
Young Writers Society


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43 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 2675
Reviews: 43
Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:14 pm
fairygirl says...

Setting: We start in a dimly lit warehouse. The camera is facing a wall and very slowly rotating to the left. We hear thuds, like skin on skin. Tony is met by the camera. He is rubbing his knuckles.
Tony: Alex, Alex, Alex….you disappoint me, you know.
Camera zooms to view a dusted man (Alex). Alex stumbles to his feet and brushes himself off.
Alex: I have that effect on people…
Tony: That’s not how it works, Alex.
Alex: Well, I’m a slow learner. So how DOES it work?
Tony: I lend you money; featured word, lend. You go steal something and then YOU pay ME back.
Alex: I notice how beating me to a pulp isn’t in there. Look, I just need a couple more days—Tuesday!—and I can get you your money back…and a little cash to get my crew and I on our feet.
Tony: If I don’t get my money back by SATURDAY, then you’d better hope you’re more than “on your feet”.
Alex: Saturday?! There’s no way we can pull a job that fast. I need at least ‘till Monday, Tony.
Tony slams Alex against the wall, holding him by his color. Alex is fighting for breath.
Alex: Tony, a dead man won’t get your money back.
Tony drops Alex who is gasping for air. Alex starts to stand up, still panting.
Alex: See, we can be reasonable. You let me live and I get you your money by Saturday.
Tony turns away and Alex starts to head toward the doors.
Tony: Oh, Alex?
Alex turns around to face Tony.
Camera takes it from Alex’s point of view and we see Tony strike forward and strike at Alex’s “face”.
Maria is casually leaning against the building when Alex is thrown backwards out the door. Again, take it to Alex’s point of view. Maria leans over and grins.
Maria: So, negotiations went well?
Alex: Well, he didn’t shoot me like last time, Maria
Camera switches to show Maria’s right side. Maria starts to laugh and Alex gets up, brushing himself off yet again.
Maria: Oh yeah, that was
Pauses when she sees Alex’s sour face expression
Maria (continued): --Bad. That was very bad.
Alex: We’ve got until Saturday to get the money back.
Maria: THIS Saturday? Great. We’ve got 24 hours to get that substantial amount of money back to one of the cruelest gang members in history. Got any ideas, other than RUNNING AWAY?! You stink at negotiating!!
Alex: Hey, this time I didn’t get shot! Besides, I have a plan….
Blacks out.
Fades in to show three people crowded around a computer (Alex, tori, and Maria). The picture on the screen is the Graff Blue Diamond.
Alex: There it is. The Graff Blue diamond. It’s beautiful, isn’t it? It’s the big leagues.
Maria: Funny. It looks kinda like a photo on the computer.
Alex: Your confidence in me is becoming smothering. Tone it down a bit, will you?
Tori: Well, I think it’s a good idea, cap, but to pull it off today? When we’re all unprepared?
Alex: Don’t worry. Lucky for us, I’ve been doing research.
Maria: Oh yeah, lucky us.
Alex: Tori, I have blueprints in the Rec. room. Go get ‘em.
Tori nods and leaves the room.
Alex (continued): Maria, find Trigger. He needs to see this too.
Trigger: Already seen it.
Trigger comes out of the shadows, tossing something from one hand to the other.
Trigger (continued): Graff Blue diamond? Sounds like fun. When do we start?
Alex: Right now. Trigger, I need—
Pauses and looks at the object in Triggers hand.
Alex (continued): Trigger…is that what I think it is?
Trigger: If you’re thinking it’s a bomb, then yes.
Alex and Maria dive under the table. Tori enters, struggling with large blue prints.
Tori: Where’d everyone—hey that’s a bomb!!
She drops the blue prints and also ducks under the table.
Trigger: Don’t’ worry, this one’s special. I won’t set her off…yet.
Alex, Maria and Tori reluctantly start to surface.
Alex: Right….well, the Graff has been sent here to the museum. We’ll enter here and….
Dialog fades out and they all lean over the blue prints. Camera pulls away until it finally blacks out.
Setting: Empty alleyway. Only a guard is watching over the door. Tori and Alex approach, wearing dress cloths (suit and tie, dress.)
Guard #1: Tickets?
Alex: Tickets? …we, uh, needed tickets?
Guard #1: Yes, sir.
Tori: You forgot the tickets?! I can’t believe you! Those things were so expensive! I can’t put you in charge of anything! They were very hard to come by—
