
Young Writers Society

The Un-Ordinaries

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170 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 620
Reviews: 170
Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:30 pm
yubbies21 says...

You feel ordinary.
You think you're ordinary.
You are ordinary.
So what happens when you aren't so ordinary anymore?

You are in grade 10 at Easton High School in the states like a regular teenager. You flirt, you laugh, you have special talents. Life is good. But then disaster strikes. You feel alone and need to find a group to support you. Why not the people just like you? The "Un-Ordinaries" is a group of teenagers at your school who all have difficult lives and need help to get through. (Kinda like a support group...) Can the teens work together to resolve their problems?

Spoiler! :
A question came up about the characters. Let me make it clear that I want you to take these basic characters and add to them. Make them yours. Give them a history. Give them interests, a family, and an identity. I know that this SB is a bit more laid out than usual. The point is to see how it goes if you have to take someone else's creations and make it your own. I find that it is more of a challenge, but I still enjoy it. This is probably not a SB for first-timers or beginners.

The Characters:

Spoiler! :
Samantha "Sam" or "Sammy" Lither (14): Sam is outgoing and happy go lucky. She's flirty, but not overly so. She loves jellybeans and thinks that pick-up lines are cheesy. Her favorite color is pink. Her friends are named Jackie and Katie; together they form a clique. J and K are quite flirty, dating one boy one week, another one the next. But lately, they have been distant. They never talk to her anymore; they never invite her to go places with them anymore. Then she started hearing rumors about her around school, bad rumors. She’s sure Katie and Jackie started them. The whole school is laughing at her.

Nuthell "Nutella" Spochek (15): He's the klutz of the school. He loves sour keys. He dresses up as the mascot of the school for the football tournaments every weekend. Easton High's mascot is a tiger, but the costume is old and faded, ripped and torn. He is embarrassed to walk in the halls, has low self esteem, and struggles with anxiety. Image

Niquoth "Nicky" Alaba (15): Nicky is quiet and blends into the walls. She doesn't talk much, but really wants friends. She is the only African-American girl at the school, so she feels left out. She deals with racism every day. Her parents put a lot of pressure on her to get good grades, but she is dyslexic and has trouble keeping up with her classes. Her grades average at about a C-, and her parents are not impressed. She loves M&M's.Image

Jonothon "Jonny" McLean (14): He's a football player on the school team. He loves black licorice. He deals with substance abuse, mostly tobacco products. He sees a counselor twice a week. He has no support at home because he is a foster kid. He feels lost and un-loved. Image

Monet Guard (13): Monet is the nerd. She skipped grade five. She loves Reices's Piece's. She has dark eyes covered by thick glasses, tanned skin, and short choppy chin-length hair. She is a whole head shorter than the rest of her class. Monet is quiet, she doesn’t flaunt her knowledge. She is always analyzing things, always believing people are judging her. Her parents are going through a divorce. Monet loves drama classes and Gummy Bears. Image

Peter "Pete" Blue (15): He is Jill’s Twin. Pete is also on the football team, but he’s not very good. He’s the extra player that only goes on when other players are injured. He loves music, and plays the guitar. He loves candy corn. His Dad is an alcoholic and his mom is dying of cancer. Image

Jillian "Jill" Blue (15): She is Pete’s Twin. She loves drawing and sketching. She plays the flute. Jill has a few girls that she hangs out with, Marian, Jerika, and Garcia, but they have nothing in common anymore and never do things together. She loves caramel taffies. Her Dad is an alcoholic and her mom is dying of cancer. Image ~Reserved~

Zareh "Z-Z" Jones (15): He is a student from Armenia sent to the other side of the world, away from his home to protect him. His country is near Iraq and Iran, so his government shipped all of the children out of the county until the wars were ended, but there is no end in sight. He speaks English, but not fluently and is terrible with grammar. He has had trouble finding friends and feels very alone. He worries about the rest of his family back home and prays that they are still alive and well. He loves Mint Paddies. Image

