
Young Writers Society

Collision: Started/ closed

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Fri Oct 04, 2013 6:03 pm
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Messenger says...

Hey, The Messenger here to create a StoryBook.

Storyline: It is a modern-day setting, in a local grocery store, rural Indiana. Everything is going fine when several masked robbers burst into the store, intending to rob the store. All visitors, cashiers, and other employees are all rounded up and kept under watch at the back of-the store by three bandits, while ten others steal all them money.
Just when it seems like they are about to get away, a fifteen-year old boy named Paul walks in, dressed in buckskin, armed with a musket and tomahawk. He looks around confused, but when he sees the bandits he understands one thing: they aren't good.
He is about to attack when seven more people walk in the store, looking just as confused as himself. They are all confused as to how they came about to be at this store, but decide to fight the robbers.

Alright, this is where you guys and girls come in. It is up to you to help Paul(me) to fight these bandits.

1. You are to become a character from one of your own books. you may choose any character you want.
2. You must post something on here once a week. If you are going to be too busy to consistently be on here, please do not join.
3, There are only six slots open, so please tell me what number you are. I am C1 (character 1)

1. @TheMessenger

Now, your character will start with whatever weapons and powers they have in your stories, and will band together to stop these bandits. But we will soon find out that they are more than just bandits. There will be something much deeper. and that in part is up for you to decide what it is.
Now, remember that if you are a character from a different time period, than you will be ridiculed for what you look like, maybe even chased by cops out of suspicion, and will have difficulty adjusting to modern life.
Also, your are most likely not super-duper-heroes, so please write realistically. I want to start this soon, so please tell me if you plan on joining, and who and what your character is. from there I will give further instructions.
Last edited by Messenger on Thu Oct 24, 2013 5:34 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:17 am
PeanutPhoebe says...

Okay, so I think I already requested to be in this, but I don't think I told you my character and what number I'd like to be. I want to be Character Two cuz that's pretty much my lucky number:) So, I will probably be the character from my latest story, Princess Celestia (that's also my knight name for KotGr) Her only "power" is occasionally flying, but she is a fierce warrior with pretty much any weapon, but is most commonly found with a bow and arrow, as well as a dagger(s). That's pretty much it!! Let me know when we start;)
Keep Writing!


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Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:34 am
Messenger says...

OK. On the right there is a thing that says create a character. Can you delete your comment and put it in their please? Thanks.

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Thu Oct 17, 2013 2:41 am
PeanutPhoebe says...

Oh, all right, sorry, I didn't know that;)
Keep Writing!


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Fri Oct 18, 2013 1:54 am
Messenger says...

Here's the DT to talk about Collision.

Collison DT

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Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:10 pm
ajruby12 says...

I'll take number #5, if I may..
(This is a character I've used before in unpublished stories. )

Name: Kaya Jones
Age: 21
Weapons/Abilities: Uses bow and pistol, also is very skilled in martial arts.
Appearance: Long brown hair (normally braided), green eyes, about 5 foot 4, slim, has a sharply featured face, thin lips.
Garb: She unashamedly goes around with a bow on her back, her clothing resembling an Elfish uniform, with a gray tunic, black pants, brown boots.
Personality: Often grave and serious, focused, not easily swayed from what's on her mind. She's fairly friendly, but a loner in spirit.
"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." - Ray Bradbury

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Fri Oct 18, 2013 5:14 pm
Messenger says...

Ruby, can you look on the right of this page and click on create a character, and put your character profile there please? Thanks :)

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Tue Oct 22, 2013 12:31 am
ajruby12 says...

All done..
"There are worse crimes than burning books. One of them is not reading them." - Ray Bradbury

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Tue Oct 22, 2013 1:26 am
Cailey says...

wait- where's the link to the DT? There should be somewhere where you can put in the numbers of the DT so that it shows up on the side of this main page, so that it's really easy to go from the SB to the DT
A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity. -Kafka

Look: A Link! https://caijobetweenthepages.wordpress.com/

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Tue Oct 22, 2013 2:31 am
Messenger says...

