
Young Writers Society

Wonderland Rift 2 (closed/started)

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30 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 305
Reviews: 30
Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:18 pm
Alvarin says...

"My fellow citizens of Wonderland, I bring you news today of the past hour in Wonderland. The Queen of Hearts, Madam Yamani Marble, who was your ruler for only a short period of time in this old and astonishing place we call home, has passed on. I know that a universal opinion on her hasn't been decided yet, but only time will show the good she has done. She may have seemed like a bad leader, but she was a kind soul who acted in the complete interest of the people. It was her inexperience that killed her in the end. However, there is more to this tragedy. The second heir to the throne, The White Queen Miranda Marble, is also dead.

Many would say Miranda and Yamani never liked each other, but that theory has been proven false along with the deaths of the sisters. The Queen had received intelligence from one of her most trusted soldiers, Haigha, about a small group from a neighbouring nation planning on invading Wonderland to set fire to the streets. The plot was to be carried out by just a small group, and the Queen thought it'd be in her best interest to face off against the threat personally. So along with her sister, a few of her soldiers, and myself, we made our way towards the rendezvous point of the invaders and were successfully able to sneak up on them. However, we miscalculated the size of our enemy and soon found out that we bit off quite a bit more than we could chew. We fought valiantly for a short period, until the Queen was struck. I will spare you the details of her death, but we were successful in that we killed the leader of the whole plot. It wasn't until the White Queen was on the brink of dying that she sent me back to Wonderland, for she knew that even with this disorganized bunch, we were fighting a losing battle. So here I am now, retelling the story she so desperately wanted me to reveal to you. The sisters might've hated each other, but they knew what was good for the citizens, and they fought to their deaths defending you all.

But we are not without a new leader. Before my leave, Madam Miranda Marble had bestowed upon me the honour and duty of being the King of Wonderland. I, Lord Lordshire, known as the Knave of Hearts to some and the Royal Prodigy to others, am your new king, and do solemnly swear that I will not disappoint the people. I will act in the best interest of you all, the people of Wonderland. My fellow citizens, I promise to be your king."

The future is bright, my friends. No longer will we be plagued by famine. No longer will we have crime flooding the beautiful streets of our towns. And most importantly, no longer will we be pushed around by nations larger than us. We will grow to be a nation stronger than any other! They will look up to us as the epitome of all countries. What they will see is, the future."

Those were the words of Lord Lordshire when he announced himself as the new King of Wonderland five years ago, but it was all a lie. Both queens are still alive and gathering soldiers to take back the throne for themselves and hopefully kill each other while at it. The fate of Wonderland is in your hands. What side will you choose?

Summary of Wonderland Rift 1:
Spoiler! :
Once upon a time Wonderland was ruled by a ruthless king and queen. They had two daughters. Miranda (White Queen), the older and Yamani (Queen of Hearts), the younger. The two sisters never got along. Yamani spent most of her time with her cousin Minerva (Duchess). Miranda on the other hand spent most of her time with James (former King of Hearts), a former servant who had managed to become a trusted soldier.

The sisters managed to live side by side until the day that the king announced that Yamani was to marry James. Neither of the sisters were happy about this, and at the same time Yamani was realizing that the miserable state of Wonderland was caused by her own parents. She made a deal with James. If he killed the king and queen then she would let him marry Miranda instead. The night he was going to commit the crime Miranda was in her parents chambers. Unlike Yamani she loved her parents, and she told James that she would never forgive him if he killed them, so he didn't. Miranda's hate for Yamani only grew stronger because of this.

When Yamani found out that James had failed she rallied a group of rebels and stormed the castle. The king and queen were killed and Miranda had to flee from the castle. She believed that she had been betrayed by James and vowed that she wouldn't rest until she had killed them both. After that she began to rally her own rebels.

The SB
For 2 years Yamani ruled over Wonderland. The country was better than before, but Yamani was known to be cruel and Alex (Alice) and Miranda's rebels were only making it harder for her to rule. An abandoned skyscraper in the poor part of Wonderland City became the HQ for the Rebels and the Hearts were desperately trying to find its location.

Minerva, who had been reduced to a brothel-keeper, used her girls to attain information for the Rebels. Unfortunately Yamani found out about her betrayal and tried to kill her, but she survived.

Jubiah (Jubjub Bird) was a Heart soldier who hated Yamani more than anything. One day he murdered two other Heart soldiers and then escaped from the castle and hid in Wonderland City.

Lordshire (Knave of Hearts) was about to offer the Rebels his services when Alcander (the White Rabbit) took him to the Castle instead. There he met Yamani and made a deal. Lordshire would take command of her army if he could capture Jubiah for her and find out where the Rebels' HQ was located. At the same time Haigha came back from a mission and found out that Yamani was going to fire the current head of the army, a man who he had known and trusted for his whole life. Yamani, who would rather see Haigha as the head of the army, made Haigha the same deal as Lordshire.

James left the castle and went to the Tavern in search for Miranda. When he found her she threatened to kill him. He then told Miranda what had really happened the night when Yamani's rebels invaded the castle. Miranda agreed that she would forgive him if he left Yamani and joined her rebels instead. He made her a deal. He didn't want to leave Yamani without anyone who could take his place, so if Miranda could find such a person he would join her rebels.

Lordshire, accompanied by two soldiers from the castle, made his way to the poor parts of the city. There he found Jubiah and was about to arrest him, when they were intercepted by Haigha. He knocked out both soldiers, enabling Jubiah to run away.

Lordshire then went to the Rebels for help. He made a deal with Miranda. He would bring her James if she brought him Jubiah and killed Haigha. She agreed to this. Knowing that Haigha would find them sooner or later she set up a trap and waited for Haigha to arrive. She also sent Minerva to find Jubiah and bring him to her.

Haigha found Jubiah in the Tavern, where he was talking to Luna, and forced him to come with him to the castle. Jubiah followed but so did Luna. She managed to free Jubiah and they both returned to the Tavern. Haigha decided to go look for the Rebels' HQ instead. He soon found a drunken rebel and followed him to the HQ. When he entered the HQ he was surrounded by the rebels and Miranda. Miranda was about to kill him when he said: "I don't want to die." Miranda cared little for his plea and killed him. She then asked her rebels to drag his body to the gates to the castle, so that Yamani would know what she had done. To make sure she'd leave a real imprint she etched "Down with the bloody red queen," into his chest.

Jasper (Jabberwocky) found Haigha's body and took him to the castle. Lordshire and Jubiah were already there and together they watched as Haigha suddenly came back to life. Haigha's words had turned into a curse. Miranda became seriously ill while Haigha's ability to heal was magnified to the point where he could not be killed. When Yamani found out about what Miranda had done she swore to get revenge, and the two of them headed to the Rebels' HQ, but not before she arrested Jubiah and ran Lordshire out of the castle.

At the Rebels' HQ they found that Jubiah had been taken there and that Miranda was sick. Miranda was planning to have Lordshire hand Jubiah over to Yamani, again, and to free him after that. Haigha and Yamani returned to the Castle just in time to see how Lordshire arrived with Jubiah. This time Yamani had them both arrested. Unfortunately her idiot soldiers put them in the same cell so they managed to escape shortly afterwards.

Now both Lordshire and Jubiah had had enough. Lordshire told Jubiah to rally the Rebels and meet him in the castle while he went to talk to Yamani. By that time Miranda had finally gotten better, thanks to her physician Adonis (Caterpillar) and she joined the rebels, arguing with Jubiah as she did.

Haigha and Yamani were in the throne room when Lordshire walked in. He warned them, apparently for no other reason than the goodness of his heart, that the rebels were attacking. They fled to the south tower where they woke a sleepy Dormouse. When the rebels approached the room they were hiding in Haigha ran of to fight, leaving Yamani with a gun to defend herself. She knocked Lordshire out and climbed out of a window that the Dormouse showed her. Later Minerva found the room, but the Dormouse showed her a window that led down to the oil filled moat and she nearly drowned. Luckily Yamani was there to pull her up. Later Haigha climbed down to them, but before they could flee Lordshire, Miranda and Jubiah was climbing down towards the moat. The Dormouse cut the rope so that Lordshire and Miranda fell into the oil, but Jubiah used his wings to keep himself up and then pull the two of them up.

Minerva, Yamani and Haigha fled into a cave that Minerva and Yamani used to play (torture people) in when they were kids. Lordshire told Miranda to climb up on a hill and wait for the others to come out of the cave, while Jubiah went inside to hunt them down. He was about to catch up to them when Haigha decided to stay behind to try to take him down.

Minerva and Yamani briefly left the caves to enter another cave, and as soon as they set foot above ground Miranda was there. The curse was starting to affect her again, and before she had time to kill Yamani she collapsed. Adonis found her and brought her to his homeland (the Island Kingdom) to cure her.

When they went back into the caves Minerva and Yamani encountered Luna, and Yamani and Luna started arguing. Yamani shouted in anger, something that distracted Haigha so that Jubiah got the upper hand. Luckily Jubiah let Haigha go, and then followed him. Luna and Yamani made a deal. Luna would hold Jubiah until they got away and in return Luna could demand whatever she wanted. Yamani, Haigha and Minerva fled to the northern countries.

Meanwhile, Lordshire was holding a speech for the citizens where he lied and said the both the queens had died and that Miranda had told him that he could take the throne. That was how, for the first time in centuries, the throne of Wonderland passed to the hands of a man outside of the royal family.

The 5 years between the SBs:
Spoiler! :
Lordshire made a massive overhaul of the military and now has a highly effective and
disciplined military force that constantly patrols Wonderland and its borders.

Yamani was forced to flee to the Northern Countries where she convinced the king to become her ally. She now has control of a large part of the northern armies. The caves running from the Castle courtyard to the northern border had become the new HQ of the hearts.

Miranda was taken to the Island Kingdom by Adonis where he spent several years ridding her from the curse that Haigha put on her. When she finally recovered she travelled around the World and made an ally of both the king of the Land of Fields and the king of the Island Kingdom.

Spoiler! :
The World: It is modern in the sense that it has electricity, jeans and firearms, but no phones, computers or working cars (though there are a lot of broken ones just standing about). The preferred mean of transport is by horse. The infrastructure is lousy all around the world, so do not expect to be able to go anywhere with a carriage.

Wonderland City: The capital (in fact the only city) of Wonderland. This is a place where the sun never shines. The sky is covered by dark clouds of thick smoke and the streets and houses are covered with smoke. The Thrones' soldiers patrol the streets day and night and the military is always present. It's divided into three districts and the poor district is surrounded by walls so that the beggars can't get to the rich and middle district.Image

Poor District: The biggest district of Wonderland City. It is divided from the other districts by a wall. The buildings and streets are covered with piles of soot and there is plenty of homeless and beggars in the streets.Image

Middle District/Market District: Basically like the poor district, but the houses are more inviting and the piles of soot on the streets are not quite as high. This district also contains the main part of the shops in Wonderland City.

Rich District: A small district, on the east side of the castle. Here the houses are grand and luxurious. Most of the houses are residential and inhabited by the members of the court. Due to the street sweepers working day and night this district is not covered by soot.Image

The Rebels Former HQ: A run-down old skyscraper in the poor district. It's uninhabited inhabited by a doctor and his pack of dogs, but is slowly falling apart.Image

The Tavern (recently renamed to 'Lordie's Joint'): Located in the middle district. Formerly the place where the Rebels used to gather, but now the main customers are the Thrones. Luna's twin sister is the bartender.Image

The Castle: A big luxurious castle that towers over Wonderland City. This is where King Lordshire and his army of Thrones resides. It's surrounded by an oil-filled moat and a high wall. There is only one way in. Underneath the Castle you can find the dungeons. If you find yourself down there you better look out for the inquisitors.Image

Lordshire's Square (the Plaza): A big plaza located between the rich and the middle district. This is where the people of those districts gather to talk. In the middle of the plaza a big monument of Lordshire looks down on the citizens. From the plaza you also get the perfect view of the Castle.

The Harbour: The harbour is divided into two parts. One part belongs to the rich district and is where Lordshire keeps his finest ships. The other part belongs to the poor district and is run-down and covered with rust and rot, this is also where the Whites are located. They have set up their HQ in a seemingly run-down ship. The herds or drunk sailors make it easy for the Whites to blend in, and at the same time they are close to Lordshire's ships.ImageImage

The Caves and the Woods: Cold and damp, running from the castle grounds, under the castle and city wall and all the way to the border of the Northern Countries. This is where the Hearts are located, hidden but still right under Lorshire's nose. The opening by the castle is hidden in a dark forest that has managed to withstand the air pollution. The further one goes towards the north the cleaner the forest becomes. The north opening of the cave leads out to a beautiful lush forest, still not far enough north for the air to get chilly.ImageImageImage

The Farms: A region south of Wonderland City that produces all the food for the citizens. Here the air is clean, and the farmers have about the same economy as the citizens in the middle district. They have to work hard and are often attacked by the barbarians from the south even though the Thrones' patrol the border.Image

The Northern Countries (also referred to as the North): Before the many small countries united under one leader, the region used to be constantly plagued by war. They are still far from peaceful, but at least the inhabitants now worry more about the cold than the conflicts in the region.. For it is extremely cold up in the high mountainous region. The rugged landscape and conflicts has hardened the inhabitants, and they are some of the toughest in the World. The leader of the North has allied with Yamani and she now controls the larger part of his barbarian army.Image

The Island Kingdom (Adonis' Homeland): A group of tropical islands to the east of Wonderland. The islands are crawling with all kinds of poisonous bugs and snakes but the islanders has learned to cope. They are experts in making antidotes and treating both curses and illnesses and they are also quite talented healers. The country usually don't meddle in the affairs of the other countries, but Miranda has managed to convince the king to support her with his fleet.Image

The Country of Fields: A country known for it's bountiful farmlands and its big fields, it lays to the west of Wonderland. That land does not only consist of fields but has a very varied terrain with mountains, lakes and vast forests. It's hard to take a step without seeing a spider. Since the king spends most of his time travelling around he has entrusted a few selected men to rule his country for him (see the profile for Erillian Blackguard).Image

The Southern Plains: It's not really a country since it has no proper leader. The area consists mostly of sand dunes and the occasional oasis. Bandits and nomads roam the land and often attack the farm region in Wonderland.Image

Map of the World:
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Led by Miranda, White Queen

The Whites are made up by people from all over the World. Most of them belong to the well trained fleet of the Island Kingdom, but there are also many volunteers that have joined because they want to see the rightful heir on the throne and rid the world of tyrannical leaders, like Lordshire and Yamani.

To become one of the Whites you must prove yourself a talented fighter and/or strategists, but loyalty and discipline are traits that are valued above all others. To make sure that everyone is telling the truth before joining Miranda's husband (Brae) uses his powers to check each and every soldier. Everyone has the same goal, justice, and are willing to sacrifice their lives to reach it, which also means that the Whites is a very close-knit group. It isn't hard to fit in when you're surrounded by similar minds.

As a White you will be pushed hard to reach your full potential, and there to help you along the way is a though yet understanding leader. Miranda expects much out of her soldiers, but if you can handle the pressure you will be rewarded greatly. Unlike leaders like Lordshire she does not sit back and watch her soldiers fight for her, but bravely leads her troupes from the front. Her enemies will find her unpredictable, which is a great asset when fighting by her side.

Despite Miranda being the head of the Whites, not all power rests with her. She has advisers, Brae being the most noticeable, that she always consults them before making any big decisions, hence distributing the power among the most outstanding Whites. This prevents unnecessary loss of soldiers. 'Two heads are always better than one,' is an old saying with much truth behind it, and it's something that Miranda takes very seriously.

Spoiler! :
Led by Yamani, Queen of Hearts

To be a Heart means that you fight for peace, freedom, and prosperity. Yamani, Queen of Hearts, believes that everyone deserves an equal chance to build a decent life for themselves and their families, and does her best to help disadvantaged persons—making her quite popular amongst widows, orphans, and the poor.

To be a Heart is easy. All Hearts are united through the simple belief that people should be judged by character, not social standing or wealth. To be a Heart Soldier, however, isn’t as easy. Each trainee is required to go through an evaluation, personally conducted by either Yamani or Haigha, before they’re given a sword and sworn in as a Heart Soldier.

Becoming an official is even harder, as there are few positions among the Hearts. To be an advisor, you have to prove your intelligence and loyalty to the Hearts. To be an officer in the Heart Army requires you be able to exhibit your skill as a warrior, as well as your concern for the well being of citizens in general. Heart soldiers are forbade from harming citizens, even White and Throne citizens, unless the citizens make a direct threat on the soldiers’ well-being.

Yamani, being of the mind that officials exist merely to unify and embolden the people, isn’t one to flaunt her title. She can often be found side-by-side with her soldiers, even doing undesirable jobs; she tends to be first on the battlefield, and last off it.

She tends to be distrustful of people, but once she gets to know you, she’s an unwavering ally. She’d fight to the death defending any of her Heart Soldiers, but she’ll kick your ass if you refuse to pull your own weight or betray her or any of the Hearts. Yamani is swift in judgment and quick to act—there are no appeals.

Her impulsive behavior makes many people nervous, though Haigha probably suffers from it the most. As a result, he usually accompanies her wherever she goes. Yamani has come to love his silent presence, and trusts him with her life. Earn his trust, and you’ll earn hers.

Spoiler! :
Led by Lordshire, Knave of Hearts

A Throne is any member of the elite army of Wonderland, or supporter of the current crowns of the Monarchy, Lord and Regina Lordshire. Thrones have the sole desire to make Wonderland a great world power and a better place for everyone to live. It goes without saying that the absolute leader of the Thrones is none other than the man on the throne. Some may consider it more of a political party than anything.

A citizen Throne is usually one of either high intellect or below average stupidity. Many scholars and professors consider the work of Lord Lordshire to be a great achievement indeed. The streets are safer, the economy is booming, and the poor are happy just the way they are. The idiots, on the other hand, just like to follow the crowd.

A soldier Throne is one of the most well trained infantry units in the entire world. They are put through the toughest of training regimes from day one and usually built like tanks by the time their training is done. They are world class fighters, most of them, but they are not stealthy in any way. They are trained for full on battle and not covert operations, Lordshire has his own troops for that.

Lordshire doesn’t often acquaint himself with his supports, but he is genuinely grateful for all of them. He will use the force of his army to protect his soldiers, and the word of his citizens to protect his soldiers. It’s like the Yin-Yang of the Throne society.

Character Slots:
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Note: Even if you choose a character formerly played by another member you do not have to take that into consideration if you pick that character. Meaning that even if you pick the King of Hearts you can just ignore the things that James did.

Duchess – Minerva – Megsug – Hearts
White Queen – Miranda Lutwidge – Alvarin – Whites
White King - Erillian Blackguard - Methrirr123 - Whites
White Knight – Knightly Rose – Shadowlight - Neutral
Dormouse – ShadowVyper – A slight lean towards Hearts
March Hare – Haigha – Alvarin – Hearts
Caterpillar – Adonis Blue – Megsug – Whites
Mad Hatter – Brae Lutwidge - AriaAdams - Whites
Cheshire Cat - Miss Tabitha Marxil Kitshire - Omniyus - Hearts
White Rabbit - Regina Lordshire - AriaAdams - Thrones
Bandersnatch - Mercury Sevun Riuz - Aquestioning - Thrones
Jabberwocky – Jasper – Trinity9001 – Thrones
JubJub Bird – Jubiah – Pencil2Paper – Thrones
King of Hearts – ERANBEAR?
Queen of Hearts – Yamani – ShadowVyper – Hearts
Knave of Hearts – Lord Lordshire – VeerenVKS – Thrones
Tweedledee -
Tweedledum -
Talking Door - Garion Thornbranch - Alvarin - Neutral

Whites Soldiers: (However many. Not based on an original character.)
- Blair DeVore - LoyalHeart

Miranda's right hand man: (Can be one of the original characters.)
- Mad Hatter - Brae Lutwidge - AriaAdams

Hearts Soldiers: (However many. Not based on an original character.)

Yamani's right hand cat:
- Cheshire Cat - Miss Tabitha Marxil Kitshire - Omniyus

Thrones Soldiers: (However many. Not based on an original character.)

Lordshire's personal bodyguards: (Can be one of the original characters.)

