
Young Writers Society

Girly Thing?

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44 Reviews

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Points: 240
Reviews: 44
Tue Feb 05, 2013 10:57 pm
FermentingFruit says...

Hahaha. Don’t make me laugh sheep. You think this is bad? Just wait until I put some of my drawings up, then you’ll understand bad. This is great, maybe even amazing :)

However, there are a couple things that did bug me on this. The biggest thing was her face. Or part of it, not the whole thing. The first part of it that bugged me was her jaw. When it comes into her face on the left side (our left), it juts out too much to me, it looks like she has a gumball in her mouth. That’s my only problem with that. My other thing with this is the nose. I realize it’s zoomed out a bit, but I think the nose could use a little work, it looks just like a little smudge on her face. The only thing I would change about the hips is just make them more curvy.

There is so so much that I liked about this. You really captured the girly look here. The way she is standing, they way she has her hands behind her back, her expression (which I thought was fine, actually quite good) all capture the girly look, which is what you were going for. The hair is really good, my favorite part about it was how you have different colors, not just brown or not just blonde, you’ve got a dirty blonde, which I really liked. The socks I also really liked. I don’t know why, I just really liked them :). And the dress. If I were a girl, if, I would want one. I really liked it, it’s quite fashionable, and I like it. I thought the background was good too, the colors and the style go with what you wanted in the picture.

Love your work sheep, and this may actually be my favorite. It’s either this or the princess with the bow :). You never fail to amaze me sheep.

Save time... see it my way.

"During high school, I played junior hockey and still hold two league records: most time spent in the penalty box; and I was the only guy to ever take off his skate and try to stab somebody."
-Happy Gilmore

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23 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 352
Reviews: 23
Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:56 am
Lee0z says...

I love her hair, it appears so natural and fluorescent. I can't find anything that looks wrong with it. The outfit is so cute and creative, (the whole thing is). I love drawing manga but I can never create on my own, this piece you have drawn is a great example of what manga should be, even if her mouth looks a little strange.
Do you sketch your drawings on paper and then put them on Photoshop? Because I find drawing with a tablet highly difficult, if you've achieved this I will be eternally jealous ha ha.
Anyway, i love all your work, keep up the AMAZING work. ~ Lee

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13 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 720
Reviews: 13
Tue Mar 26, 2013 12:44 am
morgansboss says...

I like this a lot! It took me a moment to think of suggestions...

The Hips: as you mentioned the hips are a bit off. I wouldn't have noticed, but you're comment drew my eyes to it. I really don't think it's actually her hips as much as her legs- I noticed that they don't particularly line up with direction her body is pointing.

Eyes: Try drawing both eyes instead of just giving up... I understand that one eyes was shadowed under her hair, but next time maybe you should draw in the eye black and then shadow it over with a lighter color? Just a suggestion.

Jaw and neck line: I keep saying this over and over again in my art suggestions, but look at pictures of real people... That helps me a LOT. Her chin and jaw line is angled just a bit to severely (that is, unless that was the style you were hoping for) and for the neck line, maybe you should try angling it more... Maybe I'm just picky, but personally I like to think that instead of a hard line connecting the chin the shoulders, the neck line swoops a bit more, first going up straight and then swerving over to meet the edge of the chin. (If that makes any sense, haha)

Good job- you may say you don't like it, but I do. Keep going! :D

I just write poetry to throw my mean callous heartless exterior into sharp relief. I’m going to throw you off the ship anyway.
— Vogon Captain (The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy)