
Young Writers Society

The Adventures of Captain McAwesome Pants 2

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Sat Apr 30, 2011 4:38 pm
TheGreatIthy says...

Spoiler! :
Okay, so first I must mention that this series is a comedy that is pretty much spoofing the entire super hero genre. It is meant to be a comic book, but I wrote it like I write my scripts so this, the first version, reads like one and I believe that no one is really missing out on anything by not seeing the pictures. We are writers, I think we all have active imaginations and prefer the text. Once the images are finished, I will be uploading the entire thing to my seperate website. I will let everyone know when it's there.

Another thing I should mention before getting into the story is that I have been writing all of these out of order for various reasons that I need not get into here. This particular one hasn't been given a specific spot in the storyline yet, but it is still part of the introduction so there shouldn't be any information that you missed. I still recommend reading the first one (Nobody Likes a Buzzkill) at some point since that is the pilot and my personal favorite.

Chapter 2: The Arch Nemesis and His Pants


MCAWESOME: Male. University student. 20 years old. Protector of all things Awesome

CLEVER BOOTS: Female. University student. 19 years old. Based in Canada, so she's actually drinking age for those curious. The sidekick and arguably the competent one.

FANCY PANTS: Male. University student. 20 years old. Kind of a jerk.


(Scene opens in the AWESOME household. MCAWESOME is slumped on the couch with various forms of snack food and beer surrounding him. He is also in a housecoat and his Awesome Pants. He looks to have not really moved much for a long time. CLEVER BOOTS walks through the door from outside)

CLEVER BOOTS: You’re still here?


CLEVER BOOTS: Have you even moved?


CLEVER BOOTS: You really need a hobby.

MCAWESOME: I have a hobby.

CLEVER BOOTS: Other than tormenting Professor Buzzkill.

MCAWESOME: Buzzkill. (Shakes it off) Well, what am I supposed to do? He’s on vacation for the next week or so.

CLEVER BOOTS: There is a lot that you can do. There is the mall, the movies, go see a show. Look at me; I’m going to a modeling show tonight.

MCAWESOME: That’s a great idea!


MCAWESOME: I will go to the modeling show!

CLEVER BOOTS: But that’s where I’m going.

MCAWESOME: Great, we’ll go together!


MCAWESOME: I’ll go get ready! And maybe I can get scouted for my awesome pants! (Runs off)

CLEVER BOOTS: That’s where I go to get away from him...

(At the modeling show. There are a lot of fabulous people around. MCAWESOME actually looks completely enthralled by all of the awesome pants that he is seeing. CLEVER BOOTS looks downright miserable)

CLEVER BOOTS: Why did I ever mention this place to him... Of course he would want to go... When does he ever turn down a chance to see some awesome pants...

MCAWESOME: Oh lighten up, Clever Boots! They are about to mention their main event!

CLEVER BOOTS: Fancy Pants is here? The Fancy Pants?

MCAWESOME: Yup! And I plan on showing him my pants. Something tells me that they are better than his!

CLEVER BOOTS: Please no, Awesome. Don’t get us kicked out.

MCAWESOME: Shh, here he comes!

ANNOUNCER: Please put your hands together for the one and only FANCY PANTS!!!!

(FANCY PANTS walks out and his pants are indeed pretty fancy. MCAWESOME is enthralled.)

MCAWESOME: Now is my chance!

CLEVER BOOTS: No, please.

MCAWESOME: (Jumping onto the stage) I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over how awesome my pants are!

CLEVER BOOTS: Oh no. (To the waiter) Get me your strongest drink. Quick!

FANCY PANTS: Can I help you?

MCAWESOME: Yes you can, Fancy Pants. I challenge you to a duel of the pants! (The Awesome Pose)

SECURITY: Should we beat him up?

FANCY PANTS: Not just yet. I accept your challenge! Duel of the pants it is! (Fancy Pose)

CLEVER BOOTS: Oh god no. (To the waiter) One more please. Even stronger if you can manage it.

