
Young Writers Society

Straitjacket Club

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Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:07 am
Gabriellemarice99 says...

Plot:In a rehabilitation psychological hospital for "confused" teens five of the patients become closely connected. The disorders can range from Bipolar to murder for supposed self defense (aka completely off your rocker) see who you click with and figure out what makes them tick your goal is to gain access to the "final challenge" an out door expedition to prove you have been "cured" of your illness. Dr.Gray is our psychologist (feel free to add her dialog here and there) she decides when we get to leave. What will happen once you get there? Some will snap off the deep in others may fall in love some may mysteriously disappear who knows?

Setting: The rehab center

Rules: -All regular YWS rules apply
-Don't add super major plot twist that don't go with the character
-Please post at least once a week, That or don't join at all
-No Mary/Gary-sues

Code: Select all
[b]Name (Just first is fine):[/b]
[b]Age (13-19):[/b]
[b]Appearance (Picture is preferred but you must write something):[/b]
[b]Brief History:[/b]

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Wed Jun 19, 2013 6:07 am
Gabriellemarice99 says...

Profile: Maxwell Shaw
Name (Just first is fine): Max
Age (13-19): 18
Gender: male
Appearance (Picture is preferred but you must write something): I'll do a pic later im on my cell and my internet is acting up but Max is 5'11" thin but toned reddish brown flippy hair and golden brown eyes ears are gauged (though he can't wear them in the "rehab"center) scars on his wrist and neck from attempted suicide
Personality: Which one do you want to know about? It typically depends on which voices he hears in his head for the day, he is a bomb ready to go off at any second so be careful ad be sure to notice his body language. He is typically a very fun loving sweet guy who just can't get a true grip on reality. He loves to love and be loved but his "condition" makes that somewhat difficult. Are you up for the challenge?
Brief History: He grew up watching his dad hit his mom so he is extremely sensitive about that. He was taken by child services when he was 7 and had been in foster care with a woman name Amy ever since. He has 5 foster brothers all younger than him and one foster sister. He started hearing voices at 5 when his dad knocked his mom out and they have gone on and off since. When he started smoking weed at age 16 they quieted but now they have came back louder than ever.
Other: Max is single and up for love he is bisexual but is defiantly the "man" in every relationship. He loves books, movies, and sneaking around. If you're looking for excitement he's your guy!

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Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:02 pm
littleauthor says...

Name (Just first is fine): Mckenzie

Age (13-19): 17

Gender: Female

Appearance (Picture is preferred but you must write something):
Spoiler! :
Dark long hair that comes to her waist in light waves. Her eyes are a bright green, like grass in the spring. She is 5'2 and very skinny. Don't let her good looks fool you though.

Personality: Mckenzie has a way with words. She can make anything sound just amazing. She is persuasive in other words. She is kind to the ones she loves, but to the people trying to control her, you better watch your back.

Brief History: Her mother and father gave her away to a foster home when she was 2. She hasn't seen them since. She used her persuasive powers against every single parent that tried to take her. In the end, the foster home owners just threw her onto the streets. There she learned to steal and survive. Till of course she was taken by the People who thought she was crazy.

Other: She is up for love. She doesn't really think there isn't anything that could help her. She likes the way she is so she will go against anyone who tries to change her.
It's better to be WEIRD than boring

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Thu Jun 20, 2013 2:46 am
ToBeMe says...


Name: Alana/Jaydee (She has Multiple Personalities Disorder)

Age: 17 years old (Only just)

Gender: Female

Appearance: She’s pretty short (5ft or 5ft 1”) with extremely pale skin and a light patch of freckles across her nose. She has chocolate brown hair halfway down her back and hazel eyes flecked through with gold. Alana’s the more casual of the two. She’ll wear just about anything she’s given and flat shoes. She doesn’t like make-up much but wears a little bit of jewellery if she has the opportunity. Jaydee on the other hand is a bit different. She wears heels or anything high whenever she can to make herself look bigger and wears a LOT of eyeliner. She doesn’t like wearing anything past her knees or long sleeved and if forced too she will cut the material (she used to have a pocketknife but that got taken away so she’ll use whatever she can get) until it’s more “to her standard.”

Spoiler! :
Lumina.jpg (31.72 KiB) Viewed 1927 times

Personality: Alana’s smart and sweet. She is very understanding of other people and can be very empathetic. She likes meeting people but can be a bit shy. She hates the fact people regard she is crazy and hates the fact that she gets blamed for every little thing that Jaydee does. She can be a little naïve though and is way too trusting of most people. She’s also a terrible liar and not very good at hiding her emotions.