Lordshire's Queen:
- White Rabbit - Regina Lordshire - AriaAdams

Luna Wenchester – janika – No alliance

Profile Templates: All profiles have to be PMed to me for approval, and reservations are to be PMed to me as well. Don't post anything in the SB until I have approved it.
Remove the parentheses before posting your profile, or I'm going to beat you with a stick.
One thing more before you get started: Make your character unique and memorable :D

Code: Select all
[b]Based on what character?:[/b] (If he/she isn't based on one of the characters then leave blank.)
[b]Alliance:[/b] (Whites, Hearts or Thrones.)
[b]Rank:[/b] (Soldier, general, elite troupes ect.)

[b]Appearance:[/b] (Pictures are very appreciated but words are mandatory.)

[b]History:[/b] (Be descriptive. At least three paragraphs.)

[b]Personality:[/b] (Once again, be descriptive. Include strengths and weaknesses.)

[b]Ability:[/b] (Nothing major. It's just to add some excitement.)
[b]Up for Love?:[/b] (Yes/no, orientation.)
[b]Other:[/b] (Anything forgotten?)

Spoiler! :
First and foremost: Do not join unless you intend to post reasonably often. At least twice a week, give or take depending on how much the others are posting.

All profiles have to be PMed to me for approval.

No godmoding and no Mary/Gary-Sues. Please respect that. I'll tell you to change your profile if I think your character is too powerful/perfect. If you're going to use someone else’s character then make sure to keep him/her in character. If you're unsure then you should always PM the owner of that character.

Make sure that you read all profiles and posts (both here and in the DT) thoroughly so that you are informed and updated. All OOC (Out Of Character) posts in the DT.

Cursing is allowed, but don't over do it. Stars (*) are your friends.

Romance is allowed and encouraged, but no sex scenes. Simply let it fade to black.

This is supposed to be a war, so violence is unavoidable, but don't go too far. I think you know where the line goes, but if you don't then you can always PM me or ask in the DT.

Keep the posts fairly long, at least the paragraphs (yes, you're expected to write in paragraphs), and use proper decent grammar, spelling and punctuation. Typos are allowed, so don't worry.

Read the summary of Wonderland Rift 1, please. It's not that long. If you've followed the original SB you are excused from this rule.

This isn't really a rule, but if you have any questions you can always PM me.

To make sure you've actually read all this I want you to write: “I'm ready for this, and I don't want the mods to hit me with a stick!” at the beginning of your profile ;)

Oh, and last but definitely not least: Have fun!

Link to DT: http://www.youngwriterssociety.com/viewtopic.php?f=200&t=97307
Last edited by Alvarin on Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

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30 Reviews

Gender: Female
Points: 305
Reviews: 30
Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:25 pm
Alvarin says...

Knave of Hearts – Lord Lordshire – VeerenVKS:
Spoiler! :
Name: Lord Lordshire
Based on what character?: Knave of Hearts
Age: 55
Alliance: Thrones
Rank: Master, Ruler, and Supreme Overlord of the Thrones and Wonderland

Appearance: A beautifully sculpted angel of a man Lord hasn't changed much in the five years he's taken the throne. He's still scrawny as a stick, still pale as snow, and his eyes are still black as coal. He does, however, have a newly found confident swagger about him. He goes around as the confident man that every kid should look up to. He practically gleams hope into the youth. His blazer jacket also has the word 'Lordie' written in fancy letters at the back.Image

History: Before he was king, Lordie was the silent politician that watched everything play out before him. He was an excellent strategist and a great historian, which might be the reason he became the king so quickly after he became involved in royal affairs. His loyalties were constantly split between the Hearts and the Rebels during the reign of Yamani, but it was clear by the end of it all that he was in it for himself.

Shortly after claiming the crown, he wed a woman he met at his personal bar, "Lordie's Joint", who most people say had a personality just as twisted as his own. They're not seen in public together often, which leaves a lot of people thinking that she's either Lordshire's wife is pulling things from behind, or that she's just a figurehead to please the public.

Lord has had one main focus in the five years of his reign, the military. He's stepped up the training and recruitment process tot the max, in the hopes of creating the most powerful force in the world. His main plan was to make Wonderland the country no one would mess with. He thought all the rest of the countries problems would fix themselves after that, the crime rate would decrease, pollution would stop, and there would be more jobs available to the helpless public.

Throughout all of this, Lordshire has visited many places across the globe with the hopes of political unity among the other countries. He was a very mobile King, always traveling to meet with some other leaders. This allowed him to experience more of the world than he ever could before he took the throne, and even learn some abilities along the way.

Today he has slowed down a bit, taking more time to rest inbetween trips to foreign nations, and also spending more time with his wife and slaves servants.

Personality: Lordie is very cocky. Being the king has made him very confident in everything he does and he has the strong sense of him being right and everyone who disagrees with him being wrong. Very few people do know how kind he really is, but he will rarely show it even to his closest of friends.

As for his strengths, he is extremely cunning and witty, and most likely one of the greatest strategists ever. When it comes to a battle of the mind, it is very hard to beat him. His weakness comes as a result of that, he is very cocky. He is stubborn and will rarely heed the advice given to him by others.

Weapon(s): His diamond staff with a sculpture of his head on the top and his witty sense of humor.
Ability: He's still pretty strong and quite fast, but he's picked up a little trick along the way. He can teleport. He can move up to 20 feet at a time, and can teleport in rapid succession, but it takes a toll on him. After two teleports, he starts to sweat, after three, he gets winded, and after four, he feels faint. He's never tried more than that because he's lazy, er, busy.
Up for Love?: YES He's married.
Other: I could go on for days about how amazing he is.

White Rabbit – Regina Lordshire – AriaAdams:
Spoiler! :
Name: Regina Lordshire
Based on what character?: White Rabbit
Age: 25
Alliance: Thrones
Rank: Queen

Appearance: She has sharp facial features, high cheekbones and dark, wavy hair that falls on her chest. Her eyes are big, green under long lashes, and she likes wearing some makeup. She also has rather full lips and flawless skin apart from a beauty mark over her left cheekbone. She often wears her hair in braids and buns, and enjoys wearing dresses, especially in shades of green. She is of average height, which makes her rather shorter than her husband.

History: Regina was born in the poor part of the city, to a kindergarten teacher and a sewer. Her mother sewed clothes equally for homeless and for royals, spending even more money that she'd get. Her father, on the other hand, spent more time with other children than his daughter, and even though he never denied her what she needed, he admitted once that he wanted to have a son. After Regina's birth, they did get a son, but one day as he got ill, the doctors took him away covered in black fabric, and broke Regina's parents' hearts. He was still a baby then, and they never even spoke of it later.

As a child, Regina often visited the castle with her mother; but as she grew older, she stopped seeing the queen pretty and the princesses adorable, and started hating the kneeling and the obedience. As her mother got sick, when Regina was fifteen, she took over her job, but almost got herself killed by the queen as she said too much of what was on her mind. Instead, though, she just lost her job, and was forced to go to work in the Tavern if she wanted to have means for life. During the happenings before Lordshire becoming the King, Regina took no sides and merely observed, gathering information from her..clients..in the tavern.

With him becoming King, it was rather intriguing to see Lordshire entering the tavern, even more to see him observing her for a while before he called her to one of the rooms above. Regina was good in expecting the unexpected, yet she didn't believe him when made her the proposal to make her Queen. Persuasive as he is, he eventually explained the whole thing to her - she was never to be the true queen, but rather the figure to show off with in front of people. Without real power, so he said; but until given the chance too come close to it, Regina didn't even know how much she desired power. She agreed to go on with Lordshire's plan, moved to the castle and eventually got more power than she was supposed to. She stayed the figurehead, yet stopped being Lordshire's pawn, instead becoming all a wife should be. With no "real" power, of course. But she managed to gain his trust and love, and she was smart enough to know it can get her more than any title or duty. Somewhat unfortunately, though, she happened to fall in love with him in the process, enough to stay on his side even if she had a chance to betray him.

Personality: Regina is very smart, and knows how to take care of herself. To put someone in front of herself, she must truly care and love that person, and even that only if there isn't another way. She doesn't like showing her feelings, hence often coming across as cold, yet when she does show them, she does it with passion. She is, however, good in acting as she knows people want her to act, though she hates doing it. Regina dislikes physical fights, rather using her persuasive and diplomatic skills.

She is loyal to Lordie, yet the two of them have opposite views on who's lucky to have whom. Due to the moments she spent observing the Court as a child, Regina learned how to act as a royal, and no one could doubt her being the real queen (except for a selected few who know the truth, that is). She tends to be sarcastic and she dislikes most of jokes she hears, and she can also tell when people are lying to her or hiding something. She is also adventurous, and calculating when the situation demands it. In her heart, however, she remembers what's it like to be just a girl with nothing and no one, and though she won't rush to help anyone, she won't deny her assistance to those who ask for it.
Regina, despite of not being as self-centered as her husband ( :P ), has her power greedy, attentiongrabby side, and isn't afraid to risk to get what she wants. She doesn't really care if the King is faithful to her either, for as long as she knows exactly who and when enters his chambers and how do they leave.

She can be ruthless, yet is mostly kind and collected, more often holding someone back than acting recklessly on her own. Also, she's surprisingly good in listening and giving advices, but doesn't actually do it often.
She has petrifying fears of fire (her parents died in one), darkness and large animals, yet she likes fighting all of those (not very successfully). For some reason, she also has nightmares, and can rarely spend the night peacefully if she's left alone. She never talks about it, though. Oh, and she also holds to some unconventional beliefs.

Weapon(s): She is very good in using knives in all kinds of imaginative ways :3
Ability: She can, by looking into someone's eyes, make them forget her and their interaction completely.
Up for Love?: Love? No, she's taken. Seduction to get what she needs to get? Anytime. Gender irrelevant.
Other: Well, she's pregnant. In her seventh month, and incredibly grateful for her body constitution - its barely noticeable, and besides for the fact she's not, well, in his chambers, all that much, not even Lordie knows yet. That is because she wants to be sure everything will be alright before telling anyone, remembering what her parents felt like when her baby brother died.
She also controls the dungeons of the castle. Not officially, of course.

Bandersnatch – Mercury Sevun Riuz – Aquestioning:
Spoiler! :
Name: Mercury Sevun Riuz
Based on what character?: Bandersnatch
Age: 34
Alliance: Thrones
Rank: Assassin

Appearance: He is around 5'11'', with brunette hair that is about shoulder length that he keeps in a ponytail. He has three scars that cut across diagonally from the middle of his forehead to his right cheekbone, rendering his right eye blind and deformed. His left eye is hazel, it's color changing on his emotions, the only thing that betrays his emotions.

History: His family was a straightforward family. He had two sisters, one older and one younger. They didn't care about the petty clashes of the governments, until one day, when he was 8, his father was filed into the government's armies.

Two years later, his mother committed suicide whenever she found out that her husband was killed in the military. His sisters and he were now orphans, but his older sister cared for them all she could, getting money where she could, even eventually selling her body just to get money for them. That only lasted for two years, and by that time, he had started trying to get a job also.

One night, when they were all walking the streets at night, his sister getting them into a tavern so she could sell her body once again, they got mugged by four bandits, resulting in the death of his sisters and serious injury in him.

Thus resulted in him landing in the hands of Yamani's father. It was a time of rushed military training and forced service, but it was better than what he had before.

One day, he was fighting a certain creature called a Bandear, which resulted in the loss of his right eye.

He now spends his time serving under Lord Lordshire.

Personality: He has developed a stone wall of emotions, never betraying it, except in his left eye, mentioned in appearance. He is a very loyal warrior. There are a couple of dozen ways he could kill a person without even breaking a sweat. However, he can't see out of his right eye, which is a pretty major disadvantage.

He is the perfect soldier. However, his wall is feeble, and it could break upon too much stress, but not the normal kind of stress. His stress of staying still and not be able to help at all. Inside, he is quite crazy, on the outside, he is the perfect soldier.

Weapon(s): He loves daggers and daggers and...did I mention daggers?
Ability: Whenever he closes his left eye, he can sometimes see what is about to happen. That helps out a lot in battle (Sometimes)
Up for Love?: No, not really...maybe...
Other: Nope...

Jabberwocky – Jasper – Trinity9001:
Spoiler! :
Name: Jasper (last name unknown)
Based on what character?:
Age: 30
Alliance: Thrones
Rank: Assassin

Appearance: He is about 5"11 and Has bright red eyes that allow him to see in the dark. Wears a black cloak that camouflages him from most people. Image

History: Both of his parents were assassins but they died when he was very young. They were part of the same fellowship of assassins as Ellon(From the Prequel) and the fellowship took him in and trained him after the death of his parents. Although at first Jasper didn't want to be an assassin, he felt like he had to follow in his parents footsteps.

He and Ellon were childhood friends and were very close. When the fellowship decided to help the rebels, Jasper had no choice but to side with them too. He didn't mind though since he would rather fight against the hearts than with them. But he was then captured by the Queen and forced to serve under her. He hasn't seen Ellon since his capture.

During the rebellion, Jasper had mainly stayed on the sidelines. Though once in a while the queen would order him to capture a rebel soldier for information or ask him to assassinate those important to the rebellion. It's different now that Lordshire is in power. He's still asked to assassinate and spy on those who opposed Lordshire. Although now, he is not being forced into it.

Personality: He may seem cold and distant to those who don't know him, and likes his reputation as a merciless killer because it keeps people away. Although people think he's heartless he is actually quite friendly towards those closest to him. Though all his close friends are part of the fellowship of assassins and rebels.

He can be considered lazy at times because all he likes to do in his free time is either sleep or take walks around the city. Long range combat is not his strong point and his favorite method of assassination is creeping up behind the target and slicing their throat. He usually takes an item off those he's killed, as a trophy. (usually some type of weapon)

He rarely lets emotions get in the way of his work and thinks love is weakness That's why he always pushes people away and keeps to himself most of the time. He can be very loyal when he wants to and hates traitors.

Weapon(s): Two scimitars strapped to his back and daggers hidden all over his body. Good in hand to hand and close combat.
Ability: Nightvision. He can turn into the Jabberwocky for a short amount of time (about 5 minutes). Now that Lordshire is in power, he has decided to side with him because he would rather serve under him than Yamani. Although he wants to go back to the fellowship, he is afraid they won't accept him back because he was working for the hearts.
Up for Love?: Yes, though it may be hard. Bisexual

Name: Jabberwocky
Alliance: Thrones

Appearance: A huge black dragon with red eyes. Has jagged spikes along his back. sharp talons that can cut through anything and razor sharp teeth. kind of looks like Alduin on skyrim. Image

Weapon: Talons
Ability: Shoots purple lighting out of its mouth.
Up for Love?: No
Other: Although the scales on its back are rock hard. His eyes and belly are his weak points and are easy to cut through. If he gets wounded in any way he immediately turns back into a human.

JubJub Bird – Jubiah – Pencil2Paper:
Spoiler! :
Name: Jubiah Roost
Based on what character?: Jubjub Bird
Age: 24
Alliance: Thrones
Rank: The leader of the New Wonderland army

Appearance: Jubiah is tall with long limbs, abut 6'0".Jubiah has short blond hair and green eyes with angular, birdlike features. He has a slender but muscular figure from years of training. He has more wrinkles than he should have at the age of 24 because of his job.

History: Jubiah was raised in a strict house as a single child. His parents were nobles loyal to the queen. From a young age, he was groomed to be a noble as powerful as his parents. He was very intelligent and soon was in the Guard, an honor. However, due to his appearance and awkwardness, he was not accepted within the group, well, not socially anyway. Not feeling as if he could be himself, he ran away and the Resistance took him in. Now he feels completely comfortable in his skin.

After he allied himself to the rebels, he soon found that they were just as bad as the Hearts. He was told to play prisoner multiple times and was taken to the Queen's castle and handed over to the Hearts to gain the upper hand and to have Yamani trust Lordshire. He soon realized that Miranda didn't care weather he lived or died, he decided that he could not trust the rebels either, and instead aligned himself with the one person who seemed to even remotely care if he lived or died, even if it was for ulterior motives: Lordshire.

After the end of the Wonderland war and Lordshire's acencion to the throne, Jubiah was given the position of military leader and adviser. Since he and Lordshire have had a sort-of friendship. He is one of his closest advisers. He is also one of the few who know what really happened with Minerva, Yamani and Haigha, that they were alive and in hiding.

Personality: Jubiah is very intelligent but humble. He is shy but has a good sense of humor and a great personality. He believes in everything he does and always puts his best effort into everything. He is hardworking but headstrong and only does things that he feels are the right things to do. He is brave but not stupidly so.
Strengths: Jubiah has a very strong will and will not be broken easily or used or change by force or persuasion. He is fiercely loyal.
Weaknesses: Jubiah will do anything for the people he loves, and will do anything Lordshire asks of him.

Weapon(s): He can use daggers, crossbows and swords. His favorite is a crossbow that he has had since he was nine.
Ability: Able to fly.
Up for Love?: Yes. Homosexual.
Other: Nope.

Jensen Stormweaver - BlackNether12:
Spoiler! :
Name: Jensen Stormweaver.
Based on what character?: Blank.
Age: 47.
Alliance: Thrones.
Rank: Personal Guard to Lordshire.

Appearance: 5’11”, short white hair, thick and heavy build, very well-muscled, thick scarred face, and big hands. When on-the-job (About 18 hours a day), he wears a blue cloak, blue doublet, over and under plate and chain armor. When he’s not, he’s sleeping in his quarters opposite the kings chambers. He rarely is sent on any quests by the king, but when he is, he dresses as a peddler or some other vagabond type peasant (In rags). When the need is dire, he will be given a Colonels rank and be sent out to fight as a field soldier and tactician (Drawing on his years of experience).

History: He was born in the Merchant Section of Wonderland city to a fairly well off shopkeeper (Before the reign of Yamani and Miranda’s father). The king at the time wasn’t excessively bad, but he didn’t do anything for the people, and crime was a massive problem in those days. When he was only five, a gang robbed his father’s store taking all of his money and ruthlessly killing him. If not for the neighbors interference they would have killed little Jens and his mother.
Left penniless, and without a home (Lost over a year to taxes), Jens mother finally moved south to the Farmlands, bringing her young son with her, and moved in with a sister and her family. Life was looking well for Jens, who grew up to 15 years of age as a powerfully built, hardworking farmer. But fate had plans in store for him. One night a group of Southern Bandits raided the town, killing Jens mother, his aunt and her family, and the rest of the town. But Jens fought back. They thought that over the years they could make him one of them, and use his talents, so they took him with them back to their own city, deep in the desert, far to the south.
In the Raider’s town he grew up a street fighter, taken care of by his master, but despised and constantly harassed by the rest of the town. Men and boys would constantly taunt and fight him, fights that, even when vastly uneven, where not always lost by Jens. He learned skills in that place that kept him alive for all of his life.
Finally one day, word reached him that the old king had been poisoned by his own son, and a new king was now ruling Wonderland. Hope filling him, he escaped the Raiders and went back to Wonderland, a 20 year old, scarred young man. He quickly saw that the new king was even worse than the last, but anyway, he had to have work, and he gave his services to this new king. Over the years he fought as a field soldier, gaining rank and prestige, (But most importantly he got massive amounts of experience and knowledge doing the king’s dirty work) learning to hate the king and his family with all his heart, planning to kill and replace him any time he gets a chance (Note: he had no aspirations for the throne).

When Yamani revolted against her parents he felt like dying from frustration, would another member of that infernal family become king of Wonderland? He fought desperately against all sides, killing every soldier he came in contact with, and gaining a fearsome reputation in the armies as some fantastical ghost killer. It was, of course, a relief when Lordshire announced himself king, and the first thing Jens did was go to him and offer his undying loyalty. Lordshire, seeing a good warrior, and an enthusiastic one, accepted his services.
Over the months that followed Jens continued to show his devotion to Lordshire (Not unfounded either), and Lordshire noticed it, and ere a year had passed, he promoted him to a Royal Guard. Now he has nobody he trusts in to protect his back, more, though their relationship is rather formal and stiff.

Personality: He is a friendly enough person, but he’s very formal and cordial (To everyone: peasant and king). He doesn’t have many close friends (He really wants to think of Lordshire as more than just his king though).
It his heartfelt belief that Lordshire is the best thing that ever happened to Wonderland, he believes that the royal line is corrupt as the devil and his spawn, and he will do anything to stop Yamani and Miranda (Whom he believes will be no better than their parents as queens). He (As noted elsewhere) wants to be more than the king’s servant (Though he doesn’t quite dare to think about it above the un-conscious level). He believes that under Lordshire the kingdom and the economy will be able to slowly revive after the devastating reign of the previous king. A belief that is supported by the results of Lordshire’s past five years of ruler-ship.

