
Young Writers Society

The Rejects

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Tue Dec 03, 2013 8:31 pm
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AdventurerDaniel says...

Plot: You're a superhero which is great for you fighting crime and such but as it were no crime fighting team wants you. As a registered superhero you must be part of a government regulated team in order to fight crime without being arrested as a vigilante. After several applications being returned with polite no thank yous and several failed auditions for different teams you're now stuck working your day job helpless to stop crime.

Where The Rejects Come In: After returning home one day from your job you receive a letter in the mail.

Dear Current Resident,

We have heard news of your super powers and would request you come to this address Cypress Ridges 1037, Cleveland, Ohio to join the greatest super hero team the world has ever known. Arrive no later than 9:00 p.m.

Sincerely the Rejects.
With nothing to lose you go to the address expecting the worse you arrive to see a few people mingling and one man standing on a balcony preparing to speak.

Profile Template
Spoiler! :
Age: 21-37, even you'd like your character to be younger just send me a PM.
Alias: This is a farce/satire so your alias can be cliche as possible
Appearance: Pictures aren't required.
Costume: Once again pictures aren't required.
History: Here's where the comedy can begin either with your not so tragic back story or avoid comedy and just go with your past leading up to becoming a hero.
Super Power/ Method of Combat: If it's a power make it strange, cliche, or unexpected the same applies to method of combat.
Flaws: This can be what kept you off a regular super hero team
Up for Love:

1. No Godmodding easy as that just don't do it we're all here to have fun.
2. Try and keep it light a few dark spots are perfectly fine but the goal is to try and be funny.
3.Nobody can kill off another persons character without their permission.
4. If you would like to be a supervillain make sure you make the character completely over the top.
5.The limit of powers your character can have is two and please make sure that some one else does not already have said power.
6. Last and really least please place your character to the right in create a character.

Spoiler! :
Our heroes.
1. Johnson Jack (Adventurer Daniel)
2.Female Telekinetic (Iggy)
3.Female (thelostone)
Our Villains
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

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Mon Dec 09, 2013 9:18 pm
AdventurerDaniel says...

Johnson Jack A.K.A. Hipster Man- Rejects H.Q.

I paced back and forth slowly looking at the clock that hung above the door 8:59 almost show time. I strode on to the second floors balcony and lit a cigar looking down towards the door 5, other people had shown up. Not exactly huge numbers but it would have to do, I strode forward hands on the railing and prepared to speak. "Welcome everyone, to Rejects Head Quarters. You all are here as you received a letter in the mail requesting your presence."

"Um, yeah about that how did you get our addresses to send those letters anyway or info that," the young man dressed all in black, I assumed he was Black Hawk gestured to the others around him, "any of us were superheroes."

"Well it's simple as the team leader and founding member of a hero team I was given special clearance." I looked around, "All of you have applied to be members of a superhero team but for one reason or another were rejected. Just like me. That's why I founded this team to give a home to all of those rejected by the more classic super hero teams."

"So you named the team the Rejects?" A short chubby girl I guessed was Loki asked.

I scratched my head at the question, "Well that's what we all are isn't it?" I had a clipboard with my planned speech on it and an agenda we'd essentially reached the end, "Okay well that was essentially orientation each of you will find a map with your room marked and your name labeled. Once inside you'll find your custom costumes," some people seemed to complain at this, "trust me even I'm getting a wardrobe update. Once changed return here and we'll prepare for a first patrol as a team to get a sort of feel for each other."
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

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Tue Dec 10, 2013 12:59 am
Messenger says...

Mitch Hawkins, Alias: Blackhawk

20 minutes earlier. Downtown at the Bingham National Bank

Mitch pressed the "Level 20" button and the elevator door shut. The sensation of falling, or lifting, whichever you preferred to call it, felt normal to him, although for most it was quite a feeling. The door slid opened and made a small bing noise.

Mitch stepped out, dressed in a black tuxedo. He walked forward. The large room, with expensive carpet, decorative small trees, and flowers lined the walls, giving the room a slight feeling of being outside. A long counter, wooden, with a metal top was where the cashiers worked. There was virtually no one in the room at the moment.

