
Young Writers Society

Genre Savvy (Started and Still Accepting)

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Thu May 02, 2013 12:09 pm
kayfortnight says...

This is my first storybook I've created, though I've joined a few, so feel free to point out any mistakes I make.

You are one of several inmates in a Californian mental institute. But you aren't just any inmate. If you've ever spent too much time on TV tropes, you'll know where I'm going here.

A genre savvy character is a character who's smart about the most common plots in his or her genre. Like a person in a horror story who's smart enough to stay away from the basement. Our characters for this storybook will be a twist on that. They'll be wrong genre savvy, as in they're genre savvy for a genre they aren't in.

I'm thinking we'll pick a genre for each character,then structure our actual plot after a genre no character is savvy about. Also, one person can take a character that's crazy in the normal way, not in the they think they're in a book way, so we can compare their thoughts to the other crazies and actually understand what's going on. I'll make a dt when people join.

So, who's in?

All the usual YWS rules
Keep the swearing to a minimum
Please no explicit sexual encounters
Please pick a genre you actually know something about or can figure out the most cliched plots in that genre.
Don't pick the same genre as someone else. However, different subgenres, such as historical romance and paranormal romance, are okay.
Go ahead with the violence. These are crazy people, after all, crazy and dangerous.

Character template:
What Genre do they think they’re in?
What role do they believe they play in their chosen genre?

-kayfortnight; Juanita; Epic Fantasy
-kayfortnight;Mark, Doctor
-MissCaroline; Dahlia, Paranormal Romance
-RedBird; Hunter, post-apocalyptic sci-fi
-Desticakes101; Jessica/Lilith, gothic horror/drama
-Pencil2paper; Cassandra Black, urban fantasy
-HighTop; Heather May, teen fantasy
-SydneysDiary;Dustin Grey, Romance
I'll add more slots if/when necessary
Last edited by kayfortnight on Tue Aug 20, 2013 2:21 pm, edited 10 times in total.
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Thu May 02, 2013 12:24 pm
kayfortnight says...

Name: Juanita Sanchez
Age: 27
Appearance: Black, wavy hair that's cropped to chin length dark brown eyes, olive skin, small. Wears the offered orange jumpsuit.
Personality: Reckless, impatient, and stubborn. The nurses hate having to care for her because she'll attack them. The creepy part is that she's pretty social sometimes if you play along with her fantasies.
History: Was born in LA to a teen mom. She withdrew into books when she grew older, noticing that her mother wasn't paying attention. In her teens, the hallucinations started. After she tried to kill her math teacher in highschool they took her here. She's been terrorizing them ever since.
What Genre do they think they’re in? Epic Fantasy.
What role do they believe they play in their chosen genre? The heroine, of course.
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Sat May 04, 2013 3:04 am
MissCaroline says...

Name: Dahlia Hanson

Age: 63

Appearance: Dahlia has warm, crinkly eyes that are quite deceiving. She is known to be very sweet and almost sane at times, but if she can get you alone, she's said to bite. Viciously. As she is older in age, she has wispy white-blonde hair. Her hair is always a mess, pieces flying in all directions. Dahlia is almost always in a torn, peach nightie. It's stained and ragged from being worn for so many years. (They say she arrived in the nightie when she came to the institution.)

History: Dahlia Hanson used to be a grocer in her past years. She was known as the sweetest lady in town. She had a picture-perfect life. Dahlia lived with her husband and two cats. She snapped when her husband was found murdered in a deserted alley way at the age of 32. She's been in the institution for 31 years.

Genre: Paranormal romance/ beliefs

Genre role: Dahlia is always seen "communicating" with her deceased husband. She claims her husband is telling her to do things. With this in account, she believes this is the reason for acting out. Her husband simply tells her to do these things. Ex: Biting, Attempt at arson, Attempted murder of another patient, Stealing

Am I in?

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Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:26 pm
mortimermcmirestinks says...

Reserving a spot please. :)
Normal is boring. My deviantART acount isn't!

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Sun Jun 23, 2013 7:59 pm
RedBird says...

