
Young Writers Society

Shadow of the Defender

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Sat Oct 12, 2013 4:26 pm
Redfang18 says...

"We all have our own sense of justice. It's what defines us as what we are. However, it's how we use justice that defines our lives as humans. Whatever kind of justice we believe in, that's the true definition of heroism."

Spoiler! :
This was a philosophy that some have taken to heart, but defined it in their own way. Two fractions of the same continent are aware of each other, but they consider themselves as heroes and the other side as villains. What they don't know is that there's an ultimate evil waiting for them, an evil that would force the two heroic fractions to join together and defend the earth of which they stand. For now, the fractions are at each other's throats in the name of their own justice. Everyone has their own style of justice, but soon enough the chaos will end and the final battle will bring it all together. Welcome to the world of Balance, where the fractions are not good nor evil, but yin and yang.

On one side are the Defenders, individuals with modern style techniques. Some of them are techno-savvy, others specialize in combat or a mixture of both. Not every Defender has the same tactics as a fellow Defender. One could use old-fashioned weaponry that's been modernized, while another could use hand-made gadgetry and technology to get the job done. Each Defender has his or her own name made as a hero in their own respective territories, but they always do their hardest to keep their secret identities behind closed doors from those they protect and the opposing side the Defenders consider as enemies. A Defender's work is day in and day out, depending on the activity within their territories.

The other side are the Shadows, much like the Defenders but with more old-fashioned style of combat and secrecy of their own identities. The Shadows have respect towards their fellow Shadows and often work alone or in small groups. A few are techno-savvy and use gadgetry to get their business over with, but the majority uses modern weapons. Everyone has their own sense of justice, but some can be as old-fashioned as during the wild West era. However, it stands clear to some of them that everyone has their own jurisdiction to "play" around in, therefore a Shadow who works alone has its own place to protect while Shadows who work in small groups have multiple places. Some Shadows are bold enough to hide even among the jurisdictions of the Defenders, but the work of a Shadow is always at night, where they're in their own element. It's rumored that some Shadows have befriended some Defenders, but this rumor hasn't been proven by either party since one side considers the other as the enemy.

But the real question is: which side is right and which is wrong? The Defenders and the Shadows have their differences, but no one knows who's right or wrong. They have some common ground, but they don't know what that might be.

Spoiler! :
1. No godmodding whatsoever or else I'm forced to have you kicked out of the SB.
2. Posts have to be two paragraphs minimum, but longer posts are acceptable.
3. Nobody's killing each other off without the character's creator's permission.
4. Relax and have some fun. This is a group effort, after all.
5. Keep swearing to a minimum, but don't use it as a second language.
6. This SB is overseen by Dante and yours truly (Redfang18), so our word is law.
7. OOC posts go to the DT and profiles must be made at the sidebar.
8. Make sure the gender ratio and sides are even.

Profile Template:
Spoiler! :
Alias: (Make it up, pronounce it if you have to.)
Age: (16-26, no higher or lower than those)
Appearance: (Picture is optional, description required)
Costume: (Don't need it, but if you want, be creative!)
History: (No "can't remember" nonesense. Everybody's got to have a history behind what they are.)
Fighting Style/Weapon: (Make it good.)
Arch-nemesis: (There's one in every crowd, but there's got to be a reason behind it.)
Up for love:
Flaws: (Face it, everybody's got flaws. Many little flaws or one great big one to counter balance Strengths.)

Spoiler! :

Spots can be added and removed as needed, but please if there are more people on one side than the other, we will have to ask you to take that side. Then we will start adding as we need to.
Last edited by Redfang18 on Sun Nov 10, 2013 9:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Thu Nov 07, 2013 5:12 pm
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Redfang18 says...

Spoiler! :
Anybody who wants to join beyond this point will still have to use "Create a character" to post their profiles. All OOC posts go to the DT. Violation of the rules will result in exile from this SB, so have fun, but watch where you're stepping. That said, let us begin.

Ash Silver Honora - Prowling (Nightfall/Almost midnight)

Dressed in my costume, I prowled through my jurisdiction, maintaining absolute silence as I snuck around. The city was at its most active at night, full of excited Shadows and overworked Defenders. Just the kind of activity I had grown used to since Cinderella and I moved here to live with our paternal uncle. Although fellow Shadows were grateful that they had me as another ninja, it's been rumored about me that I might be a Defender by mistake. Mistake or not, I was a Shadow through and through, born a Shadow and will die a Shadow.

