
Young Writers Society


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Tue Jun 18, 2013 12:33 pm
*coco says...

Plot: It’s simple enough. This SB will be following the lives of four young women (all of whom are best friends). Fresh out of college, they’ve moved away from the sleepy town they came from and decide to share a flat together in the heart of a bustling city. Some hope to make it big, or to find Mr Right, others wouldn’t mind a bit of both, but the one thing they have in common is their love for each other.

But with four different personalities living under a single roof, how long can that love really last? Buckle up as we go on a journey of the power of friendship.

Important information
Spoiler! :
This is a permission only SB so please PM me your profile first and I will let you know if it’s ok for you to post it on the SB thread. This is because I want to make sure we get a nice mix of personalities between the four friends.

I’m sticking with four friends at the moment because I want to be able to really focus on their relationship, and that will be difficult if we end up with eight or nine girls. However, if the four main spots are filled and you still want to join, PM me and I might let you join as a secondary character.

Guy characters are allowed and very much welcome too, since there will be romance in this SB. You can be a co-worker of one of the friends, family, or even a total stranger. The choice is yours.

As soon as the characters are finalised, I’ll post pictures of the flat and other stuff.

Character profile
Spoiler! :
Nick name:
Age: (23 and up)
Appearance: (picture and description)
Job: (all the characters need one. They’re from middle-class/upper-class backgrounds so they can be anything from fashion designers to business executives – you decide)
Personality: (likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies, biggest fear, dream … the more you include here, the better)
Your role in the group: (if your one of the best-friends is your character the ‘mommy’ of the group, or the ‘rebel’? Be creative. If your one of the guy characters, what’s your relationship with the girls, are you a co-worker, or a childhood sweetheart? Again, be creative)
Other: (anything else you want to include. Does your character have any issues, fears, secrets?)

PM me your profiles if you’d like a spot, if you have any questions, feel free to post them on this thread and I’ll be happy to answer :)

DT link: BFF ~ DT
Last edited by *coco on Wed Jul 24, 2013 10:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:33 pm
Desticakes101 says...

Name: Bianca Diaz

Nick name: B or BB

Age: (23 and up) 23

Gender: Female

Appearance: (picture and description) Bianca is pretty attractive. She has a nice body and is 5'6 in height (average). She has long black silky hair that falls down her back. She's also latina. Her eyes are chocolatey brown and wide (kinda doe eyed). Her style is pretty boho/alternative. She wears whatever she's in the mood for that day.

Job: Bianca is partnered with a nearby art gallery that she's made quite a bit of money from. She had been sending her photos and paintings through mail to the gallery (since she lived in the country) but now that she's moving closer, she'll be able to work in the galleries studio hands on. (She makes roughly $85,000 a year [at best] so she is considered middle class)

Personality: (likes, dislikes, habits, hobbies, biggest fear, dream … the more you include here, the better)
Likes: Independent and black and white movies, keeping her nails painted in crazy colors and designs, simple/down to earth guys (she feels that her artsy charisma works better with someone more...well simple), veggies and fruits, her camera, her paintbrush

Dislikes: McDonalds,stress, drama, over dramatic people, exaggeration, lies, meat,the word swag

Habits: Bianca tends to take pictures of anything interesting. She smokes, but only electric cigarettes (she also enjoys her daily dose of weed from time to time). When she's bored or angry she plays excessive amount of candy crush. She's a bit of a flirt when she's in the mood to be, but she hates players with a passion.

Biggest fear: Spiders, people throwing up, meat farms

dreams: To be happy. She loves doing what she does and enjoys the place that she's in at the moment. She just wants to feel content in the end.

History:Bianca was a bit of a loner in middle school and used to get teased a lot for being pretty chubby and her braces. When she reached highschool though she met the rest of the girls, and found that she truly didn't give a crap about what other people thought of her. The summer between junior and senior year she got her braces taken off and became a vegetarian, and maintained a healthy diet and began playing tennis and joined a cross country group. When she came back to school she was hit on tons, and finally ended up falling for a huge player. Long story short he broke her heart which led her to hate all players and guy flirts. She loves her friends like crazy, and believes that she would still be depressed if it wasn't for them.

