
Young Writers Society

Insane Sanity *Second Try* (STARTING SOON!)

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Wed Sep 04, 2013 11:47 am
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Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Plot: It's 2013 none of you have died all of you are quite alive and no different than anyone else. Well actually you're extremely different. All of you have some sort of mental illness that have you deemed as a danger to others, a danger to yourself, or both. You've been here for about a year or more and are getting antsy. Suddenly someone makes a break for it and you all follow suit.
Now where to go? How to survive? Its all up to you with only enough medication to last 2 weeks and only your fellow 'crazies' to keep you company.
Random Note: The plan is you grab all your belongings before leaving.
Keep the ratio even
Cursing is allowed just not every other word.
Pictures are nice just not required
Posts a Pargraph (7-9 sentences) or more.
Have fun!
DT: Insane Sanity DT
Check in with the DT all so you can get updates etc.


Age: (16-19)





Theme Song:

Up For Love (Yes Or No and Preference):


1. Skizzy
2. Rummage Sale Jacobs
3. Stephan Wolfe
4. Liam Chase
5.Creed Mathison

1 Anastasia Staine
2 Mercy Rasalondo
3 Lilah Bodelaire
4 Keaton Meuser
5 August Drenn
Last edited by Ladyofthedeathroses on Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:05 am, edited 9 times in total.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:13 pm
KingLucifer says...

I would like to reserve a female spot, profile will be up later.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Points: 847
Reviews: 12
Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:29 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Thank you! If you could get other people to join as well that would be fantastic!
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:41 pm
thelostone says...

I would like to join too!
maybe hell is just rewinding home movies

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Wed Sep 04, 2013 10:50 pm
Pencil2paper says...

I'd like to join again, please!
"Look out! He's got a daisy!"
- Making Money by Terry Pratchett

Chuck Norris- worshiping gnomes, undead pandas, pet chupacabras and undead Keanu Reeves-what could possibly go wrong?

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Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:28 am
tgirly says...

I'll join! A boy please.
When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
-Abraham Joshua Heschel

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12 Reviews

Gender: Other
Points: 847
Reviews: 12
Fri Sep 06, 2013 3:34 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Hey guys check into the DT as well. We still need 2 more guys so if you know anyone who might be interested ask them please? I'd like to get this started by sometime next week if not this weekend.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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254 Reviews

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Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:01 pm
Sonder says...

I would like to reserve a guy! Will make a profile soon.
"This world is but a canvas to our imagination."

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Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:13 pm
tgirly says...

If we need another guy, I could make a second. I'm super excited about this storybook!
When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
-Abraham Joshua Heschel

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Reviews: 12
Fri Sep 06, 2013 11:10 pm
Ladyofthedeathroses says...

If you don't mind thank you so much.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Reviews: 12
Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:39 am
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Ladyofthedeathroses says...

Stephan Wolfe
"Good morning Happy Campers! Time to get up for medication and breakfast let's make it a good day! The loudspeaker crackled. "Oi 5 more freakin' minutes eh?" I groaned and sat up. I scratched my head mussing my red hair even more. I slipped out of bed and padded over to my roommate Skizzy. I shook him gently. "Eh Skizzy get up. How did ye sleep?" I asked my roommate as he sat up. He had new scratches on his arms and blood underneath his fingernails. "Ye may want to clean yeself up." I said indicating his arms. "Your right Stephan." He acknowledged obviously tired. I waited till he was in the bathroom to yank on an Asking Alexandria t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and my ziptied converse. I tapped on the bathroom door as I went outside. "Skizzy I'm heading out see ye out there ok?" I asked. "Yeah." He replied I heard splashing water inside the bathroom. "Take care of yeself I'd hate to see a scratch on that handsome body of yours." I said and walked out of the room. "Good morning all!" I greeted everyone smiling brightly.
"You are without a doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of."

"But you have heard of me."

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Sat Sep 07, 2013 5:34 am
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tgirly says...

