
Young Writers Society

Death by WHAT!!?! (prose version)

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Sat Oct 08, 2005 1:43 am
Melodie says...

Planet Hindagon, 3045 AD
The two men sat at their table in the Hindagon Bar, a bar for government officials only. These two men in particular were higher up government officials being Commander Lalian and Second-to-the-Top Researcher Masichus, but the Bar was open to anyone employed by the government including Postal Workers and Bank Tellers.
Lalian and Masichus huddled, quietly whispering in their corner, discussing something quite under cover.
“So, is it ready?” Lalian whispered leaning over the table, which was quite difficult for him since he was a rather husky man. Masichus eyed the table nervously as it sighed under the weight. Mind thought, he eyed almost everything that way.
“Yes sir. Everything is finished.”
Lalian sits back and rubs his chin in a thoughtful sort of way.
“Good, Good. I’ll send them out tomorrow then.

Planet Hindagon, Military Headquarters, 3045 AD
A tall, muscular man, about 32 walks down a hall made completely out of chrome to a doorway at the end that slides open with a “whoosh” as he walks through it. Once on the other side the man finds himself in the office of Commander Lalian. They salute each other for a moment then, when Lalian gives the signal they sit down.
“Klinko, my boy, the time has finally come,” he boomed.
The younger, better looking man, apparently called Klinko, fidgets slightly betraying his cool military composure by showing his excitement.
“We’re sending you on a mission. Tomorrow. Meet your ship, the War Coordinator .004, at the dock at 8:00 A.M. It’s not going to wait for you.”
Klinko mouth stretched in a smile so big that it appeared to almost rip his face in two.
“Yes, yes you’re dismissed, go gather Dr. Armenia and First Mate Selenzio.”
Now Captain Klinko rose, saluted, and left the room.

