourselves?” I asked out loud. They looked offended, but I wasn’t about to take anything back. “Now, I’m only going to ask you one more time, where is she?”
“We’ve relocated her to a different area,” the tall one said as he pointed, I was guessing his biggest weapon, at me. I knew Donita would be so happy and amazed to actually meet these things that she would be too nice and let them take her anywhere. So now it was my duty to find her so we could both go home and hopefully never have to come back there again.
They started to fire and I dodged all their puny weapons. I doubt they would have done much damage if they would have hit me anyway.
It didn’t take me long to clear out of their sight and then I found myself in the middle of nowhere. Every place we have is surrounded by huge cities and construction sights. How could they afford to waste such precious land?
I realized if I ever wanted to find Donita, I would have to make them think I was a normal human and just wanted to know some information about these intruders. So I activated my belt, turned it to transformation, and set it on human. The last thing I wanted to do was become these life forms, but I figured I didn’t have a choice.
No one even bothered to give me the time of day. I kept asking all of them what was going on and if they had heard anything about these “intruders” or saw someone take one of them. They all were rushing around and just refused to answer me. I finally managed to get the attention of one of them.
“Have you seen or heard anything about these ‘intruders?’” I asked them.
“Intruders?” they answered mockingly. “You mean like aliens?” That was a really weird name. The human language still shames me. “Of course not! Aliens don’t exist. It’s all just someone making up stuff to try and make life more interesting. The government has told us multiple times they don’t exist. You should believe them too.” I couldn’t believe it. Their government hadn’t even told them we existed? I was sure we weren’t the first ones to come to earth. A species should trust each other and be united so they could fight others instead of themselves. But humans seemed to lack all of that.
I searched for Donita for days. I checked their cities, their buildings, and everywhere else I could think of. I figured maybe it was best to look back at their base because it wouldn’t surprise me if she had never bothered to escape and was instead trying to talk to them. I came back to their so called “lab” and found something very shocking.
I bypassed all their security and walked into all the rooms I could find. I finally entered a room covered in metal and glass and sure enough, saw Donita lying on one of their tables. But she didn’t look like she was talking to them.
They were experimenting on her! And I could tell just be looking at her that she wouldn’t be getting back up again, ever. There was no doubt in my mind that it was them that had done this to her. Not only could they not communicate with each other, but then they destroyed one of us? I know the code says it’s free game on someone else’s planet, but at this point I didn’t care. If they can be so foolish and cruel as to do this to someone who thought highly of them I had to teach them a lesson.
It didn’t take long for me to figure out what I planned to do. I got the ship up and running again and then charged the Carbon Monoxide gas chamber. That worked like a pro. It took me less than a week to generate enough of it to completely go around the entire planet.
I guess they were smarter than I gave them credit for because they figured out what was going on and tried to relocate to different parts of their planet to where the Carbon Monoxide wasn’t. But eventually it made it all around the Earth and by then it was too late for them. I destroyed every last one of them, all the way from the little tiny babies to the oldest of their species. I spared no one.
But of course there’s the code. It didn’t take my people long to hunt me down and once they found out I destroyed them I was taken straight into containment without even a word or a chance. One minute I was admiring my work, the next I was aboard a criminal ship and knew I wouldn’t be returning.

He smiled at the thought of destroying all of them, and then turned to the dark hooded creature. “Do what you must to me, but I regret nothing I did. They deserved everything they got and now I hope we can use their planet for something useful. I kept it in perfect condition.”
He stared the hooded figure straight in the eyes. The hooded figure looked back at him as if he had no tolerance.
“You have broken the code,” the hooded figure said. “So therefore we must obey it when it comes to your punishment.”
“Carobolise him!” everyone in the stands shouted.
“So shall it be,” the hooded figure said as he stood up.
Some looked away, and others just seemed to look closer. Garth closed his eyes as the hooded figure suddenly started to glow. With a flick of his hand, some unknown substance seemed to come out of his hood and surround Garth. Some people started to cry as Garth slowly disintegrated into nothing.
Last edited by stargazer9927 on Sun Apr 17, 2011 3:34 am, edited 3 times in total.
Let's eat mom.
Let's eat, mom.
Good grammar saves lives :D

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Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:43 am
PaulClover says...

I thought it was pretty good :)

And don't be so down on your writing. There's a difference between humility and low self-esteem
Remember your name. Do not lose hope — what you seek will be found. Trust ghosts. Trust those that you have helped to help you in their turn. Trust dreams. Trust your heart, and trust your story. - Neil Gaiman

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Fri Dec 17, 2010 3:53 am
stargazer9927 says...

Thanks. I wasn't trying to make it sound like I had low self-esteem though. I just tend to compare myself to others a lot. I know that's not good, but in today's world that's pretty much what you have to do to become anything.
Let's eat mom.
Let's eat, mom.
Good grammar saves lives :D

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Fri Dec 17, 2010 4:16 am
Error404 says...

Wow! That's a pretty neat story, I really liked the theme.
Good work and keep writing,
~ Error404

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Fri Dec 31, 2010 7:05 pm
Stori says...

passed all the creatures

This should be "past".

He took his place on the thrown

"Throne" rather than "thrown" is the right word here.

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Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:12 pm
ziggiefred says...

Hello there :)
Well, I don't understand why this never got published :D . The story line is really creative and your writing style is very good. I liked the fact that your vocabulary was very wide and yet precise and you did a good job at describing the "creatures". The only problem I think I had with this was the beginning or introduction. To me, it did not strike me as an introduction or you did not begin this story well. It did not draw my attention. You just sort of began telling the story straight away, out of nowhere. I wish you would have been creative with that aspect; maybe make a flashback or describe something to with some action that happens in the scene.

It didn’t take long for me to figure out what I planned to do. I got the ship up and running again and then charged the Carbon Monoxide gas chamber. That worked like a pro. It took me less than a week to generate enough of it to completely go around the entire planet. I guess they were smarter than I gave them credit for because they figured out what was going on and tried to relocate to different parts of their planet to where they Carbon Monoxide wasn’t. But eventually it made it all around the earth and by then it was too late for them. I destroyed every last one of them, all the way from the little tiny babies to the oldest of their species. I spared no one. “Do what you must to me, but I regret nothing I did. They deserved everything they got and now I hope we can use their planet for something useful. We can always use a second planet. You have no idea how much water they had. We have to conserve it and to have it is like a threat for us, but they waste it they have so much of it. As I was watching their weather it falls from the sky regularly. Of course I kept their planet in perfect condition.”
This paragraph is too long. Maybe you should start a new one right as the character is about to say something/ at the speech.

For a first shot at science fiction, this was pretty well done. You have quite the imagination!

Keep writing, don't give up and good luck!

~Happy New Year
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The good ended happily, and the bad unhappily. That is what Fiction means.
— Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest