
Young Writers Society

Three Catastrophes

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Sat Nov 06, 2010 9:13 pm
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stargazer9927 says...

Spoiler! :
This is something I wrote for my AP English class and I had to submit to this website that gave you a critique. I was all worried about it and thinking I was going to get a really low score, but I was really happy and surprised when I got a 29 out of 30. I only missed it by one point, getting all fives and one four. That's the best I've ever done on anything I've ever written. So I felt I should post it here and maybe I can see why I missed that one point.
The topic was three catastrophes that would happen to you in the next twenty years. I had fun with it and tried to sound a little different than I do when I normally write. Maybe that's why I did so good, but it's a lot different. None of this has ever and most likely will never happen to me. It was supposed to be in the form of a letter, but I took off my name at the bottom.

My dearest friend,

How has everything been with you? I know it’s been so long since we’ve talked and I miss you more than you can ever imagine missing me. But I understand it’s hard for either one of us to see each other considering the circumstances. I appreciate your letter telling me about your graduation and your acceptance to study abroad. I hope you’re enjoying Germany and from your last letter I see you’re learning the language well. I look forward to seeing you again this summer when you come back to America to visit your family.
I appreciate your concern with me and my life, and if you really want to hear it I’ll tell you. Things have been getting really ugly around here. I don’t know how much more I can handle. In these past twenty years I have been tattered and torn so much I feel as if I’m no good anymore. I try to look to the bright side and tell myself I still have my family, my loving supportive husband, my dearest children, and of course my friends. You may not be able to be around but I have many supportive friends that keep me going.
I have had three major catastrophes happen in the last twenty years. Looking back now I try to take it with a grain of salt and tell myself it was all for my own good. A couple years ago our house caught fire. My husband tried to blame it on himself and I tried to blame it on myself. I suppose it was both of our faults. It was January of the year 2015. He had planned to make dinner for my birthday but I refused to let him do it by himself because I had always been the one making dinner. He finally gave in after I gave him the guilt trip. He left the food on the stove while he went to show me my present. I loved it so much that we both totally forgot about the food. It wouldn’t have been that big of a deal if he hadn’t been using oil to fry the chicken. It was just a little fire at first but my three year old daughter got scared when she saw it and somehow managed to flip the pan, causing hot oil to go everywhere! Of course this added to the fire that had already started and soon our whole kitchen was on fire. Luckily I was able to get her away from it but she had already been burned pretty badly by the oil. She still has some scares from it and being that she’s six now she asks me about it all the time. I feel like her getting burnt was at least my fault. I should have been watching her better. But over the years I’ve learned to let it go and just feel thankful that she’s still alive.
After the fire we moved into Isaac’s parent’s house. You know as well as I know how badly my parents and I get along, so moving it with my parents was completely out of the question. My three kids, Zac, Austin and Emily, weren’t too thrilled with the idea, but I told them we didn’t have a choice. At the time we didn’t have any insurance, and now I regret it. I don’t get along with Isaac’s mom all. I mean she’s a sweet lady but we just don’t like each other. But at least she was kind enough to let us into her house and give me and Isaac’s our own room so we wouldn’t have to share with her or the kids. I’m trying to look at the brighter side to all of this.
I wish I could say that was the end of my unfortunate luck, but it wasn’t. You remember my dream of being an English teacher don’t you? Well after going to school for four long years I finally accomplished that dream and I started teaching at East High School. I loved it, just as I knew I would. But things didn’t work out the way I planned. The kids were really corrupt. They never wanted to do anything I said and the gang problems along with suspension just seemed to be getting worse. I woke up every morning afraid to get out of bed and go teach. I was afraid for my kids and being that I was a teacher I was also afraid what some of the students could do to them if I made them angry.
Well nothing ever happened because just a little while after our house caught fire all the schools in Utah failed. Teachers were starting to downright refuse to work because of how bad it was getting. The state didn’t have enough money to support them anymore after all the new jails they were building and all the money that went to the stop of crime. It’s a tough time to be in right now, and many people weren’t paying their taxes.
Most people just started taking school through an internet program. It was, “The way of the future,” as our mayor put it. They were cheaper and you got a better choice of classes along with better benefits. Well all this did for me was put me out of job, and when millions of teachers across the state are looking for another job they don’t come very easily. I searched for three months until I finally gave up and decided everything was alright because my husband still had his job. But I didn’t want my kids to go through internet school, and I needed something to do all day that I enjoyed. So at the moment I’m teaching my kids through home school. Since I still have my teaching degree I didn’t have to go to all those classes, so that made it easier.
I hope everything’s alright in Germany, but in America we’re having a problem with the bees. They’ve been dying out since we were in high school and now they’re almost completely gone. The experts are trying to save the few that’s left but in the mean time things aren’t going good. I hope all the people that ever complained about bees and how we didn’t need them see what’s happening. No more can you go to a house and comment on how pretty their garden is, because no one has a garden anymore. Without the bees all the flowers are gone along with the fruit. The government is trying to create man made fruits, but I know it won’t be the same.
Things are looking up. I’m enjoying this time I get to spend with my kids and other than math I think I teach them pretty well. They no longer have to live in fear of what a kid can do to them since they’re not going to a public school. We’ve been saving up for the past two years and someone finally accepted our offer to buy a house. It’s down over by Cedar City, but my husband managed to find a job there. So we’ll be moving next week and I’ll no longer have to deal with his mother more than family gatherings. The government just talked on the news about how they’ve done some research on the few bees that were left and they figured out what killed them. Now they can use this information to prevent it from happening to the few that are left and as little as five years we’ll be able to eat natural fruit again and have our gardens back.
I hope everything’s going alright with you down in Germany. I miss you and I hope to hear back from you soon!
Let's eat mom.
Let's eat, mom.
Good grammar saves lives :D

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47 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1519
Reviews: 47
Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:01 am
Rayneisthename says...

I was afraid for my kids and being that I was a teacher I was also afraid what some of the students could do to them if I made them angry.
This sentence is kind of a run on, with a lot of "them's". And it is kind of confusing. You never mentioned her children's ages so I'm confused about why the high school kids would come after her kids. Towards the end I kind of get the jist that the two are in high school but it would be less confusing if you mentioned it.
And the whole bee situation is kind of random but I like how you portrayed it. I liked this story because it actually made me feel like this person is real and that it isn't just a story. You have good detail and that will definetly help you in the future, you did an excellent job with this story and keep writing!
BE YOURSELF. Because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.

Two things are infinite: human stupidity and the universe; and I'm not sure about the universe

Don't tell me that the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon

When something is broken, it can be fixed.
— Benjamin Alire Saenz, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe