
Young Writers Society

Tortured Soul Asylum {Act 1, Scenes 1, 2, & 3}

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Thu Jun 10, 2010 1:25 am
x3CoFx3 says...

I wrote this two act play in my Creative Writing class, so I thought I'd post it on here. It starts out really weird and random, but I really don't think it's possible for me to be embarrassed over the internet, so just tell me what you think.
Helena Taylor-
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Occupation: Mental patient (She is a paranoid schizophrenic, anorexic, and has obsessive compulsive disorder)
Passions: To find her sister's murderer
Dislikes: Hospitals, adults, parents, and criminals
Hobbies: Writing about her visions and voices, drawing disturbing pictures, collecting dead bugs

Sam Mae-
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Occupation: Mental patient (She hallucinates and is suicidal, experiences Dissociation frequently)
Passions: To be normal again, wants her mother to take her back home
Dislikes: Her condition, the hospital doctors and patients, medications
Hobbies: Singing random phrases, bleeding, talking to her best friend Helena, and talking to her hallucinations
Act I, Scene I

[Helena enters cafeteria with Sam.]

HELENA: No, I don't like eggs and ham...
SAM: Sorry, what?
HELENA: I thought you asked... never mind.
SAM: Hums to herself.

[They receive breakfast in the food line.]

SAM: Let's sit down here by my shadow friend.
HELENA: He is neon green... peas. They are nasty. And definitely not sweet. Neither are dreams.
SAM: Helena, he is telling me that he's friends with the man who... you know!
HELENA: Freezes and stares blankly.
SAM: Oh... again, already? Hello, wake up!

[Flash back 7 years ago. Helena and Kristy (her sister) are in their house, eating dinner in the kitchen. They start to hear heavy banging on the door.]

KRISTY: Helena, go hide in your room and lock the door! We're going to play a game.
HELENA: Is it a bad game? You look scared.
KRISTY: Hurry, GO! Run as fast as you can. Don't look behind you, I love you!
HELENA: Sprints to her bedroom.
MAN: Breaks down kitchen door. Where is she?
KRISTY: I don't know what you're talking about! Wait! I'm the only one home. No one else is here. What do you want?
MAN: I want... her! Not you! Get out of my way.
HELENA: [In her bedroom.] What's going on? Is this really a game? I hear a stranger in the hallway with Kristy. I hope she's okay!
HELENA: Kristy! What happened? I'm scared!
KRISTY: Don't... be afraid, Helena. This will - gasps - be over soon. The cops will be here in a little while, and so will Mom and Dad! Just remember I love you.
MAN: Shut up!

[Helena hears more stabbing noises coming from the hallway.]

HELENA: Kristy! There's blood coming under the door! Kristy! Answer me! Please don't leave me! I'm so scared!

[Scene arrives back at present day.]
[Helena wakes up in a straight jacket.]

HELENA: NOOOOOOO! We have to save her! We have to save -
NURSE: Calm down. It was only a dream. Everything is all right. Now - stop thrashing around and screaming or we'll have to sedate you.
HELENA: It. Wasn't. A. Dream! It happened, it's still happening, we have to save my sister! Please!

[Nurse injects a needle in Helena's arm and she becomes unconscious.]

NURSE: Doctor! Come quickly.
NURSE: Please assist Helena's fellow patient over there before she injures herself. I'm going to lock Helena in a padded cell for an hour or two because she has been in hysterics again.
DOCTOR: All right, thank you. Walks over to Sam and snatches glass out of her hand. Your friend will be just fine. Now come with me.
SAM: Cries and mumbles incoherent words as she is led off stage.
Act 1, Scene 2

[Flash back during a counseling session with Helena after Kristy's murder.]

PSYCHIATRIST: So Helena, I understand how traumatic this experience has been for you, but please tell me exactly what happened to you personally ...to make you feel this way.
HELENA: How could someone kill people like that? It was the worst thing I ever saw!
PSYCHIATRIST: But you didn't see it happen, remember? And some people may think it's best not to tell you this at your young age, but the world is filled with horrible people who who do a lot of awful things.
HELENA: I just want my sister back! She was my best friend.
PSYCHIATRIST: I know. But that's not going to happen, and I'm here to help you cope with that fact. I'm going to do everything I can to help you with your loss.
HELENA: You want me to forget about it, about my sister? I'll never forget! I'd rather die than forget. I'm going to find that man and... kill him, too!
PSYCHIATRIST: You know you can't kill him. That will not solve anything. It's wrong to murder people, and you are just not thinking straight right now. What he did was took someone very special from you; it was, of course, wrong, but you need to accept that and forgive him, and move on.
HELENA: Why are we just sitting here and doing nothing? I will never forgive him! I have to get him back. I will, too! He deserves it.
PSYCHIATRIST: I need you to tell me this; it's very important. Are you listening?
PSYCHIATRIST: Have you been noticing anything different happening to you over the past three months?
HELENA: What do you mean?
PSYCHIATRIST: Seeing things that aren't there, hearing things when no one's around, or just being in a confused and disoriented state?
HELENA: How should I know? If you think I'm crazy, well, I'm not!
PSYCHIATRIST: No, dear, no one thinks you're crazy. You just need to let someone know if something strange is happening to you that makes you frightened or that you can't explain.
HELENA: Then here's something: Nothing seems right any more now that Kristy's gone.
PSYCHIATRIST: So you are confused and disoriented?
HELENA: What? No! I mean that everything is wrong now. I'm not interested in doing anything. I'm not hungry any more, and all I ever do now is just sit in my room and stare at the wall. I feel like I'm in a nightmare and I can't wake up. Whenever I close my eyes, all I can see is blood! It scares me more than anything. And I keep getting mad at my parents for no reason at all! I'm even mad right now, and I don't really know why.
PSYCHIATRIST: I see...those are symptoms of severe depression. Have you ever felt the need to harm yourself in any way? That you can't feel anything emotionally, so you want to feel something on the outside?
HELENA: I don't even know what you're talking about! I just feel so sad all the time that I can't do anything any more. I just don't care!
PSYCHIATRIST: Okay, I think it's time we called in your parents now. Do they know about any of this?
HELENA: I don't know. I don't pay attention to them any more.
Act 1, Scene 3

