
Young Writers Society


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Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:49 pm
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xXTheBlackSheepXx says...

So this was a character request from a friend, she wanted a girl with straight black hair, icy blue eyes and fire covering the whole bottom of the screen. First of all, fire is freakin hard to draw! So I decided to just go with a red theme instead.


tried a few different versions, and I think they turned out pretty good too! I'd like to know your favorites!



The bad news is we don't have any control.
The good news is we can't make any mistakes.
-Chuck Palahniuk

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Sun Nov 04, 2012 9:21 pm
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sarahjane97 says...

Ooh ooh! This is so pretty! o.o
Y'know what's funny is, I just dropped by this forum to submit my first drawing, and it looks a bit like yours! Same black hair, blue eyes, and pale skin!
I swear I didn't copy you! I swear it! xD
Back to your picture though. I've seen your other work, which I think is awesome (your so good at the digital coloring) but this is by FAR my favorite. Maybe I'm just biased towards girls with black hair and blue eyes...? I can't help it, it's so beautiful!
I love her expression (the lips are spot on). As for my favorites, definitely the first and the third. I feel like the forth turned this picture into something brash and girly...maybe its the heart...
Whatever, keep up the good work! Sorry I don't have much critique (that's a rare, rare thing...)

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Mon Nov 05, 2012 1:10 pm
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ERZA says...

Love all of them though I don't like the last one.(not my type) Anyway I think the girl would have looked much better if you added some locks of hair in the right side. The theme best suited would probably a white background with blood(not on the girl) or maybe some dark red roses growing among some unusual wild vines...the dress is fine but you could make it more intricate or something. Overall, this can become much better. Right now this looks very beautiful but I cant help but have 'what if...' sorts of thoughts...:D
Anyway goodwork!!:D :D
Always and Never are two words to always remember never to use.

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Fri Nov 16, 2012 1:59 am
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Daisuki says...

Hey girl, w'sup? I've been away for too long.

Alright, I hope I'm not too rusty *cracks fingers* What time is it? Reviewin' time.

I think my favorite part about this one if the lighting. I love the way that it's so bright that some of her lip is shining. Her eye, too, is really great and the eyelashes are stunning! The nose is really well shaped - noses are hard >.< I really like how, on the shirt, you leave some translucent and brushstrokes too. It gives a great effect, I like the red you used for the shirt. The kind of brushstroke part of the hair (I don't know how to describe it), that's really cool too. I kind of like the style, it's a change from your normal super-detailed and realistic hair, and I think it fits the relatively simple colors.

My favorite version personally is the third one, just because I love those faded colors, and how her hair has a blue tint.

I'm not so much a fan of how heavy her hair/bangs look, it just seems like you could make it fall better. Something about that big chunk of hair disrupts the flow of the lines. But maybe it fits with this style... though this is an awesome piece any which way you look at it. :3

Sorry if I sound tired... I haven't been very efficient with work, I've been distracted by getting my deviantART (I FINALLY got one!) up and running. But it makes me happy to be able to come back to this familar website :3 I hope this was helpful, the picture is really pretty. As always, it's insane how much you've improved.
Oh, I wish I was punk-rocker with flowers in my hair.

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Sat Dec 22, 2012 5:49 pm
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Twinkle4ever says...

OOOOOH... Whoa.... Wow... I am stunned. This is simply mind blowing. People should challenge you more because you always live up to their expectations. All your previous drawings that I've seen are 2D but this one's all the way up to 3D. I don't know how you did the lips, they're so pale where the light is coming and darker on the right. And I still can't figure out the proper shade of skin colors. =P The girl's a beauty. Her eyes are so real and you finally got the nose right. And the red dress is totally better than flames. And even though this time the hair is simple, without the shines that you usually put on them, it still looks so soft. And if I had to choose a favorite, it'd be the first and the last one. They're the best looking according to me, that is. can't wait to see what you've painted next. :D
You can wish for death... but you can't wish it away

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Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:44 pm
FermentingFruit says...

Ohhhhh. I just wanted to point out, that with the original, I think her skin looks kinda like fire xD. It’s been a while since I’ve hit up one of your pieces, so here goes:

There are two things that I’m going to nitpick on, and neither is her eye, so you’re good there :). The first thing I’m going to nitpick on is her hair. Her hair didn’t give me the effect it usually does. I mean, it did on the outside, but not on the inside. I know why. It’s because on the inside (And by that I mean the hair covering her actual head), it’s just black. You don’t get to see the actual strands, and I think that takes away from the picture a little bit. The other thing I was gonna say was with her mouth. What I noticed here was that towards the left (Our left), it just cuts off to skin, you don’t really get the fullness that you achieved on the right side.

Now, onto the other part of my reviews. What I liked. My favorite part about this was her skin. I don’t know how you managed to blend all the colors and get the transitions the way you did, but it just blew me away. Like I said above, I thought it looked like fire, which is what you wanted part of the drawing to be about, so I thought that covered that pretty well. Also, I liked her clothes. I don’t know why I like it so much, but I just do. The texture of the fabric is really what blew me away with this. I don’t know what you did, but brava, great job.

Another great piece by sheep. Oh wait, I almost forgot to say my favorite. I’d have to say the last one, just because of the hair, how it’s so colorful, and it streaks down and you can see each strand, which you couldn’t in the original. Great job sheep.

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"During high school, I played junior hockey and still hold two league records: most time spent in the penalty box; and I was the only guy to ever take off his skate and try to stab somebody."
-Happy Gilmore

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
— T.S. Eliot