
Young Writers Society

The Dragon Stone

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Points: 266
Reviews: 33
Sat Nov 13, 2010 5:18 pm
TheRobster1991 says...

Sorry - the layout is not as it should be. But I've done my best. This is just some of a screenplay that I've been working on. It is very long so please hang in there



All we see is very dim cave, surrounded by all kinds of fossil and rough rocks, for a few minutes this is all we see. A gentle small pool of water barely comes into view

A shadowy figure (AXEL) is seen fleeing and hiding. The figure emerges from the shadows to reveal a boy, possibly 15 or 16, in rags. Another figure appears (GRETEL), dressed also in rags. GRETEL sneaks up to AXEL and grabs him by the

AXEL: Don’t do that to me Gretel! You scared me!

GRETEL: And so I should. Mother is waiting and she’s not one for being virtuous

AXEL: The guys say there’s a dragon stone in here

GRETEL: Old wives Axel. Come. Mother has made soup

AXEL: I’m not hungry

GRETEL: Why aren’t you listening to me?

AXEL: You always do this!

GRETEL: (Aside) And you this

AXEL: What?

GRETEL: What’s so great about this dragon stone then?

AXEL: It will put an end to these rags for starters, that’s for sure. It’s supposed to contain essence of a real dragon, only that much is believable

GRETEL: Then what isn’t!

AXEL: Everything! If you find the stone, you are able to summon a dragon from the never world. But of course we all know that dragons haven’t been around for hundreds of years or so


AXEL: You don’t think so?

GRETEL: Axel, Mother will be cross

AXEL: How do you think tales start then? Had they no root!

GRETEL: I don’t know, but I do know soup will go cold

AXEL: Of course that’s how rumours start, Chinese whispers, all sorts

GRETEL: For goodness sake Axel! Let’s get out of this groggy cave now! I’m getting rather hungry having spent half the day looking for you!

AXEL: I think I am getting hungry actually

GRETEL: Then let us depart and keep our minds off dragons!

They both start walking toward an opening in the walls

AXEL: I can’t stop thinking about them!

GRETEL: I can hardly imagine what Mother will make of all this

AXEL: Brownlow says the Bible speaks of dragons

GRETEL: (Uninterested) I wouldn’t know, I don’t speak Latin. Nor can I read or write

They exit


The night sky sits beautifully on top of a row of hills, dimly lit by the stars. AXEL and GRETEL exit from the cave entrance in the rock

AXEL: Father can


AXEL: And yet he chose to marry Mother

GRETEL: Nether family was happy about it

AXEL: Why?

GRETEL: Father moved into the country with Mother, seems he gave up wealth to be with her. And of course being an only child brought shame to them

AXEL: He loves her

GRETEL: Yes and a simple life of wood chopping is sufficient for him. Now, let’s go, can’t keep Mother waiting

AXEL: Yes, the village will look forward to our return

GRETEL: And why’s that?

AXEL: It’s us, well, me anyway. You’re not that fun

GRETEL: Thanks(!)

AXEL: Let’s go, it’s not wise to keep Mother waiting

AXEL winks and leads the way as GRETEL sighs ironically before following him

AXEL (CONT'D): Come on slow poke

GRETEL: Shut up



We see a small village, with no more than about 10 stone huts on grassland. One of the women there is NADIA, Mother of AXEL and GRETEL. She is dressed in rags like AXEL and GRETEL but she has the beauty of an angel and a resemblance of AXEL

She spots AXEL and GRETEL coming over from the distance

NADIA: (Calling) Axel! Soup has been done for an hour now! Where have you been?


GRETEL: I found him in the caves by the hills

NADIA: You went to the cave on your own?(!)

AXEL: Yeah, I’m not that little

NADIA: If you carry on like this then I shall stop these visits from your friends

AXEL: Its okay Mother, I’ll bring someone next time

The enter a hut


They enter the hut, which is short in size, but nicely decorated. There is a small table with three bowls of cold looking soup

NADIA: Not the answer I was looking for

AXEL: What soup is this?

NADIA: Vegetable, as usual

They all sit to eat

AXEL: (Tasting) Eugh! It’s cold

NADIA: I can put it back on the stove if you like

AXEL: Will you

NADIA takes her bowl and AXEL’s

NADIA: What about you Gretel?

GRETEL: No, thanks Mother. I’ll have it cold

NADIA places the bowls of soup onto a stove which is in the room

GRETEL: (Sipping soup) What time is Father due back Mother?

NADIA: He’s gone hunting. I just hope that he doesn’t bring it in here again!

AXEL: I hope he brings back a trolls head!

NADIA: Well really!

GRETEL: The boy dreams on such things

NADIA: (Disapprovingly) Really?