Jaydee on the other hand… well she’s definitely the crazy one, though she can be very smart in her own way. She doesn’t care what people think or where she is. No matter what she’ll find a way out or around it. She’s a bit of a kleptomaniac and can get away with just about anything. She parties, drinks and smokes just about anything she can get. She takes risk a lot and tries never to get attached to anyone or anything. She also gets into fights a lot- over the smallest of things, but she knows how to look out for herself. Jaydee’s a mastermind when it comes to getting out of trouble and places she doesn’t want to do. She knows all about Alana and though she doesn’t like her taste in fashion and hates she’s so shy she actually does try and help her out from time to time.

Brief History: Well Alana was there first. Her birth mother left her in a cardboard box on the first doorstep into town Alana before she left. Luckily for her the woman who lived in the house happened to love children (she didn’t have any herself) so she took her in… and told everybody that she was her own daughter. Things were all normal for a while but when Alana was six her and her “mother” were in a car accident. Her mother died and when she woke up in hospital with everything that was going on, Jaydee first decided to show up. People were talking nonstop about orphanages and social workers and one day the girl (Jaydee then) just disappeared from the hospital. The police found her a few days later, lying in a ditch just out of town. Tjey didn’t believe Alana when she said she hadn’t ran away and took her to her first foster home. She’s been between them and the streets ever since. Alana always wants to find a “home” for herself but Jaydee always has other ideas and either makes the foster parents throw her out or she runs away. But Jaydee wasn’t that common an occurrence until Alana turned 12. Then things began to get seriously bad. She was always running and waking up in random places. Getting into fights and waking up with bruises and cuts. When she was 15 she got sent to Juvie for assault (Jaydee) but broke out about 3 days later. Then a few years later the officials picked her up and decided she was going to be sent to the rehab centre for “help.”

Other: Well they’re both single. If that even makes sense. Alana doesn’t think anyone would ever like her and Jaydee… well she can be a big flirt… if she thinks she can get something out of it. She doesn’t trust anybody.

Spoiler! :
I hope this is okay?

Don't be sorry your darkness is gone. I'll carry it for you.
Always. I'll keep it with mine.

Gotta catch em all!

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Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:56 pm
Hanorah says...

[b]Name (Just first is fine):Stephanie
[b]Age (13-19):15
[b]appearance:brown hair,hazel eyes 5'11,curvy but not big,pretty but not exceptionally beautiful
[b]Personality:She puts everyone before herself,thinks she's less important.She kind to everyone,gives people undeserving second chances.
[b]Brief History:Grew up in an orphanage,never made any close friends.has bi polar and mild depression.Her parents left her and her younger sister Alice(12).The people who worked in the orphanage were cruel and barely gave us any food,so I stole food in the middle of the night and shared it amongst the other orphans,so I was well liked and no one ever hurt me or my sister.The orphans their we're like a family,we were all each other got,sometimes when I stuck up for someone I got slapped acros the face by mrs Lawrence,the orphanage owner.I ever got put downstairs in the basement when I pushed her off a child when she smacked her accross the face,she never hurt anyone when
She became angry with her bi polar,but Mrs lawrence made sure she got taking away because of it.
[b]Other:love reading,movies and is up for adventure
Last edited by Hanorah on Wed Jun 26, 2013 6:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.
'Be yourself;everyone else is already taken' ~ Oscar Wilde

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Thu Jun 20, 2013 8:21 pm
Gabriellemarice99 says...

One more character spot left and we can start the weekend or wendsday after it gets filled whichever is closest

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Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:24 pm
Craz says...

Name: William (Will)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Appearance): Dark brown hair that sticks up in various directions from him running his hands through his hair, and feverishly bright and intense green eyes. He is very tall, at most times bending down to listen when someone talks to him, and has a lot of freckles covering his face and body.

Spoiler! :

Personality: The best way to describe him is simple, but complicated. He has Transient global amnesia which is a severe memory loss that is when he can only remember his name, information from a short period ago, and flashes of vivid memory from his past that is few and far in between, and he also had nightmare disorder which is where he has violent nightmares and screams in his sleep that he will forget as soon as he wakes up. When he's not sleeping, he is very friendly and when someone talks to him he gives his undivided attention, which can be a bit startling. He reads very often and would sometimes list off random facts that he will forget moments later. Someone can tell that he was extremely intelligent or could have been if it wasn't for his disorder.