Rummage Jacobs
'Good morning Happy Campers! Time to get up for medication and breakfast let's make it a good day!'
"Why do you want to kill me?" I shout, then realize it's the speakers giving their habitual morning message. Heart calming, I sit up. Strange; I was so sure that this was going to be the night that my roommate did me in. Creed's such a strange kid, always keeping everything in such a particular order. I think he had it in for me ever since I forgot to line up my shoes.
Glad to be alive, I headed to breakfast with a spring in my step.
I grab my medicine and food, one of which I'm sure is poisoned somehow, and take my seat in the first spot I see.
"Good morning all!" someone calls at us gloomy breakfast-eaters. I jump at the sudden noise and stare at Stephan. He's a decent man, but he gets angry sometimes. I'm sure that's when he'll snap and kill someone, probably me.
"Good morning," I reply, "afternoon might be worse, but the morning's good and that's good enough for me." I edged away from a plastic knife spotted in my periphery. I hated those things. Sharp and pointy and painful.
When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
-Abraham Joshua Heschel

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Sat Sep 07, 2013 6:35 pm
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Sonder says...

Liam Chase

"Good morning, happy campers! Time to get breakfast and medication! Let's make this a great day!" the loudspeaker in the ceiling squealed.
I grimaced and rolled over to face the blank concrete wall next to my bed. Those idiots and their peppy wake-up calls. I hated it. I was in no mood to sit among the crazies with their wild eyes and phobias. I mentally rehearsed my morning speech, as I did each day.
I am not insane. I know that that is what the crazies always say, but I'm not. I am perfectly sane. My mind is clear as glass. They call me a psychopath, but I know what I am. Being a sociopath is different. I am better. I am smarter. And I will get out someday.
I took a deep breath, feeling a little calmer. I needed to get out there and work my charm. I was slowly gaining the guards trust, but sulking in my room wouldn't help my case.
I slowly sat up and grabbed my t-shirt and Converse tennis shoes. Once dressed, I braced myself for another nerve-grating day.
Pushing the door open, I made my way to the eating area, a cheerful smile on my face. I grabbed my pills and a tray of food, knowing full well that the medication would never make it past my lips. Who to sit with today? My eyes went to a girl with long brown hair sitting sullenly at a table by herself, arms wrapped in a straight jacket. Target acquired.
I sauntered over, casually slid into the seat across from her. She glanced up with a suspicious expression. I couldn't remember her name. M-something.
"Hey." I said, and calmly swiped my pills from my tray, crushing them in my fist. I scattered the powder over the floor, ground it with the toe of my shoe. The white dust was so thin that it was impossible to see against the light tile flooring. Ha. Another point for me. I redirected my attention to the girl, making eyes contact.
She had hazel eyes, like me, but with interesting blue speckles throughout the irises.
She hadn't responded to my greeting.
"So." I started, leaning forward on one elbow, a bagel in my hand. "What's your name, again? I'm Liam."
Her voice was soft and empty, hollow.
Last edited by Sonder on Mon Sep 09, 2013 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"This world is but a canvas to our imagination."

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Sat Sep 07, 2013 7:55 pm
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tgirly says...

Creed Mathison
I wait until RJ (who in their right mind would name their kid Rummage?) is out of the room. Then I get up. I line my day's outfit on my bed and, finding my complaints have still had no effect on them and my socks still don't match (one is .225 centimeters longer), I go without shoeware for the fifth day in a row. Asinine, lazy wretches.
The man hands me my small paper cup of pills. I hold one between my fingers.
"Smaller than yesterday," I observe, "am I getting better or are you trying something new?" The man doesn't respond, just motions me towards the food.
There aren't many empty tables left at this point; I'm always one of the last ones there, so I sit two seats down from Liam and Mercy, who are chatting. I start lining everything up on the tray. Pills first. Next the scrambled fake eggs, cut into as close to squares as I can manage with this stupid plastic fork, bacon next and- oh dear, there's no room on the tray for the glass of orange juice. I start relining with less space between each bite's worth, sighing. It'd be so easier if they'd just give me a skinnier glass. I keep telling them this, but they never listen.
"What're you reading today, Mercy?" I ask as I reorganize my food. Seems like every time I turn around she's got a new book tucked under her arm. I don't know where she finds them all; it takes me ages to sift a good book out of all the stupid ones cluttering the shelves of the library. They seriously need to update their geometry section. I tell them this, but do they do anything? NO.
When I was young, I admired clever people. Now that I am old, I admire kind people.
-Abraham Joshua Heschel

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Sat Sep 07, 2013 8:04 pm
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Sassafras says...


