
Young Writers Society

I picked up a camera, this is what I got

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Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:53 am
Nutty says...

I bought a camera not long ago, and have tried my hand at photography. I have literally no experience, so tell me what you think, and tell me what I can do better, I have no idea what I'm doing.



because he was cute, he came up to the fence to say hello ^_^

It's a little random, but I was just taking photos of random objects in a bout of boredom and kind of liked it. ^_^





This is my little sister. ^_^ Not many 'arty' photos have people in them, but I like it anyway

It's not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache.

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Wed Mar 04, 2009 12:16 pm
erratik_statik says...

Having absolutely no idea on photography I can't say much. But looking at these makes me think u r an absolute natural!!!

these are really good... except the cow one which isn't all that artistic

The second one is my favourite tjough... cool as!

I think you should get some more experience because you're way good :-)

I should have been a pair of ragged claws
Scuttling across the floors of silent seas. . . . . .

"The Lovesong of J Alfred Prufrock" T.S Eliot

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Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:29 pm
Meep(: says...

erratik_statik wrote:Having absolutely no idea on photography I can't say much. But looking at these makes me think u r an absolute natural!!!

No chatspeak, please ;)

These pictures were delightful!
You live in a very beautiful area.
*mumbles about Singapore being too urban*

The first picture looks like it belongs in An Encyclopedia of Plants.
Very sharp and...info-book picture worthy. If you catch my drift.
The second picture was brilliant. I always wondered how to focus on a certain object,
And sort of 'blur' out the background. Those pictures are very artistic looking :D
The rest are mainly scenery. Simply breathtaking, Nut.
Last picture: Your sis is so...Adorably Cute. She has gorgeous eyes and a real sweet smile :D

Not bad for a first time photographer, eh? :D
~Have a nice day!
~Liverpool F.C Supporter~
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Wed Mar 04, 2009 2:41 pm
Juniper says...

Hey there Nutty! June here!

*thwaps* You do have experience now, look at how good you are!


First picture! Nice composition! It would be nice to see the ends of all of the stem-things, but this is neat! What is that anyway? I've never seen anything like it before. Great focus; the clarity of the shot is fantastic.

Second! Nice and thorny! The focus here is great; the composition could be better, but decent enough. Nice shot, though!

Three! He looks a little mean, but he IS cute! And, I'm jealous! We don't have cows here in New York :(. At least not anywhere near me.

Four! Well, that's a neat shot! Pretty cool for Random :P. Play around with it a bit if you have photoshop, and see what you can turn it into.

Five! Buy me plane ticket to NZ? Kthnxbai.

But seriously, that is a fantastic shot, Nutty! The composition is great here! Well done!

Six: Purty sunset! Beautiful composition! You're a natural!

Seven! Hmm, is that the sky in the background, or just a dark blue background? Either way, that's an awesome shot, the details on the leaves are rather clear.

Eight. Your sister has been kidnapped. I have her.

She is so adorable! And her eyes are so pretty! She is absolutely beautiful!

Keep it up, Nutty! You're doing pretty good!

A good way to improve is to look around at other people's photography (deviant art or flickr are lots of good places) and try to copy off of their shots. You don't have to copy the shot exactly, :P But it's good for inspiration.

What type of camera do you have?

Good job! Keep it up, Nutster!

"I'd steal somebody's purse if I could google it and then download it." -- Firestarter

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Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:21 pm
Nutty says...

^_^ Thanks for the reviews, guys.

I have a Fujifilm finepix S3500. I got it second hand, two years old and basically never been used.

The seventh photo, the background is the sky. The blurred smudge behind is the moon ^_^ (not that you can tell)

I'm not sure what kind of plant the first one is, it's just a plant I saw out on my walk. >.<;

The thing I worry about the most is composition- but then I'll get there in the end, no?

Thankyou all ^_^

It's not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache.

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Thu Mar 05, 2009 1:49 am
beckiw says...

Hey there Nutty :)

Thought I would pay you a review back lol

Personally the only ones that I would say really stood out were the sixth one of the sunset and the last one of your sister. The others are just lacking something for me. I don't want to sound mean! lol

1st - The clarity in this photo is awesome, It's quite difficult to get whole plants in focus. Usually you find that some of it goes fuzzy or the camera focuses on something else. So Good job with that. On the downside I think there is no clear focal point in this photo. It is not composed in a way that directs the viewer through the photograph. If you understand what I mean lol

2nd - Again the clarity is awesome! this is obviously one of your strong points :P I'm not sure about the composition again. I like that the plant is framed to one side but I don't think the view behind the plant is interesting enough to do this sort of framing. It is very horizontal and doesn't have many interesting lines. Plus I would like to see the top of the plant.