Military Docking Facility, 3045 A.D.
A shuttle had to be talked from the Planet’s surface from something like an airport to the Military Docking Facility. The M. D. F. was a huge chrome (the metal usually used by the military in those days) platform with several chrome, hangers coming off of it. Inside the hangars are many, many ships, but the largest shiniest one was the War Coordinator .004. It was being loaded with a crew of about 10 people-a very small number for such a mission as that but no one seemed to notice.
Captain Klinko, First Mate Selenzio, and Dr. Armenia walked onto the dock slightly after their crew arrived.
“Wow . . . “ Selenzio stared at their new vehicle in awe.
“HAHAHA! It’s ours! All ours!” Klinko yelled while he turned and jogged away; did a bit of a jig.
“He’s happy,” Selenzio said.
Armenia rolled her eyes and walked ahead. “Come on, let’s go.”
Selenzio shrugged and sprinted to catch up and they walked the rest of the way with her. At the door of the ship, Klinko poked his head out with and said is a mock-serious tone, “First Mate Selenzio, I will not tolerate this lateness. Another innocent like this and I’ll have to remove you from my ship.” Abruptly he laughed and bounced down to the ground. “Did you hear that my ship. HAHAHAHA.”
The first mate laughs with his captain until Armenia comes out of the ship, looking rather angry.
“Come on dough heads it’s time to go.”
“Dough heads!” Klinko and Selenzio exclaimed together.
“Ohhh! Just get on the damn ship!” She yelled furiously.
Selenzio bows his head and mutters a, “Yes ma’am, before boarding.
Klinko points at her with a grin. “You can’t give me orders. I’m the Captain. You’re only the Doctor.”
She moves in very close to his face. ”Alright, Captain Klinko, It’s time to board the War Coordinator, 30 seconds to launch.”
“Oh, crap!” Klinko bounded into his ship. Armenia followed behind smiling.
A few minutes later the ship takes off.
War Coordinator .004, later that night
The three of them were given the largest most lavish cabins with carpet. Not many military issued space vehicles had such luxuries as carpets.
These carpets; however, did some strange things. After all the lights were off and the ship set on auto-pilot and everyone in bed, nasty greenish fumes rose up out of the floor in each of the three rooms.
War Coordinator .004, the next morning
Klinko rose in quite different mood. His grin wasn’t kooky like the day before it was rather maniacal, insane even. He abruptly sat up in bed with a white and taut muscle shirt over his rippling pectoral muscles and let loose an evil little giggle.
Only a few minutes later . . .
Selenzio and Armenia arose from bed in quite the same way; the wrong side.
The scene in the War Coordinator .004 was purely and simply, chaos. Klinko was waving around a huge gun at the prisoners (who were actually the crew) with one hand and holding a yelping Armenia in the other.
Her yelping was the only sound though. The crew was completely silent as Klinko and Selenzio jeered at them. Suddenly the Captain erupted into laughter.
“Take ‘em to the Detention Cells.”
Selenzio grinned and nodded, causing his floppy hair to bounce. His green eyes lit up at the thought of making someone his prisoner. “Follow me.”
The crew bumbled along as if they expected this to happen. Selenzio followed with a sneer and a gun almost larger than him.
Once they were out of sight, Klinko threw Armenia on the floor and ignored her sobbing. He plopped down in front of the ships missiles, pegged a satellite and laughs about it. Then almost indecipherably mumbled, “Damn government scoundrels.”
In the Detention Cells,
Selenzio happily drove his prisoners into their cells with a bit of a dance. They went into the prison without a fuss, then the cells detached and they all got away.
He yelled loudly and pushed his hair back frantically like he thought it was clouding his vision.
He took off back up the deck to find Armenia, distraught and scarred, pinned to the wall by an advancing Klinko.
When his first mate ran in, he pulled away and cleared his throat loudly,
“Yes, M’boy.” He said straightening his back and lifting his chin in an attempt to regain his authority.
“Captain . . . I . . . the prisoners . . . have escaped.”
Klinko jumped to attention wit a look and mixed anger and surprise.
“What! All of them??!!”
Selenzio hung his head in shame. “Yes Captain, all of them.’
Klinko shook with anger and confusion. The two others flinched as if some giant alien monster was going to implore its wrath.
“How the hell did they ‘escape’?”
Selenzio’s smaller frame twitches violently with fear before he can bring himself to answer.
“I—I—I don’t know. I put them in the cells like you asked and when they were in, the cells . . . detached . . .”
Confusion falls over both of their faces. The captain rubs his chin thoughtfully.
“Detached, eh?”
While they were looking thoughtful, Armenia tried to slink off somewhere. Klinko grabbed her by the neck and pulled her under his arm.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Her long curly blond hair falls over her face.
“I just thought I’d . . . “She gave up and went limp.
“That’s what I thought.”
He let her go; she went off in a corner. Klinko gave his attention back to Selenzio, who is only a few feet away not reacting at all to Armenia and her behavior. Klinko continues with a finger pointed.
“Anyway, the only person who would dare cross me is Georgio,” he throws in a pause for effect, “the damned president of the Walnut System.”
Selenzio appeared confused once again. “Forgive me Captain, but the cells detached, please explain.”
Klinko points his finger again. “Ahhhh . . . but you see, Young First Mate, he has ways. Little people! He got a hoard of little people to break into our ship and tamper with our Detainment Cells.”
A look of understanding fell over Selenzio’s face and a grin appeared. “Are we gonna get him?”
Klinko laughed and hit him on the back—hard. “Do pigs fly?”
They both threw their heads back and laughed.

The War Coordinator .004 drifted nearer and nearer to a purplish planet.
Klinko prepared to land; laughing sporadically.
Selenzio was hanging of the side of the ship on a bungee cord, dressed in space gear, painting a skull and crossbones. He was laughing and because of it the inside of his helmet was getting all fogged up and he couldn’t see, but he kept laughing anyway.
Klinko put the sip on auto-dock and turned to Armenia. She cowered against the wall; he walked toward her still.
“It’s time Armenia, time to take the bastards out.”
He pinned her to the wall; she began to cry, but Klinko only laughed at her.
“Would you like to be my queen, Armenia? You would make a beautiful queen.” He laughs hysterically again.