Your role in the group: I guess that you could cal her the nonconformist/alternative chick of the group. She isn't girly but isn't really sporty either. She's not goth but is totally not preppy. She's just a total individualist i guess.

Other: She hasn't dated since highschool, and when she becomes particularly close with a guy she usually backtracks quickly and tries to put up a wall. She is still open for romance though.
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Sun Jul 14, 2013 12:23 pm
Liv says...

Name: Penelope Gardner

Nick name: Nellie, Nell

Age: (23 and up) 24

Gender: Female

Appearance: Nell has waist length, wavy blonde hair and a pair of sparkling light blue eyes. She stands at 5'4" and is thin. She has slight curves, full lips, prominent cheekbones, and whereas she used to have a Jewish nose she got a nose job at 20, when she saved up enough money, since it had also been broken so many times.

Job: Nellie is an actress - she does plays, musicals, commercials, and is on her way to movies (hopefully!!!)

Personality: Likes a great hair day, acting, singing, her friends, trying new things, rehearsing for parts, and going out with her friends either for a girl's night or to find guys. Loves dogs, her favorite pair of orange flats, old TV/movies, and change. Dislikes staying with one guy for too long, commitment, not getting a part in a show, getting sick, lazy days, rain, and cats. Has a habit of tapping her thumb nail against her ring finger nail, and also has a habit of moving all the furniture around. Nell's hobbies include acting, singing, shopping, picking up guys, rehearsing, script writing, and watching reruns of Friends, Roseanne, and The Cosby Show.Fears commitment, a guy leaving and hurting her before she can leave him, never making it in the world of acting and having to start over, and losing her friends. She dreams of becoming a famous actress and hopes to one day find someone she doesn't want to leave/fear will leave her. She also dreams that one day she will get to take her girlfriends to her first movie premiere.

History: Nellie was born into an abusive family. She is the youngest three, her older twin sisters,Laurel and Christine, being ten years older. They left as soon as they could, a year after their mom left, leaving Nellie to fend for herself. She was always outgoing, though, and always put on a smile. When she was sixteen, however, and came to school with another black eye her friends swooped in and threatened her parents with a call to social services. Nell left home, staying at the houses of her friends interchangeably. She picked up talking to her sisters when she turned nineteen but considers her friends her true family. Nellie found acting when she was in middle school. She loved it because she got to leave her own world and be someone else.

Your role in the group: Nellie is the one who always gets the others to try new things, whether it be a new restaurant, a new diet, or facing their fears. Nellie is the advice dispenser who gives her honest opinion no matter what.

Other: Nell always seems to find the charming, jerk, abusive guys. Her father is going to pass away soon, and Nellie is faced with having to plan and attend the funeral of the man who abused her for sixteen years, seeing that her mom is long gone and her sisters are out of state (though they may come)

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Sun Jul 14, 2013 3:02 pm
*coco says...

Name: Jade Rivers

Nickname: Jay

Gender: female

Age: 23

Appearance: Jade is classically beautiful, she has naturally pretty features so she doesn't wear much makeup. She has long brown curls that frame her face, warm green eyes and shapely blossom lips that are always tilted into a cutesy smirk. Her style is French chic; clean, simple, pretty and classically tailored outfits that show off her slender figure. She tends to stay away from bold colours, choosing neutral palettes that compliment her pinky/olive skin tone.

Job: She’s an upcoming model (though she hasn’t made it to the runway yet). At the moment she’s doing magazine shoots for emerging designers. It doesn’t pay enough, so when she isn’t posing in front of the cameras; she’s working as a receptionist/assistant for her Uncle Richie at his prestigious investment company.

Personality: Jade is a bit of an emotional rollercoaster – when she’s happy she’s sky high, and when she’s down no one can bring her back up again. She enjoys shopping, and in her spare time she likes to watch her favourite comedy movies (Bridesmaids, Meet the Parents and White Chicks being among her top 10). She loves more than anything her friends – she sees the girls as the sisters she never had but always wanted. She dislikes talking about her past, especially her family. She has a habit of biting her bottom lip or touching her hair when she’s nervous or uncomfortable. She also has a problem saying ‘no’ to people, which tends to get her into some pretty sticky (and often hilarious) situations. When she’s stressed or in a bad mood she tends to eat weird combinations of food – once when she had a particularly bad day she ate a whole packet of m&m’s in a bowl with milk like it was cereal. Her biggest fear is being disappointed and her biggest dream is to make it as a runway model.

