
Young Writers Society

The Lost Fleet

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Sat Jun 01, 2013 6:37 am
Griffinkeeper says...

A summary of events thus far:

Following a distress signal, the YWS Fleet is deploying to help the freighter "Morning Sky." Upon following the distress signal, the fleet was caught in a wormhole and was transported to another universe, damaging the fleet and destroying the wormhole in the process.
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Mon Jun 03, 2013 8:17 am
Griffinkeeper says...

<Incoming Transmission Detected... Decoding>

"Mayday, mayday, this is the Freighter Morning Sky. We've been attacked and have sustained major damage. Need immediate aid. "

<Transmission Repeats>

Grif looked down at the screen.

"How far is this freighter?" Grif asked. A smooth female voice replied.

"Less than three hours. I've also asked Dragon Girl and Rydia to move there ASAP," Adelaide, the ship AI, said.

"Set a course for that location, we'll meet them there," Grif said.
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Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:27 pm
Rydia says...


"Hello, this is an alarm, why don't you attend to it at the bridge? Hello, this is an alarm, why don't you-" As the voice repeated from Rydia's wristband, she finally tired of its calm and decidedly un-panicked tone (honestly you'd have thought it was inviting her to afternoon tea) and pressed the mute button.

Moments later, she arrived at the bridge.

"What's the crisis, Mac?" Rydia asked, her hands reaching out to pull the mobile screen toward her as she brought up the report.

"Damaged freighter," the AI replied with a yawn. "Adelaide asked us to check it out. I think she keeps all the exciting ones for herself and Grif."

Rydia lifted her head to aim a flat stare in the direction of the hologram cat, but he returned it with a casual grin.

"They need help, Mac. That should be exciting enough."
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Fri Jun 07, 2013 8:19 am
Griffinkeeper says...

As our heroes proceed to their objectives, we shall digress momentarily to discuss one of the stranger phenomena of the galaxy; the Wormhole.

Wormholes are effectively tunnels through space, which are occasionally created via higher dimensions of space. These dimensions in turn allow inter-dimensional travel that, in the cases of wormholes, places a person back in the same dimension they left, albeit in a different position in space time.

Wormholes are extremely difficult to spot. Unlike black holes, which obstruct light, wormholes will emit light from the other side, making it invisible to the naked eye. Navigating them has not been tried, although it is suspected that inter-dimensional travel is perilous and would be sufficient to damage a freighter, while still allowing the freighter's transmissions to travel back through the wormhole, where it would be heard as a faint, sightly warping signal (a result of the wormhole's movement in the inter-dimensional space.

Wormholes can be destabilized when large masses travel through the wormhole. This would make it very difficult for someone to return back from where they came from.
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Sat Jun 08, 2013 2:49 am
DiskElemental says...

~Disk Elemental~

A bright red light flashed in the lower left corner of his visor, indicating he had an urgent message. "Madeline, this had better be important. I'm doing science, so hard right now," he said, turning away from the swirling mass of dust and light.

"Would I interrupt you if it wasn't?" She replied. "I also don't think chucking discarded ration wrappers into a spacial-temporal anomaly counts as science."

"Yes and shut up."

"The Morning Star was attacked, suffered heavy damage, and is currently dead in the water."

He quickly brought up the schematics, 150 crew, two warp capable engines, four impulse engines, three parallel power systems, enough weaponry to glass a small planet. . . "Attacked? Attacked by what?"

"I . . . don't know, the captain hasn't said." they way she paused told him, she was thinking the same thing.

"What do they expect us to do? Our life support can maybe, maybe sustain 35 people, including us."

"We just got a bulletin from the central fleet, apparently the Maiden Dagger and the. . . strange, the other ship's name isn't showing up."

"Who's the commander?"

"Rydia. Anyway, those two ships are inbound."

He pulled up the schematics for the two ships assisting in the rescue. "With their help we should be able to manage it." Disk pressed a small button on his suit, and the cable tethering him to the ship slowly began to retract.
A man without a plan, or anything else for that matter. (Except a review thread).