I'll reserve a spot for a girl, stuck in post-apocalyptic sci-fi.
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Sun Jun 23, 2013 8:18 pm
kayfortnight says...

Done and done :)
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Sun Jun 23, 2013 11:54 pm
Desticakes101 says...

Name: Jessica Wainwright/ Lillith Rain

Age(20-60): 22

Appearance: Jessica looks like your all-american barbie. She has long pin straight strawberry blond hair with platinum highlights, and that stops at the small of her back. She has high cheek bones and amazingly aqua blue eyes that tilt at the corners making her appear just a bit mixed. She's 5'6 with a great toned, yet curvy figure and a perfectly golden tan.

Personality: It all depends on which one really.

History: Since Jessica was a child she's been in love with horror literature. From Steven King Novels to Anne Rice, she would devour them all. But when she turned 13 and read Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, she began to change. It began as little changes like enjoying one plate of food and then hating it the next day and then loving it again. But as she reached her late teens like 17 and 18 things became drastic. She cut her hair, and then broke down in sobs when she looked in the mirror the next day, and then would become furiously depressed and would cut herself, but would soon later show up at a party all smiles and sunshine. The last straw was when she was 20 gave herself a new name, which was Lillith Rain. People close to her would realise that when Lillith was in control, Jessica would do crazy things like get drunk into a stupor or dye her hair cherry red or pitch black. She was finally sent to the californian mental institute when "Lillith" tried to kill John, Jessica's three year, boyfriend.

What Genre do they think they’re in? A gothic horror/drama

What role do they believe they play in their chosen genre? Both the protagonist and antagonist
life is a beach (*chuckle chuckle* get it lol)

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Mon Jun 24, 2013 12:15 am
RedBird says...

(I'm actually going to have a guy character, if that's alright...)

Name: Hunter O'Hara

Age(20-60): 21

Appearance: Despite what his name might imply, Hunter is half Asian, although his father was of Irish descent. His long black hair is almost always disheveled, as if he just woke up, and he often forgets to shave, and thus usually has a few days of stubble on his cheeks. He's of average height, and a bit on the skinny side, although he ia quite strong and exercises every day. His eyes are brown, and he has a large scar running down his face, just shy of his left eye.

Personality: If you go along with his fantasy, he's a pretty nice guy, albeit terse and sarcastic much of the time. However, if you deny his hallucination, then woe betide you. His fantasy involves quite a bit of fighting, and he is proficient in hand-to-hand combat, swordfighting, and knife-throwing. And he will fight you if he thinks you're against him.

History: Hunter never really knew his parents, who died when he was one, and he has no other relatives. He spent his life being shunted from foster home to foster home, never quite fitting in. He lost himself in books and the occasionaly movie or TV show, loving the end-of-the-world things the most. He loved the idea that the only person you could trust was yourself and that the world had fallen apart, because for him, these things had always been true. He began to teach himself survival skills, as well as fighting techniques. When he was 17, he saw a senior at his high school attempt to rape a girl, and he snapped. He whipped out a knife and stabbed the guy in the chest. He didn't die, and his parents opened a case against Hunter. Unfortunately, the girl was too scared to say what really happened and Hunter didn't help the matter, insisting that the rapist was a slave trader attempting to sell a girl into prostitution. He was thrown in the crazy house after the conviction.
His fantasy takes place in a post-apocalytpic wasteland, a burned-out desert, full of bandits and scoundrels, and dangerous pseudo-settlements. He sees himself as a sort of vigilante outlaw who hunts down slave traders and gives them justice.

What Genre do they think they’re in?: Post-apocalyptic science fiction

What role do they believe they play in their chosen genre?: A vigilante bounty hunter of sorts.
And remember...A portkey can be any sort of harmless object...A football...or a dolphin.
~Snape, AVPM

"You are the egg, you are the chrysalis, you are the progeny. You are the rot that falls from stars."
~Will Henry, on Typhoeus magnificum

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Mon Jun 24, 2013 4:08 pm
kayfortnight says...