Doctor Sanemiss, a short stub of a man with neatly trimmed contained gray hair and black, round wire rim glasses with thick lenses, wearing a tie-died lab coat entered a messy laboratory. He was pushing a chalkboard and laughing good-naturedly.
“I’ll bet you’re wondering what that was all about!” He exclaimed in a slightly Romanian accent.
He laughed some more, picked up a piece of chalk, and said, “Well it’s all very simple.”
Abruptly he broke into a tangent of writing complicated equations and explaining very quickly as if he didn’t really want anyone to understand but felt like he had to say them anyway. Slowly he stopped, put the chalk down, and clapped the dust off his hands.
“Alright, now your explanation.”
He started rummaging through some shelves in a corner. After a moment he pulled out a sheet, a projector, and a box of slides. He threw the sheet over the chalkboard kind of askew; a puff of chalk dust followed. Then he popped a slide in the machine. Suddenly he yelled out, “LET THERE BE DARK!” clapped his hands, and the lights went out, then he giggled.
“I love that. Anyway, it all began with this . . . “
On the sheet covered chalkboard, a can that clearly reads CARPET ADHESIVE appeared.
“Yes that’s what it says, Carpet Adhesive.” He giggled again. “The government wasted some kind of new chemical warfare that not even I,” gestures to himself, “know about. Sooo they hired me to devise it. I don’t normally like to take jobs that kill people but this one had good pay so I took it.” He paused to take a deep breath. “To test my wonderful creation they put it in the carpet adhesive into the cabins of Klinko, Selenzio, and Armenia, sent them to a non-existent war, and, well, all this resulted.”
He flipped a switch on the projector and a playback of Captain Klinko shooting down Satellites and laughing about it emerged. Sanemiss looked at it and sighed. “Well I guess you’re wondering if the title of this piece rings true.” A morbid look comes upon his face, and then he started laughing.
“No, no, no. President Smith is sending troops to collect them at this very moment before they invade the Walnut System and assassinate ‘President Georgio’,” he used air quotes when he said President Georgio, “who is a ferret. I don’t know where they got it from but Georgio is President Smith’s pet ferret.” He shrugged. “and I know what you’re thinking and the answer is: yes everyone is fine.” For a moment he paused and thought, then he giggled, “The only real damage done was to my benefactors. Twenty-one government satellites were shot out of space.” Sanemiss laughed and sat up on a counter next to a vile of bubbling goo. “Let me tell you they won’t be doing any experimenting on fully equipped warships any time soon.”
He jumped off the counter—nearly upsetting the goo all over the floor, picked up another slide and placed it in the projector.
“Everything turned out hunky dory so I’ll leave you with this. . . “
He flipped the switch and GOODBYE appeared on the sheet.

Two burly men dressed all in white carried a scraggly looking Klinko through a completely white hallway with bright florescent lights over head, into a padded room. Our dear captain is laughing hysterically and struggling against his captors.
“They can’t keep me here forever, Georgio! I’ll get you!!!!”
Dr. Sanemiss walked into the hallway from somewhere, shrugged, and let loose a deep sigh.
“So I was mistaken.”
"Sorry I didn't recognize you. I've changed a lot." Oscar Wilde

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Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:11 am
Fishr says...

Oh, I liked this. Short but sweet. I like the char Klinko. He seemed arrogant in the begining but seemed to turn out demonic, lol.

There is a few grammar errors, but just minor ones. I'm not too picky on that. Only thing, I can suggest is, even though you had the date set over 3000 A.D. I didn't really feel it was set into the future. I only was under the impression that it was a military-type of story - which is cool. I like them to. :D

Other than that, well done.
The sadness drains through me rather than skating over my skin. It travels through every cell to reach the ground. I filter it yet strangely enough, I keep what was pure and it is the dirt that leaves.

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Tue Oct 11, 2005 11:11 am
Nefer says...