GRETEL: Its monsters this, dragons that. Brownlow and Alexis have obviously had an influence on him

NADIA: Those two are troubled

AXEL: They are perfectly fine

NADIA: Brownlow’s a bit old for you to be playing with

AXEL: Not really, he’s only a couple of years older than me. Besides, Alexis is the same age as me

NADIA: Alexis is what to Brownlow?

AXEL: Sister

NADIA: What is she to you?

AXEL: (As if it obvious) A friend

GRETEL: (Teasing) Axel has a soft spot for Alexis

AXEL: What? No I don’t! Shut up. I’ve known her all my life!

NADIA: Most relationships form out of friendship dear

AXEL: (Protesting) Mother!

NADIA: Sorry Axel, didn’t mean to upset you

JOHN enters. A man with a joyful complexion and a strong composure. He is holding a dead rabbit. NADIA sees it and shrieks

NADIA: Get that thing out now!

JOHN: Come on Nadia, we all deserve better

NADIA: I don’t care, just get rid of it

JOHN: It just needs a good stewing

NADIA: Go away John

JOHN: Sorry children, it looks as though there’ll be no meat for supper

AXEL: (Disappointed) Oh

NADIA: Soup’s done!

JOHN: I’ll go and roast it up before I bring it back in

JOHN leaves

NADIA starts carrying the soup bowls very carefully

NADIA: What were you doing in the cave Axel?

AXEL: I was looking for a dragon stone

NADIA drops the bowls of soup, breaking the bowls and getting soup everywhere

GRETEL: Mother, are you alright?

NADIA: A dragon stone?


NADIA: (Cleaning) You shouldn’t be going around looking for such things. It really is too much!

AXEL: Why?

NADIA: Better call your father

AXEL: What?


AXEL abruptly leaves

GRETEL: What’s the matter Mother? You are at edge. I’ve never seen you drop bowls before. Not like you to have butter fingers

NADIA: The bowls were hot Gretel

GRETEL: Your hands were covered and protected

NADIA: Heat seeps through everything

GRETEL: Fire is quenchable when there is water

NADIA picks up the remaining pieces of broken bowl and places it onto a safe area on a side. She grabs a towel of some sort and continuous scrubbing the floor

NADIA: Not if it is fire unquenchable

GRETEL: All fire is quenchable Mother

NADIA: There are some out there. And when you face them as I have it will remain with you forever

GRETEL: (Concerned) Mother?

NADIA: (Regaining calm attitude) Don’t worry Gretel dear. Your father and I have been through a lot together

GRETEL: (Hugging NADIA) Oh Mother

NADIA: It’s okay dear

JOHN and AXEL enter; AXEL is now the one holding the dead rabbit

JOHN: You alright dear?

He goes over to embrace her

NADIA: Yes John

They embrace each other. He kisses her

JOHN: Are you sure?

He starts stroking her hands affectionately


JOHN: (Discerning) Nadia...

NADIA: Axels’ been out

JOHN: As boy are

AXEL: Yes Mother

AXEL places the rabbit on the table

NADIA: Looking in the cave over the hill for what he believes a dragon stone!

JOHN: (Suddenly serious) You shouldn’t be up in those caves Axel! Don’t you realise how dangerous it is up there?(!) Who told you about the dragon stone?

AXEL: Brownlow

JOHN: You are not to see him again

AXEL: (Outraged) What?

GRETEL: And Alexis

AXEL: That’s not fair father!

JOHN: Son, I forbid you from seeing Brownlow and Alexis. Those two are nothing but trouble

AXEL: I’ve always spent time with them

JOHN gets out a knife and starts to prepare the rabbit

JOHN: Things are going to change!

AXEL: (Protesting) I don’t receive much in life Father! And now you’re taking what little I have from me

JOHN: Humility is a quality found not in many people Axel, and when you understand you’ll thank me

AXEL in a huff leaves


JOHN: Leave him dear. He just needs to let off some steam

NADIA: I don’t understand why he won’t spend time with any of the others in our village

GRETEL: He’s quite fond of Brownlow and Alexis

NADIA: Goodness knows why


AXEL is storming out of the village in a angrily

AXEL: Father has no right to disdain me from my friends, no right at all

He retires to the nearby forest


AXEL enters into the thickness of the forest and spots a tree cut down. He sits on it

After a while horse prints are heard. AXEL looks round and sees BROWNLOW and ALEXIS on black horses

BROWNLOW is a young man, early 20s, with a Round head, unkempt jet black hair and a 12 o’clock shadow facial hair

ALEXIS is petite and shares BROWNLOW’s Jet black hair, which neatly goes down to her lower back. She is very pretty. She is 16

BROWNLOW: We were just on our way to meet you

AXEL: Father say’s we’re not allowed to continue our friendship

ALEXIS: That’s ridiculous Axel

BROWNLOW and ALEXIS get off their horses

AXEL: It is and I don’t know why

BROWNLOW: Did he not say why?

