
Young Writers Society

The Fallen Hero

Should I Expand This Play, Or Leave It?

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Thu Mar 10, 2011 11:38 pm
JackpotJohnson says...

The Fallen Hero

A Play Written by:



-Character Profiles-

Age: 25 ½

Name: Mitch David Cane

Occupation: Staff Sergeant USMC 1st Battalion 3rd division 15th squad leader

Hobbies: Works out, Football, and rigorous athletic activities.

Qualities: Mitch, smart and humorous is also very disciplined and takes pride

in his hard work as a Marine. In his free time he usually goes to the gym and works out. Strong willed and passionate, Mitch is also, kind and generous. However on the bad side, he does have a very quick temper and does not take kindly to those who are bullies or mean-spirited people.

Likes: Food, people, and his muscles

Dislikes: Bullies, and fat people

Up for love? He has a girl friend, so no.

Age: 24 ¾

Name: Trent James Wilmington

Occupation: Just got laid off of directing movies, and is getting by financially by writing best-sellers.

Hobbies: Writes, Swims, Works out (rarely)

Qualities: Trent, smart and funny; romantic, and patient. He is very hard working and he is rarely lazy. He loves what he does, and is reminded of that everyday, by looking at his bookshelf.

Likes: Books, people, and women

Dislikes: fat people, eggplant

Up for love? It’s very complicated, so it could go either way.

-Minor Character Profiles-

Stacy: Mitch’s girlfriend

Ali: Stacy’s worst nightmare (Trent’s complicated “relationship”)

Ben: Mitch’s military buddy and General

Bartender: Self explanatory

Jane: Trent’s stalker

(Side Note: Jane and Ali are good friends)

Setting: New York- Twin Towers

Year: September 15, 2001

(Mitch was silent as he road by the rubble and shrapnel of what used to be the Twin-Towers, and World Trade Center. His emotions were raging, and he couldn’t think straight. The taxi stopped and unloaded him near to a Marine Encampment Site. Nothing had made him feel this bad before).

Mitch: Morning General (Ben), what is my assignment for today?

Ben: We just received a call from a Trent Wilmington; he says he wants you to come to the diner on North Avenue Bridge at 10pm.

Mitch: Will do, but I still need an assignment seeing as its only 3pm.

Ben: Yes, yes…we will need you to go to the riot squad and help stop the looters to the south of the perimeter.

Mitch: Yes sir, but remind me where I’m supposed to meet Trent?

Ben: (Chuckles lightly to himself) Wow, you never were the brightest; he wants to see you at 10, at the Diner on North Avenue Bridge. I recommend that you bring a gun (Laughing this time).

-With out a word, Mitch returns to his armory staffers, and receives his equipment, and goes to the site of the riot-

(At the scene of the riots, people were scattered all over SR, SL, and CS. Screams from the living pierced the air, and looters were running free. People, to protect them selves used common objects such as doorknobs, and baseball bats. The scene was a complete disaster)

-As soon as Mitch enters the scene, gets an unexpected phone call from, Stacy. There was no worse time than this-

Mitch: Hello?

Stacy: Hey Baby, how was your flight, and when are you coming home?

Mitch: Hey Babe, I really can’t talk to you at the moment, I have really important work to do. I will call you back later though.

Stacy: So what, you’re just gonna leave me hanging here, and I don’t even know where you are! Come on Mitch, talk to me

Mitch: Please don’t be mad, I really have important work to do, and we always agreed that we wouldn’t get mad over each others priorities.

Stacy: So I’m not a priority now, huh?

Mitch: I didn’t mean it like that, I meant-

Stacy: Oh hell no, I know what you meant, and if I can’t be number one in your life, then I don’t know if I want to be in your life!

Mitch: Please Stacy, don’t be like this, I have to do this, its not like I could come back right now anyway. You know I would if I could.

Stacy: I really don’t care, we are over! (Hangs up the phone)

-With tears and anger on his mind, Mitch could think of no better thing to do than fight-

(Pounding in the faces of many people, Mitch couldn’t, wouldn’t stop. He bashed in more and more faces with random objects. He still wouldn’t stop; random pedestrians quickly felt his wrath. Within a half hour, the riot scene was no longer a problem, and Mitch had calmed down. He could now go back and report to Ben).

Mitch: The Assignment is done, General.

Ben: Who, Oh Mitch back already I thought that was going to take you all day.

Mitch: What, What’s that supposed to mean. (he says clenching his fists)

Ben: No, Sorry, Mitch it’s just there were A LOT of Rioters and all, and I wasn’t sure how long it was going to take you.

Mitch: Yeah, well today isn’t the greatest day for me, I just got dumped for doing my job and this is bullshit, I come back here and you’re like oh you’re already back, that was fast, and I’m sorry General but I didn’t sign up for this Bullshit. Now I’m going to go meet Trent at The Diner at North Avenue Bridge and If I calm down I might be back tomorrow, Might.

-Mitch storms off, with his fists clenched and doesn’t even bother to look back-

(As Mitch enters the scene there’s a diner on SL, The North Avenue Bridge on C and a Post Office SR.)

-Mitch is waiting at the Diner calming down when an angry pedestrian storms into the diner and asks for a drink from the bartender the bartender wasn’t letting him get drinks without ID so they were arguing. This process went on for ten minutes and it started to annoy Mitch-

Bartender: Listen I don’t serve to Anyone unless I see Identification first. So you either show me your ID or get the hell out of my bar.