History: Jade had a lonely life growing up. Her parents were well-off but their marriage was a rocky one. Jade’s dad was constantly having affairs and her mom was either too oblivious or too in denial to do anything about it. Jade’s brother, Ryan (who’s a year older than her) wasn’t much help either. He was too busy being the black sheep of the family (partying, getting drunk, arrested, starting fights and gambling) to pay Jade any notice. The only person who ever paid her any attention was her Uncle Richie, her mom’s younger brother, who offered Jade a place to stay whenever she needed it. At around this time she met her friends and things finally started looking up for her.

Your role in the group: Jade is the baby of the group – but she’s also the most caring. She’s always there for her friends no matter the day or time. Jade is also the comedy relief, always managing to keep her friends entertained with her daily antics.

Others: Jade generally avoids guys as a rule, partly because her experience with her brother showed her just how jerky guys can be. But her Uncle Richie’s new British employee might just make her break that rule. Also, her infamous brother (and maybe even her mom) will be making a come-back into her life. Now more than ever she’ll need her friends …
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Sun Jul 14, 2013 4:42 pm
fictionfanatic says...

Name: Calliope (kuh-lie-oh-pea) Grace Carter

Nick name: If anything, Callie or Li (pronounced lie)-but is typically just Calliope

Age: 23

Gender: Female

Appearance: Calliope has very short, natural red curls. Short as in a few inches, just enough to show her curlsframe her face, and keep it from looking boyish. She typically wears hats or bandanas, with the occasional headband and beret. She has a pair of mostly green hazel eyes, but a light golden brown surrounding her pupil. She stands at 5'6", is mostly leg, and is very petite with minimal curves, a small bust, and long fingered small hands. She has a Jewish nose, always flawless skin, always perfectly shaped eyebrows, and forever has pink in her cheeks and lips. She has a large, bright, white smile that both lights up her face and a room. Has a few scars (explained later), and only ever wears clothes she makes or very high-end labels.

Job: Calliope is a fashion designer. She's been working at it since she was a little girl making dresses for her dolls. Her parents put her through fashion school and has sold her own clothes since she was fourteen. She is extremely excited to move to the city so she can start working for some designers, and she is saving money to open her own business.
Personality: Likes clothes, designing, sewing, coffee, tea, her sewing machine, discovering new designers, picking out clothes for her friends, hanging out with her friends, fashion.shows, going fabric shopping/supply shopping, old (as in 20s-95) music, and hats. Dislikes hospitals, having long hair, teens that dress scene (she doesn't think its a real style, and could rant about it for hours), sleeping in, going to bed early, cheap fabric, and when her design doesn't quite look right. Has a habit of sitting/working on the floor, not using a coaster and ending up with coffee/tea rings on tables, sketches, etc. She also had a habit of leaving prints/sketches everywhere or tacking them to walls, and often sings or hums though she's not very good. She also plays her music too loud. Her hobbies are designing, sketching, sewing, reading, meeting new people/networking, going to new coffee shops, shopping, and she has a fashion blog. Her biggest fear is getting cancer again and having to put her life/career on hold and having to go through and having everyone else go through that again. She dreams of becoming a famous designer and seeing her designs on a New York runway

History: Calliope was born into a pretty well-off family. She lived with her mother, father, and twin brother John until she was twelve and her parents got a divorce. It was very hard on the entire family, especially Calliope. Her mother remarried twice, now with Calliope's stepfather Kenneth, and her father remarried once, now with her stepmother Sophia. When Calliope was seventeen, however, tragedy struck when she was diagnosed with Leukemia. She went through chemo and radiation, and still has scars from the ports. As you can see, she beat it, but still has to go to check ups for another four years and hope it doesn't come back before she can be declared 100% okay. Calliope also has a niece, Jane, and a nephew, John, of five years - her brother and his then girlfriend now wife Elizabeth had the twins accidentally at 18, and now have another kid on the way. Your role in the group: The fashionista, quirky, joker who can understand your pain/health issues more than anyone else could.

