
Young Writers Society

White Christmas

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56 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 1630
Reviews: 56
Fri Dec 24, 2010 5:34 am
alohajuice says...

White Christmas
Setting: 1950’s before Christmas time.
Story: A cool-as-hell guy named Charlie falls for a girl, who lets him be his true self before school lets out for Christmas.
Characters: Charlie Drapper- loner, lovable, Danny Zuko-ish
Harley Shell- Girl next door, intelligent, shy
Corinne- Harley’s rowdy girlfriend, big mouthed
Alice- Less loud than Corinne, just as outgoing
George- Charlie’s best friend, respectful, fun to be around
Rich- obnoxious, dumb, annoying friend of Charlie
Angela- sloppy, talkative wannabe
Mrs. Shirley- teacher
Scene 1
(In class, Charlie looks out window. Snow is falling)

Mrs. Shirley- Mr. Drapper would you care to pay attention? Stop looking out that window!
Charlie- Oh come on Mrs. Shirley. I was just looking at the snow for Pete’s sake.
Mrs. Shirley- Well if I catch you looking out there again, you’ll have detention with me after class!
(Harley looks out window, shakes head at desk, looks at Charlie then away.)
Corinne- Hey Harley, what’d ya ask your parents for Christmas?
Harley- Oh I don’t know. I mean, I really don’t need anything
Corinne- Oh stop being such a saint, Harley Shell. You know you want something. What about you Alice?
Alice- Probably that new Dean Martin record, because he’s so brassy. You know, he’s so brassy.
Corinne- And you’re a sassy girl! But I really do know what you mean.
Angela- You’re both wrong. It’s all about James Dean. My cousin Genevieve met him and she just about dropped dead! They had to take her to the hospital and everything, on account of she couldn’t breathe.
Alice- Gee, what a story. Mind your own business next time Angela. Mr. Dean wouldn’t even touch you.
Angela- What makes you think he would touch you?
Harley- Girls lets calm down. We can talk about Christmas and all after class
* * *(Lights go out on girls, Lights on boys)
George- Hey Charlie.
Charlie- Yeah?
George- Whuddaya doin for Christmas?
Charlie- Oh you know, same old stuff. We’re flyin to Colorado in a couple days. Holiday ski trip.
George- Sounds good. I’ve never gone skiing before you know. Why don’t I come along one time?
Charlie- Oh alright, we’ll all go for your birthday next month! Hey, you goin’ to the show tonight? The Gnarleys are playin at Reggie Hall.
George- Are you kiddin! Of course I’ll be there. My girl Jane’s got free tickets ya know.
Charlie- Oh yeah? That’s grand George. Real grand. How about getting me in?
George- Sure sure. I’ll ask Jane about it tonight.
Charlie- Gee, thanks a bunch George. I’ve been waiting for them to come into town.
(Bell rings, students get up)
George- Catch ya later Charlie.
(Students walk out, Harley drops books)
Harley- Oh drats. (Charlie kneels down, picks them up) Oh... Thanks Charlie. You didn’t have to.
Charlie- (winks) Of course I did. (Harley watches him leave. Lights out.)
(At bowling match)
Corinne- Did we really have to play this lousy team on our last day? It’s almost Christmas for crying out loud. And look at those crumby shoes on that girl.
Harley- Corinne you’re such a trouble maker! Looks like you’ll be getting sad lumps of coal for Christmas. (Corinne rolls eyes)
Alice- So are we watching The Gnarleys tonight after we ace these chums?
Corinne- Heck yeah. I love their new tune, Moon Dance. Except I think we should bring dates. I’ll probably drag Richie Singer along with me.
Alice- Yeah, he’s a nice catch Corinne. I’m hoping Brian over there will ask me to go. What about you Harley?
Harley- I don’t really need a date. I’m an independent. I can have fun on my own you know. Plus, were all going together, with dates or not.
Alice- Hey Harley, what about that Charlie fella? I saw you two flirting after class today. He’s not too bad
Harley- It was nothing Alice. I dropped my books and he picked them up is all.
Alice- Looked more than that to me. (Annoyed expression on Harley’s face)
Harley- Well that probably means you have some kind of a twisted mind.
Alice- I’m kidding. I was just saying that he was a good possibility. You two would look good together.
Harley- You sure talk an awful lot Alice. (Pause) And stop looking at me like that Corinne. I would be fine without a date. I’m not useless.
Corinne- Oh would ya look at that! Mel just got a second strike! I really don’t want to embarrass this team before the holidays.
Harley- Oh. Now you’re empathizing towards them?
Corinne- I’m just saying. It’s not in the spirit of Christmas to make someone look bad.
Harley- Says the one who was making fun of that girl’s bowling shoes for goodness sake.
Corinne- Alright fine! But I’m not any Grinch I tell ya. (Harley rolls her eyes)
Scene 2
(Scene opens with boys entering diner)
Richie- What was up with that shot Charlie? It was pretty lousy. You lost us the whole game!