Pedestrian: Yeah, well listen buddy today hasn’t been the greatest day for me and i need a drink and it just so happens that I forgot my wallet at home so you better give me a drink before this gets out of hand.

Bartender: Yeah well I’ve said it before you need ID or I ain’t serving ya. now show me ID or get out of my bar and if you don’t get out of my bar I’m gonna call the cops on ya.

Mitch: Hey Buddy, he said it once, don’t make him say it again.(He stands up from bar)

(Mitch gets into a fist fight with the pedestrian because he wouldn’t leave and was getting on his last nerve)

(Trent walks in and see’s Mitch getting in a fight with the pedestrian and comes over so he goes over to the fight taps Mitch on the shoulder.)

(Since Mitch is in his aggressive stage, he fails to see Trent to his left and swing at him)

Mitch: Who the hell is interrupting me in the middle of a fight?

Trent: (Getting up from the ground) Well who the hell do you think?

Mitch: (Turning around pauses and his mouth drops seeing Trent whipping blood from his nose) Holy Shit is that you Trent - After all these years?

Trent: Well no duh, who else would it be. (Smiling).

Mitch: Hey man, this is great....how long has it been- 3 years? Four maybe?

Trent: Man, I don’t really know, but really I’m just glad you came. I figured you might blow me off, because of our last fight.

Mitch: Dude, I got over that like two days afterwards, and when have I ever stood you up?

Trent: You never did seize to amaze me, anyway, lets catch up.

Bartender: Hey, Mitch is it? Thanks for helping me out, drinks on me for tonight. 10 max though!

Mitch: No problem, and thank you. Anything I can do to help out.

Trent: So, I here you’ve been in Okinawa. How was it?

Mitch: Not bad, you know...kinda peaceful actually.

Trent: Nice, what-a-life. But I can’t complain. I mean I got laid off from directing, but I'm scoring it big with my best-sellers. So I’ve got cash.

Mitch: I know, I saw your picture in a side ad of the New-Yorker Unlimited.

Trent: Yeah, life's not bad- not bad at all, but hows Stacy doing.

Mitch: (looking dazed, then angry) She dumped me, for simply doing my job man...just doing my job. I was on riot control and I got a call from her- at the worst possible time. (crying now) Man, she was being so selfish, and misunderstanding. I really don't care to see her again- Ever. Which brings me to the topic, of I don’t have a home anymore.

Trent: Its ok man, just let it out, vent to me. You can stay with me, by the way. I'm just down the road. I moved to the high-end district. Free of charge.

Mitch: Thanks man, this is always how I remembered you. Kind, caring, and always knew what to say.

Trent: Just doing my job, cadet. (Trent smiling).

(As Trent and Mitch walk out of the Diner, Ali and Jane walk in. Trent sighing walks over to Ali and gives her a “loving” hug, which clearly annoyed Jane. Jane clicking her heels, tried to get Trent's attention. Trent ignoring this action, keeps hugging Ali. Jane, to show her lack of approval, walks over to Mitch and kisses him- for a long time. Mitch scrambling to break free, spits on the floor, letting Jane know of his lack of interest in her. Jane in utter distaste slaps Mitch hard across the cheek. Hearing this noise, Trent quickly releases Ali, and looks at Jane in a rude manor. Pushing Mitch out the door before he could retaliate, he motions to Ali that he will call her later).

Mitch: What jerks...I cant believe them.

Trent: Well, Jane...Not Ali, you can’t ever say that about Ali.

Mitch: True that, anyway lets ride to your place. I’m bushed.

Trent: Sure, it will be like a two minute ride.

Mitch: Ok, great!

(Mitch and Trent drove to 3231 Apple-wood Drive, and get out. Enjoying television and a warm cozy fire, they spent the last couple hours of the night catching up. When both were tired and wanted to go to bed, they did- but forgetting to turn off the stove, a napkin caught fire and fell to the wood floor. The floor slowly caught fire, but rapidly spread. The fire alarms didn’t have batteries in them, and therefore the fire kept on raging. Three a.m. rolled around, and finally Mitch was aware of the accident. Hearing Trent's screams made his blood curdle, and blindly he rushed to his aid. Stumbling on fallen rubble, Mitch used his training to help get him move around. Finally Trent was in Mitch’s grabbing distance and he hoisted him up into a fire mans carry position. Going back the way he came, he found a window with a tree nearby. Instructing Trent to climb down the tree, and get to a safe distance, the fire slowly crept behind Mitch. Right as Trent escaped to safety the floor collapsed. Mitch didn’t have a prayer of survival after that incredible stunt. Falling to his death, Trent could only cry, as he watched his best friend fall. The fire blazed on until the firefighters reached the area. Luckily no one else was hurt. However Mitch’s body could not have been retrieved, he was incinerated.)

Trent: Could you find him..please tell me you found him?

Officer Davis: No, sir you need to calm down. The only thing that made it through was this picture. I am sorry for your loss, but you must calm down.


Officer Davis: Security, please remove him from the premises.

Security: With pleasure.

Trent: (Not resisting, allows himself to be carried away from the scene.) Damn.


-One month later, Trent has recovered with the help of Ali, his new girlfriend. He is currently writing a book on the life of: Mitch David Cane; Titled: My hero, my friend....The story of his life. He is also suing the fire department for arriving two hours late.
My new website needs members: http://wwww.writethiswaywriters.webs.com

She was /not/ going to ruin a good dress for a pot of drooling, wall-staring, imbecile grass. And that was that.
— Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings