
Young Writers Society

A few photographs :D

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Thu Mar 05, 2009 4:45 pm
Shinigamizm says...

Here are a few of my many photographs...some I like, others could be better. I hope you find one you enjoy. :) If you have any suggestions/comments please do reply. :D

I only really took this to show off my shoes haha, edited in PSP8.








...I'll stop now. XD

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Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:47 am
MeadowLark says...

Hey there!

Awesome pictures! Really!

1) They're pretty cool looking shoes if you ask me. It looks kinda weird the way you did it though o_O

2) I love how the birds and the tree are silueted against the sky. I love that blue!

3) Sweet sky! It has that lonely feel to it. Must be the lone bird there. It's cool how the colours just blend in with each other and that dark patch at the bottom. Good job!

4) Okay, for some unknown reason, this one is my favourite. My eyes were immeaditly drawn to it. It has that creepy touch to it. But it also feels old.

5) I just love stain glass windows! They're always so colourful with an assormant of colours! I like how everything is black except the windows. Really brings the colours out.

6) The blurred effect of the colours in the background is nice. I like the design of whatever that black thing is. But that big wihte patch in the corner is distracting.

7) Hmm...well, it's a nice shot. It's nice and centred.

8) The red in here is cool! It feels almost...haunted.

Overall: These are great! They're so clear and well centred. Excellent job and a gold star! Keep up the good work! Oh, can I save the skull one? I just really, really like it ^_^

Purple light in the canyon
that is where I long to be
With my three good companions
just my rifle, pony and me

--- "My Rifle My Pony and Me"

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Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:53 am
Shinigamizm says...

MeadowLark wrote:Hey there!

Awesome pictures! Really!

1) They're pretty cool looking shoes if you ask me. It looks kinda weird the way you did it though o_O

2) I love how the birds and the tree are silueted against the sky. I love that blue!

3) Sweet sky! It has that lonely feel to it. Must be the lone bird there. It's cool how the colours just blend in with each other and that dark patch at the bottom. Good job!

4) Okay, for some unknown reason, this one is my favourite. My eyes were immeaditly drawn to it. It has that creepy touch to it. But it also feels old.

5) I just love stain glass windows! They're always so colourful with an assormant of colours! I like how everything is black except the windows. Really brings the colours out.

6) The blurred effect of the colours in the background is nice. I like the design of whatever that black thing is. But that big wihte patch in the corner is distracting.

7) Hmm...well, it's a nice shot. It's nice and centred.

8) The red in here is cool! It feels almost...haunted.

Overall: These are great! They're so clear and well centred. Excellent job and a gold star! Keep up the good work! Oh, can I save the skull one? I just really, really like it ^_^


Thank you so much :D Yes, of course you can save it! That one's probably my favourite too, hehe.

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Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:11 pm
Lost_in_dreamland says...

Hey there, Shini ;)
I'm currently trying to improve my art & photography critiques, so I hope this is a slight improvement upon my previous ones. Anyway, onto the critique:

I like these photos, they're extremely atmospheric and very interesting.

I don't like this picture. It's not particularly aesthetic or anything. I do like the shoes, but there's some rather distracting objects in the background.

You admitted yourself that the picture wasn't particularly arty or anything, and I agree. Not a favourite, but I do like the shoes. ;)

Now, some points about it that I like, and then the points that I don't:


^ The shoes. How could I not like them? The buttons are gorgeous, and I love the cut off. Furthermore, the red is rather beautiful on them.

^The pose. Could be used to advertise shoes in a shop, honestly it could. It shows the side view and the front, I also love how it shows the tights, which go really well with the boots ;)

^ The colours. The blacks and whites kind of merge into each other, and the red sticks out.

Don't like

>The rather distracting objects in the background, they really take away most of the photo's beauty.

>The actual photo doesn't really appeal to me. Probably just a matter of opinion, but I just don't find it that interesting.


This one is truly beautiful. Probably my favourite. The sky is gorgeous, the birds are gorgeous, the trees are gorgeous, everything is gorgeous!

This photo is a great example of how atmospheric your photos are. They truly are breath-taking.

Just incredible.

It reeks inspiration and ideas. In addition it's just so poetic, absolutely beautiful.
I can picture a writer sitting on maybe a hill before those trees just writing, writing and writing and writing, works of incredible calibre.

I truly adore this one.


>The atmosphere. It sets about me an air of inspiration and happiness, a fuzzy feeling of happiness.

The atmosphere is fantastic. Absolutely fantastic.

>The birds. They set about the picture an air of life and vitality. Without it the picture is beautiful, but simply for being beautiful, with them it is beautiful because it's so real. You can breathe the air, hear the birds... I'll stop now or I'll go on forever.

>The trees. I adore trees. The way they branch off like every opportunity.
So very poetic.

>The colours and the way they merge into each other. Quite wonderful.

Don't Like

<I don't really have much to say about not liking this piece as I like it so much,I shall try and come up with something though.

< The lack of birds. I think maybe some more birds would make this picture better. Not really something that you could help though.

<I think maybe the colours merge into each other too much. It almost seems as though the blue is a backdrop, it kind of looks as if the picture lacks layers. Like there's only three layers in the picture, whereas there's actually lots, if you get what I mean.


Actually, I think this one's my favourite.

It is blurred, but I think that just adds to this photo. I really love the bird in this photo, extremely lyrical.

I don't really have much more to say on this one, so we'll just go straight on to the good and bad points, eh?


>The bird. It's so desolate and solitary amongst such beautiful colours.

>The unknown. I have no idea what's in the picture, besides the bird. But I don't care. It's just so beautiful that nothing else really matters. I think it's either the sea or the sky.

>The colours. One of the things you're best at in photography is colours. They all merge in together beautifully. They do so in all your photos.

Anyway, I'm off to get a drink, and my computer has a habit of switching off every five minutes when I leave it, so I'll post this then come back and do the rest.

for what are we without words and stories?

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Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:51 pm
Lost_in_dreamland says...

Right, I'm back.

This one is supposed to be extremely poignant and strong &c. but, I don't really like it. A lot of people will, but I don't. It just doesn't have the same feel as the others. It doesn't set about me passion or anything. I don't know.. it just doesnt feel right.

I like
> The oldness. I love old things. So I do like the oldness of this.

I don't like

<I can't really say. I'm actually not sure what I don't like about this photo.

There's just something. I can't really describe it, just...


I'm a firm believer in religion having a value that far outweighs that of science, and for that I truly adore all religious things.

I just love the idea of believing in something, of grasping onto life through beliefs and living through those ideals. That said, I hate the way people use religion to do things that I believe to be morally wrong. I really hate how people claim they are entitled to commit terrible acts such as slavery due to religion.

I really like this photo. It's so spiritual.

Really interesting photo.

I like

>The viewpoint from which this photo is taken. It almost seems to me as though the photo is taken, it almost seems as though it's being taken by someone that's praying, due to the angle and such. This seems very fitting considering it's a religious photo.

>The colours in the stained glass window. They're beautiful, what more is there to say?

I don't like

< The dark. I like the figures being dark, but I don't like the way the window frames are dark. Although this isn't really your fault, I'm just being picky. ;)


This is another of those ones that to me just lacks something. I think I'll just skip this one, as I don't really have anything to say about it, and it'd kind of bore you if I was to go on about nothing, believe me, I'm rather good at doing that. ;)


I really like this one, the ones you've taken in the church have a certain power, they're really lovely.

I can't really say anything about this one, as there's not much in the picture to criticize. Anyway...

I love this one. The colours are beautiful.

I love your pictures.

They're so lyrical and poetic.

PM me when you post more.

for what are we without words and stories?

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Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:02 pm
bio-mechanic says...

These are some cool photos you got here!

1. I love your shoes, and the way you edited it so the colour of them stands out. However, I agree with Lost_in_Dreamland that the background is distracting and takes away from the image.

2. I really like how bold the sillhouettes are, and I know how hard it can be to get at the right angle and stuff for that kind of shot. The big clump of branches on the right are bothering me, thought, but that's really not your fault xD

3. This one's probably one of my favourites. The colours in the background contract so sharply to the sharp and dark shape of the bird.

4. This photo is really awesome as well, and I think that the way the headstone is so sharp compared to the background is what makes it so great, along with the angle. I think that maybe if you took another one (just as an experiment) that's similar, but maybe with a branch as a 'frame' even closer to the camera, or at a lower angle. I'm just wondering how that could turn out.