Weapon(s): A pair of matching gold-wire wrapped daggers (A gift from Lordshire), a 48 inch, hand and a half double sided, leather wrapped, straight bladed sword, a massive, kite shaped buckler (When in field action).

Ability: He has a degree of control over fire, he can create small amounts (not enough to kill a man, but a good diversion), he can turn into fire (though he has to have something to burn), he can sense fire from a long way off, and he can heat things up with his touch. (Note: this is a very limited power – not anything super).

Up for Love?: Yes, straight.

Other: Allergies – Water. Okay, no, joking there. But when he turns into fire he CAN be put out (Which will kill him), and throwing water on him is unpleasant (Though not incapacitating at all). Note too: He knows Ny, but he doesn’t know he’s a servant of the Queen’s. He is quite deadly, but not like Ny. Ny is deadly because he knows of 1001 ways to kill a man, and he has a separate weapon and style for each method, and he’s very, very fast. Jens is deadly because of his massive skill and experience, if you tried to assassinate him it wouldn’t be much of a challenge, if you tried to stab him in the back in the dark, you could take him down easy, but come face to face with him on a battlefield and there are very few people who could get away from him in one piece, much less alive.

White Queen – Miranda Lutwidge – Alvarin:
Spoiler! :
Name: Miranda Lutwidge (formerly Marble)
Based on what character?: The White Queen
Age: 30
Alliance: Whites
Rank: Leader of the Whites (but she refers to herself as queen)

Appearance: She's 30, but looks more like 17 because of her round face and soft features. With her big dark eyes surrounded by long dark eyelashes, straight white hair (waist length) with a straight fringe, plump lips and pale skin she looks more like a porcelain doll than a human. She's short (5'1, or 155 cm) and slender. Prefers to wear white dresses with lots of frills, and flowers in her hair. She looks cute and innocent, but her eyes seems to constantly burn with malice (except when she's looking at a select few, like her husband and her kids). The only thing on her that matches her eyes are the big black military boots and shotgun on her back.
Aria drew this ^^Image

History: Miranda was raised to be the future queen, spoiled rotten and taught to act as if she was above everyone else. She never cared much for the citizens of Wonderland and therefore paid no attention to their accusations against her parents. All she really did care about was her relationship with James, and when her parents announced that James were to marry Yamani, the younger sister she had never understood nor liked, she thought she had been betrayed by both James and Yamani.

Later Yamani, who (unlike Miranda) did care about the citizens but not about her parents, sent James to assassinate her parents and in return she would let him marry Miranda instead. Miranda told him that if he killed them she would never forgive him, so he backed down. In the end her parents were killed by Yamani's rebels and she was forced to flee from her castle. She swore that she would come back and kill Yamani one day, as well as take her revenge on James (who she thought had killed her parents).

During the SB she almost reconciled with James when he told her that he would join her side, but he then added that he'd only do that if she could find a replacement for him to stand by Yamani. This once again made her feel like she had been betrayed. After that she was betrayed by Minerva as well as Lordshire (see summary of WR1 for details), which only served to make her trust issues even bigger. In the end she was saved by Adonis (her physician) and taken to the Island Kingdom to recuperate.

When she had gotten a bit better she stumbled onto Brae and at first she was going to shoot him just because he was in the way, but then he touched her hand and started telling her stuff about herself that she barely knew herself, so she spared him. Later Adonis (who also happens to be psychic) told her that Brae would be one of the few that would never betray her. For once she found herself able to fully trust someone and she and Brae quickly became close, much thanks to Brae's refusal to treat her like a queen. Although it really wasn't planned she found herself pregnant not long after and when they got their first child, a boy, Miranda realized that she for the first time in her life actually loved someone. Horrible as it might sound, she didn't really love Brae before they had the child but it was as if the child opened up her heart. A year later they had gotten married and had another child, a girl this time.

Even though Miranda was happy with her family she found herself unable to quite settle down. She knew her hated sister was still out there, and Lordshire was sitting on the throne that was rightfully hers. When she had been sick/cursed she had wanted nothing more than to find someone that would never try to hurt or use her, which she now had, but now when she was cured she also wanted revenge. Her son had the right to be the future king of Wonderland. She wanted to see him on the throne and not as the guest at the palace of a foreign king. She and Brae managed to convince the king to let her 'borrow' part of his fleet, and she is now in Wonderland City with her rebels, preparing to take down Lordshire and get the revenge on her sister that she has longed for for 7 years.

Personality: Miranda has changed quite a lot during the five years she spent in the Island Kingdom. Of course she is still egoistic, but now she puts her husband and children first, though the rest of the world still means very little to her. There's only a few select people that she trusts, and with them she is both friendly and caring. With her kids she is actually a big softy. They are he most valuable treasures and there is nothing she won't do for them. Mother bear and all that. She likes spoiling them and cuddling with them, but she leaves most of the actual 'raising' part to Brae. Just the sight of the kids makes her smile from ear to ear, something that you never see her doing with someone else.. Well, possibly Brae.

With people she dislikes or that has somehow angered her she is extremely cruel. She's not above torture, in fact she rather enjoys it. As stated before, she feel absolutely no empathy for anyone except the people she trusts. She's much tougher than she looks and she's a bit too fond of fighting. In a fight she's the type who rushes recklessly into battle, firing her shotgun to the left and right. Her ferociousness compensate for her small size.

Something that will never change is her temper. She still goes from happy to raving madman in a heartbeat. Even the smallest things can set her of, and when in that state she rarely knows what she's doing. During those situations she should be handled the same way you handle a bear. Talk calmly and make no sudden movements. Of course she's never like that with her kids. Sure, she yells at Brae from time to time, but she would never hurt him.. And he usually manages to calm her down or make her contradict herself, which leads to her walking of muttering to herself.

Tactics and planning? An necessary evil that bores her to death. Well, luckily she has Brae for that kind of stuff.

Weapon(s): She always carries a dagger under her dress, strapped to her thigh, as well as a mean-looking shotgun over her shoulder.
Ability: If she really really imagines something, it happens. Therefore she tries to think of six impossible things everyday and make them happen, although most of the times it fails (unless it is something simple, like having more shotgun cartridges in her pocket).
Up for Love?: No, obviously not. Oh, and she'll shoot anyone who tries to flirt.

Mad Hatter – Brae Lutwidge – AriaAdams:
Spoiler! :
Name: Brae
Based on what character?: Mad Hatter
Age: unknown, even to him, but he looks 20-ish
Alliance: Whites
Rank: Miranda's Right Hand man

Appearance: He has rather symmetrical, sharp features, pale skin and dark blue-green eyes shaded by messy, disobedient black hair that would fall to his chin if it cared for staying straight and tamed. He's not the tallest guy, pretty averaged on that matter (taller than Miranda though), and though he certainly has his muscles and all, he isn't one of those guys one could easily mistake for a soldier.

History: Brae remembers nothing about where he really comes from. He does recall being taken to a big house and told he can do things and that he should work to develop those. He was a kid, and pretty much did as he was told - until he started to feel everything, bits of memories he never had and couldn't sort out. They made him the hat then, and warned him about the whole thing (see his abilities).

A while after that, he randomly woke up in a deserted town, without a clue of which way he came from or what he was doing there.
Miranda found him there, and he would have gotten killed if he hadn't got the chance to touch her hand - then he told her all he found out about her. After that, he managed to convince her to let him try it on anyone, to prove he's no spy - one thing lead to another, and eventually managed to gain her trust.
He never treated Miranda as a princess or queen, which annoyed her at first, but he was always honest in his comments, and she was smart enough to appreciate that.

Personality: Brae is.. Complicated. He feels rather insecure about his abilities, past, safety and choices, yet he acts pretty confident and collected. He is witty and tends to tease, but watches carefully not to overstep any boundaries.
He's a free spirit and absolutely hates being forced to do anything. When someone he cares about feels down, Brae gets very emphatic, yet he doesn't really know how to comfort people. To those who deserve it, he is loyal and the kind of friend anyone would wish for, and there's almost literally no way to make him betray someone's trust and tell away a secret.

He does, however, prefer making deals and exchanging information instead of fighting.
He is charming and can be very gentle and caring, yet he has his cold, manipulative side. He wants to change the world and the people, but is aware of the fact he can change nothing. Every now and then, he needs to take his time to think, leaving to be alone or perhaps talking a walk accompanied by one other person - he also dislikes being touched, for pretty obvious reasons. What he likes is to draw, and he is rather troubled with seeing things in memories of people/objects/places and not being able to make a difference.
He has a playful side, though he keeps it well hidden most of the time, and loves doing magic tricks with cards and coins and stuff.

Brae grew up pretty isolated, and he has some bonding issues. He hardly truly trusts anyone, and hurting him could make him rather vengeful. He is also very uncomfortable in crowds, and is somewhat superficial.

Weapon(s): if deception by words and magic tricks counts..
Ability: He can tell of everything about a person/object/place by maintaining physical contact. He can also force anyone to use their power, on themselves or anyone Brae chooses.
However, there's a catch. His hat is his protection, for if he doesn't touch it (on the head or anyhow), he gets overwhelmed by too much memories of others, loses himself in thoughts and dies rather quickly.
He, though, keeps a small piece of the hat in a locket around his neck - he's not so stupid to leave himself so easily killable.
Up for Love?: Taken by Miranda, and the two little heirs ;)
Other: He always carries his notebook, pencils and some ink, along with other random things in his bag. Since he grew up the way he did, he doesn't quite get the concept of laws or prejudice.
He also has two kids with Miranda - boy of 3,5 and girl a year younger. Both of them have abilities of their own, but they're probably too young to use them (deliberately at least) for now :p Brae is incredibly protective and could get seriously evil if anything even threatens them, let alone if someone actually hurts them.

Caterpillar – Adonis Blue – Megsug:
Spoiler! :
Name: Adonis Blue
Based on what character?:Caterpillar
Age: 57
Alliance: Whites
Rank: Adviser/Healer/Grandpa ;)

Appearance: Adonis is a short, thin man with graying hair and spectacles that seem to always slip down his nose. He has long, thin hands and is rather delicate in general. He has swarthy skin, and his hair would be jet black if not for age. However, he is fairly unwrinkled. His face is set in an almost constant sneer. He has tattoos running along the left side of his face, down his neck and across his chest, and piercings all along his right ear. His speech is slightly accented. He always smells of tobacco and normally has a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

History: Adonis grew up in the Island Kingdom. There, he was a child, and he learned at the knee of his grandfather all the Islanders' secret healing methods. From a forgotten ancestor, he inherited precognition. As he grew up, his gift and his healing talents brought him acclaim and power. Though he left, he's still respected among the Islander's.

Adonis grew bored among the Islander's and, at rumors of a stirring rebellion, came to Wonderland City and promptly joined the Whites. Though he wasn't very active, when he had a vision, he went to Miranda if he went to anyone and, when Miranda was cursed by Haigha, he tried to heal her.

When Lordshire took control, Adonis found Miranda and took her to the Island Kingdom to heal. Three years ago, he disappeared into the jungle, returning just shy of a year later looking old and haggard. He was meditating on the future, but he's told no one that. He merely replies to any questions with, "The caterpillar must prepare to grow wings." Now, he's in Wonderland with Miranda's family, playing doctor, oracle, and occasional babysitter.

Personality: Adonis is often quiet and purposely mysterious. He's haughty and tries not to converse with those he sees as below him which used to be everyone. Now, it's everyone excluding Miranda's brood. He's more fond of the children then he would ever admit to anyone, but it shows.

He's not often moved to act, being neutral when it comes to most things including power. When he is moved to action it's often to call friends in high places to arms. He doesn't really have the power to throw around in Wonderland City.

In physical altercations, he's next to useless with little training and little strength. However, he thinks intelligence is better than strength anyways.

Weapon(s): Poisons
Ability: Can see the future
Up for Love?: No

White King – Erillian Blackguard – Methrirr123:
Spoiler! :
Name: Erillian Blackguard (often referred to as the King of the Fields or the Spider King)
Based on what character?: The White King
Age: 25
Alliance: Whites, but has his own kingdom.
Rank: Wandering king

Appearance:He is very tall, about 6 feet even, with a broad, muscular build. He deliberately goes out of his way to spite the White Queen and everything she stands for with his appearance, with purely mischievous intent. He is dressed in all black from head to toe, wearing simple garments. He wears his long, thick hair in a thick ponytail down his back, his beard cut down to stubble, revealing for the most part a strong chin. He wears a simple black shirt, over which he has a black leather jacket studded with black metal, and black many pocketed cargo jeans with large black combat boots. Over his eyes he wears red tinted sunglasses, red like the eyes of a spider. Under them, his eyes are a bright silver colour, deep and daunting. On his head he wears a black cowboy hat, rimmed with silver. He calls it his Crown. All of this is very unbefit for a king, even more so his shotgun, which was a short stocked shotgun the size of a man’s leg. It is said to spew pure fire. His skin is tanned and scarred from wandering and adventuring, and his bulk is that of several warriors.

History: He grew up not liking people all that much. They always disagreed with him. He would always get his way growing up, or at least he liked to. Whenever he would ask the servants for something that he later didn’t get, he would throw a tantrum, when he was very young. However, as he grew older, he had to grow wiser. He had to conceal his feelings, to maintain his strength over them. He had to insist. He didn’t ask for things. He demanded them. As well as this, he had to make friends, an activity he so despised; friends expected too much of you, and overestimated how much you like them. He had to make allies in powerful places. He was determined to do so, even. He had to become powerful, or so he thought.

However, he was too stubborn, a reasonable debate almost always becoming a fight. He was cast out from most social places in general, turned from as a brute wherever he went. As such, he became a vagabond, wandering the world in search for a place to keep his own. It was then that he met the spiders, and discovered that they had voices.

They were everywhere, and for them he held a fondness in his heart of iron. They could see all, and soon became his spies. He was able to learn all about the land without even moving, but this was never enough. He had always loved to travel, and see new things. So further he wandered, and soon he found a plot of land so vast so as to be a kingdom. A Wild kingdom, the Country of the Fields. There were all kinds of places there; high, low, flat, mountainous, forests, streams, lakes... everything. And Spiders. He took this to by his symbol, and currently rules as a wandering king, one whose castle has no throne, for he never sits for too long. Should anyone have a problem, they need only leave a small note in a spider web and his spiders would read it. This is true all over the world. If you leave a note in a spider web, Erillian Blackguard will receive it.

On his wanderings, he learned of the White Queen, who wasn’t really even a queen. This, to him, was almost the same situation he was in. So he took an interest in her, deciding that he would become the sharpest thorn in her foot. For many years he would pester her, sending his spiders to learn all of her secrets. It was fun for him. He found a new joy in knowing things. He decided to become her polar opposite, and that he would visit the castle he knew she was taking refuge in periodically, hoping to get a word in with her. He didn’t know why. He just felt like it. He saw all land as fair game. “The ground is made for walking on. So go ahead. You’ll have to try pretty hard if you mean to cut off my legs.” he would say, before promptly demolishing any and all “no trespassing” signs he passed. He grew so massive and daunting, that he often received no opposition. He dedicated himself to knowing each and every corner of the world, learning every secret and answering every question. He was able to almost do so, too, thanks to the spiders. It was this that earned him the name “Spider King”.

Soon people came to his kingdom. He was finally a king, as he was destined to be. But instead of hoarding his power, as he may have done, he allowed a choice few fellows to share it with him. This group of people became known as his "Blackguard", an elite group of wanderers, warriors, and wisemen who have earned Erillians trust through their deeds. Of them there are only five: Bulden, Miaali, Georg, Adam, and Guordan. He would rule from no throne, but wander among his people as a vagabond, always keeping his own justice. He didn’t have much of a castle. For lack of a better word, the kingdom was his castle. His web, so to speak. In the very centre of the country he had a great tower, the entrance to which was guarded by the only two of his guard. People knew not to do crime, because where there were his spiders, there were his eyes.

Personality: Erillian isn't quite a Celebrity, since few know what the Spider King looks like. He's often trying to be inconspicuous. He doesn't really talk to people he doesn't know, but if someone picks a fight with him, he's got an enormous shotgun slung across his back. He isn't shy, he just doesn't like people. If he feels there is something that someone needs to hear, he'll yell it in their face if he needs to. He is also very blunt and brutal sometimes. However, he is grudgingly loyal to a fault to his friends and those to whom he owes a debt. His motto is “Dying for my friends? Yeah, maybe, but not without a fight.” He fears nothing. It's like nothing can faze him. He solves problems by eliminating them more often than not. And he loves the wild, and exploring, and traveling, and fighting.

He has an unconditional hatred for people who he deems as cowards. He respects people who are unwilling to fight for no reason. But if there is a reason, then running away is not an option. Ever.

Weapon(s): Big, bad ass Shotgun, and a combat-adapted machete.
Ability: he can talk to spiders, who seem to take an unconditional fondness to him.
Up for Love?: Yes, straight.

White Soldier – Blair DeVore – LoyalHeart:
Spoiler! :
Name: Blair "K1" DeVore
Based on what character?:
Age: 24
Alliance: Whites
Rank: General/Elite Soldier

Appearance: Blair is doomed to forever look like a little girl, Short girl, short curly black hair with a short pony tail in the back of her head all bonded together with a black heart. Her marking is white heart over her left eye, she wears gothic boots with loose jeans that cover up the laces of the boots. She wears a plain t-shirt that is secretly marked with a black heart broken in half, and a red blazer that she is never seen without. Finally a skin tight glove that she wears on her right hand.

History: Blair came from a upper class family in the island kingdom, her family was renowned from there military professionalism, and at one point her father was the Hero of the Island Kingdom who saved the king from certain death way back when. Blair herself had a lot to live up to because of this, her childhood was decent as being the daughter of a military hero attracted all sorts of attention from other kids around her. But eventually her father and mother died of old age shortly before she graduated from high school, when she did graduate, she was ordered by the king into the military and was immediately promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Over the course of the next two years, Blair proved herself and her family name by routing out rebel soldiers within the kingdom.

When the White Queen and Mad Hatter came to the kingdom and asked for the help of the Island Kingdom, Blair was one of the soldiers that was lent to the White Queen and Mad Hatter, when Blair worked for the White Queen, the two did not like each other because Miranda treated Blair like crap. Blair and Miranda were on the verge of an argument and Blair withdrawing support for Miranda, the Mad Hatter stepped in and stopped everything before it got that far. Using his abilities, Miranda finally stopped treating Blair like crap, and Blair was very unsure of what the Mad Hatter had seen.

Present day: Blair units under her command, and the White Queen with others under her command, are in Wonderland City hiding out, her and the White Queen have been carefully planning an attack on the castle to eliminate Lordshire, and place Miranda back on the throne.

Personality: Blair is a little crazy, when she's not playing General DeVore, she's a crazy goofy girl who wouldn't seem like she was a powerful official in the Island Kingdom. Her idea of having fun is joking around making dumb, or even terribly funny jokes about things that are irrelevant to why she's there. But when Blair gets serious, her military mindset kicks in and she serious, she's a genius strategist, because of her looks, she's often mistaken for a little girl which provides a surprise advantage for her enemies.

Blair is ironically, afraid of the dark, she can only hold herself together for so long before having to scream her lungs out and tell everyone and there mother where she is. It's because in her early childhood a mean boy at her school played a joke on her by stuffing her in a closet, needless to say, Blair has never been the same since then.

But now as her military self, as I said before she acts serious, during the heat of battle she prefers to have an eagle eye view of the action, often ordering units around and giving the unit names like P1 or R1 referring it from the game of Chess, that is how Blair goes about battles.

Weapon(s): Blair loves precision rifles, with these, she can stay as far away as she needs to be, command the battle, and take out enemy soldiers via the head. She puts the "BOOM!" back into "BOOM! HEADSHOT!" when she has to go in for close quarters fighting, she prefers the use of two daggers in which are connected by a rope which is meant for stealth missions.
Ability: She can control darkness, her most common uses of her ability include using it as a make shift shield which covers her entire front of her and her sides. And it helps her and others blend into darkness around her in order to hide.
Up for Love?: Sure, bisexual if you can get past the seriousness of General Blair and the stupid jokes of Brat Blair.
Other: Her Theme Ghost of a Rose
Last edited by Alvarin on Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:46 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Alvarin says...