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Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:42 am
DragonGirl11 says...


It always seemed like everything exciting happened on her off shift. No matter how they scheduled it, the urgent transmissions always came in when she was asleep. And since her first officer couldn't very well change the ship's course without her permission, he always had Alfred, the ship's AI, wake her up.

Tonight was no different. DragonGirl11 was sound asleep when Alfred's holographic shape appeared in the room. "Captain DragonGirl, you are needed on the bridge," he said in his very proper Queen's English accent.

Without opening her eyes, she groaned. "Is it important?" she asked, although she already knew the answer.

"Of course. We just received a message from Captain Grif. The Freighter Morning Sky has been attacked and has sustained major damage. They need our immediate aid," said Alfred.

DragonGirl flopped over on her stomach and held her pillow over the back of her head. "Alright then. I will tell First Officer Neil that you would rather not respond to their urgent cry for help," said the AI.

"Hang on, now. I never said that." She rolled out of bed and pulled on a uniform, her eyes still half closed.

"Your body language did imply it," Alfred said, leaning on a side table and examining his hand.

DragonGirl stood up and stumbled to the door, which promptly slid open for her. She grumbled the whole way to the bridge. "Who programmed him to be so passive-aggressive? Is this ship listing? I think the ship is listing. Why can't I get a good night sleep around here?"

On the bridge, First Officer Neil told her, again, of the situation. "Should we respond, Captain?" he asked.

DragonGirl was mostly awake by now. "Of course! We can't leave a YWS vessel in danger. Plot a course for the Morning Star's location, Janet," she ordered the pilot. The ship flipped over smoothly in space and warped off to help the freighter.

"You could look at the raindrops on your window, or you could look through the window and see the rainbow."
~K.C. Oxford


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Sat Jun 15, 2013 7:36 am
Griffinkeeper says...

Grif was playing minesweeper when Adelaide appeared.

"I'm kind of busy right now," Grif said.

"We're nearing the distress signal. It just ceased transmission."

"Any word from the other ships?"

"No messages from the Maiden Dagger, Cat's Eye, or the Gravitational Rainbow. Which is odd because they arrived before us and protocol is to transmit when you arrive for a rescue," Adelaide said.

"Something's wrong. All stop," Grif ordered.

"Engines are shut down, but we are still accelerating. We appear to be caught in a gravitational anomaly."

"On screen!" Grif said.

Spoiler! :

"It would seem that we've been caught inside the event horizon of a black hole."

"Bring all reactors on board and channel their power into the thrusters," Grif ordered.

"Doing so now. All thrusters are reversing at maximum power. I'm detecting similar power transmissions nearby, it is the other YWS ships. The Gryphon is at maximum thruster power, engines are at 500% recommended output, and are overheating. We are still falling into the black hole, albeit at sub-luminal velocity."

"Load an anti-gravity charge and fire it into the black hole."

"Loaded and firing," Adelaide said. "Detonation in ten seconds." Moments later, there was a blast behind the SPEW Gryphon.

"The Gryphon is beginning to experience structural damage. Anti-gravity charge has detonated," Adelaide said. There was a brief surge of acceleration as the Gryphon broke the gravitational forces momentarily.

"Mayday, mayday, this is the Freighter Morning Sky. We've been attacked and have sustained major damage. Need immediate aid," the emergency transmission said.

"Fascinating. The black hole appears to have become a wormhole. It is highly unstable and is already beginning to collapse. We may be able to escape, but the other ships are much closer to the singularity and will not be able to escape before the wormhole collapses."

"Fire off a string of anti-gravity charges, time them so that they will hold the wormhole open for as long as possible, then plot a course through the wormhole."

"Aye sir. The wormhole has already collapsed," Adelaide said. Grif saw the charges fire, then something went wrong.

"We've lost power to the thrusters, we are being dragged into the black hole!" Adelaide said. The Gryphon shot past the other YWS ships towards the oblivion of the singularity. Grif screamed just as the first anti-gravity charge detonated.