MCAWESOME: I will start. My pants were hand crafted for just the purpose of being awesome!

CLEVER BOOTS: (To some random guy who just happens to be there) Actually, I crafted them because he wouldn’t shut up about it. ‘Why can’t I have something like your boots?’ he said, ‘No, I want something awesome!’ he said.

MCAWESOME: They breathe like cotton, but are made from a substance that is more comfortable than cotton. They are made from a substance called ‘Comfortoniom’!

CLEVER BOOTS: Took me years to develop it.

FANCY PANTS: Mine are also made from Comfortoniom. But they are much more Fancy than your worn down pants!


FANCY PANTS: Surprised? You shouldn’t be for I am Fancy Pants! I make it my business to know of and improve on every new innovation in pants technology in the whole world!

CLEVER BOOTS: Why you little! Awesome! Take him down!

MCAWESOME: One step ahead of you! My pants also have...

FANCY PANTS: Camouflage?

MCAWESOME: (His pants are invisible) How did you know!?

FANCY PANTS: Because I have improved on it! Behold! (He disappears entirely) My pants technology can is so advanced that it extends to my entire body!

CLEVER BOOTS: Awesome! Show him the latest innovation!

MCAWESOME: You haven’t touched my pants in months.

CLEVER BOOTS: That’s because I never told you. Press the teal button!

MCAWESOME: The what button?

CLEVER BOOTS: Teal. Bluish green.

MCAWESOME: I see a Greenish Blue button!

CLEVER BOOTS: Just press it!!!

MCAWESOME: Okay. (He does so and his entire body becomes encased in armour) Whoa!

FANCY PANTS: That’s pretty impressive, but you are a little behind on the times. Behold! (His pants turns into an even more impressive suit of armour. And it is fancy.)

CLEVER BOOTS: We can’t...

MCAWESOME: ...Win...

FANCY PANTS: Nobody can defeat the Fanciness of my pants! I have defeated you, Captain McAwesome Pants. Muahahahaha!!!!

(MCAWESOME collapses in defeat. The scene opens again in the AWESOME household 1 week later)
CLEVER BOOTS: (Running into the room) Turn on the T.V, I think I’ve got it!

MCAWESOME: (Remarkably okay with what happened) I don’t know why you keep on trying. He beat us fair and square.

CLEVER BOOTS: Your ability to get over things is actually really remarkable.

MCAWESOME: Why thank you.

CLEVER BOOTS: Now turn on the T.V before I kick you into the next country! I think I’ve finally found something that Fancy Pants can’t copy!

MCAWESOME: Okay, okay.

(MCAWESOME turn on the T.V to the FANCY PANTS channel. On it, FANCY PANTS is showing off his pants (as he always does))

FANCY PANTS: I actually think that this is a really cool feature to my pants. My research team has worked really hard on this. My pants are now 100% llama proof. How is this possible? Well, let me show you...

(CLEVER BOOTS turns off the T.V and slumps onto the couch next to MCAWESOME)

MCAWESOME: Beat you to it?

CLEVER BOOTS: How does he do that? It’s like he can see my blueprints... (Dawns on her) Hey Awesome, can I use the coat closet?

MCAWESOME: The Awesome Cave, you mean?

CLEVER BOOTS: Yeah, whatever.


CLEVER BOOTS: I’m going to give it one more shot. (Leaves)

MCAWESOME: Okay. I’ll be right here. Alone. Can you get me a beer!?

(A montage of CLEVER BOOTS creating a new innovation for MCAWESOME’s pants. Incredibly dramatic. A montage of MCAWESOME going through an incredible amount of beer at the same time. Finally, CLEVER BOOTS walks into the room looking triumphant only to find MCAWESOME passed out on the couch. She sneaks by him to get to the phone.)

