
Young Writers Society

The Adventures of Captain McAwesome Pants 1

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45 Reviews

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Points: 3320
Reviews: 45
Wed Jan 05, 2011 6:30 pm
TheGreatIthy says...

Spoiler! :
Okay, so first I must mention that this series is a comedy that is pretty much spoofing the entire super hero genre. It is meant to be a comic book, but I wrote it like I write my scripts so this, the first version, reads like one and I believe that no one is really missing out on anything by not seeing the pictures. We are writers, I think we all have active imaginations and prefer the text. Once the images are finished, I will be uploading the entire thing to my seperate website. I will let everyone know when it's there.

Chapter 1: Nobody Likes a Buzzkill

MCAWESOME PANTS: Male. University student. 20 years old. Protector of all things Awesome
CLEVER BOOTS: Female. University student. 19 years old. The sidekick and arguably the competent one.
PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: Male. University professor. 40 years old. A buzzkill.
MONTY: Male? A teddybear. Age: Unknown.

(Scene opens with Professor Buzzkill sleeping in his lair (Just his house, really). He is woken by some loud and obnoxious noises coming from outside. He rolls over and tries to get back to his slumber. The noises get louder. He tries to put his pillow over his head. The noises get even louder. Finally he gets up.)

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: (Picks up the phone and dials a number) I can’t believe this!

(Moves to the AWESOME pad of CAPTAIN MCAWESOME PANTS and CLEVER BOOTS. The phone rings. He answers.)

MCAWESOME PANTS: You have reached the pad of Captain McAwesome Pants!

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: Can you please turn down your music. Some people are trying to sleep.

MCAWESOME PANTS: (serious all of a sudden) Buzzkill.

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: That is Professor Buzzkill to you and I am not going to ask again.

CLEVER BOOTS: Who is it?

MCAWESOME PANTS: (Still serious) Buzzkill.

CLEVER BOOTS: What does he want?

MCAWESOME PANTS: What he always wants. To kill our Buzz!

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: Are you still there?


PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: This is getting nowhere. (Hangs up)


PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: (Picks up the phone again.) Hello, police?

(Back at the pad of CAPTAIN MCAWESOME PANTS, the doorbell rings)

MCAWESOME PANTS: (Answering) What’s up? You’ve reached the.... Oh.

COPS: We’ve received an anonymous complaint about the noise level in this residence.

MCAWESOME PANTS: (Looks up to PROFESSOR BUZZKILL’s lair. BUZZKILL is at the window.) Buzzkill.

COPS: What?


CLEVER BOOTS: I’m sorry about him. (She pushes MCAWESOME PANTS off as he shakes his fist at BUZZKILL) We will turn it down.

(The next morning)

MCAWSOME PANTS: (Looking out of the window) Buzzkill.

CLEVER BOOTS: Are you ever going to let that go?


CLEVER BOOTS: I’m as disappointed as you are, but sitting around and muttering Buzzkill all day isn’t going to solve anything.

MCAWESOME PANTS: You’re right.

CLEVER BOOTS: Of course I am. So, what are you going to do now?

MCAWESOME PANTS: I’m going to get back at Professor Buzzkill.

CLEVER BOOTS: That is not what I meant. I meant that maybe you should take up a hobby or something.

MCAWESOME PANTS: No time for that! I must plan! Quick, to the Awesome Cave!

CLEVER BOOTS: We don’t have an Awesome Cave.

MCAWESOME PANTS: Of course we do, follow me!

(In the AWESOME CAVE!... A coat closet... But it’s AWESOME!!)

CLEVER BOOTS: What are we doing in the closet?

MCAWESOME PANTS: It’s the Awesome Cave!

CLEVER BOOTS: This is silly; we can have this meeting outside you know.

MCAWESOME PANTS: No! Buzzkill could have set up a listening device out there. Only in here are we completely safe.

CLEVER BOOTS: I highly doubt that...

MCAWESOME PANTS: Shh! I found the hole in his system. I can almost hear Buzzkill in his EVIL lair now...

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: (Looking at some monitors that are set up all over MCAWESOME’s house) He found the hole in my system! CAPTAIN MCAWESOME PANTS!!!


CLEVER BOOTS: I didn’t hear...

MCAWESOME PANTS: That’s because you weren’t really listening. Well, it’s too late now.

CLEVER BOOTS: Whatever, what is your plan?

MCAWESOME PANTS: I am going to steal the one thing that Buzzkill loves.

CLEVER BOOTS: You don’t mean...?

MCAWESOME PANTS: Yes. I am going to steal Monty.

