
Young Writers Society

War Of The Immortalitas - Part Two

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Wed Apr 20, 2011 6:01 pm
TheRobster1991 says...

This is Part Two. Please give feedback! I would greatly appreciate it

An underground operations base. There are many people there, all armed with futuristic guns know as plasma blasters. There is a small civilization of all kinds of different people

JAKE enters; he is older and is more beefy, he now has more muscles. He is carrying huge packs off items over his shoulders. He goes over to a huge desk and plunks it down

ZIMMER: Look who bagged the bag.

JAKE: Ah Zimmer, it’s been so long!

They embrace in a hug

ZIMMER: What were you out for so long for?

JAKE: Chief had me on a special assignment Zimmer.

ZIMMER: What was that then old friend?

JAKE: I’ve been searching across the country for other rebels. It seems that I’ve been unsuccessful.

ZIMMER: No luck then.

JAKE: More like shitting in a barrel.

ROSE comes out from a door holding an infant in her arms. She too is changed in appearance, her face is more mature and she is pregnant

ZIMMER: Oh dear mate.

JAKE: When Zakious gets here things will be better.

ZIMMER: You don’t believe in that shit still do you? The prophesy.

JAKE: Course I do, I was there before you were, if you remember that.

ZIMMER: Ah but Jake, Zakious is nowhere to be found.

JAKE: Maybe so, but his ways are not our ways.

ZIMMER: Stop with all that…

Rose comes over

ROSE: Hi honey, we were wondering when you were coming home.

JAKE: Its okay darling. (Kisses her) I told you I’d be back soon. (Rubs her belly) Little Junior doing okay?

ROSE: He keeps laying his head on my rib cage; it does cause me great agony at night.

JAKE: Aww. That’s so adorable. Aren’t you son? (To Rose) You go and lay down; you need the rest, in your condition. You’re not as flexible holding onto these two.

ZIMMER: Jake, I think the chief would want to hear from you.

JAKE: Oh yeah, of course.

He turns to Rose who smiles back

ROSE: Go on, honey. I do think it’ll be important. Chief has looked forward to your coming.

JAKE: You’re right. (To Zimmer) You coming?

ZIMMER: Sure mate, I wouldn’t miss this for those crystals.

Jake and Zimmer both decide to leave Rose who decides to lie down on a bed. Jake and Zimmer both make it over past several people. Until they get to an older man, dressed in a robe. He is the chief to everyone and everyone (Including us) is unaware that it is actually ZAKIOUS

ZIMMER (CONT’D): Chief, Jake is back, and he has news for you which are due to bring good tidings.

JAKE: Well, news anyway.

ZAKIOUS: Ah Jacob, you have returned. Have you found anyone who wishes to join our side?

JAKE: I have searched through this entire country. There are many who dislike the position that their nation is in and would love to do something, but they fear the dragon too much. His fear and grip is at the very heart of man. It seems that if we raise even a tiny voice they will attempt to kill us. Their allegiance is to their undying King.

ZAKIOUS: King? He isn’t King yet. Have you heard from Zakious?

ZIMMER; All due respect sir, but some of us here are questioning the reality and existence of Zakious and of the prophesies of these chosen ones. It would seem though that if Zakious is alive still that he is under Mykloss’s foot.

ZAKIOUS: My question was for Jake, not you.

ZIMMER: Understood sir, I shall leave you alone with Jake.

Zimmer leaves

JAKE: I haven’t heard from him, no. It seems that he has chosen to remain silent. I do not know why he has but it seems he has chosen to leave me alone in this battle.

Zakious places a hand on Jake’s shoulder to comfort him

ZAKIOUS: You are never alone. Though Zakious’ may appear far off he is with you always, even unto the end of age.

JAKE: Have you had contact with him then sir?

ZAKIOUS: I’ve had enough Jacob. Enough to know Zimmer is wrong.

JAKE: Why has it been so long though sir? The last time I ever heard from him was over a decade ago.

ZAKIOUS: Have faith Jake, have faith.

JAKE: Okay sir, thank you.

ZAKIOUS: Now get back to your wife, she needs you.

JAKE: Will do sir.

Jake exits and greets Zimmer outside

ZIMMER: Any report at all mate?

JAKE: Not a single bit of it Zimmer.

ZIMMER: Well tough luck. I’m sure we’ll get the better of this bloody Mykloss. How did you survive out for so long?