I groaned softly when I felt a sharp pain on my left shoulder. Whether Arron - my intellectual equal and figurative little brother - knew it or not, I had once crossed paths with a Defender and the scar on my shoulder - a wound from an arrow - was proof of my boldness in sneaking around in Defender territory. I never knew the name of the Defender archer who shot me, but we both had reminders of our meeting. The archer had one of my small shurikens as a prize along with a wound in the stomach while I sported a wound on the shoulder and kept the arrow that hit me. I had to explain it to Uncle Charles when he first spotted me with my prize stuck on my shoulder. He told me that I should consider myself lucky that the arrow wasn't where my heart was. Although I was alive, much to the benefit of both Arron and my biological sister Cinderella, I still had to suffer pain whenever I was on the prowl at this time of night.

Near midnight was my most comfortable time to prowl through my jurisdiction and sneak into Defender territory just for the fun of it. Although I hated to admit it even to myself, it seems that I have become more of a mother figure to Uncle Charles' adoptive sons - two boys almost half my age - and a big sister figure to Arron. I was rather protective of my family and almost overly possessive of my jurisdiction, in spite of my self-imposed seclusion. I hear movement on the streets, but when I turned around, it was only Arron in his Grey Mist get-up. I sighed and said lowly, "You know I hate it when you sneak up on me like that, little brother. One of these days, you sneaking up on me will be the death of both of us, if a Defender tries to invade my jurisdiction, that is."
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Sat Nov 09, 2013 8:25 am
AlmondEyes says...


I woke in a cold sweat, gasping for air as if I been under water for too long. Pushing back the covers, I moved to sit at the edge of my bed and get my bearings on reality. Another sleepless night was what this seemed to be turning into. I absentmindedly ran a hand through my hair and stood up with a tired sigh to head for the bathroom. Maybe a shower would help my nerves.


Thirty minutes later, i'm completely suited up and ready to head out. There was no use in trying to sleep. It would just be more nightmares. Slinging my bow , I made my way over to the window and look out. A cool breeze glided across my face and I take a deep breath. Sitting on the windowsill, I look out at the night. Silent. Peaceful. Tranquil. Quiet. I look up at the now ripe Moon and close my eyes, thinking of Mom, and how much I missed her.

The door opens behind me, but I don't turn to see who it was. I listened to his foot steps as he came closer, then stopped at my bed. Neither one of us spoke for a moment.

"Going out?" Dad asked.

"Might as well," I shrug. "It's not like i'm going to get any more sleep."

Dad took a step closer, half of his body bathed in moonlight. "What does that make it now? A week since you've gotten a good night's sleep?"

"Sounds about right." I look down at the ground below.

I was five stories up and sitting on the edge. Dad took another step closer, three fourths of his body now visible. I just looked out over the miles of trees, wondering if there would be any trespassers tonight. There was only one way to find out.

"Maybe you should just stay in tonight." Dad suggested. "There are others out there, and they can hold the fort with you for one night."

I smiled sadly to myself. Of course Dad would worry about me, especially since Mom's anniversary was coming soon. He knew how much that day would play over in my head for the rest of my life, that it would always haunt me, and even more so with the day coming so fast. I never said anything.

"Please?" He whispered. "Just this once?"

I shook my head to fight off the painful tears that threatened to spill out. I couldn't do much of anything for anyone but patrol. I was no use for anything else for the time being.

"I can't do anything for myself." I say numbly. "I can't do anything for you. Maybe in time, but not this time."
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Sun Nov 10, 2013 5:27 am
AdventurerDaniel says...

Arron Gasque

"I believe any Defender would be fool hardy to attack either of us." I laughed, "let alone try to kill me." I lowered my scarf to uncover my mouth and smile.

She looked up at me and smiled while shaking her head, "not all of us are androids or wear indestructible clothing." she stood up to hug me. "You're not nearly careful enough you know. Shouldn't you be in your jurisdiction anyway?" I pulled my goggles down off of my hat and raised my hand to function as a control frame for the computer screen in my goggles.

"Police patrols on my main routes and I have my own aerial patrols I have eyes everywhere in my jurisdiction and it's pretty quiet." I looked about Ash's jurisdiction, "something's definitely up, it's way too quiet." I heard gunfire rip through the night air.