Other: Has a cancer check-up coming up soon -eeeee, hope she's cancer free! Can often be found cooking at odd hours - she does it when she's thinking.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sun Jul 14, 2013 11:23 pm
*coco says...

Spoiler! :
Okay girls, let this SB begin!


It was Friday morning and Jade was having one of her infamous ‘down days’. Yesterday’s company conference call (the first one she’d been asked to organise since joining her uncle’s investment firm) hadn’t exactly gone according to plan, and while her uncle had been pretty cool about the whole thing, Jade was still very much miserable about it. This was why she was currently sprawled out on the couch dressed in her pyjama shorts with her feet on the coffee table, grumpily tucking into a bowl of her latest concoction of food.

“What is that you’re eating, Jay?” asked Bianca, as she strolled into the lounge area, an electric cigarette in one hand and her iphone in the other.

“Banana, chocolate milk and cookies,” she answered with her mouth full as Bianca took a seat beside her on the couch. Her friend glanced into the bowl with a grossed-out look on her face. Too oblivious to notice, Jaden continued. “I call it ‘My Life Sucks’ …”

“Or you could just call it ‘Empty Calories’,” teased Calliope who was currently sketching in the dining area.

Just as Jade threw her friend a mock frown, the front door opened and in walked Penelope.

“Hey, Nell, how’d your audition go?” asked Callie, putting down her pencils. “Did you kick-ass like always?”

“You know it,” winked Penelope. “It wrapped up pretty quickly so I thought I’d
hit the stores for a little early morning shopping spree,” as if on cue one of the lobby guys from downstairs appeared holding a bunch of heavy bags (and struggling) as he took them up to Nell’s room.

“Surprise, surprise,” Bianca remarked with a smirk, making the corner of Jade’s mouth twitch – just a little. But Nell appeared not to have heard.

“And look what I picked up on the way …” She slapped a black piece of paper onto the coffee table and smiled excitedly.

“A piece of paper – awesome,” said Jade.

Nell rolled her eyes. “Turn it over, smart ass.”

Jade paused her senseless munching to turn over the piece of paper. “Lafeyette,” she read out loud. “What’s ‘Lafeyette’?”

“It’s this new club that’s just opened a few blocks from here,” answered Nell. “It’s supposed to be very classy and sophisticated. Their launching tonight and drinks will be free until midnight. We should totally go.”

“Sounds like a plan,” nodded Bianca.

Callie sounded her approval. “We haven’t had a girl’s night out in a while –”

“Well, have fun,” Jade interrupted, taking another spoonful of ‘My Life Sucks’.

“Jay, you’re not coming?” asked Nell. When Jade shook her head she persisted, “Why not? I need my wing girl if I’m planning on getting lucky tonight.”

“No frickin’ way,” said Jade, “the last time I went clubbing with you as your wing girl you left me for some biker dude and I got so lost that I somehow ended up in the VIP section with some Irish rock band, who were so wasted they kept calling me Fred –”

The rest of her sentence was cut off by the sound of laughter coming from the girls.
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:24 am
Liv says...


"Tom? Tom? Tom!" I called to the man who worked in the lobby - he was probably no more than nineteen.

He looked over at me from what I assumed was a dirty magazine and said, "my name is Tim...."

"Tim, darling, my apologies," I said, leaning on the counter and allowing my peach blouse to droop just a tad, "Do you think you could do me a favor? I have a few bags out in the taxi - do you think you could grab them and bring them up to my apartment for me?"

The boy eagerly nodded and I immediately stood up straight and headed for the elevator, "Wonderful, thank you Tim."

Loaded with shopping bags, Tim followed me into the elevator and we headed up to my apartment.

The moment I opened the unlocked door, Calliope asked, "Hey, Nell, how’d your audition go? Did you kick-ass like always?”

“You know it,” I answered with a wink, "It wrapped up pretty quickly so I thought I’d hit the stores for a little early morning shopping spree,” I finished as Tim came in behind me.

“And look what I picked up on the way …” I added as I slapped a black piece of paper onto the coffee table.

“A piece of paper – awesome,” said Jade.

I rolled my eyes. “Turn it over, smart ass.”

Jade paused her senseless munching to turn over the piece of paper. “Lafeyette,” she read out loud. “What’s ‘Lafeyette’?”