AXEL: Well, he kind of did, but over something so small. I think the difference in our upbringings don’t help either

ALEXIS: Our family don’t exactly want it either but they can’t keep us from making friends with whomever we choose

BROWNLOW: That’s right Axel, and you have to do the same. Now, what did your father say to you?

AXEL: He didn’t seem to have a problem until I mentioned the Dragon Stone

BROWNLOW: Your father was mad at you for that?(!) That’s harsh. Why are you out here now?

AXEL: I ran away

BROWNLOW: Your father hasn’t a problem with you being here with us then?

AXEL: He doesn’t know. I usually come to this log when I’m stressed. Father comes over after I’ve cooled down

BROWNLOW: Well, your father will be grateful when we get the Dragon Stone. It must be worth plenty a pound

AXEL: The Bible, you said the Bible talks of Dragons

BROWNLOW: I know, it does

AXEL: Well, do you have a Bible on you?

BROWNLOW: Yes, I snuck it out of Father’s room. It’s in Latin though

ALEXIS: So you won’t be able to read it

AXEL: But Brownlow can Alexis, he’s been trained in reading and writing

ALEXIS: If only girls had that privilege

BROWNLOW: What about the stone? Why do you care so much for fairytales Axel?

AXEL: I want to know what it says Brownlow!


He produces a small Bible from his pouch and turns to a couple of the last pages

BROWNLOW (CONT’D): This is just a rough translation (Reads) “And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born” (To AXEL) Revelations 12:4

AXEL: Wow. So, it is true!

BROWNLOW: But a lot of the Bible is shrouded in mystery. To uncover all of its secrets would take a multitude of lifetimes

AXEL: What is Revelations?

BROWNLOW: The last book in the Bible

AXEL: (Confused) I thought the Bible was a book?

BROWNLOW: Oh no, no, no. The Bible isn’t just a book; it’s a collection of about 66 books. Starting from Creation ending on Revelations. The word Bible comes from the Greek word biblia which means collection of books

ALEXIS: Enough with the lesson Brownlow

BROWNLOW: You’re right, what about the stone Axel. Have you found it?

AXEL: No, Gretel found me before I found it. Are you sure there’s one there?

BROWNLOW: Yes, I overheard father talk about it

AXEL: Your father knows where it is?

BROWNLOW: Of course he does. He wanted me to find it

AXEL: Why?

BROWNLOW: I don’t know. Probably to examine it and study it

ALEXIS: (Getting back on horse) Let’s go find it now

BROWNLOW: Good idea

He joins her

AXEL: What about me?

BROWNLOW: What about you?

AXEL: Am I supposed to walk behind you while you ride?

ALEXIS: You can ride with me

AXEL: Okay

ALEXIS: Get on

ALEXIS helps AXEL onto horse. He sits behind her

ALEXIS (CONT’D): Hold on tight

AXEL holds onto ALEXIS tightly around the waist

They ride off

AXEL: Okay!


They reach the caves that AXEL and GRETEL were first seen in at the start. They stop. AXEL jumps off. BROWNLOW and ALEXIS get off. BROWNLOW brings his horse to ALEXIS

BROWNLOW: You can look after the horses

ALEXIS: Why me?

BROWNLOW: You’re the woman

ALEXIS tuts disapprovingly

BROWNLOW and AXEL go to enter cave

BROWNLOW: Let’s see if we can find this stone for father

AXEL: For fortune!

BROWNLOW: And fame

They disappear into the cave




JOHN walks towards the cut tree AXEL previously sat on. He is holding an axe

JOHN: Axel, I know I seemed harsh on you. I’m sorry, but… well; maybe you’re old enough for me to tell you the truth

He approaches the tree to see no AXEL by it

JOHN (CONT’D): Axel? Where are you?

He looks on the ground to see horse prints on the ground. He follows them with his eyes as they lead to the hills

JOHN (CONT’D): (In great panic) No!

He runs toward the hill with all his strength



BROWNLOW and AXEL are scoping around the cave. Looking in many directions

AXEL: What does your father know about it?

BROWNLOW: He says that it’s made of dragon skin, which is virtually indestructible

AXEL: Wow, how did he know it would be here?

BROWNLOW: I don’t know. I think he believed bandits used to come here

AXEL: Oh, what if they’ve buried it then?

BROWNLOW: There’s a point, keep searching. We’ll probably find it soon. Father said I’d know when I see it

AXEL: Okay

BROWNLOW spots a marker on the rock. Written in Latin: “Keep the dragon dead”

BROWNLOW: Keep…the, dragon dead. Here it is (Gets out knife) Use this to dig

He hands it to AXEL who starts digging

AXEL: (Bellowing) We’ve found where it is!