Story Line:
Spoiler! :
These characters have seen each other in the halls before, but never talked to each other. All of them are in the middle of tough spots right now, and it seems as if their friends are disappearing. They feel as if they have to fight the world alone. Finally, one of them (Jillian) snaps and runs from the lunchroom. Someone (Sam?) follows her and they cry together, talk about their problems, etc. They both feel much better afterwards. They talk about feeling Un-ordinary, being different from the crowd. The Idea sprouts to have a sort of club, The Un-Ordinaries, a group of kids that are different and want support. They make a poster and put it on the bulletin board. A few kids show up to the first meeting. they get to know each other, talk a bit, and become good friends. Everyone who joins feel at home, like they have a new family.

Things take a turn for the worst when Jill and Pete's mother dies from cancer. The government won't let the drunkard father have custody over them, so they want to send them to their next legal guardians, their elderly grandparents. The only problem with this is that the Grandparents live in London, England. The twins don't want to leave their new found friends at Easton High School, so Jill and Pete both get minimum wage jobs at fast food restaurants. They found an elderly couple that lives close to the school and close to their work that was willing to let them board at their house for $600 a month. Jill and Pete work themselves to exhaustion, and always get enough money. Their group of friends meanwhile support them and each other.

The third month into their attempt to stay with The Un-Ordinaries, Pete gets sick and can’t work. All by herself, Jillian can’t make enough money to stay that month, but if she doesn’t she’ll have to move with her brother to England. The Un-Ordinaries start going door to door, explaining the predicament to people. Soon, they have collected enough money for the next two and a half months. Jill and Pete are over-joyed to be staying with their friends. The best part, is that they won’t have to work so hard and will have more time to study and do things with The Un-Ordinaries.

News of these brave twins trying to stay with their friends soon reached the press. Soon it was on the newspaper’s front page, the story of their sick mother and drunkard father, their elderly grandparents in England, their boarders, and the group of friends who would do anything to help. Because of this story, one of the churches in town decided to sponsor Jill and Pete financially.

The story ends when life returns to normal for everyone and they go to one of the weekend football games. The rumors about Sam have been forgotten and she is happy and secure without her clique. Nutella raised his self esteem and patched up the mascot costume with the help of his new friends. Nicky had Monet help her with the schoolwork she didn’t understand and her parents are pleased. Jonny, with the help of his counselor and The Un-Ordinaries, has stopped using tobacco, and respects his foster parents more. Monet has settled into the understanding that her parents will never love each other again, but they both love her very much and that the divorce was not her fault. Pete misses his mom terribly, but understands that he has to move on. To help him move on, Jonothon helped him improve his football skills and even got good enough to play every game. Jill is still sad sometimes, but is happy to be with a group of people that are her new family. Zareh received a letter from his parents in Armenia right before the game. Life might not be perfect, but it’s good enough for them.

Spoiler! :
1. Respect me and the other characters.
2. Follow the storyline and make sure each post advanced to plot. In the DT we'll discuss it more.
3. This is a request only SB. Please PM me your profile before you post it in the sidebar.
4. Please tell me more about your character. I was very brief. If you do not add more, I will not accept your profile.
5. No swearing or profanity please.
6. No sex scenes. There can be dating and such, but not too much because that isn't the point of the story.
7. All regular YWS Rules.
8. If you join, you MUST be able to commit. You need to post twice a week at least. If you can't PM me.
9. Keep all comments in the DT and Profiles in the sidebar.
10. You must have read all of this. As a test, in the PM you send me with a character profile, at the top, write the words "Santa hats". If you do not, I won't accept your profile.
11. I will not add more character slots. First come, first served.

Thanks for reading all of this! I hope you join, it'll be fun.

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170 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 620
Reviews: 170
Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:49 am
yubbies21 says...


You can't fool me! I listen to public radio!
— Squidward Tentacles