Ash looked at me, "I hate it when you're right." as the words left her mouth I threw my coat up blocking more gunfire. "Defenders probably newbies we should probably go easy on them." we both turned around to see our attackers, to say they were garishly dressed would be an understatement.

"We advise you leave Grey Mist and you as well Shadow Ninja Divitra we're taking this as Defender territory." They aimed they're guns at us, "We're giving you the chance now to leave without a fight."

I chuckled a little standing between our attackers and Ash. "Look I can tell you two are clearly new at this so let me explain something." I set my arm to net capture mode and pointed it at them, "You're in way over your head so I advise you run away now."

"We warned you!" they pulled the trigger and I could see the bullets come flying I threw up my scarf to deflect the bullets. I nodded at Ash to be ready. She pulled out some of her shuriken. As soon as the bullets stopped she threw her shuriken knocking away their guns. As soon as they were disarmed I launched the net wrapping them up.

"So Divitra I would say these two have learned their lesson." I laughed as I replaced my oversized scarf.
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

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Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:16 pm
Redfang18 says...

Ash Silver Honora

I went to retrieve my shurikens, glaring at the captive Defenders. Rookies, I thought lowly. Oh how I hate rookies. They think they got it all in the bag, but when they face experienced Shadows, they bite off more than they can chew. Once I put my shurikens in the heel of my boots, I punched one of the captive Defenders in the eye. "Don't bite off more than you can chew, rookies, lest you be bested by someone even slower than yourself." I looked at the other Defender. "This is my jurisdiction and nobody lays a claim on my jurisdiction until I take my last breath. If you know what's good for you, leave this area while Grey Mist and I have mercy on you. The next time you try to take what's mine, you'll be in for a world of great pain." I looked at Arron. "Do me a favor and get these sorry little sacks of dirt out of here. If I ever see them again, I'll kill them with my bare hands." I walked away, leaving Arron to his captives.

Once I was in my lair, I checked on Uncle Charles. He was the legal guardian of both me and Cinderella, so being a Shadow seemed to run in the family. Although he was a Shadow ninja like I was, he was trained in only one discipline while I was trained in more than one. He was more of a retired Shadow, since he had lost the skills needed to handle a bo staff. Regardless, he was what Cinderella needed to be with while I was out at work. I had my mask off at this time, communicating with Uncle Charles via video chat. I asked him, "How's my sister?"

He answered, "Still recovering, but still alive and kicking. She's been asking when are you coming back to read her a story."

I chuckled at this. "I'll be home when I can. Right now, I'm just taking a little break from duty. A couple rookie Defenders tried to take my jurisdiction, but Grey Mist and I dispatched them easy."

Uncle Charles cautioned, "You watch yourself, Ash. The second you let your guard down is the second you lose your life."