CLEVER BOOTS: But Monty is the most well protected item in the entire world, how are you going to steal it?

MCAWESOME PANTS: With your help.

CLEVER BOOTS: Oh no! I’ve helped you do a lot of things to that man, but stealing Monty is going too far.

MCAWESOME PANTS: Awww, pretty please!

CLEVER BOOTS: Oh no! Not this time, Awesome! You and your pants are going to have to do this alone.

MCAWESOME PANTS: Fine. But when I steal it, I’m not letting you see it.

CLEVER BOOTS: I think I’ll live.

(Later that night!)

MCAWESOME PANTS: I’m going out to do that... Thing.

CLEVER BOOTS: What thing?

MCAWESOME PANTS: You know, that... Thing that I needed to do in order to make a certain somebody regret the day he crossed Captain McAwesome Pants!

CLEVER BOOTS: Wow, that’s not suspicious at all.

MCAWESOME PANTS: Well, I’m off! (Winks at a lamp)

CLEVER BOOTS: What are you doing?

MCAWESOME PANTS: Nothing. (Leaves)

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: (Looking at his monitors of the AWESOME household. Specifically, a camera that is set in a lamp) What are you planning, Captain McAwesome Pants?

(In BUZZKILL’s lair next door to the AWESOME household. MCAWESOME PANTS kicks in a ventilation shaft and drops to the floor. He pauses in and walks to a steel door. He cracks his knuckles and prepares to pick the lock, but instead presses a button on his belt and a missile blows open the door.)

MCAWESOME PANTS: Powers of AWESOME: 1, door: 0

(As he starts to walk forward, another even thicker metal door slams shut in front of him.)

MCAWESOME: Okay, so we’re all tied up.

(Back at the AWESOME household, CLEVER BOOTS is watching T.V. and actually looks a little bored.)

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: (Looking into his monitor) Okay, Clever Boots. Show me what Awesome is up to. (A loud Bang is heard) Keep it down! (Back at the monitor) I can wait all night.

(Back at the door with CAPTAIN MCAWESOME PANTS. The door looks to have withstood an entire war. MCAWESOME PANTS looks completely perplexed by this.)

MCAWESOME PANTS: What are you made of!? (He sighs and leans on the door and it falls over) Haha! Captain McAwesome Pants: 2 Door: ... Know what, never mind time to continue onward!

(He walks through the door and sees a massive chasm filled with crocodiles, spikes, snakes and all other sorts of creepy crawlies and looks completely impassable)

MCAWSOME PANTS: Oh come on!!!

(Back to BUZZKILL as he watches a completely immobile CLEVER BOOTS. Faintly, you can hear the shouts of pain and anguish from CAPTAIN MCAWESOME PANTS. BUZZKILL pays no attention to this)

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: All I need is one small annoyance and I have the police on speed dial! Just one small move... (CLEVER BOOTS shifts slightly) Aha! Oh wait... No... That won’t hold up... (The shouts from downstairs stop) Maybe I should go grab Monty for this stakeout. (He gets up and goes)

(Back at the chasm. MCAWESOME has made it across... Barely. He moves to the next room and finds a pedestal in the centre surrounded by a river of lava and a thin path to walk across. On the pedestal there is a Python coiled around something.)

MCAWESOME PANTS: There you are, Monty. (He walks to the pedestal and the Python uncoils itself and slithers off revealing a teddy bear. MCAWESOME PANTS grabs the bear and turns to go only to meet BUZZKILL)

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: So, we meet again, Awesome.


PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: Unhand my Monty, Awesome and no one will get hurt.

MCAWESOME PANTS: I’m sorry; I can’t hear you over how Awesome my Pants are!

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: I will not ask again. (He draws some sort of weapon)



MCAWESOME PANTS: My one weakness!

(Back at the AWESOME household.)

CLEVER BOOTS: Well, I guess I let Awesome suffer enough. Time to go and save his pants.

(Back at the stalemate)

MCAWESOME PANTS: I guess we are at a stalemate.

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: Not entirely. (He presses a button and a bunch of large Grape Juice weapons appear out of nowhere and point at MCAWESOME)



MCAWESOME PANTS: Fine. Just turn off the weapons. (Hands over Monty)

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: Well, I don’t really think I have to. I have the upper hand here. All I have to do is pull the...

(All of a sudden, the weapons shut down. BUZZKILL turns and CLEVER BOOTS is revealed holding a bunch of wires)

CLEVER BOOTS: You really need to upgrade your security, Buzzkill. This is what, the third time this exact thing happened.

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: Clever Boots. I was wondering what you were up to.