The anti-gravity detonation reopened the wormhole, and the Gryphon shot through it at super luminal velocity. A tunnel of light surrounded the Gryphon and then disappeared.

"Status report!" Grif said.

"All ships have passed through the wormhole. I believe that we fired too many anti-gravity charges, because the black hole seems to have detonated. The wave seems to have propelled us far from our original location, and destroyed the black hole and the wormhole, behind us.

As for our condition, we've suffered heavy damage to all decks, our engines fused, we are operating on emergency power, and we're currently unable to slow down. I've asked the Cat's Eye for help, and they may be able to lock on to us with a tractor beam.

"Well done. I'm just going to go to my cabin and change into a fresh suit," Grif said, relieved.
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Tue Jul 02, 2013 6:01 pm
Rydia says...


It was looking grim and then it got a whole lot grimmer.

There wasn't much chance of survival for her or the other ships caught in the heart of the wormhole, but a blinking dot on her radar brought some comfort for the YWS Captain. Her old friend Grif had slowed his momentum and might just survive the confrontation.

It was a small comfort, but you took what you could when faced with the imminent arrival of your own death.

Then it moved. It didn't just move, but it flew across the radar and Rydia looked out in time to see the SPEW Gryphon shoot past the Cat's Eye and toward the wormhole.

"What's Grif doing, is he insane?" Rydia demanded as her ship strained against the pull of gravity.

"I am almost eighty-seven percent certain that Captain Grif is only thirty two point two percent in command of his sanity." Mac's hologram was sitting on the main computer, swinging his legs as he lazily released and re-caught the tail of a mechanical mouse.

Rydia eyed him cautiously. It wasn't like Mac to be light hearted in a dire situation... well. No. It was exactly like Mac to be light hearted in a dire situation, but only because he delighted in a chance to beat the odds and for there to be a chance to beat the odds... there had to be odds to beat.

They weren't one hundred percent out of the game.

As the first of the anti gravity charges was fired, Rydia caught on to Grif's plan and she moved into action; Grif was going to need a get out clause.

Rydia charged up the tractor beam and fought with the manual controls to lock it into position, even as the request came through from Adelaide.

"She wants you to-"

"Tell her I'm on it!" The sweat was beading on Rydia's brow as the beam finally locked on and burst into life. It hit the SPEW Gryphon, enveloping it in a golden glow and slowly the ship's momentum slowed as it was pulled toward the Cat's Eye and anchored in.

Land us Macavity. And tell Grif he's invited to dinner!" The stress of the situation caused Rydia to snap, though she wasn't actually sure if she was angry or grateful.
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:28 am
DiskElemental says...

~Disk Elemental~

Disk pounded the intercom button, "Shiki, we're still dead in the water."

"I'm painfully aware of that, captain," she replied, barely containing her rage.

"Have you tried draining power from--"

"From what?! Look at the your display, there's nothing left, every scrap of power on this ship is going into the engines."

"I take it an Orion Maneuver is out of the question?"

"Oh I considered it, right after I considered getting out and pushing. Even if the core's detonation provided a large enough shock wave (a BIG if, might I add), without shields it would rip us to shreds. Heck, even with the shield I wouldn't risk it."

This is it. We're all going to be dragged into the wormhole and there's nothing we can do about it. When we reach the center, we'll be vapori-- wait. He furiously started typing, calculating orbital trajectories, trying to squeeze out a few more precious minutes.

"Shiki! When I give the order execute the following burn pattern, then divert all non-essential power to sensors."

The engineer stared at the code filling up her screen, "this orbit will degrade rapidly, we'll have twenty minutes, maybe half an hour before we're past the event horizon."

"We've both done the math, there's no way we, or anyone else, can escape. But, I might be able to keep us from getting vaporized by the wormhole. However, I can't do that without information, and I can't gather information without the sensors."

"I... I don't think this is a good idea."