Mitch looked past the counted to the all-glass wall at the far end of the room. Skyscrapers loomed, lighted up at various rooms. It was dark outside, and the bank was going to close soon. Mitch walked over to one of the two water fountains on the left side of the room.

The elevator opened and he ducked behind one of the fake trees. Seven masked men walked in, armed with automatics pistols and machine guns.

"On the ground!" one of them shouted.

They were all dressed in business attire, all in grey suits, grey pants, red shirt, white tie. Mitch watched as the men advanced the counter. There were two doors on other side of the room, and a person from each room stepped out. Two woman, two men.

"Shut your mouths and get on the ground! You," the man shouting said, pointing at a man on the right, "open the safe!"

The man shakily nodded and re-entered the room he had come from, followed by four of the masked men. Mitch sighed. This should be easy. But you can never get cocky. Too risky.

He slid the two pistols from his vest pockets, then rammed the two clips into them. He chambered the bullets and stepped out form behind the tree. The four bandits in site were keeping everyone on the ground, right in front of the counter.

He aimed at the first two bandits, backs to him. "Drops the weapons boys," he said in a gritty voice.

The first two dropped their weapons, but the second, both of which were facing him, fired. Mitch dove to the ground, squeezing both riggers as he did. The two firing bandits went down with screams of pain. The other two grabbed their automatics pistols up and dove over the counter.

"Run for the elevator!" Mitch yelled. The employees of the bank took off and were out of the room in seconds. Mitch pulled himself up, watching the door to the right where the other four bandits had gone.

Mitch felt the adrenaline coursing through his veins. He stepped back two feet, then got a running start and dove over the desk, twisting to face it as he did. The two bandits eyes grew wide as he sailed over them. Mitch fired before they could aim their weapons.

He landed on his back, using his momentum to do a flip. He dropped on his feet, facing the doorway where the four bandits had gone. One of them stood in the doorway, machine gun leveled. Mitch dove farther to the side. The bullets ripped through the opposite side of the room.

Sirens blared down below. Mitch had to finish this. He hurried to the right wall. The doorway was eight feet to his left. He scooted up within three feet, then dropped to his knees. As he expected, the rifle barrel came out a few seconds later, belching out bullets. They soared over Mitch and shattered part of the glass wall behind him.

Taking no time to wait, he slid past the doorway on his side, squeezing of six shots as he did. The bandit fell onto the carpet, dead. Mitch stood, back to the wall. He could hear the three remaining bandits in their shuffling around. A voice shouted: "Let us get out of here or this guy will die!"

Mitch had expected it. He pulled a grenade from his suit jacket, and placed on the floor. "Alright, I'm leaving!"

He stepped to the elevator, dashed in, pressed a random level button, then shot back out the doors before they closed. He ran to the left side of the room where he crouched, getting a clear view of the doorway where the bandits would come out.

A full minute passed before they walked out. The young man was sweating bad, his blond hair was mess ans his tie was hanging out of his suit. Mitch walked them all step out, watching every angle. Mitch slid back into the room farther. He peered out and saw that they were passed the grenade. The young man was in the front, clear of the grenades blast.

Mitch aimed and fired. The grenade exploded, sending two of the three bandits to the ground and to their deaths. The third swung around. Mitch shot out of the door, leaping from the ground flying into him with full impact. The two crashed into the the wall, knocking the bandits weapon from his hand.

Mitch grabbed him, turned him to the glass wall and ran him straight at it. He picked his feet up and began to fly. They shattered the glass. Mitch let go of the bandit. He began plummeting to the ground below.

Mitch smiled as the wind rushed at him. He held his arms out, guiding his way down. The ground drew closer and closer. Mitch turned to the bandit and caught him. The ground came within twenty feet. Mitch pulled up. They landed softly. Mitch gave the bandit and a roundhouse kick, knocking him out, then began running down the street. His feet barely touched the ground as the wind rushed by him. He shoved his pistols back into his pocket as he gained speed. Then he dove.

His feet left the ground and he was flying. He soared up, past cars, all the way to the top of skyscrapers, and then flew to his apartment. He dropped down, landing on the ground, rolling on his roof, then softly dropping to his doorstep. A note hung on the doorknob.