5. This is really beautiful. Once again, the contract of colour with the silhouetted statues is great, and the angle also gives a really good effect.

6. The focus on the foreground here is great, along with the attention to detail. I love how the background looks stippled almost.

7. This one's centred well, and the lighting's great. Maybe from a lower angle as an experiment, though?

8. The stained glass window looks like fire, and I really like how the altar is kind of basked in red light, whereas the rest of it's dark. It's really pretty.

Overall, I love your photos, and I'd really like to see more.
...with my monocle.

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Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:20 pm
Juniper says...

Hi there, Shini! June here (I believe I reviewed a poem by you before? I'm not sure :P) Anyway! I'm going to go over these in all my harsh-purple glory :P.

I totally love writer-photographers. They're like the best people ever.

Anyway! Onto the point:

Numero Uno.

- I quite like this one! It has a soft monotony about it that makes it easy on our eyes, despite the fact that red is like, one of the boldest colors ever. However! Kirsten (Lost_in_dreamland) is quite right about background distractions. That's not too much of a problem, though. It would make the picture a little bit more "focused" if you blurred everything except for the shoes, and maybe the legs. It would kind of give us a "softer" approach to the photo, and it would draw our eyes to the main focus of the picture! While background distractions are often approached as bad things, that's not always so! ;) If the photo comes out good, then background distractions are great. So! I believe you can bring on a bit of blur with PSP, right?

Numero dos.

- Birds! Pretty birds! I like the silhouette feeling to this picture-- it's rather cool, and it looks somewhat... creepy. But! Maybe if you clean it up a little bit by cropping out the excess edges it might be cleaner for our eyes? Nevertheless, I like this one alot in all its simplistic glory. Nice. :)

Numero tres.

- My gosh! That is one awesome shot, dear! I mean, it's absolutely brilliant! The composition here is perfect-- and it's so beautiful! The bird flying towards the sun has a strong solitary air about it, I could almost see this photo representing strength or something. Well done! I think this is my favorite!

Numero Cuatro.

- Tell me that's not a tombstone, please.

This one is creepily cool :P. Perfect composition and clarity in this one-- well done!

Numero cinco.

- Eek! Stained glass! This picture is beautiful! It took me a minute to realize there were statues at the bottom :P. I like this one alot. It's beautiful and all church-like. I like it alot :).

Numero sies.

- Awesome! The clarity and focus of this one is great. The white box is pulling my eyes away from the whatchamacallit? (The thing that the focus is on, haha) and the stained glass in the background is perfect. Well done!

Numero seite.

- Nice, clear focus you've got there. Brilliant, that's what I like to see :D

Numero ocho.

- Beautiful! Perfect shot ^_^ well composed! The glass kind of looks like it is on fire in this one. Nice job, you really captured the atmosphere of a church in these. Brilliant job.

Overall, you've got some pretty great shots, dear! I like them alot-- they're well composed, and rather interesting and unique.

Keep it up! I'd like to see more!

"I'd steal somebody's purse if I could google it and then download it." -- Firestarter

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Sat Mar 07, 2009 5:12 pm
Shinigamizm says...

Lost_in_dreamland: Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on each of them, I loved reading what you had to say. :) I agree that the first one isn't too great, still there was something that I liked about it! Maybe more of an edit to bring the focus back to the shoes rather than the background could help! I'm glad you enjoyed the photograph of the crows sat on the tree - it was taken on New Year's Day, and the sky was so dark and gloomy, I just thought it would make an atmospheric shot.

Springrain2693: Yes I think you did review a poem of mine! :) Thank you, and thanks for looking at these photos as well. I agree with you about the first - I guess it's more of a spruced up snapshot than anything else! I'm glad you like the photo of the bird against the sky, I know it just looks like a big wall of blur, but I was hoping people would notice that the bird is the only thing in focus. I wanted it to bring a feeling of vastness to whoever was looking at it. The bird's almost lost in that big ol' sky. :D The fourth one is a headstone...which I hesitated at photographing, but I had never seen a skull on a headstone before, and I thought it was really sinister and creepy. The whole graveyard featured skulls on the headstones, and they were all dilapidated and fallen over...I had never seen anything like it before. Anyway thank you for your comments and encouragement, I'll be sure to post more soon. :)

bio-mechanic: I like your idea for re-framing the fourth shot, next time I'm down that way I'll give it a try. :) A lot of the other headstones were fallen over so there's sure to be something even more interesting I could shoot.