Charlie- Rich, lay off will ya? It’s just a game for Pete’s sake.
Rich- Yeah but that was one crumby way to end it I tell ya.
George- That’s enough Rich. It’s over. Basketball is basketball. But Christmas is Christmas!
Let’s just relax. We still have that show to go to anyway.
Charlie- The Gnarleys! Say, did Jane have an extra ticket for me?
George- Right here. She gave ya two. (Hands tickets) You got a date?
Charlie- Eh, there’s always Shelly Marks from across the street.
Rich- She’s a helluva broad. Pretty smart too. You can’t give her the time in the back of your car or anything. She’s too smart for that kinda stuff.
George- How’d ya know that Rich?
Rich- Oh you know. She’s just not that girl.
Charlie- I see. Seems like you were trying to get a little sexy with her.
Rich- And so what? All I’m sayin’ is that she’s pretty cool and stuff.
Bartender- Hey fellas. What can I get ya?
Rich- A banana split for me.
George- Make it a hot cocoa for me.
Bartender- What about you Charlie?
Charlie- I’d like a hamburger and a coke, Mr. Ringer.
Bartender- You got it. Five minutes boys.
George- What about the Harley Shell girl Charlie? She seems to like you quite a bit.
Charlie- Ya think? She’s lived next door to me my whole life. We get on alright. She always helps her mom cook and all. And we used to ride our bikes together when we were kids.
George- Yeah bring her tonight. She looks fun.
Charlie- She is. She dropped her books today and I picked them up for her.
Rich- (claps hands) What a gentleman. Maybe you used up your grace on her instead of the game today.
Charlie- (smacks Rich on the back of his head) Oh let it go ya jacko!
Bartender- Quiet down ya firecrackers! You’re louder than the jukebox for goodness sake! Here’s your food boys.
Guys in unison- Thanks.
Charlie- Boy, I’m starving! Coach kept trying to make me drink some protein shake before the game. It sort of tasted like vomit.
Rich- ‘Course you would know what vomit tastes like. Ya sicko.
George- That’s why ya say yes when we offer to buy you some lunch instead of reading that book of yours. The catcher and the rye or whatever it’s called.
Charlie- It’s The Catcher In the Rye. And it’s a darn good book. But thanks for remindin’ me. I gotta return it before the library closes today.
(Boys finish food)
Rich- It closes in 15 minutes, so you oughta get goin.
Charlie- (touches Rich’s shoulder) Now you’re talkin sense.
Rich- Quit bein a wise guy will ya?
Charlie- I’m not a wise guy, I’m the nice guy. Thanks for the advice pal. I’ll catch you guys tonight.
Scene 3
(Scene 3 opens in the library lobby)
Harley- What are you doing? You can’t smoke in here.
Charlie- Youre probably right. One sec. (Steps outside to put out cig) Sorry. So… How’d your bowling match go?
Harley- We won. Nothing new.
Charlie- (laughs) Say, you ever read the book Catcher in the Rye? Came out a couple months ago.
Harley- I don’t think so. Is it any good?
Charlie- It’s alright (being nonchalant) I just came here to return it. Are you watching The Gnarleys tonight?
Harley- Yes I am. They’re a great group.
Charlie- Okay. I’ll probably see you later tonight then. (Starts to leave) Hey, you got a ride?
Harley- Yes. I do. Thank you.
Charlie- I know it ain’t much but I can take ya. I can get ya anywhere you want…. Except maybe heaven. That’s up to you.
Harley- (smiles at the floor) That’s really sweet of you Charlie, but my mother should be on her way. She always knows to come at 4:30.
Charlie- Well it’s 5:00 right now. Are you sure?
Harley- Yes, I’m sure.
Charlie- Oh just come along Harley! I’m not leaving you alone. Come take a walk with me. I’ll drive to the park.
Harley- But it’s cold outside! And my mother should be here any minute.
Charlie- Nonsense! Here, ya got my arm to hold onto, or my hand. Whatever you prefer. And just give your mom a call and tell her that I’m taking you home.
Harley- Oh alright… You’re gonna get me in trouble you know. Or even a cold. You’d be in big trouble with my father if I came home with a cold.
Charlie- You’re bein playful as hell. You know I’m not going to let you get a cold. I’m not takin off my coat though.
Harley- Gee, what a gentleman. (Pushes him, laughs, they leave)
Scene 4
(Scene 4 opens with them walking in the park)
Harley- What is it you want for Christmas?
Charlie- I never know. I always think I know a couple months before, but then I never do. What about you?
Harley- I wish that I could have a puppy, just a normal quiet one.
Charlie- My uncle Varney used to have a dog, but he gave it to us after he died.
Harley- (stops to look at him in the eyes) I’m sorry Charlie.
Charlie- Every Christmas he would mail me $30 and he would tell me to go to a strip club or something. He was a funny guy.
Harley- I bet.
Charlie- But a few years ago, I was really excited to get my gift from him for some reason. I was just really excited and was feeling a little crazy because Christmas was coming so soon and all. So I got out of bed with no clothes on, early in the morning while everyone was asleep to get the mail.
