
Young Writers Society

the solitude of darkness act 1

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Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:46 pm
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en.lite.d.art says...

Stranger -
Play notes
This play is set on a dark night at a late particular hour on an empty street
There is a dustbin which is tipped over and rubbish fills the streets
Steps are positioned at back of stage

The first image the audience see when walking into the theatre is the dealer dressed in all black with a big leather jacket on at the back of stage sat on the steps staring out

as the audience are seated the weird music slowly fades into a street sound which has the sounds of rain water slowly dripping out of a gutter an maybe an occasional car every five minutes this collaboration of sounds will play through out the piece and will create the atmosphere of been on a street.
Act 1

Dealer: if you’re out walking at this particular hour in this particular place
You must want something?
It is that something I may help you with. (Pause)
I was here on this spot long before you came by and will be here long after you’ve gone.
Not even the grappling of man and beast that occur at this very hour scare me away.
That’s because I have what those who pass by here want, which is like carrying a weight you’ve got to unload what you’ve got onto those who pass by be there man or beast.
So tell me what is it that you want….
[stranger0 walks on stage holding a bottle of vodka he looks like theirs a lot on his mind, He reaches mid way across the stage and notices the dealer standing directly behind him … the glance is a moment and the stranger looks away slightly worried about making eye contact with the dealer he carries on walking.]

Dealer: can I help you?

Stranger: (turns round)… what

Dealer: can I be ov any assistance?

Stranger: no you’re alright thanks keep your big issue

Dealer: I want to help

Stranger: you can’t

Dealer: what you doing walking in this place at this particular hour?

Stranger: I am not out here walking in this place at this particular hour im out walking, full stop. (The client carries on walking)

Dealer: why

Stranger: about my own business, on my way from one Point to another,

Dealer: and what business is that then

Stranger: it has to do with those two points, no where in-between
Or and definitely not with the likes of you.

Dealer: so at this very moment when men and beast are running wild, tell me that you’re not walking amid their path just to get from one light to the other?

Stranger: (looks mythed) well yes actually I am

Dealer: you’re animal
Hope you don’t mind me saying but …..You must have very big balls

Stranger: this is ridiculous am straight mate and want no part in your cock sucking convo goodnight [turns back round]

Dealer: ha you don’t have to worry bout that my friend but what is it you search for ….

Are you lonely?

If you are well here’s your company?

Stranger: are you are you an escaped mental patient or something

Dealer: [smiles]

Stranger: look no i am perfectly fine thank you ill tell you what though if I ever want my cock sucking I know where to find you. (Winks and turns back round)

Dealer: well why not tell me now and I will supply it gently almost respectfully,
Perhaps with some affection, then having filled in what’s empty and smoothed out what swells in us. We will take our leave balanced nicely, on our fine line of latitude, satisfied amid men dissatisfied with being men and beasts.

Stranger: what the fuck are you on about men and beasts,
I don’t want to know any of this crude talk of you suggesting I might be ‘wanting’ something from you bye now
[Client sets off walking again]

Dealer: (shouts) you have no choice
Any man or beast that
steps foot round here comes in search of a answer, a solution remedy if you like and the minute you stepped your paw into this particular place at this particular hour was the second the deal commenced.

Stranger: [angry] right look I don’t wish to be bothered by you
Or dragged into anything along the way, I am simply going from that light behind me to that light in front of me in a straight line.

Dealer: alright alright …… so why come this way?

Stranger: this is silly there isn’t anyway you can get from
Behind me to that place in front of me, without having to pass through this darkness which is settled absurdly in-between.

Dealer: (smug laugh).

Stranger: am sorry but i am slightly mistaken as to exactly
What it is you are up to here do you wish to bum me is that what this is?
Do you wish to intimidate, scare, threaten me?
Is that the reason why you have deliberately placed yourself in-between?

Dealer: what you’re doing is not exactly sensible is it now

Stranger: even if it wasn’t sensible you must know that
I would not have wished to meet your eye.

