
Young Writers Society

Death's Visit

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Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:07 am
mikepyro says...

*knock on door*

*Tom stands from table, crosses room and opens door*

*a man stands in doorway, cloaked in all black, his black hair slicked back and shining, his eyes bleach white*

Tom: Hello?

*man in black glances up from a small sheet of paper*

Tom: Oh hell, not you again.

Death: Hello Tom.

*Tom slams door*

*man in black quickly dissolves through doorway*

Death: Why do you mortals even bother?

Tom: Oh yes, right. Forgot about the whole 'free moving vapor' thing.

Death: Well, technically since I'm not specifically a ghost, I'd be more of an 'immortal entity'.

Tom: Ah yes.

*awkward silence*

Tom: *clears throat* Well...you may as well come inside.

Death: I already am.

Tom: Come inside my dining room.

*Death follows him into kitchen*

Tom: Can I at least finish my breakfast before we get down to it?

Death: *sighs* Sure. Of course.

Tom: Thanks.

*Tom picks up his toast and hurls it at Death's face. Toast floats in and disappears*

Death: What was that?

Tom: I don't know...a distraction, I was hoping. Maybe leave some crust in your eye long enough for me to escape.

Death: Well that's just plain silly, Tom.

Tom: I know. But you can't blame me for trying.

*Death shrugs*

Tom: Care for some coffee?

Death: Coffee'd be great.

*Tom snatches up coffee machine and chunks it across room. Machine flies through Death's chest and crashes to the floor*

Death: Damn it Tom, now why the hell would you do that?

Tom: Guess I figured maybe something heavier could leave a lasting impact.

Death: Why would it make any difference?

Tom: I don't know, why did toast disappear into your face while a coffee maker flew through?

Death: How should I know? I don't make the rules. Please just take a seat.

*Tom sits*

Tom: Haven't we been through all this before?

Death: That was different.

Tom: How so? Did you wear a different pair of black pants that day?

Death: That was a 'near' death experience. This is a 'total' death experience.

Tom: So you mean, that's it? I'm dead. No way out?

*Death shrugs*

Death: Well I could flip a coin, leave it up to fate.

Tom: Really?

Death: No.

Tom: You're an ass.

Death: I know.

*Tom rubs his hands through his hair*

Tom: I can't tell my family and friends goodbye?

Death: Fraid not.

Tom: This isn't fair. This isn't. My family. My mom. You'll kill her by killing me. Jesus Christ, I was going to marry Michelle...I was gonna propose today.

Death: What?

Tom: I said I was gonna ask the girl I love to marry me. But I suppose it's better you take me now rather than after.

Death: How?

Tom: How what?

*Death takes a seat across from Tom*

Death: How were you going to propose?

Tom: What?

Death: How were you going to propose?

Tom: Nothing incredibly elegant. Nothing fancy. I was going to take her out to a dinner. Ask about her work. Ask her how life was. Listen to anything she said, never interrupt. I'd take her home and I'd rent her favorite movie.

Death: Which is?

Tom: Die Hard.

Death: Really?

Tom: Michelle's amazing.

Death: Indeed. Continue.

*Tom clears his throat*

Tom: When we first met, not the very first day, of course, but like the first few days we were going out, Michelle told me about a locket her father bought her for her tenth birthday. It wasn't fancy, just some soft gold and a cheap silver, but she wore it for the next ten years. Her father died a few days after he gave her the chain, so she kept it as a remembrance. During college she had to pawn the locket. Broke her heart, but she needed the money, food and fees and taking care of mom, you know? She came to get it back after graduation but it had been sold off. Took me half a year but I finally found that sucker. Was in a pawn shop in Chinatown. Wild, right? Was gonna wrap that in a small box, brown cardboard, romantic huh? When she found the necklace the ring would be on the chain.

Death: Pretty elaborate.

Tom: I know.

Death: But well executed.

Tom: I know.

*Death shakes his head*

Death: I'm sorry.

Tom: For what?

Death: The whole 'killing you' thing.

Tom: Don't be. It's just your job.

Death: That doesn't make it any more enjoyable.

*Tom nods*

Tom: Tell me, why is my mind suddenly being flooded by memories of my Uncle Buddy?

Death: Oh yeah, it's just a sudden realization. Everyone gets a few.

Tom: I used to think my dad was a hard ass. Uncles Buddy was the cool one. Always there to play catch, take you to football games, any time, day or night. I now realize he had time for all that because he never worked. He was a loser. A bum. Always drunk. Huh. Seems like a somewhat mediocre final realization.

Death: Maybe you led a trivial life and didn't learn anything.