Harley- Charlie you fool. You’re crazy.
Charlie- I know it, but before I got in the house I opened the letter from uncle Varney telling me that he died. I was holding this letter, butt naked, in the cold, sitting on my goddam stoop. It was the most embarrassing thing you ever saw.
Harley- I’m so sorry Charlie. That’s not embarrassing. He was family.
Charlie- I wasn’t even cold anymore by the time I finished reading it. My aunt wrote it, saying he died and that he wanted us to have his dog. It even came with the $30 and all.
Harley- That’s so sad. I don’t know what to say.
Charlie- It’s fine. He was really old anyhow. I felt like I could tell you. You know, kids at school think I’m just a cool guy who doesn’t give a damn about anything. But that’s not me. So thanks for listening.
Harley- (smiles at Charlie) You are really a nice guy. I don’t know too much about you, but I know that. And that you care for your family.
Charlie- Thanks Harley. A lotta girls don’t get that about me. They go out with me expecting me to act like James Dean or something.
Harley- Hmm. I can see that. But at school it seems like you do lack weight in the sensitivity department. You are the cool guy with the crazy friends, who every girl wants to date. Corinne kind of likes you, you know. When we talk on the phone, she just keeps saying how cool you are sometimes.
Charlie- That’s nice to hear, but that’s not the real me.
Harley- But I kind of have a clue. Was that the purpose of this walk? So I can get to know the real you?
Charlie- (coy smile) Maybe.
Harley- Ummm… tell me something no one knows about you. Something secret-like, personal.
Charlie- I love mustard.
Harley- Not like that silly. I’ll tell you something. Ummm. I like you.
Charlie- I like you too.
Harley- But I’m really tired of that cool guy act you put on. It gets on my nerves if you want to know the truth. You don’t even show your emotions to anyone. You’re so cold sometimes.
Charlie- I’ll tell ya something about me then. It might seem silly, but when I open Christmas presents I don’t throw the boxes right away, or the wrappings, or the ribbons. I don’t move on to the gift and forget all about them. Looking at those empty boxes kind of makes me sad. And the fancy wrappings have nothing to hide. I appreciate them. I like looking at them before, you know, they’re gone. I ain’t that cold I tell ya.
Harley- Well, that’s quite thoughtful of you Charlie. You get some points for that. I guess you’re not some stiff mannequin after all. So when I get you your Christmas gift, I’ll remember not to wrap it. But I think every gift needs a box.
Charlie- Thanks Harley.
Harley- Sure thing.
Charlie- Now tell me something about you.
Harley- Okay well…. I like to sing and dance when no one’s watching me.
Charlie- No kidding. I think we all do. But I know you’ll be singing at the show tonight. The Gnarleys always make the best records.
Harley- I don’t know about that. I’m really shy about singing.
Charlie- It’ll be a lotta fun. You’ll see. Were you going with anyone tonight?
Harley- Just the girls. They might bring some dates.
Charlie- How ‘bout I take you? George’s girl Jane gave me tickets. Whuddaya say?
Harley- Sure. Why not? I just know the girls are gonna say something.
Charlie- (walks to front and positioned center stage, close to audience) Hey look! Ya see that over there?
Harley- Where?
Charlie- Way over there. Ya see the snow? It’s falling down over there, over the hills.
Harley- Oh yeah. I’ve never noticed anything like that.
Charlie- (faces Harley excitingly) Well that’s why ya gotta see!
Harley- It’s magical. But let’s get out of here before it reaches us. (Harley turns away, Charlie stays.)
Charlie- (Hums the first two lines of White Christmas: I’m dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the ones I used to know)
Harley- Are you humming White Christmas?
Charlie- (Singing now) Where the treetops glisten and children listen- Oh come on, you know the words! No one’s around but us. - To hear sleigh bells in the snow. I’m dreaming of a white Christmas.
Harley- With every Christmas card I write.
Both singing- May your days be merry and bright. And may all your Christmases be white.

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10 Reviews

Gender: None specified
Points: 1057
Reviews: 10
Fri Dec 24, 2010 1:54 pm
xwritingprincess21x says...

Hey, I thought this was pretty good. I did not want to stop reading it. I think it would look cute in real life. If you were to expand it I would add conflict. Maybe Charlie will have difficulty keeping his romance with Harley because he cannot show his emotions in public. Maybe he will be unwilling to show his true nature to his macho guy friends, causing strife. Just a suggestion.

There is hopeful symbolism in the fact that flags do not wave in a vacuum.
— Arthur C. Clarke