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Tue Sep 16, 2008 5:35 pm
DaughterofZion says...

Thank you!

The Forgotten Sin
Scene 1
As the credits show( Alarm goes off and camera sees Chris’ hand slap the alarm. Then shows from other side of bed as he throws back the comforter and rolls out of bed. Camera then shows his bare feet on the floor, and he wiggles his toes and then hear two loud cracks as he cracks his neck. The screen goes black and you hear a click as he turns on the bathroom light and you then see him through the mirror with his bed head and day old beard. You watch from the mirror as he brushes his teeth and gets ready for work. When finished he takes one last look in the mirror and thinks, as he winks at himself,)
Chris) I am soooo good look’n!
Then whips on his sun glasses, and slams the door behind him. Camera walks down the stairs and can hear a beautiful voice singing cheerfully in the kitchen. The camera continues till they can see the singer standing in the kitchen moving between the sink and the stove. Camera then shows Chris as he walks in the doorway.
“Good Morning.“ His wife says with a smile.
You can see a plate of hot sausage and biscuits waiting at the table for him, but he glances at his watch
“I’m late.” He responds.
As he grabs his coffee that is waiting for him on the counter she says, “Chris, Sunday is Easter, will you go to church with the children and me?”
He gets upset and snaps. “When are you going to stop hounding me about that stuff?! All you ever say to me is ‘Let’s go to church!’
As he storms towards the door and heads out to his car, he can hear her say: “I love you honey.” He just slams the door without another word.
His wife kneels beside her kitchen chair folds her hands and prays: “Lord, keep him in the palm of your hand today.”

Scene 2

Shows his car speeding on his way to work. Once the traffic clears, he glances out the window and sees a lady with way too much make-up on, but he thinks she’s pretty, so he tips down his sunglasses and watches her for a second. They then stop at a red light, and exchange phone numbers. He winks and revved his engine, and takes off as the light turns green. He parks at office and walks in.

Scene 3
The Boss stops Chris and asks him to come into his office. He comes in and the door closes.
Boss] Chris, I haven’t yet received the project I asked for 2 days ago.
Chris] Oh, um, I gave it to Jamie to finalize. I’ll have it for you by tomorrow. [camera shows his crossed fingers behind his back]
Boss] [skeptically] All right.
He goes back to his cubicle and dials the pretty lady’s phone number.
“Brittney? Hey! How about dinner? Saturday night? Great!”

Scene 4
Shows close-up of clock as the time passes. Finally it’s 5pm and Chris races out of the office.

The Next morning the camera show s him in his car on the way to work.
Chris] I’m sick of working Saturdays! If it weren’t for the boss’s stupid report…!
He is interrupted by his phone ringing.
Chris] yeah.
Wife on the other end] Hi honey, how long are you going to be? I’m making your favorite for dinner tonight.
Chris with a tinge of guilt] Oh, no. I guess I forgot to tell you! I have a dinner meeting tonight, so I won’t be home till late. I’m really sorry. I’ll make it up to you, okay?
Wife with hesitation] oh, well, if you really meant that, the children and I are going to church tomorrow for Easter Sunday. (pause) Chris, your never home anymore. I miss you. The Children miss you too.
Chris Quickly changing the subject] Alright I’ll go with you tomorrow. I really got to go. Bye.

Camera shows Chris in the office bathroom combing his hair and putting on a “cooler” shirt.
As he walks out of the office building and flip out his phone and dials Brittney’s number.
Chris] Hey Brittney, We’re still on for six right? Great. See you soon.

Scene 5

He wakes up the next morning and turns over to see his wife in the bathroom getting ready for church. She looks beautiful, and he feels guilty for his “dinner meeting” last night. He drags himself out of bed and manages to throw on a collared shirt.
He goes to church with the wife and kids and wife is very happy and cheerful. They get to church and find a seat towards the middle. HE sits on the aisle so he can easily get up and leave if he needs to. The preacher begins his sermon.
“ Most of you came here today expecting to get some heartwarming story about the love of Christ. You expected to hear about how God loved you so much that he would suffer so much for you. And most of you expected to leave here feeling fuzzy warm and happy. Well, if that’s the reason you came here today, then your in the wrong church. How many of you like to get a pay check? Let me see your hands. (hands go up all over the church. With a couple of vocal affirmatives. Chris smiles and raises his hand thinking, this may not be so bad after all.) Today I’m here to tell you that you are going to hell. You say pastor, how can this be? You just told me that money is your god. That’s the first commandment. Now, I would like to see how many of you called your parents this past week? What was the last thing you said about your parents? The fifth commandment is to honor your parents. Have you ever told a lie? Yes, most of us have. Do you realize that that one lie condemns you to hell? All of us have sinned one way or the other over the years. That means that all of us here today are guilty and worthy of death in the eyes of a Righteous God! Each and every last one of us is heading to hell!
But this, is where the good news comes in. Jesus Christ, two thousand years ago, died for your sins, for my sins. But that doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want and use his grace as an excuse for your conscience.
You could die on the way home from church today. You don’t have endless time. You need to get your life right with God right now. Come down to the alter and get your life right.
Chris squirms in his seat for a minute and then heads down the aisle to the alter. He begins to weep and his wife kneels beside him.
Scene 6
Chris and wife are in their bedroom at home and he says
Chris] We need to talk.
She sits down on the bed and he kneels before her. They begin to talk, and music plays over their silent words as the main character asks for forgiveness from his wife.
Chris] Honey, I’ve been so wrong. I’ve been a terrible father, and an even worse husband. I’m so sorry! I have given my life to Jesus now, and he will give me the grace to improve.
Scene 7
The next morning, he comes down to his usual breakfast, but today he has time to eat it.
Wife] good morning dear.
Chris winks] Good morning.
Chris sits down and lays his napkin across his lap. Suddenly he hears the pit-pat of little feet running down the hall. His oldest son slides into the kitchen on his socks with his little brother on his shirt tail. When they see their dad they stop and there is a moment of awkward silence. Then Chris smiles at them. They giggle and sit down as they scoot their chairs closer to his. His wife sits down and Chris takes a bite and then looks up to see his family staring at him. He bows his head sheepishly and they say a prayer. Chris takes a few bites and slurps down his coffee and heads out to the car.
Scene 8
On the highway, Chris start to go over the speed limit but then he sees the speed limit sign and slows down.
Scene 9
Camera shows clock at 1:30, lunch time. As he’s walking out the door one of his coworkers stops him.
Co Worker] Hey, we have a meeting at two, you have to be on time for this one!
Chris] I know, Lee, I know, I’ll be back by two. I promise.
Dips to black
Scene 10
On his way to back to work, Chris is parked at a stoplight and a lady in a convertible pulls up next to him. He glances out of the corner of his eye, then he catches himself and stares straight ahead as he rubs his wedding ring. When the light turns green she speeds off, but Chris just moves forward. Camera shows a clock and it’s 2:05, the lady cuts him off and then slows down to a ridiculous pace! Chris gets frustrated and hit his horn. Clock shows 2:08. He starts to pass in a no-passing zone. Clock starts to flash 2:10. A voice says “It’s time.” Fades to black, you hear ambulance sirens.