Tom: Harsh.

Death: *shrugs* Then again, maybe you had a happy existence, one free of secrets and lies. You humans get so pent up with so many false perceptions along the road you travel, it's nice to meet someone who's partially clean.

*Tom blushes, coughs once*

Tom: Oh jeez.

Death: Bit of an embarrassing realization coming up?

Tom: I'd rather not talk about it.

Death: Understood.

*Tom sighs, tapping his fork against his plate*

Tom: You got any family?

Death: Oh yes.

Tom: Really?

Death: Swear to God. In fact, you've even met one of them. Course you wouldn't remember that. You didn't have memory back then.

Tom: Who?

Death: My brother Life.

Tom: Life?

Death: Yep. He's there at every birth. Sometimes our works cross paths. That's never a good day.

Tom: Never a good time for a reunion when it involves someone dying.

Death: Nope.

Tom: What's your brother like?

Death: Nice guy. Quiet. Doesn't talk nearly as much as I do.

Tom: Wouldn't picture that.

Death: Most people can't.

Tom: *smiling* I remember when I first saw you.

Death: Bet you thought that was all a hallucination.

Tom: Well I did have a major concussion.

Death: But you knew better.

Tom: If I was gonna hallucinate it certainly wouldn't be about you.

Death: It'd be about Michelle, right?

*Tom nods*

Tom: Could you do me a favor?

Death: Depends what that favor involves.

Tom: Could you tell me how I die?

Death: *shakes head* You won't be able to avoid it. You'll forget everything that happened back to before I knocked. You'll be back eating breakfast, oblivious.

Tom: I know. I'd just like to know.

Death: It won't matter.

Tom: I know. I'm just curious.

Death: Curiosity kills.

Tom: So I've heard.

*Death sighs, drawing the small sheet of paper back from inside his pocket*

Death: Ok. Let's see. Looks like you...I don't believe this.

Tom: What?

Death: I don't believe this.

Tom: What? You're starting to freak me out. Is it that gruesome?

Death: No. It's just...I don't believe this.

Tom: Just tell me!

*Death shakes his head, rubbing his hands through his hair*

Death: You know that hunk of toast you threw at me?

Tom: The one that mysteriously dissolved?

Death: Yeah.

Tom: What about it?

Death: Turns out you were supposed to choke on it.

Tom: So you mean...

Death: As long as you avoid toast this morning, I'm pretty sure you're gonna live a happy life.

Tom: You're kidding me.

Death: Do I look like I have a sense of humor to you?

Tom: No, but I know for a fact that you do.

Death: You'll be ok.

*Tom snatches Death up in a bear hug*

Tom: Oh my God. Oh my God. This is insane!

Death: *struggling to breath* I know. Could you put me down?

Tom: Oh yeah.

*releases Death*

Death: Good thing those folk tales aren't true.

Tom: About the 'touching you' thing?

Death: Yep.

*Tom stands still, smiling away*

Tom: So this is where we part.

Death: At least until tomorrow.

Tom: What?

Death: *laughing* Just joshin' ya.

Tom: *sticks out hand* Thanks a lot, man.

Death: Don't thank me. Thank the big man for making me unable to touch wheat-based products.

*the two shake hands*

Death: See ya, Tom.

*Death's eyes swirl a moment, turning to a shining blue*

*Tom stares into his eyes. Everything goes white*

*Tom opens his eyes. He's sitting at his breakfast table. He sits still, staring down at his plate*

Tom: Where's my toast?

Last edited by mikepyro on Wed Mar 04, 2009 9:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Wed Feb 25, 2009 9:10 am
Meep(: says...

Hey there, mikepyro!
Well, this script is certainly more amusing than funny to read.
But it had good entertainment value.
It definitely kept my attention throughout the piece.
You should consider making this a real play. It'd be totally awesome.
Brilliant dialogue. The Life & Death thing was great.
I really liked it :D

*flings toast...oh, and a gold star at mikepyro*
~Have a nice day!
~Liverpool F.C Supporter~
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Wed Mar 04, 2009 6:17 pm
mimimac says...

this was greeat!
I loved the story... and all the dialogue!
Death rocked ;)
xx mimi xx
-mors aut honorabilis vita-

Forget the prince with a horse, I want a vampire with a volvo.

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Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:44 am
dreamintechnicolour says...

Wow, i really liked this. It was entertaining and amusing and didn't lose my attention.

The dialogue and action was great. I loved that Tom and death seemed like just two friends chatting. That really added to the humour and was well executed.

The only critique would be of this bit:
Tom: No, but I know for a fact that you do. (I think this would be more effective if Tom looked him up and down and just said 'no')

Death: You'll be ok.