Cailey I don't know how to do that.

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Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:56 pm
Cailey says...

If you can get to the place where you edit the SB- the same place where you wrote out the rules and the SB description- then there should be a place that says add the DT. And you need to go to the DT page and copy the last four numbers in the link into the space on the edit SB page.

Does that make any sense?

I had the hardest time with my last SB because I kept trying to copy the whole link into the page, but they only wanted the last four numbers.
A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity. -Kafka

Look: A Link! https://caijobetweenthepages.wordpress.com/

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Tue Oct 22, 2013 9:02 pm
Messenger says...

OK, I understand, because I am a manager for another SB, and I saw those numbers in one part and was wondering what they were for.:)

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Tue Oct 22, 2013 10:29 pm
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Messenger says...

The lord sat upon his throne of gold, embroidered with jewels of every color, dazzling beautiful in the sunlight, and glowing coolly in the moonlight. His chin rested upon his thin, pale fingers, and his cole-colored eyes flicked back and forth, observing evrything in the open courtyard ahead, lit only by the moon.

The wind blew softly, pushing his shoulder-length, whitish-blond hair back. His elbows rested on either side of the glistening throne. The smell of smoke was in the air, and he could almost taste it.

Fire. Oh what power it held! It could turn the strongest man or beast into a writhing pile of ashes within seconds. Burn down a forest in hours, and the smoke became a weapon just as deadly.

The lord allowed a small chuckle to escape his lips. Fire had gotten him where he was now. It was his closest companion. He stood slowly and began to walk down the white stone pathway through the courtyard. Marble arches rose and curved over the various paths, vines grew up them and flowers were in full bloom along each walkway. Red, yellow, orange, white. All colors of flames. But no blue.

He advanced deeper into the courtyard where trees and the flowers grew higher and higher, until nearly as tall as his himself. He moved past them and finally the courtyard turned into an open lawn, perfectly trimmed and hedged. At the end of the rectangular lawn, all alone, stood a long black metal tub, projected at a forty-five degree angle.

He slowly walked to it, hand clasped behind his back. This was what would get him more than just his kingdom here on this planet. There were nine others. He would get them all. And this was what he intended to do it with.

Hurried footsteps caused him to twirl. A lizard-like creature, standing on two legs just like a human, dressed in leather pants and jerkin, was breathing hard. It was the lord's most trusted captain.

"What is is Trigothan?" he asked in a crisp voice.

The lizard caught it's breath. "My Lord, your troops have landed and our disguised. They are ready to begin."

"Good." The lord smiled. His plans were working like a well-oiled machine."Tell them to attack at once."

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Tue Oct 22, 2013 11:35 pm
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Messenger says...

Paul Dawson

Paul walked through the woods, enjoying the outdoors. He had just moved with his family to a big city. Now that the war was over his father's business was growing, and he had moved, realizing the opportunities in such a big place.

Thus, Paul had been mostly inside the past few days, helping decorate and furnish their new house, and his father's work-shed where he made his furniture. Now he had ridden his horse Sunrise, out of the city, away from the docks and noise, and reached these unfamiliar woods.

Paul was in no way unaccustomed to the forest, and he felt no worry about being in a new place. He carried his musket in his right hand, and his tomahawk thumped against his left leg. He was dressed in buckskin; he had his shot and powder bag and hon hanging over his shoulder, and hi tomahawk was secured in his leather belt. He wore a black tri-cornered hat, and his brown hair poked out at places underneath it.

His deer hide boots made no sounds as he walked, and he could feel the enjoyment of the outdoors swell in his chest. Birds fluttered above, as did squirrels, and little varmints of all kinds scurried around the ground. Paul spotted a deer at one point, but made no attempt to shoot it. His family was well supplied food-wise, and he enjoyed seeing the animal bound away. There was such power in those skinny legs.

