
Young Writers Society

Photographs Once More!

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Sat Mar 14, 2009 1:14 am
beckiw says...

Hey! It's that time again when I am bored and want to be active on YWS but am too tired to review or write! lol So you get photographs! Are you excited?

I'm in a slightly odd mood so bare with me. Little Sleep + Essay = slightly loopy Becki.

Whilst walking up Scar Fell Pike.


At Newcastle...castle! lol I'm so patriotic! Go Britain!


At Helmsley castle again lol


This is the same abbey from my last set of photos that I posted. It's pretty, I like ruined abbeys. So much cooler than actual standing abbeys with roovess and stuff :p I just noticed something in this photo but I will see if you can see it lol


Abbey again.


Abbey, Abbey, tralalala! :D


This is on the road up to Watendlath. Got to love that name. It's in the lake district. There is this little winding road that leads up to it and there is like a tea room and a lake/river at the end. With nice walks in the hills. It's one of my mums favourite places. Mine too! I think this lost a touch of resolution somewhere along the line.


Your animal photo of the day! Piggy-wiggy wigeon! Or in other words...a Pigeon. Huh I thought pigeon had a D in it lol. This is at Newcastle castle. And yes you will all no doubt say 'You could stand to crop this" :D


That's all folks! lol Hope you weren't too scared by loopy me.

Until next time! :p

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Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:17 pm
Telina says...

OK, so this may be short but here it is:
1.) Love it, good view of the landscape, I think a panoramic horizontal view would of been nice too.
2.) Ha-ha, nice! I like where you took the shot. I think it would look really awesome if it was all blue sky's, but hey, I know you can't control the weather, so maybe next time.
3.) I love photographs taken through windows, of windows, there's just so much you can do with them, people don't realize that! I like what you did with this one, you got the shadow of the window on the inside, it looks great!
4.) OK this one is awesome! Give yourself a pat on the back=] I love the light filtering through the top.
5.) This one is good too, I like the green against the stone, it looks cook. Plus it's just a really cool architectural structure.
6.) One again, a cool structure. I like how you angled it so you could see the sky behind those windows on the top.
7.) Oh this one has so much potential! I think if you would of walked to the left a little bit and kept the camera angled at the same direction it would be perfect. Or if you walked to the right and took it at the same angle but got some of the hill that is decline to the right. The reason why I don't like it, is because I can see there is a hill there and I want to go one way or another. Still a cool shot though,
8.) *gasps* I hate birds ha-ha but this is a good close up, especially because there's a base from a building which gives you an idea of how small the bird is.

All-in-all, I liked them, good work.

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Sat Mar 14, 2009 4:10 pm
Lost_in_dreamland says...

I see you are fond of the Lake District too? I adore it there, there's a particular town that I've visited all of my life and all of my parents' childhood too, it's called Keswick, have you been there? Anyway, I shall try and give some constructive criticism, instead of just praising you, but I could go on all day about how wonderful these pictures are. xD


I truly adore this one. I love the way the sky blends into the hills, I love the colours and the way the clouds look as though they're leaping over the hills.

I like the way you've centered the focus upon the rock in the foreground, yet the background is almost just as clear. The clarity is truly wonderful.

Furthermore I love the way the further away hill looks as though a tree has fallen upon it, the impring in its side.

Now, things I like about it and things I think could be improved upon:


The imprint on the farthest hill, it looks almost like a tree has fallen upon it, which is of course rather impossible, but it does have that look about it. I love the 'bumpy', so to speak, parts upon the hills. It gives them a look of realistic-ness and makes them even prettier. Quite lovely.

The way the clouds seem to be leaping over the hills. Hard to explain, but they add so much character to the picture.

The focus. It's kind of on the foreground, yet it is not quite, more a mixture between the foreground and the background, I've never been the best at trying to construct a coherent sentence. xD What I mean by that, it's almost focused on the small rock in front, yet it's still focused on the background too.

Don't like

The blueness of the sky. Now this, is quite a stupid comment to make, but I don't like how perfect the sky is. You couldn't really have changed that, but I just think it sets about the picture a fake look of perfection, had the weather been terrible I think this picture would've been all the more atmospheric &c.

Anyway, I'm going to get some slightly late lunch, then I'll come back and review the rest

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Sat Mar 14, 2009 6:01 pm
Lost_in_dreamland says...


Okay, let's see...


Hm... I'm not too sure about this one, it's certainly not my favourite. Maybe it just lacks character, there's nothing really in the picture other than a flag, for me a flag just doesn't interest me. It doesn't ignite any inspiration or even any feeling at all.

I think the only thing I like about this one is the way it's taken through a window, which gives it a frame so to speak. I like that, but not much more about this one.

The ones taken in the Abbey
I really like these ones, as you said the abbey is much nicer with no roof than it is with one.

My favourite is the pigeon, the building sets about it an air of smallness and shows just how insignificant one pigeon is in the whole world. Rather inspiring.

Anyway, I really liked these pictures., sorry I couldn't be of more help;
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Sat Mar 14, 2009 6:54 pm
Jon says...

Hey Becki!

I have really nothing to say except you are lucky. You live in such a beautiful area. My favorite picture is the one of the big hill. I absolutly lov the abbey you've taken pictures of. I wish I could be there!

Are you alloweed to climb it's steps?

*Gold Star*

Those were great!

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Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:25 am
Juniper says...

Beckiw! Becki!

I love your talent for photography, and your style within! It's so pretty-- you really capture the true spirit of Europe in your photos.

I love the last two ones! The photograph with the trees seems like such a wonderful place. It's so hill-y and the trees (though bald they are :P) are so pretty!

I love the architecture there! The more you post photos the more I really want to be there! It looks like such a peaceful place. Almost as if it's lonely.

And the pigeon! Pigeons are cute birds, aren't they? :D I love the way they waddle when they walk... Anyway! You have friendly pigeons! You probably zoomed xD, but the pigeons here fly away when you get within 30 feet of them. :D

Beautiful, Becci :). (More, please? :D)


Keep up the great shots!
"I'd steal somebody's purse if I could google it and then download it." -- Firestarter

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Tue Mar 17, 2009 8:48 pm
beckiw says...

Thanks for the comments everyone! :)

Jon - well, I had actually gone up some steps to take that photo lol If you look it is kind of a higher perspective. I don't climb on the walls of the ruins because that is naughty! :p but I go up the stairs because I am nosey and like to see where they go haha! Sometimes you get like a doorway with spiral staircases that just end. I always wander up them. Sorry that was a really long answer lol

June - Pigeons here get fed lots! lol When I went to York in February they have this park where, because they get fed so much, wild pigeons and squirrels come and eat out of your hand.

Thanks again! I'll search some more photies out soon :)

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Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:09 am
Poptimist says...

Lets see your photographs, so you're more on landmarks in different places right? It's good. You bring out the best of your photographs. But It I think your photographs is more on silhouette it's great also. You captured God's creation very well the pigeon is cute. I like the texture, the color of your photographs it seems so high quality try to post it at Flickr :). You have did a very excellent job Miss Becki, keep it up!
Over all: Excellent.

Best regards,

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Fri Mar 20, 2009 12:40 pm
*~DesTinEE~* says...

Hi, I really loved the third one I don't know why. . .
It just got to me I love the way the windows are and the
fourth on on the bottom right hand side is the best. Something about
how it's not all connected. . . i loved the sunlight it was perfect!

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