CLEVER BOOTS: I would like to have my idiot back, thank you.

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: Take him, just leave me alone!

MCAWESOME PANTS: I had it all under control, Clever Boots. I only needed one more minute.

CLEVER BOOTS: We will talk more back at home, Awesome.


(Back at the AWESOME household with CLEVER BOOTS and MCAWESOME PANTS)

CLEVER BOOTS: What have we learned?

MCAWESOME PANTS: (Slightly defeated) Revenge isn’t always the only way...

CLEVER BOOTS: That’s right.

MCAWESOME PANTS: But I almost had him!

CLEVER BOOTS: And you will almost have him next week as well. But you need to learn that we are neighbours and no matter how much we don’t like each other, we have to live together.

MCAWESOME PANTS: That’s no fun.

CLEVER BOOTS: But, there is nothing against a good prank every now and then.

(Back with BUZZKILL he is walking to his Monty sanctuary and is at the first door. He presses the combination and it doesn’t work. He tries again, same effect. He tries a third time and a mechanical voice activates)

VOICE: Break in attempt. Break in attempt. Activate the weapons!


(A bunch of Grape Juice weapons appear and douse him in Grape Juice)


Last edited by TheGreatIthy on Mon May 02, 2011 1:55 am, edited 2 times in total.
Bees: They sting because they love!!

Will review for food!

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66 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1596
Reviews: 66
Sun Jan 09, 2011 7:19 pm
Torigirl15 says...

I loved this! at times, the dialogue seemed slightly forced, but that was only once or twice. Other than that, this was completely "Awesome!" Keep it up!
-Tori =D
Pm me if you'd like me to review more in depth!
Xx This side of mortality is
scaring me to death
to death xX

-The Temper Trap: Soldier On

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66 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1596
Reviews: 66
Wed Jan 12, 2011 11:54 pm
Torigirl15 says...

Hi! I'm back for more! =p
Now, i hope you'll excuse me, but I'm going to quote your entire script in here in order to make sure i edit the whole thing. I want to make sure I get everything this time, because last time i sort of failed. =D

TheGreatIthy wrote:
Spoiler! :
Okay, so first I must mention that this series is a comedy that is pretty much spoofing the entire super hero genre. It is meant to be a comic book, but I wrote it like I write my scripts so this, the first version, reads like one and I believe that no one is really missing out on anything by not seeing the pictures. We are writers, I think we all have active imaginations and prefer the text. Once the images are finished, I will be uploading the entire thing to my seperate website. I will let everyone know when it's there.

Chapter 1: Nobody Likes a Buzzkill

MCAWESOME PANTS: University student. 20 years old. Protector of all things Awesome
CLEVER BOOTS: University student. 19 years old. The sidekick and arguably the competent one.
PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: University professor. 40 years old. A buzzkill.
MONTY: A teddybear. Age: Unknown.
I loved this introduction. It got me interested in these characters, which I'm sure was it's intended purpose. =)
(Scene opens with Professor Buzzkill sleeping in his lair (Just his house, really). He is woken by some loud and obnoxious noises coming from outside. He rolls over and tries to get back to his slumber. The noises get louder. He tries to put his pillow over his head. The noises get even louder. Finally he gets up.)

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: (Picks up the phone and dials a number) I can’t believe this!

(Moves to the AWESOME pad of CAPTAIN MCAWESOME PANTS and CLEVER BOOTS. The phone rings. He answers.)

MCAWESOME PANTS: You have reached the pad of Captain McAwesome Pants!

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: Can you please turn down your music? Some people are trying to sleep.

MCAWESOME PANTS: (serious all of a sudden) Buzzkill.

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: That is Professor Buzzkill to you and I am not going to ask again.

CLEVER BOOTS: Who is it?

MCAWESOME PANTS: (Still serious) Buzzkill.

CLEVER BOOTS: What does he want?

MCAWESOME PANTS: What he always wants. To kill our Buzz!

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: Are you still there?


PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: This is getting nowhere. (Hangs up)

MCAWESOME PANTS: BUZZKILL! I'm a little confused about why he keeps saying "Buzzkill"

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: (Picks up the phone again.) Hello, police?

(Back at the pad of CAPTAIN MCAWESOME PANTS, the doorbell rings)

(Sorry my computer deleted this line for some reason.) How does he know that it's the police before they say anything?

COPS: We’ve received an anonymous complaint about the noise level in this residence.

MCAWESOME PANTS: (Looks up to PROFESSOR BUZZKILL’s lair. BUZZKILL is at the window.) Buzzkill.