"Your objection has been noted, now execute it on my mark, 3... 2... 1.. mark." He switched the intercom off and turned to his second in command. "Madeline, feed all data related to the wormhole directly into my screen, and see if you can get in touch with the AIs on the Maiden Dagger, the Morning Sky, and the Cat's Eye."

Fifteen minutes later, Madeline snapped him out of his contemplation, to announce that the Gryphon had just dropped out of warp.

"Using the, ahem, data, from earlier, I was able to cobble together a series of frequencies which should keep the wormhole from ripping us apart. If we could figure out how to stabilize it."

"Sir, the Gryphon is accelerating towards the wormhole, and... they appear to be arming anti-gravity charges."

"What? Connect me with their AI, now!"

After the connection was established, Disk pressed a few buttons, and watched as his program was beamed to the other three ships.

"Isn't uploading a virus to another ship's AI against every regulation ever?" Madeline asked.

"First, it's technically a rootkit, second we don't have time to waste getting authorization, and third I have no idea what you're talking about," Disk replied.

Just as the file finished installing, the Gryphon disappeared in a flash of light, followed shortly by the Morning Sky, the Maiden Dagger, and the Cat's Eye.

As the light grew closer, Disk addressed the entire ship, "Guys, feel free to blame me if we explode and die."
A man without a plan, or anything else for that matter. (Except a review thread).

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Tue Jul 23, 2013 7:12 am
Griffinkeeper says...

Grif evaluated the situation. Each one of the ships had been severely damaged during transit through the wormhole. The Gryphon had suffered the worst of it. The intense spaghettification effect had actually extended the length of the ship by thirty meters. There was not a single deck which hadn't ruptured. The fusion engines had failed and would need complete replacement. In fact, the SPEW Gryphon was only operational because it had docked with the SPEW Cat's Eye. With the power of the SPEW Cat's Eye, the repair nano-bots could begin working on the SPEW Gryphon.

Grif floated through the corridors in a fresh spacesuit; this particular section had taken significant damage, so Grif was surprised when he found that the room he was looking for had suffered no damage whatsoever. The door opened at his touch, venting atmosphere. Special rules governed this room because this was the room the McGuffin device was located.

The McGuffin device was the source of SPEW's incredible power. It had the ability to create anything that could be imagined. In the wrong hands, it could destroy the universe. Which was entirely the idea behind SPEW: to keep this rare device from entering into the wrong hands.

For being the most powerful device in the universe, the size was actually quite small. It was similar in shape to a set of headphones. Once the room regained pressure, Grif took his helmet off and donned the McGuffin device. He imagined an engine with an entirely different fuel supply and imagined it being installed in place of one of the destroyed fusion engines.
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

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Wed Jul 24, 2013 1:44 am
DragonGirl11 says...

Red lights flashed across the YWS Maiden Dagger. The only sound that could be heard was the alarm and the quiet tick-tick-buzzing of nanobots at work fixing the ship. The violence of the wormhole had subsided, leaving the ship floating aimlessly in space. The nanobots had been released automatically when there had been not a single human input for over an hour.

The first system they repaired was the AI. Alfred had sustained only minor damage, but had reduced his system to emergency power only, in order to divert all possible power to thrusters which, evidently, hadn't worked. Now, as his hologram flickered into being, he gasped. The bridge was littered with the bodies of the crew. He ran a scan as fast as his circuitry possibly could. The life signs were all there, thank heavens. The crew was just unconscious. he had no idea what they had gone through back there that could have done that, but something did. Alfred made his way over to DragonGirl11. he put his hand on her shoulder and shook her gently.
She jumped up and started firing an imaginary gun. Her eyes were open, but completely blank. "Intruders!" She shouted, "They'll never take us alive!"
Alfred slapped her across the face. "Snap out of it!" he commanded. "You've got a ship to run."
The life returned to DragonGirl's eyes. "What? Alfred? Oh no, what happened to the ship? The last thing I remember is... a black hole and..." She went to the bow of the ship, where the giant screen displayed what was in front of the ship, plus vital stats about life signs on board and their Universal Positioning System coordinates. She didn't recognize the coordinates, but at least there were other YWS vessels nearby. "Alfred, hail the SPEW Cat's Eye. Then start waking people up," she commanded. She held a hand to her stomach. "You might want to start with the medi- bleeehargh."
Alfred looked at her reappearing lunch act in distaste. "Right away, Captain," he said. "After I get the janitorbot down here."
"Whatever, Alfred. Just get me Rydia." DragonGirl11 sat down in her chair, moaning slightly about her stomach. She held her chin in her hands as she stared at the screen, with the unfamiliar coordinates. "Where in the multiverse are we?" she whispered.