“It’s this new club that’s just opened a few blocks from here. It’s supposed to be very classy and sophisticated. Their launching tonight and drinks will be free until midnight. We should totally go.”

“Sounds like a plan,” nodded Bianca.

Calliope added, “We haven’t had a girl’s night out in a while –”

“Well, have fun,” Jade interrupted, taking another spoonful her latest concoction. Apparently she still wasn't over her office mishap.

“Jay, you’re not coming?” I asked, getting a head shake no, so I persisted, “Why not? I need my wing girl if I’m planning on getting lucky tonight.”

“No frickin’ way,” said Jade, “the last time I went clubbing with you as your wing girl you left me for some biker dude and I got so lost that I somehow ended up in the VIP section with some Irish rock band, who were so wasted they kept calling me Fred –”

Calliope, Bianca, and I exchanged a glance then burst out laughing.

"Baby girl," I say, taking my bags from Tim and shutting him out of the room, "I even bought you something to wear!"

I pulled out a backless, red dress and held it out for her, "Look! And red is SO your color. Come on Jade, pleaaaase come with us! It's not a girl night with just three of us! Besides, the dress is so cute, and it's not like I can wear it!" I joked, referring to the numerous scars on my back.
Last edited by Liv on Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:20 am
fictionfanatic says...


Picking up my tea, I teased, "Jade, if you don't come then dear Bianca and I are going to have to hold Nellie back ourselves. Now I have been working on these prints for weeks to show to designers, and if I can stop for a few hours than god damn it you can go get a couple of drinks with us and forget about one lousy meeting."

"You can't let one fail keep you down, girl!" Nellie coaxed.

"See, Nellie knows all about failing, and she still goes on girls nights." I laughed, mocking Nellie.

"Hey!" She argued, "at least I didn't have a hand in the prom dress fiasco!"

I blushed at the memory - a couple girls had asked me to make their prom dresses. I was up for weeks. I was so tired I ended up sewing the wrong tops to the wrong bottoms! Not looking forward to the next reunion!

We all cracked up, and I taunted, "That isn't nearly as bad as when Bianca found that new diet or cleanse or whatever it was! Do you remember? We were eighteen, our Senior year in high school, and our skin broke out in HIVES, right there in the middle of school. The nurse thought we were carrying the plague or something!"

"Jade, please please come with us?" Nellie begged once more, still laughing.

Jade pondered for a moment, then gave a huffy sound of defeat, "Oh, alright! But not for too long, and no bringing anyone back to the apartment! Now Nellie, don't you dare go off with some guy and leave me by myself!"

"You won't be by yourself," Nell laughed, pushing her shoulder playfully and teased, "Calliope and Bianca will be riiight there."
Live, Love, Laugh

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Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:40 pm
*coco says...


“You won’t be by yourself, Jay,” Nellie chuckled. There was a playful twinkle in her eyes that I knew all too well. “Calliope and Bianca will be right there with you.” With that, she threw the rest of us one of her dazzling smiles before strutting up the stairs to her bedroom.

“I am so looking forward to knocking back a couple of drinks after all this,” sighed Calliope, gesturing at the mess of papers sprawled out before her.

“I don’t think I'll be drinking,” I said, resuming with my senseless munching. “I’m a clutz at the best of times. Under the influence of alcohol I’m ten times worse.”

Calliope laughed. “Very true, I don’t think the security guys from downstairs have forgotten about you barfing all over them when you got back from that New Year’s Eve party last year.”

I pulled a face as the memory came back to me. “In my defence, I did ask Bianca to stop me after drink number five –”

“And in my defence,” Bianca cut in, “every time I did try to stop you, you kept telling the bartender that I was your stalker.”

Calliope giggled, and I slapped my hand to my forehead in embarrassment. I really was a terrible drunk. “Did I really say that?” I asked, unable to believe it.

Bianca nodded. “Yes. Security would’ve hauled my ass out of the club if Nellie hadn’t gotten involved.”

I shook my head in dismay. Putting my bowl to one side, I sat up and leaned across to take Bianca’s hand in mine. She looked up from her candy crush game to give me an odd look.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

“I’m making a promise,” I replied, my face dead serious, “tonight I will make up for my suck-ish behaviour on New Year’s Eve.” I had no idea how exactly, but luckily I still had a few hours to figure something out.