Thanks guys, I feel so encouraged, haha. :D

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Sat Mar 07, 2009 9:58 pm
Rosendorn says...

Photography! Yay!

First- Okay, I like the colour tricks you've done here. However, I find it looks, awkwardly seductive the the skirt and stockings. And the box right next to the shoes is a distraction. ;)

Second- Randomly wonderful! I like how you have to look for the birds. Even after that, I don't think I've found them all. xD Tres beau. (xD hope my French is okay there)

Third- Ohhh, pretty. I like how the streaks towards the sun lead your eye to the bird. And how blurred everything is. The lines across the photo make things detail-ridden. I really like it. ^_^

Fourth- Creepy. Personally, I find this would have been a bit better had the skull been a bit to the right on the photo. Then we could have seen some more symmetrical details, and it wouldn't look quiet as out of place. :D The detail on this shot is wonderful though!

Fifth- Where is this church?! It's absolutely beautiful with the shadows of the Saints that take up the bottom third. You wouldn't have happened to take any photography courses, have you? :D This follows the rule of thirds perfectly!

Sixth- I find the stained glass in the background a bit distracting in this picture. I want to focus on the details of the iron, but the points of colour int eh background keep calling my attention. ;)

Seventh- I would have focused more on Mary holding Jesus' head, not solely on Jesus himself in this one. It would tell more of a story.

Eigth- Point the camera more up, my dear. Then we could see the gorgeous chandelier! :D The altar, because it's back lit, is casting a distracting shadow.

Overall- please post more pictures, and soon! :D These are amazing!

Questions? PM me.

A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

Ink is blood. Paper is bandages. The wounded press books to their heart to know they're not alone.

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Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:52 am
SilencedHope says...

They are all quite amazing.
I like this kind of photography. (:

1) I love the "pop out colour" of the shoes.
oh, && they're pretty rad. ;)

2) It reminds me of death, in a way.
The empty trees, the hollow sky, the black birds
waiting for destruction.

3) The colours are beautiful and the
bird just adds to the balance of the photo.

4) The moss, i suppose, on the tomb
is apt, showing the age of it.

5) the dark figures are exposed by
the brilliant stain glass. they contrast
each other well.

6) the metal stands out against the
blur of background

7) great angle. centered && looking
upward, showing significance.

8) the vibrant colours make the dark
cathedral seem warmer, more inviting.

i really liked them all. great work. (:

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Sun Mar 08, 2009 2:53 pm
Katemabob says...

1 I like how the shoes are the only things that are colourful in this one! It would be better if there were no things against the wall...

2 I think this might be my fave . . . The birdies are co cute! Um.... I like the colours in the sky, theyre Cool!

3 This one os cool & comfusing, but i still like it. It doesnt really even look like a photo. It looks like watercolour Paint with a bird!

4 Ai like this one too! Its like the evil classic tombstone in those movies, with the skull on top and the green stuff growing on it. Ai like it!! :)

5 AI LIKE (oo sorry caps lok. Wai do Ai alwais do dat!?!!) Ai like the windos but the statues r a bit distracting.

6 Ai think this is also one of mai faves. Ai like how theres colour in the background its so pretty. Its like.... thare is dark 'luring' around the happy ppl, meaning they are about to dai!!! MOOHAHA MOOHAHA! Srry.

7 Nice and clear. :D Nice shadows on the face

8 I love how the windows make everything pink!!!

Good job. F r o m : K a t e m a b o b
Be crazy, be wild, be silly...
Because life is too short to be cool.

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Sun Mar 08, 2009 3:09 pm
Musicaloo7311 says...

Hiya! I'll give my opinions on said photographs. :)

1- Pretty dang cool shoes. Hehe.

2- One of my favorites. I love it.

3- My other favorite. I love the blurred sky and the focused, single bird. Great.

4- Not my favorite, but great focus!

5- I love stained glass. Wonderful.

6- Amazing focus. Great job.

7- Beautiful, of course.

8- Love the red.

Overall, wonderful job! I look forward to seeing more!
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it's ok, death by laughter was always how i've wanted to go out
— Carina