The Rejects

Twenty minutes later

Mitch stood, looking up at the large man in the balcony. He had just been given instructions to find his room and change into his new costume. He wondered what it would be like. He called up, "What do the costumes look like? I'm not too fond of all this."

"Hipster Man" didn't smile. "You'll see them if you go to your room."

"I'm not going anywhere yet. What do they look like?"

"Isn't that a rather petty thing to be talking about?" Hipster man replied.

"What do they look like?" Mitch didn't mind the change so much as the principle. He wanted to know what was going on, and who this dude was. He wasn't just going to go change into a costume, something he didn't know what it looked like, just because this man told him too.

Spoiler! :
I know most of this wasn't where you start @AdventurerDaniel, but I wanted to have some of his fighting skills displayed.

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Tue Dec 10, 2013 9:35 pm
EllaBliss says...

Hikaru, alias Sensai Star
Outside Rejects HQ, looking up at the balcony

The man walked onto the balcony, placing his hands on the railing, getting ready to speak. "Welcome everyone, to Rejects Head Quarters. You all are here as you received a letter in the mail requesting your presence."

"Um, yeah about that how did you get our addresses to send those letters anyway or info that," a young man said as he gestured to the others around him. "Any of us were superheroes."

"Well it's simple as the team leader and founding member of a hero team I was given special clearance." The man looked around, "All of you have applied to be members of a superhero team but for one reason or another were rejected. Just like me. That's why I founded this team to give a home to all of those rejected by the more classic super hero teams."

"So you named the team the Rejects?" asked a short chubby girl near the back.

"Well that's what we all are isn't it?" answered the man. He said his speech. "Okay well that was essentially orientation each of you will find a map with your room marked and your name labeled. Once inside you'll find your custom costumes, trust me even I'm getting a wardrobe update. Once changed return here and we'll prepare for a first patrol as a team to get a sort of feel for each other." I groaned a little bit.

"What do the costumes look like? I'm not too fond of all this," said a man I think was named Mitch.

"You'll see them if you go to your room," said the man on the balcony.

"I'm not going anywhere yet. What do they look like?"

"Isn't that a rather petty thing to be talking about?"

"What do they look like?" was the last thing I heard before I grabbed a map and went to my room.
Oh, I'm such a fool! I can't be free!
No escape from the storm inside of me!
I can’t control the curse!
Please, you’ll only make it worse!
There’s so much fear! You’re not safe here!

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Wed Dec 11, 2013 3:47 pm
kayfortnight says...

Athena Minerva, alias Loki
Her room, Rejects HQ

I head into HQ and spot the map immediately upon entering. Hard not to-it's on a large screen covering the entirety of the far wall. But first I turn around in place, observing the situation.

The room is fairly ordinary-large, but simply furnished with a few couches for us to sit and talk on, and the flooring probably isn't too expensive. Probably a limited budget, unlike some of the big teams out there that save the world daily, and our new leader was smart enough to spend it on equipment. And apparently coordinating costumes. Well, no one's perfect.

I glance at the map, wondering who I was sharing this place with. I probably won't know any of them-people rejected from teams were usually paid no attention by the media, and in my job, I had been studying mainly high-profile supers, like Superman. The names on the board...Sensai Star, Zero, Blackhawk, Manipulator, and Emily Jane. Nothing familiar, like I expected. Then I freeze as I read the alias of our leader. I hadn't caught his name earlier...Hipster Man.

Long hours bending over vials of blood and dripping it on slides, trying to separate out what made these people so special. They had even studied a sample of my own blood. Then there was that sample from a Cleveland hospital. Some dude with superspeed. My employers said he was trying to become a superhero. Hipster man.

I glance up the board quickly, trying to find my room so I can think about this alone. [i]Room 202, Loki.[/] I head up a flight of stairs and duck into the second room I saw. Simple twin bed, dresser, and desk with a computer.

Great. I know half my team leader's genetic secrets. Still don't know what they were trying to do with them...They told me they wanted to replicate the super gene so they can give ordinary people who do good superpowers, but I left so I could find out if they were doing more. I need to get on that computer and work on finding more about my future job, but first...

I pull upon the top drawer on the dresser, and remove my uniform. "Cool. I get a cape." Fairly simplistic in design-my powers aren't the type that can be aided with gadgets. Flowing black cape of some tightly woven material I suspected was bullet-proof and large enough to wrap around myself if I was shot at, lightweight, easy to move in clothes, and a convenient pocket where I could store my phone that also served as a microcomputer. I frown and furrow my brow. How in hell did he get my size?
Last edited by kayfortnight on Thu Dec 12, 2013 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.
This account proudly supports lgbt* rights.

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Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:02 pm
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Ossum says...

Arou Whiteskreim / Zero

Walked up after he saw that everyone else had departed. Grabbing what looked to be a map of the place. What was it the guy on the balcony said, a costume? Alright, costumes weren't so bad I suppose. As the last of the small handful of people left the area Arou walked up to the man on the balcony.

Strapped to his waste is a long scabbard etched with the same tattoo that runs down the length of his body. Black with a shimmering purple haze to it. A couple daggers with like marking on their scabbards run around the backside of his belt. Two hand gun's sit locked in custom made holsters on the outside portions of his calves just above his brown boots. His white button up was halfway unbuttoned and grease marks covered the right side of his chest. Stretching up to his chin, and having left a small trace on his hands. A red hand towel hung out of his back pocket and had the obvious look of being used for the purpose of wiping grease off hands. A pair of torn, dark blue jeans and some leather gloves was only complimented by his casual grin and laughing eyes.

"Hey, um..." he started kind of awkwardly. In his walk over he hadn't thought of a thing to say to the guy. "My friend got this letter in the mail, said I should swing by and come see what you guys are on about."

Arou's brow eyes darted left and right underneath his lock of golden brown hair, as he scanned the area around him. IT was bigger than the auto shop that was for sure, and bigger than his buddy's place that was for sure to. If the man was speaking at that precise moment Arou didn't hear him. He was to busy looking at the area, the trees, the bugs, the building, the floors, the windows and how one was open and inside he could see the woman changing inside. With a flick of his wrist he closed the curtains and looked back at the man.

"Sorry, you say something? No worries, I'll just take this," Arou grabbed a map of the place and went to go to his room, "The Rejects, huh... sounds fun, I'll join you guys." he said absent minded to the man as he walked away. "Name's Arou by the way, but I guess you'll just call me Zero. See you soon."

And he walked off. Did the guy say something, he couldn't hear it. Eh, get to him when he gets back,
Never give up on yourself or others.
Fight for what is in your heart, not in your head.
And if it all comes down to it,
Die on your feet before yo live on your knees.

Chin up, shoulders back, smile on.

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Thu Jan 02, 2014 4:05 am
Pan says...

Rose Adams/ Thorn

The guy ranted about how we were all rejects, yada yada. It was really boring. Okay, so not THAT boring, but still.

After I received my map, I set to the task of finding my room. It was marked as the farthest from the meeting area. As I trekked to my room, I found myself looking to the walls, staring at the pictures of famous super heroes as I passed them. I smiled slightly as I looked at Captain Know-it-All, the smartest man, or mutant, alive.

I quickly found my room and stepped inside, my short blonde hair falling in my face. I located the wardrobe and removed the suit. I was thrilled to find a shorter red dress with a black 'T' on it. I smiled at it and looked at the shoes that sat beneath it- plain black heels, the actual heels looking wicked sharp. I snorted and glanced at the utility belt that hung next to it, an assortment of cans in a crate. Then, I decided to explore the room.

Leaving that for the moment, I looked around the room. My bags were piled up on the bed. I took in the large room before turning to the wardrobe and grabbing the costume.

I felt like a little kid. Putting on this costume and going to fight crime. I never imagined it would happen, because literally all of the Leagues and groups didn't want me to join. Because my power is 'instable.'

I can control it for the most part! I have no idea what they're talking about!

Okay, so there was the time when I ruined the extremely important mission to retrieve General X's special formula from Jedd. I was so psyched because I got to work with Kimi and Incredible Snowman that I accidentally spilled the formula on me. I was green for a week.

