
Young Writers Society

The Life Of A Writer

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Fri Sep 11, 2009 12:42 am
Bard says...

Two things.

Blocking and direction. Hard to understand with the **** things around them italicized is you best bet, also tooooooo muuuuuch. Let the dialog speak for its self don't rely on the blocking as a crutch. Please, you will grow enormously as a playwright if you don't leave out tedious unnecessary blocking notes.

(And very superficial)
Why does everyone on this forum post stuff about twilight. I'm so tired of it. If there was a place i could rant about this on i would but, gosh i'm so tired of seeing Twilight on this script forum. Come on guys. Don't you have something better than twilight references. Jeeze.

Over all though interesting idea. If you want a similar piece but about actors and their struggles check out Christopher Durang's "An actors nightmare" quite good.

Keep up the good work.

"I am not bound to please thee with my answers."
-William Shakespeare

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Mon Sep 14, 2009 10:53 pm
TalaPaulwic says...

It was simple. I like it like this. I just went pee, I have to go again now.

Very funny, simple humor. I think you could turn this into a detailed work if you wanted. If not it's great like this!
All I can hear; "I me mine, I me mine, I me mine". Even those tears; "I me mine, I me mine, I me mine". No one's frightened of playing it. Everyone's saying it. Flowing more freely than wine. All through your life; "I me mine".

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Tue Nov 16, 2010 4:17 am
Shadowhunter14 says...

LOL awesome!! its about time sum1 put down twilight!!!

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Wed Dec 29, 2010 11:05 pm
ExposedSoul says...

A couple things:
1. What happened to the Girl Scout? You put her in the script but never took her out.
2. Where did the Twilight haters come from? Was a memo sent out?
3. Most authors would never admit that their stories are “poorly written.”
4. The author obviously likes writing (seeing as she was so desperate to get the story finished) so why does she think an essay is unfortunate?
5. What do you do with the body of the hair-gel junkie?
6. I think the narrator would appreciate more lines.
Other than that I found the story extremely humorous. Keep up the good work.
ExPoSeD sOuL

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Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:35 pm
Flux says...

Why hello there! I'm here with a teeny-tiny review to give!

First off, for script-writing, use brackets instead of those star-thingies!

Writer's Block: [scans the story] Hmm. This one actually had some promise. Too bad I'm going to have to erase all your ideas and plot plans. [pulls out giant pink eraser] Now hold still. This won't hurt... me.

For that example, I think that a little touch of manical laughter would be nice at the end -- just a little finishing touch, as Writer's Block is already a maniac in itself.

*Muse and Writer's Block continue battling*

*Author crawls to her story and tries to write, but the words just won't come*

*Slowly, Writer's Block pushes Muse back towards the wall*

This could probably be written as a block of text, as such:

[MUSE and WRITER'S BLOCKcontinue battling. AUTHOR crawls to her story and tries to write, but the words just won't come. Slowy, WRITER'S BLOCK pushes MUSE back towards the wall.]

*The unicorn knocks Writer's Block off the plot box and then promptly begins eating the Author's wallpaper*

Huzzah for unicorns!

Just a few nitpicks with the format of the script, obviously. But other than that, this was great! Funny, to the point ... and complete with an epic battle. Now everytime I have writer's block I'll think of crazy Writer's Block in this script/ story thing! As for the Edward and Stephanie Meyer, I didn't see much use for them in the script -- but thinking about it now, I think if it were acted out, Edward stumbling around with giant eyebrows would be quite hilarious ... and a unicorn eating wallpaper.

I really liked the fact that you wrote this with the characters of Muse and Writer's Block as like, a super-hero and super-villain (or, at least, that's what I imagined!) I also just liked the fact that you had a writer's block, as I've had people tell me there's no such thing ... BUT THERE IS! THERE'S PROOF OF IT IN THIS SCRIPT!

That is all! Very nicely done!

-- Flux
"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person.

Give him a mask and he will tell you the truth."

-- Oscar Wilde

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Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:21 pm
MiRaCLeS says...

This is such a funny story.Rather random, but still funny.
Loved how Edward Cullen dies as well. :)

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Tue Mar 22, 2011 1:36 pm
Prats says...

I like randomness... So I'd say I loved it... :D Would love to watch it live... :)
And yeah, this part was really crazy, but I found it hilarious:

Writer's Block: *backs Muse into a corner* Haha, I've got you - *cell phone rings*

Muse: *impatient sigh*

Writer's Block: *adopts a whiny, childish voice as he speaks into phone* What, Mom? Yes, I clipped Grandma's toenails. What do you mean, one's embedded in the wall? That's not my - oh, you found those. *lowers voice* I just got excited and had a... spill. *appalled* No, Mom, not that kind of spill!

*Muse clears her throat pointedly*

Writer's Block: Look, Mom, I have to go. Uh-huh, yeah, love you too. Bye! *hangs up and instantly looking menacing again* Now, where were we?
:D Keep writing more... :)
(:I'm going to live my life, or die trying... :)

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Tue Mar 22, 2011 6:32 pm
lele253isme says...

I loved this script I would like to see it as a short comedy show that comes on when commercials are supposed to. It would be that good. I love this part:

Writer's Block: *in a sassy, teenage girl voice* Oh, no you didn't. *snaps fingers in a Z formation*

Muse: That's right. I went there. *slashes at Writer's Block's throat. He deflects the pen just in time* Ooh, little author! I just had an idea that will improve your story!

I like that it is really random and the Twilight comedy I loved, really good job. I don't like twilight either, bleeghhh. Anyway, I am going to like this.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna lay down and become a tomato for a while.
— RokitaVivi