Bianca took her hand back and smirked with a shake of her head. “You’re such a drama queen, Jay. I’m over that night. It was over a year ago.”

But I wasn’t listening. My mind was too busy trying to come up with ideas.

“Uh-oh,” Calliope’s voice somehow managed to filter through my ears. “I’d watch out if I were you, B. Jay has that ‘I’m-up-to-something’ look on her face …”

“I know,” replied Bianca, returning to her game. “God help me.”
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Wed Jul 17, 2013 2:46 pm
Liv says...


I bounced down the stairs after putting my new purchases away then sat on the couch beside Jade and lay my head on her lap as I asked, "How about The Blue Cafe for dinner?"

"I'm up for it." Calliope called from the table.

"Nell, we just went there yesterday." Jade argued.

"I want Chinese." Bianca offered.

"Ooo, eggrolls!" Calliope piped in.

We all exchanged glances, and I reached for the phone, "Order in?"

"Duh." They all said in unison.


Sitting in the floor with Calliope, I scooped some vegetable lo mien from my take-out box with my chopsticks. Bianca and Jade sat on the couch behind us, eating out if their own boxes as we watched our Gilmore Girls DVDs.

With a mouth full of noodles, I yelled at the TV, "RORY COME ON, DEAN STILL LOVES YOU!"

"No way!" Bianca argued, "Jess is way better for her. Besides, he has that whole bad boy thing going on."

"Just you wait for Logan - he's the best by far. He's totally perfect for Rory!" Calliope interjected.

"Well I still think she should've given Tristan a shot - he loved her!" Jade added.

Narrowing my eyes at my friends, I said, "Well at least we can agree on one thing - Luke and Lorelai are meant to be, and when they get together then break up I'm going to cry again."

They all nodded their agreements and we turned back to finish the show before we got ready to go out.

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Fri Jul 19, 2013 5:21 pm
TaylorLove says...

Spoiler! :
Hey! *coco was wonderful and said I could join. I am so excited you guys! This is going to be very fun!

Nick name: Meg
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Appearance: (I cannot send you the picture but I will try to figure it out some how) Meg has straight black hair and very tan skin. Her eyes are an ice blue color and they really pop. She is 5'8 and she is very fit because of her job. When she is working she wears neon color work out clothes with her matching Nike shoes. When she is hanging out or going out, she wears a lot of color blocked outfits. She just always looks fun and put together.
Job: She is a personal trainer at her gym. She has made a work out video and everything. She helps women get that body that they want and has a lot of fun while doing it. You will never meet someone with as much energy her.
Personality: Like- She loves as good time, that is pretty much all she wants. She likes doing anything that involves moving, just doing something. She likes running, getting up early, dancing, being crazy, hiking, going to clubs, that sort of thing
Dislikes- Sitting in one place for too long, dwelling on the past, drama, complaining, people who give up, snakes, bugs, rude people, lazy people, anything but water or juice and ice cream.
Habits- She cannot sleep in what so ever, she just cannot do it.

History: Meg was adopted when she was two weeks old. She never wanted to meet her birth parents because she did not want to. The only family she ever knew was her adopted mom, dad and older brother. Her brother is her best friend. They are like twin. She grew up in a good home, they were wealthy. None of that really mattered to her anyway. She was just greatful to have it all. Jorden, her mother, and Meg never got along. Meg was a party animal and Jorden wanted a sweet little angle. They cannot spend three hours in the same room together. They are better at loving from a distance.
Your role in the group: She is the party animal of the group, the one that makes sure everyone is having a good time. She is the one who will be honest and tell you that your oufit looks crazy, but never in a mean way. She is the one you will call over if there is a problem, she is not affraid to stand up to people. She is sweet, but you do not mess with her. She is pretty chill other than that.
Other: She is waiting on her price charming. She wants someone to treat her like a princess.
Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart
-Winnie the Pooh

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Fri Jul 19, 2013 6:04 pm
TaylorLove says...


"Welcome home, Meg." Tim told me as I came through the door with my bags in hand. "Do you want me me to take those to your room for you?" He asks.