3rd - Hehe a cow! He does kind of look scary! I always say that with animal photos, they only really work if you catch a light in their eyes and you did that so well done! It just gives the animals some life I think. I don't like how the wire cuts across the face of the cow but that is probably not your fault. I like the wooden post to the side of the frame as well. It adds another dynamic and level to the photo.

4th - I like the photo of the light. It is interesting composition wise and I understand the feeling of just wanting to take photos of random objects. The only problem I have with this photo is that It looks to me like you used the flash. I personally I try and stay away from using the flash in sort of arty photos, it's fine if your just documenting something. I think that the flash creates a weird light and makes photos look unnatural. I just don't like it but that is me. I think you lose some charm.

5th - This photo is cool but there is just something that doesn't seem right to me and I'm trying to figure out what it is lol hmmm Possibly that again the background doesn't have interesting lines and there is a bit too much grass. Whenever I use a tree in a photo in this way, I use it to frame an already cool view and the tree adds another dimension to the photo. Where as when I am taking a photo of a tree, I just take a photo of the tree. If you see what I mean. It's good that you are thinking about creating different fields. As in having something in the foreground and then in the background. It usually makes the photo more interesting.

6th - I really like this photo. The silhouette is awesome and the sky and I love how the tree just rises up out of the bushes. If it had just been a silhouette of the bushes it wouldn't have been as awesome but the tree adds extra interest :) Good Job on this one I really like it! I would stick it on my wall lol

7th - This I think is the worst one :/ Again there is no focal point in the photo. You are not directing the viewer in how to read the photograph. Also again you used flash and it has made a weird quality in this photo and again made it look unnatural. You just about get away with it in the light photo but this one I think doesn't work at all but the focus is good again! :D

8th - This photo is pretty awesome! Again you have the clarity down and I love love how her eyes look. They are so clear and again you have that light in her eyes. I also like the composition in this shot and the fact she is looking right into camera. Good job! :)

Ok I hope I didn't make you feel disheartened! I guess from doing photography at university they teach you to be very picky lol And when you do photography you notice things that perhaps usual people wouldn't. You definitely have something there, your thinking about composition and as I said your focus in some photos is amazing!

My advice, keep going. Photograph whenever you can all the time lol It helps. Think about how you compose your photos more and how to create interesting lines. Also keep a view of what your subject is in a photo so you have a clear focal point. I think with some more practice you could be pretty good :D

Again sorry if I was too harsh! Just tell me off lol

If you have any questions about photography you can PM me and I will try and answer them :P

Bex x

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Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:44 am
MeadowLark says...

Hey Nutty!

1) This is a great picture! I love how the flowers are against the soo blue sky! Awesome!

2) Sweet looking plant and there are cows in the background!

3) Haha! I hope dearly it was a steer 'cause everyone is calling it a he. I think it's a cow though. Not burly enough hehe! I would know! But she kinda looks like a hippo or something!

4) Ugh...well. It's unusual >_<

5) Oh, this picture is breathtaking. I can't exactly say how, but it looks so peaceful and that large hill in the background. I love it!

6) Beautiful sunset! I love how there is all that darkness on the bottom there and then the orangie sky above.

7) Crispy looking leaves.

8) Aw! Your sister is cute! She's got sweet little eyes and a cute smile ^_^ Reminds me of my neices!

Overall: Sweet pictures Nutty! I'm gonna give you a goldstar!

Purple light in the canyon
that is where I long to be
With my three good companions
just my rifle, pony and me

--- "My Rifle My Pony and Me"

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Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:41 pm
elizajoe says...

For not knowing how to photograph, you sure know how to photograph. These pictures are amazing, especially the first two.

The little girl is so cute!
I am a traveler coming to a crossroads
Searching for a signpost
But realizing there isn't one.

I am baby bird in the nest
Eager to taste the freedom of the skies
But afraid to jump

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Thu Mar 05, 2009 6:56 pm
EmmaJ says...

Natural :)
Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop. - the king from alice in wonderland.
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The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.
— Aristotle