Melodie wrote:Lalian sits back and rubs his chin in a thoughtful sort of way.

Isn't this meant to be in the past tense? I suggest: Lalian sat back in his chair and rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

Melodie wrote:A tall, muscular man, about 32

It's best to write numbers than to use the numerals and you can also say the man is in his early thirties instead. Suggestion: A tall muscular man in his early thirties….

Melodie wrote:A tall, muscular man, about 32 walks down a hall made completely out of chrome to a doorway at the end that slides open with a "whoosh" as he walks through it.

'Walks down a hall' shouldn't this be in the past tense? walked down a hall.... And for 'whoosh' it is best to use apostrophes (' ') rather than speechmarks (" ").

Melodie wrote:A tall, muscular man, about 32 walks down a hall made completely out of chrome to a doorway at the end that slides open with a "whoosh" as he walks through it. Once on the other side the man finds himself in the office of Commander Lalian. They salute each other for a moment then, when Lalian gives the signal they sit down.

For this whole section think about whether it should be in the past or present tense.

Melodie wrote:"We're sending you on a mission. Tomorrow. Meet your ship, the War Coordinator .004, at the dock at 8:00 A.M. It’s not going to wait for you."

There shouldn't be a full stop after 'tomorrow' join it with the next sentence. Suggestion: "We're sending you on a mission. Tomorrow you will meet your ship, the War Coordinator .004, at the docks at 8:00 am. It's not going to wait for you if you're late."

Also is 'War Coordinator .004' the name of the ship? If so there it should be in italic so we know, sometimes it can get confusing to tell.

Melodie wrote:Klinko mouth stretched in a smile so big that it appeared to almost rip his face in two.
"Yes, yes you're dismissed, go gather Dr. Armenia and First Mate Selenzio."
Now Captain Klinko rose, saluted, and left the room.

Again I'm sure this is meant to be in the past tense. Correction: Klino's mouth stretched into a smile so big….

'"Yes, yes you’re dismissed"'? Shouldn't be: "Go and gather Dr. Armenia and the First Mate Selenzio. Dismissed."

Melodie wrote:A shuttle had to be talked from the Planet's surface from something like an airport to the Military Docking Facility.

I didn't understand this part. Are you trying to say that a shuttle must have permission from the Military Docking Facility before it docks?

If so I suggest: Before a shuttle reaches the surface of a planet it must radio in and ask permission to dock at the Military Docking Facility which was commonly known as the MDF.

Melodie wrote:The M. D. F. was a huge chrome (the metal usually used by the military in those days) platform with several chrome, hangers coming off of it.

'Platform' should be linked with 'huge chrome' and then you should add in the brackets. No need for the comma after 'several chrome'.

Suggestion: The M.D.F. was a huge chrome platform (the metal usually used by the military in those days) with several chrome hangers coming off of it.

Melodie wrote:Inside the hangars are many, many ships, but the largest shiniest one was the War Coordinator .004.

I don't think you really need to do 'many, many' why not write: Inside the hangars there are many ships but the largest and shiniest one was the War Coordinator .004.

Notice that when I wrote the ships name it was not in italic, that is because you need it to be identified as the ships name. If the sentance was in normal type then the ships name would be in italic.

Melodie wrote:It was being loaded with a crew of about 10 people-a very small number for such a mission as that but no one seemed to notice.

Again you need to write out the number of people rather than use numerals and also there needs to be a space between the dash.

Suggestion: It was being loaded with a crew of about ten people - a very small number for such a mission as that but no one seemed to notice.

Melodie wrote:"HAHAHA! It's ours! All ours!" Klinko yelled while he turned and jogged away; did a bit of a jig.

I like this bit, it makes me think of an evil genius. :D

Melodie wrote:At the door of the ship, Klinko poked his head out with and said is a mock-serious tone,….

This is a spaceship right? Then it should be: Klino stood on the gangway and said in a mock-serious tone….

Melodie wrote:The first mate laughs with his captain

Correction: The First Mate laughed with his Captain…

Melodie wrote:"Come on dough heads it’s time to go."