"No thanks, I think I got it." I smile, and wave good bye to him. I stayed with my brother for a week becuase we just wanted to catch up. I loved spending time with him, but I was happy to be back with my girls. They called me and told me they were going out tonight, so I was trying to hurry up there. I make my way to the room and unlock the door. "Honey, I'm home." I say loudly.

"Meg!" They all say.

"How was a week with your brother?" Jade asks me.

"It was great, but I missed you guys." I tell them.

"Aw, how touching." B jokes. I roll my eyes and put my bags down.

"You know me, I'm always warming people's hearts." I tell her. "Are we still going out?" I ask, turning the lights on. They girls all cover their eyes with their hands. "What?"

"Okay Miss Highlighter, go change. You are blinding us all. Yes, we are still going out." Callie laughs.

I smile and look down at my Neon yellow work out clothes. "Oh my bad. I did not mean to blind you." I laugh and they all get up out of the chair. I head to my room and put all my bags on the bed. Leaving them there to unpack later, I go over to my closet and pull out my short,but still very classy, black and white dress and some heels. I throw it on and do my make up. This never takes long for me. The other girls it is another story. I quickly brush through my hair and find everything perfect. "Okay ladies, hurry up." I joke.

"Not everyone can have perfect hair like you, Meg." One of them yells. I laugh and plop down in the main room to wait.

"Who is the driver tonight, because I am drinking?" B ask.

"Did you even have to ask?" I laugh. "You know I do not drink." I tell her. I walk over to her as we wait by the door.

"Oh, right." She says, it coming back to her. "I forget. Do you want to take your car?" She asks.

"Yes, that's fine." I tell her. The rest of the girls come out and I smile. "Are you ready to party?" I ask. The girls scream and I open the door twirl down the hallway. Yep, this is going to be fun.
Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart
-Winnie the Pooh

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Fri Jul 19, 2013 7:50 pm
*coco says...

Spoiler! :
Desticakes, if you're not happy about Jade setting Bianca up please let me know and I'll make changes. I just thought this would be a fun way of Jade making up for what happened with B on new years eve


We got out of the limousine twenty minutes later, arms linked, heels clacking on the pavement, with wide smiles on our faces as we prepared for our long-awaited girls night out.

The combined charm of Nelle and Meg ensured that we didn't spend too long waiting in line to get inside the club, and before I knew it we were making our way through the crowded dance floor, hand in hand, towards the bar. Since Meg and I weren't drinking, the two of us left the rest of the girls to down their shots while we looked for an empty booth for us to all sit in. Well ... that was the plan, anyway. Unfortunately, with my luck (or lack-of), I ended up lost fifteen minutes later.

"Having a good night?"

I put down my glass of soda at the sound of the stranger's voice and turned to see a very attractive guy in his mid-twenties come up beside me. He had a bottle of beer in one hand and an unlit cigarette tucked behind his left ear.

"Not really," I responded. "I lost my friends, you see."

"Oh," he paused for a moment to take a swig from his bottle, "Don't stress, they'll turn up."

"I hope so, for their sake." When he gave me a confused look, I elaborated, "I have the house keys."

He chuckled at that before setting his bottle down and putting out his hand. "I'm Calvin."

"I'm Jade," I replied, shaking his hand, albeit awkwardly. Not that he noticed.

"Nice to meet you, Jade. So what do you do?"

"I'm a model - well, a part-time model, actually, I'm nowhere near runway material or anything, I just do photo shoots here and there," I rambled. "Most of the time I just work with my uncle as an assistant in his investment firm."

"Sounds fancy," he smirked, picking up his beer bottle again to take another swig.

I shrugged and took a sip of my own drink. "It pays the bills. What about you?"

"I work at Barneys."

"The book store?"

He nodded, his smirk growing. "Not as exciting as what you do, I know."

I paused thoughtfully before asking, "You wouldn't happen to know if Barneys has a book about making conference calls for dummies, would you? I had this ... unfortunate incident at the office -"

"There you are, Jay, the girls and I have been looking everywhere -" Bianca stopped mid-sentence, looking from me to Calvin, before she smiled for some reason. "I'm sorry, am I interrupting?"

"No," I said firmly, knowing exactly what she meant. Suddenly, I glanced sideways at Calvin and then an idea popped into my head. "In fact, B, you're just in time. This is Calvin," I introduced. "And Calvin, this is Bianca, my BFF. Isn't she pretty?"