Anyways, I always thought that I would live a normal life, get a husband, have kids.

But then after a failed date, I come home to a note on my door telling me to show up here. I still have on the little black dress. Well, I did.

The outfit clung to my skin (seriously how did this guy get my record. It's creepy..) and I put the belt around my waist, then placed a few of the cans in the loops and put on the red rimmed goggles from around my neck. I placed my hair into a ponytail and looked at myself in the mirror. I twirled, stuck my tongue out, and left the room, following the map back to the meeting room/reception area.

"Time to meet everyone else." I sighed, as I entered the large room.
Last edited by Pan on Fri Jan 10, 2014 3:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Formerly 'PenAndSword'

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Fri Jan 10, 2014 5:20 am
Messenger says...


Mitch had gotten no response from the buff man, and decided to finally check out the suit. He made his way down a hallway, lined with expensive carpet and strong doors every ten feet. H spied one with his name on it, and turned the brass knob. The door opened silently and he stepped in, feeling for a light switch. He found it and flicked it on. Th sight stopped him short.

In a big glass case hung a black suit. It was all black, including the cape that hung behind it. It had a utility belt loaded with his weapons, and he spied a black box at the foot of the suit. He saw a scanner on the front of the case. It looked like the shape of a hand. He pressed his left hand into it, and the scanner read it. Then the glass case hissed and opened slowly.

Mitch pulled out the suit, taking in the rest of his surroundings. There was a large bed to his right, a window directly in front of him, and a large bathroom to his left. He tossed the suit, cape, and case on the bed. First he went for the case, snapping it open. To his pleasure, it held a collapsible sniper rifle, much like the one he owned. Beside it sat a pair of black boots.

He examined the cape next. It was made of a black cloth, light, but it had a roughness to it. He spied a little communicator in the left shoulder, as well as a little red button, and a sign next to it that read :
Warning! High voltage!

High voltage? Mitch decided he should try the stuff on. He quickly switched pants, changing from jeans to comfortable black cargo pants. He felt the two tomahawks on his pant legs. It felt right. Normal, to have those here. He then pulled on the holster. Two pistols were tucked in it. He pulled on the vest, which was loaded with bullet clips. It also had a grenade on either. Shoulder. Everything was like before.

Finally came the cape. He pulled it over, seeing it had an elastic strap around the neck, versus having to tie it. I felt a little different then usual. The cape had a stiffness to it almost. He decided to push the red button, tensing to see if a million watts would shoot through him. He heard a small whir and felt the cape tighten and stiff. But besides that it didn't seem different.

He quickly slipped on the boots, happy that they fit perfectly, and tied them. He saw a knife strapped to the side of each one. He smiled. That was a new addition. He scooped up the two-foot long rifle case.

He was impressed to see that everything was just his size. Satisfied that he was ready, he left the room, grabbing the contents the man had given him. He didn't remember where to go, so he headed straight back for the room he had entered. He could hear people in the rooms he passed. More superheroes he supposed.

He entered the room and saw that no one one their. He sat on one of the couches, waiting patiently As he waited he mulled over what was going on. He wondered what this would be like. Was he just going to do more superhero work. Actually, he didn't trust thee big dude that much. Sure he had given Mitch a new suit, but had barely explained what was going on. Until he did, Mitch was neutral with him.

He didn't like the whole idea of being a "Reject" anyway. It was a stupid name. He had been rejected from plenty of superhero agencies, why did he now have to join another agencies called the Rejects. It was stupid really. The more Mitch thought of it, the less he liked it. No one emerged into the room and he finally decided he would leave.

He was about to head for his room when he heard footsteps and saw a person walk into the room, dressed in a dark red suit with a big T on it. She had some strange can things on her Mitch couldn't help but laugh as he walked by her.

"What kind of a suit is that?" he mumbled, walking past her.

He heard her snarl. Maybe that hadn't been such a good thing to say. than again, he had a right to speak his mind.

"You watch what you say!" he heard her reply.

And she had a right to fight back.

The quote generator! That's a genius idea.
— Necromancer14