ALEXIS is standing with the horses when she sees JOHN running up the hills. She is unsure to go into the caves or not. But she sees his expression is not one of anger but one of desperation. She looks worried

JOHN reaches her, he is panting heavily

JOHN: Where are the others?

ALEXIS: In the cave

JOHN runs into the cave



AXEL is digging around. He pulls out a beautiful looking red stone

AXEL: I have it


It starts glowing

AXEL: It’s glowing!

JOHN enters. He looks at the stone and sees it

AXEL (CONT’D): Father?

JOHN: What have you done Axel?

He goes to hit the stone with his axe. But it breaks. AXEL and BROWNLOW are both shocked. The stone starts to transform. AXEL drops it

It slowly starts to transform into a dragon. AXEL is amazed. JOHN and BROWNLOW are terrified. The dragon is now fully grown

DRAGON: (Booming voice) I’m back!

Dragon roars


Roar is heard outside by ALEXIS who in shock turns toward the cave. The horses feel uneven about it

ALEXIS: What are you doing? Stay here

The horses resist her and run off forcing her to the ground. The gallop off into the distance


The dragon looks around at terrified AXEL, BROWNLOW and JOHN. Examining them

DRAGON: (Spotting JOHN) You!

BROWNLOW approaches it holding Bible out to defend himself

BROWNLOW: (Petrified) Stop in the name of the Lord

The dragon breathes fire on him. Burning the Bible and setting him alight. BROWNLOW is screaming

AXEL: Brownlow!

JOHN pushes BROWNLOW into the nearby lake soothing him. The dragon breathes fire toward JOHN who jumps in the water as well

It turns toward the entrance of the cave and flies there


ALEXIS goes to get up. The dragon bursts through the rock with great strength. ALEXIS falls back down. Very scared. She is too scared to scream. The dragon spots her. It goes toward her. She shivers


JOHN and BROWNLOW get out of the lake. JOHN runs toward the entrance. BROWNLOW and AXEL follow


The dragon grabs ALEXIS. She screams. JOHN runs out the cave. The dragon turns back and breathes fire on him viscously. He jumps getting only hit by it a little. He pats out the flame

The dragon flies off. AXEL and BROWNLOW run out

ALEXIS: Brownlow help me!


ALEXIS: Help me!

BROWNLOW: Don’t worry little sister I’ll get you!

He starts running after the dragon but is stopped by JOHN

The dragon starts to get far away

BROWNLOW: Get out of my way John! My sister’s been kidnapped by that beast!

JOHN: You can’t help her now you fool! He will burn you alive!

BROWNLOW: Then what do we do? It will eat her!

JOHN: No, that’s not how he works. He is different from other dragons

AXEL: It acted like it knew you father

JOHN: (Shouting) I told you specifically not to find the dragon stone. And you didn’t listen to me. Now I have to get rid of it again!

AXEL: (Crying) I’m sorry, I didn’t know it was going to turn into a real dragon did I?

BROWNLOW: You fought it before?

JOHN is speechless for awhile

The dragon turns toward the village and flies toward it

JOHN: Nadia!

AXEL: Gretel!

The three of them start running toward the village


NADIA is showing GRETEL how to hang up dirty washing to dry in the sun

GRETEL: (Trying) Like this mother?

NADIA: Not quite dear. If you stretch it (Shows her) Then it leaves little creases. And no one likes creases

GRETEL: No mother

GRETEL tries again. NADIA watches and smiles

NADIA: Well done dear. You really are getting the hang of this

GRETEL: Thanks mother!

Screaming is heard. They look back to see several people running away from something

GRETEL (CONT’D): What’s up with them?

NADIA is puzzled. The dragon is slowly revealed coming over the hill towards them. Her face drops in disbelief

GRETEL (CONT’D): A dragon!?

NADIA: (Calmly and urgently) Where is your father?

GRETEL: He went to see Axel

NADIA: We need to get out of here NOW!

They go to run. The dragon arrives and starts burning the village. People are running in different directions screaming

ALEXIS is in the grip of the dragon

ALEXIS: Will somebody please help me!

GRETEL: It has Alexis!

NADIA: Alexis?

The dragon spots NADIA

DRAGON: (To NADIA) I have been imprisoned for 18 years. Now I am FREE!

It roars loudly. GRETEL and NADIA scream

The dragon grabs NADIA

GRETEL: Mother!

NADIA: Get your father! He’s the only one who can stop it

GRETEL: Mother!

The dragon starts to fly off

NADIA: Get your father

Dragon flies off into distance

NADIA (CONT’D): (Fading off) He’s the only one who can stop it

GRETEL runs off toward the forest


GRETEL is running desperately. She eventually bumps into JOHN

GRETEL: Father! The dragon has mother! The dragon has mother!!