Dealer: why not if you’re lonely then surely any eye will do

Stranger: Why have you stepped out of the darkness to set yourself?
Across my path?
I have seen people like you before you don’t belong in this line of light your scum.

The dealer moves off the steps and into the front of stage with the client

Dealer: you’re right
To assume i am not from back there is true,
And to assume that I have no intention of making it to the light in front of you is also correct
However I am here and it just so happens i am here at the same particular time as you
So what is it us men do?
Make a deal and share this moment

Stranger: I must insist you be careful if you wish for me to stay here
Any longer.
Since you claim to be selling me something only by chance why don’t you check first whether I got the money to pay you , my pockets may be empty , what pleasure do you get from the possibility of being ripped off.

Dealer: money does not interest me

Stranger: o really well you’re a strange sort of rogue aren’t you?
I mean you steal nothing, or you leave it too late to steal anything,
You’re like a robber who slips over the wall in to the orchard at night shakes the trees and leaves with out picking up the fruit,

Dealer: smiles in admiration

Stranger: the bark is harsher than the bite never the less I don’t deal with dealers.

Dealer: (sounding surprised) no really well who do you deal with

Stranger: I conduct my business in regular hours in places approved
And under electric light.
all my business is out in the open above board , and closes its doors in the evening , has certificates framed on the wall and is lit by electricity ,What do you expect I possible want from you when normally my every step is regular and double stamped.

Dealer: what’s normal?

Right then well suppose I am just going along now held up suspended, displaced, offside, out of life, on remand, absent for all practical purposes, not all there so to speak and if I did step out of my way, if the straight line between the point i am coming from and the point i am going to suddenly bears off track because you are barring the way full of presumptions of illicit intent on my part that I have know clue about.

Answer me this question you fucking idiot what prevents me from involving the law?

Dealer: police

Stranger: nods

Dealer: ha I am speaking to you at this hour gently perhaps
Still with respect It’s not the same with you is it, you can’t help it but mouth off.
Which is brilliant but the way you talk gets you noticed as some one in fear just a little bit, but sharp enough against all reason. There for all to see like a child expecting a smacking from his farther, now the way I talk doesn’t get me noticed. I keep hold of my tongue.

that’s why with out knowing you , I have treated you well , from the first word I spoke to the first step I took towards you , a correct step humble , respectful, with out knowing what it is about you that deserves such respect, knowing that I would be humble and you be arrogant, but I warn you with good intent that you should be wary of your surroundings as dusk when you left your light has slowly turned towards night were I would be able to fall upon you like a cloth on a candle flame. Being able to seize you by the shirt neck and take you by surprise.

Stranger: what do you hope to get form me,
Every move made that I think will be a blow
Ends up as a caress and its very unnerving to be caressed when one expects to be hit, so come on let’s just get this over with get angry, get ANGRY!!

Dealer: if you believe I have got violent designs upon you, and perhaps
Your right, don’t jump to conclusions
Never the less it’s not worth panicking over superstition one has to keep hold of ones imagination
But Given the strangeness of the hour and the strangeness of the place, and the strangeness of my advance upon you, I would listening quietly

Stranger: (shuts up)

Dealer: i'm patient because I have the time not to get angry,
As well as the time to do so, and perhaps I will get angry when all this time is up, listen to how softly my blood beats through my veins
So ill repeat myself one more time what do you want....
(Black out) end of act one.

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Gender: Male
Points: 890
Reviews: 4
Fri Jul 17, 2009 5:27 pm
en.lite.d.art says...

this is just a draft guy's would really apriciate any feedback and critisim :D

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Gender: Male
Points: 890
Reviews: 4
Sat Jul 18, 2009 2:49 am
sparky123231 says...

dude :) its your main man sparky

im looooving the play
(as you already know)

but i want you to put a copy up of your newest creation because ill be honest
the idea sounds amazing

lookin forward to reading it dude

bizzle x

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— KateHardy