Wasn't going to require you to be a girl, RedBird. :)

I've created a DT, and can people start posting their characters to the sidebar as well? Wonderful profiles, everyone :D
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Mon Jun 24, 2013 6:57 pm
ERZA says...

Ugh I feel like crying now. I had forgotten about this!! So sorry!!!!
Here I go!
Name: Yorjac Scythn
Age: 21
Personality: No one would believe at all if they saw Yorjac. On the outside she is all normal but somewhat conservative kindof girl. But she has major temper and personality issues! Normally she would be the most compatible character around as she keeps a low profile and just goes with the flow. In reality she doesn't even realize when she is changing. She is partially insomniac. She could go three to four days without sleep and at the same time she ciuld go on sleeping as long as she wanted. She is very manipulative and likes to provoke but only the one ones whom she can beat. When angry she gets very violent or errily calm and then she would get maniac-ish and then cool down. She is very knowledgeable too. One would not really believe it if they haven't seen her wall size fat bookself. Its either books or her thoughts that are her companions most of the time. She likes to study human behavior and some times provides awkward info making the atmosphere very tense instead of doing any help. She would refer them as though they were some animals and sometimes she would even go as far as to point certain types of behavior on the basis of mating or courting behavior of some animals (she does not tell it that clearly and if one takes the hint then obviously they get goosebumps).

Appearance: She has black elbow length straight ish hair and almost black eyes( dark brown).
She is tall about five seven and is of healthy build. Most prominent feature of hers is her eyes- they simply pull you in. Other than that her face is oval with sharp pert nose and full lips. She comes out very rarely and always loves to sneak up on everyone. No one really knows about when she comes or goes most of the time. She is mostly seen wearing shorts and some very loose blose that would sometimes fall down her soldier or show a bit of cleavage. She is tan and loves to spend time outdoors but only when theres no noise. She roames about barefoot so she is very silent catlike. Always wears someting green as its her fav color. She looks cute actually but then very few notices her looks and she also doesn't care anyway. According to many she doesn't blush but only a few know that the tips of her ears and her lips turn red when shes blushin her cheeks got no reaction.
History: Unlike how simple she looks, she has a very strained and tragic past. Her only companions were books which is why she cannot live without them. Many times she tried to kill herself but then ceased doing so when she was threatened of getting separated from herbooks. After that she suffered from amnesia and started to socialize but her silent demeanor remained. She does not even remember her parents as they had neglected her very much due to their job and her little brother. She remembers her friends although never misses them. When her memories returned her behaviour nature and all got pretty jumbled up and so another facet developed in her character the violent one. She often got confused about how to deal with her feelings or cope with life and so her frustration resulted in violence. When her parents forced her to go to the centre where she is now she tried to kill herself but she was saved but then again she believes that she is dead but is not moving on since God does not want her to. He has given her the gift of knowledge and so she now knows many things now. Shes miss know it all according to herself.
Genre: Paranormal and historical myth/ fiction
Role: After experiencing so much pain and suffering she is now free and now that God has entrusted her with so much knowledge and secrets she is wiser and so even she cannot move on she lives a quiet life oten ignoring her bouts of anger and she thinks of her insomnia as sone power given to her by God. According to her there is much more to learn but she is now wiser than before and so must keep on working to keep her soul at peace as it cant rest. She feels that God has given her another chance to live (even if its as a ghost) so most of the time she simply ignores how she gracefully almost glides along the way as she thinks shes doing her best to be alive. Shes in denial you see.

Please ignore my sluggish writing. Its past midnight and I think I am half asleep already. And doing this with my cellphone is also not helping. Please ignore the typos. Thats all.
Last edited by ERZA on Fri Sep 20, 2013 7:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Always and Never are two words to always remember never to use.

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Sun Jul 21, 2013 4:42 am
Pencil2paper says...