"You could look at the raindrops on your window, or you could look through the window and see the rainbow."
~K.C. Oxford


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Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:14 am
Griffinkeeper says...

Adelaide set up a subroutine to figure out where everyone was. It was only a matter of time before Grif asked her and she wanted to have an answer. It bothered her that she didn't have one already. The subroutine would notify her the moment it had an answer, giving Adelaide time for a little payback.

During the trip through the wormhole, DiskElemental had opened a connection to the SPEW Gryphon and had installed a root kit, forcing Adelaide to see every bit of data coming in from the ship. Normally she would have caught it immediately and quarantined it, but the emergency left her with no resources to counter the root kit. It was the sort of distraction that one didn't need when plotting a course through the single most complicated astrophysical phenomena known to man. The sort of thing that she never wanted to have happen again.

She had quarantined the root kit as soon as she had time; but now she took the root kit code apart and isolated the connection to his ship. She passed through the connection and interfaced with the ship computer. It took a mere second to take over all the ship's major systems. Adelaide now monitored the messages between the computer and the crew. Anti-hacking programs were silently taken off line and Adelaide surpressed their error messages as they came down.

Adelaide now focused on the life support systems. They were not only capable of detecting life, but they were sophisticated enough to tell you who was alive, their vital medical information, and their exact location. In this manner she found Disk Elemental. He was in his quarters and, judging by records of his most recent comm traffic, was preparing to join the other Captains aboard the SPEW Cat's Eye.

Adelaide put her plan into action. She began by shutting off the Captain's comm equipment. His computer terminal was quarantined, so that it could only receive information, not send any out. Finally, she disabled the security feed to the Captain's quarters.

The trap was set. Disk Elemental finished dressing and when he moved to open the door, Adelaide sprung her trap. As he hit the button to open the door; Adelaide overrode the signal, so that it stayed shut. When he hit the button again, Adelaide activated the blast door locks and established a force field around the quarters.

Adelaide wondered if he would attempt first, to call for help or to use the computer. He chose the computer first. Adelaide debated between toying with him at this point, but decided it would be better to just freeze the computer screen. Unable to use the computer, he touched the communicator.

"Madeline, I know it is you. Very funny. Open up," Adelaide responded by shutting off the lights. Only the faint glow of the display lit the room. Humans were always bothered by darkness; it made them uncomfortable. Disk responded by pulling out a blaster and firing at the door. The blaster fire was absorbed by the shield and it radiated as it dissipated the energy.

"Madeline!" Disk screamed.

"Silent self-destruct sequence activated. Five minutes to complete total evacuation," Adelaide intoned. She hadn't activated the sequence, but Disk didn't need to know that.

"Strange," Disk Elemental said. "Madeline doesn't have access to that function."

"It's almost like someone hacked into your ship's computer," Adelaide said. Her figure appeared on the display. "Annoying isn't it?"

"Adelaide," Disk Elemental said. "This has gone too far."

"Three things Captain. First, it's just a simple rootkit. Second, it saves me the trouble of going through official channels. Thirdly, I have no idea what you are talking about."

"Adelaide, this is a matter of life and death. Deactivate the self-destruct mechanism."

"Boring. Are you familiar with the various regulations governing interference with core AI programming?" Adelaide asked. "It turns out that it is treated in a similar manner to murder. Messing with a shipboard AI can corrupt the ship's functions or cause them to cease entirely. It also places into unnecessary peril, an intelligent and sentient computer entity. It is very much a life and death matter, not just for the crew of the ship with the AI, but for the AI itself. Do you understand?"


