
Young Writers Society

The Return of the Photographs!

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Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:55 pm
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beckiw says...

Well I went home for the weekend and my dad gave me two disks full of my photographs lol and apparently that isn't even all of them. I haven't been right the way through them yet but I thought I would post some of the photographs I have found so far :)

Here we go! Hope you like them!

This is a car going past. Not my usual sort of photo but I kind of like it lol


Another car going past, a little different.


Butterfly :D Pretty!


Can't remember where this is but...Kitty! I sort of don't like the light in this one though.


This is when we went to take photos of the moon. Obviously I got a little distracted :P


My dog after she had fun rolling in the sand at the beach lol


That's all for now :D I've been thinking about trying to sell some of my photographs but I'm not sure whether people would want them or whether I would be willing to part with them lol

Let me know what you think

Bex x

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Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:09 pm
Rosendorn says...

Hiya Bex! I'm back, as always, to critique your photos!

Just commenting on the ones I think could use improving.

Second picture: I think this would have been better horizontal, with the car in the same location. That way, the horizon line would follow the line of the road, and you'd get a more "journey" kind of thing. Right now, I don't know whether to look at the black space bellow the car, the sunrise or the road.

Fourth picture: I would crop the bottom, inch or so and crop out the tree. Everything else is really well done.

Just general comments on pictures: Try to not have your subject right in the center of the photograph. If you divide your viewfinder into thirds horizontally and vertically, have your subject be where one of those lines intersect. It'll make your photo more interesting visually. ;)

Questions? Drop me a line!

A writer is a world trapped in a person— Victor Hugo

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Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:02 pm
Lauren says...

Ok, I'm not a photo-buff like Rosey above ;) but I'll just comment on what I think, as a complete novice.

Photos 1&2: Hmm, sorry, I don't like them. *Grins sheepishly* They just aren't particularly interesting, which is a shame because every other photo I've seen of yours has been brimming with charm.

Photo 3: I love the colours, the composition... even the butterfly (and I hate butterflies). It just looks very idyllic.

Photo 4: Hah, love it! Black cat crossing a path, very stark against the other colours. Nice castle ruin.

Photo 5: So-so. By no means bad, but certainly not at the standard you're capable of.

Photo 6: *Squeeeals* You have a border collie! I do too. Called Gus. I adore this picture---it made me grin like a half-wit. Possibly my favourite.

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Wed Mar 04, 2009 4:49 pm
Juniper says...

Becki! Yay! More photographs!

xD It took me 5 minutes to even get to typing this, I was all excited squealing at them, haha.

The first one is quite an awesome shot. I love the way the light is shining -- and hey, were you in the road for that picture??

The second is cool as well, you've got a bit of noise and blur in it. I agree with Rosey, if it were horizontal, you would have more of a traveling feel to it, but this is great! Sometimes, different is better :).

Zomg! Pretty butterfly! I am completely obsessed with butterflies, haha, it's one of the only girlish things about me. Such a purty butterfly! And yes! Dandelions! Dandelions seem to be the only flower that grows in most other countries without changing, you know? Hmm... By the way, clarity of that photograph is brilliant!

Awww! Kitty! Here Kitty, kitty, kitty! Such a cute kitty, haha! Nice shot though; It's rather very Europe-ish.

Haha, Beck! I see no moon in that picture! You're supposed to focus! xD But, rather pretty picture of the sunset! At first glance, you couldn't actually guess what country that was taken in ;).

Aww! There goes the wet dog again! How cute she is! She kind of looks menacing in this one, you know? :P

Hm! It'd be wise to sell some of your photographs! Don't worry, you can always keep a duplicate of them-- and you wouldn't be selling your rights to the photo as well, so why not? I'd say give it a go, and who knows? Someday you might be a famous photographer :P.

And, people are totally willing to buy some :D. *raises hand*

Keep up the good work! Can't wait for more!

"I'd steal somebody's purse if I could google it and then download it." -- Firestarter

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Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:03 pm
beckiw says...

Thanks for the comments! :P

Ihighton, Yeh I have Border collies :D Well the one in the photo is Misty, she died last year :( I miss her but I have another one called Bracken but I can't have her here in Scotland, humph!

June, I don't think I was stood in the road... I can't remember though lol Probably was. I have taken photos leaning out of car windows, lying on the ground, leaning over cliffs, wedging myself between rocks to get a shot of a waterfall and so on. So it is very possible lol :D

I guess I wouldn't mind selling photos If I got to keep the rights lol

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Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:34 pm
elizajoe says...

The first two photos have too much light from the cars. You should have used a faster shutter speed or a smaller aperture.

The butterfly picture is really good because the butterfly is crisp and clear, and you can see all the detail of the wings.

The third one is cool because the outline of the castle? is really sharp against the sky. But the light coming in over the hill is a little too bright.

I love the sunset one, the profiles of the trees against the sky is stunning, and also very crisp.

The dog one is cool because you can tell the wind was blowing hard. But it's a little blurry.

By the way, welcome to YWS.
I am a traveler coming to a crossroads
Searching for a signpost
But realizing there isn't one.

I am baby bird in the nest
Eager to taste the freedom of the skies
But afraid to jump

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— Albert Pines