Jake and Zimmer start to approach LUKE who is now considerably older than Jake by a few years. He is tall, lean and is wearing lab clothes

JAKE: Luke fitted me with me with a cloaking device; it had in fact worn out though. (Calling to Luke) Hey Parker! I want words with you.

LUKE: Oh dear this can’t be good. (Out to Jake) What about Jake?

JAKE: My clocking device. (He chucks it to him) It timed out during a raid in New Mexico. I had to work undercover for five days.

LUKE: So this is why you have arrived back so early and inexpertly. (He tinkers with it) How funny, it seems as if the power was inadequate to support you. Good thing the new one is far more advance than this.

JAKE: You made another one for me?

LUKE (Becoming uncomfortable): Yes, but… It’s currently in use.

JAKE: By who?

LUKE (Hesitating): Danny.

JAKE (Surprised): What?(!) He’s only 15!

LUKE: But he… well he…

JAKE: I have to go and see my wife now, but when I come back we’re going to talk.

LUKE: Okay Jake.

Jake leaves

ZIMMER: Bloody hell, someone got cranky.

“The British Isles – Great Britain is fighting Mykloss’ troops”
There is a battle going on. The entire armies of the United Kingdom are out, with the RAF. They are shooting and firing at oncoming Troops who belong to Mykloss. They are shifting the elements to fight

Among the army is BOBBY, he is supplying Plasma Blasters to the soldiers to replace the machine guns that they are using currently

SOLDIER #1: Damn it! We need those supplies now! NOW!

Bobby runs over and hands out what appears to be the last of the gun supplies and keeps one for himself

SOLDIER #2 (Grabbing Plasma Blaster): Now that’s what I’m talking about. (Firing) Eat heat scumbag.

BOBBY: What’s going on here down under?

SOLDIER #3: We’ve held the enemy back for years, but they keep on coming. We do not have access to our long range attack weapons as they have been disabled.

BOBBY: Don’t you plan to get them back up and working.

SOLDIER #3: We have enough trouble keeping these clowns back. We haven’t got the time to sort these things out you know. We're soldiers, not miracle workers.

BOBBY: The Rebels support you; we’ll be back with more.

SOLDIER #3: That’s terrific, if you could tell the Rebels to get their asses down here fighting that’d be even more terrific.

BOBBY: We’ll be back with more support.

Bobby starts firing with Soldier #3 at oncoming troopers. Bobby ducks as a massive giant rock comes flying at him missing him by inches

BOBBY (CONT’D): Holy shit!

SOLDIER #3: Get up and fight with us!

BOBBY: No, we can help you.

Bobby pulls his sleeve up and reveals a kind of watch. With combinations of buttons on

SOLDIER #3: You can’t help us. No one can.

Bobby presses a button on vanishes, as he has just teleported out

Some kind of landing platform. Has a sign by it saying “Teleport arrival junction”. Bobby flies through the air and lands on the floor facing downwards. Two people go over to BOBBY and help him up, he is disoriented
Jake is with Luke. He is angry

JAKE: He is only 15, don’t you think you should have consulted me before sending him off to his death Luke.

LUKE: But he does have a way with words young Danny.

JAKE: He has no idea how to cope in the world dammit! You just signed his death warrant!

LUKE: No I didn’t, I gave him the old… (Coming to a realization) Oh no, the old Archangel Teleportation device! He’ll get us tracked down.

JAKE: Oh shit.

Jake grabs a watch which is the exact same as Bobby’s and rushes into the teleporting zone Bobby fell from. As he does he presses a combination on the watch and vanishes as he teleports

A busy market place, there are many people trading there. A young boy, the age of 15 runs past unseen. It is DANNY. He runs into a secret area where there are huge stocks of food, unfortunately there are guards everywhere

He quietly loads up the food onto a hover carrier. As he reaches the end he throws something over the food, and the entire trolley turns invisible. He starts pulling it outside, struggling slightly

Jake is running toward him. Danny looks up to see him

DANNY: Why have you followed me?

JAKE: Danny, what are you doing here? I told you, you weren’t to do this until you were 18.

Danny just slumps to the ground, the cloaking device around the supplies fade away

JAKE (CONT’D): Get up.

DANNY: Why? They won’t spot us, not now anyway. We’re out of town, no people around. See.