CLEVER BOOTS: Hello, Fancy Pants? Yes, it’s Clever Boots. I challenge you to a rematch.

(Flash forward to the next evening. It is on a rooftop during a rainstorm (or something that is equally epic in scale). MCAWESOME and CLEVER BOOTS walk on. MCAWESOME looks a little hung-over and CLEVER BOOTS looks confident. FANCY PANTS and a full film crew are already there to meet them.)

MCAWESOME: Of all the days of the year and you had to pick the one day that rains. Very smart, Clever Boots.

CLEVER BOOTS: So of all the times you made a mistake, I’m not allowed to make even one.

MCAWESOME: I’m just saying.

FANCY PANTS: You are a peculiar pair, Captain McAwesome Pants and Clever Boots.

MCAWESOME: Fancy Pants...Can I have your autograph!?


CLEVER BOOTS: Awesome! What do you mean?

FANCY PANTS: I can’t quite put my finger on it. I’ve heard of all of your exploits and it seems to me that you, Captain McAwesome Pants are completely inept unless Clever Boots shows up to help you.

MCAWESOME: That’s not true!

FANCY PANTS: You have been thwarted by a 12 year old.

MCAWESOME: He was evil.

CLEVER BOOTS: What is your point, Fancy Pants?

FANCY PANTS: What exactly is your relationship? Clever Boots, you are completely capable on your own, so why do you stay with McAwesome?

CLEVER BOOTS: He...funds my projects.

FANCY PANTS: I find that hard to believe. What do you do, McAwesome?

MCAWESOME: I do...things.

FANCY PANTS: Whatever. Clever Boots, I want to extend an invitation to work for me. I will fund your projects and your technology will finally be used by someone who is not quite as much of an idiot.

MCAWESOME: I’m not an idiot!

CLEVER BOOTS: Is that toilet paper on your shoe?

MCAWESOME: (There is) ...No...

FANCY PANTS: So, Clever Boots? What is it? Me? Or the idiot.

CLEVER BOOTS: I choose the idiot.

MCAWESOME: Hey! I’m right here!

CLEVER BOOTS: He may not be the smartest hero out there, but at least I know where he stands. He stands for all that is awesome and he does not waver for anything. You are a copycat. A second rate villain who steals other people’s good ideas and passes them off as his own and I aim to prove it tonight. Or rather, Captain McAwesome Pants will with my help.

FANCY PANTS: (To the camera men) Are you getting this? Good. I want the entire world to see me strike the final humiliating blow on Captain McAwesome Pants and Clever Boots. I must say though, I am a little disappointed that it had to come to this, but at least I will have the last laugh! My pants are fancier than yours!! Make your move.

CLEVER BOOTS: Awesome, press the greenish red button!

MCAWESOME: I see a reddish green.

CLEVER BOOTS: Press it!!!

MCAWESOME: Okay, okay! (He presses the button and rockets pop out of the back of the pants and turn on lifting MCAWESOME into the air) I can fly!?

FANCY PANTS: He can fly!?

CLEVER BOOTS: He can fly.

FANCY PANTS: But I don’t remember seeing that on the monitors... (Realizes what he has said) Ooops.

CLEVER BOOTS: So you admit to spying on us and stealing our technology!

FANCY PANTS: Okay fine, I did! I hacked into Buzzkill’s McAwesome surveillance system.

MCAWESOME: Buzzkill.

CLEVER BOOTS: But what you didn’t know was that McAwesome had already found it and had also found a way around it.

MCAWESOME: The Awesome Cave.

FANCY PANTS: So there was a hole in the system.

CLEVER BOOTS: Yes, and I used it to my advantage to develop these rockets. (The rockets suddenly turn off and MCAWESOME slams to the ground) But it wasn’t a very large space, so they aren’t perfect.

FANCY PANTS: Well, you win. You have successfully ruined me. I hope you are happy.

MCAWESOME: Actually, I am.