AXEL: Mother!

JOHN: He would grab your mother, pure revenge. Seems he has chosen his sacrifices

BROWNLOW: Sacrifices?

JOHN: He must sacrifice two pure women to raise more from the dead. His army

BROWNLOW: I’m not going to let him sacrifice Alexis

JOHN: There is only one way to stop it. Kill him. Imprisoning him in the stone didn’t help; he’s back, all because I was too weak to stop him

AXEL: Is there something you need to tell us father?

JOHN stops to sit. The others sit as well

JOHN: I think it’s time I’m honest with you two


JOHN is in the ballroom. He is talking with an elder couple, there are his parents. The rest of the rooms are filled with many different people, all upper-class

JOHN (V.O): You know that I came from a rich family. But I hated it. My mother and father had wanted me to marry Grace, but I didn’t want to marry her, I was in love with your mother

MOTHER OF JOHN: Come on dear, Grace really is one of a kind. Beautiful, smart and we know her parents. Her mother and I enjoy a spot of the country together

JOHN: Mother, why isn’t Nadia here?

MOTHER OF JOHN: Oh dear. Her! What could you possibly want with that tramp?

JOHN: I invited her. Why isn't she here?

FATHER: Maybe she just doesn’t like you son

JOHN: That doesn’t make sense. All the time we spent together

FATHER: Best to move on

JOHN (V.O): In truth they told her if she came within ten feet of our house they’d shoot her

JOHN is there training with a personal trainer. He is fighting with him

JOHN (V.O): I dealt with the betrayal by learning the Mystical Arts. I trained until I could fight bare fisted

JOHN starts talking with his trainer

JOHN (V.O): My trainer suggested I looked into being a dragon slayer. Naturally I was in disbelief

JOHN: You have got to be joking

TRAINER: No, it’s true. Dragon slaying has been around for centuries. It is because of us that dragons aren’t over running our country

JOHN: Then why are people chasing witches not dragons?

TRAINER: Lies! Invented by the dragons to keep people off the real evil in the land

JOHN goes to leave

JOHN: That’s not true

TRAINER: But I can prove it

JOHN stops and turns around. He approaches trainer who pulls out a mysterious cloak. He puts it on

JOHN (V.O): He put on a mysterious red cloak which had apparently been made out of dragon skin. Then he gestured me to piece him with this sword he had

TRAINER gestures for him to grab the sword and stab him with it

JOHN: Are you insane? I’ll kill you

TRAINER: Do you trust me?

JOHN: Of course I do, but this! This is just crazy

TRAINER: I ask you again. Do you trust me?

JOHN: I do

TRAINER: Good, then do it

JOHN reluctantly picks up the sword to stab TRAINER with it. To his amazement it snaps in half as soon as it touches him

TRAINER (CONT’D): This was the hide of a dragon that I have killed myself. It is indestructible

JOHN: I can’t believe it

TRAINER: (Placing arm on JOHN) Then don’t

JOHN (V.O): From that point in time, we became closer. And I learnt in the ways of slaying


TRAINER is working JOHN very hard. TRAINER is making JOHN run tracks, shoot arrows, climb cliff edges, etc…

JOHN (V.O): My love with your mother grew stronger

NADIA is hiding behind some rocks. JOHN spots her. He goes over to her and starts talking, mimed of course. The pair kiss

JOHN (V.O): But then the dragon came

The dragon is there. He is burning many people alive. The dragon goes to attack JOHN, who starts casting a spell from an ancient book of some kind

He is greeted by NADIA at this point as he gestures her to help him. She holds the book while JOHN starts sprinkling a red liquid all over the dragon. The dragon reacts badly and knocks TRAINER into a near by tree with his tail. The dragon turns into the dragon stone

JOHN (V.O): I imprisoned the dragon into a dragon stone but it cost the life of my trainer

JOHN: (Running over) Oh no

TRAINER: You’ve done well Jonathon, you’ve done well. I am proud

TRAINER collapses as JOHN looks on sad joined by NADIA. He picks up the dragon stone. His hand gets stood on. He looks up to see CHRISTOPHER, a tall man. Jet black hair resembling BROWNLOW

CHRISTOPHER: John, what are you planning on doing with the stone?

JOHN: Well Christopher, I was going to drown it in the depths of the sea

CHRISTOPHER: I see. Well, if you give it to me I will have it taken care of

JOHN (V.O): I was approached by my old friend, Christopher your father Brownlow. He wanted the stone to study. But I told him it needed to be destroyed


NADIA: According to this book you can’t destroy it. If a virgin touches the stone the dragon will be freed

JOHN: Then we hide it. Somewhere nobody would go. To remain hidden forever

CHRISTOPHER: Don’t do this to me John! I want that stone!