COPS: What?


CLEVER BOOTS: I’m sorry about him. (She pushes MCAWESOME PANTS off as he shakes his fist at BUZZKILL) We will turn it down.

(The next morning)

MCAWSOME PANTS: (Looking out of the window) Buzzkill.

CLEVER BOOTS: Are you ever going to let that go?


CLEVER BOOTS: I’m as disappointed as you are, but sitting around and muttering Buzzkill all day isn’t going to solve anything.

MCAWESOME PANTS: You’re right.

CLEVER BOOTS: Of course I am. So, what are you going to do now?

MCAWESOME PANTS: I’m going to get back at Professor Buzzkill. Why does he suddenly start calling him "professor"?

CLEVER BOOTS: That is not what I meant. I meant that maybe you should take up a hobby or something.

MCAWESOME PANTS: No time for that! I must plan! Quick, to the Awesome Cave!

CLEVER BOOTS: We don’t have an Awesome Cave.

MCAWESOME PANTS: Of course we do, follow me!

(In the AWESOME CAVE!... A coat closet... But it’s AWESOME!!)

CLEVER BOOTS: What are we doing in the closet?

MCAWESOME PANTS: It’s the Awesome Cave!

CLEVER BOOTS: This is silly; we can have this meeting outside you know.

MCAWESOME PANTS: No! Buzzkill could have set up a listening device out there. Only in here are we completely safe.

CLEVER BOOTS: I highly doubt that...

MCAWESOME PANTS: Shh! I found the hole in his system. I can almost hear Buzzkill in his EVIL lair now...

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: (Looking at some monitors that are set up all over MCAWESOME’s house) He found the hole in my system! CAPTAIN MCAWESOME PANTS!!!


CLEVER BOOTS: I didn’t hear...

MCAWESOME PANTS: That’s because you weren’t really listening. Well, it’s too late now.

CLEVER BOOTS: Whatever, what is your plan? Try to have this line flow better, such as saying, "Okay then... what's your plan?" just a suggestion.

MCAWESOME PANTS: I am going to steal the one thing that Buzzkill loves.

CLEVER BOOTS: You don’t mean...?

MCAWESOME PANTS: Yes. I am going to steal Monty. Suggestion: Yes. I'm going...

CLEVER BOOTS: But Monty is the most well protected item in the entire world, how are you going to steal it? Maybe put... "But Monty's the most protected item in the world! How are you going to steal him?" it sounds a little odd, because the "item" has a name, so it just feels like it should be "him" instead. At least in my opinion. =p

MCAWESOME PANTS: With your help.

CLEVER BOOTS: Oh no!Putting, "Oh no..." here would make better sense because the way you have it makes it sound like she's exclaiming in fear. I’ve helped you do a lot of things to that man, but stealing Monty is going too far.

MCAWESOME PANTS: Awww, pretty please!

CLEVER BOOTS: Oh no!This is repeated, so you might want to take it out. Not this time, Awesome! You and your pants are going to have to do this alone.

MCAWESOME PANTS: Fine. But when I steal it, I’m not letting you see it.
The "him" thing again.
CLEVER BOOTS: I think I’ll live.

(Later that night!)

MCAWESOME PANTS: I’m going out to do that... Thing.

CLEVER BOOTS: What thing?

MCAWESOME PANTS: You know, that... Thing that I needed to do in order to make a certain somebody regret the day he crossed Captain McAwesome Pants!

CLEVER BOOTS: Wow, that’s not suspicious at all.

MCAWESOME PANTS: Well, I’m off! (Winks at a lamp)

CLEVER BOOTS: What are you doing?

MCAWESOME PANTS: Nothing. (Leaves)

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: (Looking at his monitors of the AWESOME household. Specifically, a camera that is set in a lamp) What are you planning, Captain McAwesome Pants?

(In BUZZKILL’s lair next door to the AWESOME household. MCAWESOME PANTS kicks in a ventilation shaft and drops to the floor. He pauses in and walks to a steel door. He cracks his knuckles and prepares to pick the lock, but instead presses a button on his belt and a missile blows open the door.)

MCAWESOME PANTS: Powers of AWESOME: 1, door: 0

(As he starts to walk forward, another even thicker metal door slams shut in front of him.)

MCAWESOME: Okay, so we’re all tied up. This line confused me...

(Back at the AWESOME household, CLEVER BOOTS is watching T.V. and actually looks a little bored.)

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: (Looking into his monitor) Okay, Clever Boots. Show me what Awesome is up to. (A loud Bang is heard) Keep it down! (Back at the monitor) I can wait all night.