JAKE: Danny, I said get up.

DANNY: I don’t need you, or anyone else. I can do this.

JAKE: Danny get up now!

Jake pushes Danny away as a trooper walks past

JAKE (CONT’D): Bloody hell Danny, you almost got us killed!

Danny sits there in silence, after a while he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small device Jake is alarmed

JAKE (CONT’D): Don’t you dare.

DANNY: See ya.

Danny quickly inputs a code in, he and the supplies both disappear at once

JAKE: Oh no you don’t.

Jake quickly inputs a code into his watch and aims it where Danny once was

JAKE (CONT’D): You can’t get away that easily.

“Wasteland of what once was part of the United States”

DANNY is pulling the supplies along

DANNY: Not long till the base.

He continues to pull the supplies along. Jake appears from nowhere having teleported. He falls to the ground coughing. Danny turns to him

DANNY (CONT’D): Get lost Jake; I’m not a little kid anymore!

He fiddles with controls to teleport once more; Jake regains strength and sends a bolt of electricity through it, causing it to explode

DANNY (CONT’D): You cock! What did you do that for? (!) I was going to take this back to base.

JAKE: You fool! Don’t you know that Mykloss can monitor these old teleporters!

DANNY: What.

JAKE: Why do you think I used… (Nearly faints) …oh geez.

DANNY: What’s the matter with you?

JAKE (Gasping for breathe): It’s not as smooth as the Archangel, but it’s not been flogged by troopers. The rebound is terrible, urgh; I have such a terrible headache.

DANNY: Let’s use the teleport to get back to base.

JAKE: Have you not been listening to a single word I’ve said?

Jake grabs device and crushes it

JAKE (CONT’D): We’ll walk.

Jake starts walking ahead

DANNY: What did you do that for? Oh man.

Mykloss is seating on his high throne. Being fed grapes by his mistresses. They are all laughing. NATHAN enters

NATHAN: My lord.

MYKLOSS: Go on, entertain me.

NATHAN (Unsure): Right… (Gaining clarity) We have a lead on the rebels.

MYKLOSS (Sitting up): Really? Tell me this is so.

NATHAN: It is my lord. We have intercepted an old teleportation device that was just used on the borders of the DC.

MYKLOSS: Didn’t I say they would slip up at one point? Now we have them. You did send troopers down there didn’t you?

NATHAN: Of course.

MYKLOSS: Excellent, you show initiative. Good. Carry on and I might just make you the most powerful man on the globe. After me of course.

NATHAN: Yes lord.

JAMIE enters and kneels before Mykloss

JAMIE: My lord Mykloss, I have received some news.

MYKLOSS: What do you want?

JAMIE: The English have received some new weaponry, and they have just started to push our troopers back.

Mykloss gets up and elevates Jamie in the air through the means of wind

MYKLOSS: And you hadn’t thought to go down to intercept?(!)

JAMIE (Struggling to breathe): We can’t Mykloss, we don’t know the coordinates.

Mykloss’s face reddens with rage

MYKLOSS: How am I supposed to win this war with Baboons running my army!

Mykloss raises his hand in a fist and his whole hand turns to fire as if to slay Jamie

JAMIE (Screaming): Please, don’t! I’ll get them! I’ll get them!

Mykloss shoots past him and it hits a pillar creating a hole in it

Jamie opens his eyes. Mykloss releases his hands, dropping Jamie instantly to the floor

Jamie is sweating from fear; Nathan is very alarmed at what he is seeing. The mistresses are just there giggling at Jamie. Nathan leaves subtly

MYKLOSS: Go. Get down there and stop them at once(!) (To Nathan) Come back, he may learn from you. (To Jamie) Go.

They both leave together

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Points: 3820
Reviews: 90
Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:45 pm
freewritersavvy says...

Two (minor) things:

JAKE: More like shitting in a barrel.

Not the best line (nor my favorite), in the world, but hey it does work.


I have an extreme interest in the bad guy element of every tale. He seems to be lacking something...not sure what though. Perhaps it is that he has threatened two people but has not actually done anything to them? Still, it is early in the story.

Just my two cents worth.

As far as the story and plot, I find the whole thing insanely interesting!

Keep it up,
~When you do the common things in life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world. ~ George Carver

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This is the way the world ends, not with a bang but a whimper.
— T.S. Eliot