"Eh Skizzy get up. How did ye sleep?"

Skiz blinked the sleep out of is eyes and slowly sat up. As soon as he did, the skin of his arms pulled and a burning pain shot through his body. He hissed and put a hand over one of the deeper scratches on his arm, trying to stifle off the pain. He couldn't remember exactly the nightmare he had during the night, but he knew it must have been a bad one. There was a still faint lingering trace of fear he couldn't quite pin down, and the steady beads of blood trickling down his arm were a good enough indication that something went more wrong that usual.

"Ye may want to clean yeself up."

"You're right Stephan," he yawned out.

Skizzy threw his legs over the edge of his bed and shuffled into their bathroom. He turned on the shower and sink. The water burned his arms and hands, but felt nice and refreshing on his face. He was about to step into the shower when a tap came at the door.

"Skizzy I'm heading out see ye out there ok?"


"Take care of yeself I'd hate to see a scratch on that handsome body of yours."

Skizzy laughed out and rolled his eyes. He stepped into the shower and let out a small cry as the beads of water attacked his raw skin. He gritted his teeth against the pain. After carefully washing up, he walked back into the room to get dressed. He was just about to head out for medicine, his hand wrapped around the doorknob, when a whisper taunted him softly from the back of his mind. His mouth instantly dried and he could feel his body start to shake.


First mistake. He knew it. And he hated himself for it. Never talk back, that's what Dr. Wyatt said. Never address them.

'How convenient that you don't remember the nightmare. We do.'

"I don't..."

'Tell us, Alex,' he winced, 'do you still remember the way Carrie's screams sounded as you kicked her? Can you still feel the heat of her blood on your-'

"Stop it."

'Poor baby Carrie. Wonder if your parents had another kid. You'd probably kill that one too.'

"I wouldn't!"

'Liar! We know you. We know you better than you know yourself. You know we do. Another little baby Carrie, cute and soft and pretty. You'd kill her again if you could, wouldn't you? We hope they never let you out of this place.'

"I'm getting better!"

A chorus of laughter echoes through Skizzy's head and he dropped down to the floor, his hands pressed hard against his ears. More words formed underneath the laughter and he cried out unintelligible words of pain. He knew that if he screamed loud enough someone would come, hopefully Nurse May. Nurse May always knew what to do. If he could scream loud enough. The voices got louder and he could feel warm tears flowing down his face. In the distance, he heard the door open, and then there were arms encircling him and a melody playing in the background. Hands brushed through his hair and rubbed circles on his back. The melody to his favorite song played through the now screaming voices and, after a few minutes, he settled down and opened his eyes.

"You okay, Skizzy? How are you feeling?"

Skizzy looked up at Ms. May and let out a sigh of relief. 'Joy to the World' blasted through his small room, loud enough for the whole floor to hear, and his face flushed red in embarrassment. One of the worst things about Skizzy's fit was that the whole world practically knew when one happened.

"Did you take your meds yesterday?"

"I always take them," he replied.

"Hmm... alright then. You go out to breakfast and go see Ms. Jenny later about those scratches."

"Okay. I'm sorry. Thank you. Bye."


A smile lit Skizzy's face as soon as he entered the dining hall. The low hum of chatter was instantly relaxing and he loved it. He found a table of his friends and took a seat.

"Morning guys!"
A pale imitator of a girl in the sky.

The bigger the issue, the smaller you write. Remember that. You don’t write about the horrors of war. No. You write about a kid’s burnt socks lying on the road. You pick the smallest manageable part of the big thing, and you work off the resonance.
— Richard Price