[Scene goes back to present day, at a group therapy session in the mental institute that Helena, Sam, and other patients are attending.]

DOCTOR: Okay everyone, this week we are going to share what we've been thinking about lately, and our current emotions. Who would like to go first?
RACHEL: What are you all doing here in my home?
BEN: Snickers.
RACHEL: Who are you? Get out!
DOCTOR: This is not your home, Rachel. This is a hospital and we are trying to heal you. Now, who would like to share? What about you, Helena?
HELENA: What now? Whatever it is, I'm not falling for your conspiracy this time.
DOCTOR: So you're feeling as if you are being tricked, is that it?
HELENA: I won't tell you a thing. You will only use it against me.
DOCTOR: How would I do that? Why would I do that? I'm only here to help you. So, please tell me, how have you been feeling lately? Is there something you need to get out here in the open that will relieve you?
HELENA: Glares at the doctor and keeps her mouth shut.
DOCTOR: Sighs. Well... Ben. What have you got to say today?
BEN: Just that this place is my living hell, and I don't belong here. I'm not insane or 'mentally ill' and you know it.
DOCTOR: Okay... Jots down more notes in his patients' progress journal.
SAM: Stands up and throws her chair at Ben.
BEN: What was that for? Doctor, if I hadn't moved out of the way, she could have hurt me!
SAM: I don't like your tone. You're no better than any of us!
DOCTOR: Calm down! You are getting worked up over nothing! Sam, that was hardly appropriate. Why did you do that?
SAM: My mother told me to. Can't you see her standing right here beside me? And where is my seat? This is so annoying!
BEN: Maybe you should look for it over here, where you tried to throw it at my head!
SAM: Don't speak to my mother that way! You are so rude you make me want to choke! You're lucky I don't come over there and rip your head off!
BEN: Then come and try it, you'll just be lugged off to Ward C, where all the homicidal murderers are kept who are probably tortured daily!
SAM: Exactly! That's why I won't do it, you nit wit! You have some anger issue problems!
BEN: Really? I'm not the one who just threw a chair at someone! What are you playing at?
DOCTOR: This has gone far enough, all of you! This session is over, we'll try again tomorrow. Everyone will be escorted to their rooms, now.
HELENA: Finally, I can get away from you all and your stupid obnoxious shouting. Just shut up!

[Helena runs angrily out of the room, and a nurse quickly follows after her.]
I've finished writing the play already, I'll post the rest soon.
You've never had to crawl, you've never had to see,
what it feels like to be so trapped underneath

the weight of someone's world, comes crashing down on me

I was longing to be free, I put the bullet in you and me

This is my farewell to you and I,
this will all end in tragedy

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Points: 4933
Reviews: 45
Fri Jun 11, 2010 8:13 am
skutter11 says...

Wow, yhis pert of the play is powerful! I felt real empathy for the characters and it is well written. The image of the murder scene and the aftermath stays in the mind for a long time. You are a skilled scriptist and I hope to see the rest of this script very soon,

Skutter11 :smt002
"Madness rides the Star wind"

HP Lovecraft. Ironic, no?

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Fri Jun 11, 2010 3:23 pm
x3CoFx3 says...

Thanks :)
You've never had to crawl, you've never had to see,
what it feels like to be so trapped underneath

the weight of someone's world, comes crashing down on me

I was longing to be free, I put the bullet in you and me

This is my farewell to you and I,
this will all end in tragedy

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32 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 5705
Reviews: 32
Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:42 am
x3CoFx3 says...

I posted the next scene. http://www.youngwriterssociety.com/topic65323.html
You've never had to crawl, you've never had to see,
what it feels like to be so trapped underneath

the weight of someone's world, comes crashing down on me

I was longing to be free, I put the bullet in you and me

This is my farewell to you and I,
this will all end in tragedy

I’ll marry the finest banana in the galaxy for you.
— Tuckster