Bianca's cheeks flushed and she threw me one of her un-impressed glares. "Excuse us," she said to Calvin, before she grabbed my elbow and dragged me further down the club so that we were out of ear-shot. "What the hell was that, Jay?" she demanded.

"That, my dear B, was me finally working out a way to make up for what happened on new years eve," I answered simply, giving her a sweet smile for good measure.

"By hooking me up with some random guy at the bar?"

"A very hot random guy at the bar," I corrected. "Come on, B, you should totally go over there and talk to him!"

"But Jay -"

I cut off her protests with an airy wave of my hand. "Don't worry, you can thank me later."
"Do you know what my heart says now? It says that I should forget about politics and be with you. No matter what. You're a true Queen, a Queen any King would kill for." - Prince Francis ♕

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Fri Jul 19, 2013 9:42 pm
fictionfanatic says...


"Yeah Callie!" Nellie cheered as a downed a shot of tequila, the liquid burning my throat.

I coughed as Nellie pushed another towards me, but shook my head, "I'm pacing myself - I have a meeting tomorrow at eleven!"

"You do?" She squeeled, "Congrats! Let's celebrate!"

She grabbed my hand to head to the bar, and I in turn grabbed for Meg's, who we'd found a few minutes ago. However, before we could reach the bar we spotted B and Jay.

"Hey girls!" I called, and they both turned to look.

"Girls, can you please tell B that she should go for that guy over there??"

"Bianca Díaz," Nellie reprimanded, "that poor, handsome boy is still waiting for you! Go!"

Laughing, I joked, "Yeah, because if you don't Nellie will!"

Meg gave B a slight push, urging, "Now go!"

As she stumbled towards the guy, Bianca muttered something about us all being embarrassing.

"Come on you guys," I suggest, "Let's grab some cokes and find a table."

"Gee, you sure know how to have a party." Nellie teased.

Once we grabbed our cokes, mine and Nell's spiked, we began searching for a table. On a Saturday night there were none, so Nell gestured towards a table with four guys already seated.

Agreeing and in need of a seat, we all made our way to the booth.

"Hey guys," I said, giving them a smile.

Nellie then asked, "So you boys mind if we sit here? All of the tables are full."

The guys all grinned up at us and adjusted so we could squeeze in.

"I'm Liam. And these are my buddies Jason, Tyler, and Dean."

"I'm Nellie," she said confidently, "And these are my best friends Meg, Jade, and Calliope. Our other friend, Bianca, is way over there talking to that guy."

As Nellie said this I kept my eyes trained on Dean. His brown hair and eyes to match reminded me of Dean from Gilmore Girls - he had a handsome face, too. He looked over at me and gave me a large smile, which I returned.

Under the table I nudged Nellie and Meg, the two beside me, with my foot as if to call dibs. Meg looked at me with a knowing smile and then leaned over to whisper in Jade's ear.
Live, Love, Laugh

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Sat Jul 20, 2013 2:16 am
TaylorLove says...


I feel someone kick me under the table and I look up to Callie calling dibs on Dean. I smile and whisper over to Jade. "Dean is out and so is Liam." I tell her. She just laughs and nods. I turn my head back to Liam and smile.

"Can I get you something?" He asks, a grin on his face.

"I would not mind a water." I tell him.

He nods and orders it for me. I laugh and smile. "So what do you do?" He asks me, still grinning. I can tell he has been drinking, but it does not have a huge effect on him.

"I am a personal trainer." I tell him.

Before I can say anything else, he cuts in. "That explains your amazing body." Liam smirks at me.

I raise my eye brows and smile. "Well thank you. You are not so bad yourself." I say, giving him a good look.

"I do what I can." He says, making me laugh. "Hey, would you like to dance?" He asks me.

I nod and smile. "Yes, I would." We get up and leave the group. Liam takes my hand and leads me into the middle of the dance floor and we just let loose. He brings me close to him, but I do not object. He places his hands on my hips and I tangle my hands in his hair. As we do, he keeps making me laugh and getting to know me, which I really like. I hope this can really go some where, but I am not going to get my hopes up.
Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart
-Winnie the Pooh

If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.
— Jane Austen