Brief History: Well, he has Transient global amnesia. Not even he knows his history, but from the nightmares and memory flashes it wasn't all sunshine and daisies.

Other: He is also borderline OCD, and he has a large journal with anything from napkins, postcards, and crumpled sheets of paper stuffed in it because he writes down what he needs to remember in it with anything he can get his hands on.
Last edited by Craz on Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

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Wed Jun 26, 2013 3:44 pm
Gabriellemarice99 says...

Ok that's everyone so make your characters an official character profile and we can begin Friday night :)

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Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:17 am
Gabriellemarice99 says...


Max is pacing his room wall to wall then door to window. Eight by six, forty-eight square feet to call his own for God knows how long. His little slice of heaven is complete with a small bed, dresser (pre-stocked with sweats), and a window with bars over it.

“Yup, you’re in a crazy bin alright! Shouldn’t have tried to off yourself with Amy home you dumbass!”, the voice in his head began harshly and mockingly, this was defiantly the voice of Lars. Lars appeared in the fourth grade when Max had a bad experience with the principal and was constantly ridiculing Max for his every mistake. Max focused like he had been told to so many times before as an attempt to silent the bodiless voice. “HA! You can’t even get rid of me you failure they might even kick you out of this joint for being too crazy!”

“SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!” Max screamed to the empty room banging his head against the wall. His read hair stuck to his forehead from sweat revealing his eyes gleaming a gold hew. Max shed his old clothes, not to be word unless receiving a visit from family, and shrugged into a black sweat suit. “ready to start my adventure.” He thought to himself as he turned the nob to his door where an orderly was waiting for him with a beautiful girl at the rather large woman’s side.

“Hi, I’m Alana,” she spoke in a quiet voice blushing modestly at Max’s presence. Her complexion is breathtaking, extremely pale with a light patch of freckles across her nose. Her chocolate brown hair trails halfway down her back and her meek hazel eyes are flecked through with gold.

“Damn she is beautiful, tell her she looks nice!”, a voice rears up again but this time it’s the helpful excited tone of Melany who appeared at the age of 13 when Max became interested in girls.

“Hi, umm… I’m Max. You have very lovely eyes.” He smiles at Alana and she blushes even more. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

“That’s my boy!”, Melany cheers from the soundproof walls of Max’s skull.

“Alright you two, are you ready to go to group and gain level one?” the orderly questions receiving a quizzical look from both Alana and Max.

Alana clears her throat and ask what her and Max are both wondering, “Can you explain the levels to me again? I’m afraid I wasn’t quit paying attention when Dr. Gray explained it to me.”

The woman sighs before beginning, “Level one gains you access to our private school, group confessions, and meals in the cafeteria. Level two grants you with recreational time and family visits. Level three allows you and your new friends to be escorted to a movie or the mall. The final level, level four is the outdoor challenge. Once you complete that you are free to go.”

They come to a cross road in the halls, a pink line straight ahead a blue line behind then a red to their left and white to their right. They take a left and enter what Max assumes to be group. Three black sweat suits are already gathered around the round table nestled into office chairs. Dr. Gray, the middle age nut case cracker, sits between the two unoccupied chairs and Alana and Max take their seats. Alana sits beside a father handsome guy and Max, by a curvy, pretty girl.

“MMMMMM! That boy over there is fine!”, a voice shills in his head. This voice is no other than Milo the gay boy who has somewhat haunted Max since he kissed a boy at age 16.

Max offers a smile to the strangers. No one speaks so he clears his throat, “Hi, I’m Max.”

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Wed Jul 17, 2013 9:40 am
ToBeMe says...


Alana winced as she looked around the small room. It wasn’t that bad. Actually it was probably better than half the places she’d been forced to stay. It was just really, really dull. And if she was forced to stay in here very often… well, the white of the walls and the floor… and the roof and pretty much all the furniture would really get to her.

At least it has a window.

She shakes her head pacing back and forth for a minute as she looks around.

None of it really matters. She hadn’t been able to do it. She hadn’t been able to control her “other side” any longer and she’d gotten locked up in some “institution” (as the court officers had called it) because of it. “

A mental home. “A place for crazies.”

Like you.

“No... I’m not. I just-”

Who am I talking to? This place is making ‘me’ craz… well, crazier.

She dropped her head in her hands and sat down on the small bed in the corner. The springs creaked under the sudden weight and she let out a sigh.
There goes the question of getting any sleep.