Name: Cassandra Black
Age (20-60): 25
Appearance: Cassandra has blond hair in a pixie cut. She has ice blue eyes and dark lashes. She is very pale and has bright red lips. Cassandra has an hourglass figure that is full but not big. She is tall, about 5'8". Cassandra tends to wear tight clothes and only wears jet black or blood red clothing and jewlry. Her clothes tend to be low cut as well. She would be beautiful if not for the craziness appearent in her eyes.
Personality: Cassandra is dominate by nature and is a control freak. She tends to be anti-social unles you look like a tasty snack, and then she is very sociable. She is very stubborn and tends to lash out at the nurses and is prone to biting them on the neck. She is extremely intelligent despite her fantasies. She has no sense of humor. Cassandra is somewhat sadistic and enjoys seening others squirm. Despite all of this, she does have a semblance of right and wrong, even if it is scewd.
History: Cassandra was born and raised in New York and was the only daughter to an abusive single father. She never had control in her life and not even her body was her own growing up. Her only refuge was the books that she read when her father was out drinking, fantasy novels set in the very place shecwas living, a world so close yet worlds away. At age 18, she moved out and took the job of being a dominatrix, to give her control over others when she used to have no control of even herself. While men had abused and used her all her life, now she had complete control of them. She catered to a clientel that combined her need of control with her love of fantasy by playing the part of a vampire. Eventually, she started to lose her mind and it got to the point where herrea.ity and fantasies combined due to unresolved childhood issues. Her boss called the police when she found her and her dead client, his throat ripped out and her mouth dripping with blood. Before that she had also killed many child abusers known to be in New York and drank thier blood, but she wasn't caught. She was taken to the mental institution at the age of 20 and has been there ever since.
What genre do they think they're in? Urban fantasy
What role do they believe they play in their chosen genre? Cassandra believes herself to be a vampire queen and head of the vampire coven in New York. She believes that she is being held by the humans for scientific experimentation and that her coven is being held in a facility like the one that she's in. She believes that she is a vigilante vampire, and in her own words 'has a thirst for blood- and justice.
"Look out! He's got a daisy!"
- Making Money by Terry Pratchett

Chuck Norris- worshiping gnomes, undead pandas, pet chupacabras and undead Keanu Reeves-what could possibly go wrong?

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Sun Jul 21, 2013 2:48 pm
kayfortnight says...

Thanks Pencil, feel free to add your character to the sidebar.

@ERZA, @mortimermcmirestinks, you still in? If you don't respond to this in a week, I'm taking you off. Please post your profiles or at least tell me you're working on them if you're still in.
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Sun Jul 21, 2013 5:12 pm
Pencil2paper says...

Will do. I'll have mine up on the sidebar later tonight. Can't wait!
"Look out! He's got a daisy!"
- Making Money by Terry Pratchett

Chuck Norris- worshiping gnomes, undead pandas, pet chupacabras and undead Keanu Reeves-what could possibly go wrong?

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Tue Jul 23, 2013 1:33 pm
kayfortnight says...

I'm just waiting for more people, because I suspect a couple of the people I put down aren't even active anymore:(
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Wed Jul 24, 2013 12:18 am
Willard says...

Name:Breeden Paradox Howard
Appearance:Mid height, big, large. No neck, brown hair. Basically Chris Farley
Personality: Quirky. Always tells jokes. Seems happy. Outgoing. Loud. Within his comedy, he has a dark tone. Depressed on the inside.
History: Born in a rich L.A suburb. Spoiled as a kid. Parents didn't control his eating. 3.0 GPA through his childhood. Graduated from Stanford. Was a professional writer for multiple sitcoms. No life. Spent his life inside. Had a mental breakdown after seeing The Truman Show. He freaked out and went on a rampage. 2 injured, vandalized an Arby's. He thinks he is all part of a sitcom.
What Genre do they think they’re in? Generic Comedy Sitcom
What role do they believe they play in their chosen genre? The sidekick to the main guy. The outsider who is awkward and can't find any love.

"Words say little to the mind compared to space thundering with images and crammed with sounds."

stranger, strangelove, drstrangelove, strange, willard

A woman knows the face of the man she loves as a sailor knows the open sea.
— Honore de Balzac