*Tom snatches Death up in a bear hug*

Tom: Oh my God. Oh my God. This is insane!

Death: *struggling to breath* I know. Could you put me down?

Tom: Oh yeah.

Ok, so I think the bit in italics needs to be cut out and redone. It made me uncomfortable in the way that only bad anime fanfics written by 10 year olds can. It was just awkward. I can tell that you have a good sense of humour so I'm sure you can think of something more natural than this.

Apart from those two, minor things, this was just great! I've never read a script on YWS before, maybe I should more often!

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Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:15 pm
indigochild1991 says...

Hello there!

Your dialogue is fantastic, and really amusing, which is great.

I enjoyed this the whole way through.
You have a talent there!

Well done!
'Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night'-Edgar Allan Poe

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Mon Mar 09, 2009 5:50 pm
The Cheshire Cat says...

This is one of the most amusing and entertaining scripts that I have ever read. While the disappearing toast and coffee pot flying through Death would be difficult to execute on stage, I nonetheless think that it would be a great hit. Your dialogue is witty and interesting - especially the last line. I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for anything else you write. Great job!
James Bond: Do you expect me to talk?
Goldfinger: No Mister Bond, I expect you to die!

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Mon Mar 09, 2009 7:50 pm
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scribblingquill says...

Wow! that was brilliant. Seriously impressed. So short, but you get such a great feel of the characters. Funny as hell too.

Man. Wish i could write like you. thats awesome.
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Tue Mar 10, 2009 11:36 pm
littlemissgluttonous says...

I love this script... it makes me want to learn more about this man.
I was beyond afraid that you had a good sense of humor, and would have him die in the end, anayway.
But maybe he does die. Maybe he takes another piece of toast and decides to eat it...
oh dear god. Now my life can never be complete.
Wonderful job in making death seem more human and less a god-like omniscent intsrument of fear.

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Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:05 am
lukas8u says...

Really liked it. One little nitpick: Tom calls death an ass when he jokes about flipping a coin, but doesn't react when Death makes a joke about him dieing again. SO I would make his reaction a bit harder.
Other then that, it was a great play. I think it's to short to be actually published, but maybe it could be done as a skit? Who knows, but it has great potential.

Gold star.
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Thu Mar 12, 2009 12:23 am
Lauren2010 says...

Haha that was so awesome.

"Where's me toast?" lol

I didn't see many issues other than the unrealistic ability to have death on stage with toast and coffe machines flying through his body. But it could be like a cartoony type deal.

ANyways it was amusing and i'll be looking out for anything else you may post =)
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Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:55 pm
How2EataRhesus says...

Really amusing. I loved the sort of awkwardness between Death and Tom; it was very Hitchhiker's Guide-ish. And Death was a little like...well, a cheery Marvin. [:
Just one little nitpick that I found a little odd - first Death says this:
[quote=Death]Do I look like I have a sense of humor to you?[/quote]
And only a few lines later he says this:
[quote=Death]*laughing* Just joshin' ya.[/quote]

I just think he might remain more consistent if he reacted more...somberly, more cynically, in place of the second quote. He doesn't seem to be the type to use the word "joshin'" either. :)

All in all, it was very clever, and a gold star for you!
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Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:49 am
Thirst_23 says...

This is really awesome. I love the bantar, and the movement of the dialogue is perfect.

I also like the Life bit.

Umm...yeah, keep up the good work!
Authos give life to their characters,
and characters give life to the author

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Sat Apr 11, 2009 6:19 am
Barney95 says...

the story is really amusing!
the part about the toast was fun.
as well as the life/death part.

really good!
why dun u turn this into a real production!
its cool!

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Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:30 pm
lordgluzman says...

You have a really good mined!
This script was funny. smart, and interesting
The best part was

Tom: Nothing incredibly elegant. Nothing fancy. I was going to take her out to a dinner. Ask about her work. Ask her how life was. Listen to anything she said, never interrupt. I'd take her home and I'd rent her favorite movie.

Death: Which is?

Tom: Die Hard.

Death: Really?

Tom: Michelle's amazing.

Death: Indeed. Continue.

If you made that up you are a genius! really. This was so freakin amazing thank you for doing this!
Blood is red
But Heaven is blue
The Devil will fined out
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Wed Apr 15, 2009 7:08 pm
emeraldmaria says...

Hilarious. But I dislike that Death uses the word "Joshing" (though it may be spelled differently). It seems a bit unnatural and too humorous for death. This was funny in the whole awkward way. Not the whole two friends joking around. Of course Death could be a friend, but that would suck.
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