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Tue Feb 06, 2007 1:27 pm
If_Rocks_Could_Fly says...

The tin can drifted through the black waves of silence. Every once in a while a small creak or crack would have the audacity to disturb the peace that surrounded it. Aboard the Entrada the crew slept for now, only for a short time longer however.

The journey began a century before when leading scientists claimed they had made contact with an alien civilization, this being only the second intelligent life form ever encountered.

A thousand high pitched whooshes were made as the lids to the now decompressed stasis hibernation chambers opened in unison. Steam flooded the main halls of the ship. They'd arrived.

The scientists and new world government had set out to create a task force that would traverse the near endless distance between the two planets, and eventually make first physical contact.

Groans and quiet murmurs echoed off the inside of the metal hull. Ven rolled over sleepily and then to his surprise onto the cold floor with a fleshy thud, the kind only a limp body can make, which was followed by yet another, albeit a more aware groan.

The lights were still on low to give their eyes time to remember their sight. Ven stood up slowly while rubbing his eyes and regaining his balance and began to wobble toward the galley. He was starved having not eaten in one hundred years. Walking would be difficult for the next few days. Any and all recuperation would be slow. He’d heard that this new planet orbited a single star which was far brighter than his own. Just the thought of more light made his head hurt.

“Good ta see ya Ven,” A booming voice called from just over his shoulder, “how was ya sleep?”

“Sickening,” Ven replied without halting his strange dance toward breakfast to turn his head to see who it was. The voice of his long time friend Mehmood was unmistakable in that there always seemed to be a moment of perfect silence after he spoke. “I had the most terrible dream. I woke up and found everyone else was gone. The pods were already opened and everyone was already down on the new planet but me.”

“I dreamt the most delicious gaurum and kaki I’d eva seen were always just outa my reach. Then I woke up and saw ya stumblin' toward the kitchen like ya just had a pile of pombe tubes so I figured I should follow ya ta…”

Ven didn’t hear the rest because by this time he had reached the galley and was face down in the gaurum and kaki Mehmood had described, and he was right Ven thought, this was the best kaki and gaurum he’d ever had.

“…so when we get down on the planet lata this week we can trade the kaki for some a their stuff if it looks any good, eh Ven?”

“Sure Mehmood,” said Ven with a passive tone “I just can’t wait to see what their people and planet are like. I hear that water covers most of it, it’s a wonder they survive, not to mention all the light.”

A monotone voice clipped over the speaker system, the captain was speaking, “Attention, we’ve made first visual contact!” a hologram flickered up in the corner of Ven’s eye. He turned quickly to behold a tall slender being with wavy projections coming from the top of its head.

“Hello.” it said, “Welcome to Earth”

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Wed Feb 07, 2007 11:39 pm
Jennafina says...


Are you double spacing the space between your paragraphs? You don't need quite that much. Thanks for dividing it up into lots of paragraphs, though. :)

I really like what you did in the beginning, alternating the action with the explanation. It was like a cliffhanger each paragraph! ^_^

I don't know what you mean by tin can though.

Groans and quiet murmurs echoed off the inside of the metal hull.

I'm not exactly sure why, but I really like this sentence.

“Hello.” it said, “Welcome to Earth”

There should be a comma, not a period after hello, and a period after earth. Great ending line! It makes it so you can stop right here, or continue on with your story. I'd love to see more, but it makes a great one shot as well.

I wish there was a little more to Ven's character. You could say what he looked like, or add more of his thoughts, anything so I can get a picture of him. :)

Mehmood's accent was a little exaggerated, I think. Maybe you could make it a little less pronounced?

Thanks for posting.
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Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:00 am
luna_the_shiekah says...

I liked this introduction to the story and the interesting choice in names you have for your characters. Also, the way Mehmood speaks is a nice way to differ him and Ven :D. And now it's time for my critique!

If_Rocks_Could_Fly wrote:Aboard the Entrada the crew slept for now, only for a short time longer however.

I suggest that you remove the comma and put "but" and then remove "however". It would make the sentence flow better.

If_Rocks_Could_Fly wrote:A thousand high pitched whooshes were made as the lids to the now decompressed stasis hibernation chambers opened in unison. Steam flooded the main halls of the ship. They'd arrived.

I suggest changing "whooshes" to another word, perhaps "noises". It throws the style off a bit. And join the last two nines together with a comma. Other wise, they're just two fragments that make the paragraph sound disjointed.

If_Rocks_Could_Fly wrote:...albeit a more aware groan.

May want to add a "with" after "albeit".

And that's the end of it! I enjoyed the foreign foods you introduced with a lack of description. It gave me a way to come up with an appearance for them myself. ^_^

I await the next installment. :)

I cannot name this
I cannot explain this
and I really don't want to
just call me shameless.

-Ani Di Franco "Shameless"

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Thu Feb 08, 2007 12:50 pm
If_Rocks_Could_Fly says...

Thanks for the suggestions. Actually the food is not all that foreign.
gaurum = a sauce made from fish that the Romans ate.
kaki = japanese for oyster
pombe = beer in swahili

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Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:16 pm
nickelodeon says...

Wow, I really like the ending.

A little more description of the spaceship setting would be nice. Actually, a little more description of the characters would be nice too.

In the last line,
“Hello.” it said, “Welcome to Earth”
I think the period after hello is good. It makes it seem like a big pause, which i think is what you're looking for.
You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.
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Sat Feb 10, 2007 7:34 pm
Trident says...

Meh, I thought it was okay. The beginning was rather tell-ish. And kind of boring. Ven was difficult to get a feeling about. He just seemed sort of there. He wasn't really participating in the story.

Mehmood's accent was fine, although I got a really annoying nasally voice, so if that wasn't your intention than perhaps you should alter the dialect.

The ending-- yeah, it's earth. I could have guessed it a mile away. I hope you do something with this that hasn't already been done to death.

We never have nearly enough good science fiction around these forums, so I hope you continue to post. :D
Perception is everything.

The most important service rendered by the press and the magazines is that of educating people to approach printed matter with distrust.
— Samuel Butler