JOHN: No, we can’t risk freeing him

CHRISTOPHER: Think of all the discoveries we could learn from it

JOHN (V.O): I wouldn't relent. So when he threatened to kill me I decided to leave without his consent


JOHN is riding on a horse with NADIA. He has a determined look on him as if sent by a mission from God

JOHN (V.O): So me and your mother hid where we live now


NADIA is lying on the ground having just given birth. She is holding a baby really beaming with a natural motherly glow

JOHN (V.O): Shortly afterward you were born Gretel. And what a beautiful baby you were


NADIA is lying on the ground having just given birth again. She is holding a baby, again beaming. JOHN is holding a two year old GRETEL

JOHN (V.O): You were a beautiful baby too Axel


JOHN is kissing NADIA in a village. AXEL is about 5 at this point and gets approached by BROWNLOW who meets with him. They greet for the first time

Swing round to view CHRISTOPHER hidden in the forest watching them

JOHN (V.O): I was always weary of your friendship because in truth I knew that your father had sent you to befriend Axel to get closer to the stone
Last edited by TheRobster1991 on Sat Nov 13, 2010 9:22 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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57 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 4569
Reviews: 57
Sat Nov 13, 2010 8:45 pm
Nephthys says...

A screenplay, lovely :)
I think this should go in the Scripts forum though.
Also, this is WAY too much to review in one sitting, so I'm going to review it in parts. I would suggest putting it into several parts if you want more reviews, because a lot of people will be discouraged if they see a huge block of text.

RobsterJames wrote:All we see is very A dim cave, surrounded by all kinds of
fossil and rough rocks

Many screenwriters advise against using "we" if possible. Here it doesn't seem to be adding anything to the script, just extra words. A general rule for screenplays is to use as few words as possible to create as complete a picture as possible. This doesn't mean you should cut out description, only if you're describing the same thing three different ways, or using a lot of extra words like "very".

RobsterJames wrote: A gentle small pool of water barely comes into view

I'm not sure that "gentle" is a very good word to use when describing water. Also, what do you mean by "barely comes into view"? Is the pool of water moving, or the camera?
RobsterJames wrote:A shadowy figure (AXEL) is seen fleeing and hiding.

In screenplays, try to use present tense. Ex: "Axel flees" vs. "Axel is seen fleeing".
RobsterJames wrote:The figure emerges from the shadows to reveal a boy, possibly
15 or 16, in rags. Another figure appears (GRETEL) appears, dressed
also in rags.

Again, shorter= better. Full sentences are not necessary, as long as you get your point across.
RobsterJames wrote:
I wouldn’t know, I don’t speak
Latin. Nor can I read or write

They exit

Alright, this is where I'll stop for now. Here are a few things that I noticed:

I'm a little confused about your dialogue. At times it sounds very formal ("let us depart"), but there are also some casual phrases in there("the guys") which sound awkward compared with the rest of the dialogue.


I'm assuming that part of the reason that you chose to write is as a screenplay is that there will be a lot of special-effects stuff that would be hard to do onstage. However, this is reading to me much more like a stage play- you have long sections of dialogue in one location. While this works great in a stage play, if I saw this on TV I would change the channel because not much is happening- just a lot of exposition. When people watch movies or TV they are expecting lots of action right away.

I would suggest breaking up the exposition with some action, adding in a quick voice-over explaining the basics of the dragon stone, or simply leaving the exposition till later. Since this is a screenplay and not a novel, you can get away with very little exposition at the start, and can therefore add it in small doses throughout the script. You could also try breaking up this scene by intercutting it with another bit of the story (the mother making soup, a bit about the history of dragon stones, the story of another character that will be introduced later, etc).

This is a little bit of a slow start, but the idea certainly has potential! :)

In order to help you with cutting things down, and learning some conventions of screenplays, I HIGHLY recommend reading some professional screenplays. The BBC Writersroom website has a wide variety of screenplays to read, and plenty of advice on writing them :)

I'll get to the rest of the screenplay later. I hope you find this helpful :)
- Nephthys
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Sat Nov 13, 2010 9:31 pm
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Nephthys says...

Alright - Part 2!

RobsterJames wrote:The night sky sits beautifully on top of a row of hills, dimly lit by the stars.

