
Young Writers Society

A Brief Zombie movie

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Tue Feb 01, 2011 4:40 am
AdventurerDaniel says...

This Was Originally Going To be made into a movie for a friends horror film festival several members of the cast backed out and it couldn't come together. I would be honored if a reader would make this and post it to youtube

(Camera lights up on a group of four sitting around a fire. One member of the group is carving what appears to be a stake while one of his companions reads while two play cards. They hear a rustleing in the bushes and his three companions look toward the leader. He lifts up the freshly made stake and gives a signal that they should stand up and investigate each grabs their weapon and stands up. The leader of the group stands up last putting away his knife and picking up his gun.)
Nick: (in a whisper) Safeties off check ammo be prepared.
(Four people stumble through the brush fairly beaten with obvious scratches. One of them looking worse off than the rest with a pallor to his skin and some black to his eyes. He should be wearing a white shirt with a major tear and blood stained bandages where part of the shirt was. He should be carried in shoulders under his arms. )
Jacob:(turns toward the leader of their group) Nick should we just shoot them or-
Steven:(cutting him off) Wait no we're all human we haven't been bitten. Please don't we just got cut up by the branches and underbrush. We'll tell you what happened to us please put down the guns.
Nick: Fine we'll listen to what you have to say for now but we want names, and we'll give you ours. (each character introduces themselves to each other and takes a seat on fallen trees around the fire.)
Justin: So go on tell us a bit about yourselves.(looking towards Nick.) I'm sure they can wait to tell us what happened to them later.
Nick:(replies sarcastically) Sure just because we're in the middle of a zombie apocalypse doesn't mean we shouldn't still behave as expected I'd say it's what keeps us sane.
Jacob:( not detecting Nick's sarcasm, looks to the guy with the bandaged side) So what was your name again I'm terrible with names?
Steven: (One of those that stumbled through the brush.) Actually he doesn't talk much. (stutters for a moment unsure of what to say and then follows through) Um he's a mute he well can't actually.
Jacob: Oh well I'm sorry my bad, thanks, uh I don't recall your name either
Steven: It's Steven thank you for asking Jacob.
Jacob: I see that you remember mine.(looking slightly embarrassed) Well where are you from Steven?
Steven: I'm from Florence, Alabama, I met up with the group I'm with now in Memphis, Tennessee. They were living at the edge of the city occasionaly raiding it for supplies sometimes foraging as best they could from farms they had found on the very outskirts the city. Well former city now.
Valerie: What do you mean former city?
Steven: Well-
Randall: Ms. Valerie, we were leaving because we had taken all we could the town was a zombie hive even when we were raiding for supplies. We were lucky to get out any time we tried to raid it if you ask me. We found Steven as we were preparing to burn down the city, nearly filled him so full of bullets he would have looked like swiss cheese until he raised his hands and spoke, the zombies can't speak you know, so we let him come and explain himself.
Valerie:(looking towards him with a sort of shock and awe.) So you burnt down the entire city to eliminate the infestation?
Becky: (staring at Valerie unsure of how to feel about her) We burnt it down because it was a zombie hive more zombies would have arrived there making it even more dangerous. We destroyed the city to eliminate a potentially lethal infestation.
Nick:(Begin to become tolerant of these new comers looks towards Becky and attempts to pour on the charm) So where are you from?
Becky:(Not even bothering to spare him more than a passing glance.) I'm from Muscle Shoals a town pretty close to Florence actually. My family all fell to the zombies I was the only one left and I got out of there as fast as I could and started heading north. My story from there is about the same as Steven's except I found our group sooner.
Justin:(Looking towards the scruffy looking fellow that had spoken before.) I guess that just leaves you Randall where are you from?
Randall: (Looking up in an overly dramatic fashion towards the group across from him, and speaks in a cheesy sailor's accent.) So you want to know where I'm from do ye Justin well do ye?
Justin:( Looking at him like he's insane.) Yes that's why I asked.
Randall:(Laughing and speaking in his normal gruff voice.) I like you kid you're funny. I'm from Nashville, Tennessee I guess you could say I'm the leader of this rag tag group. As soon as I found out about the outbreak of these zombies I gathered up my guns and my neighbors. We stocked up what we could find among us food, ammo, guns, and what ever we could find to keep us amused, fed, or safe. We headed out in two SUVs, three trucks, and two vans we raided and emptied out every gas station we found. We had roughly twenty people gathered up and were headed up north, rumors that we heard said it was zombie free. We had decided to stop for a while near Memphis and that's when these three trickled in. We eventually had to leave the cars and now we're on foot.
Nick:(looking angry that Becky had disregarded his attempt at flirtation and holding his knife again speaks up.) Well now that we know about you I might as well tell you all about ourselves we're from Florence, Alabama, yes like Steven, and originally there were eight of us four set out looking to investigate the zombie outbreak and us four are going north destroying as many zombies as possible and ultimately looking to set up an outpost in the more frozen north. Zombies can't survive very well in intensely cold temperatures, the rumor you heard was correct Randall, and that's why we plan to head to the place with the most consistently cold temperatures. Now that we have pleasantries out of the way why don't you tell us what brings you to this area.