(Back at the door with CAPTAIN MCAWESOME PANTS. The door looks to have withstood an entire war. MCAWESOME PANTS looks completely perplexed by this.)

MCAWESOME PANTS: What are you made of!? (He sighs and leans on the door and it falls over) Haha! Captain McAwesome Pants: 2 Door: ... Know what, never mind time to continue onward! If all he does is lean on it, then why don't the missiles work? maybe specify on that.

(He walks through the door and sees a massive chasm filled with crocodiles, spikes, snakes and all other sorts of creepy crawlies and looks completely impassable)

MCAWSOME PANTS: Oh come on!!!

(Back to BUZZKILL as he watches a completely immobile CLEVER BOOTS. Faintly, you can hear the shouts of pain and anguish from CAPTAIN MCAWESOME PANTS. BUZZKILL pays no attention to this)

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: All I need is one small annoyance and I have the police on speed dial! Just one small move... (CLEVER BOOTS shifts slightly) Aha! Oh wait... No... That won’t hold up... (The shouts from downstairs stop) Maybe I should go grab Monty for this stakeout. (He gets up and goes)

(Back at the chasm. MCAWESOME has made it across... Barely. He moves to the next room and finds a pedestal in the centre surrounded by a river of lava and a thin path to walk across. On the pedestal there is a Python coiled around something.)

MCAWESOME PANTS: There you are, Monty. (He walks to the pedestal and the Python uncoils itself and slithers off revealing a teddy bear. MCAWESOME PANTS grabs the bear and turns to go only to meet BUZZKILL)

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: So, we meet again, Awesome.


PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: Unhand my Monty, Awesome and no one will get hurt.

MCAWESOME PANTS: I’m sorry; I can’t hear you over how Awesome my Pants are! Loved this line!

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: I will not ask again. (He draws some sort of weapon)



MCAWESOME PANTS: My one weakness!

(Back at the AWESOME household.)

CLEVER BOOTS: Well, I guess I let Awesome suffer enough. Time to go and save his pants.

(Back at the stalemate)

MCAWESOME PANTS: I guess we are at a stalemate.

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: Not entirely. (He presses a button and a bunch of large Grape Juice weapons appear out of nowhere and point at MCAWESOME) didn't he already have grape juice out?



MCAWESOME PANTS: Fine. Just turn off the weapons. (Hands over Monty)

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: Well, I don’t really think I have to. I have the upper hand here. All I have to do is pull the...

(All of a sudden, the weapons shut down. BUZZKILL turns and CLEVER BOOTS is revealed holding a bunch of wires)

CLEVER BOOTS: You really need to upgrade your security, Buzzkill. This is what, the third time this exact thing happened.

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: Clever Boots. I was wondering what you were up to.

CLEVER BOOTS: I would like to have my idiot back, thank you. Oh, how I love Clever Boots. You made an amazing character.One question I had though... Is Clever Boots a boy or a girl? I don't know if you mentioned that. I picture her as a girl, but that's just me.

PROFESSOR BUZZKILL: Take him, just leave me alone!

MCAWESOME PANTS: I had it all under control, Clever Boots. I only needed one more minute.

CLEVER BOOTS: We will talk more back at home, Awesome. "We'll" will make it sound less stiff.


(Back at the AWESOME household with CLEVER BOOTS and MCAWESOME PANTS)

CLEVER BOOTS: What have we learned?

MCAWESOME PANTS: (Slightly defeated) Revenge isn’t always the only way...

CLEVER BOOTS: That’s right.

MCAWESOME PANTS: But I almost had him!

CLEVER BOOTS: And you will you'll almost have him next week as well. But you need to learn that we are neighbors and no matter how much we don’t like each other, we have to live together.

MCAWESOME PANTS: That’s no fun.

CLEVER BOOTS: But, there is there's nothing against a good prank every now and then.

(Back with BUZZKILL he is walking to his Monty sanctuary and is at the first door. He presses the combination and it doesn’t work. He tries again, same effect. He tries a third time and a mechanical voice activates)

VOICE: Break in attempt. Break in attempt. Activate the weapons!


(A bunch of Grape Juice weapons appear and douse him in Grape Juice)



I loved loved loved this, and I can't wait to read the rest! If you don't like my comments, completely ignore them, most of them are just my opinion anyway. PM with questions or anything of that sort!
-Tori =D
Xx This side of mortality is
scaring me to death
to death xX

-The Temper Trap: Soldier On

You are going to love some of your characters because they are you, or some facet of you, and you are going to hate some characters for the same reason.
— Anne Lamott