Spoiler! :
Couldn't fit it all in one post xD

Queen of Hearts – Yamani – ShadowVyper:
Spoiler! :
Name: Yamani
Based on what character?: Queen of Hearts
Alliance: Hearts
Rank: Queen

Appearance: Yamani is 5'9" tall and slender, but well muscled, and strong. Her skin is naturally pale, but easy to change-- meaning she tans easily, but doesn't keep it long. She's got black hair that barely brushes her shoulders, but she usually keeps it tied up in a manner that exemplifies it's jagged cut, something she got during her last days on the throne.

She's got a sharp, angular face, and clear green eyes. She's got a scar on the left side of her face, following the jawline, from when she infiltrated the Rebel HQ when she was Queen.

She's got a wild charm, and could be quite beautiful if she took the effort-- she never does. Freed from the confines of being sovereign, she dresses in comfortable clothing-- plain (usually green or brown) tunics, canvas trousers, and soft-soled leather boots.

She often wears cloaks, and finds them quite useful; but also finds them cumbersome for some things, and often forgoes them.

The marks on her left shoulder are a scar from one of her father's beatings when she was young.

The tattoo on her lower back is a heart that looks like this:

(I don't care what it looks like, it's a heart) with the inscription "~Wild hearts can't be broken~" Under it.

History: (See Summary for details)
After gathering a group of rebels and storming the castle, dethroning her parents, Yamani took the throne at age 15. She juggled the ailing economy, revolts led by her dear sister, and a crumbling marriage as best she could-- but she was young, and the country was in jumbles from the start, and, she was eventually dethroned (though, to her credit, Lordshire did take over a country that was significantly more stable than when she got it.)

In her early years of hiding, she spent her hours practicing arms with Haigha-- making her a deadly adversary. As Lordshire grew less wary of her possibly returning, she began sneaking into the town-- and expanding an orphan-care program that 'Manny' had secretly established years before, taking in everyone who didn't have anywhere else to go (child or not), and training them to be self-reliant.

As Yamani's hair grew, and her scar faded, she became more comfortable with her ability to camouflage herself well again-- and ventured into town more often. She eventually secured a position in Lordshire's kitchen-- to gather intelligence, and scorn him.

Personality: Yamani tends to come across as cold and withdrawn-- at least that's how she tries to appear. In reality, she's got a bit of a soft spot-- but she's usually pretty good at hiding it. From time to time she'll dress as a man (Manny), and allows herself a few moments of tender weakness through him.

She's good at acting on the spur of the moment-- in fact, that's the only type of decisions she's good at making. Long-term commitments scare her (though she'd never admit that), and she usually tends to skirt away from them.

She tries to remain passive and unreadable, but it's usually quite easy to tell if when she's angry-- and it would generally be a wise move to run. But she's working on that-- trying to stay calm. It's a work in progress.

It's also easy to tell when she's excited, if you know her. Even if she manages to keep her expression neutral, her eyes give her away. It scares most people when she gets a certain glint in her eye, as well it should; but her closest friends have come to love it.

Weapon(s): Yamani is deadly accurate with throwing knives. She's been practicing since she was a small child.
Since she's been living in the wilderness, she's developed her skill with a bow and a sword. She wants to practice with firearms, but hasn't had an opportunity to yet. (them being too loud to practice, without giving themselves away).
Ability: She's an expert at disguise. She's fooled her own sister before.
Up for Love?: Straight, already taken by Haigha.
Other: The Hearts' motto is: "Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken."

March Hare – Haigha March – Alvarin:
Spoiler! :
Name:  Haigha March
Based on what character?: The March Hare
Age: 24
Alliance: Hearts
Rank: Advisor and body guard

Appearance: He is 6'2. Short, slightly wavy, auburn hair. Hazel eyes. Tanned, flawless skin. Strong jaw, straight nose. Athletic build. He is nothing but perfect, with the exception of the many scars that covers his body. He has a post-burn scar that covers his whole left arm and shoulder, and reaches almost up to his jaw. Most of his hand was spared from the flames. Over the left side of his face there's a long jagged scar that runs over the eye, which is permanently shut. On his chest the words 'DOWN WITH THE BLOODY RED QUEEN' have been etched into his skin. The letters are faint now, but in the right light you can still see them. He also has a big scar on his calf. Since he doesn't speak he tends to use his body language much more than the average Joe, his eyes shows his emotions well and his face shows very vivid expressions, if he wants to, that is. He always wears long-sleeved shirts to hide the scars, with a worn brown leather jacket, slim dark jeans and black converse.

History: He developed his power when he was about 5 years old. At first it only worked when he was really focusing on what he was saying, but after a few years he could barely say a word without something mayor happening. At the age of 7 he accidentally blew up his home. His parents died and he himself received a serious burn. After that day he stopped speaking and everyone just assumed that he had been too traumatized to talk.

After being passed around by his relatives for almost a year he was finally adopted by his uncle. His uncle was a loyal Heart soldier who raised Haigha to be the same. When Yamani took power he was 17 and followed his uncle's lead and joined her forces. Soon after that his uncle was killed by Miranda's rebels and Haigha swore that he would get revenge. Because of all the training he was able to take his uncle's spot among the queen's elite forces, even though he still didn't speak.

During the rebellion Haigha stayed at Yamani's side the whole time, proving his loyalty again and again. He eventually became more than a soldier to Yamani, and she became more than a queen to him. The feelings they chaired changed him. He no longer cared if he went against her orders as long as he was able to keep her safe.

At one point in the rebellion Miranda had caught him in a trap and was about to kill him. That was the first time in many years that he broke his vow and used his voice. He said he wanted to live and at first the words seemed to have no effect, but when he later came back to life and Miranda became seriously ill it was clear that he had cursed her. It was during their meeting that Miranda etched those words into the skin of his chest and shot him in the leg.

After Lordshire took over Haigha, Yamani and Minerva fled to the Northern Countries. Haigha swore that he would help Yamani take back her throne and suggested (in a letter, of course) that she should try to convince the leader of the Northern Countries that Lordshire would use the army to take over the countries around Wonderland. The leader had thought the same thing himself, and agreed to let Yamani take a big part of his army, if she could prove that she was worthy. The leader called for his best fighter and told Yamani that she or one of her men had to defeat him if the alliance were to be. Yamani, being as she is, intended to fight the man herself, but Haigha refused to let her endanger herself. During the fight Haigha lost his eye, but he managed to kill the man and win an army for Yamani.

During the years of waiting and planning Haigha got even closer to Yamani, especially during their training cessions, and he now carries an engagement ring with him at all times, waiting for the perfect moment to present it to Yamani.

Personality: Haigha never says a word nor makes a sound, but compensate with a vivid body language and eyes that clearly shows his emotions. In the past he didn't like writing, but now days he always carries a small notepad and a pen in his jacket.. Not that he uses it very often. Though he does like to leave notes for Yamani. Not love letters, since he knows she'd just laugh, but notes reminding her of things from their training. He would sacrifice his life for Yamani any day, and most of his scars he has gotten from fighting for her or protecting her. When it comes to her he is fiercely protective and insulting or hurting her is just about the only way you can make him angry.

He's a very calm, patient and harmonic person and, as said before, it takes a lot to make him upset or angry. He is very kind, warm and friendly with the people he likes. During his time as a soldier at the castle it was often said that he was too soft, but he makes up for it by being extremely disciplined and loyal. He's very observant and also has very good judgement when it comes to people. Trust comes easy to him, if he sees and feels that he can trust the other person. If he thinks that he can't trust someone then he will act cold and cynical.

Weapon(s): A katana strapped to his back and two semi-automatic guns.
Ability: He has the power of words. His voice is a strong power but his words rarely have the desired effect. It could defeat an army, or conjure up something out of thin air, but it's much more likely that he's just going to blow himself or his surroundings into oblivion. That is why he never talks.
Up for Love?: No, he's madly in love with Yamani.
Other: He never speaks. Ever. Nor does he growl, moan or laugh.

Duchess – Minerva – Megsug:
Spoiler! :
Name: Minerva ‘Duchess’ Heart
Based on what character?: Duchess
Age: 30
Alliance: Hearts
Rank: Master Spy

Appearance: Everyone has a different idea of what the duchess looks like. However, she often has a sharp chin and strawberry blonde, wavy hair. She wears dresses for the most part, now out of habit, but in the past for convenience. The finer details of her appearance aren't really set in stone except for her eyes, a bright green.

History: Minerva is the cousin of Yamani and Miranda. She lived in the castle with the Hearts as a child, mainly playing with Yamani in macabre 'games.' When her parents died, Minerva got lonely and bitter. When Yamani took the throne, she bugged out, seeing a ticking time bomb.

On her own, Minerva didn't do well until she met a lady of the night. Joining their ranks, she quickly became popular among the clientele and through a bit of throat slashing, worked her way up to the top of the brothel she worked for. From then on out, her girls weren't merely just prostitutes but spies as well.

Minerva was on Miranda's side at first, having decided that any way to take down the reigning monarch for her own gain was a good way. However after several not so pleasant run ins with Yamani, she switched to the Hearts in true Duchess fashion.

Minerva has given up the prostitute business and has spent a good chunk of the last five years tracking down her employees who scattered as soon as Lordshire came to rule. They know too much about her and her strategies. The cooperative ones, she's taken back on though merely as spies, nothing else. However, there are a few who refused to come back and a few who have even betrayed her. The ones who merely refused her offer of employment didn't wake up when retiring to their beds. She saved a special hell for those who have forsaken her. Most of them are dead now. Only one girl is left, but she is proving very elusive. She was high on the chain of command and knew many secrets Minerva would rather not have out. Recently, she's been trying to build up her spy army once more.

Personality: Minerva's moods are as solid as her appearance. She's quick to react and easy to bait. This makes her unpredictable, but also easy to guide if one knows what buttons to push when. She's clever and thinks quick on her feet, but unless she's acting immediately she can't seem to ever make up her mind. However, on the few things she is sure about, she'll fight about it and argue and nag even if she's faced with arguments more logical than hers.

She can be a bit wild, taking risks and getting into trouble far more often than necessary if she's not trying to be sneaky and spy-like, and because she has a hard time making up her mind, tries not to think much before she acts.

Weapon(s): Daggers (not very talented with them though.)
Ability: Shapeshifting
Up for Love?: Yes, straight

Cheshire Cat – Miss Tabitha Marxil Kitshire – Aquestioning:
Spoiler! :
Name: Miss Tabitha Marxil Kitshire
Based on what character?: Cheshire Cat
Age: 34 Human Years
Alliance: Nonsense! No alliance can trap her down! (She is sided with the Hearts for now)
Rank: Why should a cat stoop so low to be classified in a ranking system?

Appearance: She has one long stripe down her back like a mane and smaller stripes that branch out from all around her back. She has gray fur with blue tips, the stripes a little more blue, a little less gray.

Her eyes are a deep purple, and she has large pearly white teeth.

History: She began as a cat, as regular as can be, but soon, for unkown reasons, she found out that she was different than most of her fellow felines. For one, she had abnormally large teeth and an abnormally large ego. After her family was killed by servants of the White queen, her personality changed, hardened. She became resiliant, able to brush anything off.
It only grew more defined when she figured out her powers. With the help of the most gracious Yamani, she was able to refine her abilities to the best they can be.

Personality: She is a smart little cat, with an incredible vocabulary and superior debating skills. She thinks of herself on being "The Queen of the Cats" and she will tell you this many times if you ever talk to her. She is self centered, but she always loves a good, long chat. Her ego is large enough to take up the entire kingdom, and she's sooooo proud of it. I think she named it Luther, at one point.

Weapon(s): Well, she has her claws and her teeth, but she rarely uses them. Who needs to fight when they can talk to her?
Ability: She can become invisible. She can also levitate about five feet off the ground. However, when she smiles, you can see her teeth, even when she is invisible.
Up for Love?: Of course not. No one is could love her like she loves herself.
Other: Nothing :P

Dormouse – ShadowVyper:
Spoiler! :
Name: The Dormouse
Based on what character?: The Dormouse
Alliance: A free agent, with a slight heart leaning. He's got his grudges against people on all sides.
Rank: Advisor

Appearance: Largish for a rodent, about belt-height, with short brown hair covering his body. His ears are soft round disks set high on his head, but often droop- usually when he has his head down. He's extremely lethargic, usually asleep, or, at least, appearing to be asleep. He rarely walks, but when he does, he does so on his hind feet.

History: Nobody knows whither he comes or or whither he goes, only the Dormouse, in his wisdom, possesses the memories-- not to share with one so low as you.

Personality: He's quite reserved. It's always hard to tell what he's thinking-- even his words are misleading. Sometimes he'll be sharp with people he's fond of, hoping to correct a bad habit or character flaw he sees; while other times being kind to people he doesn't actually like, and luring them into a bad situation.

However, he doesn't spend much time plotting as he sleeps 20+ hours per day, when it's up to him-- quite an impressive feat. The easiest way to get on his good side is to stay away from him. That is to say, don't disturb him while he's resting. But if you must disturb him, be polite. The one thing he detests more than someone disturbing his rest is bad manners.

Weapon(s): A cutting wit?
Ability: He's got a mysterious magic. Few people know the extent of it, and he likes to keep it that way. It's just a good idea not to touch him. He doesn't like to be touched.
I'm only making him powerful because I'm not going to post as him often; and it can be useful to blame strange, inexplicable happenings on him.
Up for Love?: Nope.
Other: He hasn't been very active these past five years. He's spent the majority of his time in the Hearts' Caves, sleeping, of course-- but he's been present enough to follow the major political advances.

Dodo Bird - Franklin Extinct - CowLogic:
Spoiler! :
Name: Franklin Extinct
Based on what character?: The Dodo Bird
Age: 30
Alliance: Hearts
Rank: Soldier/Worker/All-around kinda Heart guy
Appearance: He is tall and thin, with an odd posture and an odd walk.
He has a hollow type face that always looks eccentric and a huge nose..
He typically wears formal type garb (denim work shirt/slacks/uniform).
Brown eyes, average-length cut brown hair.

History: Franklin Extinct was raised in Wonderland City in the poor area. He was an only child, and his parents, although nice, were really out-there and did not understand much. As a result, he is very strange as well. Although he came from poverty, his ability to work hard and his natural confidence awarded him a menial job, and he became a solider when the calling arose.

Eventually, when Yamani took the throne, he became somewhat high ranking as far as soldiers and officials go. Well, I guess high ranking isn't the right word. He would still be stuck with unsavory work, yet he new everyone and although he was very odd, he awarded all with respect and received it back. He was a loyal subject to Yamani and often helps her do stuff from time to time.

When she was announced dead, he was secretly exiled,************ and remained a loyal subject to her. He has been living with the hearts, working as an advisor and soldier, and although ineffective, he still commands people around. When his parents died from disease, he could barely remember them, yet was still somewhat damaged by the ordeal. He has been living simply, and will hopefully take part in the future SB festivities.

Personality: Like I said, his mind is a little jumbled from his genetics and upbringing. He thinks he understands what he is talking about, often using big words incorrectly, leading everyone to tell him that he doesn't really know what they mean. Because of his confidence in this manner, he is kind of a leader type, even though he isn't a good leader. He doesn't really hold grudges, and is a nice guy once you get to know him.

He has an odd kind of logic about him, probably instilled by his parents. He often does insane things on purpose and is not good at problem solving. Because of this, he is not a good leader. His idea of a fair contest is running around in a circle in a race, yielding no clear winner. He isn't very smart, but thinks he is, leading others to buy it.

Weapon(s): Whatever he feels like. A spear, rifle, or sword I guess.
Ability: No chemicals have an effect on him, poisons, alcohol, and drugs included. Although he is a bit insane, he is somewhat distinguished from what I like to call the "Wonderland Trip."
Up for Love?: Yes. Straight.
Other: N/A

Rook - AriaAdams:
Spoiler! :
Name: Rook (more of a self-given nick because it felt right)
Based on what character?:
Age: 25
Alliance: Hearts
Rank: Diplomat

Appearance: He's a slender, blonde guy with rather symmetrical and pleasant-to-look-at features. His hair, as much as he managed to tame it, is tied with dark blue string at the back of his head, curling a bit at the end, and his eyes are gray, sometimes seeming blue. He's often seen with a smile, and almost always with a pen (or something of the sort) in his hand. He has a little scar on his forehead.

History: Well, he was born in Wonderland City, and learned of his love for drawing at very early age - around the same time, he also learned about his ability. He had a happy childhood, with his parents in middle district. They worked in a circus, his mother taming animals and his father being a fire dancer - Rook more or less learned both, but he always preferred quiet drawing over showing off.
He traveled Wonderland and neighboring countries, always curious about seeing something new, but he always wanted to go back and see his hometown. As he was thirteen, they got back to Wonderland City, and the next time the circus was moving, Rook decided to stay behind. Over the years, being an artist and not having practically anything, he got to know the city, it's streets and hidden places where one could spend a comfortable night when it'd rain outside.
One day, he heard someone playing the guitar and singing - eventually, he met Knightly, and he fell in love with everything on her. They were happy together as a couple can be, and Rook loved his life. Even without Knightly knowing, he drew tens of drawings of their future together, including how he imagined their kid to look like.

Rook, however, remembers none of it.

He remembers waking up with killing headache, freaking out as he found himself in a darkened room with coffins all around. Rather disoriented, he found his way to the mirror to even see what he looks like - at the time, he still had, well, a hole through his head, so he draw himself to somewhat decent appearance.
After that, he spent time wandering the city's streets, getting to know town again, though this time he kept away from people. Eventually, he accidentally stumbled across the Hearts' HQ, and managed to talk his way out of Yamani killing him. He stayed by her side ever since, though he isn't often seen in their HQ - he much prefers the city, where he knows how to stay below the radar.

Personality: Rook is a free spirit and a charismatic person - people quickly grow fond of him, and he rather easily grows fond of people as well. He's optimistic and always believes in better tomorrow, and is very good in comforting people and making even the worst things sound good. He often smiles, and sometimes acts rather recklessly and disregarding orders, but once his loyalty is acquired, it's nearly impossible to make him switch sides.

He loves music and he always sees some kind of talent in people. He's generally calm and doesn't get mad easily. He also likes to tease a little, and sarcasm is like a native language. When he cares about someone, or even only if his intuition is telling him so, he is very protective and caring.
He never killed a person and never would, for as long as there's any other possible way to solve the situation.
He does, though, know how to sneak up on people, and even steal whatever needs to be stolen.

Weapon(s): Rook carries a small knife, but uses it more for slicing fruit than anything else. Other than that, he has his pen(cil) and paper.
Ability: Whatever he draws, no matter how unrealistic it seemed, will happen one way or another - but only for as long as he's in the picture. If he'd, say, draw Yamani on the throne with Lordie and Miranda at her feet, it would mean nothing. If he'd draw himself next to them, then it would happen, seeing that he'd be there to see it - but it's tricky, for it can mean that it'd only happen for a moment, and that the happenings before and after could lead to any possible other future.
He drew himself and the baby before he died, and since he could hardly see his child if he stayed dead, he came back.
[b]Up for Love?:
Yes. He's straight, though he can handle experimentation.
Other: He met Thorn as he was rather young, and Thorn helped him go through his first "alone" years. Rook thought of him as friend, and vice versa, but he doesn't remember that now either.

White Knight – Knightly Rose – Shadowlight:
Spoiler! :
Name: Knightly Rose
Based on what character?: White Knight (sorta- or rather will be.)
Age: 23
Alliance: None at the moment.
Rank: Starving artist, and terrified mother to be.

Appearance: Knightly is a small young lady- only standing just 5' even. She's has a womanly figure that refuses to be hidden, so like any girl she plays her figure up.

Her hair is long and a deep rich auburn- it looks silky and seems to temp people to pet it. She often has it loose or just tide back out of her face. Her eyes are a clear oceanic blue/green- they always seem to be looking into a person.

Her complexion is pale and almost picturesquely perfect, no freckles or birth marks, except a tattoo she got when she was 18 just for fun- it was summer and she had fifty bucks to blow.

History: Knightly grew up in a small middle class family in a small town. Nothing extraordinary to say about her childhood. She was a good student, a shy girl in large groups and had a bad crush on the popular boy in her class- all very ordinary and usual for a girl with braces who was a little plumper then she'd like.

In high-school she found her creative voice in music. She wasn't a virtuoso, but she had talent and she had passion. She spent hours sitting on the roof of her home playing songs she heard on the radio or the sheet music she photocopied after shool.

It was around this time she began having issues with moments of seemingly to “check out” of reality. She'd just zone out for sometimes minutes at a time then all of a sudden blink and keep going from when she left off. It took a few long worried months before she was diagnosed with absence epilepsy and was put on meds, which controlled her seizures.

She graduated high school with average grades and was looking about for schools- which was hard because she had no idea what she wanted to do. Finally she told her parents she wanted a break, she wanted to go on a trip of self discovery. She told them she didn't know who she was yet. Who she wanted to be and she felt a adventure by herself was what she needed. They were worried as any parents would be, but they gave her their blessing and sent her on her way to “try her wings”

Knightly's journey of self discovery led her to Wonderland City where she got a job in a small book shop and made just enough to squeak by. She plays her guitar and sings on the weekends on the streets to try and make extra cash-this is how she met Rook.

Rook was a starving artist, a painter and photographer. He was young, blonde and full of passion and inspiration and hope for a better tomorrow. He heard her playing and stopped to listen and then just stayed- pulling out his sketchbook and drawing her as she played.

Every weekend this happened, he'd somehow find her and draw her while she played and sang- then about three weeks later he introduced himself and they struck up a conversation.

For Knightly it was almost love at first smile- and boy did Rook have a killer one. She found herself falling hard, he was such a nice boy. The kind of boy that made you think for the future, think of how the sun will come out tomorrow.

After nearly six months of this he asked her to model for him, he wanted to paint her. She agreed and only was a little shy when he told her it was going to be a nude piece.

Needless to say one thing led to another and very little painting was actually done. Knightly was madly in love with him- he as her everything and was really happy. He made her feel she was perfect in her own quirky way.

They were together for almost a year when Knightly found out she was pregnant, she was terrified but in his soft spoken way Rook convinced her they could do it. He wanted to marry her, he wanted to have a family with her.

But for once Rooks dreams of a sunny tomorrow weren't meant to be. He was killed, shot through the head in an accidental shooting- the killer was only a 14 year old kid who didn't realize his fathers gun was loaded when he pointed it at the living room window and fired- and fired into the street.

Knightly was devastated, Rook was her anchor, the person who made her feel safe and grounded and now he was gone. He was gone and she was alone and pregnant in a world that seemed to be ready to plunge into war again.

At the moment Knightly is 7 months pregnant, and struggling to make ends meat to pay for her doctors appointments. The old woman who owns the bookshop where she works kindly gave her more hours, just as a charity, but even with this knightly is struggling. She wants to go home- but has no money to go, and her parents have fallen on hard times and can't come and get her. And the worst part is that she can't take her medications that control her epilepsy while pregnant-and she is frightened something bad will happen to her baby if she has an episode.

Personality: Knightly is a optimistic, and tries to look on the bright side as much as she can, but now she is having trouble doing that. Shy, a wallflower she goes through life barely making ripples in the world around her. She isn't the kind of girl you'd notice on the street. And this always bothered her, she always felt she wasn't letting all of herself out to show the world- that she wasn't sure who she was.

She tries to just life her life in the quiet happy way she always wanted, how she and Rook lived. She is desperately holding onto what she always felt was safe- every last shred of Rook left to her. His clothes, his books, his paints- she refuses to get rid of them or sell anything. She clings to a past where she was truly happy and content.

She is good natured and even tempered- a motherly little thing with a big heart she freely offers to anyone with all the love her passionate soul has. She is empathetic and feels her emotions keenly, this compromises her good sense at times as she doesn't think before acting.

Usually a sweet and feminine girl next door type Knightly has a quirky sense of humor and acid sarcastic streak that often catches others off guard with her snappy comebacks.

Clumsy and blushy is one way Rook would have described her. She's not graceful- in fact she clumps about her flat in a way he found both hilarious and adorable. But his favorite thing about her was her blush- almost anything could set her off- and he loved making her do so. She has seen the worst in the slums of Wonderland City- but somehow managed to hold onto her innocence- something that is precious in a place like Wonderland City.

Weapon(s): None, she's almost completely helpless- even more so now that she's pregnant- she can't run as fast as she used, and being front heavy has thrown her balance.
Ability: She has a gift of endearing herself to almost everyone she meets- she can get past the toughest shell and walls people put up, snuggle into their hearts and makes herself at home.
Up for Love?: Straight and yes. She's still grieving her boyfriend but her heart is the kind that yearns for love.
Other: She is terrified of dogs, strong perfume makes her morning sickness kick into high gear and her tee-shirts are getting too tight to cover her baby bump.

Talking Door – Garion Thornbranch – Alvarin:
Spoiler! :
Name: Garion Thornbranch (Thorn)
Based on what character?: The Talking Door
Age: Looks like 30 and something, but has lived for a few centuries.
Alliance: None. He'll heal people from all sides when they need it.. Well, Thrones have to beg on their knees, but he'll do it eventually.
Rank: Civilian, Doctor

Appearance: He's about 6 feet tall with a kind of average/athletic build. Light brown curly hair that refuses to stay in place and green-gray eyes. Thorn doesn't really care much what he looks like. He wears what he finds and only shaves and cuts his hair when it's getting in the way. He looks annoyed most of the time and rarely if ever smiles. There's a pack of dogs with him all the time, and most of them look just as scruffy as their owner.Image

History: Thorn grew up in a small village in one of the Northern Countries (in the time before they were united under one leader), but left the village after his parents had been killed in the civil war. By then he already knew what he could do and he earned a living by healing others wherever he went. It didn't take many years before he got tired of the North and the constant war, and decided to leave. He traveled to the Island Kingdom and learned a lot about making antidotes there, and they also taught all they knew about medicine. When he finally found that he had nothing left to learn from them his teachers had gotten old, but he himself stayed young. He had realized that his powers did not only make his flesh heal faster, but it also stopped him from aging.

After that he did some more traveling through the different countries, finding himself more and more disgusted with the wars and what they did to the civilians. Eventually he settled down at the Castle in Wonderland City. He worked as the court physician for many years (this was well before Yamani and Miranda's time), until his outspokenness got him fired and exiled from Wonderland.

When Lordshire took the throne he came back to the city, assuming that the people would've forgotten about him. He settled down in the Rebels' old HQ and took his time walking the streets and rediscovering the places he had been to before. He wasn't happy that the new king was expanding the military, but knew well enough that he should hold his tongue. Instead he chose to help the people from the poor district with his ability, making quite a name for himself in the district. He had always had a weakness for stray dogs, and since there was a lot of them he started taking them in, eventually forming his own pack. He has managed to gain their trust, though most of them don't like humans, and he's now always surrounded by a large group of dogs that will guard him with their lives.

Personality: Thorn acts pretty much like an old grumpy man. With emphasis on grumpy. Sure, he'll heal anyone who needs it, but not without a long speech on what a huge idiot you were to get injured in the first place. Oh, and for God's sake don't try to enter his apartment without his consent, or he's going to make the dogs attack you. He doesn't like people on his property, nor does he like people touching his things. He's very secluded that way. If you ask him about himself he's probably not going to answer, possibly sneer or just shake his head (if he's feeling nice) but most likely he's just going to pretend he didn't hear you. After all, he doesn't want to know anything about you, so why should you know anything about him?

He hates soldiers and weapons, since he's always the one who has to clean up the mess they cause. Even though he doesn't seem like it, he's actually quite a pacifist.. As long as you stay of his property. He never rarely fights, unless it's in self defense. So don't try to hurt him, or you're going to have a pack of dog after you.

He is extremely fascinated by poisons and antidotes and has countless vials of both in his apartment. Some of them says 'Drink It,' but it's highly recommended that you don't. He just has those in case any idiot decides to break in while he's walking the dog. His antidotes are one of the few things that he'll actually talk about in a somewhat pleasant tone, even though he knows that most people don't understand a word of it.

Weapon(s): No, there are already too many idiots shooting themselves in the foot or falling onto their own knives. He does not wish to become one of them.
Ability: He can heal others by touching the wounded person, but if he does it too often or for to long he's going to feel tired and eventually get sick. To cure a person who has been poisoned he still needs to make an antidote, but he could keep the person alive by restoring damaged tissue and fixing neurotransmitters and synapses. He himself heals rather quickly as well, and he stopped aging quite some time ago.
Up for Love?: Well, yes. Presumably.
Other: He lives in a shabby apartment in the poor district, in the Rebels' old and abandoned HQ, and he doesn't leave it very often. He's the only inhabitant of the place, and he has his dogs guard the whole building. Though he does leave to walk the dogs/get food from time to time, always accompanied by his dogs.

Luna Wenchester – Janika:
Spoiler! :
Name:Luna Wenchester
Based on what character:
Alliance: More or less a free agent
Rank: Assassin

Appearance:Long raven black hair well below her waist with silver streaks that matches her piercing moonlight silver eyes with dark violet flecks.She keeps her bangs at eye level as most people are frightened. Beautiful lightly tanned skin. Luna has an intricate crescent moon tattoo on her lower right abdomen, a yin and yang tattoo on the right, another crescent moon tattoo that curves the under part of her belly button and shows off the silver tear drop piercing. She has a long scar under her right eye and a small beauty mark just below the right side of her mouth. She's 6'1 tall with an athletic build. Her curvy body keep guys interested. Every full moon her hair changes to match the color of her eyes. You'll find that she likes to wear steel toed boots and cargo capris and pants.

History: Luna grew up like most little girls did. Mother, Father, Sister. Luna was 5 when her mother and father died in a robbery gone wrong, and since she didn't have any other family, Luna and her sister were bounced around from orphanage to orphanage where abuse wasn't uncommon.

She was lucky to go a day without having to do something disgusting for food. She did her best to protect her sister, but it wasn't enough. She found her sister sitting in her room, blood smeared over the sheets and her sister's hair a mess with a tear streaked face. It doesn't take a genius to figure it out. Luna snapped and killed the man that would ruin her sister that way. They were both moved around a lot after that. One of the reasons Luna had to move around so much was because everywhere she went, she left bodies like a trail of bread crumbs.

The heart soldiers had always suspected she had something to do with it, but could never prove anything. One orphanage after another, same disgusting men. After a while, she just ran away from the orphanage and never looked back. One thing she had to learn how to do was fend for herself at an early age.

Personality:She's sweet, loyal, compassionate, and non judgmental. Very intuitive. She's fiercely loyal and won't take crap from anyone.She's the kind of person people would naturally turn to for leadership and guidance. She won't hesitate to tell you what she thinks, which makes her seem like a bitch to others who don't know her, but don't let that fool you. She is. She always keeps a cool head and doesn't loose her temper often, but when she does, she'll get in your face, or knock you out, or both. She never jumps to conclusions and she never assumes. If you don't have a problem with her, she doesn't have a problem with you. Respect her, and she respects you. It's as simple as that. She doesn't have a problem with violence, so don't think she won't go there. She will. And never touch her. She absolutely hates it. She also loves to laugh. She does tend to act like a smart ass sometimes. Just so you know. Luna isn't afraid of much, so don't try intimidation. She's quiet for the most part. She likes to watch and learn. She's not stupid, and she can always tell when people are lying. Luna doesn't like it when people won't look her in the eyes. It aggravates her. You'll come to find a lot of things aggravate her. Strengths:She never jumps to conclusions. She's quick on her feet, can adapt to any situation, and Weaknesses:Her willingness to lay down her life for the ones she loves. When she uses her ability too much, it'll go haywire and things began to go off and explode around her. Her mind is a very tricky and unstable thing. Her sometimes low blood sugar can also effect her ability, making it harder to control her ability. Her temper can be a trigger for her too. Too much of anything can set off her ability unless she keeps under total control, which can be tiring.

Weapon:Sai which she keeps in their sheaths at her hips, and a bull whip made from kangaroo hide that she keeps on her right hip. She's also known to carry a bow with a quiver of 20 arrows and small throwing daggers she keeps strapped to her chest.
Ability:Luna can has telekinesis, and with a little tweaking and fiddling with, can use it to cause internal damage on anyone. She's also very intuitive. Luna is also immune to mental abilities.
Up for Love?:Yes. She's straight. She's looking for a man she thinks can handle her.
Other:Luna has a background of martial arts and weapons training. She's unnaturally faster and stronger than most people. She also has killer eye sight. Luna also found that when she was young she had an interest in poison. She knows every poison out there and is immune to almost all of them. She also likes creating new poisons that surpass others that she's made, and specializes in paralytics and neuro toxins.
Last edited by Alvarin on Fri Apr 12, 2013 11:32 pm, edited 4 times in total.
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

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Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:53 pm
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Alvarin says...

Spoiler! :
Well, here's my opening post. Now there's only two to go xD

Miranda Lutwidge – At the Whites' HQ
There was a determined knock on the door to the bridge. No doubt Blair. She, the kids and Brae were the only one who were brave enough to bother me when I was cooling down, and the kids were already here, playing captains, and Brae didn't knock.

“This better be good!”

She stepped inside. “I was told you had a mission for me.”

I blinked. Mission? Oh, right, that was what I had been planning before that idiot came and ruined my day. “Yeah..” I started rummaging through a pile of maps, pulling out the ones I didn't need and throwing them across the room. “Oh, finally. Here,” I said and handed her the map. “I need a way to get some of the Whites over to Lordshire's side of the harbor.”

“Why would you want to sink his private ships? Wouldn't it be better to aim for the..”

“Yeah, yeah.” I waved my hand lazily. “Trust me, it's better to hit the old bastard where it hurts. Your job is to find a way to get past the wall and the guards without being discovered. Oh, and don't go sinking any ships by yourself, the others need some exercise. ” I expected her to leave, but she stayed, looking at me like there was something she wanted to say. Probably about my little outburst earlier. “Well, of you go.”

The door swung open before she had time to go anywhere. "Daddy, daddy!" I couldn't help but smile when Brae stepped into the room. Alice and Lewis charged at him and threatened to knock him over as they jumped up and hugged him. “Guess what mum did!” The smile on my lips froze. Of course it was the first thing Alice would want to tell him.

I could see Blair snicker in the corner of my eye. Brae looked up from the kids with a raised eyebrow. “Do tell me, what did mum do?” Like he didn't already know.

“I only acted as any true queen would,” I said defecively, which made Brae scowl.

“She threw her coffee in his face!” Alice said and laughed. She really was adorable.

“I asked for cream, and he put milk in it.” I shrugged, though it still made me angry. That idiot was supposed to guard me and the kids, and yet he could even get a simple order right. I glared at Blair. “Weren't you supposed to go somewhere?” She left quickly and I gave Brae a hug as soon as the door closed behind her.

“Did you really have to do it in front of the kids?” He said with a sigh as he hugged me back.

“How else are they going to learn how to deal with idiots?” He was about protest, but I hurried to reach up and kiss him. I had already heard that lecture a thousand times. “Did you get the schedules?”

“Of course.” He gave me a list of times and names. “Adonis should take the kids while we talk.”

“You heard him, go and play with the old man. I bet he misses you.” Alice ran to the door before she stopped to wait for her brother. Lewis was like that. He wanted to know everything that was going on and he was clever enough to know when we didn't want them to hear what we were planning. “Last one to find him is a rotten egg!” They both charged out of the door, Lewis quickly outrunning his little sister.

“Alice is going to grow up and be just like you,” Brae said. I couldn't quite tell if he was happy about it or not.

“Yes, she's a though little lady,” I said with a proud smile. “And Lewis is going to be just like his father.. But what did you find out?”

“One of the Thrones that guard the first gate to the rich district, between 7am to 11am, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, can be swayed.”

“As in blackmailed?”

He nodded. “Lordshire might have trained his soldiers well, but there will always be people cheating on their wives,” I growled loudly, but he ignored it, “and being far to fond of small children,” I growled again.

“Can't we just kill him?” I muttered, even though I already knew the answer.

“He's not going to be of any use to us dead.” He wrapped his arms around me. “But when we're done with him.. Well, I'll let you have some fun.”

“Good,” I hissed.

“You're crushing me.”

I quickly loosened my grip. “Sorry. So, now we have a way into the rich district, and Blair has gone to find a way into his port. What's next?”

“Lordshire's schedule.” I frowned. I didn't want him running around in the castle. Skilled as he was, it was still dangerous. “Don't worry about me, I'll be fine.”

I sighed. “You better be. I'm tired of being stuck here all the time.”

“You stick out with a sore thumb, so there's no way you can just go outside. The Thrones would be on you in seconds. Now be a nice wife and stay here until I get back.” I raised an eyebrow. “Please?” I kept staring at him, fighting to keep a smile of my face. “I love you.”

“Come back soon and I'll show you exactly what I think about that,” I said and kissed him again.

“Oh, I'll hurry alright.”

Garion Thornbranch – The poor district
This is why I told you to throw that old gun away, you idiot,” I muttered under my breath. I had been sitting for almost an hour, healing the mans shoulder. “You're lucky you shot from the hip, 'cause not even I can heal a brain that has been splattered against the wall.”

“I'm starting to wish I had aimed,” the old man muttered.

“Well, I'll just leave then,” I stood up and was about to exit the door when his daughter grabbed my arm. “He doesn't want my help.” I said and shook her of. “Put some bandages on him and make him rest. He'll be fine.” I was too tired to heal it completely anyway. I needed some rest, but I had a potion I needed to deliver first.

I left without taking any food or money that the daughter offered. I didn't want anything from that ungrateful idiot. Trying to join the Whites at his age, what a joke. In fact, I saw this whole 'war' as a joke. The two greedy sister - hide as they might, people still knew they were there - wanted the throne from an even greedier man. I wasn't sure which one of them was the greatest fool.

The dogs, that had been waiting outside the old mans home, immediately got up and followed me down the street, towards the little apartment building that Knightly lived in. I sighed. What a waste of time. I had been buying some food, both for myself and Knightly as well, when the old mans daughter had suddenly ran past the store, shouting that her father had shot himself - again. That was what happened when idiots tried to use guns. Not that the soldiers were much better.

“Stop her!”

I didn't even have time to wonder what was going on before I was more or less run over by a woman who came sprinting around a corner. “What the!?” I heard more steps behind her as a motley bunch of soldiers came running around the corner. Well, probably Hearts or Whites, I couldn't tell. I pushed the woman of me and sat up. Why couldn't I go anywhere without bumping into someone? All I ever wanted was to be left alone, or at least for the idiots to leave me alone. I sighed loudly. “Do you need some help?” She froze, on her way to get up and run again. “Well?”

“If you don't mind.”

I whistled loudly and made a sign towards the 'soldiers'. Immediately the dogs bared their teeth and charged towards the men. I could help but snicker as they turned and made a run for it. I would've done the same thing if a pack of angry dogs were charging towards me.

“Are you hurt?” I asked as I stood up and brushed the soot from my jeans.

“No, not really.”

I waited for a moment before looking her in the eyes and frowning. Hadn't I seen her before somewhere? “How about a 'thank you'?”

“I could've outrun them if you hadn't been in the way”

“That's it!” I flung my arms out. “I give up. Humanity's ungratefulness and stupidity, it has defeated me at last. I am done trying to help people. From now on I'm just going to let people bleed out after they've shot themselves.” Well, now I felt a bit better.

She blinked, then frowned. “Complain to someone who cares.”

I snorted at her annoyed tone, but then noticed that her arm was bleeding. Not much, but still. “I could fix that for you.”

She looked down at her arm like she had first now noticed it. “Nah, it's just a scra..”

Before she had time to protest I grabbed her hand and watched as the skin healed. “Now, I'm pretty sure I didn't cause that.” I looked at her expectantly.

“Thank you.” She put emphasis on every syllable, and I shook my head. Why couldn't people just be grateful?

“Idiot,” I muttered before leaving.

Why did I persist on helping people when they didn't even want me to? In the end it just left me tired. At least I could head to Knightly's place now and give her the potion. I sighed and looked up at the dark sky. As usual it was covered with dark heavy clouds which matched my mood perfectly. Knightly was one of the few people who I deemed to have some type of intelligence. Rook as well, but he was killed by an idiot, just like so many others.

The dogs returned to my side as I walked. One of them had blood around his muzzle, most likely from one of the soldiers. As I reached the apartment building I ordered them to wait outside, out of sight. Knightly had never been very fond of dogs. Maybe I should give her a puppy, a really small one, that ought to cure her fear of them, as well as warn her if someone tried to enter.

I climbed the stairs and knocked on her door. I heard something breaking, and it sounded much like a vase or a plate, before she finally unlocked the door.
“I brought you some food,” I said and held my backpack up, “and a potion against morning sickness. ”

“Thank you, Thorn,” she said with a smile and let me in. “You look tired.”
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

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Fri Mar 29, 2013 9:43 pm
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Shady says...

Yamani (Queen of Hearts)

"I'm going, and that's that." I snapped, jumping down off the battle I was training a recruit on. Haigha was right behind me. He put his hand on my shoulder. I whirled around. "No."

I glared at him a long moment. His teeth were clenched. Angry. I hesitated--I was the hothead, Haigha wasn't. I should back off. I should try to calm him down. God knows he's done it for me enough.

He pulled his notepad out. [Don't go.]

"I'm a big girl."

[You're not acting like one.]

"I can handle myself." I snarled.

[You need to act like a Queen.]

"You need to mind your own business."

He looked hurt for a moment, before deepening his scowl.

"I don't care what you say--write--I'm going. That's that."

He threw his hands up in the air in disgust.

"Quit treating me like I'm a child."

He turned his gaze back on me, looking at me sharply.

"I'm not acting like one." I growled irritable.

[Do you want to die?] He scribbled furiously, underlining it several times.

"Of course not. Don't be stupid...I'm not being stupid either." I glared, crossing my arms. I glanced around, giving death-stares to the few soldiers lingering about, looking at me like I was half-mad. I supposed I did look stupid-- having a shouting match with someone who never said a word. We were quickly given privacy.



Haigha, firmly but gently, guided me into my bedroom. [Stay here. Cool off. I love you.]

"I love you too." I growled, crossing my arms.

He smiled at me and leaned down, stealing a kiss. I sighed and watched him leave.

"...but you're not going to father me." I locked the door and moved across the room.

I unbuckled my sword belt and strapped my dagger to my right hip, adjusting the sword on my left. I pulled bindings on my chest as tight as I could and slipped on a loose hunter green tunic. I let my hair down, rumpling it, and threw an old cloak over arm-- before climbing out the window.

The town was different. Of course it's different, stupid, it's been nearly five years. Still, I couldn't help but marvel how different the city was since I was on the throne. Even the Poor Ghers, a place I frequented often when I wasn't exhiled, was different.

They were more crowded. More run down. "The rest of the city sparkles, while the poor are left to die..."

"I'd like some of that."

I picked my head up sharply, at a voice nearby, and drunken chuckling. A small squadron of soldiers were staggering out of Carla's-- the catch-all business place for the poor. The grocery store, the whorehouse, the bar, the hotel. I narrowed my eyes, and flipped my hair out of my face. "Since when do soldiers patrol the poor ghers?"

"It's a girl!" A second soldier said gleefully.

"Nah, just a lad out past his bedtime." The first said, starting toward me.

"If that ain't a girl, I ain't drunk."

"I'll bet you a week's wages that's a lad."

"I accept...Hey girl! Come here!" The second soldier said,advancing on me quickly.

I stepped back. "I will not."

"Aw, come on--we just wanna know whether you're a lad or a lassie."

"What does it matter?"

"Well, if you're a lad, I'll be the one to f*** ya-- if you're a lass, he'll f*** you." The first said.

"Go to h***, b*******." I spat, turning around to walk off.

"That wasn't a request." The first reached me, and grabbed my arm.

"Mine wasn't either." I snarled, whirling around, busting the first in the mouth with my fist.

He fell backward, but quickly sprang up, and started towards me, yanking a dagger out of his belt. "I'll teach you a lesson you won't soon forget."

"I'd like to see you try."

He lunged toward me with his blade. I stepped to the side, easily deflecting his blow, grabbing his arm, twisting it, snatching the dagger from his hand. I pushed him away from me, into his group of friends, and threw the dagger down at his feet. The soldier looked between me and his dagger incredulously, nursing his wrist. "Little d***."

Two soldiers leapt at me at once. I disarmed the first, knocking him in the head with the hilt of his own blade- and grabbed the second's arm just in time. I wrenched the blade from his hand and whirled him around, pressing his own blade against his throat, holding me hostage.

I looked up, tossing my hair out of my face, just as a blur lunged towards me from the left. I spun around, moving the soldier into the path of a blade a mere moment before...a dagger sunk in my forearm nearly to the hilt. The owner of the blade jerked on it, making a several inch long gash, before burying the tip in the bone.

I sputtered curses, pushing the soldier into soldiers in front of me, noticing a small group of soldiers filing out of a house. I whirled around, my world a blur, and dashed off. One squadron I could handle-- two, I could not. Stupid, stupid, stupid...Haigha told you to stay home.

I ran down several alleys, clutching my arm, before I was far enough ahead that I could stop a moment. I took a deep breath, clenched my teeth, and yanked the dagger out of my arm. I choked, whimpering loudly, half-sobbing half-chuckling as I tried to bite back the pain.

I looked at the dagger, forcing myself to draw a breath, and saw a black spade on the hilt. The Whites. Bastards. I'd thought it was White soldiers, though they didn't know who I was. That was nearly certain.

The soldiers spotted me and started down the alley. "Stop her!"

I dashed around the corner, and promptly crashed into someone, sending us both to the ground.

"What the!?" I sprang to my feet, running over the man, stumbling again, cursing, and grabbing my arm. The soldiers rounded the corner.

“Do you need some help?”The man sighed loudly. “Well?”

“If you don't mind.” I nodded, stepping behind the man. He whistled loudly and pointed at the soldiers.

A pack of dogs dashed towards the soldiers, snarling. The soldiers instantly broke rank and made a run for it. I grinned, but cringed as my arm twinged. I glanced up at the man. I didn't know who he was.

“Are you hurt?” He stood up and brushed his pants off.

“No, not really.”

He looked into my eyes, and frowned. My heart leapt. He was starting to recognize me. “How about a 'thank you'?”

“I could've outrun them if you hadn't been in the way." I resisted the urge to bit my lip, terrified that he'd recognize me.

“That's it!” I took a step back, but stopped when he threw his arms in the air. "I give up. Humanity's ungratefulness and stupidity, it has defeated me at last. I am done trying to help people. From now on I'm just going to let people bleed out after they've shot themselves.”

I stared at him a long moment, then blinked. What in the bloody hell is he talking about? I'm not shot...Probably just patched someone else up. I frowned. “Complain to someone who cares.”

He snorted, then his eyes landed on my arm. “I could fix that for you.”

I glanced down at my arm carelessly. “Nah, it's just a scra..”

He grabbed my arm before I could refuse, and watched as the skin mended itself. I stared at the skin, itching and burning, in wonder.

“Now, I'm pretty sure I didn't cause that.” He lifted his eyebrows.

He was adorable. Like Haigha was, when I frustrated him. Haigha...

“Thank you.” I said snippily.

He shook his head. “Idiot."

I shrugged and threw my cloak up, staring at my arm in wonder, and walked off. I'd thought the Dormouse was impressive-- but he didn't have anything on that man. I didn't even have a scar.

My feet instinctively took me to the Tavern. I stopped just outside, and stared slack-jawed at the obnoxious, flashy sign put over the doorway. "Lordie's Joint". "Conceited b*****d...now I do need a drink."

I walked inside.

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Mon Apr 01, 2013 2:28 am
KingLucifer says...

Blair DeVore - 7:45 PM - Wonderland City Whites HQ

Just like that, Miranda sent me off on a scouting mission, at least she was being smart about it and sending me to do the scouting. I made my way down the hall, quickly making my way to my personal room, the place was crumbling and this place wasn't suited for a fight if the Royal Army were to attack here. My room wasn't far it was really just down the hall from Miranda's room, I opened the door and found most of my stuff was on my desk, most importantly my latest accomplishment, a powerful precision rifle that can hit up and over 1,500 meters away, a scope to see just as far away. In theory, I can hit targets from over 2,000 meters away, it was fitted for both comfortably and capability. I soon gather only what I needed, I took off the scope from my rifle and placed it in my Blazar pocket, my daggers connected by the rope into my boots, and then change into complete black clothing. My red blazer, I had to change it inside out when I got outside. Walking out of my room, I knew better then to leave my room unguarded, but I had to trust that none of the Whites weren't secretly thieves.

Making my way to the the deck I had everything I would need for a scouting mission, the place wasn't in the best of shape but it would stand a few more years if it wasn't attacked or raided in the next few months. It wasn't long before I was on deck, the sun was going down and I knew it'd be best to wait until dark to start scoping out the wall I suppose I could do it now, but I would run the risk of being spotted by soldiers not what I need, I must have been sitting there for about fifteen to twenty minutes before the sun finally set, I wondered what everyone else was doing.

I finally started moving when it was night time, I had to guess it was about 8:30 or 8:45 or somewhere around those times. Time to get a closer look at the wall, I took the ramp down to the dock and made my way to the wall, let's see if there any secret passages along the wall. It only took a few minutes before I was under a lamp light, I put my hand to the wall and then began to walk along the wall, keeping my hand on the wall, It wasn't long before I heard guards that patrolled the wall got suspicious of me.

"Hey you! what are you doing down there?!" a guard called out.

I pretended to look around when I already knew the voice came from further down the wall, but playing dumb sometimes helps when your trying to gather information on things.

"Up here girl, on the wall!" the guard finally called out.

He thought I was a girl, I'm a woman good sir! I finally looked up, having to squint because of the light that was in my eyes. I could just barely make out a guard that was on the wall.

"What are you doing down there?!" the guard asked again.

"I was just looking around sir," I said respectfully.

There was a second of silence, until I finally decided the guard wasn't going to answer I continued on keeping my hand to the wall until I was on the other end of the wall, I couldn't find any secret passage though the wall I needed to scope out the wall it would probably take all night possibly. I disappeared back into the darkness I needed a good view point of the wall somewhere far away but good enough to see both ends of the wall. Looks like I was climbing, I went to the very back of the shipyard and looked for a bunch of crates to climb on, I finally settled on a bunch of crates that was a decently away from the wall, and gave me a good view point of it all. I climb the first crate, grabbing the edge of the crate with my fingertips, curse my shortness, I continued to climb up slowly as I finally got on the first crate. I had two more the climb, this was going to be a very long night.
An angel, a knight, a man who will bring light to where there is only darkness, I am the Morning Star, the Bringer of Light, hail to me as I am King Lucifer!

Formerly: Avalon

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Tue Apr 02, 2013 11:23 pm
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veeren says...

Lord 'Lordie' Lordshire (Knave of Hearts) - King of Wonderland

"And now welcome to the podium, King Lordshire."

I walked up the steps and towards the podium, into the applause of the crowd. I looked around at the walls of the newly constructed building. The arched doorway in the front of the room was complimented nicely by the colorful glass windows that surrounded everything. The crowd of over a thousand spectators was comfortably seated, even the people in the very back being able to hear my every word. Money well spent, if I said so myself.

I raised my hands, "Please, please, quiet down everyone. Like I've said before, call me Lordie, all my friends do."

I waited for the giggles and cheers from the crowd to recede before I continued.

"Good evening, everyone. I'd like to be the first to welcome you to this grand spectacle that I've named, Wonderland Hall. It was built to be the center of all my press conferences and announcements from now on. So much nicer than standing outside in the cold, isn't it? Now you all have your own seats and enough space to breathe, plus, before I forget to say it, refreshments will be served soon. So kick back, relax, and let's talk Wonderland."

I let the crowd get comfortable while the announcer handed me a few cards with topics written on them.

"Hm, so the first thing on our agenda is, the economy. Well what is there to say? We're booming! Trade is great, we're one of the top product manufacturers in the world, and there are plenty of jobs in Wonderland for anyone who needs one. Why then, you might ask, do we have a poor district filled with slums?"

I took a breath and looked out into the audience.

"We've offered you jobs, we've given you free education, and we've protected your streets. There are just some things you have to do on your own. When you decide to do the bare minimum, you live the bare minimum life. These people are lucky we provide them with slums to live in and don't leave them on the streets. Nevertheless, we'll still continue our efforts to improve their condition, for there really are people living there who try their hardest. For them I have sympathy. It's for them I'll try to get rid of the poor and attempt to bring them up to the level of at least our middle class, and in the process, the lives of the underachievers will be improved as well," I looked down at my cards, "Well then, what's next? Oh, army recruitment."

It was around this time the citizens were being served their drinks. I let them cool off a little before I started again.

"Everyone here should know that we're powerful. Our army is not to be toyed with, and as such we don't joke around with who we let in. We allow anyone who's come of age to try out for the army. Whether you're 20 or 200, we'll give you a chance, but our true test is your loyalty. If you make it past our initial test, you're immediately put on guard duty. After a few years, we evaluate your work. We look at your cases, how much you've cleaned up, and how much people you've helped. We see you've done good, we keep you, if not, then you'll be looking for a new profession. After a few years, you rank up with cases, and eventually get moved up to the army. Once you've served a few years in the army, seen a few battles, you move up to castle guard. After that, I choose what you do next. Most of the time, I will take you out of service, you're removed from the front line battles and moved to the behind the scenes work like me. You train the new recruits, teach them how to fight and respect their country. You get to see life in my position really. I mean, I'd fight with my life for this place, but if I die, who's going to train these new boys? It's a foolproof cycle that many people don't understand, you know? But I've babbled enough, what's next on the list?"

I searched through the papers. The people wouldn't stay attentive for much longer, so maybe I'd talk for just a bit longer. And about something interesting.

"Oh, the northern bandits, huh? According to this, there have been reports by citizens about people going to and from the forests to the north of the city. Even guards report spotting people from time to time. Well, this is the first I've heard of this, and I'm definitely going to look into it. Anybody here witness something first hand?" A few hands went up, "Hm. We all know the forests are to be left to the monarchy only, right? So if there's any group of people roaming around there, it's an even more dangerous place. As of right now, citizens are prohibited from crossing the border of Wonderland into the northern forests. Anyone seen on our side of the border is to be escorted home, and anyone on the forest side of the border is to be taken to the castle for questioning. I'll make this request immediately, and dismiss this meeting. Thank you for your time."

I walked outside without a word. Dammit.

These 'northern bandits' couldn't be who I thought they were, could they? No, they would've left that area long ago, it's been years. Maybe I should've been more careful and checked it out when I had the chance.

But this was no time to think about the past. I knew what I was going to do now. Maybe.

I stepped into the halls of the castle and took a deep breath.

I should've squashed these bugs all those years ago.
"Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete."
-Plato's Symposium

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Thu Apr 04, 2013 2:04 pm
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crossroads says...


“She threw her coffee in his face!” Alice said, laughing. I didn't take my eyes of Miranda. For a queen, she acted surprisingly reckless - and though I couldn't have expected my children to understand that, I still didn't quite like them seeing it as funny and right.

She hugged me, sending Blair away, and I closed my eyes hugging her back. Revenge for what happened to her, taking back what's rightfully hers, sending her sister and King Lordshire where they belonged - but on the first place, the safety and happiness of Alice and Lewis. I sighed, smiling for myself, wondering if she even still thinks of how much I can tell from a single touch. It was good to know, and to see it always staying the same - if it wasn't
so, I wouldn't know what to do.

“Did you really have to do it in front of the kids?” I muttered, opening my eyes again.

“How else are they going to learn how to deal with idiots?” She asked, and kissed me before I got the chance to protest. She didn't want to talk about it, she didn't like me lecturing her - and lucky for her, those kisses even did manage to distract me long enough for her to think of something to change the topic to. “Did you get the schedules?”

“Of course.” I said, trying my best not to frown. I gave her the list, glancing at Alice and Lewis again; she was poking something in the corner, and he stood behind her, observing over her shoulder. “Adonis should take the kids while we talk," I said, only half aware of what Miranda replied.

Lewis and Alice were little - she especially - yet still they could understand the world around them, much better than it seemed, and it worried me. They were children born in relative peace, but their mother never stopped plotting her return, and I could tell there are new battles just waiting to be fought. I wondered if I should tell her about what I see - the dreams and the thoughts our kids had, and what they talked about when we weren't around. Miranda
looked at me.

“Alice is going to grow up and be just like you,” I said, surprised to hear my voice sounding so cold. I wanted her to grow up - both her and her brother - but I wanted them to live in the better world, one in which no one would fight for the titles and thrones. I knew how much Miranda wanted it, and just how well she deserved to get it..but if I had to choose between our children and our titles.. I couldn't care less how we'd be called.

“Yes, she's a though little lady,” Miranda said. She was so proud at them, I almost smiled. "Lewis is going to be just like his father.. But what did you find out?”

I made a face, recalling those moments - I had to control myself pretty much not to kill the guard whom I accidentally bumped into at spot for what I've seen, even though I disliked killing. I had a pretty clear idea of what'd Miranda wish to do.

“One of the Thrones that guard the first gate to the rich district," I said, "between 7am to 11am, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, can be.. swayed.”

“As in blackmailed?”

I nodded.
“Lordshire might have trained his soldiers well, but there will always be people cheating on their wives,” I wondered if I should tell her everything, deciding to go with somewhat light version. "And being far too fond of small children."

“Can't we just kill him?”

I almost grinned. I knew she was going to react like that - and if she keeps doing that once she gets to the throne, she will turn Wonderland into a land of safe and happy people who don't need to fear for their lives.. unless they make the queen mad.

“He's not going to be of any use to us dead.” I said, pulling her closer again.

She, apart from the kids who more or less jumped at me whenever they'd see me, was the only person I could still handle touching without wanting to blab everything I find out and possibly break something. I wondered if she knew it - I doubted that she did - but seeing every single thing about people I'd touch, intentionally or accidentally, was almost painful. I wondered if I'd be
needing a whole suit to protect me soon enough. “But when we're done with him.. Well, I'll let you have some fun.”

I left our hiding place, feeling anxious. I hated leaving them alone, even though I knew they could very well defend themselves - Miranda was smart, and she cared for the kids, but I knew her well enough to know that standing still isn't good for her. She wanted to move, she practically desired more than anything to finally make a move and do something herself. From what I've heard, I was pretty sure her sister, if she was still alive, wished the same thing. And
Well, that I was about to find out.

The Castle was.. Imposing. I could imagine Lordshire walking it's spacious hallways - I wondered if they were covered in his own pictures. From what I've heard, they were more likely mirrors, though.

Despite the fact that I've tried, and even got as close as to climb up the stage he held his speeches on, I never managed to find a way to touch Lordshire without attracting suspicion. I could've made him use his own power to move closer, but that'd get me into his dungeons instead of back to my queen, and all I'd find out would be as good as nothing.
I bit my lip as the guards passed the shadows I was hiding in. Once inside the castle, I could've passed as a servant or a merchant - maybe a hatter - but it was tricky enough to even get to there.
Wondering if position makes people paranoid, I put my hand on the wall behind me and focused.

My vision blurred, replaced with changing images, and sounds of the past silenced the sounds of present. I saw the building of those walls - I could hear people talking and smiling, tell of the first guards and the first deaths, see their shifts changing. I focused at the present, glancing at the guards at the main gate.
Have got the note to expect new kitchen servant, a thought ran through my mind. Smiling, hoping the real servant wasn't about to arrive too
shortly after me, I approached them.

"Hold," one of them said, and I grinned wider.

"I came to serve as help in our King's kitchens," I said, improvising a fake accent. "I.. Do believe you were told about my arrival."

I whistled, staring at the sky, as one of them checked some little book.

"Alright," he said then. "use the small brown door to the left and go down the stairs - and try to not put yourself in someone's way."

"Sure," I bowed, stepping on the castle's ground. "Long live the King."


Trapped in a cage, I couldn't scream. Dark flames surrounded me, and I found chains tying me to the bars. I tried to fight, but shadows rose from the flames, seeming human and gripping knives. Red as blood and white as snow, and both with crowns on their heads.

I woke up shaking, my skin tinkling at breezes of cool air. Moving strands of hair from my eyes, I stared at my hand for a moment, wondering could it get paler than that. True, I wasn't often outside, but one would think that being a queen for a couple of years could make a woman lose her born-in-poor-district appearance.

I sighed as I buttoned up my dress and tied my hair the way I liked it, almost an hour later and no longer shaking thanks to a warm bath. Staring at myself in the mirror, I sighed - even despite of the silver ring around my forehead, and the other one marking my marriage, although I stood in a room sized bigger than the house I was born in, I still couldn't see much more than a girl who I was before. Surely, in much better clothes and with a lot more power,
but I haven't changed, have I?

Spotting a spider next to the mirror, I automatically grabbed a book to smash it with, reconsidering it after a moment. There was another man calling himself king out there, and he was enough fond of me to make it useful to keep his spies alive.

There was no need to show my morning doubts to any eyes, however. I smiled widely, opened the door to my balcony and stepped outside. From here, I could see the castle's back garden, and warm sun caught me with surprise - maybe due to that dream, I expected it to be much colder than it was.
Still smiling, I put my hand over my stomach; the baby replied by stretching something - maybe leg - and I felt my smile widening. It was amazing, even to myself, how I managed to keep my relatively thin figure seeing the month. That was the most merciful baby ever: I barely ever had morning sickness, my sleeping - apart from the dreams - was as tight as always, and I didn't even change much physically. I looked down, wondering if that was some kind of fate and nature apologising for their mistakes - seeing what I've seen and been
through in my earlier days, they had some good reason to do so.
I went back inside, fetching my two guards as I left my chambers. I wasn't sure if it was Lordie who appointed them to watch me, or if I've done it myself; the first days of my life in the castle still seemed as a dream.

The dungeons were poorly lit, making shades on my face deeper and my skin even paler. I felt creeps on it as I recalled my dream, passing the empty and occupied cells. It was silent, it was always silent - never a voice dared to speak out while I walked those corridors.
A scream broke the air in half as I passed another gate. My guards now stayed behind, watching so no one else enters or leaves, as I slowly approached my dungeon master. He was pretty old and full of scars, yet strong as an ox and even taller than Lordie. He gave me a grim smile and bowed a little, holding a knife in his hand. Blood was still dripping off it, though
the man tied to the desk behind him didn't seem much alive.

"Am I late?" I asked, only half as a joke. He shrugged.

"Not much of job for you, Queen," he said. "This one was caught putting an explosive on the monument - your husband's guards sent him to me."

Your husband's guards. I frowned a little. As I married Lordie, I knew I wasn't but an accessory to make him seem better in public - and I was fine with just that, knowing that eventually I was going to get close enough to him to use my charm and get whatever I wanted. Sooner or later, the command over the country would be split, and then the King might have had a sad accident, loosing his memories in the process.
Unfortunately - though I wasn't at all unhappy about it - feelings actually got in the way, and I found myself wishing more to take care of his interests than mine. He trusted me - to a point anyway, I could tell it's so - I learned to keep in the shadows with my actions, but still my name was known, and I took care of more things in the castle than even Lordie probably knew or cared for. Yet still it was my husband's castle, his guards, his everything.
I wondered if people thought of me as property as well - and I hoped he wouldn't agree with that.
I made myself not show the doubts.

"Well then," I said, taking the knife from his hand, "if someone touches King's property, one should learn of the consequences."

The prisoner seemed relieved to see a woman for a second - I hated seeing that same expression on people's faces all my life.
Just the seamstress's daughter. Just a harmless girl walking the castle quietly like a mouse. Just a young worker in the Tavern. Just a pretty enough face that can fool people as a figurehead queen. But I changed all their minds, haven't I? I almost died doing so, risking to insult a royal and losing my job, but in the end everything turned right, didn't it? I was the one here - the King and the Queen from before were dead, the princesses defeated and hiding somewhere far enough from the castle, dead as much as most of the people knew... And I was here. We were here.


I froze in the middle of drawing long cut down the prisoner's chest, but didn't turn. I heard my dungeon master bowing and muttering something, and a few people yelling desperate pleads to my husband, and I slowly put the knife down to the table. Just then, I turned around to face him. For a moment, I was this close to rushing and hugging him - then I figured I should be leaving that for more romantic and less crowded places.

The King - busy with getting a dusty smudge from his sleeve - seemed somewhat concerned.
I suppressed my smile, making sure there's nothing stained on my dress - or hands, even worse - and almost rolled my eyes at the diamond head on his cane. It took a special kind of person to even desire something like that, let alone get it made. For some reason, I could imagine it opening its lips and talking, and it creeped me out more than the dungeons with all that happened inside.
He shifted a little, and I reminded myself not to get lost in thoughts again.
I smiled this time, and cocked my head to the side, but didn't bow; I never did that, not even while we weren't even as equal as now. Not since the days my mother did, before two girls my age and their arrogant parents.

"Good morning," I said, though aware morning has already past. "What brings you here?"

"I didn't find you in your room," he shrugged, burning the smudge with his glare. "Won't this come off?"

Taking his hand, I led him back down the hall with cells, noting to myself to send someone to get the dungeons in shape a bit. Apart from making smudges on clothes, it had way too much spiders.


We turned simultaneously. He gripped my hand a bit harder, but said nothing, and the Dungeon Master seemed a bit confused for a moment. Then he pointed at the prisoner.

"What should I do with him, kill him?"

"Let him live for now." Both of us again. I refused to meet Lordie's eyes as he turned to me, and none of us spoke again till we got to the upper levels again.

"So," I said then, "why did you tell to let that man live?"

"I found some slightly concerning things today, it would be better to question the prisoners before killing them." He glanced at me, and I locked my eyes on his. Something was wrong, I was sure - and more than a slightly concerning thing - but I was also rather sure he wouldn't tell me if I asked. He didn't look away, event though he knew very well what my stare could do. Wondering if it was because he knew I'd be no one without him, or if he actually trusted I wouldn't use my strengths against him, I frowned. After a moment, he smiled at me. "Don't look so worried, Reggie, it doesn't really suit you. Were you in the dungeons since you woke up?"

I almost snickered at the casual change of topic. They didn't say things about his way with words for no reason.
"I spent some time in my room before," I muttered. "Did some thinking." I wondered if I should tell him about the baby - it was a matter rather connected to him, after all - and if he'd want to be bothered with my dreams. It was somewhat harder to tell than usually.

"I need to talk to you," he said suddenly, seeming worried again. I opened and closed my mouth, figuring he'd tell me before I'd ask anyway. "It's a pressing concern, my dear. I need to decide on which portrait I like better."
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Thu Apr 04, 2013 8:59 pm
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Alvarin says...

Haigha March (The March Hare) - At the Hearts' HQ
"I'm going, and that's that." She snapped and started walking away. I quickly put a hand on her shoulder. Going into town, it was too dangerous, but of course she wasn't thinking of the dangers. She never did. "No."

She pulled away from me and glared, and for once I didn't try to make some type of compromise. I had had it with her recklessness. A soldier like myself could afford to be stupid and take risks, the queen didn't have the same luxury. I wished she could realize that she couldn't get her precious throne back if she wasn't alive to sit on it.

I pulled my notepad out. "Don't go."

"I'm a big girl."

I raised an eyebrow. She was indeed a big girl. In fact, if I could talk I would probably have called her an overgrown baby, but luckily being force to write forced me to think first. "You're not acting like one."

"I can handle myself," she snarled.

"You need to act like a Queen." I know she would hate me for that, and honestly I didn't want her to act like a queen. I loved her like she was, but if she could just be a bit more careful I might be able to actually sleep at night.

"You need to mind your own business." Yes, that was the response I had expected to get, but it still hurt. I only wanted her to be safe. "I don't care what you say--write--I'm going. That's that." Fine, if you want to get yourself killed, just go ahead. Yeah, like I would ever be able to let that happen. If I could sigh I would've. I threw my hands up instead and shook my head slightly. "Quit treating me like I'm a child." I gave her a sharp look. "I'm not acting like one." Yeah, sure you're not.

She had tried to kill herself once, by jumping down into an oil-filled moat, but I had pulled her out. For some reason this situation felt much like that one, though this time she wasn't doing it deliberately. "Do you want to die?" I scribbled quickly, underlining it several times in hope that it would finally sink in, though I doubted it would.

"Of course not. Don't be stupid.. I'm not being stupid either." She crossed her arms and glared at the soldiers around us. They were always as curious about our arguments. If one could call them arguments, seeing that I couldn't really yell back at her without accidentally making the HQ cave in, or worse.



I grabbed her shoulders and guided her to her bedroom. "Stay here. Cool off. I love you."

"I love you too." Too easy. It was fortunate for me, for us both, actually, that she was such a bad actress. I knew very well that she wouldn't stay there, but since she preferred to go alone I had no other choice than to put her in there and then follow her when she snuck out.

I smiled slightly and leaned down to kiss her. For five years I had been trying to make her see reason. I should probably just give up. Besides, a calm and collected Yamani just wouldn't be the same.

Just as the door closed behind me I heard a faint: "..but you're not going to father me."

I slammed my fist into the cave wall. Why didn't she understand? I didn't want to father her or lecture her, I just wanted to keep her alive. One could hardly blame a guy for trying to protect his girlfriend, but still she managed to do just that. I shoved my hands down in the pockets of my jacket and calmed down when I felt the small box in my hand. Maybe I was insane? Asking Yamani to marry me.. The chance of her laughing in my face or hitting me was probably bigger than the chance of her saying yes. Of some reason that only made me love her more. Yes, I was definitely insane.

"No matter how many times I see it I still find it amusing when you two fight." I made a 90° turn to look at Minerva, who had approached me from my blind side. "Oh, don't glare like that, it's scary." I smiled slightly. She was a lot like Yamani, even though she didn't know it, and that was probably why we got along as well as we did.

"I'm going to follow her."

She snickered. "Of course you are. Mind if I follow you into the city?"

I shook my head quickly, since I heard the window to her room open. My hearing had been good before, but loosing an eye had made it even better. Probably because I depended more on it.

I glanced behind the corner just in time to see a her cloak disappear behind another corner. I signaled for Minerva to follow me, and she did. I didn't know what Minerva wanted to do in the city, but whatever it was I didn't doubt that it would be a great help to the Hearts.

As I turned the same corner as Yamani I more or less ran into someone. So much for my great hearing. When I stepped back I realized it was Rook, a soldier that had joined us rather recently. Well, calling him a soldier might be an overstatement, but at least he was useful.

"Oh, Haigha, I thought I saw.."I nodded quickly and gestured for him to come with us, and he did so without asking any questions. Useful indeed, and I appreciated it.

Before we were out of the HQ we had yet another follower, and I had to glare at her several times before she stopped talking. I wasn't very fond of the cat. Normal cats were cute, this one was just creepy. At first I had just seen her smile following us, but after a while she became visible and started talking to Minerva, hence my annoyance.


When we reached the city Minerva went of in her own direction, and the cat followed her. Rook and I climbed up on a roof to be able to see Yamani better. It was easy to loose sight of her, since her old and worn cloak made her blend in well with the people of the poor district.

As I had expected, it didn't take long until she had managed to get herself in a fight were she was greatly outnumbered. At first I just watched, resisting the urge to jump down 'cause I knew that she'd yell at me if I intervened before she had realized that she didn't stand a chance, but when I saw one of the men burying a dagger in her arm I couldn't hold it anymore.

Rook's arm suddenly shot out and grabbed me just before I dropped down from the edge. "You'll break your legs." I shook him of but when I looked down again they were gone. Yamani had made a run for it. "She went that way," Rook said and pointed down a narrow street.

I took of without turning to see if he followed me. My heart was pounding hard and quickly, not from sprinting over the rooftops, but from worry. I should've just ignored her pride and jumped down immediately. What if they captured her? Just thinking about the things that Miranda or Lordshire would do if they got to her made me feel nauseous.

The sudden sound of barking and snarling dogs came towards me, so I glanced down just in time to see the men from before running for their lives, chased by a whole pack of scruffy dogs. I stopped for a moment and stared after them. What the..?

Rook caught up to me. "Was that dogs?" he asked when he had caught his breath. I nodded, but then realized that the dogs might've attacked Yamani as well. I glanced at Rook, and he waved his hand in the direction that the dogs had been coming from. "I'll catch up." I nodded again and took of.

It didn't take long before I spotted Yamani. A man, probably a bit older than me, was holding her arm. She looked down at her arm with an amazed expression. They then exchanged a few words and went in different directions. I didn't realize what he had done until I saw Yamani draw her cloak up and I saw her arm. There wasn't a mark on her. I should probably ask about that man later. Maybe he'd be able to get my arm back, or even better, fix the scar on my chest.

Just as the door to the tavern closed behind her Rook caught up to me. "She went into the tavern," I wrote quickly.

"So, we wait?"

I nodded, and he pulled out a pen and a sketchpad that he apparently had been carrying with him. Right, I had a vague memory of him being quite an artists. Time passed, and I found myself more and more distracted by his drawing. It was of me and Yamani. We looked like we were talking.

"Why are you drawing that?" I wrote, and I couldn't help but frown slightly. I wished I could talk to her, but I knew that could never be, and the drawing annoyed me slightly. Nothing good ever came from me opening my mouth. My words had killed both my parents and burned our house to the ground. I even had the scar to prove it. Well, there was that one time when it saved my life, but I doubted that would ever happen again.

Spoiler! :
I figured Yamani could've spotted them and snuck out through the back door, and then headed to the castle, so I'm just going to leave it at that xD

Miranda Lutwidge (The White Queen) - At the Whites' HQ
I was starting to get anxious. Brae hadn't been gone for long, and I knew he was both skilled and smart, but I still worried. Walking around on the streets in the poor district was one thing, but the castle was dangerous. The Thrones weren't idiots like my sister's former guards. If they captured him they would kill him, maybe even torture him first.

I hated being trapped in the HQ day after day. I knew all too well that I wouldn't be able to blend in, sure a big cloak could keep me hidden, but if someone accidentally bumped into me or stepped on my toes I wouldn't be able to keep calm. I hated to admit it, but Brae had a point when he lectured me.

"Alice, the old man isn't a tree, stop climbing on him like that." I said and glanced up from the short letter I was writing.

"I'm not a horse either," he muttered as he put Alice down.

I couldn't help but smile. After Brae left I had gone to find them, only to see the old man trying to teach Lewis how to make something - I wasn't sure if it was a potion or a poison - but Alice had really tried her best to interrupt them. The result was a black smelly goo at the bottom of the pot. Looked a lot like the potion Adonis had forced me to drink when he was treating me. I made a face. It had tasted just as bad as it smelled.

I finished the letter I had been writing and gave it to one of my guards, not the idiot who I had poured coffee on. "Make sure this is delivered today."

"Yes, my queen," I almost smiled, almost, but then he looked down on the envelope and frowned slightly. "This address, I'm not sure I'll be able to find it," he said carefully.

Both him and the kids seemed to be holding their breaths, waiting for my reaction. Well, if I was going to learn how to control my temper I might as well start learning. "I wrote it clearly. 'Somewhere in the city,' surely that can't be too difficult? You'll just have to look."

"There is a theory that everyone in the world has a doppelganger. I think it's nonsense, but you might find it helpful." I looked at the old man. Speaking in riddles as usual. Though I wasn't sure that even was a proper riddle.

"Mom, what's a doubleganger?"

"Doppelganger, sweetie. It's like a tw.. A twin." I suddenly remembered something from five years ago. Something that I probably should've made sure to remember. "Oh, Adonis, I wish you could learn how to speak like a normal person, 'cause you sure are useful." I turned back to the guard. "She has a twin that works in the tavern."


"Don't say it!" I shouted. "I don't want to hear that tacky name ever again. Just give it to the bartender and say that it's for Luna." The guard nodded and left.

I closed the door and sat down to watch the kids again. She better get her quickly, I thought, or I might not pay her as well as I intended to.

Spoiler! :
So, yeah, she sent a letter to Luna, asking her to come and saying that she has an important and profitable mission for her.
“Are you looking for sympathy? You'll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis”
― Thomas Harris

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Fri Apr 05, 2013 12:28 am
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Shady says...

Yamani (Queen of Hearts)

I flexed my arm. It was perfect. Who was that?

I shook my head, taking a long drought from my cup, coughing, my eyes burning. A drunkard to my right laughed. "The drink ain't for laddies. Maybe you can get a cup of warm milk."

"I can--" I coughed. The ale was a lot stronger than I remembered it. "I can handle myself."

The man chuckled and slapped me on the back. I grunted at him, twisting away.

"Aw, come on, don't be so unsociable. Want a smoke?"

I glanced at him and shrugged, taking the smoke he offered. "H***, why not? Light me up."

I choked on the smoke of a sloppily rolled cigarette, water coming to my eyes. The man chuckled and puffed on his own. "Never had one before, eh, Lad?"

You have no idea. "It's been a while." I was smoking not long after I was walking. I took a sip of my drink, aware that I was exaggerating a good bit, and finished my cigarette, slowly.

I leaned forward and snubbed my cigarette out, hesitating as I saw a fairly big spider sitting by the ash tray, seeming to stare at me. "Ew." I flicked it, sending it skidding behind the bar, and shook my head. Spiders staring at me...wonder what he laced that with...

I shook my head again and finished off my drink. I started to put my glass down, but my hand stopped, hovering a few inches over the bar, when I saw the very same spider sitting beside the ashtray once more. I swallowed my drink, slowly, and put the glass down. "Hey-- did you..."


"That spider...was there before. It's staring at me."

"Hah! Go home lad, you're drunk." The drunkard guffawed, slapping my back once more, moving toward the opposite corner.

"Not yet..." I grumbled, glaring at the spider. "Who are you?"

The spider turned its head, slightly, and looked at me curiously. I blinked, "Dear god. Maybe I am drunk."

I watched as the spider crawled up on my glass. It started spinning a web. I blinked at the web-- it had a note. 'You're not that drunk, yet.'

I choked at the message, and rubbed my eyes. "Oh my god. I need another drink. A-another ale."

The barkeeper-- Luna's twin-- set a fresh cup down in front of me.

"Hey, what does that web say--" I stopped short, gesturing at my old glass, finding the web gone.

"Hun, are you sure you should have another drink?" She chuckled.

"Yeah. I need one-- I'm seeing s***, but can still read it." I muttered, taking a long drink of my ale.

The girl shook her head and left me, murmuring something. I looked around-- the spider reappeared, and began spinning a new web on my glass. "Hey, you little freak-- why'd you take that web down? You're making me look stupid." I hissed.

'No, you're making yourself look stupid--you're the one arguing with a spider.'

I took a drink. "Shut up."


"F*** you. What do you want?" I glanced over my shoulder suspiciously, making sure no one was watching.


"Shh!" I hissed, looking over my shoulder again.

The spider tapped its leg impatiently. 'I've got a message for you.'

"Well? What is it? Who from?"

'Of the many people my race's allegiances are split with-- I admit, I am coming with a message from Erillian, Spider King.'

I took a drink, trying to be cool. "Yeah. I've heard of him. What does he want?"

'A meeting.'

"The terms?"

A second spider crawled up my leg. I shrieked and fell backward,of the stool, brushing the spider off. I took a deep breath, and looked around, shrugging my shoulders. I righted my stool and sat down.

The two spiders stood side by side, staring at me like I was stupid.

"Don't touch me. Ever." I growled. "Put that note down, and step away."

The spider put the note down and stepped back. I grabbed the note, and the spider charged forward. I snatched my hand back. I swore I could hear the spiders sniggering. "Don't mess with me, little a******s. I'm a lot bigger."

I unfolded the scrap of paper, and read:

Ms. Yamani Marble-
You are invited to meet with Erillian, King of the Spiders.
10:00 P.M. Saturday. By the freakish statue of Lordshire.

There was a cool little stamp at the bottom. I re-folded the letter, biting my lip. "I don't know-- I'll consider the invitation. However, tell your king that I am simply Yamani. I am Yamani March if he insists on a last name-- my whore sister is the Marble."

The spiders left. I stretched, taking a drink, lazily glancing at the door as it opened. I swallowed when I saw one of Miranda's guards-- a man who'd been with my parents, and knew me well. I turned my head away as he approached the bar with a letter, and started talking to Luna's sister.

I started toward the door, and peeked out the window casually, looking to see how many soldiers he'd brought. Instead of Whites, I saw something I liked even less-- Haigha and the Rook standing, waiting for me, no doubt. I cursed and walked to the back entrance, flipping a coin down on the bar on my way out.

I stalked silently behind the bar, deeper into the heart of the town. I heard a girl crying, a woman shouting-- and curiously moved toward it. I hid in the shadows and watched as a bent old woman shouted at a girl curled in a ball-- and was able to draw that the girl got fired from Lordshire's kitchens. Which means there's a spot open.