Randall:( Preparing to tell the story as best he can begins to get a far away look.) Well five of us had decided to go hunting for food having exhausted our resources. (things begin to go foggy as a flashback begins)
Randall: Well that was disappointing nothing in these whole woods except some squirrels and birds.
Steven: There was a stream maybe there were fish in it.
Becky: Steven's right we could check tomorrow
Randall: Maybe, I'll check for some string and hooks tomorrow or maybe nets.
Steven: And if there are no fish no harm in trying right.
Alex:( A guy wearing a bandana over most of his face.) Steven for a guy in the middle of a zombie appocalypse you sure are optimistic.
Steven:(Laughing) I was never good at saying die, even before the world went to hell.
Becky:(Ruffling his hair.) Obviously not you're a blonde your to dumb to say die.
(Randall and the mute get ahead of the giggling group.)
Randall:(He begins to talk to the mute as though he can talk back.) You'd think they'd be more cynical especially that Becky girl wouldn't you Ezekiel. (Ezekiel does the sign language to say he agrees but Randall obviously doesn't understand.) You know I don't understand your crazy hand talk Ezekiel just nod or shake your head good grief. (Ezekiel nods his head to say he both agrees with his previous statement and understands his request.) Thank you Ezekiel.
( Both of the guys continue to walk forward but abruptly stop and look towards each other in shock.)
Randall:(looking over his shoulder towards Steven, Becky, and Alex.) Guns out and be ready for the worst. ( They walk into their camp and see the ground stained in blood. All hold the weapons they carry at the ready.)
Steven:(Walking up to Randall.) Should we check the tents?
Randall:(Looking dazed.) Yes look for survivors in the tents relay this message to Alex and Becky.(Randal walks forward slowly gun at the ready as Steven walks back to tell the message to Alex and Becky.
(Ezekiel walks next to Randal with his gun at the ready as well. Steven, Becky, and Alex investigate the tents and find no survivors. Suddenly as though there had been a sound barrier for the past several moments a terrible sound of nashing and screams of pain break through to the five of them. They all begin to walk forward slowly and come upon a horrible gruesome scene piles of bones lay about the horde of zombies that are feasting on a living human. each of them begin walking back slowly. Accidently Alex stumbles and snaps a twig under his foot. Suddenly the zombies turn away from their meal and find they have five more humans to make a meal of. The zombies begin running after the five of them in a shambling fashion. Four of them begin running and Alex begins shooting his gun and unfortunately missing the zombie's heads and simply knocking them back by hitting their shoulders and chest. one of the zombies pounces on him and immediately begins devouring him neck first ripping through the bone. As it seems he will be the only casualty of their encounter they begin to turn and run when Ezekiel is taken down by a group of zombies.)
Randal:(turning noticing that Ezekiel is no longer at his side, yells to Steven and Becky) You hurry on I'll be write behind you.
(The camera looks on as Ezekiel's face becomes a gallery of torment as he is unable to release a scream)
Randal:(shooting back enough Zombies to create a gap he grabs Ezekiel and tosses him over one shoulder) You're lucky you mute bastard.
Steven: (seeing Randal and Ezekiel coming up behind calls back) What now?
Randal: Take to the woods we'll hide there.(returning from his reverie) That's what happened.
Nick: (Looking at Ezekiel) and your sure he wasn't bitten?
Steven: (shouting) positive absolutely
Jacob: hey I know some sign language I'll try to talk to him. Hey Ezekiel!
( Ezekiel looks toward him and looks deeply sick suddenly he rushes at Jacob without warning. Before laying a finger on him he is stricken in the temple by the wooden stake Nick had been preparing earlier and falls back dead.)
Nick:(Now acting commanding): Justin, Jacob, Valerie, we have three zombie lovers here execution procedures immediately. (The three knock Steven, Becky and Randall to the ground. Justin, Jacob, and Valerie load their guns and prepare to kill Steven Becky and Randall. Nick speaking to Becky.) I hate to do this but you must understand it's necessary to protect those of us that love their fellow humans and not those filthy Zombies. (shouting in his most commanding voice.) Guns at the ready. Ammo loaded. Pull triggers now. (gun shots ring out and birds fly out of the trees the camera return to Nick as his shoes are splattered with blood as well as the ground in front of him)

Last edited by AdventurerDaniel on Mon Jun 06, 2011 9:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

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Reviews: 82
Wed Feb 02, 2011 8:09 pm
ErBear says...


First of all, I like what I've seen so far, but I was very distracted by your grammar mistakes...

They really took away from the plot and the script all together. I couldn't really read through it and make changes while I had so many grammar problems staring back at me. I'm very nitpicky like that, but still- grammar errors brought the whole piece down.

So if you could really quickly go through and check your punctuation, capatilization, etc., I'm sure we would all be very greatful! :)

~formerly Ilovebubbles123

"There's only one thing
to do
three words
for you.
Ooh, I love you.

There's only one way
to say
those three words
that's what I'll do.
Ooh, I love you. "

For you.

If you are tired remember it's a sign that you haven't expired
— fatherfig