Guard #1: Ma’am, sh, please! Just give me a name and I can let you in.
Alex pauses, not expecting that. He glances around and finally punches Guard #1 in the face. Tori gasps.
Tori: Alex!
Alex: What? I didn’t like his tone. C’mon, we gotta get to work. Do you remember where to go?
Tori: Showing room. I need to put a glass infront of the laser thing so the laser will reflect off of it and give a free passage to the Graff after hours. I can remember this stuff, Cap.
Alex: Right. Go ahead.
Tori starts to leave
Alex: Tori?
Tori pauses
Alex (continued.): Be careful.
Tori smiles, nods and wanders into the building. Camera stays over Alex’s right shoulder who stares after Tori for a moment before glancing down at the unconscious guard. He grins.
Blacks out. Cuts to scenes of Trigger lock picking a door, holding a bunch of gear. He opens the door and grins, looks around and enters. He sets a bunch of tools and starts setting stuff up. He picks up a screw driver and starts to undo screws on a vent. He leans forward and cuts a few wires and meshes them into a small handheld tool. Switches over to Maria who is dresses up. She is sneaking away and ducking away whenever a guard walks by. She casually presses a few things into a screen. Switches to tori who is holding a champagne glass and gliding over to look at some of the objects on pedestals. She drops her purse on “accident” she leans down to retrieve it. Camera switches down to show where her bag is resting next to a small round glass thing. Shows her hands picking up the bag and setting the glass down in front of the laser. Camera switches and shows her standing up and casually walking away. Camera switches to show Alex’s shoes. Blacks out and switches to show his chest –he is straightening his tie and it shows a guard tag. It blacks out again and switches to show right shoulder up. He stares at his reflection and runs a hand through his hair before exiting the bathroom
Blacks out.
Switches to Tony and his goons who are getting ready for “battle”.
Goon #1: I don’t get it. Why don’t we just let the thief get it for us?
Goon #2: Well, duh, that’s exactly what we’re doing.
Goon #1: Then what’s with the guns?
Goon #2 pauses, thinks and then shrugs.
Goon # 2: Don’t ask dumb questions.
Tony enters from behind.
Tony: No, no, he has a point….Rule number one, boys. Don’t ever trust a thief.
Goons #1 and 2 make “ah-ha!” faces. But when Tony walks away and the goons start to follow…
Goon #1: …Aren’t WE thieves?
Goon #2 pauses, thinks, and then shrugs.
Goon #2: Don’t ask dumb questions.
Blacks out.
Camera returns to Alex who is casually whistling and flashing a light around curious. Guard #2 enters.
Guard #2: Hey, who are you?
Guard #2 has taken Alex by surprise so he reacts without thinking and simply bunches the guy. He rubs his knuckles and stares down at the unconscious Guard #2.
Alex: I’ve really gotta work on that…
He suddenly swings around and flashes the light on a figure in the back. Trigger smiles and holds his hands up. Alex rolls his eyes and starts to walk towards the showing Room, Trigger grabs his bag and follows. They enter the Showing Room and camera switches to show champagne glass, which is reflecting a laser beam. Alex and Trigger look at each other a grin. They then approach the glass case.
Alex: And you switched the security cameras?
Trigger: Yup! Right now, they think the laser is shooting across and reflecting all over the blasted room. Oh, and we’re invisible to their electronic eyes.
Alex nods and approaches the case with the diamond. Camera switches to view it at a different angel so we can see Trigger and Alex’s faces. He studies it, but Trigger is getting Twitchy.
Trigger: Well? Grab it already! Those weird masks are freaking me out. I say we blow them up.
Alex: No blowing stuff up, trigger. Besides, I can’t grab it yet. It’s pressurized. It I even touch the glass case and alarm will go off.
Maria appears from behind them and taps their shoulders. They both jump in surprise and fright.
Maria: Hey boys!
Trigger: Maria! Could you like, hum or something before scaring us like that?!
Maria: You were scared?
Alex and Trigger look at each other. Both immediately start denying it.
Maria: Uh-huh. Look, you guys said something about it being pressurized?
Trigger: Yeah. Any ideas?
Maria: Just one!
Alex: Wait, No!!