Scene 11
Chris is sitting inside the courtroom. (his suit is ruffled)
He is confused. Then out walks the emcee and announces
MC) All rise! The honorable God Almighty presiding.
Chris looks on in astonishment as a figure of light enters the room and sits in the judgment seat. Then in walks the prosecuting attorney (Satan) and the trail begins.
MC) [pulls out a long list and begins to read] The defendant is charged with: Pride, lying, wicked conceptions, adultery and laziness.
Chris is shocked.
MC] The court is underway. prosecuting team, you may proceed.
Satan rises from his seat and begins to read from a list.] on January 2nd, you consciously lied about a report you had avoided for months.
Chris] yeah, but that’s under the blood of Jesus! I repented of my sin!
Satan flips the page irritably.
Satan] would you like to tell us what you where thinking at lunch that same day, when your lunch was ordered wrong?
Chris] no, but that’s under the blood too!
Satan gets even more irritated.
Satan] How about this, that night you had a “dinner date” with a woman you met at a stoplight?!
Chris turns to the judge] Yes, guilty Lord! But I claim the blood!
Satan gets very angry and slams his book down on the table.
MC] Well, Lucifer, since you cannot prove him guilty, I proclaim him…
Satan] Wait! There’s one more. A forgotten sin!
Chris is worried.
Satan] Where were you on January 5th 2009 at 2:05 pm?
Chris] January 5th? That’s today!
Satan gives him a look of impatience and he answers] in my car.
Satan] And what were you doing in your car?
Chris] Driving.
Satan] Roll the tape!
On a screen, there is a flashback of Chris getting angry at the lady.
Satan turns to God and says] This clearly shows that according to your law, this man is a murderer! A crime punishable by death!
the MC] It is true Lord, (Bible Verse) Does the defendant have any comments?
Chris] stuttering] I…forgot! I forgot!
The MC glances towards the throne of God and then says
MC] According to the evidence shown in this courtroom, the Judge finds you guilty.
Chris bows his head and begins to weep realizing that he is going to hell.] I forgot. I forgot!
Then a kind voice says] I will give him a second chance.

Show a picture with lighting and Jesus on the cross.
Fades to black
Scene 12
Main wakes up in a hospital room. His wife is praying over him. He says his wife’s name and she squeezes his hand saying over and over] we thought we lost you. We thought we lost you! You kept saying, I forgot, I forgot, and then you stopped breathing!
Chris strokes her hair] Jesus saved me. He gave me another chance.

Clock shows 3...2...1...flashes. “Do you have a Forgotten Sin?”

(C) Amber Schamel 2008 Please email me any comments amberschamel@yahoo.com

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Tue Apr 27, 2010 7:04 pm
Ecrivain says...

This reads more like a story than a script. I suggest you google some film script websites ["Simply Scripts" is a great source], read a section or two, and try to adapt this to a script format.

That aside, I think that this film script reads more like a sermon than a script. i think you could flesh out the dramatic and secular aspects a lot more and not focus on the moral so much.

Other than those two things, it's good! Keep writing! :)
Take off your vest, you look like Aladdin!

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Tue Apr 27, 2010 9:07 pm
Hydey says...

This had great moral value and It really caught my attention! I do agree with Ecrivain, you do need to revise how your script is set up and emphasize the drama within the characters. Overall, I loved it. :)
“Take one fresh and tender kiss
Add one stolen night of bliss
One girl, one boy, some grief,
some joy Memories are made of this.”
Johnny Cash

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Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:05 pm
BenFranks says...

This was originally posted in 2008. Please try to refrain from bumping old posts. However, if the author would like this thread unlocked, please PM me.

It’s not unorthodox, I thought it was beautiful.
— Jimi Hendrix