I groaned, "Uncle Charles, you've told me that a thousand times before. Grey Mist and I can handle each other, so you have no need to worry so much." I ended transmission and sat down on a meditation mat. Uncle Charles tended to act like a father more than ever when it came to me and Cinderella, but it was getting on my nerves that he would warn me time and time again when I was capable of taking care of myself. Even after having to come to his house with an arrow stuck to my shoulder, I was still capable of holding my own. I wasn't a little girl anymore and he knew that.
Look down and show some mercy if you can.
Look down, look down, upon your fellow man.

~~~Les Miserables

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Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:20 am
AlmondEyes says...


I sat in a tree top, letting my leg swing off the side as I stared blankly into the Sky. There hadn't been a peep all night, and it was quitter than I liked it to be. This sector was clear, and it was time to move on. I looked at my watch, the time showing it was half past three. I brought my self to my feet, jumping to another branch and then swinging to another, so on and so forth, until I came upon the next sector I was assigned. Just as I stopped, the sound of crunching leaves and twigs caught my Ear, stopping me dead in my tracks. I unsling my bow, notching an arrow and drawing back as I surveil the area.

"Who do they think they are?" someone said loudly. "These defenders think they can do what they want and get away with it!"

I rolled my eyes. Some rookie Shadow who thought they were all big and bad, was about to get their ass whooped. The thought made me smile.

"Dude, shut up!!"

Ah. So there was another one? The more the merrier.

"I should have never let you talk me into doing this with you!"

You sure shouldn't have. Spotting them, I took aim and fired right at their Feet. They jumped back. One screamed, the one who was talking so high and mighty, and looked around. "Show your face, you Defender coward! We're claiming this as Shadow Territory!"

I hopped along a few branches to another spot before speaking. "You think you can?"

He turned at the sound of my voice. By now, I would have dropped him faster than a hot potato, but I wasn't my normal self at the moment.

"Come down here ad I'll prove it!" he yelled.

I moved to another tree. "I think I like it up here better."

"We should get out of here!" the guy this idiot came here with said.

"You should," I agree.

I aim another arrow and shoot the big shot in the shoulder, watching him stumble to the ground. I pull out another, shooting him in his leg, careful as to not hit an artery, and listen to him scream in pain. I aim for his Ankle, making sure he can't walk with it, and listen as he screeches. The sound made my blood boil, and my hear flutter in my chest so fast, you'd think I was high getting high on the adrenaline. Maybe I was. My mind began to fuzz, my vision tunneling, everything going silent in my Ears.

"Please stop!" he begged, his voice breaking through what ever I'd been in.

I shook my head and lowered my Bow and address his friend. "I suggest you get him our of here now before I kill him."

The other guy, who had stood there frozen in fear the entire time, kicked it into high gear, picking up his friend and flying out of here like a Bat out of Hell. I looked at the spot they'd left from for a moment, recapping what had just occurred. A sadness descended upon me, making my body feel heavy and lethargic. Dad was right to try and get me to stay in tonight. I had no business being a Defender like this.

Doing a quick sweep of the rest of my sectors, I made my way home, climbing back in through the window I had taken out. Placing my Bow and Quiver back, I pulled down my long since grown hair and went to pull off my boots.

"Anything interesting?' Dad's voice came from the Darkness of my room.

I place by Boots beside my Bed, looking at the Picture of Mom on the Nightstand. "Just another silent night."

I wait for him to say something, but he doesn't. I listen as the door creaks open, then closes behind him as he leaves. I lay down, looking at the ceiling. Just another silent night.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

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Mon Nov 11, 2013 4:55 am
Bugslake says...

A cold wind blew across the exposed portion of my face. I was back on the night shift, the Shadows keep trying to claim Defender territory as theirs. Frankly I didn't care about the nights, no one ever made sure I was even home. I was orphaned at age ten when my parents died in freak accidents, CPS only cared about me until I graduated from high school early at sixteen. I joined the Defenders after I graduated, hoping to find a family and keep citizens safe from street gangs. I hadn't been so lucky as a kid and had scars from them.

The Defenders accepted me into their family because I was a strong hand to hand fighter. I knew what I was doing and I was smart. I didn't like to fight with my hands all of the time, I opted for a sword. I believe that fighting with a sword was honorable. I made my sword out of special metal that is practically indestructible and never dulled.

I sighed as I observed the quiet night, I really hoped that there would be some excitement tonight to keep my mind off of the bad memories. Memories of the only one I've ever truly trusted. Malory, she died in a Defender/Shadow skirmish. I died that night as well, she was the only one who had touched my scars that I bore and had seen my face without the mask. She knew my name, Tarakon Koning, and had screamed it when the axe weilder had buried his hatchet deep into her stomach.