At one point he came across a pair of chipmunks chasing each other around. He sat down on the ground Indian style, and just watched as they scurried up one tree, then down another. They eventually ran away, still chasing each other. God's creation is so [i]beautiful isn't it?

Paul picked himself up and continued to walk, paying attention to where the sun was. When it began to drop he would follow it, heading west in the direction he came. But there were still plenty of hours to go before that happened.


The sun was now sinking in the sky, and Paul began to head back home. He had enjoyed the whole day, watching animals, practicing some tomahawk throwing, even catching a nap at one point. Sunrise had followed him everywhere, sniffing this, snorting at that, whinnying plodding along.

"We had a good time, didn't we, Sunrise?" Paul said to the horse, patting her shoulder.

Sunrise looked back with big innocent eyes, and gave a low snicker. Paul wasn't so sure if animals didn't understand what humans said. Paul shrugged, and kept going. Suddenly Sunrise tripped. Paul maintained his balance on her and pulled her to the side.

Dismounting, he looked down at the ground, observing it closely. The ground look a little mushy, but nothing to cause a horse to trip. Then Paul spotted where Sunrise's hooves had sunk into the ground. Curious, he pushed down on the ground. It seemed firm enough. He took a step forward and the ground began to sink slowly. He jumped back.

"Well Sunrise, what have we got here? It looks like it's just a patch of mud."

He took a step back to Sunrise when he realized that she had moved to the other side of the strange section of ground. He shrugged. The ground wasn't going to disappear or swallow him up. It was just muddy. He stepped forward, and the ground caved in, swallowing him up.

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Wed Oct 23, 2013 1:10 am
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Cailey says...


Torkon jumped off the rowboat and into the shallow waves as soon as he felt the boat strike sand. He half waded, half swam to shore, and got out with a shake of his head. His older brother was waiting for him in the sand, one hand on his waist and a crooked smile decorating his face.

"It's been a long time, hasn't it?"

"Too long," Torkon answered, wrapping his older brother into a bear hug. "Have you heard from Kaira?"

"Kaira?" The older brother dropped his arms and stepped back, a lot of suspicion and disbelief covering his face.

"Our sister?" Torkon pressed, suddenly wary.

"Torkon, I don't know what you're trying to do here. You know she died in the Fire. It's been twelve years, brother; I don't know what game you're playing at."

Torkon stumbled back a few steps and held his forehead tightly. He'd seen Kaira since the fire. She had visited him four years ago, asking him to join her in a war. He had declined, though he should have said yes. He should have said yes...

"What's going on?" his brother pressed, but Torkon couldn't answer. He turned around to a soldier standing nearby.

"There was some kind of war, four years ago, in the palace!" The soldier shook his head.

"There hasn't been a war in decades," the soldier insisted. Torkon blinked several times.

"The Whisperers.... the Shadow.... I know I'm not making this up!"

"Hey, come here. You must have a fever. I'm going to find a doctor, you're sick." Torkon let his brother lead him to a nearby hut, where an old woman showed him to a bed and laid wet cloths on his head. Torkon didn't know what to say. He felt confusion overwhelming him, until suddenly he could stand it no longer.

"That's it!" he shouted, sliding out of bed and bounding to the door of the hut. "I know I have not gone crazy. Kaira didn't die in the fire. She made it out and joined the Whisperers. I don't know who they are, really, or where she went, but she didn't die. She visited once, and then again four years ago. She said there was going to be war, and she needed help, and there was, and...." Torkon lost his words, and pushed open the door, leaving to the humid ocean air.

He began running back to the rowboat, but the moment his feet landed in the salty water he felt himself begin to sink. He was an excellent swimmer, and started swimming for the rowboat, surprised at the sudden deep water. However, he felt as if the ocean was sucking him back to the place where he had stepped in. The more he swam the faster the water pulled him, until suddenly his head was below water and everything went dark.

Spoiler! :
Is that better?
A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity. -Kafka

Look: A Link! https://caijobetweenthepages.wordpress.com/

Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.
— Voltaire