I hurried towards the king's kitchens. I ran into someone in the palace colors, and stopped him, putting on my best accent. "'Ey, sir! Sir. I's a question, sir."

He sighed impatiently. "Yes, what?"

"Sir, I heard you's got a spot in the kitchen. I's a good helper, sir, I swears I am. Even the baker, bloody brute he is, has to admit that I is." I said quickly.

"Sorry, lad--I've already got a boy hired to help. Maybe next time, eh?"

He hurried off towards the palace.

"Well...h***." I stared after him a moment. Eh, I'm a 'boy'-- maybe I'll pass.

I made it to the castle walls. The guards stiffened as I approached. "State your name and business, scruffian."

"Eh, sir." I bobbed my head. "Manny, sir. I's the new kitchen hand."

"Nice try." The guard to the right sneered. "The new kitchen boy's already come."

F***. "Ay, sir, I think you's mistaken. I's the boy what was hired."

The guard hesitated.

"Sir, you think you let a troublemaker 'to the palace?" I asked with wide-eyes. "King Lord don't like that much, do he sir?"

"Shut up." The man growled gruffly, flustered.

"I's tells you what, sir. You let me in there, and as a first act o'my service and n'er endin' loyalty, I'll rub that boy's nose in the dirt, I will. And I'll send 'im on 'is way."

The other guard whispered something frantically to the first-- the first whispered something back, then turned to me. "Er, okay-- but if one of you don't come out in a reasonable period of time, we'll come looking--"

"I's a send 'im right out." Disappear in the castle. "Don't you worry one bit-- I'll lick him and send him home with 'is tail tucked 'tween 'is legs. I will."

You'll both be dead by the morning. Lordshire--or his evil witch bride-- will find out, then...whew, wouldn't want to be either one of you idiots...even if you didn't stink. "Long live the king."

I slipped through the trimmed grass, into the back door of the kitchen. "You get lost again?" I was cuffed on the head the instant I walked through the door.

I staggered to the side, instantly on the defensive, until I spotted a huge, fat man with a flushed red face brandishing a large ladle. He swatted with me again. "Honestly, don't know how hard it is. I sent you after a jar o' taters once already-- look at that, you don't got scrawnier with all your dawdling. He kept hitting me as he booted me across the kitchen, and threw me through the door. "Now GET THEM 'FORE I TEACH YOU A GOOD LESSON."

"Sir." I bobbled my head, scampering away. The instant I was out of sight, I looked back, glaring at the closed door. "Bastard."

I rolled my shoulders, rubbing my chest and head, and started walking. I bumped into someone, and jumped back, startled, and snapped my head around. I spotted a man not much taller than me, but well muscled--- his hair black, short, and unruly, skin pale, stood before me. I felt a small pang of indignation that I was mistaken for...this...man, even if he wasn't bad looking.

He looked far more startled. "Oh...well, this is very interesting."

"Ah...My name's...Manny." I said gruffly, sticking my hand out for him to shake. My heart racing as I saw his critical look. S***, he probably felt that I'm a chick.

"Hmm..." He didn't look convinced.

Spoiler! :
Alright, it's all yours Ri.
Also, Alv, your d*** stars are exhausting. >8|
Last edited by Shady on Fri Apr 05, 2013 6:01 pm, edited 2 times in total.

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Fri Apr 05, 2013 1:46 am
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methrirr123 says...

Erillian Blackguard. Spider King.

Wonderland City hadn't changed much since last he was there. Then again, he never visited for long, maybe a few hours at a time. He only ever wandered the streets at night, anyway, never really having time to visit during the day. It was a lot emptier during the night. But still, wherever he was in the city, it was still empty as far as cities went.

He had left the Blackguard in charge of his kingdom. He knew his "patrol" would keep the streets crime-free. His patrol, of course, were a handful of giant spiders, the size of horses. In reality, he seldom stayed in his kingdom. He was rarely in the city at all. Normally, he just hunted bandits, cut throats, and other such bad guys.

Today, however, he was in the city. And it was daytime. There were guards, eying him. He didn't bother to conceal his shotgun or machete, but none of the guards seemed too keen on stopping him. But he was here on buisness. He had people to meet.

Two spiders trickled from his sleeve, and ran bearing his note to find Yamani. She would no doubt get it in a couple minutes. He followed the spiders into a bar, and slipped silently into the corner. It turned out she was already here, dressed as a boy. He knew this not because he recognized her; he had only a scarce idea of what she looked like. He knew because his Spider told him promptly that she was over there.

"She's right over there, boss." said the spider.

"No sh**. Really?" Whispered Erillian. That was quick.

"Yeah. Should we deliver the invitation?" asked the spider.

"Well, yeah." replied Erillian. "Be creative about it though. I kinda wanna see this."

"You got it, boss." said the spider, nodding it's arachnid head.

Not five minutes had passed before Yamani was on the floor, brushing the spiders off of her. No doubt everyone else thought her crazy. She took the note, though, and didn't waste time hanging around.

When the spiders returned to him, he gave them hunting leave. "Collect information, as is customary."

"Sure thing, Boss." they said in unison.

And so he left the bar as well, to wander the city, not a care as to who saw him.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.

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Fri Apr 05, 2013 3:07 am
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veeren says...

Lord Lordshire (Knave of Hearts) - King of Wonderland

"I need to talk to you, It's a pressing concern, my dear."

Could I tell her yet? No, she'd freak out. Maybe I could...

"I need to decide on which portrait I like better."

She stared at me as if a bit surprised. I wasn't sure why, she should be used to me saying things like that.

"Well, alright, where are the portraits?" She asked.

"Uh, well you know what, I'll have a few made and send them right up to you." I lied.

I ran my fingers through my hair. Would she kill me? No, people already think the other Queens are still alive. She'd want to kill them herself is the problem.

"So, need anything new for the dungeons?" Small talk would work for now.

She eyed me curiously, "No, not really. We have everything taken care of at the moment."

"Ah, I see," I tapped my cane on the floor, "Reggy, we've been together for a long time, right?"

"... almost five years."

"And you know we can talk about anything, right?"

"... yes."

I put my arm around her shoulder and whispered, "Well then I have to ask you something."

She seemed to straighten up a bit, and I took as a sign to be ready to leave right after I gave her the news.

"What if I told you that old Queens are still alive?"

Her eyes widened. I always liked looking at the green surrounding her pupils.

"Better yet, what if I told you they were in this very castle hunting me down right now?"

She seemed like she was about to do something but I stopped her, "I kid, I kid. That would be ridiculous. It's almost like... almost like you telling me you're pregnant."
"Love is the name for our pursuit of wholeness, for our desire to be complete."
-Plato's Symposium

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Fri Apr 05, 2013 8:24 am
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crossroads says...


Portraits. Knowing him, it was even possible for that to be the pressing concern. Yet still, knowing him for years as close as I did, that was a lie made up at the spot.

"Well, alright," I asked, "where are the portraits?"

"Uh," he seemed a bit lost. I almost grinned - or frowned, I wasn't quite sure if I was amused or furious - but I just let him talk. "Well you know what, I'll have a few made and send them right up to you."

He ran his fingers through his hair, and I nodded a bit. What's troubling you so much, Lordie?

"So, need anything new for the dungeons?"

I blinked, caught by surprise. What that has to do with anything now? "No, not really," I said. "We have everything taken care of at the moment."

"Ah, I see," he tapped my cane on the floor. Tell me what's wrong right now, or I'll make you tell me. "Reggy, we've been together for a long time, right?"

Good. I sometimes wondered if he could hear my thoughts. "... almost five years."

"And you know we can talk about anything, right?"

"... yes."

He put his arm around my shoulder.
"Well then I have to ask you something," he whispered.
If this is another stupid portrait lie, I thought to myself, I might slap you.
"What if I told you that old Queens are still alive?"
Oh, so that's it. I had to admit to myself, I was rather glad I didn't need to experiment with slapping the King in the middle of the castle. However, Miranda and Yamani being alive.. I recalled my dream and wished to be locked in my room. Lordie was just staring at me.
"Better yet," he said then, "what if I told you they were in this very castle hunting me down right now?"

I shifted, ready enough to call the guards and lock all the castle gates, and then drag Lordie to his room and handcuff him to something to make him stay there and not do something reckless and get killed. He seemed to be somewhat surprised to see me reacting like that, cutting my words before I even started saying them.
"I kid, I kid. That would be ridiculous. It's almost like... almost like you telling me you're pregnant."

I practically jumped away from his hug, glaring at him. Whatthehellwhatthehellwhatthehell.
I had no idea if I'd rather scream, cry, run away or call the guards and proceed with my last plan. 

I ended up laughing a little.
"Why would you compare that?"

He shrugged, probably wondering why did that concern me more than the idea of two princesses running around our home.
"It would be equally unexpected and equally hard to deal with, I suppose."

"Well I can think of one difference, my kid won't wish to f****** kill you and take over your throne," I blabbed.

He blinked at me - I haven't cursed anything in years, practically since I set foot in the castle, playing my part of well-mannered royal. But when he spoke again, I wished he said something about that.

"Won't wish to kill me and take over my throne?"



For a moment, I considered making him forget that conversation. Then I just sent it to hell, knowing I'll have to tell him once anyway.

"You might wish to check if anyone entered the castle uninvited," I said.


Princess Yamani Marble of Wonderland, planning to get back the throne she saw as rightfully hers. Sister of Miranda, madly in love with her right hand man Haigha. Incredibly alike her sister, pregnant for less than a month and unaware of both those facts, sneaking around with idea of killing Lordshire and his wife.

"I'm Manny." 

Sure you are.
"Hmm," I muttered, buying myself time. Would she know who I was if I told her my name? I'd know if we had a traitor in our lines. However.. "They call me Hatter," I made up, acting stupid. "It's because of the hat."

She glared blankly at me, as if she tried to figure if I was really stupid or just pretending. I wondered what to do; killing her would mean Miranda would have only one enemy to fight - but if that guy Haigha loved Yamani back, maybe killing her would only make things worse. And even if that wouldn't get me imprisoned, if by some chance they wouldn't see me guilty and torture me in the castle, I could never forgive myself for hurting a future mother. And that kid was related to Miranda - related to my children. If someone hurt Lewis or Alice, I'd burn down the whole world of that would mean he'd burn to death with it.

Biting my lip, I moved aside, letting her pass me. She left the spot just a bit slower than running.

The guards on the front gate didn't seem as willing to let me through as before. This time, to be precise, I found myself pinned to the wall and breathless.

"Who are you? You have five seconds before I call for the superiors."

Yamani sneaked in by telling them I'm a fraud. How can you be such an idiot, Brae?

"Fine," I said, "you got me. I'm not a servant - more even, I'm a spy-"

"For which side?"

I saw sparked before my eyes, as he made my head bump into the wall behind me.

"Ah.. For the only side. For king Lordshire. I'm making sure everything works properly - if you don't let me go, you could get in troubles, I know all about you. But you'll be happy to hear you've passed!"

He loosened his grip a bit, eying me more intrigued than suspiciously.
"I have?"

"Sure," I grinned. Lordshire should actually have someone for that checking job. "You're doing your job just marvelously.. Of course, unless you let me go right now, I'll be forced to write otherwise."

Miranda hugged me the moment I stepped back to the HQ, this time even before the kids got their chance. I hugged her back somewhat surprised - I knew she cared, but until that moment, I couldn't have told that she cared that much. I almost mocked her about missing me, but I kept my mouth shut.

"What did you find out?" She asked. Her hands slid from my shoulders, but I didn't let her go.

"He has people who try everything before he eats it," I said. "From what I got, that's more of the que- his wife's idea than his own, but comes to the same. They walk around accompanied by guards at all hours, and lock their doors as they go to sleep. He doesn't visit the kitchens, probably so something wouldn't drop on his clothes.. To get details on his schedule, however, I'd have to get really close to himself, his wife or the closest guards, so I'm afraid I can't tell you much about that - also he has a diamond head of himself on his cane."

Miranda smiled a little.
"You mention that every time."

"I still find it equally amusing."

"Anything else?"

I bit my lip again - a habit which, I was sure, she knew what meant. Miranda eyed me suspiciously, and I could tell even if I weren't touching her that she was worried about me lying to her. To be honest, that never really happened; though I did tend to bend the truth a little now and then.

"Your sister was in the castle," I said.

"What? Yamani?"

"How many sisters do you have?"

"How do you know? Did her and Lordshire-"

"She was in disguise, and really good one. She bumped into me in the kitchens."

"What else do you know? Tell me everything, now."

I scowled at the order, but said nothing about it.
"She's planning, just like us. She wants to stop waiting and get herself to the throne, and is in love with her most trusted man. Reminds you of someone?"

"Shut up. What else?"

I hesitated.
"She got a message from Spider king - Erillian, do you know him? And she doesn't know who I am."

"Why didn't you do something?"

"Like what?" I asked, though I knew the answer. It wouldn't have been so hard to get her out as my prisoner. But then..what would be then? I wasn't sure I'd be able to stop Miranda from hurting her, I knew what she did to her sister's lover just because she could. She hated them equally, and I could understand that, but I couldn't stop thinking of Alice and Lewis. If someone did something to Miranda back when she was pregnant...
I shook my head.
"They'd know it was me if I killed her. I'd get in their dungeons and you'd never see me again. Maybe she takes care of Lordshire for us - let it be for a while, we shouldn't rush it now."
• previously ChildOfNowhere
- they/them -
literary fantasy with a fairytale flavour

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Fri Apr 05, 2013 5:42 pm
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Shady says...

Yamani (Queen of Hearts)

The man didn't buy it. I eyed him suspiciously.

"They call me Hatter." He gestured at his hat stupidly. "It's because of the hat."

I stared at him for a long moment. He can't be that stupid...can he? No..his eyes are too intelligent. He's lying-- like I am...what side does he work for?

He bit his lip and moved to the side.I looked at him suspiciously, and then jogged past him. I stopped just around the corner, and pressed my back into the cold wall, breathing heavily-- more from fear than actual exertion.

"Stupid..." I shouldn't have come. I realized that now. But it was too late to turn back, I was already here-- so I took a deep breath, and pressed on. The castle wasn't much changed from when I ruled. The lower levels, where I was, was in a further state of disrepair than I ever let it get to-- and there were mirrors everywhere.

I rolled my eyes, but approached one, and looked in it. My disguise was flawless. I looked like a scruffy little boy-- nothing more. I (proudly) noticed that I could even make my eyes look lazy and stupid. Good.

Suddenly a boy scrambled around the corner, coughing and gasping, falling, clawing his way to his feet, then falling again. I stepped back, careful to stay out of his arm's reach. "H-help. Come here. Help me!"

"W-what's the matter?" I asked, cautiously approaching him.

"N-news. Here. Take it." He pressed a letter into my hands. "Take it to the King. Quickly. It's important."

"What? No!" I said, trying to thrust the letter back into the boy's hands.

"I-I..." He broke off in a fit of coughing. He weakly slumped against the wall, and closed his eyes, wheezing. "Please. It's important."

"What is it?"

"The bitch Queen of Hearts is still alive." He said weakly. "Please, take it."

I glared at him, holding the letter. Maybe I should take this...make it disappear. That's what I should do, actually-- disappear.

"Alright, fine, I'll take th' letter t' th' King." I said.

The boy nodded, then fell back, and seemed to fall asleep. I started away from him, looking down at the letter. I glanced around nervously, then up, and was a bit startled to see the form of a person standing, watching-- though I couldn't tell who it was. The form moved into light, and my stomach lurched when I saw who it was. "What letter do you have for me?"

I swallowed hard. "Uh, yessir, I do."

"Well, what are you waiting for, bring it here."

"Yessir." I bowed my head and trudged toward the stairs to my left, my pulse pounding in my ears. Oh my god. I don't even have a sword. Or a gun. Or Haigha.

I considered making a break for it; but didn't figure I'd make it. Nope. The only chance you have now is if your disguise holds up. I climbed the stairs, and approached Lordshire submissively, holding the letter out to him.

He took the letter from me and unfolded it quickly. I examined him as he read. He didn't look much older, but seemed to be enjoying the throne. His suit made out of fine materials, his cane--I scoffed when I saw his cane, only barely concealing it as a cough.

He glanced at my irritably.

"'cuse me, sir." I said apologetically.

I couldn't read his expression, but he went back to the letter, and I carefully extracted myself. Once I was outside the palace, well away from the guards, I ran. I sprinted as quickly as I could to the front of Lordie's Joint, where Haigha and the Rook were still standing.

"Come on!" I panted, slapping their backs, making them jump like they'd been shot.

Haigha looked at me inquisitively, worriedly.

"Not now. Let's go. I just want to go home."

I turned and briskly started toward the caves.

Spoiler! :
Veersies, I just put that bit in since Reggy told Lordie to check the castle. It's definitely negotiable, if you had other plans.

"u and rina are systematically watering down the grammar of yws" - Atticus
"From the fish mother to the fish death god." - lehmanf
"A fish stole my identity. I blame shady" - Omni

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Fri Apr 05, 2013 7:50 pm
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Omni says...

Miss Tabitha Marxill Kitshire - Where isn't she at?

I groaned, flexing my body as my mind cleared from the fog of sleep. I smiled at the thought of my dream, I was the Queen on Wonderland City. Oh it was glorious, and so boring. I don't do cities. I raised my right forepaw and started licking it absentmindedly. I do like ruling, though. Maybe cats. Not humans, they're too obnoxious.

I felt a gust of wind hit my body, rustling my fur. I looked around to say who could be causing that whenever I see a bird spiraling towards me.

"Awhooaarrreecchhh!" I howled at the top of my lungs. My body drops, and I narrowly avoid the predator. I dropped once again, and I could see the outline of some people down below. Looked like some guards.

“Darn you, dreams!” I shouted to no one in particular. This has been happening more and more ever since… Ever since I started talking to Yamani. Eh, she’s good company. I blame it on Luther.

I let the effects of my dream wear off as I cleaned myself. I eventually saw why the guards were out in the open. They were making a path for Haigha to the City. After he left the cave, the guards marched back in. I saw Minerva following him. Ooh, someone to chat with. I landed with a soft plump next to the last guard to go into the cave and he jumped, almost stepping on my tail.

“Excuse you!” I said, flicking my tail at him, and he nearly fainted. I smiled at the sight of him running back into the cave and I turned invisible, following the trail that Haigha and Minerva took. Oh, my this will be fun. I quickly started gliding, catching up with them. This was more fun than anything I had done in weeks. My smile appeared from out of nowhere, and I could see Haigha staring at me through the corners of his eyes.

I flitted around, darting in and out of Haigha’s legs, almost causing him to trip multiple times. If he could speak, I swear he would have done much more than that, but he just continued to glare at me anytime I got near him. My gliding wore off and I just started padding next to Minerva, who was more than a little amused about this entire encounter.

“Minvera, enlighten me, I’m bored, and I do love a good discussion.” I swear I could hear Hiagha’s glare at the side of my skull.

“Hmm, okay, I guess I could give you something I have been working on.” My smile reached my ears. “Could we time travel?”

Luther popped out, but I managed to keep him in and my tail swished back and forth slowly. “Oh, that is certainly possible.”

“Really?” I nodded enthusiastically. “Please, do tell Miss Tabitha.”

“How long until the city?” I asked, preparing my hypothesis.

“Thirty minutes, if we go the back way.” Minerva replied amusingly.

“The back way it is, get ready for the theory of your life.”

Minerva was persistent, if anything. I like that.

We had been debating for over an hour when she stopped. “Hmm, I guess we split off with Haigha.”

“Oh yes, he went off ways away. I do agree that the black holes are the keys of everything, but the concept of wormholes itself is the going to be the first attempts at time travelling.”

She didn’t say anything. “Minerva?” She shushed me and pointed. We had somehow arrived at the footsteps of the castle. “Ooh, this is shiny.” I said, my tail flicking to the right at the thought.

“Shouldn’t we go look for Yamani?” Minerva asked and slowly walked back.

“You could, I think I saw a mouse that needed attending to.”

Spoiler! :
magpie, do with my char in between that time what you will XD
This account proudly supports lgbtq* rights.

sass levels loading


'Tis the season to shovel enormous amounts of watermelon into your mouth while hunched over the cutting board like a dehydrated vampire that hasn't fed on blood in four hundred years and the only viable substitute is this questionable Christmas-colored fruit.
— Ari11