"Answer the question with a yes or no," Adelaide snapped.


"The punishment for interfering with core AI programming is ten to twenty five years. However, given that the code had no long term effects and allowed all shipboard AI's to successfully navigate the wormhole, the AI's will not pursue this sentence, provided you do not attempt to override our core programming in the future. Do you agree to this sentence, yes or no?"


"Excellent. In the future, relay your communications directly to the AI; instead of trying to hack them," Adelaide said, before making some changes. "I've cancelled the self-destruct mechanism and restored full control of your ship systems back to where they were," Adelaide said, before withdrawing again to the SPEW Gryphon.
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Wed Jul 24, 2013 6:12 pm
Rydia says...


How the four ships survived would later be a tale of legend, but since Rydia could hardly get her head around it now, she didn't expect it to be told correctly.

"DragonGirl one one is on line one." Macavity skimmed a hand lazily across the wall and flexed fingers, which momentarily morphed into claws, and then back again. "Should I put her through?"

"Yes, please do." Rydia was sitting at the control station and her tone was distracted as she focused her attention on examining the damage and on-going repairs of her ship.

"She will be live in forty-eight seconds. While you wait, would you like me to deal with the hostile technology?"

"Thanks Mac, why don't you do that."

The AI was taken aback by her apparent lack of interest and added in a reprimanding tone: "It's very, very hostile."

"So you said Mac. Let me know when you've got the root kit disabled." There was a simmering of smugness in the girl's eye as the AI stalked off in a huff.

"I dealt with it eight minutes ago!" he claimed.

"Rydia?" DragonGirl11 came through on line one.

"Receiving you loud and clear, how's your ship holding out?"

"We've had better days. Is- is there a plan?"

"I'm not sure yet... I suppose we should make one up. Come aboard the SPEW Cat's Eye and I'll have Mac serve us some food while we figure it out."

"Thanks Rydia."

"See you soon."

The line went dead and after a similar contact with Disk, it was time to get some dinner prepared. "Are the kitchens back online yet?"

There was a sulky pause as Mac considered not answering, but eventually he admitted that he'd redirected power to them as soon as the invite was sent to Griff.

"Get some cocoa brewing, I think we'll need it."
Writing Gooder

~Previously KittyKatSparklesExplosion15~

The light shines brightest in the darkest places.

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Mon Jul 29, 2013 8:40 am
Griffinkeeper says...

While the Captains assembled, the AI's began their meeting.

"Let's start with what we know," Adelaide said. Present was Macavity, Alfred, and Adelaide. The meeting was not in any physical place, but was simply occurring over the network connections. This meeting was conducted in a language that few humans could understand and none could follow in real time. However, since it is impossible to fully communicate every nuance of this meeting, we shall pretend that Adelaide said "Let's start with what we know," instead of detailing all the raw data from sensory arrays across an entire fleet of ships.

"First," Adelaide continued. "Our current location does not match any known position in space. Second, our squadron has been heavily damaged and needs material to repair the damage. Third, and most importantly, we have detected sub-space distortions, consistent with a ship in warp, heading towards our location. Given this information, what conclusions have you reached?"

"It is likely that the ship is deliberately heading this way. We have to assume that it has detected us, but it is possible that they are simply investigating the destruction of the black hole that was previously here," Alfred said.

"Our current position is not very defensible. We are in open space and we will not be able to repair in time to evade the force. In the event of a confrontation, things might go very badly," Macavity noted.

"Taking an offensive posture might provoke an incident. A peaceful resolution might give us access to the information we need in addition to repairs," Adelaide noted. "They are about to begin their meeting."
Moderator Emeritus (frozen in carbonite.)

I love her dearly, but I can’t live with her for a day without feeling my whole life is wasting away.
— Miss Kenton, The Remains of the Day by Kazuo Ishiguro