She felt like crying as she looked around the room for what seemed like the millionth time be she’d be okay. She’d get through this. She had to.

And hey! These sweats are almost, kind of comfortable.

There was a loud knock at the door and she stood up quickly, straightening out her outfit and running a hand through her tangled hair.
Time to go. Time to go. Time to go and meet the group.

A tall woman with greying hair greeted her sharply at the door.

“It’s time to go,” was all she said before she began leading the girl across the hall

“Uh… I’m Alana-”

The woman nodded stiffly.
“I’m aware of that.”

Alana winced.
If this is what it is all going to like then I’m likely never to get out of this place.

The woman stopped in front of another door just across the hall a little way and they stood there for a moment, waiting for whoever was inside.


Alana’s eyes widen as she hears the yell coming out of the room. Then she let out a sigh. She couldn’t judge them. She’d probably be yelling later. Well, Jaydee would anyway.

Just then a boy emerged from the room and the woman scowled briefly at him. Alana spent a moment to feel glad that it wasn’t her before she stepped forward to introduce herself.

He was about her age, maybe a year older with red hair and of course a very similar sweat suit to what she was wearing. He was a LOT taller than her and his eyes were gold.

She managed to smile when he noticed her but had no idea what to say.

“Hi, I’m Alana,” she tried, hoping she wouldn’t get the same reaction as the time that she had said it before.

“Hi, umm… I’m Max. You have very lovely eyes.” He smiled and a blush burns across her cheeks. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

She manages to nod. There. Not so bad. And he doesn’t look dangerous OR scary. Just wait until Jaydee gets here though. Then I won’t have to worry about other people. Because they won’t talk to me!

“Alright you two are you ready to go to group and gain level one?” the woman asks in the same sharp tone and they both stare at her with question marks on their faces.

“Can you explain the levels to me again? I’m afraid I wasn’t quit paying attention when Dr. Gray explained it to me,” Alana finds herself saying, even though it wasn’t even her that got to listen to the “Doctor’s” explanation. It was Jaydee. But naturally she hadn’t been paying attention so Jaydee hadn’t been able to pick any of it up either.

The woman sighs before beginning, “Level one gains you access to our private school, group confessions, and meals in the cafeteria. Level two grants you with recreational time and family visits. Level three allows you and your new friends to be escorted to a movie or the mall. The final level, level four is the outdoor challenge. Once you complete that you are free to go.”

They follow her up the hall and into a medium sized room with a large table in the middle. The other three of the teens were already there and Alana hurries into one of the remaining chairs next to “Doctor Gray” and a boy with messy brown hair.
The lady leaves quickly after that, letting the door slam shut after her and Alana forces herself to look around at the rest of the group.
“The rest of the crazies”
She winced, picturing the words Jaydee what she would say if she were here instead.
Come on. I don’t want to worry about her yet. Maybe later… when they all hate me BECAUSE of her…

She shook her head slightly and examined the other teenagers sitting in chairs around her. Everyone except for the doctor looked pretty anxious as the silence continued and Alana felt a little better. She didn’t seem to be the only one unprepared to face all this.
Max was the one to break the silence first, smiling around at the little group. “Hi, I’m Max.”

Doctor Gray nods and scribbles something into a little book on his lap and Alana takes this as a good sign. So she takes a deep breath nodding her head. “I-I’m Alana.”

Spoiler! :
Hey, sorry I didn't really add much to this. Didn't know what else to say.

Don't be sorry your darkness is gone. I'll carry it for you.
Always. I'll keep it with mine.

Gotta catch em all!

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Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:07 pm
Craz says...

William (Will)

Silence. Although he preferred it to heavy noise, there was something so, off, about it now. As he sat in a circle of people, something ominous was pushing down on them, and it unsettled him that he couldn't figure out what. It was like it was significant to sit in this little half circle, facing the middle aged man that reminded Will of a badger, like his future might rely on this little meeting. But for the life of him he couldn't remember what or why he was here.

"Hi, I'm Max." Will turned to the boy, a little older than him based on his matured but still young appearance. Ah, that's right. Now he remembered. He was supposed to be grouped with these people for some reason.

“I-I’m Alana.” It was the girl sitting next to him that spoke, fiddling in her lap as the attention turned from the boy to her. There was a pause, as it took Will a second to recall why he was here again, and then another pause as he fished in his vague memory for what he was called and why he had to say it out loud.