Maria has already broken the glass and snatched the jewel. Alarms go off and there is some shouting. Maria takes off in one direction, Trigger in another. Alex is frozen like a deer in headlights. A few gaurds rush in and see Alex.
Guard #3: Where’d they go?!
Alex: Where’d who go?
Guard #4: The burglars!!
Alex: Oh!! Uhm…. I-I don’t know….?
Guard #3: What’d they take?
Alex: A…uh, a diamond…?
Guard #2 enters, looking dazed. He sees Alex.
Guard #2: Hey!!
Alex stares at the three guards before taking off. The Guards are taken by surprise and the finally chase after him
Chase Scene.
Guards are left behind, caught under the rubble. Alex grins, salutes them, and then runs away.
Scene 7
Alex enters the Hideout, panting. He’s celebrating.
Alex: YAHOO! Tori, we did it, you won’t believe what—
He freezes and stares at something in horror. Camera zooms around and shows Tony pointing a gun at Tori’s head.
Tony: Alex, really, did you think you could get away with taking my money?
Alex: I told you we’d get it to you by Saturday. Let her go.
Tony: That’s not how it works, Alex. Now, give me my diamond.
Alex: I don’t have it.
Tony: Oh? Then where is it?
Alex: M--…someone else ran off with it. Look, just put the gun down—
Tony: I want the diamond! NOW!
Alex: Okay, okay!
He reaches into his pocket as if to grab the diamond. He brings up a closed fist and reaches forward to hand “it” to tony. Tony’s grip relaxes and he also reaches forward. Alex grabs Tori and yanks away. Tony’s gun is aimed at Tori still. Just then, Maria and Trigger enter.
Maria: Hey!
Tony, already on edge, fires the fun and hits Tori. He runs off but the gang pays not mind. They’ are all trying to help tori—Maria is already dialing 911. Tori stares at them in pain but she slowly starts to smile.
Tori: It’s gonna be alright, isn’t it cap?
Alex is at loss for words but he finally manages to talk.
Alex: Yeah, Tori, it’s gonna be alright.
Camera is pointed down at a tombstone. Alex’s hand reaches down to lay down flowers. Camera switches to view him over the headstone. He stares down at it, Trigger and Maria a ways behind him. Finally, he shoves his hands into his pocket and starts to walk away. Camera faces their backs.
Maria: So…what do we do now?
Alex: I’ve got a pretty good idea.
Shows Tony leaning against a post in the parking lot. He checks his watch and glances around. Alex starts to approach. He walks up glaring.
Tony: You got something for me?
Alex: Yeah, I’ve got it.
He tosses the diamond over to Tony.
Alex (continued): There. Now you’re paid in full. Don’t come knocking on my door again. Tony nods but isn’t REALLY paying any attention. Alex walks away.
Camera view pulls down and bird’s eyes view on Tony’s hand where the diamond is glittering. He pauses suddenly and holds it to his ear. Camera switches to see over his left shoulder. He holds the diamond out again and we hear a ticking noise, like that of a bomb….
Tony lowers his hand and you see Trigger, standing a ways away, grinning. He is holding something in his hand. Camera pulls over to look at Trigger as he glances down at the gadget. He releases his hand from a button and then races away, dropping the hand held thing on the ground. The screen says “Activated” We zoom back to Tony’s face which is split with horror. Tony throws the diamond in the air and we follow it. It explodes. Tony, who had ducked away stands and picks up a piece of the “diamond”
Camera switches and we see Trigger, Alex and Maria, all laughing and walking towards the camera. Alex is tossing the REAL diamond up in the air. Everything Blacks out and we hear Tony.
Tony: ALEX!
“"Up is down"? Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful.”
~Jack Sparrow, At Worlds End

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131 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 3558
Reviews: 131
Sat Oct 02, 2010 7:53 pm
Sunshine says...

Interesting piece. Please add like a little charecter script at the beggining. I think that would be very helpful. also a bit more realistic. ( As in if people were actually to perform it) AND TO DARN WITH CLIFF HANGERS!!! Hopefully you won't leave us like that :)

Fairygirl said:Everything Blacks out and we hear Tony.

I think the we hear Tony part is a bit uneeded. Overall good work!!!
I have loved the words and I have hated them. I only hope I have made them right.

---The Book Thief---

Hi, I'm Sunshine! It's lovely to meet you!

Nobody wants to see the village of the happy people.
— Lew Hunter