FANCY PANTS: But I will be back! You have not seen the last of Fancy Pants! I will get you Captain McAwesome Pants and Clever Boots! (He jumps off the building and a parachute deploys from his pants)

CLEVER BOOTS: Come on, Captain. Let’s go home.



MCAWESOME: Did you mean all you said about me back there?

CLEVER BOOTS: Yes I did, but don’t let it go to your head. I still think you’re an idiot.

MCAWESOME: You like me.

CLEVER BOOTS: Don’t make me kick you.

MCAWESOME: I’m not hearing a no.

(Shows the stars in the night sky as a loud kicking sound is heard)


Last edited by TheGreatIthy on Mon May 02, 2011 3:34 am, edited 2 times in total.
Bees: They sting because they love!!

Will review for food!

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Sun May 01, 2011 1:22 am
fireheartedkaratepup says...


You know what the word for this sort of thing is, right? That's right. Crack. (I happen to kinda like crack, so you're good.)

Not a fan of scripts, but you're right--writers can visualize.


Not that I don't like it, I'm just not sure what to do with it. Since it's so crazy.

I'd love to see the actual comic. Fancypants.....

It reminds me of an episode of Legion of Superheroes where Brainiac 5 goes nuts, and then stares at Timberwolf and goes, "Ooh, I like his pants!"

So yes. Amusing, entertaining.....crack.
"Ok, Lolpup. You can be a girl worth fighting for."

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Sun May 01, 2011 2:45 pm
Caerulean says...


CLEVER BOOTS: There is a lot that you can do. There is the mall, the movies, go see a show. Look at me; I’m going to a modeling show tonight.

MCAWESOME: That’s a great idea!


MCAWESOME: I will go to the modeling show!

CLEVER BOOTS: But that’s where I’m going.

MCAWESOME: Great, we’ll go together!


- XD You made me chuckle there. :D

CLEVER BOOTS: Why did I ever mention this place to him... Of course he would want to go... When does he ever turn down a chance to see some awesome pants...

- In my opinion, there shouldn't be spaces after ellipses.

My pants were hand crafted for just the purpose of being awesome!

- 'handcrafted' is only one word.

‘Why can’t I have something like your boots?’ ‘No, I want something awesome!’

- These were confusing.

They are made from a substance called ‘Comfortoniom’!

- Awesome substance name. XD


CLEVER BOOTS: (Same time) What!?

- I suggest writing this part this way: 'MCAWESOME and CLEVER BOOTS: What!?'

My pants technology can is so advanced that it extends to my entire body!

- You had a typo there. Remove 'can'.

CLEVER BOOTS: Awesome! Show him the latest innovation!

- XD You got me confused with 'Awesome' being an exclamation. lol

MCAWESOME: I see a Greenish Blue button!

- Haha. xD

CLEVER BOOTS: He... Funds my projects.
- Again with the space after an ellipsis here. Also, I think you shouldn't capitalize the 'F' in 'Funds' because it follows directly after 'He'.

MCAWESOME: I do... Things.

- Same with the capitalization here.

FANCY PANTS: But I don’t remember seeing that on the monitors... (Realizes what he has said) Ooops.

- Haha. I didn't see that coming.

CLEVER BOOTS: So you admit to spying on us and stealing our technology!

- I think you forgot to put 'be' after 'to'.

CLEVER BOOTS: Yes I did, but don’t let it go to your head. I still think you’re an idiot.

- Put a comma after 'Yes'.

MCAWESOME: I’m not hearing a no.

- Write 'no' <-- that way. (xD)

- - - - - - -

Nice! This was hilarious. xD :) And I like how smoothly it flows. It flowed well like the last comic strip I read several years ago. xD I can easily imagine as I read through. And do tell me when you post the images. :D

Never stop writing!
“(...) and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” - Gandalf, The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring

“If lightning is the anger of the gods, then the gods are concerned mostly about trees.”
— Lao Tzu