
Young Writers Society


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Reviews: 113
Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:41 pm
emmylou1995 says...


A young girl named Adina discovers, through the use of a strange power that she wields, that she is the offspring of Life and Death and that she must re-conquer the world of Fayshadow in order to meet her true parents and discover who she is inside.

Act 1: Adina lives on Earth with her fake Mom, Dad and older brother until she discovers that she has the power to call forth the yellow energy of life and use it as either a weapon or a tool for healing.

Act 2: Adina gets transported to the world of Fayshadow by a mysterious boy who accompanies her as they hide from King Vaspar, who wants Adina dead, and try to get Adina back home.

Act 3: Adina destroys Vaspar and returns Fayshadow to it's former glory after a long battle in which Adina's loses one of her arms.

Act One:

The film begins in a close-up shot to a sleeping baby girls face. Then the camera slowly backs up, allowing Life and Death, the non-human parents of the child, to enter the picture. Life's face is shaded with sadness as she sings to her baby and her husband Death opens a portal to a human hospital. Life and Death hurriedly take their child and, while in tears, lay her in a bed in the human hospital through the portal. The moment Death closes the portal to expose a simple blue wall of the babies room, a gruesome looking man bursts through the door followed by many others and Death holds his wives profoundly sweaty hand as they are taken as prisoners away from the now empty babies room.

The camera is still in the dark babies room when it looks out of the open window and zooms in to see the moon high in the nighttime sky. When the camera zooms out again, we are outside on an abandoned street. A car whizzes by and the camera follows the car to a small and humble house that stands among several others. A small family gets out of the car, a perfectly normal human family that is carrying the child from before. They walk into the house laughing and telling jokes as the door shuts. We speed up through several years of the childs life and see the door open and close several times.

We see her as a toddler in her stroller getting ready to go on a walk with her mom, then as a six year old running out into the yard to play with her older brother, then as a eleven year old with a group of friends that just had their hair done, then as a sixteen year old running out of the door to greet her Dad after he had been gone on a trip and helping him carry his bags inside. During these scenes, the title of the movie appears and upbeat music is playing. We get introduced to her family as the camera follows Adina inside the house and the whole family says hi to their dad and asks about the trip. The strong ties Adina has to her human family are the main focus of this point in the movie.

Then camera follows Adina through her day of high school and meet several other characters, including cute, mysterious Erik Faraday. We are introduced to Adina's power to control the energy of life during a game of soccer, where Adina accidentally burns a classmates hand after the classmate kicked her in the shin. Adina gets in trouble and is suspended from school for a week.

Act Two:

The day after Adina gets suspended from her school, Erik comes to see her and talks to her about a world he supposedly “created” for one of his book he is writing called Fayshadow. Adina becomes interested and wants to know more about it when a strange woman comes knocking on the front door. Adina goes to open it and is surprised to find an elderly woman standing on the porch. Adina is confused when the woman says it is time and tries to send the woman away. The old woman then turns into one of the gruesome men from before and attacks Adina. Erik comes to Adina's rescue and allows them to escape through a portal to Fayshadow.

Erik then explains to Adina that Fayshadow is a real place, not just in his book. Adina wants nothing to do with it and just wishes to go home to her family, but Erik tells her that the only way to get back home now is to find death and get him to open a portal for her. He also tells her that she is the daughter of Life and Death and that he was sent to earth to bring her back to her native land, Fayshadow, in order to save them from the dark Lord Vaspar who was sending shadows (the gruesome men) ravaging upon the land. That her true identity is Eternity, being the offspring of Life and Death. Adina starts to freak out as Erik and her attempt to find death and send Adina home because Adina will not accept the destiny that she was born with as the only person who can defeat Vaspar. It is too much for Adina to handle.

Erik and Adina manage to find Death after an adventure through the Farahad Forest and Starlings Sea, during which they were tracked and attacked several times. When Adina meets death, she asks him to open a portal and send her back to her world. Until Death refuses at the sight of her. Death takes Erik aside and asks him to prove that Adina is truly his daughter and not some other human girl. To prove it, Erik goes to Adina and lies that Death said the only way he will let Adina leave is if she saves Death's wife, Life, from the grasp of Vaspar.

Act Three:

Adina and Erik confront Vaspar and Adina destroys him by using her powers. After that, Adina finds Life and realizes that not only has this whole adventure shown her who her true parents are, but also where she truly belongs. And throughout the adventure, Adina and Erik have fallen in love, during the last fight with Vaspar, they kiss and that gives Adina the power to destroy Vaspar and the shadows. Adina ends up losing her right arm but gains the ability to open portals herself.

After the fight with Vaspar and Adina gains back strength after losing her arm, she goes back one last time to say goodbye to her human family. While she is on Earth she feels weakened and stronger at the same time. The last scene has Adina waving goodbye to her human family as she walks through a portal on the same abandoned street as in the beginning.
When all you have is nothing, there is alot to go around.

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Gender: Male
Points: 1040
Reviews: 4
Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:48 pm
thaddaeusj says...

I actually really enjoyed this. I thought it would be dumb, but after reading it I was proved wrong. I just really wish it were in complete book/story form or complete script form (personally I think that book/story form first would be a little better, but if you are better at writing scripts then go ahead with that). I realize it is just a general outline, but I think you should take it to that next step and write it out. A few questions to be thinking about as you write it that went through my head while reading this:
Why does King Vaspar need/want Life and to destroy Adina/Eternity?
What is the significance of Adina/Eternity lose her right arm?
Is controlling life energy kind of like controlling life (her mother's job)? [if not, what are you talking about with that and how can it hurt someone?]
Just a few questions to maybe help you develop your ideas. I really love how much potential this story has. Please be sure to tell me when you have written this out so I can read it.

It is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not deserve them.
— Mark Twain