
Young Writers Society


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Sat Sep 11, 2010 3:07 am
RelletyRotsMai says...

Did you know that the number one cause of insomnia in normal functioning teenagers and adults is thought? It’s true, scientific research proves that nearly 70 percent of people who are diagnosed with insomnia stay awake at night because of stressful or distracting thoughts that run through their heads keeping them awake. Not only this, but studies show that an even more astounding 99 percent of people with insomnia all think as long as they are awake.
If you have been diagnosed with insomnia, or have ever even stayed up throughout the night because of thoughts, you may have experienced the common side effects of this condition, such as poor concentration during the day, unsightly rings around the eyes, general sluggishness, and most notably, extreme tiredness. Sometimes the tiredness due to insomnia is so extreme, it’s painful, and people suffering from it would just do anything to fall asleep. So what can you do?
Chances are, if you have insomnia, there is a 9 out of 10 likelihood that it is caused by thought. So what can you do?
Thanks to a recent medical breakthrough, a cure has been produced. To solve the problem of insomnia, all you need to do is stop thinking. How? Buy our latest product! All you do is take one pill before you want to go to bed, and soon the medicine works on your brainstem, cutting off and choking out thoughts from the brain. Only after minutes, your thoughts completely fade and you are comfortably surrounded in the sweet, calming bliss of numbness and apathy, freeing you to fall strait to sleep without even the usual minutes of tossing and turning contemplating issues of the day. And the best part of this product is, unlike typical sleeping pills that only make you drowsy, and often have no effect on insomnia, this pill does not use drugs that have any side effects other than dreamless-ness. So you won’t wake up feeling groggy, and you wont be left at the mercy of your stress filled dreams like other drugs.
So if you are tired of being tired, of aches and pains, of worry and stress, and everything else that comes from thought-caused insomnia, then don’t wait another minute. Don’t waste more time on drugs that don’t work. If you want a proven pill that can send you to sleep and comfort in minutes with no other results than hours of completely clam and placid rest, then don’t even think about it! Try this product; end your thoughts now!
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift; that is why it is called the present.

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Sat Sep 11, 2010 3:24 am
RelletyRotsMai says...

i jus rote this...
I have had a ton of trouble sleeping for the last... three years.... dunno why. but lately (this week) i've gotten no sleep in the small window of time that i actually have the opportunity, as i would get up for school at 6 (starting THIS WEEK) and not come home until about 7 because I have a grueling swim practice that eats 4 hours, and then after that, I always mean to take a shower in like 15 mins, but i never do (they usually last for 45) because, no. 1 I'm uber sore and tired and ergo sluggish by then, and no. 2 It's about the first time in the day I feel relaxed and ...good, so i subconsciously drag it out, and no. 3, i sometimes doze off against my will whilst shampooing. SO i usually dont even eat until like late 7 or early at 8, and I usually have to do so while I start my homework, which i only have 1 regents course this year and the rest are ALL AP so i gots a ton of reading and writing and other crap to do in one night, because i usually even so finish at about 11 if i am not zoning out insanely because i am getting progressively tired. THEN i prepare my bag and my swim stuff for the next day and go to bed, which this week my bed had no sheets because my mother decided they needed ripping off (she literally ripped one of my sheets) my bead and washing, so really i go to our couch or my floor with a pillow and blanket and curl up and hope that 'maybe today i am tired enough to just fall strait asleep' which amazingly i never am, though i feel it, because i spent all week worrying, short term, about essays and presentations that we had to do (still first week, ok?) as well as, of course, the hell that is varsity swim practice (i miss jv) and, long term, college applications, types of art i really really really would like to do eventually, even though i dont even have enough time to sleep, and other. And not even just that; i wasn't even just up worrying, i was awake thinking about random things, and things that i did that day and things that make me laugh, and jokes that i would like to tell a friend tomorrow, and other happy stuff too, like that. That kept me up as well. it was wierd cuz i was still insanely tired.
so yeah, in a period of listening to my beloved Eels album (which if you do not know the band, shame shame, look them up) and putting one of my fav songs by them "I need some sleep" which you should at least recognize from the 2nd Shrek movie, i scrabbled this out. And now, i plan to sleep in my re-sheeted bed and listen to the song on my ipod until slumber takes me, even if i now have only 7 hours until i have another swim practice (so essentially writing this relieving expressive piece, i added to the issues that inspired it). So in that case, enjoy.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift; that is why it is called the present.

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Sat Sep 11, 2010 3:47 am
stargazer9927 says...

What exactly is this? It sounds like an adverstisement to me. Was it like a school project or something? I guess you're entitled to post anything you want, but what are you talking about?
Let's eat mom.
Let's eat, mom.
Good grammar saves lives :D

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Mon Sep 20, 2010 4:56 pm
Jenthura says...

Hey there! I think you intended this to be something like an advertisement from the future. However, you had only the advertisement, and really nothing else. My suggestion is that you include a little more outside the billboard, maybe a scene from somebody looking up at the ad.
The effect of this product on the world (as anyone can easily see) would be everyone becoming addicted to the pill. Eventually, nearly everyone would react badly to it, resulting in a mass-non-thinking. This would probably be similar to a zombie apocalypse.
Anyways, I’m just speculating on the ideas you could get from this. Keep writing and improving, because I’m sure you could make this into something much better!

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Wed Sep 22, 2010 3:36 am
RelletyRotsMai says...

No, to be honest, this was just a sit-down blabby blab thing. I dont think i will expand on this at all. It was just a thought.

By the way, I did see it in my head as a sort of commerical, not incredibly futuristic, but perhaps in the twisted, manic, 1984 futurism sense. I dunno. ALSO I appreciate you taking the time to read this, but it should be rather clear that this was an interpretation of, as i said in my other comment, why I can't sleep. It was a creative/odd way of me explaining that I spend too much time thinking about crap, crap I have to do, random crap, crap I hate, crap i like... just random thoughts, and I've realized that I only think in such a way while I am going to sleep and It usually keeps me up, and often I wish I could just force myself to stop thinking and turn the switch in my brain off, but it never works. So, in other words, i explained this by producing a fake ad for a mysterious miricle drug specifically targeting people in my exact condition.

honestly, I thought most of that would have been rather clear to most people. What ev's man. Thanks for reading/critiquing! :)
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift; that is why it is called the present.

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Fri Sep 24, 2010 3:45 pm
Jenthura says...

In that case, why did you post it in Sci-fi? Just curious.

When one is highly alert to language, then nearly everything begs to be a poem.
— James Tate