I ran my hand through my dirty blond hair then tried to rub the eyelids of my blue eyes. I had voed the axe weilder would die. The wind played with my hair, tonight was cold and I was glad to have my specially made suit that kept my body at the perfect temperatures. I felt another prescence across from me, I pulled my sword out.

"Move from this area Defender this is newly claimed Shadow territory." I shook my head. The Shadows always sent their newbies out to "claim" new territory. I walked towards the Shadow. "Defender I will have to force you from the area if you don't leave."

I could see the kid better now, I was surprised at how much patience he was showing in not attacking right away. He brandished a staff, probably enforced wood. "Call me King. I do not recommend you to try to force me from here or to even try to claim this place as your own."

"King, you're not like the others." He said calmly as he attacked. It was a trained motion, but it wasn't smooth and left many parts of him open. I decided to show him mercy and end his humiliation early. I quickly blocked his staff, disarmed him, and not his head with the hilt of my sword. He fell to the ground dizzy and not quite unconcious.

"I like you and that is why you aren't dead. If I see your face again you will die by my blade. Remember I am the King and this is my kingdom." I grabbed his staff and snapped it in half and through it at the kid. The kid grabbed the pieces and became unconcious, I dragged his body away from the territory boundaries of the Defenders.

I re walked the place of the disarm before I headed to my other piece of territory. I then came back and found that the only things there was the quiet wind and the terrible memory of Malory's death. The new Shadow kid was smart and only attacked when I had come close enough. He would've made the perfect Defender, but his movements were slightly cocky. I hope the quick and merciful victory of mine would show him that he would have to train harder and learn faster before he would have a victory of his own.

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Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:06 am
AdventurerDaniel says...

Arron Garoque/ The Grey Mist

"I hate when I get stuck with clean up duty." I sighed and looked at the two prisoners I had been given responsibility over. " Well you're not King's apprentices or Brutus's you're way too moronic." I ran my fingers through my hair thinking King and I had a truce of sorts as he felt I was on the wrong side and seemed to tolerate me well enough. It would be best for the rookies if I took them to him heck maybe they'd learn something from King. "Well it's been decided regardless of who your training under or if you're not training you're going to King's kingdom."

"What? But how will we get there and how can you make sure we go?" I looked at the Defender that had spoken, this kid was an idiot I'd just proven I was more than he could handle and he was still smarting off.

"Simple we're using air transportation." As I said it two heli-pads descended from the air. They were more efficient than several of my other inventions for transporting multiple people. I set them down on the pad and locked their net to the pole that held up the propeller," I advise not looking down."

Both of the Defenders looked terrified, "this seems dangerous and slightly illegal."

"They're air legal in city areas and that's what counts." I pit on my goggles and we began ascending in to the air. Without traffic we were in King's jurisdiction in mere moments. We were preparing to land as I saw him give mercy to some new Shadow some clumsy bo staff wielder completely unfamiliar to me. "Well hate to level the playing field but here." I landed a few feet away and unlatched the two rookie Defenders cut them out of their net and pushed them towards him. "I don't know who's at the wheel with new recruit missions but they're getting a bit cruel." I let out a light chuckle.

King looked at me he didn't seem to appreciate the humor as much as I did, "A Shadow is one to talk sending that wimp in here to try and take my kingdom." He looked down a smirk crossing his face, "I could have killed him but he reminded me of someone else that seemed to be on the wrong side of all this."

"It was good seeing you King, but you know I won't change until the government stops chasing my father and I." I stood on the pad of the heli-pad and flew off in to the night air towards my own little hidey hole in the mountains. It technically was actually a hovering house anchored to the mountain as to keep me hidden and mobile just in case. I landed the two heli-pads and went inside. "Ai I'm home set it up for sleep mode."

A robotic voice come on, "of course master Arron full patrols on and synched in to police patrols alert you to any potential need of your assistance correct?"

"Yes Ai," I had changed in to my pajamas and lay on my bed hoping I would be able to rest through the night.
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

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Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:29 pm
Bugslake says...

Tarakon Koning (King)

I shook my head as I looked at the two rookie Defenders in front of me. I guess it was better that I had them and Grey brought them to me instead of a Defender that still didn't know the drill. These boys would have to learn from their mistake, I haven't had any apprentices in a while, guess these two will have to do.

"Okay, now listen up. What you did tonight was stupid, that's a fact. I have been nice enough not to send you to the Defender Council, instead you will be my apprentices. You may think that it's cool to be the King's apprentice, but I will tell you right now that all of my apprentices hated me until they were in the field and their lives were on the line and they did something I drilled them on and they lived." The boys were shaking in their ridiculous outfits.

