
Young Writers Society


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121 Reviews

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Points: 1779
Reviews: 121
Fri Oct 15, 2010 8:20 pm
PhoenixBishop says...

THe story about a girls decline into insanity.

Part 1



In a dimly lit room BLARES WITH MUSIC as teens thrash about on the dance floor, green strobe lights dart through the crowd giving quick glimpses of people’s faces. A brown haired girl sits on a red couch and a blond boy is sprawled across e couch with his head in her lap. She absently brushes his hair with her hand.

JENICA:I can’t believe you talked me into coming to this thing. This place is way too loud, and I know none of these people.

KYLE :You know you love it

Jenica rolls her eyes. Two people come towards the couple. A small long black haired girl wearing an aqua blue tank top and tight fitting jeans supports a tall boy with buzz cut hair wearing a long sleeved stripe shirt and Khaki cargo pants.

MEGAN:Can we go? MIKE just puked on me and I need to take a shower.

Kyle nods and gets up from the couch then helps Jenica up. The four teens make their way out of the house. The sky is blotted out by rolling black clouds that only allow a sliver of light from the full moon escape.

MEGAN:Jen you drive.You’re the only one who hasn’t had any punch.

Megan holds up a set of keys as they approach a green ford caked with mud.

Jenica:Kyle didn’t drink any punch either.Why can’t he drive?

KYLE:Because you need to get over your fear of driving

Kyle takes the keys from MEGAN and places them into Jenica’s hand, and kisses her on the forehead. She frowns and reluctantly opens the driver’s door. Kyle goes on the other side and gets in the passenger’s seat. Megan lets Mike vomit on the lawn one more time then helps him into the back seat. The back seat is dirty with bags of take out littering the floor. In the front seat, Jenica is breathing heavily with her eyes tightly shut and tapping her fingers against the steering wheel.

Kyle:Calm down Jen. You’ll be fine.

Jenica:Ok, ok.

Jenica starts the car and drives off the lawn where all the other cars are randomly parked upturning the otherwise perfect grass.


TRUCK DRIVER drinking while he drives. The short baled man with tattoos of dragons on his arms slurps another beer then drops the empty bottle on the passenger’s seat with a growing pile of empty bottles. In his rearview mirror the green ford pulls up behind him. He tries to open his last beer and he spills it. In his fuzzy stupor he takes his hands off the wheel and reaches into the back for a towel. The truck swerves and hits a bump flipping over.


Green Ford with Kyle looking in the backseat to see how Mike is doing and Jenica sees the overturned truck.

JENICA(Gasps) Oh god!

KYLE:(Kyle throws his arm in front of Jenica)Brace yourself!

Jenica slams on the breaks and the car tries to stop, but truck is to close and she slams into it.



Jenica wakes to an all white room hooked up to a machine and IV stuck in her arm. The machine next to her is beeping. The door leading from her room is slightly ajar and voices float in. Two people are standing outside.

JENICA’S MOM:How is she

DOCTOR:She’s still out so I can’t tell yet if she’ll be emotionally scarred in any way.

MOM:But otherwise she’s fine

DOCTOR:Yes, which is a miracle that we were able to find her body let alone have her alive and in such good health. The remains of the others are nearly unidentifiable

Jenica stiffens at these words. She begins to breathe in deeply, and shakes her head in disbelief.

JENICA:No, No, No, No (She whispers increasingly getting louder.)

The voices outside stop and the doctor and her mom rush in as she begins to bang her fist against her bed posts.

Jenica(Screams)NO, NO, NO

MOM:Jenica, you need to calm down. It’s ok I’m here now.

JENICA :They can’t be dead. You’re lying

She screams and thrashes about.The doctor motions for some nurses to come in, they are two male nurses. One has a syringe in his hand. The other nurse holds Jenica down as she SCREAMS for her friends. The nurse with the syringe injects her. After a few minutes of kicking and SCREAMING, Jenica finally calms down.

MOM:What are we going to do?

DOCTOR:Next time she wakes our resident psychologist will take a look at her. Depending on his diagnosis we may have to put her in a psychiatric ward.

MOM:Do you really think it’s that serious?

DOCTOR:Judging by her reaction, I believe it is very serious.

Jenica’s mom follows the doctor out of the room. They walk together.

Part 2


Jenica is sitting on a couch wearing all white, sitting across from a man with greasy black hair and skinny glasses, wearing a knit red sweater and Khaki pants. He has a clip board in his hand and is writing furiously as he observes Jenica.

PSYCOLOGIST:It’s been six months. Do you still have nightmares?


PSYCOLOGIST:And, yet you still seem to participate in activities that remind you of those that you lost. You jumped in front of a speeding truck. You look up car accidents every day. Including the one you survived. It’s not healthy.

JENICA:What is healthy? Who gets to decide what is healthy and what is not?

PSYCHOLOGIST:Healthy is not putting yourself around the things that put you here in the first place.

Jenica absently plays with a blue plush pillow on the couch. The psychologist scribbles on his notepad again. The Psychologist ruffles through his tan brief case and brings out large Inkblot cards.

PSYCHOLOGIST:( Holds up the first card.) What do you see?

Jenica looks from her pillow and looks at the card. Two black blobs connect together horizontally.


PSYCHOLOGIST(Holds up another card) Next?

JENICA :Truck.

The Psychologist SIGHS and puts the other cards back in his brief case.

PSYCHOLOGIST(Exasperated) You’re not even trying. It’s like you want to live in this constant reminder of that night.

Jenica goes back to fluffing the pillow. Once satisfied she puts it back down, and keeps her eyes on it.

JENICA:So what if I do? What if I want to live in my own memories? What if I don’t want to move on? Is that considered unhealthy? Is that considered wrong?

PSYCHOLOGIST:If you stay in the past you can never live a decent present and you’ll never get to your future.

Jenica takes her eyes off the pillow and looks at the Psychologist. Who is once again is scribbling on his note pad.

JENICA:So do you have enough for today?


Jenica gets up and exits the Psychologist office
This is one little planet in one tiny solar system in a galaxy that’s barely out of its diapers. I’m old, Dean. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.


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22 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 1040
Reviews: 22
Sat Oct 16, 2010 11:58 am
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MikaFreak123 says...

I am in no way an expert on scripts but I loved this. I really was sad to see the end, I was like screaming "no no please don't end!". I'd really like to find out what happens later on and read more. It's really interesting and I love it. Please, please write more (:

I like Rainbows. ;)


Treat all disasters as if they were trivialities but never treat a triviality as if it were a disaster.
— Quentin Crisp