I like this.
RobsterJames wrote:AXEL and GRETEL exit from the cave entrance in the rock

What rock? You didn't mention a rock.
RobsterJames wrote:GRETEL
Father moved into the country with Mother, seems he gave up wealth to be with her. And of course being an only child brought shame to them

It seems awkward that they're discussing their whole family history. Shouldn't they both know it by now?
RobsterJames wrote:AXEL winks and leads the way as GRETEL sighs ironically before following him

How can you sigh ironically?
RobsterJames wrote:AXEL
Yes, the village will look forward to our return

This makes it sound as if they've been gone for weeks or months, not hours.
RobsterJames wrote:AXEL
Yeah, I’m not that little

Like I mentioned in the last part, this is one of those times when your dialogue seems shockingly modern.
RobsterJames wrote:AXEL
Its okay Mother, I’ll bring someone next time

It seems a little strange that in medieval times (I'm assuming this is medieval?) a young man of 15 or 16 would not be allowed to go somewhere on his own. Many people his age would probably already be married with a kid.

RobsterJames wrote:They enter a hut

Alright, I'll stop here for now.

I don't particularly care about any of your characters yet- thus far they seem pretty average. I would suggest introducing their quirks a little earlier, or giving them some more description, so that the reader can get a better idea of who they are right away.

Also, I'm a little confused abut Gretel. At first I thought that she was the younger sister, but now I'm not so sure.

I really like the way that you continue the dialogue from scene to scene- it's natural, and I can imagine exactly what it will look like on film.

Again, I think that you've spent too much time on your introduction. I would suggest cutting out some of the dialogue - try and convey the same information in less time.

:) - Nephthys
-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- There is no sin except stupidity - Oscar Wilde -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

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Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:44 pm
Nephthys says...

Part 3 :)

RobsterJames wrote:They enter the hut,

For shooting purposes, it is important to include every character in each shot. Instead of "they" put AXEL, NADIA and GRETEL. While this isn't really that useful until production starts, if you want to use this script as a spec script, the script reader will expect to see conventions like this followed.

RobsterJames wrote:NADIA places the bowls of soup onto a stove which is in the room

I would suggest including the stove in your description at the beginning. Again, this is more for the props people, but it is something that will be looked for if you want to send this script anywhere.

RobsterJames wrote:NADIA: Brownlow’s a bit old for you to be playing with

This seems inappropriate for the time period. Surely someone of Axel's age would no longer have time for "playing" and be expected to work and earn his keep?

RobsterJames wrote:JOHN enters. A man with a joyful complexion and a strong composure. He is holding a dead rabbit. NADIA sees it and shrieks

I like this description a lot :) I'm not sure about the use of the word "complexion" though.

RobsterJames wrote:GRETEL: What’s the matter Mother? You are at edge. I’ve never seen you drop bowls before. It's not like you to have butter fingers

"I've never seen you drop bowls before" is a little awkward. I would just cut it.

RobsterJames wrote:GRETEL: All fire is quenchable Mother

NADIA: There are some out there (that are not)? And when you face them as I have it will remain with you forever

I feel like Nadia's line needs more?

RobsterJames wrote:NADIA: Goodness knows why

Don't forget to include "CUT TO:"

The plot has started to develop! Yay! I liked Nadia's reaction to the subject of dragon stones. I'm also looking forward to meeting Alexis and Brownlow, which I assume will happen soon?

I like the developments in the plot! There are just a few habits that you should start developing if you want to use this script as a spec script. Again, reading professional screenplays will help you get used to the range of acceptable formats.

:) - Nephthys
-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- There is no sin except stupidity - Oscar Wilde -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

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Mon Nov 15, 2010 2:08 am
Nephthys says...

PART 3 :)

RobsterJames wrote:AXEL is storming storms out of the village in a angrily

RobsterJames wrote:AXEL: Father has no right to disdain me from my friends, no right at all

I don't think that disdain is the right word.

RobsterJames wrote:BROWNLOW is a young man, early 20s, with a Round head, unkempt jet black hair and a 12 o’clock shadow facial hair

ALEXIS; is petite, and shares BROWNLOW’s Jet black hair, long. which neatly goes down to her lower back. She is very Pretty, She is 16

Nice character descriptions. However, this is an example of somewhere that you might want to use point form instead of full sentences.

RobsterJames wrote:BROWNLOW: We were just on our way to meet you

I'm not quite sure why Brownlow is saying this? Isn't it obvious?

RobsterJames wrote:BROWNLOW: Your father was mad at you for that?(!) That’s harsh. Why are you out here now?

Awkwardly phrased. "Mad at you" doesn't make a lot of sense. Maybe just "upset" or "angry".

RobsterJames wrote:ALEXIS: If only girls had that privilege

This is a fair statement - but be careful that Alexis doesn't get too hung up on how unfairly women are treated. If she whines about being a girl too much then she is much more likely to come across as a Mary Sue.

RobsterJames wrote: “And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born” (To AXEL) Revelations 12:4

I don't know much about the Bible, so I'm not sure whether this passage is actually in it. If it's not, I would suggest using a different book, because some people may be offended if you put new stuff in the Bible. Obviously this is not a problem if it's actually in the Bible.

RobsterJames wrote:AXEL: What about me?

BROWNLOW: What about you?