"Remember that I am the King and this is my kingdom. First, I am changing your outfits into work clothes then you'll fight me, but that will be tomorrow. You are to go home and sleep, tomorrow I will see what good you'll do me. Report here tomorrow at eleven nighttime." They quickly nodded in fear.

I watched as they ran off to their houses. I guess that when I was a rookie I was good, I learned quick. I wish that Grey was able to be a Defender, he was a good guy, but the government was still looking for his family.

I looked at the spot where I put the Shadow rookie, I wish that Grey had taken him and given him a few lessons of his own, but Grey wasn't one to take on an apprentice. My night shift was almost over, but I couldn't sleep when I knew dawn was coming and I had to prepare myself for the trainees.

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Thu Nov 28, 2013 2:06 am
Bugslake says...


I decided to head home. I headed through other Defender territories, they would watch me to make sure I didn't stop or they would come up to me and to ask me what they should work on with their apprentices.
I was almost out of patrol area when I heard the leaves above me rustled as someone coughed and as the person shifted again above me. There could only be one person in a tree just for fun. "Artemis come down, you may have been part of the Defenders and have trained longer than me, but I think you maybe losing your touch. I could hear you in that tree and that's unlike you, you're usually careful and quiet." Artemis jumped out of the tree. She had dark circles underneath her eyes.
"I did that to watch your attention, smart person." Artemis sighed tiredly. "I could have turned you into Swiss Cheese."
"I would've like to see you try. Now tell me what's really going on. I heard what happened to... I understand you come here to occupy yourself, but you're going to kill yourself. I know, I almost did. When Battlestar, my girl, died I lost myself and I don't want to see that happen to you." I ran my hand through my hair and looked at her from under it.
"What ever you think you know," she turned to look at me, the light of the moon covering half of her face ominously. "You don't."
I felt an anger rise within my heart, she was being stubborn and didn't see how ridiculous she was acting. "I do know. I knew your mother and I knwe how much she loved you. She was agreat women and a great leader on the council. I know you loved her a lot. Your mother, to you, was what Malory was to me. I know you have nightmares,because I had them myself, and I know you can't stand being home because it reminds you of her." I had finally admitted all of my feelings about what happened to Artemis, who just stood there surprised by my outburst.
I sat there in silence while Artemis let me cool off. I was glad that I had finally released all of the feelings out, but it only allowed the pain to seep into my heart. The dull pain strengthened and it felt like when I had first felt the stabbing as I had watched Malory die.
"Of course I loved her. She was my Mother." She turned to look up at the Moon. "And I have no problem being home. I just need time is all."She turned away so that I wouldn't be able to see her face. I had the feeling that she didn't want what I had said to be true.
The birds around us fell silent and we were enveloped by a silence that gave you chills. There was some type of other presence with us. Artemis and I became uneasy knowing that we were sitting ducks. I pulled my sword from its scabbard and Artemis knocked an arrow, then two Shadows came out of the trees and attacked us. My blade caught the light as I swung it and Artemis' bow snapped as she released her arrows. Artemis and I finally made it on the top with both Shadows subdued and we got a better view of our attackers.
I nearly killed my opponent when I realized it was Him, Malory's killer. I dug my blade deeper into his throat, Artemis noticed me drawing blood. "King, King stop..." Artemis trailed off.
She took a step forward. "Let. Him. Go."
"Why should I? This man killed Malory!" I refused to let the man go, but I loosened my sword off of his neck. "Look at him Artemis, he's the same one that killed your mother. I was there and..." I couldn't talk anymore, it would only cause me to kill the man beneath my sword.
Artemis touched the hand holding the blade, and spoke softly. "Stop." My hand shook as I removed my blade from his throat only to place my foot on his chest. I began to shake my head.
"I can't just let him go." Tears brimmed my eyes. "This is all I have of Battlestar."
"Then don't ruin it." She strained. "Bring him in to face his crimes and pay for what he did." I bent down and cuffed the man, who began to laugh histerically.
"Well, I never thought that I would see the great King following orders from a girl or near tears." The killer laughed some more. I couldn't stand there and be mocked by scum. I punched him in the face, which only made him laug harder. "You're showing desperation." I pulled my arm back again, but Artemis stopped me. I gave her a questioning look.
Artemis wound her own hand back and smacked him across the face, then she smirked at me. "I thought he would never shut up." Artemis smiled kindly at me. I turned my head back to the murderer, who was now knocked out from so many hits.
"He knew we would find him and he knew who we were. Why did he target our loved one? Why us?" That was the true question to ask. Artemis looked at me, she could tell what I was thinking. The Shadow are trying to tear apart the Defenders. "Let's take him in. Now!"

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Thu Nov 28, 2013 3:33 am
