
Young Writers Society

Another of my art influenced by flowers

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Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:46 pm
Shauni says...

Ah, here's another art work I''ve drwan.
Hpe you like it. *I know, all off my works are influen ced my flowers*
Digitalizar0010.jpg (335.06 KiB) Viewed 265 times

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Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:53 pm
Juniper says...

Hey there Shauni! June here!

Wow, that's a pretty cool drawing of a flower! It looks somewhat like a daffodil, to me! The name of the flower I'm trying to remember isn't a daffodil, but it's really similar to one. Nice work on it though, dear! I can't draw flowers even if I tried-- I once did a half decent rose and calla lily, but other than that flowers are my weak spot.

I would add some deep lines to the leaves, like in the middle, to show veins, you know? And maybe shade a bit more around the base of the petals, so that it looks slightly more realistic.

Nice work, though! You've got talent! Well done!


Keep it up! I look forward to more! ;)
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Wed Mar 04, 2009 7:45 pm
VampireBloodrace says...

Oooooh! That's cool! Hmmm...lets see

1) I agree with springrain, you have quite a talent! Lol

2) The stem and the leaves sprouting from the stem look a little weird to me...like, I don't know what to tell you to improve it, but it needs to be fixed, sorry :(

But, all throughout, I think it's very well drawn! :)
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Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:23 am
POTAFan1973 says...

Very nice drawing. I know the name of the flower I just can't put my finger on the name right now. I love how it looks so touchable. I love flowers. Or at least pictures of them. Stems look nice to me. I also like the waves that you did on the petals of the flower to give it a real touch.

I look forward to looking at more of your artwork.
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Thu Mar 05, 2009 5:35 am
MeadowLark says...

Ooh! Sweet drawing Shauni!

The actaul flower looks so realistic. The details in the pedals. Good job!

But the stem and leaves seem a little flat. I think you could add more detail to those guys. They just seem blah compared to the pedals. Especially the leaves. You could work more on the leaves.

But other than that, good job! You've got a great talent for drawing flowers! Keep up the good work!

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Thu Mar 05, 2009 10:24 am
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Meep(: says...

*sighs* Ah...simplicity is beautiful.

Anyhoodledoodle, I shall do my best to review it!
The stem and leaves don't have their own identity.
You've joined them together. Especially, leaves can be really awesome to draw.
Like springrain has mentioned, intricate veins would do nicely,
And in comparison, the stalk and leaves are awefully thin compared to the large flower.
Also, try to do your shading in one direction, so it won't look messy and hastily done,
At the bottom of the stalk.
The flower is really pretty! But you could add more variation in your shading.
Different tones would give different textures and planes.
For example, the petals should be bending inward to the centre,
So if you shade it that way, darken the central area,
Then it'd look more realistic.
It looks like the flower has one extra, sort of out of place, petal on the right.
But I liked the colour you used, and the somewhat 'sketchy' look.
Very artistic. You sure have a flair for flower art! :D

Keep up the good work!
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Thu Mar 05, 2009 11:34 am
Shauni says...

Thanks for the reviews, I know it is not that good and I really appreciate your tips. I did this on my Geography class and I really didn't had a picture to be influenced by.

Thank you again!


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Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:20 pm
Meep(: says...

Hey Shauni,
Don't sell yourself short!
It's a beautiful piece of artwork :D
Especially when done as a result of inattentiveness in Geography XD
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Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:14 pm
*writewatiwant* says...

Oh Shauni! You liar! You did this on Study class with the picture in your laptop right in front of you!

This is really nice. And I agree with everyone above.
The end of my amazingly constructive review.

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Fri Mar 06, 2009 5:15 pm
Lost_in_dreamland says...

I think I'll just do a quick over view of your work, what I like about it and what I don't like about it.

I'm not a great artist myself, but I'd like to think that I'm relatively okay at judging art. I liked your piece, but I also felt that in some ways it lacked.

Let us first concentrate on the flower itself, then we can go onto the parts surrounding it and the overall picture.

The flower
I think it's the best part of the drawing.

I really like the sketchy lines, but I'm not too sure about the shading. It seems rather messily done.

I think you were trying to achieve an effect, but didn't quite make it correct. Very nearly though. I just think you need to work on your shading a bit.

It's almost there, just not quite yet.

I think also the shading is too much the same colour. It doesn't show light in the flower, so makes the picture less realistic. You should vary the hardness, for lack of a better word, for each part of the picture, so as to add layers to the flower and make it more three dimensional.

Next, I think the petals are too 'the same size', I know, I'm the best at using artistic terms *sarcasm*. If you study some real petals, they're not all the same size. Some are longer and some are shorter. Some have more light upon them than others.

Some have more jagged edges than others.

I just think that perhaps you've made the picture too perfect.

The leaves in the middle of the flower are exactly the same texture as the petals. When we think about it really, leaves and flowers aren't the same texture. Maybe you should just add some dark lines to the leaves?

This, I think, is where your picture lacks the most.

The actual flower is realistic looking and well drawn, but the stem just looks like it's been scribbled on at the end of the drawing.

From my rather limited experience of drawing, it's the small details that make the picture.

This is one of my main problems in drawings, you need to watch the small details, make sure you don't just scribble them in.

I think the stem could be improved. Just shade it a little better, add some texture to it and such.


You definitely have talent. I know I sound really cruel, but I don't mean to. This picture is great, the only reason I criticize it is to give you some constructive criticism instead of empty praise.

This has great potential. You have great potential. Just work with it, keep drawing and you'll be great.

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Tue Mar 10, 2009 7:38 pm
jadenex246 says...

Really great drawing!
I like the shadowing done on the edges, and the unique detail you put into the middle of the flower. It all makes the flower pop out and fun to look at.
I agree with the others that the stems are a bit awkward looking, maybe you could add some more detail to them, perhaps some leaves?
But overall I think it's very well done, and you should definitely keep drawing. Nice Job :)


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Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:38 pm
Musicaloo7311 says...

Hi, Shauni! Music here.

Okay, let's start with the flower itself:

This was my favorite part of the drawing. I loved the detailed petal work. Have you found out what type of flower this is? Anywhoo, it's gorgeous, especially the center! Nice work!

The [apparently non-existent :(] leaves:

Leaves are usually my favorite part of plants; their veins fascinate me. Next time, try to include them. Perhaps you could make the body white like the flower's and use the pencil for the veins, instead of blending them in with the stem. :)

The stem:

Not much to say other than agreeing with Meep; it looked a tad hasty at the bottom.

Overall: Music like-y. I thought it was a great, detailed sketch. Keep up the great work, Ms. Gold Star Earner! Haha. As others have stated, you have great talent and the potential to be wonderful.

Music. :)
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Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:04 pm
Shauni says...

That's a lot for all of the reviews. They've helped so much!


~Shauni :D

*feels so happy*

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