Wouldn't it be 'doughheads'?

Melodie wrote:"Ohhh! Just get on the damn ship!" She yelled furiously.

I am liking the character of Armenia. :D

Melodie wrote:Selenzio bows his head and mutters a, "Yes ma'am, before boarding.

Correction: Selenzio bowed his head and muttered, "Yes ma'am," before boarding.

Melodie wrote:A few minutes later the ship takes off.

Correction: A few mintutes later the ship took off.

Melodie wrote:War Coordinator .004, later that night

Wouldn't it be 'On board the War Coordinator .004'?

Melodie wrote:War Coordinator .004, the next morning, Only a few minutes later . . ., In the Detention Cells

Make sure these are spaced out so we know where the crew are.

Melodie wrote:Klinko gave his attention back to Selenzio, who is only a few feet away not reacting at all to Armenia and her behavior. Klinko continues with a finger pointed.

Correction: Klinko turned his attention back to Selenzio, who was only a few feet away not reacting to Armenia and her behaviour. Klinko continued with a finger pointed.

Melodie wrote:He was laughing and because of it the inside of his helmet was getting all fogged up and he couldn't see, but he kept laughing anyway.

Haha, this part made me laugh. Good job, I can tell he really has gone insane. :D

Melodie wrote:Klinko put the sip on auto-dock

Suggestion: Klinko switched the ship to auto-dock
Melodie wrote:He laughs hysterically again.

Correction: He laughed hysterically again.

Melodie wrote:Doctor Sanemiss, a short stub of a man with neatly trimmed contained gray hair and black, round wire rim glasses with thick lenses, wearing a tie-died lab coat entered a messy laboratory. He was pushing a chalkboard and laughing good-naturedly.

A more simplified version of this sentence: Doctor Sanemiss, a short stub of a man with neatly trimmed grey hair, black round wire-rimmed glasses with think lenses and dressed in a tie-dyed lab coat, entered the messy laboratory.

Who is Sanemiss actually talking to? I got the feeling he was talking to himself and thought he had gone insane too.

Overall the beginning was a little ‘dry’ it didn’t really interest me much but when we are introduced to the characters of Klinko. Selenzio and Armenia it was much more interesting. I liked it and hope you carry on writing this. I would love to know what happens to the three characters, although it seems not much has affected Armenia.

Keep writing! :) :D :wink:

EDIT: I'm guessing this is in another galaxy? If so then I don't think it matters if it is set in the future or not because you can make up anything if it is in a fictious place.

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Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:06 am
Nis says...

Why is some of the parts written in the past tense and some in the present tense?

I liked it but I can't add much more to what Fishr or Nefer said.

Are you going to carry on because I would like to know how things go whith the three characters.

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Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:44 pm
Melodie says...

I'm horrible at tenses when I write prose because I'm used to writing in present for screenplays. I never really thought I would carry on with it actually.
"Sorry I didn't recognize you. I've changed a lot." Oscar Wilde

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Wed Dec 07, 2005 11:16 pm
Melodie says...

I'm thinking on adding more on Armenia though. Her character is interesting me of late.
"Sorry I didn't recognize you. I've changed a lot." Oscar Wilde

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Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:22 am
Nis says...

Yes, please do.

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Fri Mar 13, 2009 1:22 am
un-insane peyton (hopeful says...

I have one thing to say but will probly ramble on and on about it. Either I'm reading to fast (posibly a option) or you need to slow down. No offence but I could barley keep up with this. You need to describe more and form your charicters throughly.

O.k I re-read (slower) and found this- Klinko rose in quite different mood. His grin wasn’t kooky like the day before it was rather maniacal, insane even. He abruptly sat up in bed with a white and taut muscle shirt over his rippling pectoral muscles and let loose an evil little giggle.- Nicly described.

I'll shut up now
"My mother used to say that there are no strangers, only friends you haven't met yet. She's now in a maximum-security twilight home in Australia" Dame Edna Everage

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