AlmondEyes says...


Spoiler! :
Bug and I worked on this post for a while, and had this idea. We would like for you guys to continue and go along with this, as long as it's ok with @Redfang18, that is. I had actually thought about another group out there that was trying to start a war between the Shadows and the Defenders, but I think that would require more people in the SB and a little back story, so that was bust. Just thought I'd throw it out there, though. Let me and Bug know what you all think about this idea, and enjoy!! :D

King paced impatiently in front of the giant, Iron wrought double doors as we both waited for the Council.

"You're gonna wear the already worn out carpet beneath your feet," I sigh.

"I've waited for this kind of justice for so long, and we found out the Shadows plan on wiping out the Defenders makes me even more anxious." King sighed heavily, then sat down.

"What you need to do is take sedative," I say monotonously. "Your jitters are making me antsy bad things happen when I get antsy. The Coucil still hasn't gotten over the last time I got antsy."

King gives me a raises an eyebrow lat me. I shrugged. "So sue me. I can't help it if that male receptionist walked up on me while I was sleeping. I gave him fair warning not to."

"Maybe you should be the one taking the sedative. I can at least not mangle anyone when I'm anxious." King leaned forward in his seat, resting his elbows on his knees.

"Eh." I shrugged once more.

Just then, the doors opened with a horrible groan and King sprung up from his seat. I pushed away from the wall and walked into the cylindrical room, looking at the Members of the Council on their high placed seats above us as they returned our gaze.

"You seem to show up here a lot, Huntress,"Councilman Crowley commented.

"Because I know how much you all miss me," I say cheekily.

"Oh really?" Councilwoman Hardin raised an eyebrow at me, then turned to King with an icy stare. "And have you come here to report this trouble maker, or do you have some irresponsible new recruits to report?" The old women asked with a sneer.

"Ma'am, I have not come here to report Huntress. We are here to give you a prisoner that should be punished for the crime of killing a council member as well as many other Defenders. We've also found out that they're trying to destroy us from the inside out." King turned to me, trying to see if he missed any other important information.

I nodded without so much as a word. King gave me a look that said that if I didn't say anything, I would be on the councils bad side.

"What else do you want me to say? You got everything." I look at him.

He only shrugged his shoulders.

I sigh. "King seems to think that for some reason, that for some reason, this means the Shadows are up to something."

"Yes. I believe that we need to take a team of Defenders into Shadow territory, where we would infiltrate them and find out what their true plan is." King bit his lip as the council quietly whispered about his suggestion.

It wasn't the smartest idea to try and infiltrate the Shadows. If found out, we would die and possibly put the other teammate lives in jeopardy.

"Because of one incident, you want to jump to the conclusion that the Shadows are up to something, and without proof?" Councilman Magman.

"If you get the Shadow we got to talk, he would say the same as what I'm telling you right now. What if it there has been more incidents before this one, and it was just covered up and forgotten? I don't want something like this to happen again. I don't want to risk the lives of other Defenders, because you are unwilling to try this idea. We could find out things that we wouldn't have known, unless we had someone inside." There was a silence in the council room as everyone thought about King's words.

I looked at King, and then at the Council.

"What do you think in all of this, Huntress?" Councilwoman Raven looks to me.

"I don't really know," I shrug. "It could be a coincidence, or it could be the Shadows screwing with us. Trying to get into our heads. But I couldn't say for sure what this could be."

In all honesty, I really couldn't. I doubted it was a coincidence, because I didn't believe in those, and I know Shadows liked to play games, so I wouldn't put it past them to do something like this to get into our heads. Maybe they were planning something, and maybe King was right.

"You have to trust me on this. I have never let the Defenders down, not even when we were outnumbered in battle against them." King sighed heavily. He looked tired and older than he actually was. "Please, I don't want to have to watch anymore of my friends die. I don't want another war like the one we had when we found out that a Defender was actually a Shadow spy."

I stayed silent. This was King's time, and I would respect it. I wondered what the Council would decide.

"I'm done. Find me when you have decided what to do." King said to the council. He then turned to me. "See you later maybe. Stay cheeky while I'm gone, it keeps this old bunch on their toes." Then he burst out of the council room, leaving me with the seven council members.

"Will you stay this course with King?" Magman inquires.

"Whatever King decides, I'll have his back." I nod with my answer.

"That will be all, Huntress," Councilman Xain said.

"We will decide on the choice of action that shall be taken." Councilwoman Steelitrix finished.

I nodded, looking to the only member of the council who hadn't spoken, and took my leave.
"What is dead my never die, but rises again, larger and stronger..."

*Ride like Lightening, crash like Thunder*

"Ask me no questions, and I'll tell you no lies..."

Ghosts, demons, and ghouls cannot scare the cat's underling.
— TheMulticoloredCyr