
Young Writers Society

The Bench

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Thu Mar 17, 2011 7:57 pm
Mikko says...

The Bench

Spoiler! :
I’ve written short sketches. These are the first 5 episodes (if you can call them episodes). Contains bad language but it’s censored. I hope you like it because it's the first time I do something like this. The photos aren't mine so all rights go to the owners; I just thought they'd help you get a clearer image of the scenes.

Episode 1: One hell of a girl!

Characters in this sketch:
~The girl

Malcolm is walking and listening to his iPod, when he notices one very good looking girl sitting alone on the bench.

Malcolm: Well hello there. I’ve never seen you around here before. I’m Malcolm, but you can call me anything you like.
(Girl just smiles)
You’re very pretty, you know. I don’t usually have this type of…thing. I mean I never fall in love a-at first sight, if you know what I mean.
I’m actually quite embarrassed right now. (girl giggles) I was thinking you would like to hook up one day like so we could know each other better. Hey, I don’t even know your name and I feel like a fool ‘coz I’m the only one talking.
(Bites his upper lip)
(girl gets closer in a ‘sexy’ way)

Girl: (She has a very manly and deep voice) I’m Tanya.

Malcolm: (horrified face, and high pitched voice) That’s…cool. If you’ll excuse me, I…I gotta go.
(Walks away slowly)

Girl: So when are we meeting up?
(Malcolm pretends to not hear)

Malcolm: (whispering to himself) What the f***?!


Episode 2: Friends always catch you when you fall
Characters in this sketch:

Kelly is sitting on the bench waiting for her best friends Alex and Megan.
Kelly: What took you so long? The movie’s probably over now!

Megan: (Looking at Alex) Sorry. Got caught up.

Alex: Let’s just stay here.

Kelly: ‘Kay. So what d’you-
(Looks to her left and sees her two best friends making out. Blinks in a shocked way.)
Do you mind? You’re not alone here!

Megan: Sorry. He’s just so irresistible!
(They kiss again, this time pushing Kelly)

Kelly: Oh my goodness! Umm, guys, you’re pushing me off the bench. Hello-
(Falls off)
I don’t believe this!


Episode 2: Revenge of the bimbo
Characters in this sketch:

Jeremy and Paul are sitting on the bench playing a video game on Jeremy’s PSP. Daniela, a blonde bimbo walks towards them, talking on the phone with her ‘BFF’ Sabrina.
Paul: Kill it! Kill it!

Jeremy: That’s what I’m doing dumb-ass! Shut up I can’t concentrate. I want to make it to level 20

Daniela: Shut up! No way! She said that? What a b****!
(sits on bench)
Ok babe, I gotta go.(Makes kissing noises and hangs up.) What’u doing?

Paul: Are you talking to us?

Daniela: Who else is here?

Paul: We’re playing Revenge of The Zombies III. But you won’t understand.

Daniela: Lemme see.

Jeremy: You have got to be kidding. You won’t even pass level 1.

Daniela: Screw you, I know more than you think.

Game Over!
Jeremy: Ok, you try.

Two hours later…
Level 26

Daniela: When does it get hard?
(Boys staring at her, jaws dropped)


Episode 3: Proposal
Characters in this sketch:
Laura is sitting alone on the bench, where Peter had asked her to meet him. He is late, but she doesn’t mind.
Finally, he approaches.
Peter: Laura, I called you out here this evening to ask you something really special. (pauses) Well, you know we’ve known each other for a while now and you know I love you and I want to ask you…(goes down on one knee) Will you marry me?
(Kelly and Megan are passing by)

Megan: Hey Kel, isn’t that the guy we saw yesterday proposing to that stripper?

Kelly: Oh my gosh! Yes! Honey don’t marry him! He’s a two-faced ba-

Peter: What the hell are you talking about?

Laura: Bye-bye Peter.(slaps him on the cheek)
(Alex, out of breath, finds his two friends)

Alex: There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you two.

Peter: You should have come earlier before they ruined my love life.

Alex: I am so sorry. They had a couple of drinks. You know us teenagers, always wanting to try out new things.
(Peter breaks down in tears)


Episode 4: Revenge of the bimbo II
Character in this sketch:

Jeremy: She’s been on it for hours!

Fred: Are you kidding?

Paul: For real.

Fred: Probably ‘coz she doesn’t understand the game.

Paul: Nope. She’s been playing…really well. Now she’s on Level 39.

Fred: No way! (checks for himself) Oh my gosh. I didn’t know it went that far!

Sabrina: Dani babe, we’re supposed to go shopping, remember?

Daniela: Go without me.

Sabrina: But I can’t!

Daniela: F*** off, ok?
(everyone is shocked)

Jeremy: She…she was talking to the game.
(the boys nod)

Sabrina: Dani babe, you were talking to the game, right?

Daniela: No.
(Fred laughs)

Game Complete! You’ve made it!

Daniela: Whoo! Now, Rina, wanna go shopping?
(The boys are all shocked. Daniela is back to her ‘bimbo’self and Sabrina is happy to have her friend back.)

Episode 5: Surprise, surprise.
Spoiler! :
This is my favorite one

Characters in this sketch:
The group of friends is sitting on and around the bench waiting for Megan to talk.
Megan: So, we’ve all come together today to prepare for Sophie’s sixteenth birthday and we want to make it a surprise.

