
Young Writers Society

The 100th annual Tournament [Not Started/ Accepting]

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Tue Aug 27, 2013 8:42 pm
AdventurerDaniel says...

Link to the DT: The 100th annual Tournament DT

The Story so Far
In the land of Pengiaria each year a tournament is held with a great prize hanging in the balance. Whatever team should win this tournament for 24 hours will have completely unrestricted power and access to The Vault a treasure trove of magic weapons, tools, and spell books.

Now where you come in: You are a participant in this tournament a member of a three person team. Your goals are your own and may even be secret to your team but you with your team are fighting to win that prize.

The Races and Their Cultures


Spoiler! :
They dwell in a massive forest country known as Mare Arbores the capital city being Lignum Vitae. The elves live as one with nature with most having an animal familiar since birth. They are primarily manipulator type magic users with some creators and almost no engineers. Most, if not all elves, are tall with a thin build and several have an almost green to very light brown coloring to them. They are the longest lived of all races making them complicated to say the least. The elves may be ancient and wise but often their wisdom is their greatest flaw making them slow to act.


Spoiler! :
They are a race of mostly engineers they are a clever and fast thinking race. They live in mountain halls building elaborate kingdoms, and are some of the greatest forgers. Their armor is beautifully intricate and their jewelry is the most beautifully unique. Most dwarves stand at four feet or less despite their height they are a muscular race with bones hard as steel. While they have long lives they are much like humans given to intense passion. They live in the mountain land Montibus Caelum the capital city of their country is Cor Ferro.


Spoiler! :
A short lived race with a variety of life styles and an even more diverse look to them. Humans are mostly creators and are rather skilled at it given their gift for imagination. Adept at learning to use weapons of all sorts they make great allies and dangerous adversaries. Their country is a varied land known as Tenuis Ossa it's resplendent capital is known as Aurea Turris.

Vivere Materiales

Spoiler! :
A race created by engineers of living machines. Given intelligence by being both closely connected to magic and in some cases gifted by their masters they have created their own nation. They are unique in that they do not have skills gifted to all of their race. Even though they are capable of thought they are much like the elves, difficult to truly understand. Still much like creatures created by creators they are fueled by magic. So, while they have no direct magic skills themselves, they can perform random acts of magic. Their country is a land as varied as the creations many creators Sapiuntium, most live in the capital city Medietas.

Rules Governing Magic

-What Magic is: Magic, or as it is known to magic users Fluxum Virtutis, is the basic source of all life. It surrounds everything and is in the very air you breath. Magic users use their bodies as a focal point for the magic and manipulates it out. If to much magic is used though it can kill the user.

-Creators: Essentially you are governed by your imagination but even then that has it's limits your control of the flow of magic when creating can be limited by concentration. Also if your connection to the flow of magic is severed your creation will disappear. This though can't be said of all cases the unicorn, pegasi, and even dragons are examples of magical animals made by creators

-Engineers: They're magic is the least controlled for their magic is stored in their creations and used until burned out or constantly uses the Fluxum Virtutis around it. They are builders tinkerers and forgers at heart and seldom use their magic. But when used they could make robots that could tear down castles or machine guns of simple revolvers. Some simply make objects beneficial to many kind the popular Air ships, electric trolleys, and even steam powered boats were all made by engineers. Some though built great machines of war and death Tanks, turret guns, and robotic suits are just a few of the many dangerous creations of some power hungry engineers.

-Manipulators: Manipulators essentially bend the world to their desire. But, only to an extent they have to have a focal point or something to manipulate. Manipulators unlike the other magic users are either very specific or varied. Their powers are controlled by either their personality or a certain skill. as example a black smith may be able to manipulate the hardness of steel they're crafting or even it's shape. In the case of some they can manipulate time, space, or even the four elements to some extent.


Spoiler! :
-Some drug and alcohol references nothing to intense.
-Minimal amount of swearing only if absolutely necessary and no I repeat no F-bombs
-Please no boring names like Sam, Bob, or Joe unless it is a nickname
-No Sex scenes I will not let this become smut.
-Minimum 500 characters per post no single sentence post.
-Any technology please think Steam-punk meets magic technology.

Character Profile Setup

Spoiler! :

Gender:(Male or Female simple as that really.)

Race and Appearance:(be descriptive a picture is not necessary nor is it needed but it is welcomed and appreciated)

Personality:(please be as detailed as possible a well understood character is easier on your fellow writers.)

History:(Details, details, and more details. None of this they don't remember stuff if they don't remember tell us why they don't remember.)

Magic User: (What sort of magic user?)

Social Standing: (This to some extent gives us a peek in to why they may be in the tournament.)

Up for Love:(this is simple please spend little time on it simply put yes or no.)

Other: (if you feel I forgot anything in the template please put it here.)
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

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Wed Aug 28, 2013 9:52 pm
Cailey says...

Oh, I think I can make time to join another SB. :D
(Is it okay for us to create posts in the sidebar?)
A non-writing writer is a monster courting insanity. -Kafka

Look: A Link! https://caijobetweenthepages.wordpress.com/

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28 Reviews

Gender: Male
Points: 798
Reviews: 28
Thu Aug 29, 2013 1:33 am
AdventurerDaniel says...

If you're referring to posting your character yes that would be to my preference.
So much depends
a red wheel
glazed with rain
beside the white
Red Wheel Barrow by- William Carlos Williams

I'll actually turning 100 soon
— Ari11