"Hello, I am William, but please call me Will." He gave the people around him the most open smile he could muster. The two others spoke their names, McKenzie and Stephanie. A brief moment of clarity struck him, and Will fished out a napkin and a piece of charcoal that he didn't recall having in his pocket before and scribbled down their names. He more sensed the badger man's lifted eyebrow, but it was gone by the time Will looked up.

"I believe everyone here has been told about the levels," He stated, and Will compared his voice to fingernails on a chalkboard. It was too high pitched, too instantly irritating, for him to find comfort in the man. He smelled of double meanings, and Will had to struggle to wipe the suspicious scowl off of his face. The last thing he needed was to make enemies with someone above him.

The small cluster of people next to him nodded, oblivious to Will's mistrust in the man. He felt his memory slipping again, and Will quickly scribbled down his suspicions. Then as memory evaded him, Will was pushed into an unwanted cage of ignorance, out of reach from his own mind.

A friendly smile played at his lips as the man spoke up again.

"The first step to controlling your impairment is to accept that you have one. Max, you go first."

He glanced nervously around, and then finally settled back on the man. "I... Hear voices." Embarrassment flushed his cheeks and his posture, slumping down in the chair as his cheeks reddened down to his neck.

The girl, panic tearing into her gaze, bit her lip. A strange burst of anger welled in Will's heart, and he couldn't figure out for what. It was targeted at the man asking questions, but it passed as soon as it came as the girl spoke.

"I have... multiple personalities disorder." She flinched, as if someone had screamed an insult at her even though the room hadn't spoken.

Will realized that it was his turn. "I have severe memory loss."

Stephanie, the girl that was sitting next to him, said in a huffy voice, "There is nothing wrong with me."

The badger man looked at her, raised an accusing eyebrow, and said, "Why are you here, Stephanie?"

Anger burned in her eyes, and she yelled, "I'm Bipolar!"

The room echoed for a moment with her voice, and after a pause the badger man moved on to the last girl, who said that she was persuasive. Finally, the man stood and said, "Now that you have accepted your impairments, you have passed on to the first level. I will leave you all to get to know each other a little better."

He stood, whispered something to the person watching in from the door, and then left. Will quickly scribbled down what he learned before he forgot.

"So, your Will?" He turned to the voice, nodding his head and smiling.

Spoiler! :
This can be anyone, of course.

Please tell me if you want something changed, because I was a little lost myself on what to write. And, the way I described Doctor Gray is Will's interpretation, not what he really sounds like. Will just doesn't like him. ;)
"we'll fasten it with some safety pins and tape and a dream, and you're good to go, honey."

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Wed Jul 17, 2013 4:12 pm
Hanorah says...


'so, you're will?' I asked shyly, annoyed at my outburst, it was like flicking a switch and unfortAntaly it wasnt me who was doing it.

He turned at nodded, but he looked surprised that I was the one who had spoken.

'Look...I'm sorry about before..I didn't mean too...that's not the real me...I just..it's just....I can't...' I stumbled, putting my head down embarrassed, hating what was wrong with me.

He scanned me for a while and nodded quickly 'Its ok'.

I turned to find the girl called Alana.

She looked slightly frightened, but mostly shy.

'I'm sorry about before' I made a face awkwardly, unsure of what to do, but she relaxed all the same.

'I don't have control of my emotions...so If I ever say or do something horrible to you..I don't mean it...the anger is not me'

She nodded, understanding 'Its ok, I have multiple personalities disorder..so if the other side comes out and does something bad it's not me'She smiled slightly.

I decided that I liked her, she could probably understand what I was going to more than the others.

She was about too say something when max came over 'Hey pretty ladies' he said and winked at both of us.

'Hey max' I smiled, he was actually quite good looking.

I heard someone say 'So you're bipolar?', and I turned around and smiled, hoping I wont have an outburst soon.

Spoiler! :
Can be anyone....
'Be yourself;everyone else is already taken' ~ Oscar Wilde

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Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:15 am
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Gabriellemarice99 says...

Spoiler! :
Just saying this is going swimmingly I feel this SB can really go far. Don't be afraid to openly express and write as you please this plot is all about different messed up people and the things that go on at the ward that outsiders wouldn't expect! thanks for your already apparent interest in the SB I appreciate the dedication!

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Mon Oct 07, 2013 3:47 pm
Hanorah says...

I have to honestly admit I was sad that this sb died I think it could have gone really well
'Be yourself;everyone else is already taken' ~ Oscar Wilde

No spring nor summer beauty hath such grace as I have seen in one autumnal face.
— John Donne