Paul: So what should we do?

Megan: Well I was coming to that (irritated by the question). I thought maybe if we worked in pairs, we might actually get some work done.

Sabrina: I’m with Dani!

Megan: As usual. So Malcolm with Paul, Jeremy with Fred, I’m with Alex and Kelly.

Sabrina: That’s a pair with three people. Isn’t that called a…a…

Megan: (ignoring Sabrina) So we’ll do the invitations and find place and stuff. Dani and Rina, you do the decorations. No wait, we’ll swop. Fred and Jeremy you do music. Malcolm and Paul you do food and drinks. Is that ok? Questions?

Sophie: I have a question. What the hell am I doing here if it’s a surprise party for me?

Kelly: Who called you?
(Everyone looks at Sabrina)

Sabrina: It’s called a trio! What? That’s not it?


Episode 6: R.I.P
Coming soon.
the bench.jpg
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Last edited by Mikko on Wed Aug 10, 2011 3:52 am, edited 4 times in total.
when she needs to shelter from reality she takes a dip in my daydreams

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Sat Mar 19, 2011 6:39 am
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earendil says...

Haha.. I'll be honest now and just say that I have no idea how to review this, especially since I've never really written something like it. I'll just put my opinion or something. Sorry ahead of time for being pretty much useless. :P

1 - Hah, this one was pretty funny. I could picture the girl in my head with her low man voice and actually laughed while reading it all. The first time Malcom spoke, I thought he was a player or something... his first line is a lot smoother than the rest. For some reason I was glad to find that his character seems a bit more timid.

2 - Good, but not really as good as the first one. If I look at the episode as a part of a series that includes all of the episodes you posted here, then it's good... it helps to build the characters. But on its own, it's just kind of there for me. Not bad, don't get me wrong. Just.. there. :P

3 - This one was pretty awesome too. On New Years I went to my friend's house, and he and a bunch of his friends were playing Call of Duty or something... anyway. Long story short, I showed'em who's boss. ;) What's more funny is that my name's Dani. BUT, this is all irrelevant. This episode, on it's own, is good. I like it.

3 (you had two episode 3's... not sure if that was intentional or not) - This one is kind of the same as the second one. On its own, not really impressed. It was funnier this time (again, comparing to the second episode), though. And again, it helps to give me a better understanding of the characters.

4- (Pretty much the same thing I said last time, on the first episode 3)

5 - Haha, I love this one, and I think it's my favorite as well. I actually laughed at this one too... I never really laugh at submissions, but this was pretty funny.

Again, sorry for being useless. It's hard to pick out what's right and what's wrong... this is a lot different than poetry :P But I liked it overall. Great work!

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Sat Mar 26, 2011 2:51 pm
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Gratziella13 says...

This script is very funny. I can imagine it on a TV Show with laughs in the backround and everything. I was laughing at the Proposal episode with what that guy's friend said XD Very good, maybe it needs some more depth at times but all in all, a really funny script, love it! Write more, I love the Bench ;)

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Sat Apr 09, 2011 4:56 am
misstoria says...

Those would make a good TV show. You could call it "The Bench", thats how much I liked these sketches. Probably;y wasn't any help, but I tried.
You are more than the choices that you've made, you are more than the sum of your past mistakes. You are more than the problems you create, You'v been remade.


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Wed Apr 13, 2011 11:16 pm
armstronge says...

I'm not too sure how to review this either. Though I caught a few mistakes in the first episode. This was a funny script! :D I loved it! I can't wait for more! Do you have your actual sketches on YWS? If you do, I think you should link your script with the pictures.
“To the world you might be one person, but to one person you might be the world”

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Wed Apr 20, 2011 5:41 pm
TheRobster1991 says...

They were funny, I laughed. But there is something you need to fix. "Episode 3: Proposal"

Laura is sitting alone on the bench, where Paul had asked her to meet him. He is late, but she doesn’t mind

It's listed at the start that the character is Peter, not Paul, but here it's Paul and then immediately changes to Peter, but other than that it's all pretty good

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Sun May 01, 2011 10:32 pm
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KCunder says...

I really liked it! It was funny, and good. But the cussing, well see I dont' believe in cussing peroid. I don't think it is right to say it, lip-talk it, joke aorudn with it, or even bleeping it out. I think peple shoudl cuss but that is my only concerned if you replace the cussing with other words or made up words, it might be suitable to abotu 10-year-olds to read. Below is a a list of other words
A bomb- girl, butt
B bomb-witch, butthead
D bomb- darn, dang, boykin
Spoiler! :
lol insider ther is a kid in my class who cusses a lot, and is really stupid with what he does, and his last name is boykin and my friend she was like "What the boykin?" lol

F bomb- flipping, flapping, flapjacks
J bomb- stupid butt :P
Lets just stop there, but tyr them they are they same meaning (insulting) but more user-friendly. Good luck!
~KC Under~ Unique- not weird ;D

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Sat May 07, 2011 4:31 pm
housecat says...

Wow, I really love these! They are so creative and entertaining. I agree with misstoria and Gratziella, it would make a very funny TV show.

At first I was bothered by some of the dialogue because it seems somewhat realistic and corny at times, but as I continued to read, it seemed to fit the script better. Very very funny. I could imagine every scene in my head clearly. Well done!

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