AXEL: Am I supposed to walk behind you while you ride?

ALEXIS: You can ride with me

AXEL: Okay

ALEXIS: Get on

This is an example of where major shortening could happen. I would suggest cutting out all of the lines except "You can ride with me."

I'm all for keeping the script short and concise, but you still want to help the reader imagine the scene in as much detail as possible so that they will be interested in seeing it on screen. For example:

"AXEL: Father say’s we’re not allowed to continue our friendship"

This line is a place where you could add more description. We want to know HOW Axel says the line. Is he angry? Resigned? Disappointed? Defiant? Decisions like these can drastically change the tone of your script and make it even better.

- Nephthys :)
-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- There is no sin except stupidity - Oscar Wilde -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-

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Tue Nov 16, 2010 3:15 am
Nephthys says...

PART 4 :)

RobsterJames wrote:They reach the caves that AXEL and GRETEL were first seen in at the start. They stop and dismount. AXEL jumps off. BROWNLOW and ALEXIS get off. BROWNLOW brings his horse to ALEXIS

Another example of how longer scenes can be shortened to avoid repetition.

RobsterJames wrote:BROWNLOW: Let’s see if we can find this stone for father

AXEL: For fortune!

BROWNLOW: And fame

These lines have been used before - either make it a point that the characters know that they're speaking a cliche, or try to think of something more unusual that they are trying to find the stone for - like "To impress women".

RobsterJames wrote:JOHN walks towards the cut tree AXEL previously sat on.

This could start to get confusing for the reader. Instead of saying "previously", specify the scene. (Ex: John walks towards the tree that Axel sat on in scene 17)

RobsterJames wrote:JOHN: Axel, I know I seemed harsh on you.

You really like the words "seem" and "looks" don't you? Only use them when necessary. In your description they weaken your ideas, and in this case, it just doesn't make sense.

RobsterJames wrote:BROWNLOW spots a marker on the rock. Written in Latin: “Keep the dragon dead”

I would suggest putting the actual Latin words in the script - it will look more impressive :)

RobsterJames wrote:JOHN enters. He looks at the stone and sees it

Careful, a lot of your sentences are repetitive!
RobsterJames wrote:The dragon looks around at terrified AXEL, BROWNLOW and JOHN. Examining them

This sentence is a little confusing to read. You could fix this by re-arranging it: "The DRAGON examines AXEL BROWNLOW and JOHN. They are terrified."

RobsterJames wrote:The three of them start running toward the village

This is where I'll stop for now.

I have started to care about the plot- the technique of weaving two POVs together is VERY effective at building tension (cutting in between John and the boys in the cave)! I would suggest trying to incorporate this kind of inter cutting into the whole script, to break up longer scenes and build suspense from the start.

Unfortunately, although the plot has developed, the characters haven't really. I'm sure that you know each character's personality well, but you're not conveying it very effectively to the reader. Many of the lines could be said by any other character who found themselves in that situation. In order to show the audience more about your characters, I would suggest trying to rephrase a few of the lines into something that your character would say in that situation, but wouldn't suit any of the others. Another way to get the audience to understand who your characters are is to include more description in HOW they say/ do things.

Overall, I think this part is the best yet! I want to find out what happens next!

- Nephthys :)
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Sat Jan 15, 2011 5:21 pm
thestorygirl says...

It wasa overall very good plot with few grammatical errors that where they were did not take away from the plot.

the grammatical errors were with puncuation mostly. add more !s and ?s and ,s so that is would make more sense. they usually took away from the dialogue and I couldn't quite get what they were saying.

the plot is thought out but i have a few questions that you might want to answer in your next post. What world are they on? What time period are they in? Do you like pudding? Just kidding. But the first two questions I would be very pleased if you answer. It would benifet the plot in monumental preportions.

Thats really all I have for you and remember keep writing and check ot my most recent post!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nella vita vi è la distruzione, desolazione nella morte, ma c'è speranza nella rivoluzione.

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Sun Jan 16, 2011 9:17 pm
thestorygirl says...

It was a very good post. Now I will help you with the dialogue.

Instead of tutting disapprovingly she should frown unhappily.
Alexis tuts disapprovingly.

You should say something that makes a little more sense in more descriptive words.
He retires to the nearby forest.

When Axel tells his father that Brownlow told him where the caves were you should have put a little mor emothion behind it. Like...
AXEL: Brownlow. But father It doesn't matter, nothing happened!

There were a few other mistakes but they were mainly spelling issues which you can easily fix.
Nella vita vi è la distruzione, desolazione nella morte, ma c'è speranza nella rivoluzione.

You flare, you flicker, you fade... And in the end, all your tomorrows become yesterdays.
— Megatron (Lost Light, by Roberts, Lawrence, Lafuente)